General Physics II
General Physics II
General Physics II
General Physics II
Example 1: Given three capacitor and a total
Capacitance and Capacitor electric potential of 150V, Find the capacitance,
voltage and charge of the circuit
C 1=2 F
- a device that has the capacity to store electric
charge, and contains of two conducting objects 150 V C 2=5 F
placed nearby each other but not touching
- It is used to store electric charge
C 3=3 F
- The more voltage (electrical pressure) you apply to C T = 0.97F C 1= 2F C 2= 5FC 3= 3F
the capacitor, the more charge is stored in the
capacitor Q T =145.5C Q 1= 145.5C Q2= 145.5CQ 3=
- The higher the capacitance of the capacitor, the
more charge may be stored in by a given voltage
- In circuits, capacitors have the primary function in V T = 150V V 1= 72.7V V 2= 29.1V
blocking surges of charge and energy to protect
circuits V 3= 48.5V
- For a given capacitor, the amount of charge Q,
obtained by each plate is proportional to the Solution:
magnitude of the potential difference V between
1 1 1 1
them = + + QT =CT V T
Q Q CT C 1 C 2 C 3
Formula: Q=CV C= V = 1 1 1 1
V C = + +
Capacitance – ratio of charge in either conductor to CT 2 5 3
the potential difference between the conductors; it 31 30
can be arranged in series and parallel circuits QT =( 0.97 ) (150)= = =0.97 F=135.5 C
30 31
Q1 Q2 Q3 C T =2+3+ 5
V 1= V 2 = V 3=
C1 C2 C3 QT =( 10 ) (1 8 0)=10 F=1800C
1500 1500 15 00
V 1= V 2= V 3= Q1=C 1 V 1 Q2=C 2 V 2 Q3=C 3 V 3
1 4 2
¿ 1500 V =375 V =750 V Q1=( 2 ) ( 180 ) Q 2=( 5 ) (180 ) Q3= ( 3 ) (180)
¿ 360 C=900 C=540C
Parallel Circuit Example 2: Given three capacitor and a total charge
of 1500C, Find the capacitance, voltage and charge
- All components are connected across each other,
of the circuit
forming two sets of electrically common points
- When a potential difference V is supplied across C 1=1 F
number of capacitors connected in parallel, that
potential difference V is supplied across each C 2=4 F
- Voltage is the same across each component of the
C =2 F
parallel circuit. C T = 7F C 1= 1F 3C 2= 4FC 3= 2F
- The sum of the currents through each path is equal
to the total current that flows from the source. Q T =1500C Q 1=214.29C Q 2= 857.16C Q 3=
V T =V 1=V 2 =V 3C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3
V T = 214.29V V 1= 214.29V V 2= 214.29VV 3
C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3
V = C T =1+ 4 +2
V T= =7 F=214.29V
Example 1: Given three capacitor and a total
electric potential of 180V, Find the capacitance, Q1=C 1 V 1 Q2=C 2 V 2
voltage and charge of the circuit
Q1=( 1 ) ( 214.29 ) Q2 =( 4 )( 214.29 )
C 1=2 F
¿ 214.29 C=857.16 C
180 V C 2=5 F
Q3=C 3 V 3Q3=( 2 ) ( 214.29 )
C 3=3 F ¿ 428.58 C
C T = 10F C 1= 2F C 2= 5FC 3= 3F
General Physics II