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FS 2 Soft

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My Tool

As I
[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or observe
use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box a class,
anywhere on the page, just drag it.] I will
use the Observation sheet for a more focused observation

Teaching Behavior of the

Teacher/ Learning Behavior
Principles of Learning of the Learner as Proof of
the Application of the
Principle of Learning
1) Learning is an experience Teacher lets the learners do the
which occurs inside the learning activity. e.g. A student
learner and is activated by writes the letter instead of
the learner. writing it by herself.

Instead of giving direct answers

2) Learning is the discovery of to her class, the teacher showed
the personal meaning and a powerpoint presentation with
relevance of ideas. pictures and let the students
give their own ideas.
The teacher tells the students
not to play inside the classroom
3) Learning is a consequence because of the slippery floor, but
of experience. they still played inside and one
student slipped. The student was
injured because of his action and
in the process learns that playing
while the floor is slippery is bad.

4) Learning is a cooperative Learners will learn more if they

and collaborative process. are given chances to work
together and share ideas. The
teacher gives the students a
group activity.
Learning requires time and
effort. It does not happen in an
5) Learning is an evolutionary instant. It undergoes a series of
process. events before a student can fully
learn something.

6) Learning is sometimes a Learning means to invest time to

painful process. study and make all the necessary
requirements. With all the
stressors in their surroundings.

7) One of the richest Learning is not controlled by the

resources for the learning teacher rather on the learner’s
is the learner himself. wants, interests and motives to

8) The process of learning is As a teacher, let us appeal to our

emotional as well as student’s intellect as well as to
intellectual. their emotions.

9) The process of problem Each student has their own

solving and learning is special way in learning and
highly unique and solving a problem.

My Analysis
What is the impact of the resource Teacher’s observance of these
principles on the teaching-learning process and on the learners?

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through

experience, study, or by being taught. It would be best for
learning if the teacher observe the students to knowledge and
personal perspective towards a certain lesson. And there the
teacher can conclude if the student really has learned
What is the impact of the resource Teacher’s observance of these
principles on the teaching-learning process and on the learners?

It was the learning principle by Jean Piaget that was applied

Which learning principle was applied least or not at

Base on my observation in the class the least learning principle
used was the learning principle by Lev Vygotsky.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through
experience, study, or by being taught. It would be best for learning if the
teacher observe the students to knowledge and personal perspective
towards a certain lesson. And there the teacher can conclude if the student
really has learned something from the lessons taught.

Which learning principle was applied most?

It was the learning principle by Jean Piaget that was applied

Which learning principle was applied least or not at all applied?

Base on my observation in the class the least learning principle
used was the learning principle by Lev Vygotsky.

Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you

principles were studied and used for many
applied that
most? they are not always correct?
years. But they are not always correct at some points.
you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that the
are not always correct?
Those said learning principles were studied and used for
My reflections on my observation of my Resource Teacher’s
observance of these principles. Did my Resource Teachers adhere
years. But they are not always correct at some points.
My Reflections

My reflections on my observation of my Resource Teacher’s

observance of
these principles.
Based on myour observation, learning is the Did my Resource
discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of Teachers adhere
ideas was the principle applied most. This is because to these
before a teacher conducts another lesson he/she first principles?
makes a recall about their past lessons. And then, after
that he/she didn’t directly give or explain what seems
to be their topic on a particular day. Instead he/she
might give either activity orThe lessonpoem
a short we have
whichlearned from our observation on the
in a given topic. In that classroom application
way, the learners of the
found outprinciples
that the of learning is that for a
teacher to be effective, one first thing to do is to get the
learners attention in order to have a better interaction between
the learner and the teacher. Other than that, make the
students feel that learning is a must most especially on the
part of the learners. Always Lessons
motivateI them
have learned
to learn from my
and pursue
observations on the classroom application of
their studies and never easily give-up until they reach
Based on our observation, learning is the discovery of the personal
meaning and relevance of ideas was the principle applied most. This
is because before a teacher conducts another lesson he/she first
makes a recall about their past lessons. And then, after that he/she
didn’t directly give or explain what seems to be their topic on a
particular day. Instead he/she might give either activity or a short
poem which involves in a given topic. In that way, the learners
found out that the learning is the discovery of personal meaning
and relevance of ideas.

Lessons I have learned from my observations on the

classroom application of the principles of learning.
The lesson we have learned from our
observation on the classroom application of the
principles of learning is that for a teacher to be
effective, one first thing to do is to get the
learners attention in order to have a better
interaction between the learner and the teacher.
Other than that, make the students feel that
learning is a must most especially on the part of
the learners. Always motivate them to learn and
pursue their studies and never easily give-up until
they reach whatever their goals in life.
My Portfolio

Principles of Learning in My Own Words

 1. Learning is an on-going process which
requires time and diligence.
 2. Considered learners as active and rational
human beings.
 3. Learning should be started, experienced
and practiced by the students.
 4. Learning should be experiential as much
as possible.
 5 Learners psychological and emotional
stability should be measured in acquiring
 6. Individual differences and multiple
intelligences should be considered in
integrating the method and materials
needed in the lesson.
 7. Learning is socializing and sharing ideas
with others.
 8. Learning is reflecting, understanding and
applying the essence of ideas and meanings
in their lives.


