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Programme MSc Management

Module name Project Management Essentials

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BPP School of Business and Technology
Project Management
TASK – 1...................................................................................................................................1
Skills needs to be developed by project manager of the Smart City OS project....................1
Possible actions to be taken by the project manager for developing those skills...................2
TASK – 2...................................................................................................................................3
Determining relevant stakeholders.........................................................................................3
Stakeholder influence map for the Smart City OS project and importance of stakeholders. .4
Discussing the ways of their engagement with the Smart City OS project............................5
TASK – 3...................................................................................................................................5
Significance of Project Triangle parameters that needs to be managed by the Smart City OS
project manager and their inter-relationship...........................................................................5
Impact of possible changes to this project..............................................................................7
TASK – 4...................................................................................................................................7
Discussing resources needed for the project and cost estimation technique for the Smart
City OS project.......................................................................................................................7
TASK – 5...................................................................................................................................9
Development of risk analysis through constructing a risk register........................................9
TASK – 6.................................................................................................................................12
Identifying conflicts that might arise when running the Smart City OS project and their
Actions to be taken by project manager for resolving these conflicts..................................13
TASK – 7.................................................................................................................................14
Ways by which project manager can build highly successful team for the Smart City OS
Ways in which diverse team can increase performance.......................................................14
Actions that project manager can take for building diverse team........................................15
Challenges for working in a diverse team............................................................................15
CONCLUDING REMARKS...................................................................................................15
ASSESSMENT SELF-EVALUATION...................................................................................19

Figure 1: Stakeholders Matrix....................................................................................................4

Figure 2: Stakeholder Mapping..................................................................................................4
Figure 3: Project Triangle..........................................................................................................6
Table 4: Risk Register..............................................................................................................12
For each and every human being, development in the area of technology is being
regarded as a boom. Over a period of time, technology is detected to substitute labour-
intensive processes and making life easer moderately. Further, because of the evolution of the
information technology, there has been growth in the smart cities correspondingly.
Nevertheless, the procedures of executing technological elements for developing a smart city
is not easy. It requires systemic tactics, processes and project methodologies to be executed.
Project management is being referred as the job of starting, planning and implementing
commands with a view to develop a project idea into reality (Akkermans and et.al., 2020).
The team related to project are anticipated to have fundamental skills and competencies for
completing the tasks effectively.
Considering this, the main aim of the research project is to develop a Project
Management Consultancy Report on the basis of the Smart City OS case study. the Hull city
council have been observed to be the key sponsor for this project. The project will be
developed through leveraging the techniques along with the concepts being learned in the
module. On the basis of the details of the case study being provided, it can be commented
that the team of project management has skipped the process of pilot study and made decision
of moving further with the execution process. The report will include the details of the project
management process and will be going to discuss financial management, leadership, conflicts
and risk management, teamwork, negotiation, problem solving and decision-making aspects.

TASK – 1
Skills needs to be developed by project manager of the Smart City OS project
Within the landscape of the project management, a project manager is being referred
an accountable expert who has a liability for planning, obtaining as well as execution of the
project. for any project issues and problems, the first point of contact is project manager. In
other words, a project manager is responsible for management of the project in varied
aspects. Considering this, there a requirement of certain skills as well as abilities by the
project management for handling the evolution of the project in a better way (Ahmed and
Anantatmula, 2017). According to the case study being given, it is being highlighted that the
Hull Smart City OS project is not innovative infrastructure-based information technology
project wherein both the construction as well as information technology operations are

