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Research Findings and Discussions: Google Translation. The Second, The Writer Read All The Result of Translation by

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In this chapther the writer discussed about research findings and


4.1 Research Findings

In this chapter, the writer was to analyze the error of Google Translation

in translating Indonesian-to-English text and English-to-Indonesian text that

covered four types of errors; omission, addition, misselection/misinformation and

misoerdering. The writer did the research for about a week, which started from

December 16th to December 22nd, 2017.

The source of data in this study were Indonesian narrative Text and

English narrative text. The writer took the data from narrative text with the title

“Tujuh Putri (Legenda kota Dumai)” that were taken from internet and from the

book "Legenda Putri Tujuh: Asal Mula Kota Dumai). The data was collected

firstly by browsing the data sources of Narrative text especially Folklores or

Legends and then the writer opened the Google Translation in Google.com, after

that translated into Indonesian-to-English and English-to-Indonesian by using

Google Translation. The second, the writer read all the result of translation by

using Google Translation. After that, the data were chosen which data that contain

some type of errors, they are omission, addition, misselection, and misordering.

The first day, the writer translated 1 page with 16 sentences from the

Indonesian-to-English narrative text by using Google Translation, and the writer


found 19 errors, consists 5 omission, 4 addition, 9 misselection and 1 misordering.

The second day, the writer translated 1 page with 21 sentences from the

Indonesian-to-English narrative text by using Google Translation, and found 17

errors, consists 6 omission, 4 addition, and 5 misselection, and 2 misordering. The

third day, the writer translated 1 page with 16 sentences from the Indonesian-to-

English text by using Google Translation, and found 12 errors, consist 4

omission, 1 addition, 7 misselection, but the writer can not found misordering in

this page.

At the fourth day, the writer translated 1 page with 16 sentences from the

English-to-Indonesian narrative text by using Google Translation, and the writer

found 8 errors, consists 3 omission, 1 addition, and 4 misselection. The fifth day,

the writer translated 1 page with 22 sentences from English-to-Indonesian

narrative text by using Google Translation, and found 12 errors, consists 6

omission, 1 addition, and 5 misselection. At the last day, the writer translated 1

page with 15 sentences from English-to-Indonesian narrative text by using Google

Translation, and found 2 errors, consists 2 omission, the writer can not found

addition, misselection and misordering in this page.

Based on explanation, the writer obtained 48 error in translating

Indonesian-to-English narrative text by using Google Translation, consists 15

omission, 9 addition, 21 misselection, and 3 misordering. The writer obtained 22

error in translating English-to-Indonesian narrative text by using Google

Translation, consists 11 omission, 2 addition, and 9 misselection.


For table identification of the error in translating Indonesian-to-English

and English-to-Indonesian text by using Google Translation as follows:

Table 4.1

The errors of Google Translation in translating Indonesia-to-English text

No. Source Target Google Types of
Language Language Translation Error

1. Pada zaman dahulu Once upon a time, In ancient times,

kala, di Dumai, ada in Dumai, there in Dumai, there
sebuah kerajaan yang was a prosperous was a prosperous
makmur bernama Kingdom named kingdom called
Seri Bunga Tanjung. Seri Bunga Seri Bunga
Tanjung. Tanjung.
2. Kerajaan itu It was ruled by a it is ruled by a -Misselection
diperintah oleh ratu beautiful Queen beautiful queen -Omission
yang cantik bernama whose name was named Cik Sima.
Cik Sima. Cik Sima.
3. Dia mempunyai She had seven He has seven -Misselection
tujuh putri yang elok good-looking beautiful
rupawan. daughters. princesses.
4. Dari tujuh putri Out of seven, the Of the seven -Misselection
tersebut, putri yang youngest daughter daughters, the
termuda, Mayang named Mayang youngest daughter
Sari yang sangat Sari was the most named Mayang
cantik. beautiful. Sari is very
5. Putri mayang sari The Princess Princess Mayang -Omission
memiliki bentuk Mayang Sari had Sari has an ideal -Misselection
tubuh yang ideal, an ideal body body shape, her
kulitnya lembut shape, the skin is soft as silk,
bagai sutra, flawless skin as her face is
wajahnya elok silk, the angelic glowing like a full
berseri bagai bulan face as a full moon, her lips
purnama, bibirnya moon, the red were damp red,
merah lembab, moist lip, thick her eyebrows are
alisnya tebal, dan eyebrow, and the thick, and her hair
rambutnya panjang straight long hair was straight as a
lurus bagaikan as mayang. mayang.
6. Karena itu, dia juga Therefore, she Therefore, he is -Misselection
dikenal sebagai was mostly also known as
Mayang mengurai. known as Mayang Mayang
mengurai. mengurai.
7. Singkatnya, In short, her In short, her

kecantikannya beauty enchanted beauty captivated

memikat semua yang all taking a look all who saw her.
melihatnya. at her.