My Tool
As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet
for a more focused observation.
As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more
focused observation.

Guiding Principles in Teaching Behavior/s which

Determining and Formulating Prove/s Observance of the
Learning Objectives Guiding Principle

1) Begin with the end of mind. The Resource Teacher began her
lesson by stating her objectives.

The Resource teacher begins

2) Share lesson objective with with a statement and
students clarification of the lesson
objective. The teacher also
encourages the students to make
lesson objectives on their own.

3) Lesson Objectives must be in The resource teacher did not

the 2 or 3 domains- cognitive, only show or state the definition
skill and affective or cognitive of a certain topic but also
and affective or skill and encourages the students to
affective. share their ideas.

The teacher’s objectives is

4) Work on significant and relevant to the student’s life.
relevant lesson objectives. She gives examples that
students can relate with.

5) Lesson objectives must lead The resource teacher did not just
to the development of critical gave them written task but also
and creative thinking. asked orally. Through this,
students can develop critical
thinking skills.
After observing your Resource Teacher teaches, write down
what you think was/were her lesson objective. After
observing your Resource Teacher teaches, write down what you
think was/were her lesson objective.

After carefully observing my resource teacher I came up

with these objectives:
 The students will know what is paraphrasing
 The students will construct their own sentences by

Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for you to

copy her lesson objective for the day’s lesson. Copy it
here then compare it with your answer in #2. Are they
the same? Different? After
 At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
 Define paraphrasing
 Restate the ideas covered by the text
 Analyze the meaning of the original and paraphrased

observing my resource teacher I came up with these objectives:

 The students will know what is paraphrasing
 The students will construct their own sentences by paraphrasing
 Appreciate the importance of paraphrasing
Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for you to copy her lesson
objective for the day’s lesson. Copy it here then compare it with
your answer in #2. Are they the same? Different?
 At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
 Define paraphrasing
 Restate the ideas covered by the text
 Analyse the meaning of the original and paraphrased texts
My Analysis
If answer in #3
If answer in #3 above is different, what is your above is
conclusion regarding written lesson objective and different, what is
actual lesson development? Are lesson objectives in your conclusion
the lesson plan always followed? Do they really regarding written
serve as guiding star? lesson objective
and actual lesson development? Are lesson objectives in the lesson
plan always followed? Do they really serve as guiding star?

My answer in number 3 compared to the lesson objectives of

the teacher has a resemblance. The lesson objectives really
serve as guiding stars to the development of learning of the
learners. Sometimes lesson objectives are not followed but
students can still learn if the teacher teaches topics related to
his/her lesson objectives.

My answer in number 3 compared to the lesson objectives of

the teacher has a resemblance. The lesson objectives really
serve as guiding stars to the development of learning of the
learners. Sometimes lesson objectives are not followed but
students can still learn if the teacher teaches topics related to

Why did you find it easy/difficult to write down the Resource

Teacher’s lesson objectives for the day? Did she mention it at the
beginning of his/her lesson?

Why did you find

it easy/difficult to
I find the lesson objective easy to guess because of the write down the
strategy she is using. She let the students to choose one line Resource
from the song and interpret it using their own understanding, Teacher’s lesson
so I immediately guessed that they’re lesson is all about objectives for the
paraphrasing. Even though the teacher didn’t mention the day? Did she
lesson objectives at the beginning of their class, the way she mention it at the
beginning of
his/her lesson?

I find the lesson objective easy to guess because of the

strategy she is using. She let the students to choose one line
from the song and interpret it using their own understanding,
so I immediately guessed that they’re lesson is all about
paraphrasing. Even though the teacher didn’t mention the
lesson objectives at the beginning of their class, the way she
discussed the topic make me know what her lesson objectives

Did you find the lesson objective SMART? Why?

Yes, her learning objectives were classified as SMART in such

Did you
way that it can be consumed in specific-time-allotment. Aside
the from that it can also be measured and attained in a way that
the student will know the meaning of paraphrasing and to give

Was the lesson objective in the cognitive or psychomotor

or affective domain? Or was it in the two or three
lesson objective SMART?
Why? Why not?
The lesson is in the COGNITVE as well as AFFECTIVE domain
because it’s not only encouraging the students to think, to
analyze or to restate the idea being presented but also
students are encouraged to relate some of the lines in the song

Yes, her learning objectives were classified as SMART in such way that
it can be consumed in specific-time-allotment. Aside from that it can
also be measured and attained in a way that the student will know the
meaning of paraphrasing and to give samples of it.
Was the lesson objective in the cognitive or psychomotor or
affective domain? Or was it in the two or three domains? Support
your answer.
The lesson is in the COGNITVE as well as AFFECTIVE domain because
its not only encouraging the students to think, to analyze or to restate
the idea being presented but also students are encouraged to relate
some of the lines in the song to their lives.
My Reflections
Any lesson learned or insights gained from your observation
focused on objectives? Write them down here. Are lesson
objectives truly the guiding star in the development of a
lesson? Or are lesson objectives sometimes forgotten as the
lesson develops?

