Critique Paper
Critique Paper
Critique Paper
that the Filipinos have, which we inherited from our Malay ancestors. As well the value placed
on intimate family ties, which is borrowed from the Chinese. The Filipinos are born with a sense
of hospitality. as well as other traits that we exclusively adopted from the nations that colonized
us, that it was practiced and passed along to younger generations as time went on.
Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life and its ups and downs. Despite
many trials and tribulations, we can laugh at the problem. Filipinos are also known for their hard
work and diligence. Filipinos try to do their best, value integrity and reputation, and rise to the
occasion. Since I was a child, this characteristic has been at the forefront of my life. Our sense of
responsibility toward our families motivates us to work hard. Whereas their desire to raise their
standard of living and provide for their families, combined with the right opportunities and
incentives, motivates the Filipino to work extremely hard. Also known to Filipinos is their ability
to survive, which is manifested in our capacity for endurance and our ability to get by on so little.
Additionally, Filipinos are also known for being creative, as there are many fellow Filipinos who
have shown off their works and been recognized for their creativity and being one of a kind.
Filipinos enjoy experimenting with new things such as technology, foods, and so on. We are also
known for being adaptable and flexible. Filipinos are very efficient at adjusting to their
Additionally, Filipinos are renowned for having great faith that endures even in the most
trying circumstances. Similarly, the COVID-19 lockdown declaration did not prevent people
from expressing their faith, but rather strengthened it. Many individuals quickly went to church
after the government granted them permission to do so. One of the qualities that makes Filipinos
strong is their capacity for survival, which allows us to maintain our composure in the face of
adversity. Since the majority of our ancestors spent their lives in the forest, we have developed
what they refer to as a "survival instinct." We believed that the only thing we needed to survive
However, despite the good compliments and comments of others or of people who are
foreign to Filipinos, there is still some negative feedback about Filipino character, as discussed in
the module. Like the colonial mentality of the Filipinos. This is characterized as people's
for example, are being colonized by another group. It corresponds to the assumption that the
colonizer's cultural values are necessarily better than one's own. Filipino culture is characterized
by openness to the outside world and a preference for things foreign. Another is the Filipino's
lack of discipline, which encompasses several related characteristics, including a casual and
relaxed attitude towards time and space. Filipinos are generally passive and lacking in initiative,
The most common practiced before especially in workplace is the extreme family-
centeredness. Because Filipinos are known for being family-oriented, they place high regard and
importance on their family before anything else. In contrast to other countries, when a person
reaches the age of 18, he or she can live away from his or her family. In the Philippines, they
value their family so much that they keep it intact through the years. However, insofar as offices
and power are used to advance the interests of families, political dynasties s uch as the Aquino
family are the most common. That results in a lack of concern for other people and for national
Another issue is the kanya-kanya syndrome, sometimes known as the "crab mentality."
Disregard for others' needs and a desire for power and status for oneself might be examples of
this. One puts their own needs and those of other people first.
Furthermore, culture is the totality of any given society's belief system, laws, mores,
practices, language and attitudinal variables which makes a people unique from others. Your
dress sense, grooming, language, belief system and attitude become molded to fit into that
society. Culture plays a big role in determining how an individual behaves in any given
Human actions are performed voluntarily or with the permission of the person performing
them. Examples of this include working and eating well-balanced meals. On the other hand,
human actions are spontaneous, unplanned actions that happen organically. The similarities
between humans and other animals lie in their instinctive, spontaneous behaviors. This is
demonstrated by the body's natural processes of breathing, digestion, and air circulation.
A human act is determined by three moral factors, or determinates. These are, the object
or the objective character of an act which is actually done. Second, the end or intention the
objective or motive for which the agents acts. Thirdly, an action's circumstances are unique
conditions of particular acts in space and time that are unrelated to their character.
The learning material started with the definition of terms, which is a good start that will
make the student understand the some terms relating to the topic or the content of the learning
material. The learning material is very accessible for the student as they can open it to their
canvas account if they want to read it again, which is good thing that it is easily assessable for
the can use is as a review material for their quizzes and exam.
The terminologies and way of presenting the definition of the different characteristics are
excellent. As it uses simple terms to explain the characteristics and it was easily understood for
the student. Furthermore, Terminology is essential when reading specialized materials and
comprehending settings. When students are familiar with the complex terminological details
used in technical and scientific contexts, they are better able to understand the document's main
point, and experts can communicate their ideas more effectively as a result. For example,
because the vocabulary used in ethics is notoriously difficult to understand, teaching students
The content of the learning material has an original source, which is written on the last
part of the paper. However, additional resources are required for additional information on the
topic. This is a good match for the mode of learning, which is online learning, because the
students can also be guided by the provided source and search for additional articles to add to the
information given in the learning material. In that way, they can understand it more clearly.
The student will be enlightened and given additional knowledge on Filipino characters as
a result of this content or topic. They will understand the proper terminology for the behavior
they observe in their community or with other people they come into contact with. With this
learning, it will benefit us students, especially in the field we are in, to be more aware of the
different characters as we can encounter different people when working in a police organization.
And having a good character is important for police officers because they serve as role models to
have adapted to colonizers. The learning material is helpful and understandable, though it needs
additional research for a deeper understanding. The learning material is easily accessible, which
is good because the students can read it again in their spare time. Overall, the learning material
benefits students who learn better by reading rather than watching, but the instructor also
Reyes, Hannah Jorieza. “Module 4: Elements strengthening and weakening the Filipino