Theoretical Orientation
Theoretical Orientation
Theoretical Orientation
discusses some major points, such as: language, translation, google translation,
2.1 Language
used as a tool of communication among the nations over the world. According to
each other”. In addition, Hornby (2002) states that “Language is the method of
sound symbols that used by group. In Indonesia, Indonesian is the first language,
2.2 Translation
structures from a source language into a target language. Translation has been
from a written source language text to an optimally equivalent target language text
and requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and text pragmatic comprehension
by the translator of the original text”. Moreover, Suryawinata (2003) states that
addition, Rosyid (2011) argues that “Translation is a general term that refers to the
removal of reflections and ideas from one source language (SL) and target
1. Pragmatic translation
information that was meant to be conveyed in the SL form and it is not conveyed
English :
For baby: after bathing, dust generously over the skin, taking special care
Bahasa :
untuk bayi: taburkan bedak pada seluruh kulit sehabis mandi, terutama
2. Aesthetic-poetic translation
It refers to translation in which the translator takes into account the affect,
emotion, and feeling of an original version, the aesthetic form used by the original
English :
When I went to bed last night, my last thought was of you. When I woke up
this morning, my first thought was of you. You are my everything; my sun,
my stars, my sky .
Bahasa :
Ketika Aku pergi tidur semalam, pikiran terakhirku adalah dirimu. Ketika
Aku bangun pagi ini, pikiran pertamaku adalah dirimu. Kaulah segalanya
3. Ethnographic translation
Translators have to be sensitive to the way words are used and must know how
English :
traditional recipe from Danish and from selected ingredients and good
quality butter.
Bahasa :
Royal choice adalah butter cookies dengan resep tradisional Danish dan
4. Linguistic translation
English :
message editing screen will be back after you end the call or alarm clock.
Bahasa :
Jika penulisan pesan terganggu oleh panggilan masuk atau alarm jam,
layar penulisan akan muncul kembali setelah panggilan atau alarm jam
classified into two methods covering seven procedures. They are (a) direct
translation, covering borrowing, calque and literal translation, and (b) oblique
1. Borrowing
where a word or an expression is taken from the SL and used in the TL, but in a
pronunciation of the TL. Haugen (2009) argues that “There are some possibilities
a. Pure Loanword
Bahasa : Email
b. Mixed loanword
For example:
Bahasa : Akun
c. Loan blends
2. Calque
Calque refers to the case where the translator imitates in his translation the
structure or manner of expression of the SL. Calque may introduce a structure that
3. Literal Translation
4. Transposition
changing the meaning of the message. The method also involves a change in the
position of adjective, changing the word class or part of speech). For example:
5. Modulation
TL. There are two types of modulation, i.e. free or optional modulation and fixed
a. Free Modulation
b. Fixed modulation
6. Equivalent
This term is used to refer to cases where languages describe the same
Bahasa : Aduh or Aw
7. Adaptation
the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. In such case, the translators have to
create a new situation that can be considered as being equivalent. For example:
material from one language into another language. Google Translation is one
Inc. It translates one written source language to another directly or with English as
a medium”.
by people around the world to translate texts over 90 different languages (as cited
Ghasemi & Hashemian, 2016, p.13). Not only can it translate words, but also
Machine Translation. Karami (2014) argues that “Since the number of translated
texts varies from users to users, consequently, the quality of Google Translate
A. Advantages
online application and can be run on top of third party websites to offer visitors an
automated translation of the content in any of the available languages. The tool is
fast and easy to use and it claims to provide adequate general content translation
for over 50 languages. For informational purposes it provides the user with a
powerful tool to gather data and find information on sites that were previously
Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech and Dutch are some of the
Greek, German, and Italian among others. (2) Google Translate is a free service
that is easy to access. (3) Google Translate users do not have incur extra
Translate translates localized resources and data to local language. This is the
reason why it is more convenient to use Google Translate over localized solution
offers you more flexibility to switch between local language and English to attain
better understanding.
B. Disadvantages
matching to translate, translated text can often include apparently nonsensical and
“There are some semantic level problems; also there are some types of lexical or
syntactic ambiguities” (as cited Soomro, Ahmad & Usman, 2014, p.41). For
Njoroge (2012), “You can translate Google easily following these tips:
1. Find the Google Translate software by going to then type the
type "".
3. To translate Google text that is in separate files, copy and paste the entire
text passage to Google translate text box then select the original language
on drop-down menu.
