Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology College of Informatics Department of Information System
Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology College of Informatics Department of Information System
Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology College of Informatics Department of Information System
1. Mekonnen Melkamu 0718/11
2. Birtukan Biset 0595/11
3. Assabnesh Mekuriaw 4486/11
Approval Sheet
A project proposal submitted to College of Informatics, Department of Information system. For the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree of Science in Information System.
This is to certify that the senior project titled “Web Based Traffic Information Management system”
Name ID No Sign
To the Department of Information System in Wollo University for the partial fulfillment of the
requirement of the Degree of Bachelor Science in Information System. The contents of this document
in full, or in parts, have not been submitted to any other institute or university for the award of any
degree or diploma.
Advisor Examiner
First and for most and above all our biggest thanks would be to Almighty “GOD” because nothing could
be possible without his free will and the future completion of this project is supported by him.
Secondly, we would like to express our special thanks to our Department Head Mr. Kedir Abdu for their
helpful guidance and Leadership attitude into the right direction. And our advisors, Mr. Moges Tesfa,
for their helpful guidance, ongoing support and invaluable contributions until the completion of our
project work.
Thirdly, we would like to forward our gratitude to Kombolcha City Traffic Office personnel Main Sajin
Tigist Eshetu and Commander Genet Aragaw, who helped us by providing useful information and
by giving useful documents and materials that are useful for our project task.
At the last but not the least, even if it were unusual, our group members would like to thank each other
for ours working and motivation until this time and for the next team sprit attitudes for the successful
accomplishment of our project. The main contributors to the success of this project are teamwork,
friendship and the belief that we may achieve something we set out to do. We also hope that this project
and the documentation may be successfully accomplished by us and through the will of ‘’GOD’’.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Table of Contents
Approval Sheet.......................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgment ..................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Background of the Organization .................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Background of the Project ............................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Motivation ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 10
1.5.1 General Objective .................................................................................................................. 10
1.5.2 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................ 10
1.6 Methodology and Tools ............................................................................................................... 10
1.6.1 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.2 Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 11
1.7 Scope and limitation .................................................................................................................... 13
1.7.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 13
1.7.2 Limitation .............................................................................................................................. 14
1.8 Significance of the Project ........................................................................................................... 14
1.8.1 Benefits for the Organization ................................................................................................ 14
1.8.2 Benefits for Societies ........................................................................................................... 14
1.9 Feasibility Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 14
1.9.1 Operational Feasibility .......................................................................................................... 15
1.9.2 Economic Feasibility ............................................................................................................. 15
1.9.3 Technical Feasibility.............................................................................................................. 15
1.9.4 Schedule Feasibility ............................................................................................................... 16
1.9.5 Political Feasibility ................................................................................................................ 16
1.10 Risk Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 16
1.11 Task Breakdown and Stages ...................................................................................................... 16
1.12 Work Plan (Gantt chart) ............................................................................................................. 17
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................ 83
References .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
List of Figures
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
List of Tables
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
This project is intended to develop a web-based application system for Kombolcha city traffic
information management system and to provide simple and effective way of managing traffic cases.
Ethiopian Transport Authority has been performing complex and risky task with greater responsibility,
from these responsibilities recording Drivers full information and traffic flow control are the major
tasks that the office undertakes, which needs efficiency and accuracy. To process this task in efficient
way, the office should take the full information. The project “Traffic Information Management” has
been selected which is aimed for helping the Kombolcha Town Transport authority and Traffics police
department. Our system will have centralized database and each traffic policemen will have user
account that enables them to view and record criminal driver’s status like penalty. Authorized
Administrators and Employee in the office will manage the system on their computer browser. They will
have privilege to login to the system and they can register and view Driver’s information and records.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
List of Acronyms
CSS: Cascaded Style Sheet
KCTIMS: Kombolcha City Traffic Information Management System
HTML5: Hyper Text Markup Language version five
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessing
RTA: Road Transport Authority
UML: Unified Modeling Language
ID: Identification Number
CRC: Class Responsibility Collaborator
SRS: System Requirements Specification
LAN: Local Area Network
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
In 2005, the Ethiopian Government reorganized the transport sector and although the previously
independent Urban Transport Authority, the Railway Regulatory Authority, the Aviation Authority, the
Airport Administration Authority and the Maritime Regulatory Authority merged into the Ethiopian
Transport Authority, the Road Transport Authority remained independent.
