(Teacher-Respondents Questionnaire)
Dear Respondents:
The undersigned is conducting a study entitled “PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ON
TOWARDS A PARENT-LEARNER SUPPORT PROGRAM” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree ___________ of Education.
Directions: Listed below are indicators/items regarding level of parental involvement in the
kindergarten academic and co-curricular activities. Please take time to understand each item,
then kindly put a check ( ) mark to rate the extent of your INVOLVEMENT in the activities of
your school along the following areas below. Use the following descriptive ratings.
5 - Highly Involved
4 - Involved
3 - Moderately Involved
2 - Less Involved
1 - Not Involved
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
A Parenting. As a kindergarten parent, I…..
suggest for home conditions that support learning at each grade
do workshops, videotapes, computerized telephone messages on
parenting and child rearing at teach age and grade level.
3 conduct parent education and other courses or training for parents
and my family support programs to assist families with health,
nutrition, and other services.
do neighborhood meetings to help families understand schools and
to help schools understand families.
B. Communicating. As a kindergarten parent, I…..
1 conduct conferences with every parent at least once a year.
2 do as a language translators to assist families as needed
review and make comments to weekly or monthly folders of my
child work sent home.
4 pickup of report card, with conferences on improving grades.
make clear information on choosing schools or courses, programs,
and activities within schools.
C Volunteering
volunteer to school and classroom programs to help teachers,
administrators, students and other parents
involve in making parent room or family center for volunteer
work, meetings, resources for families.
post annual postcard survey to identify all available talents, times
and locations of volunteers.
do class parent, telephone tree, or other structures to provide all
families with needed information
conduct patrols or other activities to aid safety and operation of
school programs.
Directions: Below are the indicators of level of participation of parents. Please take time to
understand each item, then kindly put a check ( ) mark to rate the extent of your
INVOLVEMENT in the activities of your school along the following areas below.
Use the following descriptive ratings.
5 - Highly Participated
4 - Participated
3 - Moderately Participated
2 - Less Participated
1 - Not Participated
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
A. Academic. As a kindergarten parent, I…..
1 ask the teacher about homework regularly
2 help my child with homework.
3 talk to the learners about my future schooling.
4 talk to my child often with his/her teachers.
5 provide my child a time to study at home
6 regularly check the exercise books of my child
7 encourage my child to work harder in school.
provide my child with learning materials such as exercise
books, pen, pencils, and text books
9 checked my child school attending progress
10 discuss with my child about their school day.
Direction: Please use the following descriptive ratings to measure the extent of parents’
participation to the school activities.
5 Highly Extent
4 Extent
3 Moderately Extent
2 Less Extent
1 Not Extent
Direction: Please use the following descriptive ratings to measure the on challenges
encountered by the kindergarten teachers on parental involvement.
5 Highly Encountered
4 Encountered
3 Moderately Encountered
2 Less Encountered
1 Not Encountered
Challenges Encountered 5 4 3 2 1