Types of Traps: Nahni Trap
Types of Traps: Nahni Trap
Types of Traps: Nahni Trap
within the line of the house a device, fitting, or assembly of employed instead when there
drain fittings installed on the building isnt enough room for a trap
drain to prevent circulation of air concealable under pedestal
between the drainage system of the basins
Hose Bibb
Operates by the compression
of a soft packing upon a metal
Water Storage for Domestic Use
the vertical vent pipe installed the extension of the waste stack
primarily for providing to provide venting
circulation of air to and from
any part of the soil, waste of the
drainage system.
The least expensive but the jet being submerged introduces its develops its flushing
noisiest; only small amount of water underwater so that its action through the water
standing watersusceptible operation is entirely muffled. entering through diagonal
to fouling, staining and It has a large amount of standing holesaround the rim which
contamination. water to prevent fouling. creates a swirling action which
It is mechanically efficient but forms a vortex in the center
The water closet fixture is water closet where in the flush comprising only of a bowl
manufactured with the tank is separate but is attached without a flush tank. Flushing
bowl and the flush tank molded to the toilet bowl. It is a two- action is obtained only through
into a single unit. piece model. water poured from a pail or
used for washing the middle part of the body, especially the
genitals. It is also known as the Sitz Bath.
BATH TUB a tube for bathing, usually a fixed plumbing installation designed for one
person. It is available in left outlet and right outlet.
Trough Urinal
Single Bowl- Single Drain Double Bowl- Single Drain Double Bowl- Double Drain
deep sink, usually set low and used by janitors for emptying pails
of dirty water and mop cleaning.
It is used to connect two It is used to change the direction It connects male end of a
straight runs of pipe, the fitting of a pipe: 45 or 90 degrees. piece to a fitting of a larger
being outside threaded. size; a reducing or enlarging
A fitting that closes the end of A fitting that closes the end of A hose fitting with clapper
pipe, the fitting being outside the pipe, the fitting being inside valves for combining flow
threaded. threaded. from two or more lines of
used in the plumbing system adjoined to four pipes meeting at used in drainage systems and
has one inlet and two outlets common point.These kinds of pipe have a branch line at 45
arranged at an angle of 90 fittings are commonly used in fire degrees to keep the flow of
degrees to the main pipe. water smooth.
small, X-shaped tools designed to cut through a variety of to produce a clean and
to open and close spigots and hardware, including pipes, nuts, precise cut to a pipe
sillcocks bolts, and screws.
produce significantly more llows plumbers to drive a cable protect eyes from leaks,
suction than the average deep down a drain in order to soldering actions and other
consumer plunger. break apart and clear clogs (via a things that might be
hand crank) dangerous to the eyes