Research Findings and Discussions: Google Translation. The Second, The Writer Read All The Result of Translation by
Research Findings and Discussions: Google Translation. The Second, The Writer Read All The Result of Translation by
Research Findings and Discussions: Google Translation. The Second, The Writer Read All The Result of Translation by
In this chapter, the writer was to analyze the error of Google Translation
misoerdering. The writer did the research for about a week, which started from
The source of data in this study were Indonesian narrative Text and
English narrative text. The writer took the data from narrative text with the title
“Tujuh Putri (Legenda kota Dumai)” that were taken from internet and from the
book "Legenda Putri Tujuh: Asal Mula Kota Dumai). The data was collected
Legends and then the writer opened the Google Translation in, after
Google Translation. The second, the writer read all the result of translation by
using Google Translation. After that, the data were chosen which data that contain
some type of errors, they are omission, addition, misselection, and misordering.
The first day, the writer translated 1 page with 16 sentences from the
The second day, the writer translated 1 page with 21 sentences from the
third day, the writer translated 1 page with 16 sentences from the Indonesian-to-
omission, 1 addition, 7 misselection, but the writer can not found misordering in
this page.
At the fourth day, the writer translated 1 page with 16 sentences from the
found 8 errors, consists 3 omission, 1 addition, and 4 misselection. The fifth day,
omission, 1 addition, and 5 misselection. At the last day, the writer translated 1
Translation, and found 2 errors, consists 2 omission, the writer can not found
Table 4.1
8. Pada suatu hari, One day, the One day, the -Misordering
ketujuh putri itu seven princesses seven daughters
mandi di lubuk took bath in bathed in the nest
Sarang Umai, Sarang Umai of Umai Sarang,
bercanda dan pool, making joke joking and
berendam di air and remaining in soaking in the
untuk waktu yang the water for long water for a long
lama. time. time.
9. Saat melakukannya, While doing so, While doing so, -Misselection
mereka diperhatikan they were noticed they are noticed
oleh beberapa orang. by some guys. by some people.
10. Mereka adalah Those were They are the -Misselection
pangeran Empang Prince Empang Prince of Empang -Addition
dan pengawalnya and his and his bodyguard
yang lewat di tepi guardsmen who who pass by the
kolam. were passing by pool.
the pool.
13. Beberapa hari Few days later, A few days later, -Addition
kemudian, pangeran the Prince the Prince of
empang kuala Empang Kuala Empang Kuala
mengirim seorang sent an envoy to sent a messenger
utusan ke kerajaan the Seri Bunga to the Kingdom of
Seri Bunga Tanjung Tanjung Kindom Tanjung Flower
untuk meminang for proposing the Series to marry
putri yang cantik itu beautiful Princess the beautiful
(yang termuda). (the youngest). princess (the
27. Selama perang, ratu During the war, During the war, -Misselection
Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima
memerintah ordered his commanded her
panglimanya untuk commander to commander to
membawa tujuh take her seven bring her seven
putrinya ke hutan, daughters to the daughters into the
sembunyikan mereka jungle, hide them forest, hiding
dalam lubang yang in a hole covered them in a hole
tertutup oleh by trees. covered by trees.
28. Sebagai persediaan As their food As their food -Addition
makanan mereka, supply, the Queen supply, the queen
ratu memerintahkan asked her to bring ordered her to
dia untuk membawa some food for bring some food
beberapa makanan three months for a three month
untuk persediaan tiga supply. supply.
38. Kurang dari separuh Less than half Less than half the -Addition
malam, seluruh night, all troops of night, all the -Omission
pasukan dari Empang Empang Kuala troops from
Kuala dihentikan. were terminated. Empang Kuala
39. Dalam kondisi In such condition, Under such -Misselection
seperti itu, utusan the envoy of conditions, the -Omission
dari ratu Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima messenger from
datang ke Pangeran came to the Queen Cik Sima
Empang Kuala. Prince Empang comes to Prince
Kuala. Empang Kuala.