In a broader level, the main role of the project manager is planning, organizing,
directing as well as controlling a project proceeding. The main objective of the manager is to
make sure that the project is finished on time with pre-determined budget. After evaluating
the case study, it has been originated that there are different tasks of project management and
out of which management of stakeholders and engagement with the community people are
the integral one. Mike Kenworthy, the assistant director of digital as well as ICT of Hull city
council has observed that management of stakeholder is quite challenging for the team and
thus, the basic role of the project management is to determine the needs of the projects like
planning and resources (Girish, Jayatheertha and Hosur, 2019). For effective management of
all these roles, a project manager is required to have both technical as well as inter-personal
skills. Moreover, for dealing with the complexities of the smart city OS project, there are
some other skills as well which are required to be developed by the project manager and these
 Technical planning and forecasting – It is one of the most essential skills for the
project manager as the process of forecasting signifies making protuberant budgets as
well as establishing right timeline. In this regard, it is crucial to have analytical skills
for allowing manager to analyse the information of the project into minor groups for
having enhanced results.
 Time and cost management skills – These are some other necessary skills for the
project manager particularly when a project needs more innovation as well as
technicality. These skills within the smart city project will allow the project
management to have more viability of complex and large information technology
project (Blaskovics, 2016).
 Risk identification and mitigation skill – Within this, the project manager will be in a
position to evaluate probable risks as well as issues being faced by the team within the
project. anticipation of the key challenges and searching out the possible solutions
will support the project to have desired results ultimately.

Possible actions to be taken by the project manager for developing those skills
For the development as well as utilizing the determined project management skills
and abilities, there are some general actions which needs to be carried out by the project
management in the Smart City OS project at Hull city. A project management is heavily
dependent on the professional team for effective planning, initiating, executing and analysis.
For generating time and cost management skills, it is essential to prioritize as well as arrange

activities and finishing those activities thoroughly (Crystal, 2017). Further, for the
development of technical planning and forecasting skills, the project manager is required to
evaluate the environment for innovative uses of technology and must create a quantifiable
feedback system for measuring the progress. Due to the complex nature of the Smart City OS
project, it is supposed that agile project methodology can be more appropriate. Further, in this
technical project two-way communication between the internal as well as project workers is
essential for better interaction.

TASK – 2
Determining relevant stakeholders
As defined by Aragonés-Beltrán et al. (2017), stakeholders are being regarded as one
of the most vital parts of the project who are interested in the project and in some ways can
impact the activities of the project. the role of stakeholder is quite important in project
management. Within the project environment, the stakeholders are generally being
categorised into two varied kinds that is direct as well as indirect stakeholders. First talking in
relation with the direct stakeholders, they are actively engaged within the project. on the other
hand, indirect stakeholders are not directly related with the project and just take the project’s
advantage and disadvantages. Since, the concerned Smart City OS project is fortified with
more IT as well as innovative construction, the stakeholders will be quite more as compared
to the other projects (Chan and Oppong, 2017). Some of the identified stakeholders for the
project are being mentioned in the subsequent section:

Stakeholders Areas of interest

Project manager Management of each and every task of the project and
checking its level of progress
Planner and designer Designing the outlining of the project according to the
expectation of the customers
Resource manager Making arrangement for the resources for the project and
allocating as well as distribution of tasks
Information technology Placement of IT based infrastructures along with system
manager during the project (Miles, 2017)
Employees Management of the project work as a team
Customers Making the demands for the project and searching out the
growth of the project

Hull City Council (Local Giving approval in regards with varied forms of licenses
government) and making arrangements for finances for the project
Community people of Hull Getting values as well as benefits after the project
Stakeholder influence map for the Smart City OS project and importance of stakeholders
Talking in relation with the stakeholder influence map, it is being referred as a simple
tool for capturing probable stakeholders of the project of a specified system as well as
influences and interactions which takes place amid them (). Further, this is a four-quadrant
tool which visually offers different sub-sections of stakeholders interests as well as influences
within the project.

Figure 1: Stakeholders Matrix

(Simon, 2016).

With the utilization of this matrix, a project manager can map the stakeholders as per
their impact and interest and also enables him to have a picture of some of the important
stakeholders and their engagement within the project.

