Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
One of the biggest advantages In many ways, hybrid vehicles
of the EV is that it runs clean, combine the best of both worlds—
without harmful emissions. Also, lower emissions with great gas
because the engine has fewer mileage.
movable parts, it requires less service While its primary power comes
than gasoline engines and is far from the gasoline engine, a hybrid
quieter. The biggest disadvantage of vehicle uses an electric motor to
the EV is its limited driving range. accelerate or climb hills. Unlike the
An EV can only go about 100 miles batteries in an EV, the batteries in a
before it must be recharged, which hybrid do not need to be recharged.
makes it inconvenient for long trips. Recharging occurs automatically
There are, however, some EVs with through regenerative braking. This
special batteries that can go longer means that the energy used during
distances. For example, a company braking is captured and stored to
in Massachusetts designed an EV recharge the batteries. At slower
that set a world record for going 238 speeds, the hybrid runs on the
miles on one charge. electric motor. At higher speeds, it
Right now, EVs are most uses both the electric and gasoline
practical for people who drive only a motors, while recharging the battery.
short distance to and from work or
school or who simply need to get Although the hybrid vehicle is
around the neighborhood. Cities are becoming increasingly popular with
rediscovering the practical and today’s drivers, many people feel
environmental benefits of EVs for that it is just a first step on the way to
mass transit. Electric-powered buses, more advanced technologies.
trolleys, subways, and trains are Because it is not a zero-emission
common methods of transportation vehicle like others that are being
around the world. developed, some researchers believe
that the hybrid will not have a lasting
Hybrid Vehicles impact on the future of
Another major innovation in transportation.
AFVs is the hybrid. Just as a hybrid
is a mixture of two different things, a
hybrid vehicle uses both gasoline and
electricity for power, alternating
between them.
Fuel Cell Vehicles While the fuel cell vehicle has
Like the EV, the fuel cell made great progress in recent years,
vehicle is a zero-emission vehicle. at present, it remains a technology of
Fuel cells work by converting the future. The few fuel cell vehicles
hydrogen and oxygen into water, in existence are used only for testing.
producing electricity that powers an Nevertheless, fuel cell vehicles are
electric motor. For many years, fuel considered by many to be the most
cells have been used to provide promising and realistic of AFVs.
power on spacecraft, such as the
space shuttle. Hydrogen Vehicles
Fuel cells have two Perhaps the most interesting
disadvantages. One is the lack of a and innovative of alternative vehicle
system for distributing hydrogen and fuels is hydrogen. Experts agree that
making it available at service hydrogen is the fuel of the future.
stations. A second and greater It is easily obtained by splitting
challenge is the problem of how to water into oxygen and hydrogen
store it. Hydrogen is a bulky gas. On using electricity, and it emits almost
the space shuttle, it is compressed no polluting gases when burned. The
and stored in huge fuel tanks. Such a emissions that hydrogen does
storage method is not practical in produce are free of carbon dioxide,
cars, however. since hydrogen is a non-carbon fuel.
Scientists are developing Fuel cells are one method of
alternative methods to store using hydrogen to power a vehicle.
hydrogen. One way is to compress Another is to burn the hydrogen
the hydrogen in special high-pressure directly in the engine, like gasoline.
containers. Another is to separate it The same challenges are posed for
from hydrocarbon fuels such as these vehicles as for fuel cell
methanol and gasoline through a vehicles: storage problems and the
device known as a reformer. A need for a distribution network.
direct-methanol fuel cell also uses Hydrogen filling stations have begun
methanol, but it does not need a appearing in several countries
reformer to separate the hydrogen including the United States, and
from the methanol. The hydrogen is home fueling systems are being
removed from the liquid methanol developed.
inside the fuel cell itself.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
To Fuel or Not to Fuel
by Elizabeth Knapp
While fuel cell vehicles are a While fuel cell vehicles are
very promising technology, they certain to be an important part of the
may not be ready soon enough to solution to the world’s energy
provide an answer for current energy problems, they are only a part.
problems. Auto manufacturers Ultimately, the question is whether
predict that fuel cell vehicles will to fuel or not to fuel—how much to
not be widely available until 2010 at spend and where to spend it. The
the earliest. In the meantime, experts DOE estimates that by 2020, U.S. oil
believe there are other, more consumption will rise more than 40
immediate ways of reducing harmful percent. At the same time, the
pollutants, as well our reliance on number of cars on the road will
foreign oil supplies. increase from 600 million to 1
One very obvious way is for billion. By then, will there be enough
the government to mandate that auto oil to produce the gasoline that
manufacturers increase fuel powers our cars, and clean air for us
efficiency for their cars. With more to breathe?
miles to the gallon, cars would use
less gasoline. Another way is for the
government to tighten emissions
standards. This would require auto
manufacturers to produce cars that
emit fewer pollutants.