40. Melihat utusan itu, Seeing the envoy, Seeing the envoy,
pangeran berkata “ the Prince said the prince said
Hai rakyat dari Seri “Hey people of "Hi people from
Bunga Tanjung, apa Seri Bunga Seri Bunga
yang membawa mu Tanjung, What Tanjung, what
kesini?”. brought you brought you
here?”. here?".
41. “Saya datang kesini “I come here to "I came here to -Misselection
untuk menyam- deliver a message deliver a message
paikan pesan dari from Queen Cik from Queen Cik
Ratu Cik Sima. Sima. Sima.
42. Itu adalah perintah It is an order for It is an order for -Omission
untuk kamu you to put an end you to end this
mengakiri perang to this prolonged prolonged war, it
yang berkepanjangan war, it has brings suffering
ini, itu membawa brought the suffer and sadness to
penderitaan dan and sorrow for the people who do
kesedihan untuk people who don’t not understand the
orang-orang yang understand the real problem.
tidak mengerti real problem.
masalah sebenarnya.
43. Perang ini telah This war has This war has
mencemari pantai contaminated the polluted the
laut dari Seri Bunga seashore of Seri seashore of Seri
Tanjung dengan Bunga Tanjung Bunga Tanjung
ribuan jiwa tanpa with thousands of with thousands of
dosa. sinless souls. innocent souls.
48. “Seharusnya saya “I shouldn’t have "I should not have -Misselection
tidak melakukan waged this war, I done this war, I
perang ini, saya telah had started the have started a
memulai perang, dan war, and I must war, and I have to
saya harus end it”, talked the end it", talk the
mengakhirinya”, Prince to himself. prince to himself.
bicaralah pangeran
itu pada dirinya
49. Dengan demikian, Thus, he ordered Thus, he ordered
dia memerintahkan the troops to back his troops to
pasukannya untuk to the Kingdom. return to the
kembali ke kerajaan. kingdom.
50. Keesokan paginya, In the next The next -Omission
Ratu Cik Sima morning, Queen morning, Queen -Misselection
bergegas berjalan ke Cik Sima rushed Cik Sima rushes
hutan dimana semua for walking to the to walk into the
putrinya jungle where all forest where all
bersembunyi. her daughters hid. her daughters are
51. Sayangnya, dia Unfortunately, he Unfortunately, he
terkejut setelah was shocked after was surprised to
menemukan bahwa finding that all find that all had
semua telah had died. died.
Table 4.2
The Errors of Google Translation in Translating Indonesian-to-English Text
No Source Target Google Types of
Language Language Translation Error
44. Anyone came to this Siapapun yang Siapa pun datang -Omission
Kingdom with good datang ke ke Kerajaan ini
deed, peace and luck kerajaan ini dengan akta baik,
will accompany him. dengan perbuatan kedamaian dan
baik, kedamaian keberuntungan
dan keberun- akan
tungan akan menemaninya.
45. On the contrary, Disisi lain, Sebaliknya,
those who came to mereka yang orang-orang yang
this Kingdom with datang ke datang ke
bad intention, suffer kerajaan ini Kerajaan ini
and sorrow always dengan niat dengan niat
be on him” explained buruk, buruk, menderita
the messenger. penderitaan dan dan duka selalu
luka selalu ada ada padanya
padanya” jelas "jelas utusan
utusan tersebut. tersebut.
46. Being startled with Kaget dengan Terkejut dengan
the words, the Prince kata-kata itu, kata-kata itu, sang
realized what had pangeran Pangeran
been done toward the menyadari apa menyadari apa
people. yang telah yang telah
dilakukan dilakukan
4.2 Discussions
conducting this study, it could be discussed that error in using Google Translation
which Google Translation made error in all type of errors (omission, addition,
text where omission was 11, addition was 2, misselection was 9, and there was no
1. Omission
be were.
disappoint you.
untuk mengecewakanmu.
2. Addition
(Target Language) Three months passed, the war still broke out.
addition to be is.
3. Misselection
4. Misordering
di hilir umai.
that “omission and misordering were the most dominant error that Google
study were omission and misselection were the most dominat error that Google