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texture of the image, with some potentially

1. File Menu contains all of the stuff you radical results.

expect. It lets you open and close
documents with a few extras including 7. The view menu is where you change
import, which deals with scanning, and the view settings. You can use this to
save for web, which allows you to export a show and display guidelines on the image
web-ready image from your Photoshop and to zoom in and out, among other
file. things.

2. Edit Menu is another familiar menu. In 8. The window menu allows you to toggle
Photoshop, edit houses all of the back and forth between hide and show for
expected options as well as fill and stroke, each interface element. This is the first
and other image-altering functions. place you should go if you lose track of a
particular window while you are working.
3. Items on the image menu affect a
whole image for the most part. Here you 9. Last and least is the help menu. The
will find color adjustments, size help documentation is not so helpful, but
adjustments, and any other changes you for some reasons, this menu contains two
need to make globally when working with nice features: resize image and export
a Photoshop file. transparent image.

4. The layer menu is similar to the image Parts of the Options Bar
menu. It allows you to make changes to  Zoom In/Zoom Out tools: You can
an image without altering your original choose Zoom In or Zoom Out as separate
image data. It contains options that affect tools to avoid using the Alt key to toggle
only current or selected layers. Just between the two.
understand that an image in Photoshop  Zoom percentage: This figure shows
consists of stacked transparent layers. you the current zoom level as a
Options in the Layer menu affect these percentage. You can edit the text by
pieces of the image rather than the typing values between 5 and 3200.
complete image.  Zoom slider: Click the down-pointing
arrow to open a slider bar. Drag the slider
5. The select menu deals with selections left to zoom out or right to zoom in.
you make. Selecting the specific parts of  Resize Windows to Fit: Select this
an image you would like to change is a check box to resize the window along with
difficult part when working with the image zoom. Deselect the box to
Photoshop. This menu gives you some zoom in and out of an image while the
options regarding selections, including the image window remains at a fixed size.
ability to save selections, reverse them, or  Zoom All Windows: If you have
add to them. Learning the options on the multiple images open and select this
selection menu can really save you some check box, zooming with the zoom tool
time. zooms all open documents
6. The filter menu is probably what most
 1:1: Click this button to zoom the
people think when they work with
current window to a 1-to-1 ratio, showing
Photoshop. The filter menu allows you to
the zoom level at which the file will be
apply filters to any part of your image.
These filters include ways to change the
 Fit Screen: Click to fit the image within
the image window.
 Fill Screen: Click to zoom the current
window to fill the screen.
 Print Size: Click to zoom the image to
the size of the print file. Often, this option
shows you the same size as 1:1.

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