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Enlistment 2022

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No. DG/Enlist. Rules/6g


- Release of Rures for

Entistment of contractors in
cpw D 2022
The "Rutes for Enlistment
of contractors in cpwD 2022,
Minister of Housing and Urban
has been raunched by Hon,bre
Affairs on 12.07.2022. These
with effect from 13'07 rules shall come into force
'2022' The "Rutes for Enlistment of
available on the CPWD website contractors in cpwD 2022,,
under CPWD pubrications.
enlistment after going through contractors may appry for
the latest rures, through web-portar
Enlistment Management system, i.e. contractor,s
which is avairabre in the cpwD
This issues with the approvat

lssued from file No. CSQ/CM/18(4)tER/2022


e_fite no. 91 35972

Copy to:-

1' A', the sDGs/ADGs cpwD

for information and necessary
2' DDG-(e Gov.) for.nec-es_sary
on Entistment Rutes_ZOZZ on l"^,r ,"qr"rLJio modify the portar based




Hkkjr ljdkj dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
Government of India
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh 110011
Shailendra Sharma Central Public Works Department
Director General Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110011
Tel : 23062556 / 1317, Fax : 23061884
E-Mail : cpwd_dgw@nic.in


The rules for enlistment of contractors in CPWD were published last in the
year 2021. A need has been felt to improve the online procedure further to make the
process easier and faster.

The major changes incorporated in the present rules include.

• Facilitating unemployed engineers/architects in getting themselves
enlisted within one
month of application.
• Comprehensive list of documents to be uploaded along with application.
• Hidden works made eligible for consideration based on certification by
owner department.
• Action against defaulting contractors in line with Ministry of Finance

I hope these rules will be helpful not only to CPVVD officers and contractors
but also to other organisations which follow similar procedure.

The hard work put in by Shri D.C. Goel, Additional Director General (Tech ),
Shri Vinayak Rai, Chief Engineer (CSQ)(Civil) and the entire team of C&M unit for
bringing out the Enlistment Rules 2022 is also acknowledged.

Place : New Delhi

(Shailendra Sharma)
July, 2022
Hkkjr ljdkj
Government of India
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh 110011
Dharmesh Chandra Goel Central Public Works Department
Addl. Director General (Tech) Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110011
Tel : 23063389, Fax : 23061833
E-Mail : adgtd@nic.in

The Enlistment Rules published by Central Public Works Department is used for enlistment
of contractors.
During the past one year. amendments and suggestions were offered by field units and
other stakeholders. Suggestions were found useful and in line with present day needs, hence,
incorporated by way of amendments. These new rules bring the existing rules and the various
amendments under one compiled volume.
The Enlistment Rules, 2022 is improvement over the 2021 version in many ways. They
are compatible with the enlistment portal available in the CPWD website.
I am sure this book will be useful for all enlisting authorities.
The efforts made by Shri Vinayak Rai, Chief Engineer, (CSQ) Civil, Shri V. P. Sahu,
SE(C&M), Shri Kamal Ram Meena, EE(C), Shri Suresh Chand, AE, Shri Needu Ram Meena, AE
and other staff of CSQ in finalization of Enlistment Rules. 2022 is thankfully acknowledged.
I am grateful to Shri Shailendra Sharma. Director General for guiding us at every step to
streamline the enlistment rules to enable the citizens to work for the development of the country
with ease.

Place : New Delhi (Dharmesh Chandra Goel)

Date: July, 2022 Additional Director General (Technical)

Sl. No. Rules Description Page No.
1 1.0 Title, extent and commencement 1
2 2.0 Definitions 1
3 3.0 General 2
4 4.0 Repeal and savings 3
5 5.0 Enlistment categories, classes and tendering limit 3
6 6.0 Eligibility criteria for enlistment 4
7 7.0 Enlistment procedure 12
8 8.0 Validity of enlistment 17
9 9.0 Change of name, address, constitution, and 17
status of enlisted entities
10 10.0 Contractor's near relatives working in CPWD 19
11 11.0 Review of enlistment 19
12 12.0 Enlisted contractor’s obligations 19
13 13.0 Disciplinary action 20
14 14.0 Re-validation 22
15 Instructions for applicants 23
16 Annexure-I Application for Enlistment and re-validation in all 26
categories and classes
17 Annexure-II List of Documents to be uploaded for Enlistment/ 30
18 Annexure-III Details of completed works 32
19 Annexure-IV Assessment of quality certificate of completed 34
work (Inspection report)
26 Annexure-V-1 Form of banker's certificate from a commercial 39
27 Annexure-V-2 Form of certificate of annual turnover on works 40
from Chartered Accountant
28 Annexure-V-3 Form of certificate of networth from Chartered 40
29 Annexure-VI Application for change of name, address, 41
constitution and status, merger and disassociation
of enlisted entity
30 Annexure-VII Criteria for evaluation of contractors' performance 46
for enlistment

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Sl. No. Rules Description Page No.

31 Annexure-VIII Affidavit of Engineers/Architects/ Horticulturist/ 47
32 Annexure-IX Provisional Enlistment Order 49
33 Annexure-X Enlistment Order 51
34 Guidelines for departmental officers 53

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Rules for Enlistment of Contractors in CPWD, 2022

1.0 Title, extent and commencement

1.1 These rules may be called the Rules for Enlistment of Contractors in CPWD, 2022.
1.2 They shall hereinafter be referred to as Enlistment Rules, 2022 for the sake of brevity.
1.3 They extend to the whole of India.
1.4 They shall come into force with effect from 12th July, 2022.

2.0 Definitions
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
2.1 “building” means a residential or non-residential structure consisting of foundation, walls, floors,
roofs, and finishing, civil and electrical services, executed under a single contract.
2.2 “building work” means any of following –
(i) construction of a residential or non-residential structure (consisting of foundation, walls,
floors, roofs, finishing, civil and electrical services, complete),
(ii) Construction of balance work of a residential or non-residential structure in case of incomplete
contract like foreclosed/rescinded contract,
(iii) addition of additional floors,
(iv) construction of boundary wall,
(v) repair, maintenance, additions, alterations, renovations, up-gradations,
(vi) SITC electrical/E&M services and installations like roof top solar plants, oxygen plants etc.,
(vii) Construction of underground sump,
(viii) Construction of parking,
(ix) Construction of sewage treatment plant,
(x) Construction of water treatment plants,
(xi) Construction of effluent treatment plant,
(xii) Construction of overhead tank,
(xiii) water supply works,
(xiv) sewerage works,
(xv) drainage works.
Any one of the above work or combination of above works shall be deemed as building work.
but excluding –
(i) standalone works of supply of materials,
(ii) any works involving labour component only like housekeeping, sweeping, care taking, watch
& ward, operation and maintenance of electrical and mechanical services through original
equipment manufacturers.
2.3 “category” means category of enlistment under these rules. These categories are B&R (Buildings
& Roads) and horticulture.
2.4 “class” means class of enlistment, in each category, under these rules.
2.5 “contractor” means an individual, partnership firm, limited liability partnership or company executing
or intending to execute the work under a contract.
2.6 “enlistment” means enlistment of contractors in accordance with these rules.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 1


2.7 “horticulture works” means any one or more of the following works: landscaping, plantation or
transplantation of trees, grassing, nursery work, or maintenance of trees and lawns, floral interior/
exterior decoration etc. but excluding standalone supply of seeds, saplings, good earth, manure,
fertilizer, cut flowers, horticulture tools and equipment, labour etc.
2.8 “infrastructure work” hereinafter referred as “road works” means any one or more of the following
works: construction of road including re-carpeting and road maintenance, bridges, flyovers,
elevated road or rail corridor, road over bridge, foot over bridge, approaches of bridge or flyover,
culvert, subway, underpass, tunnel, runway, sky-walk, river training work, other cross drainage
works etc. but excluding standalone earth filling, supply of earth, supply of road metal, supply of
other constituent construction materials like cement, steel, asphalt, stone chips etc.
2.9 “tendering limit” means the upper limit determined by the estimated cost put to tender of a work
of specified category, up to which an enlisted contractor can tender, subject to the eligibility
conditions specified in the notice inviting tenders.
2.10 “work” means the work contracted with the owner to be executed under a single contract.

3.0 General
3.1 The object of enlistment of contractors is to have a ready list of suitable and competent contractors
for CPWD works so as to minimize the requirement of verification of their credentials at the time
of individual tenders. At the same time, only those contractors are allowed to continue in the list
that remain active in CPWD and perform satisfactorily.
3.2 The enlistment of a contractor in CPWD shall only entitle him to participate in the tenders, subject
to the conditions of each notice inviting tender. It does not confer any right or claim on him to
qualify him or to award work to him.
3.3 These rules may be revised or repealed by new rules. The enlistment of a contractor shall be
governed by the revised or new rules existing at the relevant time, if any, and not by the rules
prevailing at the time of enlistment.
3.4 The term CPWD shall include Public Works Department of the Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi, Civil Construction Unit of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change, and any other offices encadred with CPWD.
3.5 The contractors who have applied for enlistment under composite, road, buildings, infrastructure
category and their applications are still under process, shall now be enlisted under Buildings &
Roads category, if found eligible. Similarly, the contractors who have applied for enlistment under
horticulture and nursery category and their applications are still under process, shall now be
enlisted under Horticulture category, if found eligible. The applications under process for enlistment
or revalidation in furniture category shall be rejected.
3.6 It is clarified that the category of contractors already enlisted in Composite, Road, Furniture,
Horticulture and Nursery categories was modified as below vide Enlistment Rules, 2020.
(a) All the Composite category contractors were renamed as Building category contractors
with no change in their class.
(b) All the Road category contractors were renamed as Infrastructure category contractors with
no change in their class.

2 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(c) Since furniture is purchased as readymade item either from the market or through GeM,
fresh enlistment or revalidation of the contractors in Furniture category was discontinued.
Erstwhile Furniture category was merged with Building category with one class below. For
example, Furniture Class I contractors were converted into Building Class II contractors,
Furniture Class II contractors were converted into Building Class III contractors, etc.
(d) All the nursery category contractors were renamed as horticulture category Class III
3.7 Now, the category of contractors already enlisted / renamed as per Rule 3.6 above, in any class
of either Building or Infrastructure or both is hereby renamed as “Buildings & Roads”. Such enlisted
contractors can take up work either in Building or Road or in any combination of Buildings &
Road thereof up to their prescribed tendering limit.
3.8 The enlisted contractors can tender within their tendering limit for works all over the country
irrespective of jurisdiction of the enlisting authority. The tendering limit is uniform all over India.
3.9 The contractors enlisted in a particular category are not allowed to participate in tenders of other

4.0 Repeal and savings

4.1 All existing rules regarding enlistment and revalidation of contractors in CPWD are hereby
4.2 Notwithstanding such repeal, the contractors already enlisted on the basis of rules hitherto in
force shall continue to enjoy the status of enlisted contractors of CPWD till the period of validity of
such enlistment, including revalidation or extension granted before coming into effect of the
Enlistment Rules, 2022. However, all other conditions of enlistment shall be applicable as per the
Enlistment Rules, 2022.
4.3 The validity of enlistment of valid Furniture category CPWD contractors on 17.08.2020 merged
with Building category vide OM No. DG/SE/CM/Enlist. Rules/52 dated 17.08.2020 is further
extended up to 31.08.2025 by which time they should gather required work experience in B & R
4.4 The applications already received shall be processed as per the enlistment rules prevailing on
the date of receipt of the application or ER 2022, whichever is beneficial to the applicant. For this
purpose, the date of receipt of application shall be the date of diary of application or the date of
online submission as recorded by the portal or the date of instrument of payment of enlistment
fee, whichever is last. The fee already deposited shall be valid.

5.0 Enlistment categories, classes and tendering limit

The contractors shall be enlisted in the categories and classes mentioned in Rules 5.1 to 5.2.

5.1 Buildings & Roads category

Various classes of enlistment in this category are I(Super), I(AAA), I(AA), I(A), I, II, III, IV and V.
Those contractors who have works experience as defined for “building work” and/or “road work”
and satisfy the prescribed criterion corresponding to the class can be enlisted in the said class
under this category. Enlisted contractors can bid upto the tendering limit given in Table1.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 3


5.2 Horticulture category

The classes of enlistment in horticulture category are Class I, II, III and IV. Those contractors who
have works experience as defined for “horticulture work” and satisfy the prescribed criterion
corresponding to the class can be enlisted in the said class under this category. Enlisted
contractors can bid up to the tendering limit given in Table1.

5.3 Tendering limit

The enlisted contractors shall be eligible to bid for specified category works where the estimated
cost put to tender is not more than their tendering limit, without pre-qualification or eligibility bid,
but subject to bidding capacity, unless otherwise specified in the bid document. The tendering
limits of all categories and classes of contractors are given below in Table1. These tendering
limits may be revised or changed from time to time.

