CTDMM Newsletter August 2008
CTDMM Newsletter August 2008
CTDMM Newsletter August 2008
1 October 2008
By A. Marzuki
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Circuit Techniques
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Figure 1 shows the top view and the cross-section of Si N MIM capacitor. Top view shows the
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bottom and top metal named metal 2 and metal 3 respectively, while the cross-section view
illustrated the thickness of the metal and insulator for the device with Si3N4 as passivation of the
device. It consist of 100 µm of GaAs substrate, 0.12 µm thickness of Si3N4 sandwiched between
the metal 2 and metal 3 with thicknesses 0.4 µm and 3.12 µm respectively. The complete
capacitor is covered by a layer of nitride with a thickness of 0.12 µm which passivate the whole
New equivalent circuit is proposed to show the performance of Si3N4 MIM capacitor, but this
circuit is still in the beginning stage of the modeling process. Equivalent circuit of Si3N4 MIM
capacitor is depicted in Figure 2. Cm2 represent the parasitic effect associated with the bottom
metal or metal 2. C is the required value for the capacitor and Rloss is the parasitic loss that
associated to C. C and R are the parasitic effect associated with the top metal or metal 3.
m3 m3
Finally, Csub and Rsub are the parasitic effect that associated with the substrate. Parasitic effect
description is explained in Table 1.
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
C Substrate capacitance
R Substrate resistance
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Figure 7, 8 and 9 show the S-parameter simulation for 100 µm x 100 µm Si N MIM capacitor.
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From the figures, the function of S(1,1) and S(3,3) are similar to 70 µm x 70 µm Si3N4 MIM
capacitor. In Figure 7, S(3,3) of the proposed equivalent circuit model behaves similarly to the
measured S(1,1) data. This means that the proposed equivalent circuit model performance is very
good for larger device and higher frequency. Figure 8 shows the close up simulation of 100 µm x
100 µm Si3N4 MIM capacitor at frequencies above 15 GHz. From the figure, it is obtained that the
device starts to resonate at 16.88 GHz. Figure 9 shows that Si3N4 MIM capacitor is working as a
capacitor solely without having inductance effect. The capacitance values that are defined using
the same technique stated in (1) to (3) are 4.372 pF for the measured device and 4.2905 pF for the
proposed equivalent circuit.
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
The proposed Si N MIM capacitor equivalent circuit model value using lumped elements is
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explained in Table 2. The prime capacitance value for 70 µm x 70 µm is 2.3737 pF and for 100
µm x 100 µm is 4.2905 pF. The proposed equivalent circuit model used for 70 µm x 70 µm does
not perform very well at higher frequency than 15 GHz, hence the elements value of Rsub and Csub
which give the effect for high frequency must be tuned and optimized accordingly.
C 3 fF 0.001 fF
C 2.3737 pF 4.2905 pF
R 0.472 Ω 4.547 Ω
C 0.1 fF 0.001 fF
R 4kΩ 91.876 Ω
C 4 fF 16.4218 fF
R 697 Ω 436 Ω
S-parameter simulation of the proposed equivalent circuit model representing Si3N4 MIM
capacitor performed very well at high and low frequency if compared to measure Si3N4 MIM
capacitor device especially device with dimension 100 µm x 100 µm. Hence, some modification
of equivalent circuit model for smaller dimension (< 70 µm x 70 µm) Si3N4 MIM capacitor will
be performed in the near future.
Vol 1. No.1 October 2008
The author would like to thank TM R&D Sdn. Bhd. for providing the grant for this work under
Project No: R05-0607-0. The help from Advanced RF systems Cluster is greatly appreciated for
guidance in using ADS-Momentum Simulator.
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About CTDMM: A not for profit group with interest in Circuit Technique, Design Methodology
and Modeling.Contact: a_marzuki@ieee.org
About CTDMM Newsletter: Newsletter which cover news and articles from industry and
academia. The main purpose is to share knowledge and news within the Microelectronics
players. Submit news or article to a_marzuki@ieee.org. Authors to the articles are responsible to
the articles and have the right to his/her article and work.