4. Finally, select the language to which you want to translate the text.
Hyland (2004) states that “In English, there are some types of genres, such
spoof, recount, and review”. In this study, the writer focuses on narrative text.
Narrative text is a text about a story that can be in the form of: folklore,
animal story (fable), legend or short story, novels, etc. According to Bal (2009),
“a text that not consist solely of narration, in the specific sense. In every narrative
text, one point can to passage that concern something other than event such as an
opinion about something, for example a disclosure on the part of the narrator
In addition, Anderson (2003) argues that “Narrative is a piece of text tells a story
and, in doing so, entertains the audience”. Then, Joyce & Feez (2000) stated that
“Narratives show how people react to experiences, explore social and cultural
values and entertain the audience. Aims to entertain, to get and retain the attention
of the reader or listener of the story”. In a brief, narrative is to tell the stories or
Moreover, Crown (2008) writes that “The narrative is about something that has
structure”. In addition, Crystal (2008) states that “A narrative text is a story that is
told conveyed to recipient and his telling requires a medium, it is converted into
story which tells about something interesting has already happened in the past that
has purpose to entertain the readers. The writer will focus on the narrative text
about legend/folklore with the title “Tujuh Putri, legenda asal mula kota Dumai”.
This story taken from book of Legenda Putri Tujuh: Asal mula kota Dumai
(2005). This story tell about Dumai, there was a prosperous Kingdom named Seri
Bungan Tanjung. It was ruled by a beautiful Queen whose name was Cik Sima.
She had seven good-looking daughters. Out of seven, the youngest daughter,
Mayang Sari, was the most beautiful. One day, the seven princesses took bath in
Sarang Umai pool, making joke and remaining in the water for long time. Those
were Prince Empang and his guardsmen who were passing by the pool. They
peeped at the seven princesses through shady bushes nearby the pool. The prince
was amazed of seeing those beautiful ladies, but his eyes could not stop watching
the most beautiful, Princess Mayang Sari. “Gadis cantik dilubuk Umai, Cantik di
Umai, ya, ya, d’umai, d’umai”. The main characters in this story are Cik Sima,
narrative text is to inform or retell to the readers about an event that happened in
the past. According to Grace (2006), “The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or
addition, Ali (2010) argues that “Narrative is a text focusing specific participants,
its social function is to tell the stories or past events and entertain the readers”. In
conclusion, the main purpose of narrative text is to entertain the readers through a
story. However, the narrative text is commonly tells a legend both fact and fiction
structure :
1. Orientation
The readers are introduced to the main characters and possibly some minor
characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is located and
2. Complication/rising action
usually expert some sort of complications or problems to arise. It just would not
3. Climax
This is where the narrator tells how the character reacts to the
complication. It includes their felling and what they do. The event can be told in
chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The
4. Resolution/falling action
In this part, the implication may be resolved for better or worse, but it is
resolution. In orientation, the readers are introduced to the main characters and
feelings and what they do, and in resolution, the implication may be resolved for
better or worse.
For the purpose of this study, we shall keep to the fundamental understanding of
errors. According to Nunan (2005) defines that “Error analysis involves studying
sample of learners’ spoken and written language to identify the grammatical error
they make”. In addition, James (2013) states that “Error analysis is a major
component of core linguistic, errors analysis is a branch not a linguistic theory but
applied linguistic”.
Based on the definitions above, the writer concluded that error analysis is
error and identifying the sample of errors. Error analysis in this study will focus
Brannan & Weiss (2007) stated that “Surface strategy taxonomy errors includes
1. Addition
2. Omission
ommit an item that must appear to form well utterance sentence. According to
For example:
3. Miselection
Finally, Lahilote and Boilode were married. They live in harmony and
peace (Incorrect).
Finally, Lahilote and Boilode were married. They lived in harmony and
peace (Correct).
4. Misordering
1. Error Analysis
linguistic, errors analysis is a branch not a linguistic theory but applied linguistic”.
2. Translation
replace a written message and or statement in one language by the same message
and/or statement in another language”. In this study, the writer wants to analyze
3. Google Translation
translating based on the word for word than the actual meaning of the text, and it
can impact the accurateness of translation that we got from google translator”. In
this study, the writer wants to translate by using Google Translation, and analyze
4. Narrative text
study, the writer chooses a narrative text about the legend to be translated material