8. Pada suatu hari, One day, the One day, the -Misordering
ketujuh putri itu seven princesses seven daughters
mandi di lubuk took bath in bathed in the nest
Sarang Umai, Sarang Umai of Umai Sarang,
bercanda dan pool, making joke joking and
berendam di air and remaining in soaking in the
untuk waktu yang the water for long water for a long
lama. time. time.
9. Saat melakukannya, While doing so, While doing so, -Misselection
mereka diperhatikan they were noticed they are noticed
oleh beberapa orang. by some guys. by some people.
10. Mereka adalah Those were They are the -Misselection
pangeran Empang Prince Empang Prince of Empang -Addition
dan pengawalnya and his and his bodyguard
yang lewat di tepi guardsmen who who pass by the
kolam. were passing by pool.
the pool.

11. Pangeran kagum The prince was Prince is amazed -Omission

melihat gadis cantik amazed of seeing to see the -Misselection
itu, tapi matanya tak those beautiful beautiful girl, but
bisa berhenti melihat ladies, but his her eyes can not
yang paling cantik, eyes could not stop to see the
putri Mayang Sari. stop watching the most beautiful,
most beautiful, daughter Mayang
Princess Mayang Sari.
12. Tampaknya, Seemingly, the Apparently, the -Misselection
pangeran merasa prince felt in love prince feels in
jatuh cinta dengan with Mayang love with Mayang
Mayang sari. Sari. Sari.

13. Beberapa hari Few days later, A few days later, -Addition
kemudian, pangeran the Prince the Prince of
empang kuala Empang Kuala Empang Kuala
mengirim seorang sent an envoy to sent a messenger
utusan ke kerajaan the Seri Bunga to the Kingdom of
Seri Bunga Tanjung Tanjung Kindom Tanjung Flower
untuk meminang for proposing the Series to marry
putri yang cantik itu beautiful Princess the beautiful
(yang termuda). (the youngest). princess (the

14. Dengan membawa Bringing tepak By bringing tepak -Addition

tepak sirih, utusan sirih, the envoy sirih, the
tersebut delivered the messenger
menyampaikan pesan message of Prince delivered a
dari pangeran Empang Kuala. message from
Empang Kuala. Prince Empang
15. Dalam ritual kerajaan In a lavish In a luxurious
yang mewah, Kingdom ritual, royal ritual, the
pinangan tersebut the proposal was proposal was well
disambut dengan welcomed received by
baik oleh ratu Cik splendidly by Queen Cik Sima.
Sima. Queen Cik Sima.
16. Sebagai balasan As a reply to the In reply to the -Addition
kepada pangeran, Prince, Queen Cik prince, queen Cik -Omission
ratu Cik Sima Sima put gambier Sima put the
meletakkan gambir and areca nut in gambir and areca
dan pinang di the biggest in the largest
combol terbesar combol among combol between
diantara ketujuh seven combol in the seven combol
combol di tepak the tepak sirih.  in tepak sirih.
17. Sementara combol While the other While the other -Omission
yang lain dibiarkan combol were left combol left
kosong. empty. empty.
18. Tradisi ini This tradition was This tradition -Misselection
menunjukkan bahwa to show that she shows that he
dia menyetujui approved of the approves of the
pinangan tersebut. proposal. proposal.

19. Namun, bukan untuk However, instead However, not for

yang lebih muda, itu of the younger, it the younger ones,
harusnya should be it should be
dialamatkan untuk addressed to the addressed for the
yang lebih tua. oldest. elderly.

20. Mengetahui bahwa Knowing that the Knowing that the

pinangan tersebut proposal was proposal was
ditolak, utusan itu rejected, the rejected, the
menunggang envoy rode his messenger rode
kudanya kembali ke horse back to his his horses back to
kerajaan dalam putus Kingdom in the kingdom in
asa. despair. despair.
21. Disana, dia men- There, he explai- There, he -Misselection
jelaskan tentang ned about the explains the -Omission
pinangan yang proposal which proposal that the -Misordering
ditolak oleh sang was rejected by queen rejected.
ratu. the Queen.

