Module 9 (Prof Ed 11 FS 1)
Module 9 (Prof Ed 11 FS 1)
Module 9 (Prof Ed 11 FS 1)
Libon, Albay
This episode gives emphasis on the principles of learning which must be applied to ensure
quality instruction. It also focuses on the intended outcomes which set the direction of the lesson. They
must be (SMART) Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) and formulated in
accordance with time tested principles. It also determines the teaching method used by the Resource
Teacher whether (inductive or deductive) which is the practical realization or application of the
approach. This episode dovetails with the course on Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching.
A teaching method consists of systematic and orderly steps in the teaching-learning process. It is
the practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of teaching can be classified either as
deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).
Activity 9.1 - Demonstrating and Understanding of Research-Based Knowledge Principles of Teaching and
Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in the Revisit the Learning Essentials. I will
identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can cite more than one evidence per
principle of learning.
Least Applied:
The learning principles that is least applied is the “Effective learning begins with setting clear
expectations and learning outcomes” the teachers cooperating with least learning from the start
of the lesson. The students are not much cooperative with the start of the lesson but if they are
enjoying, they will participate and actively do their motivation.
From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
The important principles of “Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.” Because the teacher is
enhancing the self – confidence of the students to share and develop their socialization of their classmate. And
“Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas” the teacher is relating the lesson to other discovery
and process for the students to be relate and be able to share their thought about the lesson that the teacher is
sharing. The most important principles are the cooperative and collaborative is a method of teaching and learning
in which student are group with team or pair to be able to share their thoughts, opinion and ideas that they cannot
able to share in class. Instead they can share is from their group. Cooperative and collaborative learnings is helping
the pupils to build positive relationship among their classmate and creating positive learning’s from their
Activity 9.2 - Identifying Learning Outcomes that are Aligned with Learning Competencies
Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determine if the lerning
outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.
1. The students were able to answer the question thrown by the teacher they can answer based from their prior
knowledge and abilities.
2. The most important is considering the individual differences of the leaners their gender, age, intelligence,
interest, ability, prior knowledge, and self – esteem. The teacher must consider and understand the individual
differences of the students , understand that her students has different beliefs, ability, and specially
intelligence they have different capability and prior information and opinion to their self. They have different
talent to show their participation in class. The students can follow the direction.
1. Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?
SMART goals are set up for success by making goals, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic,
and timely. The SMART method helps push you further to build lesson and assessment. In SMART
objectives will really help the lesson become more focused because with the utilization of SMART
learning objectives, teacher is guided with regard to achieving the intended learning outcomes or
what they are expecting from the student. The SMART creates a much better chance to learn and
helping the students learn and performed activity. It will help the teacher and students achieve
their desired and goals in a specific lesson. The learning goals to be achieve and successful in
process of learning through the different objectives, goals, measurable and realistic. The activity
and task must be appropriate to the leaners.
Reflect on the
Smart goals set up for success by making goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The Smart
method help the teacher to organize and reach the goals of the specific lecture. By providing clear comprehensive
learning outcomes, faculty to begin to provide a transparent pathway for the student to success. The lesson must
be specific should provide the “who” and “what’ of activities to be used in the lecture the learning objectives must
be appropriate to the leaner’s ability and skills. Measurable is the learning goals of learning objective of the whole
lesson. Achievable the objectives must be attainable within the given resource program to the pupils. And lastly
time phased is helping planning and organizing, and evaluating the given objective to attain in the teaching
In short SMART must always present in delivering lecture to the students and all the learning objective and
learning goals should be achieve of the pupils. Smart is very important to consider in making lesson in the students
and leaners to be effective and officiate and appropriate to student. Smart is an effective tool in providing a clarity
focus and motivation you need to achieve goal in teaching. It also improves our ability to reach and engaging and
relating things.
I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the guide questions, I will
reflect on my observations and analysis.
Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-learning
No, the teacher only explaining the lesson but asking process? We? How? Or were they mere passive
some opinion of the students involved in the teaching- recipients of instruction?
learning process ideas to her students. The teacher is Yes, the students are involved in the learning process
only the source of information to be transfer to through collaborating and participation in lesson by
students. sharing thoughts and ideas in class. Sometimes those
learners are passive learners when they like or
interesting in the lesson they are participating and
answering some question of the teacher to them.
Leaners construct knowledge by receiving information
from the teacher and integrating their experiences
and prior knowledge.
Was the emphasis on the mastery of the lesson or on Was the emphasis on the student’s application of the
the test? Prove. lesson in real life? Give proofs.
The emphasis of the lesson is probably through test, Yes, the leaners be able to share their own
activity, seat work and graded recitation. The teacher experiences in class, based from the teacher
is using real life situation that the students can relate. explanation and example. There is authentic education
The teacher always presents to the students the wherein the students are able to relate and
important of studying the lesson and learning the understand the lesson and they can relate it in the
lesson. The teacher is integrating and relating the future. Of can share ideas based on their own
lesson in the current and real life situations. experiences.
Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?
Yes, during the face to face classes the atmosphere of Yes, the student’s atmosphere collaborating and
the classroom is very competitive in term of cooperating with each other in terms of group
participating and cooperating in answering the activities wherein there is a unity and sharing among
question of the students at the same time are them. They are helping each other to easily finished
engaging in the class activities. the task give from their teacher. The students are
really eager to learn and finished the activity on time.
Did teacher focus only on one discipline/subject? Did teacher connect lesson to other
No, the teacher used various subject to integrate the disciplines/subjects?
lesson enable the student to cope and understand Yes, the teacher is connecting the lesson to other
easily the lecture in a day. Teacher gives emphasis the disciplines/subject to become effective and interesting
discipline before and after the lecture. It’s important the lesson and for the students also to easily
to relate or integrate the lesson to the subject for the understand it.
students to understand more and learn from it.
b) Inquiry-based
The teacher given several questions that is related to the subject matter. The teacher is asking question to
students to answer if possible. Like graded recitation the teacher is given grade for those students who answer
the question and be able to recite. Ma’am Astillero is given reward for those students who are really
participating and cooperating in the graded recitation related to the lesson.
g) Integrative - Lesson was multidisciplinary - e.g. In Science, Math concepts were taught.
Based from my resource teacher the lesson must be multidisciplinary need to integrate to other subject for the
students to understand and comprehend in their mind and learnings about the relationship and taught of each
subject matter.
1. What possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the test?
The student will be enclosed in a four corner of the classroom the learning will not extend to the real
world because the students are just adopting new learnings and concept. The students are studying for
the sake of examination and quizzes but they cannot apply from their life. They are learning inside the
classroom but if they go home, they forgot everything what the teacher teaching them. Specially those
students who are not really participating and cooperating in the class discussion. So, it’s important that
the teaching method is interesting so that the pupils will be motivated to study hard. If the teacher is
using effective instructional materials maybe the students will not be forgotten the lesson in a day.
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-centered?
If I will reteach the classes that I observed I would choose the teacher – centered classes because I
want my students to learn something in the lecture. I would conduct and think a motivation and effective
instructional material that appropriate to my students in the future. I would encourage and motivate the
whole class to actively participate in the class discussion. I will impose an effective teaching strategy for y
students to listen actively in the lesson.
Post proofs of learning that you were able to to gain in this Episode. You may attach the lesson plan (s) used
by your Resource Teacher to show the intended learning outcomes and the method used in class.
Evaluate your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 9 - Preparing for Teaching and Learning:
Learning Outcomes: Identify the teaching-learning practices that apply or violate the principles of teaching learning *
determine the guiding principles on lesson objectives/learning outcomes applied in instruction * judge if lesson
objectives/intended learning outcomes are SMART * determine whether or not the intended learning outcomes are achieved
at the end of the lesson * observed the teaching methods used by the Resource Teacher * differentiate the different methods
of teaching.
Name of FS Student __________John Francis B. Abejo______________ Date Submitted __October 26, 2023_____
Year and Section ___________IV_________ Course ___BTVTED______
___________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Teacher above Printed Name Date