I learned that lesson objectives must be in the 2 or 3

domains-knowledge; the cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
The lesson objectives must be connected to the student’s life
experiences. I also learned that we can also share the lesson
objectives with the students. Those objectives must be
attained at the end of the lesson in order to proceed to another
topic. Lesson objectives are guide for us to determine if the

I learned that lesson objectives must be in the 2 or 3 domains-

knowledge; the cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The
lesson objectives must be connected to the student’s life
experiences. I also learned that we can also share the lesson
objectives with the students. Those objectives must be attained
at the end of the lesson in order to proceed to another topic.
Lesson objectives are guide for us to determine if the lesson
was delivered without missing any important details.

My Portfolio
My research quotations that state the significance of goals and
objectives (don’t forget to state your answer)

“Failures comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives

and principles.” – Jawaharial Nehru

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of plan, in

which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must
vigorously act. There is no other route to success. – Stephen
A. Brennan

“Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They

are essential to really keep us alive. “ – Robert H. Schuller

“Man, with no objective, will soon possess nothing. Having an

objective, even low, is better than having none.” – Carlisle

“Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you
what is possible for your life.” - Les Brown


My Tools
For the Cognitive Lesson
What is the lesson about?
Class I:
Class I: Adjectives Adjectives
Class II: Poem ”When I was one Class II: Poem
”When I was
one and twenty”

What are the examples of facts mentioned in the lesson?

Class I: There were picture presented and the

students are asked to describe this picture.
Class II: The students were asked on how they
handle the advices of their guardian or other

Class I: There were picture presented and the students

are asked to describe this picture.
Class II: The students were asked on how they handle the
advices of their guardian or other elder people.

Did the lesson end with facts? Or did these facts lead to
misunderstanding of concepts? Prove your answer.
Class I: In
Class I: In the First lesson the students the First
have learned the use of adjective. lesson
Class II: The students understand the the
importance of listening to their students
learned the use of adjective.
Class II: The students understand the importance of
listening to their parents’ advice.
Write down instances of treating the topic in depth (giving
examples, examining cause -effect relationships, relating ideas
or concepts to one another.)

Class I: The teacher presented pictures where in, in

describing these pictures they gained their
examples of adjectives.
Class II: The students were asked about the

Class I: The teacher presented pictures where in, in

describing these pictures they gained their examples of
Class II: The students were asked about the advices they
were given by their parents and on how they act upon
this advices.

Cite instance/instances when students were encouraged to ask

questions, to talk about and reflect on what they learned.

Class I: The students were curious about the uses

and significance of adjectives that’s why they raise a
lot of questions.
Class II: The students were aware of the fact that

Class I: The students were curious about the uses and

significance of adjectives that’s why they raise a lot of
Class II: The students were aware of the fact that parents
have greater experience that’s why there were only few
questions raised.
For the Skill Lesson

What was the skill lesson about? Which skills was/were target?
Manipulative skill or thinking skill?

The lesson more focused on the thinking skills of the student

where in they can think fluent, they can construct ideas
relevant to the certain topic and they can response
easily because of their own insights and own
experiences by reminiscing their past.

The lesson more focused on the thinking skills of the

student where in they can think fluent, they can construct
ideas relevant to the certain topic and they can response
easily because of their own insights and own experiences
by reminiscing their past.
Ex. Love… places…

Write evidence of the teacher’s encouragement of divergent

thinking by the students.
So, when we say divergent thinking, it includes fluent thinking,
flexible thinking, original thinking and collaborative thinking.
The teacher encouragement of divergent thinking by the
students is that they can think fluent related to that
particular lesson. The English lesson that we’ve
observed was all about the poem “When I was one and
twenty” where in the teacher relate her students to
explain it because it’s all about love, we all know that
students nowadays are teenagers who are very aware
when the topic all about is LOVE. So, the teacher let
So, when we say divergent thinking, it includes fluent
thinking, flexible thinking, original thinking and
collaborative thinking.
The teacher encouragement of divergent thinking by the
students is that they can think fluent related to that
particular lesson. The English lesson that we’ve observed
was all about the poem “When I was one and twenty”
where in the teacher relate her students to explain it
because it’s all about love, we all know that students
nowadays are teenagers who are very aware when the
topic all about is LOVE. So, the teacher let them to relate
their experiences to this poem. They construct ideas
through their experiences.

Which are proofs that the Resource Teacher promoted

convergent thinking?
When we say convergent thinking, it is narrowing down
from many possible thoughts to end up on a single best
thought or an answer to a problem.
The other English lesson we’ve observed was promoting
adjectives. The teacher motivation was she presented a
picture of different tourist spots or different beautiful
places in the Philippines. The teacher let the students to
recognize these pictures. So, students were willing to
answer and answer. Say for instance, “The Luneta Park.”

