Violence Prevention Classroom Rubric
Violence Prevention Classroom Rubric
Violence Prevention Classroom Rubric
Directions: Provided are the criteria the teacher should be assessing to determine if the student is
learning the content throughout the entire lesson.
Classroom Student exceeded Student met all Student often met Student did not
Expectations all classroom classroom all classroom meet classroom
expectations and expectations. expectations, but expectations as
was a positive needed to do so he/she needed
example for on a more frequent
others when consistent basis. reminders of
working in a positive
group setting. classroom
Group Activity Student Student Student Student did not
completed the contributed completed most complete the
activity positively to the of the group group activity in
thoroughly and group activity. activity an effective
with excellent appropriately, but manner. Student
effort. needed to exhibit exhibited minimal
more consistent effort as he/she
effort when did not contribute
working with to the group and
peers. was a distraction.
Discussion Student Student added Student Discussion
volunteered helpful thoughts participated in the participation was
helpful thoughts and/or questions discussion when minimal and
and/or questions to the discussion called on, student was
to the discussion and sometimes however, he/she inattentive when
and listened volunteered. needed to others presented.
respectfully to the Student listened volunteer more
thoughts of respectfully to and/or be more
his/her peers. his/her peers. respectful to
his/her peers.
Total: ___________/12
Grading Key: