Style Guide: SPE Technical Publications
Style Guide: SPE Technical Publications
Style Guide: SPE Technical Publications
2022 Revision
NOTE: US spelling conventions are followed in SPE periodicals, books, and most other
technical materials.
The SPE Technical Publications Style Guide does not offer formatting or policy information. For more
information on these topics, visit the following links on
Authors and editors may also find the following non-SPE resources helpful:
• The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. 2017. Chicago, Illinois, USA: University
of Chicago Press.
• Council of Science Editors (CSE). 2014. Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual
for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 8th edition. Chicago, Illinois, USA: University
of Chicago Press
• IEEE/ASTM SI 10-2010, American National Standard for Metric Practice. New York, New York,
USA: IEEE (11 April 2011).
o Include the word “degree” after most abbreviated academic and honorary degrees
(e.g., PhD degree; MS degree; however, use MBA, not MBA degree).
o Do not capitalize academic degrees when spelled out (e.g., bachelor’s degree).
§ Abbreviate and capitalize “equation” and “figure” when followed by a number or designating
letter (e.g., Eq. 5, Fig. 6, with plural forms being Eqs. and Figs.).
§ Capitalize but do not abbreviate “table,” “appendix,” “column,” or “section” when followed by a
number or designating letter (e.g., Table 1, Appendix A, Column 2, Section 4.1).
o Abbreviate as “p.” if necessary in reference citations (e.g., Jones et al. 2015, p. 10).
§ Abbreviate and capitalize “number” when it is part of the proper name of a well (e.g., No. 4),
but omit the word in other cases (e.g., use Sample 3, not Sample No. 3).
§ Capitalize words that precede a designating letter or number, which together act as the given
name of a location or component (e.g., Region A, Polymer X, Case 1, Well 4).
§ Use abbreviations MM for million and M for thousand ONLY with cubic feet to express gas
volumes. Avoid the use of MM (or M) with such expressions as barrels of oil (MMBO) or barrel
of oil equivalent (MMBOE); instead, spell out “million” (or “thousand”).
§ Use full term “and” in general body text. Do not use the ampersand (&).
§ Use full term “at” in general body text. Do not use the “commercial at” symbol (@).
§ Use a capital “X” to indicate magnification (e.g., 500X). Do not use the multiplication symbol (×).
§ Abbreviate units of measurement in body text only when used with numerical values.
o Spell out “pound” or “pounds” in general reference but use abbreviation “lb,” “lbm”
(for pounds mass), or “lbf” (for pounds force) when preceded by a numeral (e.g., 5 lbm).
Do not use a hashtag symbol (#) as an abbreviation for “pound.”
o Spell out “inch” or “inches” in general reference but use abbreviation “in.” when
preceded by a numeral (e.g., 3 in.). Do not use a double quote mark (”) or
double prime (ʺ) to represent inches.
o Spell out “foot” or “feet” in general reference but use abbreviation “ft” when preceded
by a numeral (e.g., 24 ft). Do not use a single quote mark (’) or single prime (ʹ) to
represent feet.
§ Use the degree symbol (°) with angles, temperatures [except for metric Kelvin (K)], and compass
coordinates (e.g., 20° slope, 65°F, 2°W), but include a space between the value and the degree
symbol only for units of API gravity (e.g., 30 °API).
§ Use a hyphen (-) in customary units (e.g., md-ft, B/D-psi) and a product dot (∙) in metric units
(e.g., md∙m, m3/d∙kPa) to indicate multiplication in combined units.
§ Punctuate ratios with a colon when using numbers (e.g., 60:20) and with a slash when using
words (e.g., steam/oil ratio).
§ Use a colon (preferred for titles) or an em dash (acceptable for headings), rather than a comma
or semicolon, to set off part of the title; capitalize the first word after the colon or em dash.
Formatted Lists
§ Start each line of a numbered/bulleted list with a capital letter; end each line with a period
unless all points are incomplete sentences. Do not end bullets with commas or semicolons.