When we say convergent thinking, it is narrowing down

from many possible thoughts to end up on a single best
thought or an answer to a problem.
The other English lesson we’ve observed was promoting
adjectives. The teacher motivation was she presented a
picture of different tourist spots or different beautiful
places in the Philippines. The teacher let the students to
recognize these pictures. So, students were willing to
answer and answer. Say for instance, “The Luneta Park.” A
student answered “It placed in Manila.” The other student
answered “Where Jose Rizal Died” by answering possible
thoughts; the teacher can modify a thing or describe particular
things using adjectives.

If there was problem solving in lesson, were the pupils taught to

solve problem using algorithm or heuristic strategy?
Yes! Just by letting the students to reminisce their past so that
they can construct a lesson by their experiences.

Yes! Just by letting the students to reminisce their past so that

they can construct a lesson by their experiences.

Yes! Just by letting the students to reminisce their past so that

they can construct a lesson by their experiences.
When we say critical thinking, it involves evaluating information
or arguments in terms of their accuracy and worth. Students
use their critical thinking ability through their activities not only
in the common interaction in the class but also analyzing their
observation. Isn’t they had an observation outside? So, discover
approach takes place by the teacher without guiding them; the
teacher let the students to find adjectives or modifier through
observing outside and describing the surroundings. After that,

What are proofs that the students were encourage to do

critical thinking?
When we say critical thinking, it involves
evaluating information or arguments in terms of their accuracy
and worth. Students use their critical thinking ability through
their activities not only in the common interaction in the class
but also analyzing their observation. Isn’t they had an
observation outside? So, discover approach takes place by the
teacher without guiding them; the teacher let the students to
find adjectives or modifier through observing outside and
describing the surroundings. After that, their observation
leads them to group competition where in the group who
construct more sentences will won the activity.
A. Value/Affective Lesson
What was the value lesson
What was the value lesson
The values lesson was all about “Following and Obeying
Instructions and Advices of Elders.”

The values lesson was all about “Following and Obeying

Instructions and Advices of Elders.”
the value taught alone or was it integrated with cognitive or skill
The value was taught integrated with a cognitive and
skill lesson.

Was the value taught alone or was it integrated with cognitive

The value was taught integrated with a cognitive

How was the value lesson

The value lesson developed in this way: first, the teacher tested
the reading skills of the students by reading the said poem
considering correct pronunciation of words and correct accents
and stresses. Next, they analyzed the facts and concepts within
the literary work from the cognitive follow-up questions. And
lastly, there are also questions that tested their affective
domains, including giving their insights about the poem and the

How was the value lesson developed?

The value lesson developed in this way: first, the

teacher tested the reading skills of the students by
reading the said poem considering correct pronunciation of
words and correct accents and stresses. Next, they
analyzed the facts and concepts within the literary work
from the cognitive follow-up questions. And lastly, there
are also questions that tested their affective domains,

My Analysis
For the Cognitive Lesson
How did my Resource Teacher teach the did
cognitive content meaningfully and my
Resource Teacher teach the cognitive content meaningfully
and interestingly?

The teacher delivered the lesson which is adjectives

in way where students will relate their experiences in
giving examples. For example in giving their example they
were asked to describe the beautiful places they have
already visited.
The teacher delivered the lesson which is adjectives in
way where students will relate their experiences in
giving examples. For example in giving their example

For the Skill Lesson

How was the skill taught meaningfully

In the lesson the thinking skill is what the teacher gave focus it
is taught by giving examples by describing pictures. While in
the manipulative skill the students were ask to list all of the
things that they have observed in their school in the
How was the skill taught meaningfully and interestingly?

In the lesson the thinking skill is what the teacher

gave focus it is taught by giving examples by describing
pictures. While in the manipulative skill the students were
ask to list all of the things that they have observed in their
school in the blackboard.

For the Affective Lesson

The value lesson is taught or delivered without giving

emphasis on it for example in the second class big where
they have discussed about the poem the value lesson is
not given attention or is not a big deal the poem “When I
was One and Twenty” is the one that has been mostly
given attention. That is why the value lesson is delivered
within the skill and cognitive lessons.
Is it possible to teach a value lesson without any it
cognitive basis at all? Explain your answer.
possible to teach a value lesson without any cognitive basis at
all? Explain your answer.

The value lesson is taught or delivered without giving emphasis

on it for example in the second class big where they have
discussed about the poem the value lesson is not given
attention or is not a big deal the poem “When I was One and
Twenty” is the one that has been mostly given attention. That is

Someone once said: “There are dull teachers, dull textbooks, dull
films but no dull subjects”. Do you agree? Write down your
reflections here!