Figure 2: Stakeholder Mapping
(Researcher’s own creation)
The above represented stakeholder map states the main stakeholders and their
influence on the project of the Hull City. As being described above, the stakeholder analysis
chart reflects varied kinds of stakeholders along with their relative impact as well as interest
over this Smart City OS project. employees, project managers, designers, planners, IT
professionals and resource manager are required to be informed and satisfied as they are very
important in showcasing their efficient working abilities (Frost, 2019). On the other side,
local government, community, project management and customers have high importance and
impact in the operation of the project and thus, they should be managed closely reflecting the
supervision for the project. in addition to this, the project manager is accountable for
monitoring each and every job being allotted to the team members in regards with effective
progress. Besides, the manager also needs to check the risk related with the overall project
and search out solutions for mitigating them. As far as the other stakeholders are being
concerned which are the client and the community people at Hull City, they have a special
interest representing the interest in enjoyment of advantages being obtained from the
accomplishment of the project. thus, they are to be kept informed in regards with the project
and the goals that the sponsors have by executing this project into action (Apm.org.uk. 2021).

Discussing the ways of their engagement with the Smart City OS project
All the stakeholders being identified and mapped above are considered quite essential
since, they have the power of alternating the direction of the work and also adds up value to
the process of the project. different techniques can be employed by the project manager for
engaging all these stakeholders with the Smart City OS project and these are as follows:

 Determining their stakeholders at the primary stages
 Hearing and attending to the issues as well as needs of the each of the stakeholder
 Gaining effective management experience
 Seeking to comprehend
 Seek to understand them, their actions and responsibilities

TASK – 3
Significance of Project Triangle parameters that needs to be managed by the Smart City OS
project manager and their inter-relationship
According to Al-Qahtani and Baymout (2021), a project triangle is being defined as
the conceptual outline or a tool which is being utilized by the project managers for
comprehending as well as evaluating challenges that might come during the execution of the
plans and actions of the project. considering the Smart City OS project at Hull City, the
project manager is required to take into account three main parameters that is scope, cost as
well as time and these are also being regarded as constraints of the project.

Figure 3: Project Triangle

(Peeyush, 2020).

The significance of the project scope is that is demonstrated as a field of enhancement

that needs to be emphasized for optimization of the prospects of project. in the current
project, the exact scope of project can sooner or later deliver positive accomplishment of the
project along with satisfaction of the customers. time is one more triangle parameter which
takes into account the consideration of finishing the project within a specified time limit.

Lastly, cost parameter is the last limit for the project success which emphasize on
management of financial resources, formulating budgets as well as finishing the project while
upholding the budget.
 Scope – Within the project of Hull Smart City OS, the significance of scope is to
make sure that there is a generation of effective data sharing substructure as well as
perfect city networking system. this parameter will help in bringing quality
development of an operating system for setting safety and flexibility within the city
(Pollack, Helm and Adler, 2018).
 Time – The significance of time within the project is that the project manager will
search out different necessary procedures for attaining individual jobs through
maintenance of effective time limit. Therefore, it is also essential to emphasize on the
pack of contribution from varied participants throughout the implementation of the
 Cost – It has been observed from the give case that almost 85 million has been
capitalized by a local telecommunication company known as KCOM for development
of LoRaWAN and a full-fibre network. Therefore, the significance of this parameter
is nothing but to give quality monetary management along with cost approximation
All these elements of the project triangle are inter-related with each other which
signifies that if one parameter is impacted the other parameter will also undergo alterations.
For illustration, if the time of the project is reduced than the project manager has to put in
raw-materials for meeting up the deadlines. In the similar manner, if there is rise in the prices
of the raw-materials, the overall quality of the project will decrease since the project manager
will make use of cheaper quality products (Stratigea, Papadopoulou and Panagiotopoulou,

Impact of possible changes to this project

Alterations within the project are grounded on transformation of the manners in
attaining a specified result of the project, for example alteration in the hiring processes,
execution of novel accounting or financial solutions etc. Further, the project management is
required to find out primary as well as secondary stakeholders who are the key drivers of
these changes. In relation with the Smart City OS project, some probable changes can be
based on recruitment process which might be transformed from self-hiring to outsourcing.

These alterations might decrease the overall recruiting costs for the project operation however
might generate some conflicts in searching and using talents.

