This document discusses the history of ideas about the age and origins of the universe. It was originally thought that the universe was static and unchanging, but it became clear that this conflicts with the idea of human progress over time. While some preferred to believe the universe had always existed, this view is difficult to reconcile with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which implies the universe must have had a beginning.
This document discusses the history of ideas about the age and origins of the universe. It was originally thought that the universe was static and unchanging, but it became clear that this conflicts with the idea of human progress over time. While some preferred to believe the universe had always existed, this view is difficult to reconcile with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which implies the universe must have had a beginning.
This document discusses the history of ideas about the age and origins of the universe. It was originally thought that the universe was static and unchanging, but it became clear that this conflicts with the idea of human progress over time. While some preferred to believe the universe had always existed, this view is difficult to reconcile with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which implies the universe must have had a beginning.
This document discusses the history of ideas about the age and origins of the universe. It was originally thought that the universe was static and unchanging, but it became clear that this conflicts with the idea of human progress over time. While some preferred to believe the universe had always existed, this view is difficult to reconcile with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which implies the universe must have had a beginning.
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documentry on space time
The time scale of the universe is very long compared to
that for human life. It was therefore not surprising that until recently, the universe was thought to be essentially static, and unchanging in time. On the other hand, it must have been obvious, that society is evolving in culture and technology. This indicates that the present phase of human history can not have been going for more than a few thousand years. Otherwise, we would be more advanced than we are. It was therefore natural to believe that the human race, and maybe the whole universe, had a beginning in the fairly recent past. However, many people were unhappy with the idea that the universe had a beginning, because it seemed to imply the existence of a supernatural being who created the universe. They preferred to believe that the universe, and the human race, had existed forever. Their explanation for human progress was that there had been periodic floods, or other natural disasters, which repeatedly set back the human race to a primitive state. This argument about whether or not the universe had a beginning, persisted into the 19th and 20th centuries. It was conducted mainly on the basis of theology and philosophy, with little consideration of observational evidence. This may have been reasonable, given the notoriously unreliable character of cosmological observations, until fairly recently. The cosmologist, Sir Arthur Eddington, once said, 'Don't worry if your theory doesn't agree with the observations, because they are probably wrong.' But if your theory disagrees with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it is in bad trouble. In fact, the theory that the universe has existed forever is in serious difficulty with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law, states that disorder always increases with time. Like the argument about human progress, it indicates that there must have been a beginning.