I agree with this statement because the subjects which we are

taking are all interesting the only thing that is making it dull is
the way they are delivered to us. The dullness of subjects are
because of teachers who don’t know how to deliver their
lessons in an interesting way. Dull films also are the reason why
some subjects become uninteresting. So in sum I can say that
there are no dull subjects in fact it is the way that these
subjects are delivered that will show or become that reason
I agree with this statement because the subjects which we are
taking are all interesting the only thing that is making it dull is the way
they are delivered to us. The dullness of subjects are because of
teachers who don’t know how to deliver their lessons in an interesting
way. Dull films also are the reason why some subjects become
uninteresting. So in sum I can say that there are no dull subjects in fact
it is the way that these subjects are delivered that will show or become
How should you organize subject matter (be it cognitive skill or value lesson)
so that your teaching will always be fresh and interesting?



My Tools
Guiding Principles in the selection Teaching Behavior of the Resource
and Use of Strategies Teacher that Applies the Principles
1) Learning is an active process. Learning is an active process in which
learners construct new ideas or
concepts based upon their
current/past knowledge, social
interactions, and motivation affect
the construction.Learning is an active
process in which learners construct new
ideas or concepts based upon their
current/past knowledge, social interactions,
and motivation affect the construction.
2) The more senses that are In a science class the teacher let
involved, the more and the better the students examine a rock by
the learning. touch, smelling, and seeing it.
Which boost the learning
experience of the child because
the learning involves many

3) A non-threatening atmosphere The teacher designs the

enhances learning. classroom to be conducive for
learning. She did not display any
threatening attitude towards the

4) Emotion has the power to A teacher must be know what

increase retention and learning. emotions she is getting inside
his class and do something about
it for the students to have the
proper emotional stability to
cope up with the lessons.

5) Good teaching goes beyond recall The sign of a good teacher isn't
of information that you can recall information,
but that you can teach others to
the same standard you were
taught to.

It's one thing to be able to write

an essay on a topic, it's an
entirely different one to teach
someone else to write that same
6) Learning is meaningful when it is Abstract concepts are made
connected to students’ everyday understandable when the
life teacher gives sufficient examples
relating to the students’

7) An integrated teaching approach Truly that integrated teaching

is far more effective than teaching approach is far more effective,
isolated bits of information. because of the demands and the
challenges face by the students
today they cannot only rely on
one method.

My Analysis
Are these principles in accordance with brain-based teaching and

Yes, because those said teaching methods are based on the latest scientific research
about how the brain learns, including such factors as cognitive development. How
students learn differently as they age, grow, and mature socially, emotionally, and
Yes, because those said teaching methods are based on the
My latest scientific research about how the brain learns, including
such factors as cognitive development. How students learn
differently as they age, grow, and mature socially,

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?
No, because students have different learning styles which are described in different
models.No,Some students
because learn have
students thru visual stimulation
different learning and others
styles whichfrom
are written
activities. So teachers
described must be
in different able toSome
models. switch from a new
students learnteaching strategy to
thru visual
strategy toand
cope up with the students learning pace.
others from written activities. So teachers must be
able to switch from a new teaching strategy to another strategy to
cope up with the students learning pace.

My Tools

Description of Teaching Behavior

Approach/Method that Proves Use of the Teaching
Approach/Method (What did my
Resource Teacher do as she used
this approach/method?)

1) Deductive Method A deductive approach to

instruction is a more teacher-
centered approach. This means
that the teacher gives the
students a new concept, explains
it, and then has the students
practice using the concept. For
example, when teaching a new
grammar concept, the teacher
will introduce the concept,
explain the rules related to its
use, and finally the students will
practice using the concept in a
variety of different ways.
2) Inductive Method Inductive method makes use of
student “noticing”. Instead of
explaining a given concept and
following explanations with
examples, the teacher presents
students with many examples
showing how the concept is
3) Demonstration Method In TLE class the teacher
demonstrate on how to begin a
cross stitch design and the types
of stitches. Allowing students to
see it personally.
4) Problem Solving In a math class the teacher
explains how the formula would
work and gave another math
problem for the students to
5) Discovery Method Students are permitted to find
solutions to problems on their
own or at their own pace, often
jointly in group activities, either
independent of or under the
guidance of a teacher.
6) Problem Solving Method Problem-solving is, and should
be, a very real part of the
curriculum. It presupposes that
students can take on some of the
responsibility for their own
learning and can take personal
action to solve problems, resolve
conflicts, discuss alternatives,
and focus on thinking as a vital
element of the curriculum. It
provides students with
opportunities to use their newly
acquired knowledge in
meaningful, real-life activities
and assists them in working at
higher levels of thinking
7) Project Method The teacher let the students to
choose their own project which is
related to the subject. Then the
student choose what project they
would do and why did they
choose that certain project.
8) Constructivist Approach The teacher let the student to
formulate their own questions
about a certain topic. She allows
them to use multiple
interpretations and expressions
of learning and let them work as
a group.
9) Metacognitive Approach As I observe the teacher she did
not encounter this kind of
approach to her students.