TASK – 4
Discussing resources needed for the project and cost estimation technique for the Smart City
OS project
Management of finance for a project is being evaluated to quite crucial factor for
having appropriate achievement of objectives. Planning of finances in regards with the Smart
City OS project is considered to be complex process as there is a requirement of effective
knowledge of technology as well as other essential items. In locus with the work being done
by Filimonau and Naumova (2020), it can be evaluated that the projected hunts are made by
the project manager for having the approximations in regards with the project. On the basis of
the case study which is offered for the Smart City adequate discipline is needed to be
preserved as well as combined. Further, according to the analysis, Hull city is consequential
to be an actual solution provider because it was given an award of 55000 pounds for the
service of smart City solution.
Furthermore, lessening of the traffic related issues was also significantly done by Hull
and on the basis of this, it can be evaluated that appropriate inventiveness will be taken for
building a smart city in UK. In addition to this, as per the valuation, constructing a smart city
is analysed to be quite operative in relation with augmenting prospects of employment. Other
than this, on the basis of varied studies, smart city infrastructure is also effective because it
supports in modernization as well as generation of enhanced connectivity. As per the
planning approach being initiated, near about 85 million pounds is need on the basis of cost
estimation process for the development of a smart city (Albert, Balve and Spang, 2017).
There are some of the resources which are necessary for the building purpose according to
the planning approach and these are as follows:
 Installation of the sensors throughout the city
 Full-fibre network
 High speed fibre networks
 Defra’s air-quality database
 Human resources
 Financial resources
 Suppliers of the digital technology

 Hydro-Logic flooding alert sensors
 Lighting system (Zhang, 2022)
 IT system for waste management
 Road engineers
In the resources, there has been utilization of high-speed network fibres and this is the
only reason for augmentation in the budgetary factor. Further, financial resources also make a
significant component of the overall project. Thus, it is important on the part of the project
manager and executives to analyse the expenses along with the cost needed to be incurred for
undertaking each project tasks as well as operations prior execution of the smart city OS
project. there are different cost estimation techniques which can prove to be effective for the
Smart City OS project and these are as follows:
 Analogous Estimating – In this technique, a project manager can measure the
expected costs of project on the basis of the known costs related with same kind of
project that being done earlier. Further, this method is dependent on a combination of
historical information as well as expert judgement of the project manager (Stobierski,
 Parametric Estimating – This is the method wherein historical data as well as
statistical modelling are being utilized for assigning a dollar value for specified
project costs. Further, this method helps in identifying the underlying unit cost for a
specified element of a project and afterwards sales that unit cost as suitable.
 Three-Point Estimating – In this method, a project manager determines three
individual evaluations for the cost related with the project that is optimistic,
pessimistic and most likely. Further, this method depends on a number of weighted
formulas and instigates from the Program Analysis and Review Technique (PERT).
After evaluation of these three methods, it can be stated that parametric estimation
technique will be more effective for cost estimation for the Smart City OS Project. This is
due to the fact that this method is most of time being used in the construction project. further,
the construction manager will also be able to comprehend the total cost of dollars per square
foot (Negash and Hassan, 2020). Moreover, this method will be more reliable as compared to
the other methods being discussed.

TASK – 5
Development of risk analysis through constructing a risk register
Risk management is being defined as the process of determining varied sorts risks that
are related or linked with the project. As per the study being conducted by Raum (2018), it
can be evaluated that risk management approach within a project is quite crucial for
minimizing varied issues prior its influence severely. Further, suitable and operative checking
process is essentially to be executed in relation with defining uncertainty as well as risk.
Risks pertaining to the project are of varied kinds which are usually determined comprising
performance, cost as well as schedule. Talking in relation with the cost risk, it is evaluated to
be a type where misuse of budgeted money is being evaluated.
On the other side, the cost risk can also be influenced by both internal as well as
external factors. As defined by Hayes and Prodanovic (2019), the main motivation behind the
management of risk is to decrease the level of risk related with the project which is approved
by the stakeholders as well as sponsors of the project. In this regard, a risk management chart
or register has been developed for the concerned Smart City OS project. This will help the
stakeholders associated with the project to have an impression pertaining to the kinds of risks
and their possibilities of happening all throughout the project. in the risk register, the red
indicates high risk, yellow indicates medium and green indicates lower risks.