§ Reformat text to paragraph form when items in a numbered/bulleted list are incomplete
sentences that complete the introductory sentence.
§ Treat equations as part of a sentence or paragraph, subject to the same rules of grammar.
o End a complete sentence introducing an equation with a period or colon and end each
equation with appropriate punctuation.
o Define all symbols used in the paper, either when introducing an equation, in
a statement following the equation, in captions of tables and figures, or in a
Nomenclature. Symbols should generally be one letter, with distinguishing
sub/superscripts as needed.
§ Number figures, tables, equations, and algorithms in consecutive order using the designators
Fig., Table, Eq., and Algorithm with Arabic numerals.
o Designate all illustrations and nontabular material as “Fig.” Do not use designators such
as Scheme, Chart, Exhibit, Graph, or Photo.
o Use lowercase letter designators to differentiate multipart tables, figures, and equations
(e.g., Tables 1a and 1b; Figs. 1a, 1b, and 1c; Eqs. 1a through 1d).
o Use the letter designation of the appendix separated by a hyphen when numbering
figures, tables, equations, and algorithms within that appendix
(e.g., Fig. A-1, Table A-1, Eq. A-1, Algorithm A-1).
o Cite the appendix and associated figure, table, equation, or algorithm number
(e.g., Appendix A, Fig. A-1) if citing an appendix element in the main body text.
§ Use the day month year format to express dates (e.g., 5 May 2017). Do not use commas in dates
in the day month year format.
§ Use numerals, not words, to express times and dates (exceptions are noon, midnight, and names
of days and months).
§ Use commas when expressing a combination of day of the week, date, and time (e.g., Thursday,
31 April 2014, at 6 p.m.).
§ Use either the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock consistently to express time/time ranges. Do
not switch between the two in the same work.
o Use the 24-hour clock without colons (e.g., 1300, 0800–0930). Include applicable time
zone abbreviations for clarity (e.g., CST, GMT, EST).
o Include “a.m.” or “p.m.” designations with use of the 12-hour clock (e.g., 6 a.m., 3 p.m.)
§ Include a.m. or p.m. after each time in a range only if the range begins in one and
ends in the other (e.g., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.).
§ Include a.m. or p.m. only after the second time if the range is contained entirely in
morning or afternoon (e.g., from 2 to 6 p.m.).
§ Use country codes with all phone numbers. The country code for the US and Canada is 1.
Use periods rather than hyphens, parentheses, or slashes to separate parts of phone numbers.
§ Use whole numbers for dates, street addresses, currency, and times of day
(e.g., 5 May, 55 Park Avenue, USD 3, 2 p.m.).
§ Use “1.0” or the term “unity” when using the number “1” or the word “one” in text
can lead to confusion (e.g., for mobility ratios other than unity).
§ Use “0.0” or the term “zero” when using the number “0” in text can lead to confusion.
§ Write physical dimensions in numerals and add a multiplication symbol between the dimensions
without any additional spacing; specify the unit afterward (e.g., 84×84×5 ft).
NOTE: In general, limit the use of abbreviated terms to those used five or more times in the text
and avoid abbreviating terms used only once. If a term is more recognizable in its abbreviated form
and expansion of the term within the text will affect readability or understanding, consider adding a
footnote to expand the term for clarity.
NOTE: At the author’s discretion, spell out the abbreviated term again if used as the title of a section
or subsection, if used in a figure or table caption, or if its subsequent use is several pages after its
first use.
NOTE: In books, redefine the term at its first use in each chapter, then continue use of the
abbreviation throughout the remainder of that chapter.
The following is a list of oil industry abbreviations and their expanded meanings that are commonly
found in SPE literature. This list is not meant to be comprehensive to the industry or the literature, as
SPE recognizes that there may be more than one expanded meaning for any abbreviation.
