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Theoretical Orientation

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This chapter explains the related theories on which study is built. It

discusses some major points, such as: language, translation, google translation,

narrative text, error analysis, and operational definition.

2.1 Language

Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is

used as a tool of communication among the nations over the world. According to

Daroah (2013), “Language is a device that is used to communicate and interact

each other”. In addition, Hornby (2002) states that “Language is the method of

communicating ideas, feelings, and desires by means of a system of sounds and

sound symbols that used by group. In Indonesia, Indonesian is the first language,

while English is a foreign language.

2.2 Translation

Translation which is discussed in this chapter will be divided into:

definition of translation, types of translation, and procedure of translation.

2.2.1 Definition of Translation

Translation is considered to be a change of form that is a change of

structures from a source language into a target language. Translation has been

defined in many ways by different writers, depending on how they view

language and translation.


According to Choliludin (2007), “Translation is a procedure which leads

from a written source language text to an optimally equivalent target language text

and requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and text pragmatic comprehension

by the translator of the original text”. Moreover, Suryawinata (2003) states that

“Translation is a craft in the attempt to replace a written message and or statement

in one language by the same message or statement in another language. In

addition, Rosyid (2011) argues that “Translation is a general term that refers to the

removal of reflections and ideas from one source language (SL) and target

language (TL). In conclusion, translation is a procedure which lead from one

source language to target language. Translation is a kind of activity which

involved at least two languages.

2.2.2 Types of Translation

Brislin (2007), categorizes translation into four types:

1. Pragmatic translation

It refers to the translation of a message with an interest in accuracy of the

information that was meant to be conveyed in the SL form and it is not conveyed

with other aspects of the original language version. For example:

English :

For baby: after bathing, dust generously over the skin, taking special care

where the skin folds and creases.

Bahasa :

untuk bayi: taburkan bedak pada seluruh kulit sehabis mandi, terutama

pada bagian-bagian lipatan kulit.


2. Aesthetic-poetic translation

It refers to translation in which the translator takes into account the affect,

emotion, and feeling of an original version, the aesthetic form used by the original

author, as well as any information in the message. For example:

English :

When I went to bed last night, my last thought was of you. When I woke up

this morning, my first thought was of you. You are my everything; my sun,

my stars, my sky .

Bahasa :

Ketika Aku pergi tidur semalam, pikiran terakhirku adalah dirimu. Ketika

Aku bangun pagi ini, pikiran pertamaku adalah dirimu. Kaulah segalanya

bagiku, matahariku, bintangku, langitku.

3. Ethnographic translation

It is purpose is to explicate the cultural context of the SL and TL versions.

Translators have to be sensitive to the way words are used and must know how

the word fits into cultures. For example:

English :

Royal choice is butter cookies which is made using a world renowned

traditional recipe from Danish and from selected ingredients and good

quality butter.

Bahasa :

Royal choice adalah butter cookies dengan resep tradisional Danish dan

dibuat dari bahan-bahan pilihan dan butter berkualitas.


4. Linguistic translation

It is concerned with equivalent meanings of the constituent morphemes of

the SL and grammatical form. For example:

English :

If the message editing is interrupted by incoming calls or alarm clock, the

message editing screen will be back after you end the call or alarm clock.

Bahasa :

Jika penulisan pesan terganggu oleh panggilan masuk atau alarm jam,

layar penulisan akan muncul kembali setelah panggilan atau alarm jam

berakhir (as cited in Fenowati, 2014).

2.2.3 Procedure of Translation

According to Vinay & Darbelnet (2008), "Translation procedures were

classified into two methods covering seven procedures. They are (a) direct

translation, covering borrowing, calque and literal translation, and (b) oblique

translation which is transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation”.

1. Borrowing

Borrowing is the simplest of all translation methods. It refers to a case

where a word or an expression is taken from the SL and used in the TL, but in a

‘naturalized’ form, that is, it is made to conform to the rules of grammar or

pronunciation of the TL. Haugen (2009) argues that “There are some possibilities

that may occur in this procedure:

a. Pure Loanword

Borrowing with no change in form and meaning. For example:


English : Email is translated into

Bahasa : Email

b. Mixed loanword

Borrowing with changes in form but without changes the meaning.