22. “Maafkan saya yang “I am sorry your "Forgive me

mulia, saya tidak Majesty, I don’t glorious, I do not
bermaksud untuk mean to mean to
mengecewakanmu. disappoint you. disappoint you.
23. Kerajaan Seri Bunga The Kingdom of Royal Flower
Tanjung menolak Seri Bunga Crown series
niatmu untuk meni- Tanjung rejected refused your
kahi putri Mayang your intention to intention to marry
Sari”, jelas utusan marry Princess Mayang Sari's
sambil berlutut. Mayang Sari”, daughter",
explained the explained the
envoy while messenger while
kneeling. kneeling.
24. Merasa malu, Feeling Embarrassed, the -Omission
pangeran bangkit. embarrassed, the prince rose.
Prince was up in
25. Dengan Steered by his With his anger,
kemarahannya, anger, the Prince the Prince
pangeran ordered his commanded his
memerintah Commander and commander and
panglima dan soldiers to attack army to attack the
tentaranya untuk the Kingdom of kingdom of Seri
menyerang kerajaan Seri Bunga Bunga Tanjung.
Seri Bunga Tanjung. Tanjung
26. Kemudian, perang Then, the fierce Then, a fierce war
sengit diantara war between them between them was
mereka tak was unavoidable inevitable.
terhindarkan lagi. to happen.

27. Selama perang, ratu During the war, During the war, -Misselection
Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima
memerintah ordered his commanded her
panglimanya untuk commander to commander to
membawa tujuh take her seven bring her seven
putrinya ke hutan, daughters to the daughters into the
sembunyikan mereka jungle, hide them forest, hiding
dalam lubang yang in a hole covered them in a hole
tertutup oleh by trees. covered by trees.
28. Sebagai persediaan As their food As their food -Addition
makanan mereka, supply, the Queen supply, the queen
ratu memerintahkan asked her to bring ordered her to
dia untuk membawa some food for bring some food
beberapa makanan three months for a three month
untuk persediaan tiga supply. supply.

29. Tiga bulan berlalu, Three months Three months -Omission

perang masih terjadi. passed, the war passed, war is still -Addition
still broke out. going on.
30. Pada bulan In the next month, The following
selanjutnya, ratu the Queen was month, the queen
terpojok dan cornered and her was cornered and
prajuritnya warriors the soldiers were
berkurang decreased in reduced in
jumlahnya. number number.
31. Oleh karena itu, Therefore, the Therefore, the -Misselection
kerajaan hancur total. Kingdom was kingdom is totally
completely destroyed.
32. Banyak yang Many died during Many died during
meninggal saat the war. the war.

33. Melihat hancurnya Seeing the ruins Seeing the -Misselection

istananya, dia me- of her Palace, destruction of his
minta bantuan dari She put her arm palace, he asked
jin bukit sarang on help from a for help from the
Umai. genie of Sarang jinn of the hill
Umai Hill. upstream of the
Umai river.
34. Pada malam yang In a dark night, On a dark night, -Addition
gelap, pasukan dari the troops of troops from the -Misordering
pangeran Empang Prince Empang Empang Kuala -Omission
Kuala beristirahat di Kuala took some prince rest on the
hilir umai. rest in downstream umai.
downstream of
35. Mereka berlindung di They took shelter They took cover
bawah pohon-pohon under bakau trees. under the
bakau. mangrove trees.
36. Sebuah insiden A terrible incident A terrible incident
mengerikan terjadi took place to the occurred to the
kepada para pasukan. troops. troops.
37. Tanpa persiapan Without any Without any -Omission
apapun, pasukan preparation, the preparation,
diserang ribuan troops were troops were
bakau, menusuk hati attacked by attacked by
mereka. thousands of thousands of
bakau fruits, mangroves,
stabbing their piercing their
heart. hearts.

38. Kurang dari separuh Less than half Less than half the -Addition
malam, seluruh night, all troops of night, all the -Omission
pasukan dari Empang Empang Kuala troops from
Kuala dihentikan. were terminated. Empang Kuala
39. Dalam kondisi In such condition, Under such -Misselection
seperti itu, utusan the envoy of conditions, the -Omission
dari ratu Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima messenger from
datang ke Pangeran came to the Queen Cik Sima
Empang Kuala. Prince Empang comes to Prince
Kuala. Empang Kuala.
40. Melihat utusan itu, Seeing the envoy, Seeing the envoy,
pangeran berkata “ the Prince said the prince said
Hai rakyat dari Seri “Hey people of "Hi people from
Bunga Tanjung, apa Seri Bunga Seri Bunga
yang membawa mu Tanjung, What Tanjung, what
kesini?”. brought you brought you
here?”. here?".
41. “Saya datang kesini “I come here to "I came here to -Misselection
untuk menyam- deliver a message deliver a message
paikan pesan dari from Queen Cik from Queen Cik
Ratu Cik Sima. Sima. Sima.
42. Itu adalah perintah It is an order for It is an order for -Omission
untuk kamu you to put an end you to end this
mengakiri perang to this prolonged prolonged war, it
yang berkepanjangan war, it has brings suffering
ini, itu membawa brought the suffer and sadness to
penderitaan dan and sorrow for the people who do
kesedihan untuk people who don’t not understand the
orang-orang yang understand the real problem.
tidak mengerti real problem.
masalah sebenarnya.
43. Perang ini telah This war has This war has
mencemari pantai contaminated the polluted the
laut dari Seri Bunga seashore of Seri seashore of Seri
Tanjung dengan Bunga Tanjung Bunga Tanjung
ribuan jiwa tanpa with thousands of with thousands of
dosa. sinless souls. innocent souls.

