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Honoring Your Intuition: © Skill Builders ©

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Your Intuition
oday’s leading executives and athletes Honoring your intuition is a skill. The more
listen to their intuition and follow it. you practice, the more skillful you become.
So have scientists like Einstein and Work with the following “skill builders.”
artists like Beethoven. Intuition is one of the Then come up with additional specific ways to
keys to their success. It’s a doorway to cre- strengthen your intuition—ideas designed just
ativity, insight and wise decisions. for you. Write these new skill builders on the
Intuition is your inner sense of what is true back of this sheet. And put them into action!
or what is best to do. It’s your conscience. It’s
a deep down feeling that informs or guides
you. Intuition demands a quiet, receptive mind © Skill Builders ©
and an open heart. © Build in a daily period of unhurried quiet
Pay attention to your gut feelings and your time. Let your mind become still, receptive,
hunches. Pay attention to those ideas that just open. Listen well as your mind and heart
“pop” into your mind. Listen to the whisper- speak to you. Take good notes.
ings of your heart. © Pause several times a day: Intuitively
tune into your body, mind and spirit.
Within you is a wellspring of © Can you think of a time when you
intuitively knew you should do something
wisdom and creativity. Begin or that a particular event was about to
to deeply trust your inner happen, and your intuition was right?
sense of what is best to do in What feelings or signs did you receive?
© Has your intuition ever given you a mes-
any situation. sage and you ignored it? What happened?
© What hinders your intuition? How can
Sense what your intuition is telling you. In you overcome these barriers?
small ways act on its signals. At first this is a © Discuss the above questions with a open-
trial-and-error process. It will probably in- minded, supportive friend.
volve making some mistakes and learning
from them. Gradually, your intuition will QuickSkills # 5, by Sam Quick, Human Development
& Family Relations Specialist. (1997) FAM-QS.105
strengthen and become more sure. Then you
Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension
can use its guidance to help you in making Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex,
more important decisions. religion, disability, or national origin.

Cooperative Extension Service—University of Kentucky G College of Agriculture

agriculture $ home economics $ 4-H $ development

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