Risk type Description of Likelih Impact Mitigation Risk Owner Impact

the risk ood of before process rank after
the mitigati mitigation
risk on
Strategic Unsuccessful High Medium Project 5th Mike Low
risk planning along manager has to Kenwor
with incomplete give guarantee thy
preparation of related to
approaches might effective
undesirably formulation
influence the and execution
implementation of of approaches
the project and tactics.

execution They must
have effective
solving and
making skills
Political The policies and High High It is important 3rd Daren Low
risk regulations of the that the deputy Hale
local government leader of Hull
might influence city should pay
the running of the timely taxes
project and follow all
the rules
Financial Management of High High The project 1st Mike Low
risk the fund is being should be Kenwor
regarded as the compiled with thy
crucial part of the the budgetary
project. Improper requirements
allocation of
funds might result
in ineffective
operations within
the project
Technolog Technological High High Project 4th Furqan Medium
ical risk issues such as manager Alamgi
privacy errors and should assess r
security issues the risk related
might result in to digital
hacking or technology and
information theft make sure
protection and

Employee Lak of motivation High Medium Effective 6th Daren Low
risk as well as reward system, Hale
satisfaction proper
among the communicatio
employees n and better
Poor Inefficiency in the Mediu Medium Making plans 7th Project Low
productivit management m for manage
y process within the productivity r
internal team
Communi Improper Mediu Medium Execution of 8th Daren Low
cation risk comprehension m formal and Hale
within team informal
members and concepts and
incapability of the setting
project meetings
management to regularly
management in
rules and
regulations while
Low Sometimes Low Medium Effective 9th Daren Low
availabilit because of non- research Hale
y of availability of process is
resources resources results required to be
in non-fulfilment conducted by
of the project the project
Social Issues related to Mediu Medium Management 10th Daren Low
risks labour and m of social risks Hale

community through
problems can corporate
impact the project social
Operation It impacts the High High Effective 2nd Project Medium
al risks overall budget as allocation and manage
well as planning delegation of r
and might happen accountabilitie
due to external s and
events operations to
the workers

Table 4: Risk Register

(Researcher’s own creation)

TASK – 6
Identifying conflicts that might arise when running the Smart City OS project and their
Conflicts are being referred as the condition which takes place during the project
demonstrating inconsistency between the employees in regards with a particular interest or
area. According to Lu and Wang (2017), conflicts impact the quality of association which is
predominating amid the employees and necessarily impacts the process of work. It also
influences the decision-making process reflecting diverse opinions. On contrary, negotiation
supports in reducing the risk and makes sure harmony amid the employees and creates a
peaceful atmosphere. According to the viewpoint of Sollitto and Mehrubeoglu (2020),
negotiation supports in development of mutual comprehension, in that manner reaching a
condition where the conflicts are effectively controlled. Considering the example of Smart
City of Bristol, it is a comparable project which also involved same kind of smart data,
transport, and energy. Six conflicts that have aroused in the Bristol project are being
elaborated below which might also occur when running the Smart City OS project along with
their sources:

Conflicts Description
Conflict with the This might take place due to inefficient negotiation skills as well
suppliers as capabilities of the project manager in regards with the

suppliers. Poor estimation of product demand plus description is
the main source of such conflicts and dispute.
Conflict within team The Smart City OS project incorporates different teams with
members diverse worker force and this might result in varieties of opinions
and suggestions.
Scheduling conflict Scheduling of the activities and tasks might result in conflict amid
the workers.
Lack of In effective communication amid the project manager and the
communication workers result in communication gap which impacts the smooth
running of the project (Smart City Bristol, 2021).
Scarcity of resources The project involves supply of different technological devices and
this can sometimes result in scarcity of resources.
Poor leadership Ineffective leadership style adopted by the project manager can
hamper the overall project performance

Actions to be taken by project manager for resolving these conflicts

For resolving these conflicts and issues, the project manager is required to take
different actions and these are as follows:

Conflicts Actions to be taken

Conflict with the Suitable negotiation and agreements with the suppliers must be
suppliers developed and demand for each resource must be planned
Conflict within team Opinions and suggestion of each employee must be given due
members importance and collaboration should be fostered
Scheduling conflict Proper scheduling of tasks should be done for each area and group
must be made for each area for smooth workflow
Lack of Organization of regular meetings and telephonic communication
communication (Zhang, 2022)
Scarcity of resources A contract must be established for avoiding conflicts and resource
requirement plan should be developed
Poor leadership Participating and accommodating leadership should be adopted by
the project manager

TASK – 7
Ways by which project manager can build highly successful team for the Smart City OS
In a project there is an incorporation of different members who supports the project
manager in accomplishing the project aims within a given period of time. The participation of
all the members depicts the probability of teamwork that augments the work process.
According to the views of Yap, Leong and Skitmore (2020), teamwork within the project
management is defined as the work being performed with collaboration of the members for
attaining pre-determined objective. Working in a team optimistically impacts the activities of
the project. for the development of effective team, following aspects are required to be
considered by the project manager and these are:
 Each and every project must have objectives and they must be clear within the team.
 Team members must be aware of their roles and accountabilities
 They must have autonomy of making decisions (Hoffman and Tadelis, 2021)
 Appropriate communication channels must be present
 Positive working environment and conditions
 Maintenance of workload distribution

Ways in which diverse team can increase performance

It has been highlighted in the Hull Smart City OS project that effective as well as
excellent diverse team at the workplace offers different benefits. When diverse teams work
for a project that it helps in increasing the overall satisfaction, motivation as well as
productivity of the workers. Diverse team comes up with different opinions and background
and thus, brings creativity and innovation which in turn facilitates higher operational
performance. In addition to this, the augmented employee morale along with motivation also
results in generation of maximum quality standards and levels of products and deliverables.
Other than this, the working in diverse team also helps in boosting confidence of the workers
which in turn makes sure risk management and adaptability (Farashah, Thomas and
Blomquist, 2019).

Actions that project manager can take for building diverse team
Some of the actions that the project manager can take for building diverse teams are as
 Project manager is required to set a diversity inclusion policy

 Recruitment and selection process should be fair and equitable
 Equity in payment should be taken into account in respect with the work being done
by the workers
 The projects and tasks need to be approachable and participative with all team
 Opinions and demands of each and every team member must be heard irrespective of
their background, religion and caste (Meng and Boyd, 2017)

Challenges for working in a diverse team

There are different challenges of working in diverse team. Firstly, varied opinions,
viewpoints as well as ideas are quite good for innovation however it can slow down the
process of decision making. secondly, there might be cultural misunderstandings as people
from varied cultures will come up and work together for a common goal. Finally, there might
be communication issues.

Based on the above evaluation, it can be stated that the present work is being related
with the development of operating system within a smart city. Further, the project is also
anticipated to be advantageous for the citizens of Hull city. On the basis of the analysis being
done, participating leadership is required to be executed within the evolution process. the
report has also included the list of both direct and indirect stakeholders and an action plan in
regards with the communication has also been elaborated. The exact financial resources and
the needs of the project management process have also been listed in the report significantly.
It has been originated from the study that the project manager plays a very important role in
the project and has to make sure communication, leadership, teamwork, conflict and diversity
management within the projects.

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Tasks Self-evaluation
Task – 1 In this task I have gathered the information in relation with the leadership
skills within the project management process and has also explained the
relevant skills needed for this project and thus, I would be awarding merit.
Task – 2 On the basis of the evaluation of my contribution in this task, I would be
rewarded distinction as I have mentioned a clear discussion about the key
stakeholders, their importance and impact along with ways of engagement.
Task – 3 I would also like to award merit in this as I have presented good discussion
in regards with the project triangle and supported the same with academic
Task – 4 In this task I grade myself as distinction because I have included accurate
list of resources for making the Smart City OS project a great success.
Task – 5 Distinction can be provided in this task due to the fact that I have mentioned
all the possible risks along with the actions that can be taken for mitigating
the same. their impact has also been highlighted.
Task – 6 I would award merit for this task as all possible conflicts and mitigation
processes have been discussed thoroughly
Task – 7 I think merit should be awarded for this task, as all the required details
regarding diversity and teamwork have been effectively mentioned


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