10) Integrative Approach As I observe the teacher she did

not encounter this kind of
approach to her students.
My Analysis

Which approaches/methods will be

grouped together? Why?
E.g. Direct method and deductive Which approaches/methods
method will be grouped together?

Those approaches which are more Teacher-Centered like the Deductive approach, Demonstration
method, problem solving method and the metacognitive approach. All of which the main idea comes
from the teacher and mostly this approaches / methods invite more participation among learners.
E.g. Direct method and deductive method

Which approaches/methods are more

interactive? Less interactive?

For me the most interactive method is the Demonstration method. Because

Whenit should
lets the direct method
students to learn personally and when they did miss something be from
demonstration then they can just the teacher and let her demonstrate the said

The direct method of teaching, which is sometimes called the

natural method, and is often but not exclusively used inWhen should the indirect method
foreign languages, refrains from using the learners' native

Direct and indirect instruction is often used together, even within the same
lesson, and you should not adopt one model to the exclusion of the other.
Each contains a set of strategies that can compose an efficient and effective
Which approaches/methods are more interactive? Less interactive?

When should the direct method be used?

For me the most interactive method is the Demonstration method. Because it lets
The direct to
students method
teaching, which is sometimes
and when they didcalled
natural method,
theis often but not
exclusively used in
demonstration teaching
then they foreign languages,
can just refrains
the teacher andfrom using
let her the learners' native
demonstrate language
the said
and uses only
activity again.the target language.

When should the indirect method be used?

Direct and indirect instruction is often used together, even within the same lesson, and you should not
adopt one model to the exclusion of the other. Each contains a set of strategies that can compose an
efficient and effective method for the teaching of facts, rules, and sequences and to solve problems,
inquire, and learn concepts.

My Reflections
If I decided on my teaching approach/method, I will
consider___________________ (Continue the sentence. Begin
writing NOW!)

If I decided on my teaching approach/method, I will consider all

factors surrounding the learner. Typically I might describe: a. sorts of
teaching and learning activities that you have planned (lecture, tutorial,
self-directed learning, case study, workshop, workplace learning); b.
Ways in which you try to engage students with the subject matter
(provide students with basic facts, relate new knowledge to what
students already know, build in interaction, be passionate, be
enthusiastic); and c. The ways in which you support your students
(encourage questions, set formative assessments, provide constructive
feedback).A description of my approach to teaching includes: a. The
mode or manner of teaching (lecture, tutorial, bedside teaching,
laboratory work); b. Some understanding of how people learn
(learning theory); and c. Some understanding of how to
facilitate learning (qualities of the teacher such as passion,
principles for good teaching practice such as providing timely
and constructive feedback, putting educational theory into
practice).There is no "best teaching approach". However, there
If I decided on my teaching approach/method, I will consider all factors surrounding
the learner. Typically I might describe: a. sorts of teaching and learning activities
that you have planned (lecture, tutorial, self-directed learning, case study,
workshop, workplace learning); b. Ways in which you try to engage students with
the subject matter (provide students with basic facts, relate new knowledge to what
students already know, build in interaction, be passionate, be enthusiastic); and c.
The ways in which you support your students (encourage questions, set formative
assessments, provide constructive feedback).A description of my approach to
teaching includes: a. The mode or manner of teaching (lecture, tutorial, bedside
teaching, laboratory work); b. Some understanding of how people learn (learning
theory); and c. Some understanding of how to facilitate learning (qualities of the
teacher such as passion, principles for good teaching practice such as providing
timely and constructive feedback, putting educational theory into practice).There is
no "best teaching approach". However, there are some recognized teaching
methods together with a range of learning theories and some principles for good
practice. Being a reflective teacher and striving for excellence in teaching means
considering each aspect of my teaching approach to ensure that you are doing your
best to facilitate student learning.
My Portfolio
By means of
By means of graphic organizer show the graphic organizer
characteristics of a constructivist and a show the
metacognitive approach. characteristics of a
constructivist and a metacognitive approach.

Learners construct
their own
beginning with
what they already

Learning is
All learning begins achieved best
in doubt about the through a socially
validity of an idea interactive process
Learning is best Learning proceeds
achieved when the in spiraling
undertaking is fashion including
consistent with the laddering,
stages of human scaffolding,
development weaving, and


Self Ffocusing Qquestioning

Goal Setting

Do serious research and complete this Table on Methods. The first

Do serious research and complete this Table on Methods. The first is done for you.