Table1: Tendering limits of enlisted contractors in Rs. crore

S. No. Class Buildings & Roads Horticulture
1. I(Super) 650
2. I(AAA) 260
Not applicable
3. I(AA) 130
4. I(A) 75
5. I 50 2.30
6. II 15 0.80
7. III 4 0.40
8. IV 1.30 0.20
9. V 0.40 Not applicable

6.0 Eligibility criteria for enlistment

6.1 The status of an applicant for enlistment as a contractor in CPWD may be one of the following.
(a) An individual, who is a citizen of India.
(b) Sole proprietorship
(c) Partnership firm
(d) Limited liability partnership
(e) Private limited company
(f) Public limited company
6.1.1 No individual or firm, limited liability partnership, private or public limited company having such
individual as one of its partners or directors, who is a dismissed government servant; or demoted
to a lower class of enlistment; or removed from the enlistment; or having business banned by any
government department or public sector undertaking or local body or autonomous body in the

4 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


past; or convicted by a court of law, shall be entitled for enlistment. However, enlistment
may be considered where disciplinary action was taken against the contractor for a
specified period and such period is already over.
6.1.2 No engineer or any other official employed in engineering or administrative duties in
any engineering department of the Government of India/State Government /Central and
State PSUs is allowed to work in CPWD either as a contractor or as an employee of a
contractor for a period of one year after his retirement from service unless he has obtained
prior permission of his employer Government to do so.
6.1.3 A partner of a firm or a director of a company enlisted as a contractor cannot be a
partner or director in any other firm/company in that category in CPWD.
6.1.4 A contractor is permitted to have enlistment in more than one category but not in more
than one class in the same category.
6.1.5 A contractor is not permitted to have enlistment in more than one name in a category.
6.1.6 Opportunity to unemployed engineers and architects
Engineer or architect in any stream of engineering / architecture from a recognized
Institution or University [degree (B.E/B.Tech)/ diploma] having annual income not more
than Rs. 4 lakh per year (income certificate to be obtained from the authorized State
Government Authority), but excluding those employed with Central/State Government
Departments or Undertakings or Central/State Government Institutions or Autonomous
bodies can directly apply as individual for enlistment in Buildings & Roads category.
Individual engineers / architects already enlisted as contractor in any PSUs/State/Central
Govt. Department are eligible in this category subject to fulfillment of other prescribed
criteria like annual income criteria etc. The work experience criterion and financial
soundness shall not be applicable for them if they are seeking enlistment for the first
time. Diploma holder shall be eligible for enlistment in class-V and degree holder shall
be eligible for enlistment in class-IV. Based on initial scrutiny of required documents,
provisional enlistment order valid for six months shall be issued with the approval of
enlistment authority within one month of online application. Such provisional enlistment
order shall be issued without referring the matter to Advisory committee. In case any
misinformation is found in the documents submitted by applicant, during subsequent
verification/scrutiny, the provisional enlistment shall be cancelled and the applicant shall
be debarred for 2 years after issue of show cause notice. The enlistment authority may
also initiate criminal case in case of any forgery by lodging FIR against the applicant
through Member Secretary.
6.1.7 For retired Central Government/State Government/Central or State PSU engineers or
architects seeking enlistment for the first time as individual, after one year of their
retirement or voluntary retirement from service, enlistment can be considered in any
class in Buildings & Roads category without work experience but with prescribed financial
soundness, subject his holding a valid PPO in case of government servant and equivalent
document in case of PSU employee. Such individuals applying for enlistment should
neither be empanelled nor working as arbitrator or consultant in any Central/State
Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking or Central/State Government
Institution or Autonomous body. Based on initial scrutiny of required documents,

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 5


provisional enlistment order valid for six months shall be issued with the approval of
enlistment authority within one month of online application. Such provisional enlistment
order shall be issued without referring the matter to Advisory committee. In case any
misinformation is found in the documents submitted by applicant, during subsequent
verification/scrutiny, the provisional enlistment shall be cancelled and the applicant shall
be debarred for 2 years after issue of show cause notice. The enlistment authority may
also initiate criminal case in case of any forgery by lodging FIR against the applicant
through Member Secretary.
6.1.8 Opportunity to unemployed agriculturist and horticulturist
Persons having degree in BSc (Agriculture) or BSc (Horticulture) from recognized
Institution or University having annual income not more than 4 lakh per year (income
certificate to be obtained from the authorized State Government Authority), but excluding
those employed with Central/State Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking
or Central/State Government Institution or Autonomous body can directly apply as
individual for enlistment in Class IV of Horticulture category. Individual agriculturist /
horticulturist already enlisted as contractor in any PSUs/State/Central Govt. Department
are eligible in this category subject to fulfillment of other prescribed criteria like annual
income criteria etc. The work experience criterion and financial soundness shall not be
applicable for them if they are seeking enlistment for the first time. Based on initial
scrutiny of required documents, provisional enlistment order valid for six months shall
be issued with the approval of enlistment authority within one month of online application.
Such provisional enlistment order shall be issued without referring the matter to Advisory
committee. In case any misinformation is found in the documents submitted by applicant,
during subsequent verification/scrutiny, the provisional enlistment shall be cancelled and
the applicant shall be debarred for 2 years after issue of show cause notice. The enlistment
authority may also initiate criminal case in case of any forgery by lodging FIR against
the applicant through Member Secretary.
6.1.9 For retired Central Government/State Government/Central or State PSU agriculturist or
horticulturist seeking enlistment for the first time as individual, after one year of their
retirement or voluntary retirement from service, enlistment can be considered in any class
in Horticulture category without work experience but with prescribed financial soundness,
subject to his holding a valid PPO in case of government servant and equivalent document
in case of PSU employee. Such individuals applying for enlistment should neither be
empanelled nor working as arbitrator or consultant in any Central/State Government
Department or Public Sector Undertaking or Central/State Government Institution or
Autonomous body. Based on initial scrutiny of required documents, provisional enlistment
order valid for six months shall be issued with the approval of enlistment authority within
one month of online application. Such provisional enlistment order shall be issued without
referring the matter to Advisory committee. In case any misinformation is found in the
documents submitted by applicant, during subsequent verification/scrutiny, the provisional
enlistment shall be cancelled and the applicant shall be debarred for 2 years after issue of
show cause notice. The enlistment authority may also initiate criminal case in case of any
forgery by lodging FIR against the applicant through Member Secretary.

6 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


6.1.10 Persons enlisted under Rules 6.1.6, 6.1.7, 6.1.8 and 6.1.9 cannot change status for the
period of first enlistment. For re-validation or re-enlistment, they shall have to meet the
pre-requisites of the appropriate category including experience. They can change status
or constitution at the time of re-validation or re-enlistment as per prescribed provisions.

6.2 Work experience

6.2.1 The criterion for work experience shall be of completed works, as given in Rule 6.2.7 and
6.2.8 of these rules, of the prescribed nature and magnitude executed on independent
contract basis during the last 7 years (7 years is considered from the date of actual
completion of eligible work to the date of application, both days inclusive). The value of
works executed during the last 7 years shall be brought to current value by enhancing the
actual cost of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion
of work to the date of submission of application. The works should have been executed in
the same name and style in which the enlistment is sought by the applicant, except under
special circumstances as stated in these rules separately. If an applicant is constituent of
a JV in same name and style in which enlistment is sought then proportionate work
experience amount shall be considered for enlistment. JV can be among companies,
individuals, firms, LLP etc. or combination thereof.
Foreclosed contracts shall be considered as work experience for enlistment with gross
amount of work done. Due to work exigencies if a contract is split into two parts viz, main
agreement and supplementary agreement, (i) Main agreement shall be considered, if it is
completed. (ii) Both agreements (Main and supplementary) shall be considered
combinedly as one work if supplementary agreement is also completed.
6.2.2 Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract basis is acceptable.
Back-to-back contract means work awarded by owner to first agency and then by the first
agency to the second agency. The first agency shall not be eligible for work experience in
such a case. To get the weightage of experience, following conditions must be fulfilled.
(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency with due concurrence of the
owner as tri-partite agreement. It should be backed by valid agreement and
experience certificate.
(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in bank accounts and
income tax statements.
(c) Owner of the project and first agency should jointly certify the experience certificate.
(d) The actual amount of payment received by the second agency shall be considered
for experience.
6.2.3 Experience of petty contractor, labour rate contractor work shall not be accepted. Work which can’t be inspected for quality parameters at all subsequently, like
road carpeting work already covered with another layer, painting work already
covered with another coat etc. shall be accepted only if completion certificate is
issued by the owner department along with grading for quality of work. Similarly,
works for which inspecting officers are not permitted to visit the site due to reasons
of national security, shall be considered for the enlistment against performance
reports issued by the owner department and recorded decision of such

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 7


department disallowing inspection by the designated CPWD officer, provided

the work otherwise qualifies as a valid work for work experience. In such cases,
owner department like DRDO, MES etc. shall be requested to grade the executed
work as per the format prescribed for CPWD inspecting officer and inspection
by CPWD officers shall be dispensed with. Such works shall be considered
ineligible in case of incomplete information in the performance report/completion
certificate issued by owner department. These provisions shall not apply to private
works, which have to be verified invariably by CPWD officers. The marking of quality for works covered under Rule shall be given on
following basis, in case marks are not given by owner department for quality:
(i) Quality graded as Outstanding/Excellent : 9 marks out of 10
(ii) Quality graded as Very Good : 7 marks out of 10
(iii) Quality graded as Good/Satisfactory : 6 marks out of 10
(iv) Quality graded as Average : 5 marks out of 10
(v) Quality graded as Poor : 3 marks out of 10
6.2.4 Experience for the purpose of these rules in respect of an associate contractor,
subcontractor or those executing work on subletting may be allowed only if the conditions
of sub-contract / sub-letting have been incorporated in the original agreement between
the client/owner and first agency and the experience certificate is jointly issued by first
agency and owner/client.
Only part of work is allowed to be sub-contracted or executed through associate contractor.
The experience for such part work executed by sub-contractor/ associate contractor shall
be considered both for original contractor and subcontractor/ associate contractor for the
purpose of enlistment.
6.2.5 Experience of works on foreign soil shall be accepted only when executed for CPWD as
per directions of MEA. Such work shall be considered for the enlistment against
performance report/ completion certificate already issued by the CPWD officer containing
required information, provided the work otherwise qualifies as a valid work for work
experience. Marking for quality of such work shall be considered as 80% for quality in
case completion certificate issued by CPWD does not include grading/marks for quality.
For other parameters, marks shall be calculated based on information given in the
completion/ performance certificate. Such works shall be considered ineligible in case of
incomplete information in the performance report/completion certificate issued by CPWD.
These provisions shall not apply to private works and other department works.
6.2.6 The applicant shall furnish the details of completed works in Annexure III. He shall also
furnish award letters of all the works. Copy of final bills of the works mentioned in Annexure-
III (not required for Central/State Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking
works) shall be submitted. Completed works with time overrun (TOR) more than 1.0 shall
not be considered for enlistment, where TOR means actual time of completion divided by
the time of completion of the work stipulated in the agreement plus extended time period
without levy of compensation. Completed works in which compensation is levied by the

8 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


competent authority for delay in completion of the work are not eligible for enlistment.
Works in which compensation was levied, but was subsequently paid as awarded amount
against contractors claim, on account of the decision of arbitrator or court of law, shall be
considered for enlistment, if the department has accepted the decision of arbitrator/ court.
Completed work for which EOT case is not decided shall not be considered for work
experience/enlistment. The contractor’s performance on the completed works shall be
evaluated after physical inspection on the basis of parameters given in Annexure-IV. The
nature and amount of work experience required for different categories and classes of
enlistment is given below.
6.2.7 The magnitude of work experience required for Buildings & Roads category for various
classes is given in Table 2.
Table2: Magnitude of work experience for Building & Roads category

Number of Magnitude of each completed Building or/and

Completed Infrastructure/Road Work Rs. In lac
I(Super) I(AAA) I(AA) I(A) I II III IV V

Three 7000 3500 1750 1100 400 110 35 10 3

Two 10500 5250 2600 1600 600 160 50 15 4


One 21000 10500 5200 3200 1200 320 100 30 8

6.2.8 The nature and magnitude of work experience required for horticulture category, class I, II,
III, and IV are given in Table 3.
Table 3: Magnitude of work experience for Horticulture category
Number of Magnitude of each completed horticulture work Rs. In lac
work Class

Three 21 11 6 3

Two 32 16 8 4


One 64 32 16 8

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 9


6.3 Financial Soundness

6.3.1 Buildings & Roads Category
The minimum requirements for financial soundness of the applicant shall be as per Table 4.
Table 4: Minimum requirements for financial soundness–
Buildings & Roads Category