44. Siapapun yang Anyone came to Whoever comes -Addition

datang ke kerajaan this Kingdom to this kingdom
ini dengan perbuatan with good deed, with good deeds,
baik, kedamaian dan peace and luck peace and good
keberuntungan akan will accompany fortune will
menemaninya. him. accompany him.

45. Disisi lain, mereka On the contrary, On the other -Misselection

yang datang ke- those who came hand, those who
kerajaan ini dengan to this Kingdom come this
niat buruk, pende- with bad kingdom with bad
ritaan dan luka selalu intention, suffer intentions,
ada padanya” jelas and sorrow suffering and
utusan tersebut. always be on injuries are
him” explained always there
the messenger. "explained the
46. Kaget dengan kata- Being startled Shocked by the -Omission
kata itu, pangeran with the words, words, the prince
menyadari apa yang the Prince realized what had
telah dilakukan realized what had been done to the
terhadap rakyat. been done toward people.
the people.
47. Semua dihasilkan All resulted from All resulting -Misselection
dari kesom- his arrogance. from his pride.

48. “Seharusnya saya “I shouldn’t have "I should not have -Misselection
tidak melakukan waged this war, I done this war, I
perang ini, saya telah had started the have started a
memulai perang, dan war, and I must war, and I have to
saya harus end it”, talked the end it", talk the
mengakhirinya”, Prince to himself. prince to himself.
bicaralah pangeran
itu pada dirinya
49. Dengan demikian, Thus, he ordered Thus, he ordered
dia memerintahkan the troops to back his troops to
pasukannya untuk to the Kingdom. return to the
kembali ke kerajaan. kingdom.
50. Keesokan paginya, In the next The next -Omission
Ratu Cik Sima morning, Queen morning, Queen -Misselection
bergegas berjalan ke Cik Sima rushed Cik Sima rushes
hutan dimana semua for walking to the to walk into the
putrinya jungle where all forest where all
bersembunyi. her daughters hid. her daughters are
51. Sayangnya, dia Unfortunately, he Unfortunately, he
terkejut setelah was shocked after was surprised to
menemukan bahwa finding that all find that all had
semua telah had died. died.

52. Mereka meninggal They died of They died of

karena haus dan thirsty and thirst and hunger.
kelaparan. hunger.
53. Mereka kekurangan They were lack of They are short of -Misselection
makanan, karena food, as the food, because the
persediaan hanya supply covered inventory only
mencakup tiga bulan only three months covers three
sementara perang while the war months while war
pecah lebih dari broke out more broke out over
empat bulan. than four months. four months.
54. Karena tidak dapat Unable to bear the Unable to bear the
menanggung kese- sorrow upon her sadness of her
dihan atas tujuh seven daughters, seven daughters,
putrinya, Ratu Cik Queen Cik Sima Queen Cik Sima
Sima sakit selama ailed for years was sick for years
bertahun-tahun dan and finally passed and eventually
akhirnya meninggal away. died.

Table 4.2
The Errors of Google Translation in Translating Indonesian-to-English Text
No Source Target Google Types of
Language Language Translation Error

1. Once upon a time, in Pada zaman Dahulu kala, di -Omission

Dumai, there was a dahulu kala, di Dumai, ada
prosperous Kingdom Dumai, ada Kerajaan
named Seri Bungan sebuah kerajaan Sejahtera
Tanjung. yang makmur bernama Seri
bernama Seri Bunga Tanjung.
Bunga Tanjung.
2. It was ruled by a Kerajaan itu Itu diperintah oleh -Omission
beautiful Queen diperintah oleh seorang Ratu
whose name was Cik seorang ratu yang cantik bernama
Sima. cantik bernama Cik Sima.
Cik Sima.
3. She had seven good- Dia mempunyai Dia memiliki -Misselection
looking daughters. tujuh putri yang tujuh anak perem-
elok rupawan. puan tampan.
4. Out of seven, the Dari tujuh putri Dari ketujuh, -Addition
youngest daughter tersebut, putri putri bungsu
named Mayang Sari yang termuda ber- bernama Mayang
was the most nama Mayang Sari itu yang
beautiful. Sari yang sangat terindah.