The Kombolcha City Road Transport is branch of RTA which is responsible to Amhara Region Road
Transport office. But until 2005E.c it is responsible to South Wollo Zone, Dessie Road Transport
After 2005 E.c Kombolcha Road Transport Authority is organized as an independent office and gained
the name Trade and Transport Authority [2].
Existing System in Kombolcha City Road Transport Authority is manual record system. It has around
30,000 records of drivers including their name, number, category, age, ID and any information regarding
their status like they have punished or not by traffic police. The punishment record has the following
information: - name, driver license no, time the event has arrived, place, kind, level, plate number.
The aim of Kombolcha City Road Transport Office is to give Driver’s license for candidate Drivers who
have finished training course from legal Drivers Training Centers. And after that every Driver must
renewed their license in every four years.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Our project will bring measurable benefits for Kombolcha City traffic office and also for legitimate users.
This documentation will describe what the project is, how it performs or how it is implemented, the
problem of the current system, benefits of the proposed system, scope of the project, the targeted outcome
of the project, and objectives of the project as described below. The proposed project will be performed
after analyzing the current system, and it will give broad benefits to the traffic office and also for users.
1.3 Motivation
The Traffic Information management activity in Kombolcha City is performed in a manual document way
or the handling of data, dataflow system, the renewal of license cards, and penalty payment activities are
performed in a manual way.
As we visited the work place of Kombolcha City Traffic Information Management office; how the
organizations management activities took placed, we have seen some problems in their data processing
and handling activates. There were many difficulties of manual processing of files/data. So, the intention
of our team members for doing this project is to change the manual system into a technology dependent
system that facilitates and improves traffic information managing activities.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
In addition to this the current system has also other limitations; it is time consuming to record files, there
is wastage of material, duplication of papers, no efficient system for the removal of inactive or irrelevant
files or documents, difficulty to integrate data, data redundancy and difficulty of locating & finding files.
In the existing system it is also difficult to Generate Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Reports because
it is difficult to process in a paper-based way. It is also difficult to record day to day Accident information.
Also, difficult to send Notices to users.
The need to improve performance and the urgency to solve the above stated problems contribute to
undertake this project into consideration.
1.5 Objectives
To get a precise data from the organization the team has used the following fact-finding techniques.
✓ Interview: - An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are
asked by the interviewer to draw out facts. And we have made an interview with personnel of
the office to get an overview of the current system and the problem of the existing system.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ Observation: - Is an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some special
purpose. During our observation we saw how the office workers perform their activities.
✓ Documentation analysis: - Is written document which is stored in the office that shows the
overview of the existing system. We read written documents which are the existing system
currently uses; to know rules, regulation and constraints in the existing system that can be used
to design the new proposed system. Analysis and Design Methodology
In order to achieve our aim, we use different methods to bring the system from imagination to realization.
Those methods include different models, techniques and tools for our work.
✓ It provides code and function reuse through the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism,
encapsulation, modularity, coupling and cohesion.
✓ To design the system, the object-oriented modeling techniques and the Unified modeling
language tools are crucial and important.
✓ Understanding of the structure is easy because object-oriented modeling and tools used to
represent real world entities.
✓ Modification of the object implementation is easy because objects are loosely coupled [3].
1.6.2 Tools
For the proposed system, we will design an interactive web-based application that the authorized users or
workers can easily manage and get information by using the application and interact with the system. For
the purpose of the development of this project, the team members used different software and hardware
tools, which can be identified as hardware requirement and software requirement.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ Edromax: To design Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram, Activity diagram and Use Case
Diagram and others for our system. Hardware Requirements
This project used the following hardware requirements. The requirements are needed at minimum to
develop the project.
✓ Computer/PC: Used to write proposal, documentation, develop the system. The computer has
the following specifications: -
• Processor-Intel Corei 7 CPU
• RAM-2 GB
• Hard Drive-64GB
• Monitor LCD-Desktop
✓ Flash: Necessary for the movement of relevant data, storage, for backup and recovery
✓ Printer: To print proposal and documentations.
✓ Stationeries (pen, paper): For writing all necessary documentations associated with the project.
✓ Notebook: - To take notes during data collection and for other documentations.
1.7 Scope and limitation
1.7.1 Scope
Scope is an area in which something acts or operates or controls. And it indicates the boundary or size of
the project.