Criterion Minimum amount Rs. In lac

I(Super) I(AAA) I(AA) I(A) I II III IV V

Networth 6,500 2,600 1,300 750 500 150 40 13 4

Average 20800 8320 4160 2400 1000 300 80 26 8
Banker’s 20800 8320 4160 2400 1000 300 80 26 8

6.3.2 Horticulture Category

The minimum requirements for financial soundness of the applicant shall be as per Table 5.
Table5: Minimum requirements for financial soundness – Horticulture
Criterion Minimum amount Rs. In lac


Net worth certificate 23 8 4 2

Average Annual Turnover 46 16 8 4

Banker’s Certificate 46 16 8 4

6.3.3 For Class 1(Super), Class I(AAA), Class I(AA), Class I(A), Class I and Class II, irrespective
of category following two documents are required:-(i) Either Banker’s Certificate or Net
worth Certificate (ii) Average Annual Turnover Certificate on works during the last three
financial years from a Chartered Accountant.
6.3.4 For Class III, IV and V, irrespective of category, Banker's Certificate or Net worth Certificate
or Average Annual Turnover Certificate on works during the last three financial years from
a Chartered Accountant are required.
6.3.5 For enlistment under Rule 6.1.7 and 6.1.9 only Banker's Certificate is required.
6.3.6 Average Annual Turnover Certificate shall be in the format prescribed in Annexure V-2.
This certificate shall be duly signed and issued by the certified Chartered Accountants on
their letterhead. The relevant year shall be the financial year ending on 31st March of the
year preceding the calendar year of application or 31st March of last financial year if
audited balance sheet is submitted. This certificate shall be verified by CPWD officers
(member secretary etc.) using UDIN website. The value of annual turnover figures shall be
brought to current value by enhancing the actual turnover figures at simple rate of 7% per

10 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Illustration 1: Date of application is 21.05.2022 with unaudited balance sheet of last financial
year. Relevant year of turnover shall be 2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19. Figures of turnover
of 2020- 21 shall be enhanced by 7%. Figures of turnover of 2019-20 shall be enhanced
by 14%. Figures of turnover of 2018-19 shall be enhanced by 21%.
Illustration 2: Date of application is 21.05.2022 with audited balance sheet of last financial
year available. Relevant year of turnover shall be 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20.
Figures of turnover of 2021-22 shall not be enhanced. Figures of turnover of 2020-21
shall be enhanced by 7%. Figures of turnover of 2019-20 shall be enhanced by 14%.
6.3.7 Banker's Certificate shall be issued by a Scheduled Bank on its letter head addressed to
the enlisting authority in the format prescribed in Annexure V-1, and shall be uploaded
after scanning from the original. The amounts of Banker's Certificate and Average Annual
Turnover Certificate are given in Table 4 for Buildings &Roads category and in Table 5 for
Horticulture category. Banker certificate shall not be more than 3 months old on the date
of application.
6.3.8 The Networth Certificate shall be in the format prescribed in Annexure V-3. These
certificates shall be duly signed and issued by the certified Chartered Accountants on
their letter heads. In the Net worth Certificate, the Chartered Accountant should also certify
that "the net worth of the applicant has not eroded by more than 50% in the last three years
ending on 31st March. The relevant year shall be the financial year ending on 31st March
of the year proceeding the calendar year of application or 31st March of last financial year
if audited balance sheet is submitted.
Networth certificate shall be verified by CPWD officers (member secretary etc.) using
UDIN website. The amount of Networth Certificate is given in Table 4 for Buildings &
Roads category and in Table 5 for Horticulture category.

6.4 Engineering establishment, tools, plants, and machinery

The applicant shall submit an undertaking in the application form (Annexure-I) to hire or otherwise
procure the required engineering establishment, tools, plants, and machinery, if not already
available with him. In case the contractor fails to deploy the requisite engineering establishment,
tools, plants, and machinery, either owned or hired as per requirement of work, then the contractor
shall be liable for disciplinary action under these Enlistment Rules.

6.5 Electrical license

If the applicant does not possess electrical license in his own name, he shall submit an undertaking
in the application form to associate an agency having valid electrical license of appropriate
voltage in its name issued by the State Government concerned under Section 45 of the Indian
Electricity Rules, 1956 as amended from time to time, for execution of work which requires such
a license. Such associate agency shall keep valid electrical license throughout the period of
execution of work by getting it renewed at suitable intervals. In the event of any default on the part
of the contractor in this regard, he/she is liable to be debarred.

6.6 All the contractors are required to possess valid GST registration on the date of application for

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 11


6.7 Concessions to SC/ST contractors

The SC/ST contractors have to submit the following concessional amount of Banker’s Certificate
for enlistment.
Table 6: Concessional Banker’s Certificate amount for SC/ST contractors

S. Class and Category Banker’s

No. Certificate
1 Class-V Buildings & Roads category Rs. 4.00 lakh

2 Class-IV Horticulture category Rs. 4.00 lakh

6.8 Criteria for evaluation of application

The enlistment shall be done on the basis of evaluation of performance of the applicant on the
completed works listed in Annexure-III. The criteria for evaluation are given in Annexure-VII. The
eligibility criteria for enlistment shall be minimum 60% marks in each parameter (work experience,
contract performance, time overrun, quality of works) and minimum70% marks overall.

7.0 Enlistment procedure

7.1 The applicant is advised to carefully read the “Instructions for applicants” at the end of these
7.2 The enlistment shall be done in the prescribed categories and classes by the enlisting authorities
specified in Rule 7.4. The applicant shall apply on portal “Contractor Enlistment Management
System (CEMS)” available on CPWD web site. However one time opportunity shall be given to
the applicant for making online correction on CEMS portal in respect of typing/selection mistakes
regarding the head of application (viz. fresh or Revalidation), name of applicant, address etc. No
change shall be allowed in the work experience, class and category of the applicant. The option
for editing the application is available only once in the portal. The date of application shall be
considered as the date of revision by the applicant. In the revised application, works shall be
considered if they are otherwise eligible on date of original application. In the CEMS portal,
applicant has been provided an option of withdrawal of his application any time. His enlistment
fee is non-refundable in such cases. The applicant has to submit fresh enlistment fee with new
7.3 Enlistment fee
The applicant shall have to pay online the enlistment fee prescribed in Table 7 below in favour of
“AE(Cash), CSQ, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi”. The enlistment fee is non refundable. The
applicants are, therefore, advised to ensure that they fulfill the prescribed eligibility requirements
of enlistment before applying and making the online payment. The enlisting authority shall not be
responsible for refund of enlistment fee paid more than once on account of multiple transactions.
The procedure for payment of online processing enlistment fee is described in “Instructions for

12 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Table 7: Enlistment fee in Rs.

S. Class Category
Buildings & Roads Horticulture
1 I(Super) 40,000
3 I(AAA) 35,000
Not applicable
4 I(AA) 30,000
5 I(A) 25,000
6 Class-I 20,000 5,000
7 Class-II 15,000 4,000

8 Class-III 10,000 3,000

9 Class-IV 5,000 2,000

10 Class-V 3,000 Not applicable

7.4 The prescribed application form along with all supporting documents shall be submitted to the
enlisting authority specified in Table 8 below along with the system generated electronic receipt
of enlistment fee paid online. In case of any difficulty, the applicants may call helpline number
011-23063197during office hours from1000 hours to 1700 hours on all working days (except
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
Table 8: Enlisting authorities and their jurisdiction
Jurisdiction of Enlisting Enlisting authority Officer to whom application is to be
authority Submitted (Member Secretary)

1 2 3

1. Class I (Super), Class I(AAA), I(AA) and I(A) of Buildings & Roads category


Room No.A-335, A-Wing Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi-110011.
e-mail: secm@nic.in
Office phone:011-23063197

2. Class I and Class II of all categories

Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, SDG(PR) CE(Works cum TLQA),CPWD

Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Chandigarh Room No.101, First Floor, Kendriya Sadan
Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh Sector-9A, Chandigarh- 160009.
and Ladakh e-mail: sdg-chnd@cpwd.gov.in
Office phone:0172-2747101

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 13


Jurisdiction of Enlisting Enlisting authority Officer to whom application is to be

authority Submitted (Member Secretary)

1 2 3
West Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar, and SDG(PR) CE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD
Jharkhand Kolkata 5th floor,1st MSO Building, Nizam Palace
234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700020.
e-mail: sdger.cpwd@gov.in,
Office phone:033-2287703

Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, SDG(PR) CE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD First
Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, Chennai Floor, G Wing, Rajaji Bhawan, 3rd Avenue,
Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar and Besant Nagar, Chennai- 600090.
Pondicherry e-mail: sdgsrcpwd@nic.in
Office phone:044-24463711

Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya SDG(PR) CE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD 16th Floor,
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Goa Daman & Mumbai Pratishtha Bhawan, Old CGO Annexe 101,
Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli M.K. Road, Mumbai-400020.
e-mail: mumspldgwr.cpwd@gov.in
Office phone : 022-22054936

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, ADG(RG) SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD Office
Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Guwahati Complex, Garchuk, Guwahati-781035.
Manipur. e-mail: guw-ee-sdgner@cpwd.gov.in
Office phone:0361-2270321

Delhi SDG/ADG (PRD) CE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD Room

Delhi No.101, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-110066.
e-mail: delce-tlqad@cpwd.gov.in
Office phone:011-26104978

3. Class III, Class IV, Class V of all categories as applicable

Delhi ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD Room

(Region Delhi) No. A-216, A-Wing, Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi-110011.
e-mail: deladgdr.cpwd@nic.in
Office phone:011-23061355

Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD First Floor,
Punjab, Haryana, Uttrakhand, (Region Chandigarh) Kendriya Sadan Sector-9A,
Chandigarh and Ladakh Chandigarh-160009.
e-mail: nrd.chd.cpwd@gov.in
Office phone: 0172-2749609

14 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Jurisdiction of Enlisting Enlisting authority Officer to whom application is to be

authority Submitted (Member Secretary)

1 2 3
West Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar and ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD 5th floor,
Jharkhand (Region Kolkata) Ist MSO Building, Nizam Palace 234/4,
AJC Bose Road, Kolkata-70020.
e-mail: kolddoadger1.cpwd@nic.in
Office phone: 033-22876646

Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar and ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD
Puducherry (Region Chennai) Second Floor, G-Wing, Rajaji Bhawan,
3rd Avenue, Besant Nagar, Chennai-
e-mail: adgsrcpwd@nic.in
Office phone: 044-24912369

Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa Daman & ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD 15th Floor,
Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli (Region Mumbai) Pratishtha Bhawan Old CGO Building
Annexe 101, MK Road, Mumbai-400020.
e-mail: mumadgwr.cpwd@nic.in
Office phone: 022-22085460

Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD 4th Floor,
(Region Lucknow) Kendriya Bhawan, Sector-H, Aliganj,
e-mail: adgnr2.cpwd@gov.in
Office phone: 0522-2324544

Karnataka, Kerala and Lakshadweep ADG SE(Works cum TLQA), CPWD 2nd Floor,
(Region Bengaluru) C Wing, Kendriya Sadan Koramangala,
e-mail: blr-adgsr2@cpwd.gov.in
Office phone:080-25534968

Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and ADG SE(Works cumTLQA), CPWD Nirman

Odisha (Region Hyderabad) Bhawan, Sultan Bazar Koti,
e-mail: hyd-adghr@cpwd.gov.in
Office phone:040-23656846

Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh ADG SE (Works cum TLQA), CPWD Nirman
(Region Bhopal) Sadan 52-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011
e-mail: adgwr2cpwd-mp@nic.in
Office phone: 0755-2551994

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, ADG(RG) SE(Works cum TLQA), CPWD Office
Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Guwahati Complex, Garchuk, Guwahati-781035.
Manipur e-mail: guw-ee-sdgner@cpwd.gov.in
Office phone:0361-2270321

