INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following questions and explain your answers in NO MORE THAN THREE (3) Sentences.
1. What is the Geocentric model of the universe? Discuss the basis of the early period/era on believing the
Geocentric universe.
___The Geocentric model of the universe revolved around the idea that the Earth was the center of the solar
system. It was believed that God put the Earth at the center because it was his supreme creation. This was due
to the fact that during the Middle Ages, religious beliefs prevailed more rather than scientific evidence.
2. What is the Heliocentric model of the universe? Discuss Copernicus’s ideas on the Heliocentric universe.
___The Heliocentric model of the universe suggested that instead of the sun and the planets revolving around
the Earth, it was the Earth and the planets which revolved around the sun. He suggested that the wandering
motions of the planets could be explained if they were wandering around the sun instead of the Earth.______
3. If you discovered something scientifically and you are living in a period/era where the scientific view is
overpowered by religion/orthodox science, will you keep it hidden? Explain your answer.
____No. I believe that there are some things that can’t be explained by religion while some can’t be explained
by science. The people need to know the truth regardless if it would cause their own beliefs to shatter or
4. What is Galileo’s findings? Why would the church try to prevent this idea from becoming popular?
___A lot of people thought everything went around the earth. Galileo found out that Venus is just like a moon
when it is only crescent or half, and he also found that Jupiter had its own moon in orbit around it. The Church
tried to prevent it because it was a sign of an intellectual rebellion against the religious teachings during the
time and it would cause the people to start questioning religion.____________________________________