For example:

English : Account is translated into

Bahasa : Akun

c. Loan blends

Borrowing when part of the terms is native and another is borrowed,

but the meaning is fully borrowed. For example:

English : Internet provider is translated into

Bahasa : Penyedia layanan internet

2. Calque

Calque refers to the case where the translator imitates in his translation the

structure or manner of expression of the SL. Calque may introduce a structure that

is stranger from the TL. For example:

English : Photo studio is translated into

Bahasa : Studio foto

3. Literal Translation

Literal translation is a direct transfer of a SL text into a grammatically and

idiomatically appropriate to TL text. Principally, literal translation is a unique

solution in which is reversible and complete in itself. For examples:


a. English : Sea of Love is translated to be

Bahasa : Laut cinta

b. English : Honey moon is translated to be

Bahasa : Bulan madu

4. Transposition

Transposition involves replacing one word class with another without

changing the meaning of the message. The method also involves a change in the

grammatical change that occurs in translation from SL to TL (singular to plural,

position of adjective, changing the word class or part of speech). For example:

English : Keyword (a compound) is translated to be

Bahasa : Kata kunci (Phrase)

5. Modulation

Modulation is a change in point of view that allows us to express the same

phenomenon in a different way. Modulation as a procedure of translation occurs

when there is a change of perspective accompanied with a lexical change in the

TL. There are two types of modulation, i.e. free or optional modulation and fixed

modulation. For example :

a. Free Modulation

English : He was killed in the war is translated to be

Bahasa : Dia gugur dalam perang.

b. Fixed modulation

English : He was unmarried is translated to be

Bahasa : Dia masih bujang


6. Equivalent

This term is used to refer to cases where languages describe the same

situation by different stylistic or structural means. For example:

a. English : Ouch! (an interjection) is translated to be

Bahasa : Aduh or Aw

b. English : Don’t cry over spoiled milk may can be translated as

Bahasa : Nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

7. Adaptation

Adaptation is used in cases where the type of situation being referred to by

the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. In such case, the translators have to

create a new situation that can be considered as being equivalent. For example:

English : Take a bath is translated into

Bahasa : Mandi (as cited Dewi, 2013).

2.3 Google Translation

Google Translation which is discussed in this chapter will be divided into:

definition of Google Translation, advantages and disadvantages of Google

Translation, and how to use Google Translation.

2.3.1 Definition of Google Translation

There are many ways in translation, such as by machine translation. One

of machine translation that is used by people is Google Translation. Google

Translation is a machine translation tool provided by Google to translate textual

material from one language into another language. Google Translation is one

example of machine translation implementing the method of statistical machine

translation. Google Translation is a service provided by google inc. to translate a

section of text, or a webpage into another language. According to Boitet et al.

(2009), “Google is an automatic machine-translation service provided by Google

Inc. It translates one written source language to another directly or with English as

a medium”.

In 2007, Google introduced Google Translation, a statistical machine

translation (MT) platform that currently provides automated translations directly.

Google Translation is one of several machine translations most commonly used

by people around the world to translate texts over 90 different languages (as cited

Ghasemi & Hashemian, 2016, p.13). Not only can it translate words, but also

phrases, sections of a text, or a web page. To translate a text, Google Translation

searches different documentaries to find the best appropriate translation pattern

between translated texts by human. This pattern searching is called Statistical

Machine Translation. Karami (2014) argues that “Since the number of translated

texts varies from users to users, consequently, the quality of Google Translate

depends on the number of human translated texts searched by Google Translate”

(as cited Napitulu, 2017, p. 16).

2.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Translation

A. Advantages

According to Butler (2011), “Google Translation is available as a free

online application and can be run on top of third party websites to offer visitors an

automated translation of the content in any of the available languages. The tool is

fast and easy to use and it claims to provide adequate general content translation

for over 50 languages. For informational purposes it provides the user with a

powerful tool to gather data and find information on sites that were previously

inaccessible due to the language barrier”.

Meanwhile, Njoroge (2012) argues that “there are four advantages of

using Google Translation: (1) Google Translate supports a high number of

languages compared to solutions that are provided by developers. Arabic,

Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech and Dutch are some of the

languages. The other languages supported by Google translated are Danish,

Japanese, French, Finnish, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian,

Greek, German, and Italian among others. (2) Google Translate is a free service

that is easy to access. (3) Google Translate users do not have incur extra

development cost or translation cost to the web application development Google

Translate translates localized resources and data to local language. This is the

reason why it is more convenient to use Google Translate over localized solution

that is provided by web application. (4) To translate Google, Google translation

offers you more flexibility to switch between local language and English to attain

better understanding.