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 15


7.5 Applications received without enlistment fee shall be summarily rejected. The applicants will be
provided one opportunity to clarify and attend to shortcomings which shall be intimated through
portal only. In the event of no response or incomplete response within 15 days of the issue of the
letter by the Member Secretary seeking any clarification and/or document, the application will be
7.6 The enlisting authority shall have the right to independently verify the details furnished by the
applicant, to get completed works inspected, and to obtain such reports as may be considered
necessary like inspection/performance reports of completed works, details of registration or
incorporation, Form 16A (Tax Deducted at Source by Client) and/or Form 26 AS (Annual Tax
Statement), PAN, etc.
7.7 All verifications, submission of inspection reports related to works etc. are to be pursued by the
applicant. The applicant shall provide all the necessary documents of work and help for inspection
of the work to the inspecting authority after the receipt of intimation for inspection of work from the
enlisting authority and shall accompany and facilitate the team of CPWD officers for inspection
of work. Inspection Report containing the marks on quality and other performance parameters
will be issued by the inspection team in Annexure-IV. The details of inspection team are given in
paragraph 3.0 of the Guidelines for Departmental Officers. Any delay on account of such verification
and reports will not make the applicant entitled for any type of relief. If applicant fails to get the
work inspected, verification of works experience certificates by the concerned owner department
etc., his application is liable to be rejected.
7.8 If the enlisting authority finds the applicant eligible for enlistment, it shall issue the enlistment
order. Otherwise, it shall send a letter of rejection to the applicant. Where the application is
rejected, the applicant may apply for review to the enlisting authority within 60 days of the issue of
letter of rejection. The decision of the enlisting authority on the review application shall be final
and binding on the applicant.
7.9 In general, the applications already received upto 27.03.2019 shall be processed as per Enlistment
Rules, 2017; and those received from 28.03.2019 to 11.06.2020 as per Enlistment Rules, 2019;
applications received from 17.08.2020 to 11.07.2021 as per Enlistment Rules 2020, and
applications received from 12.07.2021 to 11.07.2022 shall be processed as per Enlistment
Rules 2021. Applications shall be processed as per any of the Enlistment Rules published after
the date of receipt of application and as may be beneficial to the applicant, subject however, that
provisions of the beneficial enlistment rules shall be applied in full. Applications received on or
after 12.07.2022 shall be processed as per Enlistment Rules 2022. The date of receipt of the
application and enlistment fee shall be reckoned as per Rule 4.4.
7.10 While applying for enlistment, the applicant should mention the address of his registered office
as well as head and branch office, if different from registered office. All documents including
Bankers' Certificate should bear one of the above-mentioned addresses; otherwise, these
documents shall not be accepted.
7.11 The Director General, CPWD reserves the right to notify the period during which no application
for enlistment in any category or class will be received on all India or regional or state or location
basis or in any other manner. For any clarification or interpretation of any of the provisions of
these Rules, the matter shall be referred for decision to the Director General, CPWD along with

16 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


the comments of the enlisting authority concerned. The Director General, CPWD shall be the
competent authority to make necessary amendments in these Enlistment Rules as deemed fit,
and to relax any condition(s) in the eligibility criteria for enlistment in any category or class or in
an individual case.

8.0 Validity of enlistment

The enlistment shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of order or as
mentioned in the enlistment order. The enlistment shall be open to review by the enlisting authority
and liable to suspension, cancellation, or any other such action at any time, if considered necessary
by the enlisting authority, after issue of show causes notice.

9.0 Change of name, address, constitution, and status of enlisted entities

9.1 The contractors enlisted under Rule 6.1.6 to Rule 6.1.9 cannot change their name, constitution,
and status for the period of first enlistment. They can, however, change their address as per Rule
9.3 below for which they may apply in Annexure VI.
9.2 The change in the name of an enlisted entity is permissible with the prior approval of the enlisting
authority. After obtaining such prior approval, the contractor shall proceed to get the name of the
entity changed from all other authorities concerned. He shall then intimate the changed name of
the entity to the enlisting authority not later than one month of such change along with
acknowledgement of noting down of such change in name from the Bank, Income Tax, GST
authorities, etc. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the enlistment. The application for
change in the name shall be made in Annexure VI.
9.3 The change in the addresses of an entity is permissible. The contractor shall intimate the change
in the addresses of registered office or head office not later than one month of such change
along with acknowledgement of noting down of such change in address from the Bank, Income
Tax, GST authorities, etc. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the enlistment.

9.4 Change in constitution of a partnership firm or company

9.4.1 The enlisted partnership firm or LLP firm shall not modify the existing partnership or enter
into partnership with new partners without the prior approval of the enlisting authority. If
new partners are taken in an enlisted partnership firm, each new partner shall have to
satisfy the eligibility conditions mentioned in Rule 6.1 of these Enlistment Rules. Application
for such prior approval shall include full details of the intended modifications along with
draft partnership deed. After obtaining prior approval of enlisting authority, the change in
constitution of the firm shall be intimated to the member secretary within one month of the
registration with the Registrar of Firms, failing which the firm is liable to be debarred for a
period of minimum six months from tendering in CPWD. Based on prior approval and
documents received as mentioned in annexure-VI, Part-B (b), member secretary of the
Advisory Committee shall issue final order of note of change in constitution.
9.4.2 The enlisted company shall not modify the existing directors or appoint new directors
without prior approval of the enlisting authority. If new directors are taken in an enlisted
company, each new director shall have to satisfy the eligibility conditions mentioned in
Rule 6.1 of these Enlistment Rules. Application for such prior approval shall include full

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 17


details of the intended modifications along with draft memorandum of articles. After
obtaining prior approval of enlisting authority, the change in constitution of the company
shall be intimated to the member secretary within one month of record of such changed
constitution on the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, failing which the firm is
liable to be debarred for a period of minimum six months from tendering in CPWD. Based
on prior approval and documents received as mentioned in annexure-VI, Part-B (b),
member secretary of the Advisory Committee shall issue final order of note of change in
9.4.3 The application for change in constitution shall be made in Annexure VI with supporting
documents as mentioned in the Annexure-VI.

9.5 Change in status (see Rule6.1)

9.5.1 An enlisted entity (other than those covered by Rule 9.1 above) may apply to the enlisting
authority for prior approval for change in its status.
9.5.2 The application for change in the status shall be made in Annexure VI along with supporting
documents mentioned therein.

9.6 Merger and disassociation of enlisted entities

9.6.1 Merger and disassociation of enlisted entities is permitted, for which the enlisted entities
shall apply in Annexure VI for prior approval of the enlisting authority.
9.6.2 Merger of an entity, whether enlisted or not, in to an existing enlisted entity would entail
change in constitution of the existing enlisted entity (ies). If the merger is between two
enlisted entities, the continuing entity shall apply for prior approval of the enlisting authority,
stating clearly that the assets and liabilities of the other have been taken over by it. If the
merger is between an enlisted and a non-enlisted entity, the enlisted entity shall apply in
Annexure VI.
9.6.3 In the case of disassociation of an enlisted entity into two or more entities by a legally valid
agreement / board resolution, the existing enlisted entity, shall be deemed to have change
in its constitution and shall apply for prior approval in Annexure VI. New entities formed
after disassociation can seek fresh enlistment, within 365 days of such disassociation, by
applying in Annexure I with works experience of original enlisted entity, prior to
disassociation, and with financial experience proportionate to the shareholding of partners/
directors in the original enlisted entity, migrating to new entity.
9.6.4 The work experience and financial experience gained only during the term of the originally
enlisted entity before its merger / disassociation can be carried forward by its individuals
/ sole-proprietors/partners/directors, and that too only once.

9.7 Death of partner/director - In case of death of any partner/director, surviving partners/directors

shall fill up Annexure-VI afresh online in CEMS portal for removal of the deceased partner / director
from the constitution of the firm / company preferably within three months of the death of the
partner / director. Filling up of fresh Annexure VI online in CEMS portal shall be deemed as
approval to change of constitution. Member Secretary of the Advisory Committee shall issue

18 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


change of constitution order within one month of receipt of application by the surviving partner(s)/
director(s). If the information provided is proved wrong, forged or illegal, criminal proceedings
shall be initiated by the Enlisting Authority after giving an opportunity to explain the delinquent
discharge by the surviving partner(s)/director(s).

10.0 Contractor’s near relatives working in CPWD

The contractors whose near relatives are employed in any capacity in the Central Public Works
Department will not be allowed to tender for works if the Division or Circle or Zone responsible
for award and execution of contract is the one where the near relative is working. For this purpose
of this Rule, a near relative shall mean wife, husband, parents, grandparents, children,
grandchildren, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins and their corresponding in-laws.

11.0 Review of enlistment

The contractors are expected to bid for works of appropriate magnitude during the enlistment
period. Their application for re-validation / fresh enlistment shall be rejected if they fail to bid for
any CPWD works during the enlistment period of 5 years.

12.0 Enlisted contractor's obligations

The contractor shall fulfill all his obligations under these Rules in the prescribed manner, failing
which he shall be liable for disciplinary action as mentioned therein. Some of the obligations are
summarized below.
(a) An enlisted entity shall not change its status without the prior approval of the enlisting authority.
(b) The enlisted partnership firm shall not modify the existing partnership or enter into fresh
partnership without the prior approval of the enlisting authority.
(c) An enlisted entity shall not change its name without the prior approval of the enlisting authority.
(d) Intimation of change of address should be given within one month of such change along
with acknowledgement of noting down such change from Bank, Income Tax, GST authorities,
(e) If the contractor does not possess electrical license in his own name, he shall associate an
agency having valid electrical license of appropriate voltage in its name issued by the State
Government under Section 45 of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as amended from time
to time, wherever required for execution of electrical works.
(f) He is expected to bid for and secure works of appropriate magnitude during the enlistment
(g) He shall abide by the Enlistment Rules and amendments issued by the competent authority.
(h) He shall not indulge in unethical practices and maintain good conduct.
(i) He shall execute the works awarded to him with due diligence and strictly as per the conditions
of the contract and specifications.
(j) He shall submit the performance report of each work executed by him in the approved form
at duly filled with all the required details to the respective Executive Engineer within 3 months
of completion of the work.
(k) He shall have obligation to rectify construction or structural defects observed after completion
of work for a period of minimum 5 years from the date of completion of the work.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 19


13.0 Disciplinary action

13.1 The contractor shall abide by all the rules of enlistment, and also by the terms and conditions of
notice inviting tenders and contract. He shall execute the works with due diligence and strictly as
per the contract conditions and specifications. Where the contractor has made himself liable for
disciplinary action, the enlisting authority shall have the right to debar the defaulting contractor
from participating in tender process for a period not exceeding two years based on the
recommendations of Empowered Committee. The composition of Empowered Committee shall
be as given below. The Chairman may co-opt one or more members as per requirement. The
enlisting authority may change the composition of the Empowered Committee for administrative
reasons, and his decision shall be final and binding upon all concerned. The EC shall complete
its report within three months.
(i) Composition of the Empowered Committee where the enlisting authority is the Director
(i) ADG (Works), CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Chairman
(ii) DDG (Works), CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Member
(iii) CE (CSQ) (Civil), CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Member Secretary

(ii) Composition of the Empowered Committee where the enlisting authority is Special Director
(i) CE at the HQ of the Region Chairman
(ii) Chief Architect [For Region Guwahati, Senior Architect-I] Member
(iii) CE(Works and TLQA) [For Region Guwahati, SE(Works)] Member Secretary

(iii) Composition of the Empowered Committee where enlisting authority is Additional Director
(i) CE at the HQ of the Region Chairman
(ii) Senior Architect Member
(iii) SE(Works and TLQA) Member Secretary

13.2 The enlisting authority shall initiate disciplinary case against an enlisted contractor either suo-
moto or on the receipt of a written request from an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer,
and forward it to the Empowered Committee for consideration. The Empowered Committee
shall consider the disciplinary case on the basis of documents, facts, and circumstances, shall
issue a show cause notice to the contractor, and allow him personal hearing if necessary, and
forward its recommendations to the enlisting authority. The enlisting authority shall take a decision
on the basis of the recommendations of the Empowered Committee. The decision of the enlisting
authority shall be final and binding on the contractor.