Method Advantage/s When to Use

1) Deductive Direct teaching so I Time is limited;
Method can accomplish more subject matter is
within a given period very difficult;
learners don’t know
of time.
much about the
lesson; teacher is not
yet skilled in
facilitating skills.
2) Inductive meaningful, Generaative
Method memorable and situation, Guided
lesson – students discovery, Using
concordance data.
discover themselves
3) Demonstration It helps in involving This method is
Method various sense to applied mainly in
make learning technical or training
institutes. In teacher
education programs
It helps in achieving it is used to develop
psychomotor skills in the student
objectives teacher. At school
Any simple or level, a teacher
complex sill becomes applies it in teaching
easy to understand science, biology,
nature study, arts
and crafts.
4) Problem Solving Greater output: To implement a
Method Simply because of problem-solving
the number of people approach, teachers
need to improve their
involved, each with
interpersonal skills
differing experience, and group dynamics;
knowledge, points of they need to be able
view and values, a to adapt instructional
larger number and strategies, resources,
variety of ideas for and activities to
solving a problem promote students’
development of basic
can be produced.
skills, thinking skills,
and personal
5) Discovery Method In a regular classroom,
Highly motivating as it a teacher who is trying
to enforce new
allows individuals the innovative methods of
opportunity to teaching might give
experiment and students different
problems, and try and
discover something for get them to work
themselves together to come up
Highly motivating as it with a solution to this
allows the individuals problem.
the opportunity to
experiment and
discover something for
6) Project Method It helps in developing Use this type of
social norms and method when giving
social values among group projects.
the learners

My Tools

Describe how the teacher began his/her lesson. Why do
how the
you think did she/he do that? teacher
his/her lesson. Why do you think did she/he do that?

At first the teacher started the

Whatclass with adid
activity/es prayer. Then she
the Resource askask the learners to
questions about the previous lessons that they
do after she/he had gone
introduced thru. After
the lesson? Why do you think she/he
it she states the objectives ofdid
the day’s
such? lesson. I think she did that
because it was what she ist doing ever since she started teaching
What activity/es did the Resource Teacher ask the learners to
do after she/he introduced the lesson? Why do you think
she/he did such?

The resource teacher gave a group report about the lessons they
taught in class. She lets the students to have their time to report in
front of the class. She did that because it was part of their

She ends her lessons by giving a quiz and after it, collecting them.
How did she end his/her lesson? Why do you think
She did that to observe on how did the studentss understand cope up

How did she

end his/her
Did you notice an assessment of learning in the process of teaching?
lesson? Why
If yes, how was it done?
do you think
she/he did
Yes, she questions the students about

Did you notice an assessment of learning in the process of teaching?

If yes, how was it done?

Checklist-Of the following, which did you observe? Please check if you
Checklist-Of the following, which did you observe? Please check if
you observed the item.

Teaching Behavior Check here!

1) Connecting lesson to past
lesson  My
2) Introducing the lesson for the
day  How should a lesson begin

3) Sharing the lesson objective for
the day  How
a lesson
4) Motivating the students begin
5) Students doing learning end?

6) Teacher giving Lecture

A lesson should begin to summarizing the goals of what is going to be
7) Teacher checking

forThe lesson should end by briefing going over everything and

8) Teacher/ Students Summarizing

 A lesson
begin to summarizing the goals of what is going to be learned. The lesson should end by
briefing going over everything and asking if anyone has any questions.
Did you observe any part of the lesson development to have been out of place?
Explain your answer.

Did you observe any part of the lesson development to have

been out of place? Explain your answer.
I did

I did found some part of the lesson development being out of

place. It was the time when the teacher tells a joke to her

found some part of the lesson development being out of place. It was the
time when the teacher tells a joke to her students.

My Reflections
“Tell them what you want to tell them; tell them what you told
them.” Relate this statement to lesson development.

"Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them
what you told them." Inform the students of what the major concepts are,
give them the details of the concepts, and then summarize what you've
done to ensure that they understood the big picture.
Teachers should always stick to their previous statement so that it will
be convincing for the students to dissolve ideas. BuIit is important that
teachers should master what she teaches to avoid confusion and
misunderstanding and misinterpretation of details in the subject
that he/she teaches.

My Portfolio
Re-construct your Resource Teacher’s Lesson Plan. Your lesson
plan must have the parts of a lesson plan. A lesson plan
outline may do, provided all parts of a lesson are covered.

Banghay-Aralin sa Filipino IV
Panunuring Pamanitikan
I. Layunin
A. Nakilala ang maikling kwentong sa Teoryang Humanismo.
B. Naibabahagi and pagmamahal sa isang Ina.
C. Nagbibigyang kahulugan ang mga mkabagong salita.
II. Paksang Aralin
A. Si Pinkaw
B. KAgamitan
C. Sanggunian: Pluma Wika at Panitikan
III. Pamamaraan
IV. Pagtataya
Piliin ang kasingkahulugan ng mga salita sa bilog.
V. Takdang-Aralin
Magdala ng larawan ng inyong Ina at isulat sa likod nito ang limang magandang
katangian nya na wala sa ibang Ina.

Banghay-Aralin sa Filipino IV
Panunuring Pamanitikan

I. Layunin
A. Nakilala ang maikling kwentong sa Teoryang
B. Naibabahagi and pagmamahal sa isang Ina.
C. Nagbibigyang kahulugan ang mga
mkabagong salita.
II. Paksang Aralin
A. Si Pinkaw
B. KAgamitan
C. Sanggunian: Pluma Wika at Panitikan
III. Pamamaraan
IV. Pagtataya
Piliin ang kasingkahulugan ng mga salita sa
V. Takdang-Aralin
Magdala ng larawan ng inyong Ina at isulat sa
My Tools
Score the Resource teacher every time she/he demonstrates any of
the following questioning behaviors. Simple is shown in item #1.