SPE Proj Fac & Const SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction
SPE Res Eval & Eng SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering
acre (spell out) [ha] cubic feet per pound mass ft3/lbm [m3/kg]
barrels of fluid per day BFPD [m3/d fluid] foot; feet ft [m]
barrels of liquid per day BLPD [m3/d liquid] feet per minute ft/min [m/s]
barrels of oil per day BOPD [m3/d oil] feet per second ft/sec [m/s]
barrels of water per day BWPD [m3/d water] foot-pound lbf-ft or ft-lbf [J]
barrels per minute bbl/min [m3/s] gallons per minute gal/min [m3/s]
billion cubic feet Bcf [109 m3] gallons per day gal/D [m3/d]
cubic feet per day ft3/D [m3/d] inches per second in./sec [cm/s]
cubic feet per minute ft3/min [m3/s] kilopound (1,000 lbf) klbf [N]
kip(s) (spell out) [N] reservoir barrel res bbl [res m3]
kips per square inch ksi [Pa] reservoir barrel per day RB/D [res m3/d]
million electron volts MeV [MJ] standard cubic foot scf [std m3]
o Year of publication
o Title of work
o For books (as applicable): edition, volume, series, chapter, pages, name and location
of publisher
o For journals or other periodicals (as applicable): name of publication, volume, issue,
page numbers, publication date, paper number, DOI
o For conference papers (as applicable): name, location and date(s) of conference, type
of presentation, paper number, DOI
o When two or more references have identical first author last names, alphabetize by
single-author references first, then by coauthor last name, regardless of number of
coauthors, for multiauthor references.
o When two or more multiauthor references have identical first author last names and
publication year, add “a,” “b,” etc. after the year.
o When two or more references have identical full authorship, list chronologically,
beginning with the earliest publication year.
o When two or more references have identical full authorship and publication year, add “a,”
“b,” etc. after the year to distinguish between the references, and alphabetize by title.
• Omit a reference entirely if the information provided is so vague that the reader could not locate the
referenced information. Personal communications, nonspecific website addresses, and unpublished
results are not acceptable references. If such a source is necessary to the text, cite it in a footnote or
as a parenthetical insertion in the text and not in the reference list.
More than three authors: Smith, A., Jones, B., Kent, C. et al.
• For papers published by SPE, always include the SPE-assigned paper number in the reference
(e.g., SPE-123456-PA).
• Always include the digital object identifier (DOI) name associated with a reference if one is
available. Always write the DOI name as a hyperlink. Create DOI hyperlinks by adding to the front of the DOI number. The DOI prefix for SPE papers is 10.2118.
Green, D. W. and Willhite, G. P. 2018. Enhanced Oil Recovery, second edition. Richardson, Texas, USA:
Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Miskimins, J. ed. 2019. Hydraulic Fracturing: Fundamentals and Advancements. Richardson, Texas,
USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Platts’ Oilgram Regulatory Insight, second edition, 2. 1976. New York City, New York, USA: McGraw-Hill
Book Co. Inc.
Book with Author and Translator Attributed; Foreign Title (Work Translated/Not Translated)
Snyyvek, J. B. 1968. Petroleum Science, second edition, trans. L. Friedman. Cambridge, Massachusetts,
USA: Oilfield Science Series, Elsevier (1977).
Darcy, H. P. G. 1856. The Public Fountains of the City of Dijon (Les Fontaines publiques de la ville de
Dijon), trans. P. Bobeck. Dubuque, Iowa, USA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co. (2004)
Leibenzon, L. S. 1934. Mechanics in Oil Production, Part II (in Russian). Moscow, Russia: Gorgeonefteizdat.
Ertekin, T., Sun, Q., and Zhang, J. 2019. Reservoir Simulation: Problems and Solutions, Vol. 28. Richardson,
Texas, USA: SPE Textbook Series, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Chapter in a Book
Dewhurst, D. N., Piane, D., Claudio, E. et al. 2018. Microstructural, Geomechanical, and Petrophysical
Characterization of Shale Caprocks. In Geological Carbon Storage: Subsurface Seals and Caprock
Integrity, ed. S. Vialle, J. Ajo-Franklin, J. W. Carey, Chap. 1, 1–30. Washington, DC, USA: Geophysical
Monograph Series, American Geophysical Union.