5. The Princess Putri mayang sari Putri Mayang Sari -Misselection

Mayang Sari had an memiliki bentuk memiliki bentuk
ideal body shape, the tubuh yang ideal, tubuh yang ideal,
flawless skin as silk, kulitnya lembut kulitnya tidak
the angelic face as a bagai sutra, wa- mulus seperti
full moon, the red jahnya elok sutra, wajah
moist lip, thick berseri bagai malaikat seperti
eyebrow, and the bulan purnama, bulan purnama,
straight long hair as bibirnya merah bibir merah
mayang. lembab, alisnya lembap, alis tebal,
tebal, dan ram- dan rambut lurus
butnya panjang lurus seperti
lurus bagaikan mayang.
6. Therefore, she was Karena itu, dia Karena itu, dia
mostly known as juga dikenal kebanyakan
Mayang mengurai. sebagai Mayang dikenal dengan
mengurai. nama Mayang
7. In short, her beauty Singkatnya, Singkatnya,
enchanted all taking kecantikannya kecantikannya
a look at her. memikat semua memikat semua
yang melihatnya. yang melihatnya.
8. One day, the seven Pada suatu hari, Suatu hari,
princesses took bath ketujuh putri itu ketujuh putri itu
in Sarang Umai pool, mandi di lubuk mandi di kolam
making joke and Sarang Umai, ber- Sarang Umai, ber-
remaining in the canda dan beren- canda dan masih
water for long time. dam di air untuk lama berada di
waktu yang lama. dalam air.

9. While doing so, they Saat Saat

were noticed by melakukannya, melakukannya,
some guys. mereka mereka
diperhatikan oleh diperhatikan oleh
beberapa orang. beberapa orang.
10. Those were Prince Mereka adalah Mereka adalah
Empang and his pangeran Empang Pangeran Empang
guardsmen who were dan pengawalnya dan pengawalnya
passing by the pool. yang lewat di tepi yang lewat di tepi
kolam. kolam.
11. The prince was Pangeran kagum Pangeran kagum
amazed of seeing melihat gadis melihat wanita
those beautiful cantik itu, tapi cantik itu, tapi
ladies, but his eyes matanya tak bisa matanya tak bisa
could not stop berhenti melihat berhenti nonton
watching the most yang paling yang terindah,
beautiful, Princess cantik, Putri Putri Mayang

Mayang Sari. Mayang Sari. Sari.

12. Seemingly, the Tampaknya, Tampaknya, sang
prince felt in love pangeran merasa pangeran merasa
with Mayang Sari. jatuh cinta dengan jatuh cinta dengan
Mayang sari. Mayang Sari.
13. Few days later, the Beberapa hari Beberapa hari -Misselection
Prince Empang kemudian, kemudian,
Kuala sent an envoy pangeran empang Pangeran Empang
to the Seri Bunga kuala mengirim Kuala mengirim
Tanjung Kingdom seorang utusan ke seorang utusan ke
for proposing the kerajaan Seri Kerajaan Seri
beautiful Princess Bunga Tanjung Bunga Tanjung
(the youngest). untuk meminang untuk
putri yang cantik mengusulkan
itu (yang Putri yang cantik
termuda). (yang termuda).
14. Bringing tepak sirih, Dengan Membawa tepak -Omission
the envoy delivered membawa tepak, sirih, utusan
the message of utusan tersebut menyampaikan
Prince Empang menyampaikan pesan Pangeran
Kuala. pesan dari Empang Kuala.
pangeran Empang
15. In a lavish Kingdom Dalam ritual Dalam ritual -Misselection
ritual, the proposal kerajaan yang Kerajaan yang
was welcomed mewah, mewah, usulan
splendidly by Queen pinangan tersebut disambut
Cik Sima. tersebut disambut dengan baik oleh
dengan baik oleh Ratu Cik Sima.
ratu Cik Sima.
16. As a reply to the Sebagai balasan Sebagai balasan
Prince, Queen Cik kepada pangeran, kepada Pangeran,
Sima put gambier ratu Cik Sima Ratu Cik Sima
and areca nut in the meletakkan menaruh gambir
biggest combol gambir dan dan pinang di
among seven combol pinang di combol combol terbesar
in the tepak sirih. terbesar diantara diantara tujuh
ketujuh combol di combol di tepak
tepak sirih. sirih.