B. Disadvantages

According to Gomes (2010), “Since Google Translate used statistical

matching to translate, translated text can often include apparently nonsensical and

obvious errors”. In addition, the literature on machine translation problems,

“There are some semantic level problems; also there are some types of lexical or

syntactic ambiguities” (as cited Soomro, Ahmad & Usman, 2014, p.41). For


English : He left no stone unturned (idiom) is translated to be

Bahasa : Dia mencoba semua hal yang bisa dilakukan, but

Google Translate : Dia meninggalkan kebutuhan bisnis yang terlewat.

2.3.3 How to use Google Translation

Njoroge (2012), “You can translate Google easily following these tips:

1. Find the Google Translate software by going to Google.com then type the

term "Google translate" in the query box.

2. To translate phrases, sentences or understand foreign languages directly

type "translate.Google.com".

3. To translate Google text that is in separate files, copy and paste the entire

text passage to Google translate text box then select the original language

on drop-down menu.

4. Finally, select the language to which you want to translate the text.

2.4 Narrative Text

Hyland (2004) states that “In English, there are some types of genres, such

as narrative, descriptive, and exposition”. Meanwhile, Harmer (2004) explains

that “the genres are: analytical exposition, anecdote, descriptive, narrative,

procedure, news items, discussion, explanation, hortatory exposition, report,

spoof, recount, and review”. In this study, the writer focuses on narrative text.

Narrative text is a text about a story that can be in the form of: folklore,

animal story (fable), legend or short story, novels, etc. According to Bal (2009),

“a text that not consist solely of narration, in the specific sense. In every narrative

text, one point can to passage that concern something other than event such as an

opinion about something, for example a disclosure on the part of the narrator

which is directly connected with the event, a description of face, or of a location”.

In addition, Anderson (2003) argues that “Narrative is a piece of text tells a story

and, in doing so, entertains the audience”. Then, Joyce & Feez (2000) stated that

“Narratives show how people react to experiences, explore social and cultural

values and entertain the audience. Aims to entertain, to get and retain the attention

of the reader or listener of the story”. In a brief, narrative is to tell the stories or

past events that has purpose to amuse, entertain or the readers.

Other definitions of narrative text is also stated by Meyers (2005),

“Narrative is one of the most powerful ways of communicating with others”.

Moreover, Crown (2008) writes that “The narrative is about something that has

already happened in the past so a series of events is usually the underlying

structure”. In addition, Crystal (2008) states that “A narrative text is a story that is

told conveyed to recipient and his telling requires a medium, it is converted into


Based on the explanations, it can be conclude that narrative text is the

story which tells about something interesting has already happened in the past that

has purpose to entertain the readers. The writer will focus on the narrative text

about legend/folklore with the title “Tujuh Putri, legenda asal mula kota Dumai”.

This story taken from book of Legenda Putri Tujuh: Asal mula kota Dumai

(2005). This story tell about Dumai, there was a prosperous Kingdom named Seri

Bungan Tanjung. It was ruled by a beautiful Queen whose name was Cik Sima.

She had seven good-looking daughters. Out of seven, the youngest daughter,

Mayang Sari, was the most beautiful. One day, the seven princesses took bath in

Sarang Umai pool, making joke and remaining in the water for long time. Those

were Prince Empang and his guardsmen who were passing by the pool. They

peeped at the seven princesses through shady bushes nearby the pool. The prince

was amazed of seeing those beautiful ladies, but his eyes could not stop watching

the most beautiful, Princess Mayang Sari. “Gadis cantik dilubuk Umai, Cantik di

Umai, ya, ya, d’umai, d’umai”. The main characters in this story are Cik Sima,

the seven princess, Prince Empang Kuala.

2.4.2 Purpose of Narrative Text

Based on the definition of narrative text, it is clear that purpose of

narrative text is to inform or retell to the readers about an event that happened in

the past. According to Grace (2006), “The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or

entertain and to deal with actual/imaginative experience in different ways”. In

addition, Ali (2010) argues that “Narrative is a text focusing specific participants,

its social function is to tell the stories or past events and entertain the readers”. In

conclusion, the main purpose of narrative text is to entertain the readers through a

story. However, the narrative text is commonly tells a legend both fact and fiction

that written in interesting story.


2.4.3 Generic Structure of Narrative Text

According to Anderson (2003), a narrative text consisted of the following

structure :

1. Orientation

The readers are introduced to the main characters and possibly some minor

characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is located and

when it is taking place.

