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HACCP Plan Implementation for Food Safety for Startup Business:

Fruit Combining

Kartiko Setiyadi1,Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah1, Semerdanta Pusaka1 and H. S. Darmansyah1

1Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta

Keywords: Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Point, Food Production.

Abstract: HACCP is a tool to assess hazards and establish control systems that focus on preventative measures rather
than relying mainly on end-product testing. Seven basic principles underline the concept. These principles
include an assessment of the inherent risk that may be present from harvest through ultimate consumption.
Six hazard characteristics and a ranking schematic are used to identify those points throughout the food
production and distribution system whereby control must be exercised in order to reduce or eliminate
potential risks. A guide for HACCP plan development and critical control point (CCP) identification are
noted. Further, the document points out the additional areas that are to be included in the HACCP plan: the
need to establish critical limits that must be met at each CCP, appropriate monitoring procedures, corrective
action procedures to takes if a deviation is encountered, record keeping, and verification activities.

1 INTRODUCTION  Keep the issue not be great and handled by

implementing early detection.
Aware of a large number of deficiencies or  Be aware of the presence of contamination at
absence of food safety assurance is obtained from facilities that are used together for various
conventional inspection and testing as well as products.
examples of many products. PT Redceri Indonesia  Reduce the detention of products internally and
applies the concept of HACCP (Hazard Analysis the destruction of the products.
Critical Control Point), i.e. food safety assurance  Prevent dependence testing against a final
system based upon a realization that hazard (hazard) product that can cause the issue of unsafe
potentially arising at various points or stage products.
production, and must be controlled to prevent the Application of HACCP in the food industry are
occurrence of such hazards. HACCP focuses on specific for each type of product, every process,
hazards in a food commodity that if not controlled every factory. Besides the basic prerequisite is
could affect public health and food product design, required in the form of application of GMP (Good
processing, commercialization, provision and the Manufacturing Practice) and SSOP (Sanitation
conditions controlling the hazards. Standard Operating Procedures). An important
HACCP systems is not a food safety assurance factor for the success of the application of HACCP
systems without the risk or zero-risk. However, in the food industry is largely determined by the
HACCP is designed for minimizing the risk of food commitment of management to provide safe food.
safety hazards in the food production process. In the implementation of HACCP, PT Redceri
HACCP systems also is a risk management tool that Indonesia implementing measures systematically in
is used to protect food supply chains and production the 12 steps, which consists of five initial steps of
processes towards contamination hazards, chemical preparation followed by seven the next step which is
and physical purity. the seven HACCP principles. As for the stages of
The benefits of the application of the HACCP these steps are:
system for PT Redceri Indonesia is as follows: Stage 1 : Drafting HACCP team
 Prevent or detect raw materials or unsafe Stage 2 : Description of products
ingredient before entering the production system. Stage 3 : Identifying the purpose of the use of

Setiyadi, K., Yanuar Rahmat Syah, T., Pusaka, S. and Darmansyah, H.
HACCP Plan Implementation for Food Safety for Startup Business: Fruit Combining.
DOI: 10.5220/0009953828652872
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2865-2872
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

Stage 4 : Compiling flowchart HACCP plan if you have more than one product
Stage 5 : Confirm the flowchart in roomy type.
Stage 6 : Conduct a hazard analysis The information must exist at the time described
Stage 7 : Determine critical control points the product include composition, characteristics of
(CCP) finished products, processing methods are applied to
Stage 8 : Determine the critical limits for each the product (aw, pH, moisture content), while
CCP preserving the method applied to such products,
Stage 9 : Specify a monitoring or monitoring primary packaging, packaging for transportation,
system for each CCP storage conditions, method of distribution, the
Stage 10 : Specify the action correction if there is recommended shelf life, special labeling, usage
a deviation from the limit of critical instructions, special supervision in the distribution
Stage 11 : Specify the verification procedure and where the product will be sold.
Stage 12 : Specify the system documentation and One example of PT Redceri Indonesia product
record keeping systems or recording description for product Redceri Puree Fruit Jelly
Orange can be seen in the following table:

Table 1. Description of Product

The first step in the preparation of HACCP is
forming a team of several members with the
educational background or extensive work
experience (multidisciplinary). The number of
HACCP Team consisting of people from various
parts of 5-6 or academic backgrounds such as
microbiology, sanitation experts, chemists,
engineers, part purchase, part of the QA/QC. People
who are involved in the ideal team is included: (1)
Staff of Quality Assurance or Quality Control Staff;
(2) personnel Production Section (understand the
raw materials and the production process); and (3)
personnel of the technical/Engineering Section; and 4 THE DETERMINATION OF
(4) Microbiological Experts. One Member is chosen THE USE OF THE PRODUCT
as the next Chairman of the team. The Chairman of
the team should already understand the preparation At this stage, the team identifies how to use
of HACCP plans or between teams already exist that HACCP products by consumers, serving, as well as
follow HACCP training and/or auditing HACCP. a group of consumers who consume the products.
The team formed in charge of drawing up an Important to know whether the product will be
HACCP plan. For it, teams should meet regularly to directly consumed (ready to eat) or be cooked
conduct discussions and brainstorming in the beforehand by the consumer. It must be remembered
HACCP plan. there are high-risk consumer groups which include
For PT Redceri Indonesia, HACCP team consists infants, the elderly, immuno compromised groups
of Section Head of Research and Development, (pregnant women, sick people, people who are
Production Supervisor, QA/QC Supervisor (as undergoing chemotherapy, AIDS patients).
Chairman), Section Head of operations, Purchasing For product Redceri Puree Fruit Jelly Orange,
Staff and some of the employees as members. descriptions of the users of its products is as follows:
can be in direct consumption by consumers from all
circles of society.
The Second Step in the preparation of HACCP
plans are describing the product. HACCP team
should choose which products to be made its

HACCP Plan Implementation for Food Safety for Startup Business: Fruit Combining


Process flow diagram was drawn up with the aim By referring to the flowchart process, HACCP
to describe the entire process of production. team lists all dangers real or potential that might be
Flowchart of this process in addition to beneficial to worth is estimated to occur at each stage of the
assist in performing the HACCP teamwork, can also process. Such dangers include the danger of
serve as a guideline for other person or institution biological or chemical purity, dangers and physical
who would like to understand the process and danger.
verification. Study of the risk (the significance of) the dangers
Flowchart should be covered all the stages in the
process are clearly concerning: a. The possibility of danger will occur
 The details of the whole process of activities This is usually called the chance of danger will
including inspection, transportation, storage occur. HACCP team needs to consider the likelihood
and a delay in the process, (odds) for any hazards that have been identified.
 The materials to be included in such a process This inspection can be based on knowledge of
of raw materials, packaging materials, water, HACCP team; the literature on food microbiology,
air and chemicals, HACCP, food products, and food processing,
 The output of the process such as waste: scientific research papers; the journal; supplier; food
packaging, raw material, product, product producers or processors; information regarding the
reprocess in progress (rework), and products withdrawal of products; consumer complaints; the
that are disposed of (rejected). areas of process, raw materials, or product that has
been identified is problematic. The possibility of
harm occurring in a simple can be rated as high,
6 VERIFY THE FLOWCHART IN medium, or low.
b. The level of seriousness of the Danger
PLACE Level of the seriousness of the danger can be
grouped as follows:
In order for a process flowchart is made more  The seriousness of the hazard can be established
complete, and by the implementation on the ground, by looking at its effect on the health of the
then the HACCP team should review the operations consumer and also impact on the reputation of
to test and prove the accuracy as well as the the business.
perfection of the process flow diagram. When it  The seriousness of the danger can also be
turns out that the process flow diagram is not right assessed: low, medium or high.
or less than perfect, then to do modifications. By combining opportunities with heavy and light
Flowchart of the process that have been made must danger will be able to set the level of risk (the
be documented and verified. SIGNIFICANCE of) the danger of being revealed as
Flowchart process verified available, it can be done high, medium or low. Such an approach can be used
by: to specify the type of control measures a must-have
 Observe the flow of the process. in place and the higher the risk of danger, then the
 Sampling Activities. higher the specified monitoring frequency
 Interview. Thus the danger that there may also be classified
 Observe routine operations/non-routine. based on their significance, as shown in the table
below. The significance of the danger can be
decided by the team with the opportunity to consider
7 THE ANALYSIS DANGER the occurrence of (reasonably likely to occur) and
severity (severity) of a danger.
Hazard Analysis include activity:
 Identify hazards. c. Determination of Precautions
 Determine the significance. The next step after analyzing the dangers is to
 Identify precautions. identify the possible precautions to control any
hazards. The team then had to consider whether
precautionary measures, if any, can be applied to
any danger.

ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

Table 2. Determination Of The Significance Of Risk food safety hazards. Precautionary measures in
Or Hazard Categories tackling the danger can be more than one if needed.
This stage is an important stage after analysis of the
Tingkat Keparahan danger. Precautions are defined as any action that
(Severity ) may inhibit the incidence of danger into products
and refers to operating procedures are applied at
each stage of processing. Due to the nature of the
Peluang Terjadi HACCP concept of prevention, then the HACCP
(Reasonably like to occur ) system in designing precautionary measures should
H LH MH* HH* always be a concern. Here are a few examples of
Remarks: precautions:
L = Low, M = Medium, H = High  The separation of raw materials with a finished
* Generally considered significant and will be considered product in storage.
in the determination of the CCP  Use a water source that already has security
Precautions are all activities and activities that  Calibration of the scales and gauges of
are needed to eliminate hazards or minimize its temperature.
effects or its existence at an acceptable level. More  using trucks that offer temperature control, etc.
than one precautionary measures may be needed to Hazard analysis results poured in the table
control the specific hazards, and more than one analysis of hazards. In the case of the production of
hazard may be controlled by specific precautions. Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly danger analysis table can be
Precautionary measures may include actions seen in the following table :
which are chemical, physical or other controlling

Table 3. Hazard Production Analysis

1 Acceptance of Raw Materials Warehou B: Destructive microbes Storage L L TN Storage SOP
(peeled fruit, sugar, se (Amylolytic)
carrageenan, flavoring) K: Heavy metals Taken from supplier L L TN Supplier guarantee
F: Gravel, Insects, Fruit Taken from supplier H L TN Supplier guarantee
rotten, fruit size
2 Input of clean water B: Coliform, E. Coli Factory water source M H N Treatment of Water Sanitation
K: Heavy metals Factory water source M L TN Water Analysis
F: Gravel, Insects, Objects Factory environment L L TN Treatment of Water Sanitation
3 Reception Supplies (cup B: Microbes Storage L L TN SOP for Storage and
plastic, spoon jelly, lid, Supplier guarantee
cardboard) K: Heavy metals, migration Taken from supplier L L TN Supplier guarantee
F: Brokenness, Clarity, Taken from supplier H L TN Supplier guarantee
Perforated, cut
4 Fruit Sort Preparati B: Microbes, spore bacteria Direct contact of worker H H N GMP, SSOP (worker hygiene)
on K: Chemical contamination, Air, work environment L L TN GMP, SSOP (area hygiene
Dust [work)
F: Gravel, Insects, Objects Air, work environment L M N GMP, SSOP (area hygiene
foreign, rotten fruit [work)
5 Sugar Water Cooking B: Bacteria, Coliform, E. Coli Temperature and cooking time H H N GMP, SSOP (hygiene
not enough worker), Cooking SOP
K: Dust, dirt Air, work environment L L TN GMP, SSOP (area hygiene
F: Mixer, Piping Tools and Plant Installation L M N [GMP, Maintenance
6 Fruit preservation B: Bacteria, Molds Dirty container L H N [GMP, SSOP (area hygiene
K: Dirt, Dust Air, work environment L L TN GMP, SSOP (area hygiene
F: Rotten fruit, room temperature Tools and Plant Installation L M TN [GMP, SSOP, Time control
> 18 ° C, Insects and temperature
7 Weighing F: Foreign objects Dirty scales, L L TN Scales sanitation
8 Jelly Cooking Productio | B: Bacteria (Salmonella) Insufficient temperature and H H N GMP, SSOP (worker hygiene),
n cooking time | Cooking SOP
| K: Dust, Dirt Air, work environment L L TN GMP, SSOP ( work area hygiene ) j
F: Mixer, Piping Tools and Plant Installation L M N GMP, Maintenance
9 Filling B: Bacteria, Coliform, E. Coli, ^ Dirty machine H H N GMP, SSOP ( work hygiene ), SOP
Salmonella Filling
| K: Dust, Dirt Air, work environment L L TN GMP, SSOP ( work area hygiene ) j
F: Piping, Press sealing Tools and Plant Installation L M N GMP, Maintenance
10 Weighing F: Foreign objects Dirty scales, L L TN Sanitation scales
11 Packing Packing F: Foreign body contamination, Leaking Worker L L TN GMP, SSOP (worker hygiene)