17. While the other Sementara Sementara

combol were left combol yang lain combol lainnya
empty. dibiarkan kosong. dibiarkan kosong.
18. This tradition was to Tradisi ini Tradisi ini -Misselection
show that she menunjukkan menunjukkan
approved of the bahwa dia bahwa dia
proposal. menyetujui menyetujui
pinangan proposal tersebut.

19. However, instead of Namun, bukan Namun, bukannya

the younger, it untuk yang lebih yang lebih muda,
should be addressed muda, itu itu harus
to the oldest. harusnya dialamatkan ke
dialamatkan yang tertua.
untuk yang lebih
20. Knowing that the Mengetahui Mengetahui -Misselection
proposal was bahwa pinangan bahwa proposal
rejected, the envoy tersebut ditolak, tersebut ditolak,
rode his horse back utusan itu utusan tersebut
to his Kingdom in menunggang mengendarai
despair. kudanya kembali kudanya kembali
ke kerajaan dalam ke Kerajaannya
putus asa. dalam
21. There, he explained Disana, dia Di sana, dia -Misselection
about the proposal menjelaskan menjelaskan
which was rejected tentang pinangan tentang usulan
by the Queen. yang ditolak oleh yang ditolak oleh
sang ratu. sang Ratu.
22. “I am sorry your “Maafkan saya "Maafkan saya -Omission
Majesty, I don’t yang mulia, saya Yang Mulia, saya
mean to disappoint tidak bermaksud tidak bermaksud
you. untuk mengecewakan
mengecewa- Anda.
23. The Kingdom of Seri Kerajaan Seri Kerajaan Seri
Bunga Tanjung Bunga Tanjung Bunga Tanjung
rejected your menolak niatmu menolak niatmu
intention to marry untuk menikahi untuk menikahi
Princess Mayang putri Mayang Putri Mayang
Sari”, explained the Sari”, jelas utusan Sari", terang sang
envoy while sambil berlutut. utusan sambil
kneeling. berlutut.
24. Feeling embarrassed, Merasa malu, Merasa malu, -Addition
the Prince was up in pangeran bangkit. Pangeran bangkit
arms. berdiri.

25. Steered by his anger, Dengan Dengan

the Prince ordered kemarahannya, kemarahannya,
his Commander and pangeran meme- Pangeran
soldiers to attack the rintah panglima memerintahkan
kingdom of Seri dan tentaranya Panglima dan
Bunga Tanjung. untuk menyerang tentaranya untuk
kerajaan Seri menyerang
Bunga Tanjung. Kerajaan Seri
Bunga Tanjung.

26. Then, the fierce war Kemudian, Kemudian, perang

between them was perang sengit sengit di antara
unavoidable to diantara mereka mereka tak
happen. tak terhindarkan terhindarkan
lagi. terjadi.
27. During the war, Selama perang, Selama perang, -Omission
Queen Cik Sima Ratu Cik Sima Ratu Cik Sima
ordered his memerintah memerintahkan
commander to take panglimanya komandannya
her seven daughters untuk membawa untuk membawa
to the jungle, hide tujuh putrinya ke tujuh putrinya ke
them in a hole hutan, hutan,
covered by trees. sembunyikan menyembunyi-
mereka dalam kannya di sebuah
lubang yang ter- lubang yang
tutup oleh tertutup
pepohonan. pepohonan.

28. As their food supply, Sebagai Sebagai -Omission

the Queen asked her persediaan persediaan
to bring some food makanan mereka, makanan mereka,
for three months Ratu memerin- Ratu memintanya
supply. tahkan dia untuk untuk membawa
membawa makanan selama
beberapa tiga bulan.
makanan untuk
selama tiga bulan.
29. Three months Tiga bulan Tiga bulan
passed, the war still berlalu, perang berlalu, perang
broke out. masih terjadi. masih meletus.

30. In the next month, Pada bulan Pada bulan depan,

the Queen was selanjutnya, ratu sang Ratu
cornered and her terpojok dan terpojok dan
warriors decreased in prajuritnya prajuritnya
number. berkurang menurun
jumlahnya. jumlahnya.
31. Therefore, the Oleh karena itu, Oleh karena itu,
Kingdom was kerajaan hancur Kerajaan hancur
completely total. total.
32. Many died during the Banyak yang Banyak yang
war. meninggal saat meninggal saat
perang. perang.