Barceló, D. and Hennion, M.-C. (1997). 2003. Trace Determination of Pesticides and Their Degradation
Products in Water. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V.
Muskat, M. 1949. Physical Principles of Oil Production. Columbus, Ohio, USA: McGraw-Hill (repr.
Springer, 1981).
Aslam, U., Perez Cardenas, L. H., and Kimushin, A. 2021. Application of an Integrated Ensemble-
Based History Matching Approach—An Offshore Field Case Study. Presented at the SPE Trinidad
and Tobago Section Energy Resources Conference, Virtual, 28–30 June. SPE-200908-MS.
Ugueto, G. A., Wojtaszek, M., Huckabee, P. T. et al. 2021. An Integrated View of Hydraulic Induced
Fracture Geometry in Hydraulic Fracture Test Site 2. Presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional
Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 26–28 June. URTEC-2021-5396-MS.
Erdogan, K. and Aktepe, S. 2017. Can New Seismic Imaging Technologies Reduce Exploration Risks?
Proc., 22nd World Petroleum Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 9–13 July, 10 pages. WPC-22-1981.
Fang, C., Dong, H., Zhang, T. et al. 2021. Mathematical Models of Overparameterized Neural Networks.
In Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 109, No. 5, 683–703. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA: IEEE.
Detienne, J. L. and Po, V. 2005. PWRI Design for Soft Sand Formations. Oral presentation given at the
SPE Advanced Technology Workshop on Produced Water Re-injection, Biarritz, France, 20–24 June.
Ao, X., Wu, H., Wang, R. et al. Forthcoming. The Investigation of Proppant Particle-Fluid Flow in a
Vertical Fracture with a Contracted Aperture. SPE J. SPE-206733-PA (accepted 23 June 2021).
Ofei, T. N., Kalaga, D. V., Lund, B. et al. 2021. Laboratory Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Sag in Oil-
Based Drilling Fluids. SPE J. 26 (3): 1072–1091. SPE-199567-PA.
Huang, X., Zhang, L., Zhang, R. et al. 2021. Numerical Simulation of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in the
Micro-Fracture Networks in Fractured Reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
94: 104101.
Rystad: US Producers See Cost to Supply LNG to Asia Increase. 2021. Oil and Gas Journal 119 (7): 38.
Zhong, Z., Esteban, L. Rezaee, R. et al. 2021. The Pressure Dependence of the Archie Cementation
Exponent for Samples from the Ordovician Goldwyer Shale Formation in Australia. SPE J.
SPE-206710-PA (in press; posted 30 June 2021).
Mohaghegh, S. D. 2021. In Petroleum Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence Avoids the Black Box. Data
Science and Digital Engineering (18 June),
Schlumberger. 2021. Schlumberger’s DrillPlan Solution Received 2021 OTC Spotlight on New Technology
spotlight-on-new-technology-award (accessed 12 July 2021).
Borisov, J. P. 1964. Oil Production Using Horizontal and Multiple Deviation Wells, trans. J. Strauss.
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA: R&D Library, Phillips Petroleum Co. (1984).
Verigin, N. N. 1952. On the Pressurized Forcing of Binder Solutions into Rocks in Order to Increase the
Strength and Imperviousness to Water of the Foundations of Hydrotechnical Installations (in Russian).
Akademija Nauk SSR Izvestija Odt. Tehn. Nauk 5: 674–687.
Einstein, A. 1906. Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen (A New Determination of the
Molecular Dimensions). Ann. Phys. 19 (2): 289–306.
Pickup, G. A. and Christie, M. A. 2009. Top-Down Reservoir Modelling: From Material Balance to
Reservoir Simulation. Paper SPE-12606-MS available from SPE, Richardson, Texas, USA.
Harris, P. C. and Reidenbach, V. G. 1987. High-Temperature Rheological Study of Foam Fracturing Fluids.
J Pet Technol 39 (5): 613–619. SPE-13177-PA.