The main users of the projects are traffic polices or Members, Drivers, Employees and Administrators.
The scope of this new system development will include all the information that needed to handle any
problem that may be faced during data processing of the traffic polices and driver records by manually.
The scope of this project is clearly stated below as a result of what the system is expected to perform.
The proposed system covers the following main tasks:
✓ Creating account for users
✓ The system is used to register, update and delete users and vehicles information.
✓ Providing information about users (traffic polices, employees and drivers) and vehicles.
✓ Allowing drivers to perform penalty payments.
✓ Allowing employees and traffic polices to view drivers’ and vehicles information.
✓ Allowing drivers to add appointments for penalty payments.
✓ Providing interfaces for drivers to view their penalty information’s and personal information.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
1.7.2 Limitation
The Ethiopian Transport Authority is very wide institution and the activities also wide. So, by
understanding the time and resource requirements to finish the project successfully there is a necessary
limit to its scope. The new system cannot include the following modules:
✓ The scope of our project is only for Kombolcha City Traffic Office
✓ To perform Penalty payments the Drivers must have Bank Accounts and need to know the
Bank Account of the Traffic Authority.
✓ The project will contribute by making the Traffic Information Management System give
paperless service.
✓ They can secure active files and dead file as they want.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
terms of outcomes of the product, operational use and the likelihood the system will be useful to the
organization. Feasibility analysis is undertaken to prove if the proposed system is valuable to implement.
Tangible Benefits: Are benefits derived from the creation of a system that can be measured in
money and with consistency.
Benefits that are easily quantified from the conducted system are:
✓ Fastest processing time and small amount of processing error.
✓ Small response time and many services.
✓ Easy and fast file management.
✓ Reduce the cost of manual data management (Reducing expenses).
✓ Easy update & retrieval on storing records
Intangible Benefits: Are benefits derived from the creation of a system that cannot be easily
measured in money.
Benefits from the system that are unquantifiable are;
✓ Better decision making.
✓ Better service to the office.
✓ Little job burden to employees of office.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Generally, the following business rules are used in the existing system: -
BR1: Owner must provide original documents and their required number of photo copies which the
office may require by personal.
BR2: To be renewal license card, the license card must be past service expiration date.
BR3: To take license cards, the person must have finished training courses in the training centers.
BR4: To record and update Vehicles and Drivers information, Drivers must be coming to the
institution by personal.
BR5: Every Driver must perform License card renewal in every four years.
to inconsistency. There is an exposure to disaster; like fire, flood, volcanic eruption are main data storage
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
RQ1: The system should allow the users login to the system by their account.
RQ2: The system should allow the employee and traffic polices to view Vehicles and Drivers
RQ3: The system should allow the Administrator to manage and view users account information.
RQ4: The system should allow the Drivers to view penalty information’s.
RQ5: The system should allow the Divers to add appointment for penalty payments.
RQ6: The system should allow adding and updating penalty payments, new Drivers and Vehicles
RQ7: The system should allow users to change account information except user name.
RQ8: The system should allow search for any vehicle, penalty and users detailed
RQ9: The system should allow to Generate Reports and to Record day to day Accidents
RQ10: The system should allow the Administrator to Post Notices to users. And the users
to send Feedbacks.
The following are the non-functional requirements associated with the new system: -
✓ Performances: The performances of the system should be optimal. System can withstand even
though many numbers of users request the desired service.
✓ Availability: Since the proposed system is web based it will be available and users can access
it when they want to access it.
✓ Security: The system provides security in such a way that unauthorized users are not access the
required information.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ Portability: The system must be designed for platform independent and the system supports
every operating system.
✓ Maintainability: The system should be easily modifiable and extensible to add new
functionality without affecting the general frame work of the system.
✓ Error handling: The system should handle invalid inputs and display informative error
messages to users.
2.9 Modeling the Existing System
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ Driver: - Is a person who pay penalty payments, add appointment for penalty payments. And
also view their penalty information’s. And also view His/her Appointments.
✓ Employee: - Is a person who adds new Diver and Vehicle information’s. And also update
penalty information’s, Drivers and Vehicle information’s.
✓ Traffic Police: - Is a person who Punish illegal Drivers, add penalty records of drivers and
Accidents. view penalty records, Appoints, Drivers and Vehicles information.