2. Complication/rising action

The complication is pushed along by a serious of events, during which we

usually expert some sort of complications or problems to arise. It just would not

be so interesting if something unnexpected did not happen. This complication

involved the main characters.

3. Climax

This is where the narrator tells how the character reacts to the

complication. It includes their felling and what they do. The event can be told in

chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The

audience is given the narrator’s point of view.

4. Resolution/falling action

In this part, the implication may be resolved for better or worse, but it is

rarely left completely unresolved (although this is of course possible in certain

types of narrative which leaves us wondering “how did it end”).

Based on the explanations, it can be taken a conclusion that narrative text

has general structures that consist of orientation, complication, climax and


resolution. In orientation, the readers are introduced to the main characters and

where the action is located. In complication, always finds serious events or

problems. In climax, the character reacts to the complication. It includes their

feelings and what they do, and in resolution, the implication may be resolved for

better or worse.

2.5 Error Analysis

Error analysis which is described in this chapter will be divided into:

definition of error analysis, and types of error.

2.5.1 Definition of Error Analysis

Error in using target language commonly appear for foreign language

learners. Therefore, an error analysis is needed to investigate the causes of errors.

For the purpose of this study, we shall keep to the fundamental understanding of

errors. According to Nunan (2005) defines that “Error analysis involves studying

sample of learners’ spoken and written language to identify the grammatical error

they make”. In addition, James (2013) states that “Error analysis is a major

component of core linguistic, errors analysis is a branch not a linguistic theory but

applied linguistic”.

Based on the definitions above, the writer concluded that error analysis is

a process to analyse the grammatical errors neither in spoken nor in written. It is

purpose is to collect critical inform, and it is done by investigating the cause of

error and identifying the sample of errors. Error analysis in this study will focus

on the errors of Google Translation product.


2.5.2 Types of Errors

Analysis of written errors focuses on the surface strategy taxonomy error.

Brannan & Weiss (2007) stated that “Surface strategy taxonomy errors includes

addition, omission, miselection, and misordering”. Thus, the explanation of these

errors will be discussed as follows.

1. Addition

According to Ellis (2002) “Addition is the presence of an item that must

not appear in well-formed utterances”. The characteristic of these error is signaled

to an item appear in utterance sentence. For example:

 The area was turned into the mainland (Incorrect).

 The area turned into the mainland (Correct)

2. Omission

Omission is contrary with addition. This type of error is characterized to

ommit an item that must appear to form well utterance sentence. According to

Thewissen (2015), “Omission is the absences of an element is ungrammatical”.

For example:

 The area Limboto (Incorrect).

 The area of Limboto (Correct).

3. Miselection

Thewissen (2015) argues that “Miselection is using of the wrong form of

the morpheme or structure”. For example:

 Finally, Lahilote and Boilode were married. They live in harmony and

peace (Incorrect).

 Finally, Lahilote and Boilode were married. They lived in harmony and

peace (Correct).

4. Misordering

Misordering errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of a

morpheme or group of morphemes. Thewissen (2015) states that “Misordering is

incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance”. For


 Origin of Stone Lahilote (Incorrect).

 Origin of Lahilote Stone (Correct).

2.6 Operational Definition

The definitions of key terms are explained as follows:

1. Error Analysis

James (2013) states that “Error analysis is a major component of core

linguistic, errors analysis is a branch not a linguistic theory but applied linguistic”.

In this study, the writer wants to analyze error of Google Translation in

Indonesian-to-English and English-to-Indonesian translation, referring to Brannan

& Weiss’ theory.

2. Translation

Suryawinata (2003) states that “Translation is a craft in the attempt to

replace a written message and or statement in one language by the same message

and/or statement in another language”. In this study, the writer wants to analyze

how to translate using Google Translation.


3. Google Translation

According to Lopez (2008), “As the Statistical Machine Translation,

google translator tends to produce less accurate of meaning because it only

translating based on the word for word than the actual meaning of the text, and it

can impact the accurateness of translation that we got from google translator”. In

this study, the writer wants to translate by using Google Translation, and analyze

the errors that common appear by Google Translation.

4. Narrative text

According to Grace (2006), “The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or

entertain and to deal with actual/imaginative experience in different ways”. In this

study, the writer chooses a narrative text about the legend to be translated material

by using Google Translation.

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