20 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


13.3 Where disciplinary action has been taken against a contractor, the order shall be uploaded
immediately on CPWD website so that the field offices have access to the information across
the country.
13.4 The disciplinary action against an enlisted contractor may lead to penalties mentioned in Rule13.6
and 13.7.
13.5 Consequent to imposition of any penalty under Rule 13.6, the contractor shall be debarred from
any enlistment with CPWD for a period not exceeding two years.
13.6 Grounds for Debarment of contractor
The contractor may be debarred if any of the following is established by enquiry:
(a) Fails to execute a contract or executes it unsatisfactorily; or
(b) Violates any conditions of the contract; or
(c) Fails to abide by the conditions of enlistment; or
(d) Is found to have given false particulars at the time of enlistment; or
(e) Has indulged in any type of forgery or falsification of records; or
(f) Changes constitution of the firm without the prior approval of the enlisting authority; or
(g) Changes the name of the entity without the prior approval of the enlisting authority; or
(h) Changes permanent address/business address without intimation to the enlisting
authority; or
(i) Is declared or is in the process of being declared bankrupt, insolvent, wound up, dissolved
or partitioned; or
(j) Violates the labour regulations and rules; or
(k) Is involved in complaints of serious nature received from any source, which have been
proved; or
(l) Defaults in settlement of tax dues like income tax, GST, etc.; or
(m) Ceases to fulfill eligibility criteria based on which enlistment was done; or
(n) Is considered as not required to be in list of CPWD contractors for any other reason
considered fit by the enlisting authority; or
(o) Does not start the work after the same is awarded to him on two occasions; or
(p) Fails to rectify construction/structural defects within a reasonable time not exceeding 2
months, pointed out to him by the engineer-in-charge during the period of 5 years from the
date of completion of works; or
(q) Converts his individual enlistment into any other status before a period of three years from
the date of enlistment, where the enlistment was done on the basis of him being an unemployed
or retired engineer or architect or horticulturist; or
(r) Breach of code of integrity as per Rule 175 of GFR-2017; or
(s) Supply of sub-standard material, non-supply of material, abandonment of works, substandard
quality of works; or
(t) Misbehavior, direct or indirect involvement in threatening, making false complaints, filing
legal suites for frivolous reasons, or any behavioral act, omission or commission damaging
the reputation of department/officer.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 21


13.7 Debarment of contractor

Whenever, any type of complaint listed at Sl. No 13.6 (a) to (t), is received from any officer of CPWD
not below the rank of Executive Engineer against an enlisted contractor and is considered serious by
the enlisting authority, he shall be served with suitable show cause notice by the enlisting authority, and
thereafter action for debarment of contractor may be taken by the enlisting authority, as deemed fit.
The enlisting authority shall issue order for debarment of contractor for a period (not less than six
months and not more than two years) if any of the charges are established on enquiry by the
Empowered Committee. The debarment of contractors would entail ban on participation in the
tendering process and award of contract for works during the period of debarment, however,
running contracts shall, though, remain unaffected by this debarment.
13.8 Revocation of Orders
1. An order for debarment passed shall be deemed to have been automatically revoked on
the expiry of that specified period and it will not be necessary to issue a specific formal
order of revocation.
2. A debarment order may be revoked before the expiry of the Order, by DG CPWD, if it is of
the opinion that the disability already suffered is adequate in the circumstances of the case
or for any other reason.
13.9 Other Provisions
1. No contract of any kind whatsoever shall be placed to debarred firm including its allied firms
after the issue of a debarment order by the department. Bids from only such firms shall be
considered for placement of contract, which are neither debarred on the date of opening of
tender (first bid, normally called as technical bid, in case of two packet/two stage bidding)
nor debarred on the date of contract. Even in the cases of risk purchase, no contract should
be placed on such debarred firms.
2. In case, any debarred firm has submitted the bid, the same will be ignored. In case such
firm is lowest (L-1), next lowest firm shall be considered as L-1. Bid security submitted by
such debarred firms shall be returned to them.
3. Contracts concluded before the issue of the debarment order shall, not be affected by the
debarment orders.
4. The Debarment shall be automatically extended to all its allied firms. In case of joint venture/
consortium is debarred all partners will also stand debarred for the period specified in
Debarment Order. The names of partners should be clearly specified in the “Debarment Order”.
5. Debarment in any manner does not impact any other contractual or other legal rights of the
procuring entities.
6. The period of debarment shall start from the date of issue of debarment order.
7. The order of debarment will indicate the reason(s) in brief that lead to debarment of the firm.
8. Ordinarily, the period of debarment should not be less than six months.

14.0 Re-validation
The enlisted contractor may apply for re-validation before the expiry of the current enlistment.
Enlisted contractors are advised to apply for re-validation in Annexure I with works executed by
them, six months prior to expiry of their enlistment order. Re-validation shall be effective from the
date of expiry of existing enlistment or date of re-validation whichever is later. Rules for re-
validation are same as that for enlistment.

22 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



Procedure for submission of forms

1. The application shall be submitted online along with scanned self-attested copies of required
documents. Only original documents shall be scanned and uploaded. The link to Contractor
Enlistment Management System is available on https://www.cpwd.gov.in.
2. (a) There shall be one time submission of documents at the time of application. Decision shall
be taken on the basis of documents submitted at the time of application. No subsequent
additional records shall be allowed during scrutiny for applicants seeking enlistment under
rule 6.1.6, 6.1.7, 6.1.8 & 6.1.9.
(b) No changes / additional documents are allowed once the application is submitted.
(c) Applicants are required to ensure that self-attested (at each page) documents as per
Annexure-II are uploaded before finally submitting the application to avoid the rejection.
(d) The enlistment fee may be deposited online only after verifying and saving the online application
on the portal.

Procedure for online payment of enlistment fee

1. Log on to home page of NTR portal on https://bharatkosh.gov.in.
2. Go to “Quick Payment” link on the home page.
3. Select the Ministry/Department “030-Housing and Urban Affairs” from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the purpose as “Enlistment fee from contractor” from the drop-down menu.
5. Click NEXT and Select the DDO as" 244189-AE(CASH),CSQ, NIRMAN BHAWAN, NEW DELHI"
from the drop-down menu.
6. Enter the amount of prescribed enlistment fee in the amount window.
7. Under Remarks write “enlistment fee for enlistment with class and category”.
8. After filling all the mandatory fields in “Depositor’s detail”, click“ Next”.
9. Confirm the information entered in the preview and click the “Confirm” button.
10. After confirmation, the portal will open the Payment Gateway.
11. Make payment using the Payment Gateway and download the system generated electronic receipt.

Procedure for obtaining prior approval for change in the status or constitution or name
Application for obtaining prior approval for change in the status or constitution or name may be made in
Annexure-VI. The application shall be submitted online along with scanned self attested copies of required
documents. The link to Contractors’ Enlistment Management System is available on https://

Rejection of application for enlistment

1. Applications received without enlistment fee shall be summarily rejected. No notice shall be given
in such cases.
2. The enlistment fee is non-refundable. The applicants are, therefore, advised to ensure that they
fulfill the prescribed eligibility requirements of enlistment before applying and making the online
payment. The enlisting authority shall not be responsible for refund of enlistment fee paid more
than once on account of multiple transactions.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 23


3. The applicants will be provided one opportunity to clarify and attend to shortcomings which shall be
intimated by CEMS portal only. In the event either no response or incomplete response is uploaded
within 15 days of uploading letter on portal by the Member Secretary seeking any clarification and/
or document, the application will be rejected, without further opportunity or notice.
4. In the CEMS portal applicant has been provided an option of withdrawal of his application any
time. His enlistment fee shall not be reimbursed/adjusted in case applicant withdraws his application,
as enlistment fee is non-refundable.

CPWD Helpline number for CEMS portal

In case of any difficulty in web portal, the applicants may call helpline number 011-23063945 during
office hours from1000 hours to 1700 hours on all working days (except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
CPWD other helpline numbers are as below: -

Sl. State/UT of registered office of applicant Concerned Applicable Phone number

No. Office Class

1 Delhi ADG (PRD) I & II 011 - 26104978

2 Delhi ADG (RD) III, IV & V 011 - 23061355

3 Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, SDG (PR) I & II 0172 - 2747101
Rajasthan, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh and Chandigarh

4 Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, ADG (Region III, IV & V 0172 - 2749609
Rajasthan, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarhand Chandigarh)

5 West Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar, and Jharkhand SDG (PR) I & II 033 - 2287703

6 West Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar and Jharkhand ADG (Region III, IV & V 033 - 22876646

7 Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, SDG (PR) I & II 044 - 24463711
Kerala, Odisha, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar and Chennai

8 Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, ADG (Region III, IV & V 044 - 24912369
Kerala, Odisha, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar and Chennai)

9 Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, SDG (PR) I & II 022 - 22054936
Goa Daman & Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli Mumbai

10 Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar ADG (Region III, IV & V 022 - 22085460
Haveli Mumbai)

24 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Sl. State/UT of registered office of applicant Concerned Applicable Phone number

No. Office Class

11 Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Nagaland, ADG (RG) I & II 0361 - 2270321
Meghalaya, Mizoram and Manipur. Guwahati

12 Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh ADG (Region III, IV & V 0522 - 2324544

13 Karnataka, Kerala and Lakshadweep ADG (Region III, IV & V 080 - 25534968

14 Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Odisha ADG (Region III, IV & V 040 - 23656846

15 Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh ADG (Region III, IV & V 0755 - 2551994

16 Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Nagaland, ADG(RG) III, IV & V 0361 - 2270321
Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Manipur Guwahati

17 All India SE(C&M) Class-I (Super), 011 - 23061838

Class-I(AAA), 011 - 23063197
Class-I(AA) &

Bharat kosh helpline number is 011-24665534, e-mail: ntrp-helpdesk@gov.in

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 25


Annexure- I
(Refer to Rule 6.0, 7.0 and 14.0)
Application for Enlistment and re-validation in all categories and classes
(Supporting documents annexed with the application form should be
uploaded as per Annexure-II)

Class ………………………………………………………………………………………........................
Category …………………………………………………………………………………………....................
1 (a) Name of the applicant …………………...........................................................................................
(b) Status of entity (Individual/Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Firm/Limited Liability Partnership/
(c) Registration Number for Firm (LLPIN for LLP and CIN for Company) ……………………..........
2 Nationality......................................................................................................................................................
3 Address
(a) Registered Office.................................................................................................................................
(b) Head Office (if different from Registered office)..............................................................................
4 Contact Details
(a) Telephone Number .........................................................................................................................
(b) Fax Number ....................................................................................................................................
(c) Mobile Number ...............................................................................................................................
(d) Website URL (Ifany) ........................................................................................................................
(e) Email Id..............................................................................................................................................
5. (a) PAN(Individual/Firm/LLP/Company)…………………….............................................................
(b) GST registration number……………………………………………………….........................…
6. Name, scanned passport size photograph and signature of the Individual(s)/Partner(s)/
Director(s)(Size of photograph should be 2.5X3.5cm having white back ground and name printed
at bottom)
Sl. Name Photo Aadhar Card PAN Mobile Signature
No. Number last Number Number (without stamp)
four digit only

26 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


7. Is the individual/sole proprietor/ any partner/ director of company:

(a) Dismissed Government servant : Yes ……....... No …….......
(b) Removed from approved list of contractors : Yes ……....... No …….......
(c) Demoted to a lower class of contractor : Yes ……....... No …….......
(d) Having business banned/suspended by any
Government in the past : Yes ……....... No …….......
(e) Convicted by court of law : Yes ……....... No …….......
(f) Retired engineer/official from Engineering Department
of Government of India within last one year : Yes ……....... No …….......
(g) Director or partner of any other company/firm enlisted
with CPWD or any other organization : Yes ……....... No …….......
(h) Member of Parliament or any State Legislative
Assembly : Yes ……....... No …….......
If answer to any of the above is ‘Yes’ furnish details on
a separate sheet.
8. (a) Name of person holding power of attorney (if any) : ....................................................
(b) Nationality : ....................................................
(c) Liabilities(if any) : ....................................................
9. (a) Name of the banker : ....................................................
(b) Full address : ....................................................
(c) Phone number : ....................................................
(d) e-mail account : ....................................................
10. (a) Whether already enlisted with CPWD or any other
Department : Yes/No
(b) If yes, give details in table below:

S. Class/ Department Enlistment Enlistment Validity Tendering

No. Category Name Authority Number Date Limit
and address and date (in Rs. lakhs)

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 27


11. (a) Is any person working with the applicant a near relative of the official of CPWD (See Rule
(b) If yes, give details (Name, Designation, PIMS ID) ………………......…………………………
12. Enlistment fee details:
(a) Transaction Reference Number…………………….........................……………………………
(b) Transaction Date………………………………………………………….....................................
(c) Amount…………………………………………………….......................……..............................
13. Details of completed works secured during the last 7 years, eligible for work experience (to be
filled in the proforma given in Annexure-III. This list should include required number of works with
gross value of work done (including enhancement) more than the lowest required magnitude of
works for the class in which registration is required.
14. Certificates (Strike out whichever is not applicable):
(a) I/We (including all partners) certify that I/we have read the Rules for Enlistment of Contractors
in CPWD as amended upto date and shall abide by them.
(b) I/We certify that I/we are not registered and will not get myself/ourselves registered as
contractor(s) in the Department under more than one name in the same category.
(c) I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We
understand that if any information is found incorrect, our enlistment is liable to be cancelled.
(d) I/We certify that,
(i) The constituents of the Firm/LLP/Company reflected in Sl.No.1(b) and 7 above areas
applicable on the date of this application which tallies with the record of the registering
authority. I/none of the partners/directors retired from Government service during the
last one year.
(ii) I/We have neither employed nor shall we employ any person within one year of his
retirement from the Government except with the prior permission of the Government.
(e) I/We undertake that I/we will hire or otherwise arrange the tools and plants required for the
works procured as a result of this enlistment if I/we do not have our own tools and plants. I/we
further undertake that I/we will hire or otherwise arrange the required Engineering
Establishment required for the works procured as a result of this enlistment if I/we have not
already employed the required Engineering Establishment.
(f) I/We undertake that, if I/we do not possess in my/our name a valid electrical license as
required, I/we shall associate an agency having such a license for execution of work which
requires such a license.
(g) I/We have attached Annexure-II duly completed.
(h) I/We undertake that the works have not been got executed through another contractor on
back-to- back basis.