33. Seeing the ruins of Melihat Melihat -Misselection

her Palace, She put hancurnya reruntuhan
her arm on help from istananya, dia Istananya, dia
a genie of Sarang meminta bantuan memeluk bantuan
Umai Hill. dari jin bukit dari jin Hulu
sarang Umai. Sungai Umai Hill.
34. In a dark night, the Pada malam yang Di malam yang -Omission
troops of Prince gelap, pasukan gelap, pasukan
Empang Kuala took dari pangeran Pangeran Empang
some rest in down- Empang Kuala Kuala beristirahat
stream of Umai. beristirahat di di hilir Umai.
hilir umai.
35. They took shelter Mereka Mereka -Misselection
under bakau trees. berlindung di berlindung di
bawah pohon- bawah pohon
pohon bakau.. bakau.
36. A terrible incident Sebuah insiden Sebuah insiden
took place to the mengerikan mengerikan
troops. terjadi kepada terjadi pada
para pasukan. tentara.
37. Without any Tanpa persiapan Tanpa persiapan
preparation, the apapun, pasukan apapun, pasukan
troops were attacked diserang oleh diserang oleh
by thousands of ribuan bakau, ribuan bakau,
bakau, stabbing their menusuk hati menusuk hati
heart. mereka. mereka.
38. Less than half night, Kurang dari Kurang dari -Omission
all troops of Empang separuh malam, setengah malam,
Kuala were seluruh pasukan seluruh pasukan
terminated. dari Empang Empang Kuala
Kuala dihentikan. dihentikan.
39. In such condition, Dalam kondisi Dalam kondisi -Omission
the envoy of Queen seperti itu, utusan seperti itu, utusan
Cik Sima came to the dari ratu Cik Ratu Cik Sima
Prince Empang Sima datang ke datang ke
Kuala. Pangeran Empang Pangeran Empang
Kuala. Kuala.
40. Seeing the envoy, the Melihat utusan Melihat sang
Prince said “Hey itu, pangeran utusan, Pangeran
people of Seri Bunga berkata “ Hai berkata "Hai
Tanjung, What rakyat dari Seri orang Seri Bunga
brought you here?”. Bunga Tanjung, Tanjung, apa
apa yang yang
membawa mu membawamu ke
kesini?”. sini?".

41. “I come here to “Saya datang "Saya datang ke

deliver a message kesini untuk sini untuk
from Queen Cik menyampaikan menyampaikan
Sima. pesan dari Ratu pesan dari Ratu
Cik Sima. Cik Sima.
42. It is an order for you Itu adalah Ini adalah
to put an end to this perintah untuk perintah agar
prolonged war, it has kamu mengakhiri Anda mengakhiri
brought the suffer perang yang perang yang
and sorrow for the berkepanjangan berkepanjangan
people who don`t ini, itu membawa ini, telah
understand the real penderitaan dan membawa
problem. kesedihan untuk penderitaan dan
orang-orang yang penderitaan bagi
tidak mengerti orang-orang yang
masalah tidak mengerti
sebenarnya. masalah
43. This war has Perang ini telah Perang ini telah -Omission
contaminated the mencemari pantai mencemari pantai
seashore of Seri laut dari Seri Seri Bunga
Bunga Tanjung with Bunga Tanjung Tanjung dengan
thousands of sinless dengan ribuan ribuan jiwa tanpa
souls. jiwa tanpa dosa. dosa.

44. Anyone came to this Siapapun yang Siapa pun datang -Omission
Kingdom with good datang ke ke Kerajaan ini
deed, peace and luck kerajaan ini dengan akta baik,
will accompany him. dengan perbuatan kedamaian dan
baik, kedamaian keberuntungan
dan keberun- akan
tungan akan menemaninya.
45. On the contrary, Disisi lain, Sebaliknya,
those who came to mereka yang orang-orang yang
this Kingdom with datang ke datang ke
bad intention, suffer kerajaan ini Kerajaan ini
and sorrow always dengan niat dengan niat
be on him” explained buruk, buruk, menderita
the messenger. penderitaan dan dan duka selalu
luka selalu ada ada padanya
padanya” jelas "jelas utusan
utusan tersebut. tersebut.
46. Being startled with Kaget dengan Terkejut dengan
the words, the Prince kata-kata itu, kata-kata itu, sang
realized what had pangeran Pangeran
been done toward the menyadari apa menyadari apa
people. yang telah yang telah
dilakukan dilakukan

terhadap rakyat. terhadap orang-

47. All resulted from his Semua dihasilkan Semua dihasilkan
arrogance. dari dari
kesombongannya. kesombongannya.
48. “I shouldn’t have “Seharusnya saya "Saya seharusnya
waged this war, I had tidak melakukan tidak melakukan
started the war, and I perang ini, saya perang ini, saya
must end it”, talked telah memulai telah memulai
the Prince to himself. perang, dan saya perang, dan saya
harus harus
mengakhirinya”, mengakhirinya,"
bicaralah Pangeran itu
pangeran itu pada berbicara kepada
dirinya sendiri. dirinya sendiri.