Harris, P. C. and Reidenbach, V. G. 1987. High-Temperature Rheological Study of Foam Fracturing Fluids.
In Transactions of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Vol. 283, Part I, SPE-13177-PA, 613–619.
Richardson, Texas, USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Tracy, G. W. 1955. Simplified Form of Material Balance Equation. SPE-438-G. Trans., AIME, 204:
Peaceman, D. W. 1990. Further Discussion of Productivity of a Horizontal Well. SPE Res Eng 5 (3):
437–438. SPE-20799-DS.
NOTE: For papers that have the discussion/reply as a separate document, as in the above example,
use individual discussion’s SPE number, if different from that of main paper, but always use DOI
of main paper. Most papers, however, will have the discussion/reply included in the paper’s online
PDF and should just be cited as a section of the paper, as in the examples below.
Takacs, G. 2021. Comment on SPE-204215-PA, Complete Simulation and Fault Diagnosis of Sucker-
Rod Pumping. SPE Prod & Oper 36 (2): 277–290 (comment follows paper). SPE-204215-PA.
Schein, G. 2005. The Application and Technology of Slickwater Fracturing. Paper SPE 108807 presented
as a Distinguished Lecture during the 2004–05 season.
Saggaf, M. M. 2008. A Vision for Future Upstream Technologies. Distinguished Author Series,
J Pet Technol 60 (3): 54–98. SPE-109323-JPT.
Carpenter, C. 2021. Work Flow History Matches Numerical Simulation Models of Fractured Shale Wells.
J Pet Technol 73 (4): 60–61. SPE-0421-0060-JPT.
NOTE: JPT Paper Highlights are synopses of non-peer-reviewed conference papers written by SPE
staff. Authors should perform due diligence in obtaining and referencing the original work for inclusion
in books or journal papers.
Energy Information Administration (EIA). 2021. EIA Product Highlight: Southern California Daily Energy
Report. Today in Energy, 12 July 2021,
(accessed 12 July 2021).
Merck. 2021. Milli-Q® IQ 7003/05/10/15 Integrated Ultrapure & Pure Water Systems. Brochure,
Darmstadt, Germany: Merck KGaA.
Congressional Hearing—Testimony
Happer, W. 2009. Climate Change. Oral testimony given before the 111th Congress Full Committee
hearing “Update on the Latest Global Warming Science,” US Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee, Washington, DC, USA, 25 February.
Dharan, B. G. 2004a. Prepared testimony for the US House Committee on Financial Services, 108th
Congress, Second Session. Improving the Relevance and Reliability of Oil and Gas Reserves
Disclosures, 31–50. Hearing, 21 July 2004 (Serial No. 108–105), Shell Games: Corporate Governance
and Accounting for Oil and Gas Reserves,
cgi?dbname=108_house_hearings&docid=f:96549.pdf (downloaded 14 January 2010).
El Paso Firemen and Policemen’s Pension Fund v. Stone Energy Corporation. 2006. Case 6:05-cv-02088-
TLM-MEM, Doc. 61 (W.D. La. 14 June 2006),
SGY05_01/2007817_r01x_0502088.pdf (downloaded 22 June 2010).
Groucho Marx Prods. v. Playboy Enters. 1977. No. 77, Civ. 1782 (S.D. N.Y. 30 December 1977).
NOTE: Journal, magazine, or newspaper articles accessed through a database should be referenced as
a journal, magazine, or newspaper article.
Thoms, K. J. 2001. They’re Not Just Big Kids: Motivating Adult Learners. ERIC database, (accessed 1 January 2001).
Lemmon, E. W., Huber, M. L., and McLinden, M. O. 2007. NIST Standard Reference Database 23:
Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version 8.0. Gaithersburg,
Maryland, USA: Standard Reference Data Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Taylor, G. I. 1972. Low Reynolds number flows. VHS produced by Educational Services Incorporated
under the direction of the National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films. Chicago, Illinois, USA:
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
Caicedo, M. and Mora P. 2004. Temas de propagacion de ondas. Lecture, Universidad Simón Bolívar,
Caracas (25 June 2014).