28 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(i) I undertake that I am unemployed engineer/ architect/ horticulturist (submit on affidavit executed
before the executive magistrate/first class magistrate/notary)
(j) I undertake that I am neither empanelled nor working as arbitrator nor consultant in any Central/
State Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking or Central/State Government
Institution or Autonomous body.
Directors or the Chief Managing Director if authorized specifically by a Board Resolution.

Place Signature /Digital Signature of applicant

Date (Authorized Signatory)

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 29


Annexure- II
(Refer to S No 14(g) of Annexure-I)

List of Documents to be uploaded for Enlistment/Re-validation

Name of entity:



S. Document Unemployed applicant Description Applicable for Click to

No. upload

1 Proof of constitution {(Annexure-I, S No 1(b)}

(a) In case of sole proprietorship: an affidavit executed before the Other applicant
Magistrate not below the rank of Executive Magistrate/ First
class Magistrate that the applicant is the sole proprietor of the

(b) In case of partnership firm: Certification of Registration, Other applicant

Partnership Deed, and prescribed documents indicating
change in address or constitution of Partnership Firm.
(c) In case of Limited Liability Partnership: Certificate of Other applicant
Incorporation, Partnership Deed and prescribed documents
indicating change in address or constitution of LLP.

(d) In case of Private/Public Limited Company: Certificate of Other applicant

Incorporation, Articles of Association and prescribed documents
indicating change in address or constitution of Board of
2 Power of attorney, if any, Annexure-I, S No 8 (a) or Board Other applicant
Resolution, if any.

3 Self-attested copy of enlistment order, if any {Annexure-I, S No All applicant

10 (a) & 10 (b)}.
4 List of all near relatives working in CPWD {Annexure- I, S No All applicant
11(a) & 11 (b)} (See also Rule 10.0 of Enlistment Rules)
5 Details of completed works (see Rule 6.0) in Annexure-III Other applicant
6 Self-attested copies of award letters for completed works Other applicant
included in Annexure-III (See Rule 6.0).

30 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


S. Document Unemployed applicant Description Applicable for Click to

No. upload
7 Self-attested copies of final bill for completed works included Other applicant
in Annexure-III (See Rule 6.0). Not required for works executed
for central / state Govt. departments or undertakings.
8 Banker’s Certificate from Scheduled Bank (in Annexure V-I) Other applicant
Net Worth Certificate (in Annexure V-3).
9 Banker’s Certificate from Scheduled Bank (in Annexure V-I) Retired Govt.
10 Average Annual Turnover Certificate on works during the last Other applicant
three financial years in Annexure V-2.
11 Self-attested copy of Tripartite agreement for back-to-back Other applicant
contract. (See Rule 6.2.2(a))
12 Self-attested copy of Form 16/16A & 26AS for private works Other applicant
or for works executed on back-to-back basis. (Rule 7.6)
13 Self-attested copy of GST registration. (Annexure –I S. No. 5(b)). All applicants
14 Self-attested copy of PAN Card (Annexure –I, Sl. No. 5(a)). All applicants
15 Self-attested copy of PPO- Pension Payment Order for retired Retired Govt.
Government Servant/Other equivalent document by retired PSU Servant
employee (See Rule 6.1.7 & 6.1.9)
16 Self-attested copy of retirement order to be attached by retired Retired Govt.
Govt. servant. (See Rule 6.1.7 & 6.1.9) Servant
17 Self-attested copy of Affidavit for Engineers/Architects/ Unemployed
Agriculturist & Horticulturist applying under Rule 6.1.6 or 6.1.8 applicant
along with Form 16/16A & 26AS (if applicable) in Annexure-VIII.
18 Self-attested copy of Degree / diploma. (See Rule 6.1.6 & 6.1.8) Unemployed
19 Self-attested copy of Aadhaar Card (of all partners/directors as All applicant
20 Self –attested copy of income certificate issued by state govt. Unemployed

1. Applicants who are neither retired Govt. servants nor unemployed are termed as other applicants.
2. Scanned copy of all the documents in PDF format shall be uploaded after self-attestation by the

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 31


Annexure- III
(Refer to Rule 6.0)

Details of Completed Works: Eligible works completed during the last seven years

1 Name of work/project & location

2 Name of agency
3 Agreement number
4 Agreement amount
5 Gross value of completed work
6 Stipulated date of start
7 Date of completion
(a) Stipulated date of completion
(b) Actual date of completion
(c) Justified extended date of completion, if any
8 Details and cost of services included
(a) Civil (water supply, sanitary installation, drainage and water proofing
work, etc.)
(b) Electrical (internal electrical installation, firefighting, fire alarm, HVAC,
lift, electrical substation, and DG set, etc.)
(c) Number of storeys constructed.
10 Details of compensation levied for delayed completion, if any
(a) Whether case of levy of compensation for delay has been decided or
not? Owner department officers are requested to only mention either Yes
or No against this option. Option of writing “Not applicable” is only
acceptable where work is completed before stipulated date of completion.
(b) If EOT case has been decided i.e answer to (a) above is Yes, then
please intimate amount of compensation levied for delayed completion.
11 Details of Conciliation/Mediation/Arbitration/Court Cases (from start of work
till issue of this certificate), if any
12 Details of owner
(a) Name
(b) Address
(c) Phone
(d) e-mail

Owner’s Signature with seal and designation

(Project Manager or Executive Engineer or Equivalent

32 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Certificate: This is to certify that no adverse action has been taken by the department concerned
against me/us. I/We understand that if any information is found incorrect, our enlistment is liable
to be cancelled.

Self-attestation by Applicant

1. Scan of original documents to be uploaded in the portal
2. This proforma shall be filled up separately for all three (maximum) eligible works proposed for works
3. Annexure-III without valid signature of owner is invalid. Owner means department who owns the
project/work executed by the applicant.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 33


Annexure- IV
(To be filled in by inspection team in reference to rule 3.0 and 3.2 in
Guidelines for departmental officers)

Assessment of quality certificate of completed work (Inspection report)

1. Name of work/project & location

2. Name of Agency
3. Agreement number
4. Agreement amount
5. (a) Gross value of completed work(approx.)
(b) Gross amount of work paid
(c) Amount of work done but not paid
6. Stipulated date of start
7. Date of completion
(a) Stipulated date of completion
(b) Actual date of completion
(c) Justified extended date of completion if any
8. Type of building and number of storeys including basement, stilt
9. Road/bridge lane length
10. Details of services included with approximate amount.
(a) Civil (water supply, sanitary installation, drainage, and water proofing work etc.)
(b) Electrical (internal electric installation, firefighting, fire alarm, HVAC, lift, electrical substation
and DG set etc.)
11. Details of compensation levied for delayed completion, if any
(a) Whether case of levy of compensation for delay has been decided or not. Inspecting officers
are requested to clearly write this information as either Yes or No
(b) If EOT case has been decided. Please intimate amount of compensation levied for delayed
completion. If any
12. Details of Conciliation/Mediation/Arbitration/Court Cases, if any. Inspecting officers are advised
to give brief detail.
13. Details of owner
Sl. No. Details Description
(a) Name of division/circle/zone
(b) Address of division
(c) Phone
(d) e-mail

34 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


14. Inspection report by inspecting officer.

(a) Civil work (Building)
S. Description Marks
Quality of components of work
1 Cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete
2 Stonework
3 Woodwork
4 Flooring
5 Roofing
6 Finishing of walls
7 Water supply and sanitary installations
8 Aluminum and steel work
9 Bulk services like road, sewage treatment plant, tube well sump etc.
10 Steel structure work
11 Retaining wall and Reinforced Earth Wall
12 Expansion joint
13 Seepage and leakage
14 Lines and levels
15 Structural defects and distress
16 Quality of works in side shaft
17 Quality of works in wet areas like toilet, kitchen, labs etc.
18 Elevation of building
19 Green features in the building
20 Workmanship in general
21 Special technology used, if any
Total marks

(b) Civil work (Infrastructure)

S. Description Marks
Quality of components of work
1 Cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete
2 Stonework

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 35


S. Description Marks
3 Steel structure work
4 Retaining wall and Reinforced Earth Wall
5 Bituminous work
6 Finishing of road surface
7 Shoulders
8 Footpath
9 Cross drainage/surface drainage work
10 Quality of protection works in hill roads
11 Crash barrier, central verge
12 Road marking
13 Road signage
14 Expansion joint
15 Profile and surface of flyover/bridge
16 Seepage and leakage
17 Lines and levels
18 Structural defects and distress
19 Workmanship in general
20 Special technology used, if any
Total marks

(c) Electrical & Mechanical Works (Building)

S. Description Marks
Quality of components of work
1 Internal Electrical installation
3 Fire alarm and fire fighting systems
4 Lifts and escalators
5 Air conditioning work
6 Outdoor street lighting
7 Bulk services like underground cabling etc.
8 Substation equipment like transformer, HT&LT panel and, DG set.

36 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


S. Description Marks
9 Fitting, fixtures, switch boards etc.
10 Metering location layout of fittings and cables
11 Earthing
12 Lightening arrester
13 SCADA system
14 EPBAX, Sound, CCTV, LAN System
15 Building Management System
16 E&M defects
17 Workmanship in general
18 Special technology used, if any
Total marks

(d) Electrical & Mechanical Works (Infrastructure).

S. Description Marks
Quality of components of work
1 Lifts and escalators
2 Air-conditioning work
3 Street lighting
4 Feeder pillars
5 Electric Poles
6 Bulk services like underground cabling etc.
7 Substation equipment like transformer, HT & LT panel and DG set
8 Earthing
9 Lightening arrester
10 SCADA system
11 E&M defects
12 Workmanship in general
13 Special technology used, if any
Total marks

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 37


(e) Horticulture work (Building/Infrastructure/horticulture)

S. Description Marks
Quality of components of work
1 Development of lawns and gardens (general layout, slope for drainage
of water)
2 Tree plantation (general layout, spacing, choice of species)
3 Plantation of shrubs (general layout, spacing, choice of species)
4 Hedge/edge/plants (general layout, spacing, choice of species)
5 Flowerpots/Indoor foliage plants
6 Irrigation facilities– Sprinkle/drip
7 Drainage of area
8 Composting and disposal of organic waste
9 General health of plants
10 Pest/insets/disease control measures
11 Vertical wall/terrace/hanging/water/bog/zengarden
12 Hydroponics
13 Automation of garden
14 Cacti and succulents
15 Type of plantation, collection of plants, varieties and diversity
16 Quality of existing garden features of lawn, trees, shrubs, edges/
edges, etc.
17 Whether any water logging found in the garden area
18 Technical proficiency
19 Horticulture and landscaping
20 Workmanship in general
Total marks

1. Each attribute shall be assessed on maximum marks of 10. Those attributes which are not
applicable, will not be considered for calculating marks. Relevant documents and photographs
must be attached along with the inspection report.

38 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


2. Work with TOR of more than 1 shall not be considered for enlistment. TOR means actual time of
execution divided by time of completion stipulated in the agreement plus extended time period
without levy of compensation. Works in which compensation is levied for EOT or EOT case is not
decided are not acceptable.
3. Inspecting authority may modify the above attributes by addition/deletion depending upon nature
of the work being inspected.
4. CPWD officers to take action within 21 days. Action to be taken through portal only.

Signature of the inspecting officer(s)

(Name, Date & Seal)

Annexure- V- 1
(Refer to Rule 6.3)
Form of Banker's Certificate from a Commercial Bank

This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information Shri/Smt/M/s…………………………
having registered address, …………………………….. a customer of our bank, is/are respectable and
can be treated as reliable for any engagement upto a limit of Rs………… (Rupees ………….).
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of the officers.
This certificate is issued on the request of Shri/Smt/M/S…………………………………………………
For obtaining enlistment in CPWD in…………………………………………………………
(Name of category), in Class…………….