12 Storage Logistics F: Pests, Room temperature |> 18 ° C, Workers, factory environment L M N GMP, SSOP, Time and temperature
Insects control

HACCP Plan Implementation for Food Safety for Startup Business: Fruit Combining

Remarks : be minimized. In this stage can not controlled then it

B (biological hazards), K (chemical hazards), F (physical can cause hazard food safety HACCP team establish
hazards), L (low), M (medium), H (high), TN (not real where the dangers are high risks can be controlled.
danger), N (real / significant hazard). CCP can be identified by using knowledge of the
production process and all potential hazards and
dangers of an analysis of the hazards and
9 DETERMINATION OF precautions. To help find where it should be true,
CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS CCP can use decision tree Diagram of CCP (CCP
Decision Tree).
OR CCP Decision tree diagram is a logical question series
asking every danger. The answer to each question
For each significant hazard then it must be will facilitate HACCP team and bring the logically
specified whether or not included in the Critical decide whether CCP or not.
Control Point or not. A critical control point is a In addition to decision tree diagram process, to help
stage or procedure where control can be applied and set can also be used decision tree CCP for raw
a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or materials and formulations.
reduced to an acceptable level so that the risks can

Figure 1. Decision Tree Diagram Process CCP

Examples of the results of the determination of

the CCP by the HACCP team PT Redceri Indonesia
Redceri on the production of Pure Fruit Jelly can be
seen in the following table:

ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

Table 4. The result of the determination CCP maintain the security of the product. HACCP team
INPUT / PROCESS STAGE HAZARD IDENTIFICATION P1 P2 P3 P4 STATUS set a series of monitoring procedure for each critical
Acceptance of Raw
Materials (peeled fruit,
Destructive microbes
Gravel, Insects, Fruit rotten, fruit size
limits are set that covers the what, who, where, when
Input of clean water Coliform, E. Coli Y N N NOT CCP and how the monitoring was done.
Reception Supplies (cup Microbes Y Y CCP
plastic, spoon jelly, Brokenness, Clarity, Perforated, cut Y N N NOT CCP What question is answered with what should be
Fruit Sort Microbes, spore bacteria Y Y CCP monitored, that is based on a critical limit is defined
Gravel, Insects, Objects , foreign,
as the temperature, time, size and so on. Answered
Sugar Water Cooking
rotten fruit
Bacteria (Salmonella) Y Y CCP
the question why the reason that if it not monitored
Dust, dirt Y N Y Y NOT CCP and the critical limit will cause certain dangers and
not allow cause insecurity products. The question
Mixer, Piping Y N Y Y NOT CCP
Fruit preservation Bacteria, Molds Y Y CCP
Dirt, Dust
Rotten fruit, room temperature
which should be answered at which point or at a
Filling Bacteria, Coliform, E. Coli, Salmonella
Dust, Dirt
location where the monitoring should be done. The
Piping, Press sealing Y N Y Y NOT CCP question of how the ask method of monitoring,
Jelly Cooking Bacteria (Salmonella) Y Y CCP
Dust, Dirt Y N Y Y NOT CCP whether in remote, chemistry or specific
Mixer, Piping
Foreign objects
NOT CCP measurements. Next is the question of when doing
Foreign body contamination, Leaking
Pests, Room temperature
monitoring, ideally a minimum which occurs in the
flow of production interruptions, or a lot, or other
data which establishes a period of monitoring. Last
is the question of who is doing the monitoring,
10 THE DETERMINATION OF which ideally is the personnel who have access to a
CRITICAL LIMITS very easy on the CCP, have the skills and knowledge
of the CCP and ways of monitoring, highly trained
For each CCP identified critical limits should be and experienced.
determined then. Critical limit shows the difference By setting the critical limit is then obtained data
between products that are safe and not safe so that and information for the underlying decisions, got
the production process can be managed in a secure early warning if there are any irregularities, to
level. These critical limits should not be passed to prevent or minimize loss of product, indicating the
ensure that the CCP is effectively in control of the reasons for the problem and provide a document that
dangers of purity, chemical and physical. The the product has been produced in accordance with
common criteria is used to determine the critical the HACCP plan. All documents related to record-
limit is the physical criteria such as temperature, keeping and monitoring the CCP must be signed by
time, humidity levels, and viscosity, as well as a person who does the monitoring and by the person
chemical criteria such as pH, free chlorine residual, in charge.
acid levels. Microbiological criteria are not used as a
critical limit due to these measures take a long time.
In addition to physical and chemical measurements 12 SET THE ACTION OF THE
can be used as indicators of measurement or control
of purity. CORRECTIONS
To set a critical limit can use data sources from
articles in the journal, regulations and Government Act Corrections is all the action taken if the
documentation, the guidelines of the Association, monitoring results on CCP deviations of critical
publications of research at universities, limits (losing control) because if control is lost, then
manufacturers, consultants and maker of the the product is not eligible. In practice, there are two
equipment used. levels of correction actions, namely:
 immediate action (Immediate Action), i.e. the
adjustment process to be controlled again and
deal with the suspected products affected by
11 SETTING PROCEDURE the irregularities.
MONITORING  the precautionary measures (Preventive
Action), i.e., accountability for the action
Monitoring procedures (Monitoring) is a stage of recording and action correction.
the observation or measurement of critical limits are
planned generate the proper recording and is
intended to ensure that the critical limit was able to