✓ Administrator: - A person who manages Users and Users account that means create, activate
and deactivate user accounts. And also manage the system, Generate Reports and send Notices
to users.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use case diagrams are diagrams used for capturing functional requirements of the system. Each use case
diagram describes a behaviorally related sequence of transaction in a dialogue between the user and the
system. A use case diagram is a collection of actors, use cases, and theircommunications.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
The following diagram shows the proposed system use case diagram.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-02
Use-Case Create Account
Goal Creating User accounts successfully.
Actor Administrator
Description Allows the administrator to create account for users (Traffic
police, Driver and Employee)
Pre-condition To be authenticate the User and be free to use the system.
Post-condition The Users account will be successfully created.
Basic course Actor Action System Response
of Action 1. The administrator clicks on Add 2. The system displays
user account link under Manage create account UI form
user account page. page.
3. The administrator fills the form 5.The system validates
to be created account. the create account form
4. The administrator press create elements
account button. 6.The system displays
user account successful
create message
7. The use case ends.
Alternate 6.1: If the form is not filled properly. The system displays an
course of error message. The system resumes at step 3.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-03
Use-Case Activate Account
Goal Enabling users account successfully
Actor Administrator
Description This use case describes how Administrator activates user’s
account. When users Resign job, their account should be
deactivated and when they return to their job their account will
be activated by Administrator.
Pre-condition Employee, Driver and Traffic police return to their job
Post-condition If the use case was successful, users can access to their
Basic course Actor Action System Response
of Action 1. Administrator login to the 2. The system displays
system and clicks on ‘search search user UI form field.
link’ under Manage User 4. The system displays
Account page users’ information if found
3. Administrator fills user’s id. else goes to 4.1.
5. Administrator clicks on 6. The system deactivates
‘Activate user’ button. user’s account and display
‘successful’ message
Alternate 4.1 The system displays ‘no such user found’ message.
course of And redirect to step3.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-04
Use-Case Deactivate Account
Goal Disabling users account successfully
Actor Administrator
Description This use case describes how Administrator Deactivate user’s
account. When users Resign job, their account should be
Pre-condition Users are not working currently
Post-condition If the use case was successful, users can’t access to the system
Basic course Actor Action System Response
of Action 1. Administrator login to the 2. The system displays
system and clicks on ‘search search user UI form field.
link’ under Manage User 4. The system displays
Account page. users’ information if found
3. Administrator fills user’s id. else goes to 4.1.
5. Administrator clicks on 6. The system Deactivates
‘Deactivate user’ button. user’s account and display
‘successful’ message
course of 4.1 The system displays ‘no such user found’ message.
And redirects to step3.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-05
Use-Case View Profile(self-profile)
Goal Allowing Administrator and users to see their own Account
Actor Administrator and Users (Employee, Traffic police, Driver)
Description This use case describes how Administrator and Users view
their profile
Pre-condition Administrator and Users logged to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, the Administrator and Users
can view their own profile.
Basic course Actor Action System Response
of Action 1. The Administrator and User’s 3. The system displays
login to the system their own profile
2.The Administrator and Users information.
open ‘profile’ menu item 5. The system displays
4. Administrator and Users click their page
‘close’ button to return to their
6.use case end
course of The system displays error message. And allows them to try
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-06
Use-Case Change Password
Goal Enabling Administrator and Users to update their own
password easily.
Actor Administrator and Users (Employee, Traffic Police, Driver)
Description This use case describes how Administrator and each User
change their own password
Pre-condition Administrator and each User logged to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, the Administrator and Users
will have new password
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. Administrator and Users try 2. The system displays their
to login to the system with page.
valid user name and password. 4. The system displays
3.Administrator and User change password UI form
clicks on ‘change password that contain the following: -
link’ under the Account ✓ old password
menu page. ✓ New password
5. Administrator and User fills ✓ Confirm password
the form components and 6. System checks old
Click ‘Apply’ button password and password
8. End of use case policy
7. If old password is correct
and new password fulfil
password policy, then
replace old password with
new password in the
and displays ‘Successful’
message and go to
else go to 7.1
Alternate 7.1. If the new password doesn’t fulfil the password policy
course of or the old password is incorrect then the system displays
error message and go to 4
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-07
Use-Case Add new Diver License
Goal Registering a new legal driver license into the database
Actor Employee
Description This use case describes how Employee add new Driver
Pre-condition Driver must pass field exam. In addition, he/she must able to
bring his/her grade 10 certificate.