For the Bank

1. Banker's certificates should be on the letter head of the bank, addressed to enlisting authority.
2. In case of partnership firm, the certificate shall include names of all partners as recorded with the

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 39


(Refer to Rule 6.3)
Form of Certificate of Annual Turnover on works from Chartered Accountant

Certified that following is the annual turnover on works of the individual/firm/company as per returns
filed with Income Tax Department for the past 3(three) financial years.
Name and registered address of individual/firm/company:…………….......…………….........……………

S. No. Financial Year Annual Turnover on Works in Rs. lakhs

Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)…………………………………

(Signature of Chartered
Accountant)(Name of Chartered
Accountant)Membership No. of
Date and seal

Annexure- V- 3
(Refer to Rule 6.3)
Form of Certificate of Net Worth from Chartered Accountant

It is to certify that as per the audited balance sheet and profit & loss account during the financial
year ............., the networth of Shri/Smt/M/s……………………………….…………… (Name & Registered
Address of individual/firm/company), is Rs……… after considering all liabilities. It is further certified that
the networth of the individual/firm/company has not eroded by more than 50% during the last three years
ending on 31st March ……… (the relevant year as per Rule 6.3.6).
Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)…………………………………

(Signature of Chartered
Accountant) (Name of
Chartered Accountant)
Membership No. of ICAI
Date and seal
40 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

Annexure- VI
(Refer to Rule 9.0)
Application for change of name, address, constitution and status (see Rule 6.1),
merger and disassociation of enlisted entity
(Please fill in the applicable parts and strike out inapplicable parts)
Part A
Details of enlistment of the exiting entity

1. Name …………………………………………………………………….………………………….........
2. Address ……………………………………………………………………………...……………..........
(a) Registered office …………………………………………………………………………….........
(b) Head office ...………………………………………………………………………………….........
3. Contact details ...…………………………………………………………………………………...........
(a) Phone number ...…………………………………………………………………………………...
(b) Mobile number ...…………………………………………………………………………….…......
(c) e-mail account ….…………………………………………………………………………….........
4. Status (individual/sole proprietorship/ partnership firm/limited liability partnership/ company) ........
5. Name (s) of the individual/partners/directors of the entity

S. Name Share Aadhar Number PAN

No. last four digit


6. Category of enlistment……………………………………………………………………..........………
7. Class of enlistment………………………………………………………………….............................…
8. PAN………………………………………………………………….....................................................…
9. GST Registration number………………………………………………………………….............……

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 41


Part B

Application for prior approval for change of constitution or status (See Rule 6.1)
of the existing entity
(Give details of the proposed entity)

Prior approval required for: Change of status Yes/No or Change of constitution Yes/No

1. Name ………………………………………………………………….....…………………….................
2. Address ……………………………………………………………………………………….................
(a) Registered office……………………………………………………………………………..........
(b) Head office……………………………………………………………………………………........
3. Contact details...…………………………………………………………………..……………..............
(a) Phone number…………………………………………………………………………...............…
(b) Mobile number……………………………………………………………………..........................
(c) e-mail account…...…………………………………………………………………………........…
4. Status……………………………………………………………………………………..........................
5. PAN……………………………………………………………………………………………….............
6. Names of the partners/directors of the proposed entity
S. Name Share Aadhar Number PAN
No. last four digit


7. Is any partner/director of the proposed entity

(a) Dismissed government servant : Yes ............ No ..............
(b) Removed from approved list of contractors : Yes ............ No ..............
(c) Demoted to a lower class of contractors : Yes ............ No ..............
(d) Having business banned/suspended by any government
organization in the past : Yes ............ No ..............

42 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(e) Convicted by a court of law : Yes ............ No ..............

(f) Retired official from Government of India within last
one year : Yes ............ No..............
(g) Director or partner of any other company/firm enlisted
with CPWD or any other organization : Yes ............ No ..............
(h) Member of Parliament or any State Legislative
Assembly : Yes ............ No ..............
If answer to any of the above is yes, furnish details on a
separate sheet.
8. (a) Name of the person holding power of attorney (if any) ……………………………………...…
(b) Nationality ………………………………………………………………………………...............
(c) Liabilities (if any) …………………………………………………………………………............
9. (a) Name of the bank ....…………………………………………………………………………....…
(b) Phone number ……………………………………..………………………………………..........
(c) e-mail account …………………………………………..……………………………………...…
10. (a) Is any person working with the applicant a near relative of CPWD official (See Rule10.0)
(b) If yes, give details (name, designation, PIMS ID)
11. Certificates (strike out whichever is not applicable):
(a) I/We (including all partners) certify that I/we have read the Rules for Enlistment of Contractors
in CPWD as amended upto date and shall abide by them.
(b) I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We
understand that if any information is found incorrect, our enlistment is liable to be cancelled.
(c) I/We certify that
(i) I/none of the partners/directors have retired from Government service during the last
one year.
(ii) I/We have neither employed nor shall we employ any person within one year of his
retirement from the Government except with the prior permission of the Government.

Signature(s)of applicant(s):
in case of individual or sole

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 43


In case of partnership firm or limited liability partnership or company all partners or either all Directors or
the Chief Managing Director if authorized specifically by a Board Resolution.

S. Name Address Mobile Aadhar Number PAN Signature Date

No. number last four digit


List of documents:
(a) To be submitted along with application for prior approval
(i) Copy of proposed partnership deed/proposed memorandum of articles, duly signed.
(ii) An affidavit sworn before a First Class Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate by all the partners/
directors to the effect that the new entity shall take over all the assets and liabilities of the
existing entity.
(iii) Consent of retiring partners/death certificate of partner.
(b) To be submitted after obtaining prior approval of the enlisting authority.
(i) Copy of registered partnership deed/memorandum of articles.
(ii) Certificate from the banker indicating new status or constitution.
(iii) Acknowledgment from the Income Tax and GST Departments for having noted the change.

44 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Part C
Application for prior approval for change in the name of an entity

1. Name as per enlistment order………………………………….….….......…………………………….

2. Proposed name …………………………………………………………….........................................…
List of documents
(a) To be submitted along with application for prior approval None
(b) To be submitted after obtaining prior approval of the enlisting authority.
(i) An affidavit sworn before a First Class Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate by the individual/
all the partners or directors to the effect that the entity has changed its name from
……………………………………………….. to …………………………………
(ii) Copy of registered partnership deed/memorandum of articles with the new name.
(iii) Acknowledgment from the banker for having noted the change in name.
(iv) Acknowledgment from the Income Tax and GST Department for having noted the change
in name.

Signature(s) of applicant(s):
On this line in case of individual or sole proprietor: …………………………………

In the following table in case of partnership firm or limited liability partnership or company all partners or
either all Directors or the Chief Managing Director if authorized specifically by a Board Resolution.

S. Name Address Mobile Signature Date

No. number


168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 45


(Refer to Rule 6.8)
Criteria for evaluation of contractor’s performance for enlistment

Name of the applicant:


S. Parameter and evaluation criteria Maximum Marks

No. marks obtained

1 Work experience
(a) 18 marks for minimum eligible value
(b) 30 marks for twice the minimum eligible value or more
Marks for intermediate values shall be determined by straight line variation

2 Contract performance
(a) 30 marks for completion of work without litigation
(b) 18 marks for completion of work with litigation
(c) Zero mark for rescission of contract

3 Time over Run

TOR= Actual time for completion/stipulated period of completion of work
plus extended time period without levy of compensation. In case, levy of
compensation is not decided, extended time period without levy of
compensation shall be nil.
(a) 10 marks if TOR < 0.8
(b) 8 marks if 0.8 < TOR< 1
(c) 6 marks if TOR =1
(d) Zero mark if TOR >1

4 Quality of completed works 30

1. If the work experience consists of more than one completed works, the marks under each parameter
shall be worked out separately for each work, and average marks shall be considered for final
2. The eligibility criteria for enlistment shall be minimum 60% marks in each parameter and minimum
70% marks overall.
3. Work in which compensation is levied for delayed completion is not acceptable for enlistment.
4. Work in which EOT case is not decided is not acceptable.

46 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(Refer to Rule 6.1.6 & 6.1.8)
Affidavit of Engineers/Architects/
(To be executed on Rs.10 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper before the Executive
Magistrate/First Class Magistrate/Notary)

I ……………………………….. (Name of the applicant) age …………… years resident of

……………………………………………………. (Postal address of the applicant) do hereby solemnly
affirm and declare as under:-
1. I am a Citizen of India.
2. That I am a graduate in …………………………………….. (name of stream) from the
……………………………………………. (Full name and address of institution). I have completed
my degree on …………………… (Year).
3. That I am a diploma holder in …………………………………….. (name of stream) from the
……………………………………………. (Full name and address of institution). I have completed
my diploma on …………………… (Year).
4. That I am executing this affidavit for purpose of applying for enlistment as contractor with CPWD in
class ………….., category …………………..
5. My details are as follows:
(i) PAN number
(ii) Aadhaar card number
(iii) GST registration number
6. Income Certificate issued by State Government ……………………… is attached.
7. Form 16/16A and 26AS is not issued as I don’t have taxable income.
Self-attested photocopy of my Form 16/16A & 26AS are enclosed.
8. My annual salary in last financial year has not exceeded Rs. 4 lakh per year.
9. That I am not employed in any Central/State Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking
or Central/State Government Institution or Autonomous body.

(Signature of the applicant)


168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 47


Verified at ......................... on ......................... that the contents of above affidavit are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and nothing is concealed therein.
(Signature of the applicant)
Attested/Sworn in my presence.
(Executive Magistrate/First Class Magistrate/Notary)

Note: Strike out whichever is not applicable.

48 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure- IX

Hkkjr ljdkj Govt. of India

¼ia t hdj.k iz k f/kdkjh½ (Enlistment authority), ………….CPWD
---------------------------------- ds 0 yks 0 fu0fo0 (Address of the Enlistment authority
¼iathdj.k izkf/kdkjh dk fiudksM lfgr irk½ with pin code)
nw j Hkk"k&------------------ Telephone……………......……
bZ e s y &------------------------- Email …………………………

la 0 % fnuka d %
No. Dated:
vLFkk;h lw p hc)rk vkns ” k
Provisional Enlistment Order

fuEufyf[kr vkosnd dks mlds vkosnu ds lanHkZ esa -------------------------- ¼iathdj.k izkf/kdkjh½ ---------------------------------- }kjk vLFkkbZ
:i ls Bsdns kjh ds fy, lwphc) fd;k tkrk gSA
With reference to his/her application, ……………………………….. (Enlistment Authority) …………..
is pleased to enlist provisionally the following applicant as contractor.

Details of enlisted contractor

1. Name of contractor ………………………………….................……
2. Status of entity- Individual
Photo of the Individual with 3. Address …………………………………………...........................…
printed name
4. Category …………………………..…………………................……
5. Class …………………………………………………….....................
6. Tendering limit ………………………………………….....................
7. Enlistment valid upto …………. ………………………
8. Email: …………………………………………………
9. Mobile: …………………………………………………
Aadhaar card number last
four digit only 10. Landline number ……………………………………………
11. PAN No. …………………………………………….……….
12. GST Registration number…………………………………

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 49


Terms and Conditions of Enlistment

¼1½ ;g vLFkkbZ lwphc)rk vkns'k] vkosnd }kjk izfs ’kr nLrkostksa ds lR;kiu ds v/khu gS A ;fn mRkjksRrj Nkuchu ds
nkSjku vkosnd }kjk izfs ’kr nLrkostks esa dksbZ xyr lwpuk ikbZ tkrh gS rks ;g vLFkk;h lwphc)rk jn~n dj nh tk;xs
rFkk vkosnd dks nks o’kZ ds fy;s cfg’d`r dj fn;k tk;xsA
This provisional enlistment order is subjected to verification of the documents submitted by the
applicant. In case any misinformation is found in the documents submitted by applicant, during
subsequent verification/scrutiny, the provisional enlistment shall be cancelled and the applicant
shall be debarred for 2 years.
¼2½ lwphc) Bsdns kj ds-yks-fu-fo- ds dk;kZas ds fy, bl vkns'k esa of.kZr vFkok le;&le; ij la'kskf/kr fu;eksa vFkok
uohure lwphc)rk fu;eksa esa of.kZr fufonk lhek ds fy, iwjs Hkkjro"kZ esa fufonk Mkyus ds ik= gksx
a As
The firm shall be eligible to tender for CPWD Works in whole of the Indian Union upto the tendering
limit as mentioned in this orderor asamended from time to time or latest Enlistment Rules.
¼3½ lwphc) Bsdns kj dks dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx lwphc)rk fu;e 2022 esa Bsdns kjkas dh lwphc)rk ds fu;eksa ,oa
mlds ckn le;&le; ij la”kksf/kr fu;eksa vFkok uohure lwphc)rk fu;eksa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA
The enlisted contractor shall abide by all the rules mentioned in Enlistment Rules – 2022 as
amended from time to time or latest Enlistment Rules.
¼4½ lwphc) Bsdns kj dks fufonk vkea=.k lwpuk@lafonk@djkj ds fuca/kuksa ,oa “krksZa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA
The enlisted Contractor shall abide by the terms and conditions of the NIT/Contract/Agreement.
(i) mijksDr izko/kkuksa ds fgUnh ,oa vaxt
sz h :ikUrj.k esa fHkUurk gksus dh fLFkfr esa vaxt
sz h Hkk’kk ds izko/kku ekU; gksx
a sA
(ii) vkosnd dks i=kpkj o lwphc)rk vkns”k dks lh-bZ-,e-,l- iksVy Z ls MkmuyksM djuk gksxkA i=kpkj o lwphc)rk vkns”k
LihMiksLV }kjk ugha Hkstk tk,xk A
(i) In case of any discrepancy in Hindi and English version, English version shall prevail.
(ii) Applicant shall download the communication letters and enlistment orders from the CEMS portal.
Enlistment order and communication letter shall not be sent by speed post.