49. Thus, he ordered the Dengan demikian, Dengan demikian,

troops to back to the dia dia
Kingdom. memerintahkan memerintahkan
pasukannya untuk pasukan untuk
kembali ke kembali ke
kerajaan. Kerajaan.

50. In the next morning, Keesokan Keesokan

Queen Cik Sima paginya, Ratu Cik paginya, Ratu Cik
rushed for walking to Sima bergegas Sima bergegas
the jungle where all berjalan ke hutan berjalan ke hutan
her daughters hid. dimana semua dimana semua
putrinya putrinya
bersembunyi. bersembunyi.
51. Unfortunately, he Sayangnya, dia Sayangnya, dia
was shocked after terkejut setelah terkejut setelah
finding that all had menemukan menemukan
died. bahwa semua bahwa semua
telah meninggal. telah meninggal.
52. They died of thirsty Mereka Mereka
and hunger. meninggal karena meninggal karena
haus dan haus dan lapar.
53. They were lack of Mereka Mereka
food, as the supply kekurangan kekurangan
covered only three makanan, karena makanan, karena
months while the war persediaan hanya persediaan hanya
broke out more than mencakup tiga mencakup tiga
four months. bulan sementara bulan sementara
perang pecah perang pecah
lebih dari empat lebih dari empat
bulan. bulan.

54. Unable to bear the Karena tidak Karena tidak -

sorrow upon her dapat dapat
seven daughters, menanggung menanggung
Queen Cik Sima kesedihan atas kesedihan atas
ailed for years and tujuh putrinya, tujuh putrinya,
finally passed away. Ratu Cik Sima Ratu Cik Sima
sakit selama telah menikah
bertahun-tahun bertahun-tahun
dan akhirnya dan akhirnya
meninggal dunia. meninggal dunia.

4.2 Discussions

This study conducted to analyze the errors of Google Translation in

translating Indonesian-to-English and English-to-Indonesian narrative text. After

conducting this study, it could be discussed that error in using Google Translation

was never be separated in translating. It was considered by the result of analysis in

which Google Translation made error in all type of errors (omission, addition,

misselesction, and misordering). Google Translation made 48 errors in translating

Indonesian-to-English text where omission was 15, addition was 9, misselection

21, and misordering was 3. Also 22 errors in translating English-to-Indonesian

text where omission was 11, addition was 2, misselection was 9, and there was no


The following example was the description of:

1. Omission

 Indonesian-to-English

 (Source Language) Sementara combol yang lain dibiarkan kosong.

 (Target Language) While the other combol were left empty.

 (Google Translation) While the other combol left empty, omission to

be were.

 English-to-Indonesian

 (Source Language) “I am sorry your Majesty, I don’t mean to

disappoint you.

 (Target Language) “Maafkan saya yang mulia, saya tidak bermaksud

untuk mengecewakanmu.

 (Google Translation) "Maafkan saya Yang Mulia, saya tidak

bermaksud mengecewakan Anda.

2. Addition

 Indonesian-to-English

 (Source Language) Tiga bulan berlalu, perang masih terjadi.

 (Target Language) Three months passed, the war still broke out.

 (Google Translation) Three months passed, war is still going on,

addition to be is.

 English-to-Indonesian

 (Source Language) Feeling embarrassed, the Prince was up in arms.

 (Target Language) Merasa malu, pangeran bangkit.

 (Google Translation) Merasa malu, Pangeran bangkit berdiri.

3. Misselection

 Indonesian-to-English

 (Source Language) Pangeran merasa jatuh cinta dengan Mayang sari.

 (Target Language) The prince felt in love with Mayang Sari.

 (Google Translation) The prince feels in love with Mayang Sari.


 English-to-Indonesian

 (Source Language) She had seven good-looking daughters.

 (Target Language) Dia mempunyai tujuh putri yang elok rupawan.

 (Google Translation) Dia memiliki tujuh anak perempuan tampan.

4. Misordering

 Indonesian-to-English

 (Source Language) Pasukan dari pangeran Empang Kuala beristirahat

di hilir umai.

 (Target Language) The troops of Prince Empang Kuala took some

rest in downstream of Umai.

 (GoogleTranslation) Troops from the Empang Kuala prince rest on

the downstream umai.

In the previous studies which was conducted by Rahmawati (2013) said

that “omission and misordering were the most dominant error that Google

Translation produced in translating narrative text”. However, the finding in this

study were omission and misselection were the most dominat error that Google

Translation produces in translating narrative text.

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