Post-condition If the use case was successful, Drivers get license card, new
user id and password.
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1.Employee login to the 2. The system displays add
system and click ‘add driver Driver license UI form.
license’ menu item. 4. The system checks or
3.Employee fills the form validates the form fields.
and clicks on ‘add button’. 5. If the form fields are
7. use case end correctly filled then the
system adds Driver licenses
and save the data to the data
base else go to use case 5.1
6. The system displays
‘successfully added Driver’
Alternate 5.1 If the form fields are not correctly filled, the system
course of display error message and redirects to step3.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-08
Use-Case Add Vehicle
Goal Registering a new Vehicle information into a database
Actor Employee
Description This use case describes how Employee add new Vehicle.
Pre-condition Employee should login to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, the Vehicles information are
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1.Employee login to the 2. The system displays add
system and open ‘Add Vehicle UI form.
Vehicle’ menu. 4. The system checks or
3.Employee fills the form and validates the form fields.
click add button 5. If the form fields are
7. use case end correctly filled then the
system add Vehicle and
save the data to the data
base. Else go to use case 5.1
6. The system displays
‘successfully add Vehicle
Alternate 5.1 If the form fields are not correctly filled, the system
course of display error message and redirects to step3.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-09
Use-Case Pay Penalty Payment
Goal Enabling illegal Drivers to pay for their punishment
Actor Drivers
Description This use case describes how Drivers Penalty payments.
Pre-condition Drivers must have account and login to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, Driver Pay their penalty
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. Driver’s login to the 2. The system displays pay
system and clicks on ‘Set penalty UI form.
Status Link under penalty 4. The system checks or
records menu. validates the form fields.
3.Drivers fills the form and 5. If the form fields are
click pay button correctly filled then the
7. use case end system register bill. Else go
to 5.1
6. The system displays
‘successful message.
Alternate 5.1 If the form fields are not correctly filled, the system
course of display error message and redirect to step3.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-10
Use-Case Add Appointment
Goal Enabling drivers to add an appointment for penalty payments.
Actor Driver
Description This use case describes how Driver adds appointment.
Pre-condition Drivers logged into the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, the Drivers added appoints.
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. Driver’s login to the system 3. The system displays Add
2.The Drivers clicks on add Appointment UI form
appointment menu. 5. The system validates
4. Drivers fill the appointment filled contents
form 7. The system displays
6. The Drivers click ‘Appoint’ success message. Else go to
button. 7.1.
8.use case end
Alternate The system displays error message and redirects to step 4.
course of
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-11
Use-Case View Driver Information
Goal Allowing authorized users to see drivers’ information
Actor Users (Employee, Traffic police)
Description This use case describes how the Users (Employee, Traffic
police) view Driver’s information.
Pre-condition Users logged to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, the users can view driver
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. The Users login to the 3. The system displays list
system of Driver’s information
2. Users clicks on ‘view 5. The system displays
Driver information’ menu. Driver information
4. Users select Drivers and 7. The system redirects to
‘View information’. their page.
6. Users click ‘close’ button to
return to their page.
8.use case end
Alternate The system displays no such driver found error message.
course of
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Table 16: Update vehicle and Penalty Information Use Case Documentation
Use-case UC-12
Use-Case Update Vehicle and Penalty Information
Goal To update data of vehicle and penalty
Actor Employee
Description This use case describes how the Employee updates Vehicle
and Penalty information’s
Pre-condition Employee logged to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, Employee can update
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. Employee login to the 3. The system displays list
system of vehicle and penalty
2. Employee clicks on ‘View information’s.
vehicle and penalty 5. The system displays fill
information menu. UI forms for Vehicle.
4. Employee click ‘Update’ 7. The system validates the
Link for Vehicle and Set filled elements. And
Status Link for Penalty displays successful message
6. Employee inserts Vehicle else, go to 7.1.
information’s and click
‘Update’ button.
8.use case end
Alternate The system displays error message and redirects to step 6.
course of
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-13
Use-Case View Vehicle Information
Goal Allowing authorized users to see Vehicle information’s
Actor Employee, Traffic Police
Description This use case describes how authorized users view Vehicle
Pre-condition Employee and Traffic police logged to the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, users can view vehicle
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. Employee and Traffic 3. The system displays list
police login to the system of Vehicles’
2. Employee and Traffic 5. The system displays
police click ‘View Vehicle Vehicle information.
information ‘menu. 7. The system redirects to
4. Employee and Traffic their page.
police select Vehicle row.
6. Employee and Traffic
police click ‘close’ button
to return to their page.
8.use case end
Alternate The system displays no such Vehicle found error message.
course of
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-case UC-14
Use-Case Add Penalty Record
Goal To register penalty record information’s to a database
Actor Traffic Police
Description This use case describes how the Traffic police add penalty
records into a database
Pre-condition Drivers violate the rule and Traffic Police must be logged to
the system
Post-condition If the use case was successful, penalty records are added by
the Traffic police.
Basic course of Actor Action System Response
Action 1. Traffic police login to the 2. The system displays user
system page.
3.Traffic Police clicks on ‘add 4. The system display Add
Penalty’ Link. Penalty Record UI form.
5. Traffic police fill form 6. The system Inspect form
elements and clicks on Add elements.
Penalty Button 7.If form elements are
8.use case end correct, the system saves
the data to the database and
display successful message
else go to 7.1
Alternate 7.1 The system displays error message and redirects to step5.
course of
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Use-Case UC-15
Use-Case Name Logout
Goal Enabling Administrator and Users to successfully logged
out from the system
Actor Administrator and (Employee, Traffic police and Driver)
Description These use case allow Administrator and (Employee, Traffic
police and Driver) logout from the system at a time of
accomplishing their work.
Pre-condition UC-1
Post- Condition The system saves the data into the session or the database
and then allowing to logout from the system.
Basic course of User Action System Response
Action 1. The Administrator 3. The system saves the data and
and Users try to log responds to the requested action.
out from the 4. The system redirects to the login
system. page.
2. The Administrator
and Users click the
logout button
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ A class: Represents a collection of similar objects. The name of the class appears across the top
of the card.
✓ A responsibility: Is something that a class knows or does. Responsibilities are shown on the
left-hand column of a CRC card.
✓ A collaborator: Is another class that a class interacts with to fulfill its responsibilities.
Administrator <<Actor>>
Id Users<<Actor>>
Activate Account ()
Deactivate Account ()
Create Account ()
Generate Reports
Post Notices
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Driver <<Actor>>
Id Employee <<Actor>>
Password Penalty Payment <<UI>>
Name Appointment <<UI>>
Address Penalty Record <<UI>>
Sex Notice<<UI>>
View penalty records ()
Add Appointment ()
Pay penalty Payment ()
View Notices ()
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Employee <<Actor>>
Id Driver<<Actor>>
Password Penalty Record<<UI>>
Name Appointment <<UI>>
Address Vehicle <<UI>>
Sex Accident<<UI>>
Add new driver License () Notice<<UI>>
Add new Vehicle ()
View penalty Records ()
View driver Info ()
View vehicle Info ()
Update license Cards ()
Update penalty Info ()
Update vehicle Info ()
View Accident Info ()
View Notices ()
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
UML Class Diagram gives an overview of a software system by displaying classes, attributes, operations,
and their relationships. This diagram includes the class name, attributes, and operation in separate
designated compartments.
The following shows the class diagram for the proposed system.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ Missing activities: -When important activities are missed in each project development phase and
the developing team latterly understood them, the developing team take them into consideration.
✓ Important comments: - When crucial comments are raised from the advisors, teachers and
examiners that should be included and excluded, the developing team assess the project again.
✓ Lack of resources: - If there is scarcity of resources occurred to develop the system activities, the
developing team also restructured the contents of the project.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
In this chapter we will see the Purpose and Goals of Design, Class Modelling, State Chart modeling,
Collaboration Modelling, Current and Proposed System Architectures, Subsystem Decompositions,
Component Modeling, Deployment Diagram, Persistence modeling, Access Control and Security,
Boundary Conditioning and Exception Handling and User Interface Design.
Design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should consider. And include: -
✓ Security: For our system we use strong password in order to secure the system.
✓ Modifiability: the system should be easily scalable and extensible to add new features. And also,
it should be easily modifiable to make changes on the functionalities.
✓ Performance: - The system should respond fast with high throughput.
✓ Cost: The system should require a minimum cost for both developmental cost and the cost to deploy
the system.
✓ Reliability: the system should maintain and perform its functionalities under any condition. It
should have minimum frequency of failure and adaptable for failures.