(Name and designation of the Member Secretary)

Name and address of the applicant
Copy to :
All the officers of CPWD & PWD (Delhi Govt.)/CCU, Ministry of E&F for information please.

50 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure- X

Hkkjr ljdkj Govt. of India

¼ia t hdj.k iz k f/kdkjh½ (Enlistment authority), ………….CPWD
---------------------------------- ds 0 yks 0 fu0fo0 (Address of the Enlistment authority
¼iathdj.k izkf/kdkjh dk fiudksM lfgr irk½ with pin code)
nw j Hkk"k&------------------ Telephone……………......……
bZ e s y &------------------------- Email …………………………

la 0 % fnuka d %
No. Dated:
lw p hc)rk vkns ” k
Enlistment Order

fuEufyf[kr vkosnd dks mlds vkosnu ds lanHkZ es-a ------------------------- ¼iathdj.k izkf/kdkjh½-------------------------------- }kjk Bsdns kjh
ds fy, lwphc) fd;k tkrk gSA
With reference to his/her application, ……………………………….. (Enlistment Authority) …………..
is pleased to enlist the following applicant as contractor.

Details of enlisted contractor

1. Name of contractor…………......………………………………….……………………..................….
2. Status of entity…………………………………………………………………………………............
3. Address …………………………………………………………………….……………………........
4. Category …………………………..………………………………………..……………………........
5. Class …………………………………………………………………………..……………………....
6. Tendering limit ……………………………………………………………………………………..........
7. Enlistment valid upto …………. ………………………………………………………………..............
8. Email …………………………………………………………………………..………………….....…
9. Mobile ………………………………………………………………………..…………………….......
10. Landline number …………………………………………………………..……………………......….
11. PAN No. …………………………………………….………………………….……………………….
12. GST registration number……………………………………………………………………................

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 51


Photo of the Individual / Photo of the Individual / Photo of the Individual /

partner / director/ sole partner / director/ sole partner/ director/ sole
proprietor with printed name proprietor with printed name. proprietor with printed name.

Signature Signature Signature

Aadhaar card number* Aadhaar card number* Aadhaar card number*

* last four digit only

Terms and Conditions of Enlistment

¼1½ lwphc) Bsdns kj ds-yks-fu-fo- ds dk;kZas ds fy, bl vkns'k esa of.kZr vFkok le;&le; ij la'kskf/kr fu;eksa vFkok
uohure lwphc)rk fu;eksa esa of.kZr fufonk lhek ds fy, iwjs Hkkjro"kZ esa fufonk Mkyus ds ik= gksx
a As
The firm shall be eligible to tender for CPWD Works in whole of the Indian Union upto the tendering
limit as mentioned in this order or as amended from time to time or latest Enlistment Rules.
¼2½ lwphc) Bsdns kj dks dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx lwphc)rk fu;e 2022 esa Bsdns kjkas dh lwphc)rk ds fu;eksa ,oa
mlds ckn le;&le; ij la”kksf/kr fu;eksa vFkok uohure lwphc)rk fu;eksa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA
The enlisted contractor shall abide by all the rules mentioned in Enlistment Rules – 2022 as amended
from time to time or latest Enlistment Rules.
¼3½ lwphc) Bsdns kj dks fufonk vkea=.k lwpuk@lafonk@djkj ds fuca/kuksa ,oa “krksZa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA
Contractor shall abide by the terms and conditions of the NIT/Contract/Agreement.
¼4½ bl lwphc) Bsdns kj dk iwoZ ea s Js.kh ----------------------- oxZ----------------------- eas fd;k x;k iathdj.k bl vkns”k ds tkjh gksus
dh frfFk ls jn~n ekuk tk;sA ¼ykxw ugha gS rks dkV ns½a
The earlier enlistment order number……………………………… of the contractor issued by
………………….. for class ………………… category ……………………. shall stand cancelled
w.e.f. the date of issue of this order. (Strike out if not applicable).
(i) mijksDr izko/kkukas ds fgUnh ,oa vaxt
sz h :ikUrj.k eas fHkUurk gksus dh fLFkfr es vaxt
zs h Hkk’kk ds izko/kku ekU; gksx
a sA
(ii) vkosnd dks i=kpkj o lwphc)rk vkns'k dks lh-bZ-,e-,l- iksVy Z ls MkmuyksM djuk gksxkA i=kpkj o lwphc)rk vkns'k
LihMiksLV }kjk ugha Hkstk tk,xk A
(i) In case of any discrepancy in Hindi and English version, English version shall prevail.
(ii) Applicant shall download the communication letters and enlistment orders from the CEMS portal.
Enlistment order and communication letter shall not be sent by speed post.

(Name and designation of the Member Secretary)

Name and address of the applicant
Copy to :
All the officers of CPWD & PWD (Delhi Govt.)/CCU, Ministry of E&F for information please.

52 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



1.0 General
The enlistment of contractors in various classes and categories shall be regulated as per
Enlistment Rules, 2022 unless otherwise stated in these Rules.

2.0 Buildings & Roads category, Horticulture category, and re-validation

In Enlistment Rules 2021, new category has been introduced viz. Buildings & Roads category. All
the contractors enlisted in any class of Building and Infrastructure category are automatically changed
to Buildings & Roads category. There is no need to re-issue enlistment order for new category. The
validity of Buildings & Roads category contractors shall be as per their original validity.
In Enlistment Rules 2020, Composite category had been renamed as Building category, Road
Work category had been renamed as Infrastructure category, Furniture category had been merged
with Building category and Nursery category had been merged with Horticulture category. There
is no need to re-issue enlistment order for such re-named and merged categories until their
original validity.
The process of revalidation has been restored with modified provisions. The enlisted agencies
may seek revalidation of their enlistment any time before the end of validity period of existing

3.0 Inspection of works

3.1 Inspection teams
The eligible completed works of the applicant shall be inspected by a team consisting of
CPWD officers who have jurisdiction over the area where the site of work is located. They
shall inspect the works and furnish the report on quality of work and performance of the
contractor within 21 days of the request received from the enlisting authority. The
composition of inspection team is given below.
(a) For works with contract amount above Rs 10 crores
(i) Chief Engineer of the Zone or SE of the Circle.
(ii) One Executive Engineer/ Deputy Director(Horticulture){For horticulture works}
as nominated by the CE/SE.
(b) For works with contract amount upto Rs 10 crores
(i) Executive Engineer/DDH {For horticulture works} of the division
(ii) One Assistant Engineer/ADH {For horticulture works} as nominated by the EE/
Note:- Above provision shall also be applicable for unsettled cases of previous enlistment rules.

3.2 Inspection Reports

(a) The inspection team shall inspect the site and submit the inspection report through
portal to the enlisting authority. It shall make categorical comments and
recommendations in the prescribed Annexure- IV. The report can be filled online by
head of inspecting authority only also.

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 53


(b) Inspecting officers will also ascertain from the copy of agreement, architectural/
structural drawings, and other documents like Form 26AS (Annual Tax Statement for
applicant’s PAN) that the work being inspected has actually been done by the
(c) It will be obligatory on the part of inspecting officer to send the inspection report to
enlisting authority immediately, but not later than 21 days of the request received
from Member Secretary. In case, the applicant fails to present the solicited documents
to the inspection team within 15 days of request from Member Secretary, the
inspection team shall state so in their report. After 21 days it will be deemed that the
work is inspected and evaluation shall be done on full marks basis.The inspecting
officers shall be liable for disciplinary action for delay.
(d) Inspection reports are to be submitted through portal only.

4.0 Advisory Committee

The advisory committee shall assist the enlisting authority in scrutinizing the cases, evaluate
performance reports of contractors, inspection reports of CPWD officers, and make
recommendations regarding eligibility of the contractor for enlistment. The Member Secretary
shall carry out all the documentation/correspondence with the applicants, bank, different
departments, etc. its composition is given below.

Table 9: Advisory committee composition

Class Categories Chairman Members

I (Super), Buildings & Roads ADG(Tech) CE(CSQ) Civil, CE(CSQ) Electrical, Director
I (AAA), (Finance), SE(C&M) - Member Secretary
I (AA) and
I (A)

ADG at HQ CE at HQ, CA, CE (Works cum TLQA) - Member


(a) Buildings & CE, Guwahati for For Region Guwahati:

I and II Roads ADG (RG) Senior Architect-1, Senior Architect-2,
(b) Horticulture SE (Works and TLQA) – Member Secretary

CE(Works and For Project Region Delhi:

TLQA) Senior Architect, SE of the region, EE (Works and
For ADG (PRD) TLQA) – Member Secretary

III, IV and V (c) Buildings & CE at HQ of the Senior Architect, SE(P), SE(Works cum TLQA)
Roads Region – Member Secretary
(d) Horticulture

Note: If any Member/Member Secretary post is vacant then enlisting authority can appoint suitable
substitute to complete the quorum.

54 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


5.0 Scrutiny of cases

“As soon as an application is received from the contractor for enlistment, it should be scrutinized
and if some document/information is missing, the applicant shall be intimated of the deficiencies
within 15 days. In the event of no response or incomplete response within 15 days of the issue of
the letter by the enlisting authority seeking any clarification and/or document, the application will
be rejected. If all the documents are complete, an acknowledgment shall be issued to the contractor
within 15 days of receipt of complete application. No application received without the prescribed
enlistment fee or without Annexure-I shall be processed, and the applicant shall be intimated
accordingly within 15 days of receipt of application. The enlistment process shall be completed
within 2 months of the receipt of complete documents.”
2. All the deficiencies in the application should be intimated to applicant online within 15 days
of receipt of application. The concerned Executive Engineer and Assistant Engineer shall
be responsible for ensuring that all the deficiencies in applications are intimated to the
applicants within 15 days of receipt of online application.
3. The concerned Member Secretary of Advisory Committee constituted to assist Enlisting
Authority shall monitor all applications on monthly basis for ensuring compliance of above
5.1 Individuals seeking enlistment under rule 6.1.6 & 6.1.8 shall be issued provisional enlistment
order for 6 months within one month of receipt of online application based on affidavit submitted
by the applicant in Annexure-VIII and other self-attested documents viz. PAN card, Aadhaar card,
GST registration, degree/ diploma, Income certificate issued from State Govt., form 26AS and
form 16/16A, as applicable.
5.2 Individuals seeking enlistment under rule 6.1.7 & 6.1.9 shall be issued provisional enlistment
order for 6 months within one month of receipt of application based on self-attested documents
viz. PAN card, Aadhaar Card, GST Registration, Banker certificate, from their cadre controlling
authority, PPO-Pension Pay Order & retirement order.
5.3 Provisional enlistment order shall be issued for applicant applying under the rules 6.1.6, 6.1.7,
6.1.8 & 6.1.9 only when all the documents are complete and found in order during initial scrutiny
by the member secretary office. Decision to be taken on the basis of documents at the time of
application. Verification of documents shall be done within 3 months from receipt of application.
If verification of documents proves in the negative, provisional enlistment shall be cancelled and
debarment shall be done for two years after due notice to the applicant. In case of forgery, criminal
case may be initiated against the applicant by the member secretary after approval of enlistment
authority. If all the documents are found in order, then enlistment order shall be issued for total 5
years from initial date of issue of provisional enlistment order. All the formalities of verification of
documents including advisory committee meeting, issue of enlistment order shall be completed
within 6 months of receipt of application.

6.0 Changes in name, address, constitution, and status of enlisted contractors

The prior approval for change of status, constitution, and name of enlisted contractors shall be
issued by the enlisting authority within 60 days from the date of receipt of request from the contractor

168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 55


provided the requisite documents as per Annexure-VI are in order. Similarly, the order accepting
the change of status or constitution, or name shall be issued by the Member Secretary within 60
days from date of receipt of the application provided requisite documents as per Annexure-VI
are in order.

7.0 Register of enlisted contractors

Physical register of enlisted contractors shall be maintained by Member Secretary showing the
enlistment of various contractors in different classes and categories. Whenever contractors are,
temporarily suspended, or removed from the list of approved contractors, a remark shall be
made in the register against the contractors concerned by the Member Secretary. Member
Secretary must ensure to upload enlistment orders/suspension orders of contractors in CEMS
portal. There is a ‘List of Contractors in the CPWD website which is updated automatically.

8.0 Re-issue of enlistment order

Some categories have been renamed and some have been merged under these Rules. Re-
issuing of enlistment order is not required due to such renaming and merger.

9.0 Enlistment/rejection orders

The enlistment/rejection of application shall be uploaded on the portal by Member Secretary.
Enlistment/debarment order must also be uploaded in the list of contractors in CPWD website
by Member Secretary. Hard copy must not be sent to the contractor by speed-post. Hard copies
of orders shall not be sent to higher offices.

56 168 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

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