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Root Words DLP

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50 minutes QUARTER
A. Content Standard The learner’s demonstrates understanding that
words are composed of different parts to know
that their meaning changes depending in
B. Performance Standard The learner’s uses strategies to decode
correctly the meaning of words in isolation and
in context
C. Most Essential Learning Inferring meaning of borrowed words using
Competencies/ Objectives roots

II. CONTENT Inferring Meaning of Borrowed Words Using
Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 English Curriculum Guide Grade 6
page 95
2. Learners’ Materials pages Self-Learning Modules: English Page 1-3
B. Other Learning Resource Pictures, Worksheets

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Are you ready to pray? Yes, we are

(sign of the cross)

Oh God, almighty behold us thy loving children.

Offering thee today our works and studies. Help
us Dear Lord to be obedient. Kind to our
companion diligent……...

2. Greetings

Good Morning Everyone!

Good Morning Teacher Jean!
How are you today?

We’re Fine!
I’m good too. Please take your seats How about you.

Thank you Teacher Jean

3. Reminding of classroom rules

Before we start our discussion for today I

will ask you some questions.

Are you ready to listen?

Yes, teacher Jean
1. What will you do if the teacher start
the discussion?  Sit down properly and listen to the
2. What will you do if you want to
answer my question?  Raise your right hand and stand if called.

Is that clear?
Yes, teacher Jean
Very good!
B. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson

Are you excited to learn new things today

kids? Yes teacher!

Louder! Yes teacher!

Interesting! (random students answering)

Who among you here is familiar with the

game called four pics in one word? Me teacher!

Analyze the picture presented.

(randomly calling students name)
Words, tree, roots
 What can you see in the picture?

Root words
 What is the answer of the four pics
one word?

Good job everyone!

C. Establishing a purpose of the lesson

Any idea of what is a root word?

Anyone? (depend on the pupil’s response)
Very Good!

A root word is a basic word with no prefix

or suffix added to it.

A prefix is a string of letters that go at the

start of a word. (Unlapi in tagalog)

Example: Impossible
Prefix: im-
Root word: possible

While suffix is a string of letters that go at

the end of a word. (Hulapi in tagalog)

Example: cigarette
Suffix: -ette
Root word: cigar
Yes, teacher.
Do you understand?

A root word is a basic word with no prefix or

So class, what do you mean about root suffix added to it.

Very good! A prefix is a string of letters that go at the start

of a word.
How about prefix?


How about suffix?

Suffix is a string of letters that go at the end of a
Very good! word.

Let’s give ourselves a big round of (pupil’s clapping)


D. Presenting Examples/ instances of

the new lesson

Try to identify the root of each word and

write in your scratch paper.

1. Biology
(students are answering)
2. Aquatic
3. Children
(after 3 minutes)
4. Ornamental
5. Submarine
Yes, teacher.
Are you done?

Okay, let’s answer it.

1. Bio
1. Biology 2. Aqua
2. Aquatic 3. Child
3. Children 4. Ornament
4. Ornamental 5. marine
5. Submarine

Good Job, everyone.

E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1

What I Need To Know

Root words are the basic words to which

affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added to
form a new word.
(pupils eagerly listen)
For example:
1. Biology: bio
2. Aquarium: aqua
3. Children: child
4. Submarine: marine
5. Action: act

The ideal way to use root words is to

produce multiple words based on the
same root.

For example:
 Demophobia
- People who fears public
 Zoophobia
- People fear animals
 Gynophobia
- A person who dislikes
 Androphobia
- People who have a fear of
 Catoptrophobia
- The fear of mirrors.

What is the root word used of these
Fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or
What do you mean of phobia? animal.


F. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2

Many English root words are common

Latin and Greek roots and knowing them
can help you understand many English
Yes, we are.
Are you ready to know these words?
Latin Word Meaning English Meaning
Great, then let us all read and understand word
aqua water aquatic growing or
this together. living in or
taking place in
bene well beneficial promoting good
magnu great magnify make larger
This is for the Latin words. major greater majority greater part
mater mother maternal inherited or
Please read. derived from a
marinus belonging or submarine underwater or
related to undersea
ornare to equip, to ornamental the best point
adorn or degree

Are you familiar with these words? (pupils random response)

Greek word Meaning English word Meaning

arche beginning archaic of beginning

or earlier
This is for the Greek words. time
bios life biology study of life
Please read. or living
logos To study, biology study of life
branch of or living
study organisms
micro small microorganism a minute
(very small)
organism, or
life form
such as
mono single, alone monotone a single tone
tone or
variation of
thermos hot, glowing or thermometer an
boiling instrument
used to
Are you familiar with these words? temperature

(Asking questions base on the chart (answer may vary)


G. Developing Mastery

Now that I am done discussing the root


Let me ask you some questions to know

what have you learned from the

Let’s begin.

Where can we find the root of a word?

(answers may vary)
Very good

A root can be found in any part of a word

that carries meaning: in the beginning,
middle, or end.
Try and Learn
In this moment, I will give you an Directions: Infer the meaning of the words in
assessment. Please prepare ¼ sheet of Column A using the underlined roots and
paper. Read the directions carefully. match its meaning to Column B

Column A Column B
A. underwater or
1. Magnify undersea
2. Submarine B. the fear of
3. Beneficial mirrors
4. Catoptrophobia C. greatest possible
5. Maximum D. make larger
E. promoting good

Are you done answering? Yes, teacher

Okay, exchange your paper to your


Who wants to answer? (call random pupils)

1. D. make larger
2. A. underwater or undersea
3. E. promoting good
4. B. the fear of mirrors
5. C. greatest possible

Who got the perfect score? (pupils different response)

Excellent Everyone!
You all did a great job!

H. Finding Practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living

Class, I have a question.

How do you infer the meaning of borrowed

words? (let the learners read and analyze)

I can infer the meaning of borrowed words

Complete the sentence. using _____________

I can infer the meaning of borrowed words
What’s the answer? using roots.


I. Making generalization and

abstraction about the lesson

Class listen.

In this moment we are going to identify

the roots and give its meaning. (listening)

I will give the word then you have to give

the roots and its meaning. You can choose
the meaning inside the box.
Yes, teacher
Do you understand?
To study small ten
hot greater

What is the root word of; o Majority

o Majority Root: Major Meaning: greater

o Microorganism o Microorganism
Root: Micro Meaning: small

o Biology o Biology
Root: logy Meaning: to study
o Decagon o Decagon
Root: Deca Meaning: ten
o Thermometer
o Thermometer
Root: Thermo Meaning: hot

All of your answers are correct.

J. Evaluating learning

A. Read each sentence carefully.

Choose the letter of the correct answer
and write it in your notebook.

1. Based on the meaning of the prefix mis,

what can you infer about word
misplace? (3 MINUTES)
A. be unable to find
B. easy to tell
C. find right away
D. intentionally left behind

2. If octa means eight, what does octopus

A. sea animal with 6 arms
B. sea animals with 8 arms
C. sea animals with 7 arms
D. sea animals with 9 arms
3. What does telescope mean if the root
word tele means far or distant?
A. a device to view near objects
B. a device to view nice objects
C. a device to view distant objects
D. a device to view rare objects.

4. What can you infer about the word

polychrome if poly means many
A. with many colors
B. with many lines
C. with few colors
D. with few lines

5. The root ami means love. What can you

infer about the word amiable?
A. unpleasant
(after 3 minutes)
B. lovable
C. ill-tempered
Yes, we are done
D. disagreeable

Are you done answering?

(the pupil was reading the question and give the
answer until they finished)
Okay, exchange your paper to your seatmate.
(Random calling of student)
Read the question and state your answer.
K. Additional activities for application or


In your ½ sheet of paper you are task to write

a five (5) words with prefixes and five (5)
words with suffixes.
Yes, teacher.
Is that clear?

Very Good!

This is where the topic we are discussing

ends. I hope you learned a lot today.

Goodbye Ma’am!
Goodbye class!
See you tomorrow!

Prepared by:
ROJEAN E. TINGGAS Reviewed by:

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