✓ End User Criteria: - The system should have simple and understandable graphical user Interface
such as forms and buttons, which have descriptive names.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
✓ In the client side: The user can be browsing the system to retrieve, add and update information.
Performing such activity needs directly interact with the system through web browser.
✓ In the middle side: The traffic information management system contains web server and business
logic. The web server handles all the HTTP requests coming from the client machines. It also
manages the responses that are returned to the client machines. The business logic is responsible
for handling all the core functionalities of the system such as input validation, performing
calculations, and access and retrieval of any data required by the client.
✓ In the data side: Manages the actual data that is being stored in the database. It is implemented
using MY SQL database. The database accepts the SQL statement and executes it by DBMS
component and then returns the required output to the application. It manages and accesses the
persistence data.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Functionality Administrator Driver Traffic Employee
Create Account ✓
Add new diver license ✓
Add new Vehicle ✓
Add penalty record ✓
View driver information ✓ ✓
View Vehicle information ✓ ✓
View penalty records ✓ ✓ ✓
Update license cards ✓
Update penalty information ✓
Update Vehicle information ✓
Add appointment ✓
View appointment ✓ ✓ ✓
Deactivate Account ✓
Activate Account ✓
Login ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Generate Report ✓
Post Notice ✓
Record Accidents ✓
View Accidents Information ✓ ✓
The Home page, Login page, Penalty record page, manage account page, Penalty payment page,
Appointment page, Vehicle page, Driver license page, Password page, Notice Page, Report page, and
Accident page.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Since our system has a client–Server architecture, the following requirements are mandatory on both
Client and Server side.
✓ The system will display error messages if users are tried to access using wrong/invalid account.
✓ The users can’t access functionalities that are not available in the system.
✓ If the user enters random username or passwords, it checks and gives an informative message.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
To test our system, the tester may use black box testing, if he/she has not enough time to check internal
modules or codes. By looking only input /output or user interface, the tester can test our systems
functionalities without looking the internal code. We used this testing technique for the following reason
Tester needs no knowledge of implementation, including specific programming languages
Tester and programmer are independent of each other
✓ Tests are done from a user's point of view.
➢ White box Testing:
In this type of testing, skilled man in different programming languages tries to test the logic of our system.
If the person who tests the system is not skilled, it is difficult to understand our systems functionality. If
any failures occur while testing the system in all of the above testing methods, the team will take
immediate correction where this fault occurred before jumping to next work. So, that it will meet the goal.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Enter Invalid Password and Invalid Username: xxxxxxx Display “Invalid user name
user name Click Login button Password: ******* password!!”
Enter Invalid Password and Click Username: xxxxxxx Display “Invalid user name
Login button Password: ******* password!”
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
$conn=new mysqli("localhost","root","","traffic");
if (isset($_POST['login'])){
$user_id =$_POST['user_id'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$num_row = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$user_type =$row["user_type"];
if (mysqli_num_rows($in1) > 0) {
$in1 = mysqli_fetch_array($in1);
$status = $in1['status'];
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
if ($status == 'Active') {
}} }
if (mysqli_num_rows($in1) > 0) {
$in1 = mysqli_fetch_array($in1);
$status = $in1['status'];
if ($status == 'Active') {
else if($user_type=="Employee"){
if (mysqli_num_rows($in1) > 0) {
$in1 = mysqli_fetch_array($in1);
$status = $in1['status'];
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
if ($status == 'Active') {
}} }
else if($user_type=="Driver"){
if (mysqli_num_rows($in1) > 0) {
$in1 = mysqli_fetch_array($in1);
$status = $in1['status'];
if ($status == 'Active') {
}} }
header('location: access_denied.php');
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
6.2 Recommendation
We would like to recommend that the system is open for all interested groups or individuals who wish to
add new functionalities on the system especially developing the system on a distributed databased way
that is used as a whole for our country Ethiopia. Next, the team would recommend that further work should
be done on the system in order to make the system fully functional like official website.
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
Interview Questions
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022
[1] Ethiopian_government_stubs,"Wikipedia,"[Online].Available:
[2] Main Sajin Tigist E. and CommanderGenet A. Interviewee, Data Collection About The organization.
[Interview]. 03 May 2022.
[3] STEVE McROBB& RAY FARMER, SIMON BENNETT, "Object Oriented System Analysis and
Design Using UML, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Education.".
Web Based Traffic Information Management System 2022