HACCP Plan Implementation for Food Safety for Startup Business: Fruit Combining

13 SET OF PROCEDURES documents can be used (1) for inspection and (2) to
the study of lapses that resulted in the damage and
VERIFICATION find the appropriate correction action. Type of
document (data records) that must be present in the
HACCP Team devised a procedure to assure that preparation of HACCP plans are:
the HACCP plan is already valid and that the  HACCP plan and all supporting material.
HACCP plan drawn up has been implemented as  Document monitoring.
planned. Verification is the application of a method,  Document Action correction.
procedures, tests or other evaluation to determine the  Document verification.
suitability of implementation with the HACCP plan. He arranges with the system documentation, then
Verification gives assurances that the HACCP plan it was the preparation of HACCP plans the
has complies with daily operations and will result in production of PT Redceri Indonesia. HACCP plans
the product Redceri Puree Fruit Jelly with good are subject to change in case of a change in raw
quality and/or safe to consume. Specifically, the materials, the layout of the factory, equipment
verification procedure must ensure that: replacement, cleaning or sanitation program
 The HACCP plan are applied absolutely right to changes, the application of the new procedures,
prevent the danger of the process and product changes in consumer products group and the
hazards. presence of new information about a hazard.
 Monitoring Procedures and corrective actions Determination of the CCP, the determination of
still applied. critical limits, designation procedures monitoring,
 Internal audit, microbiology or chemical testing the setting of the correction action, determination of
on the final product. procedures verification and documentation is good
next pour in the HACCP Plan table.
As for the HACCP Plan table for the production of
14 DOCUMENTATION AND Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly was as follows:
Either documents or data records is written
evidence that an action has been performed. These

Table 5. HACCP Plan PT. Redceri Indonesia

Peel fruit acceptance There is no dirt Physical condition of fruit Do The place Employee Every 1. Contact staff Review the form record of
(foreign material), peel and examination reception warehouse arrival and QC / QA and decide every receipt raw material acceptance
standard size, Certificate of visual and raw material reception accepted or rejected month
not rotten and Analysis (CoA) check 2. Complaining to
smelling, guarantee supplier guarantee supplier
supplier (CoA through CoA
based on SNI
3165: 2009 or
4230: 2009)
Sugar, carrageenan and There is no dirt Physical condition and Do The place Employee Every 1. Contact staff Review the form record of
flavoring acceptance (foreign material), Certificate of examination reception warehouse arrival and QC / QA and decide every receipt material acceptance
supplier guarantee Analysis (CoA) visual and raw material reception accepted or rejected month raw
(CoA based on SNI) check 2. Complaining to
supplier guarantee supplier
through CoA
Cup, plastic, jelly There is no dirt Physical condition and Do The place Employee Every 1. Contact staff Review the form record of
spoon, lid and carton (foreign material), Certificate of examination reception warehouse arrival and QC / QA and decide every receipt reception supplies
acceptance contamination, NG Analysis (CoA) visual and raw material reception accepted or rejected month
product, guarantee check 2. Kom plain to
supplier (CoA supplier guarantee supplier
based on SNI) through CoA
Input of clean water 1. Clarity, color, Physical condition of water 1. Do Bak QA / QC inspector 1. Every start 1. Contact staff Review the form record of
odor and contamination input examination shelter Spv. production process QC / QA and decide raw water checking raw water checking
(attribute) visual raw water Maintenance 2. Periodic 6 qualify daily
2. Standard variable 2. Periodic test once a month for process
clean water water content production or not
input 2. Contact the team
maintenance for
checking conditions
water treatment
3. Complaining to
Sort fruit There is no dirt Physical condition of fruit Do Fruit sorting area QA / QC inspector Every process 1. Contact staff Review the sort form Sorting record
(foreign material), peel and examination Spv. Production production QC / QA and decide daily fruit fruit
not contaminated, suitability visual and take place qualify
standard size, internal standard suitability for process
not rotten and standard production or not
smells 2. Complaints and
return to section
3. Accost

ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

Table 5. HACCP Plan PT. Redceri Indonesia (Continued)

Fruit preservation There is no dirt Tub condition 1. Examination Area QA / QC inspector Faithful process 1. Contact staff 1. Review the form 1. Recording
(foreign material), preservation, bak and routine preservation Operator production QC / QA and decide fruit preservation fruit preservation
not contaminated, temperature temperature preservation take place qualify daily 2. Checklist record
standard size, preservative room, 2. Do for process 2. Review the form 3. Checklist record
not rotten, smelling, physical condition of fruit standard and media production or not sanitation checklist room temperature
room temperature peel and preservation 2. Product that failed equipment
<18 ° C, cleanliness cleanliness 3. Observe annihilated preservation
preservative, the worker hygiene conditions 3. Review the form
worker sanitation and the worker temperature checklist
GMP is satisfying room
Sugar water cooking There is no dirt Tub condition 1. Examination Cooking area QA / QC inspector Faithful process 1. Contact staff 1. Review the form 1. Recording
and jelly (foreign material), preservation, temperature and time sugar water and jeOperator production QC / QA and decide 2. Review the form cooking sugar water
not contaminated, temperature and time 2. Do cooking take place qualify sanitation checklist and jelly
standard bucket cooking and 3. Examination for process cooking equipment 2. Checklist record
raw material, cleanliness scales production or not 3. Review the form 3. Checklist record
tub cleanliness the worker the ingredients 2. Product that failed temperature checklist room temperature
preservative, sanitation used annihilated cooking time 4. Records
worker, temperature 3. Observe 3. Accost 4. Review the form use of materials
90 ° C, time hygiene conditions use of materials
workers and GMP the worker
Filling Sanitation workers, cleanliness 1. Examination Area filling QA / QC inspector Faithful process 1. Contact staff 1. Review the form 1. Production record
sanitary filling machines, environment, cleanliness of the area Spv. Production production QC / QA and decide daily production 2. Checklist record
and GMP cleanliness filling take place qualify 2. Review the form 3. Checklist record
satisfying filling machine, 2. Do for process sanitation checklist
and cleanliness 3. Examination production or not filling machine
the worker cleanliness 2. Accost 3. Review the form
4. Observe 3. Product that failed worker sanitation
hygiene conditions annihilated
the worker
Packing Sanitation workers, cleanliness 1. Examination Packing area QA / QC inspector Faithful process 1. Contact staff 1. Review the form 1. Production record
sanitary packing area, environment, cleanliness of the area Spv. Production production QC / QA and decide daily production 2. Checklist record
and GMP and cleanliness packing take place qualify 2. Review the form 3. Checklist record
satisfying the worker 2. Do for process sanitation checklist room temperature
3. Observe production or not packing area
hygiene conditions 2. Accost 3. Review the form
the worker 3. Product that failed worker sanitation
Storage Sanitation area cleanliness 1. Examination Area Logistics staff Every 1. Contact staff 1. Review the form 1. Recording
storage, environment, cleanliness of the area storage Spv. Logistics acceptance of QC / QA and decide FG receipts FG receipts
room temperature and temperature storage QA / QC inspector finished goods qualify daily 2. Checklist record
storage and 2. Do to be sent or 2. Review the form storage
GMP is satisfying 3. Observe not sanitation checklist 3. Checklist record
temperature 2. Accost storage area room temperature
storage 3. The product 3. Review the form
defect indicated temperature checklist
destroyed, after room

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