Questioning Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1) Varying types of I Very Rarely


2) Asking non- II Rarely


3) Calling on non- IIII Occasionally


4) Rephrasing IIIII-IIIII Frequently

5) Sequencing Never
6) Requiring II Rarely
abstract thinking

7) Asking open- IIII Occasionally

ended questions

8) Allowing II Rarely
sufficient wait

9) Involving a s IIII Occasionally

many as possible

Write samples of questioned asked

Write samples of questioned
asked under each type.

Types of question Sample questions Asked

1) Convergent Question Why was Richard sick after not
washing his hands?
How do viruses multiply?

2) Divergent Question Write down as many different

uses as you can think about the

3) Low-Level Question What is the purpose of a cell wall

or a cell membrane?
4) High-Level Question Which part of the cell you think
is the most important? Why?

Reacting Techniques

Score the Resource teacher every time he/she makes use of any of
the techniques.
Score the Resource teacher every time he/she makes use of any of the techniques.

Reacting Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1) Providing
acceptance IIIIIIII Rarely
2) Providing
corrective feed- IIIIIIIIII Occasionally
3) Giving
appropriate IIIIIIIIII Occasionally
4) Repeating the
answer IIIIIIIIIIIII Frequently

5) Explaining the
answer IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Frequently

6) Rephrasing the
question II Very Rarely

7) Asking follow
up questions III Very Rarely

8) Redirecting
questions to IIII Rarely
other pupils
9) Soliciting
students II Very Rarely
10) Encouragi
ng through non- Never
verbal behavior
11) Criticizing
responding Never
student for
his/her answer
12) Scolding
for misbehavior Never
or not listening
13) Overusing
expressions Never
such as “Okay”,
“Right”, etc.?

My Analysis
Which questioning and reacting techniques encouraged questioning
teacher-student interaction? Which ones did not? and reacting
encouraged teacher-student interaction? Which ones did not?

The best way to encourage student-teacher interaction is simply to ask questions. Students tend to
respond to questions and experiments and will likely to listen to it.
What did Neil Postman mean when he said: “Children go to school as question
marks and leave school as periods”? Does this have something to do with a
teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques?

Children go to school as question marks and leave school as

periods." (Neil Postman) and "Good Learning starts with questions
not answers." (Guy Claxton) these are two quotations which deal
with effective questioning to children inside the [ classroom. Many
teachers have been observed by education supervisors, district
supervisors, principals, and department heads to have asked
mostly "what" questions in the entire session or class. Perhaps they
were all answered by the pupils; since, the questions were all
simple recall. But the big question is, has the teacher helped
develop the children's' thinking skills. According to Webster
Dictionary, a question is any sentence which has an interrogative
form. It can be answerable by yes or no or by other information. In
the classroom settings, teacher questions are defined as
instructional cues or stimuli that convey to students the content
elements to be learned and directions for what they are to do and
how they are to do it. The teacher must always put in mind that the
knowledge and skills used in asking different types of questions in
a classroom is one important but critical aspect of the teaching and
learning process. Why are questions important? Questions play an
important role not only for teachers but also for students, meaning
both in the teaching and learning process, questions are significant
factors because childrens' achievement and their level of
What did Neil Postman mean when he said: “Children go to school as
question marks and leave school as periods”? Does this have something to
do with a teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques?
My Reflections
What do I resolve to do and NOT do in my questioning and
reacting techniques so as to encourage teacher-student

It is a known fact that students usually don’t ask questions. Therefore,

if they do, teachers should spend extra effort to answer them the best that
they could in order to motivate students to ask more questions.
Question technique should also be improved by teachers so that they
can elicit responses from students. Teachers should also react properly. They
should not insult students so that they will develop confidence in answering
teachers’ questions.

My Portfolio
I promote higher-order-thinking skills (HOTS) and interaction for
learning by the kind of questions that I ask.
Here are learning objectives. Formulate at least two examples of
questions that promote divergent thinking and HOTS.


At the end of the lesson, the pupil is able to identify the functions
of the organs of the reproductive system.
At the end of the lesson, the pupil is able to identify the functions of the
organs of the digestive system.

Write your two divergent questions here!

Secondar Secondary
What will the community think of me if I support reproductive
health information and services for youth?
What will the community think of me if I support reproductive
health information and services for youth?

I promote class interaction by my favorite remarks. Here are

five examples of expressions I must use (Product of my
research) to inspire my students to be involved in class

1) You are on the right track!

2) Hello everyone!

3) You are communicating well!

4) Do you want a clue?

5) Very nice!

1) You are on the right track!

2) Hello everyone!

3) You are communicating well!

4) Do you want a clue?

5) Very nice!

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