Kamal, M. M. 1998. What You Can and Cannot Obtain from Today’s Well Testing Technology. Presented
as an SPE Distinguished Lecture during the 1997–1998 season; February 1998 lecture presented in
Perth, Australia.
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG). 2006. Coal Bed Methane: An Integrated Approach to
Reservoir Characterization and Production. CSPG CSEG SWLS Short Course SCPRE 10 presented
12 May 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Thomsen, L. 2002. Understanding seismic anisotropy in exploration and exploitation. Lecture Notes,
SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course No. 5, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
US Code of Federal Regulations. 1996. 33 CFR § 155.1010, Oil or Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention
Regulations for Vessels, Subpart D—Tank Vessel Response Plans for Oil—Purpose [CGD 91-034, 61
FR 1081].
&rgn=div8&view=text&node=33: (accessed May 2012).
Cardenas, R. L., Carlin, J. T., and Flournoy, K. H. 1974. Surfactant Oil Recovery Process for Use in
Formations Containing High Concentrations of Polyvalent Ions Such as Calcium and Magnesium.
US Patent No. 3,799,264.
Moses, V. and Harris, R. E. 1994. Acidising Underground Reservoirs. International (PCT) Patent No.
WO 94/25731.
Lund, A., Lysne, D., Larson, R. et al. 2004. Method and system for transporting a flow of fluid hydrocarbons
containing water. US Patent No. 6,774,276; International (PCT) Patent No. WO/2000/025062;
Norwegian Patent No. NO 311,854.
Personal Communications
* Personal communication with J. Doe. 2006. Dallas, Texas, USA: Exxon Mobil Corp.
Flemal, R. C. 1967. Sedimentology of the Sespe Formation, Southwestern California. PhD dissertation,
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (May 1967).
Xell. 2015. Barge at the Danube, Wachau, Austria (21 August 2005),
File:Danube_oil_tanker.jpg (accessed 25 June 2014)
Jansen, F. 1994. 8 O’Clock (1920). In German Expressionist Woodcuts, ed. S. Weller, Plate 12. New York
City, New York, USA: Dover Publications.
Navajo “Olla” Woven container with “Pitch” Coating. Undated file photo, Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, USA.
Lucier, G. 2006. Engineering in the Biotech Era. PSU Experts From the Field podcast presentation,
28 September 2006, (downloaded 23 June 2011).
Kingma, D. P. and Ba, J. 2014. Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. arXiv:1412.6980. (preprint; last revised 30 January 2017).
Shell Oil. 1975. Enhanced Recovery. Internal Report, Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas, USA.
Doscher, T.M. 1982. Scaled Physical Model Studies of the Steam Drive Process. Final report, Contract
No. DE-AT03-77ET 12075, US DOE, Washington, DC, USA (November 1982).
API RP 61, Recommended Practice for Evaluating Short-Term Proppant-Pack Conductivity, first edition.
1989. Washington, DC, USA: API.
ASTM A370-05, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products. 2005.
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA: ASTM International.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Version 10.0. 2008. San Jose, California, USA: Adobe Systems Inc.
Chu, K. T. and Prodanovic, M. 2008. Level Set Method Library (LSMLIB), http://ktchu.serendipityresearch.
org/software/lsmlib/index.html (accessed 1 November 2008).
CSPG*. 2006. Coal Bed Methane: An Integrated Approach to Reservoir Characterization and Production.
CSPG CSEG SWLS Short Course SCPRE 10 presented 12 May 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Unpublished Report
Li, C. 1999. Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Analysis of the Shale Water Activity at Downhole
Conditions. Annual report, Drilling Research Program, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
User Guide/Manual
Gray, H. E. 1974. Vertical Flow Correlation in Gas Wells. In User Manual for API 14B Subsurface
Controlled Safety Valve Sizing Computer Program, Appendix B. Washington, DC, USA: API.
CMG. 2006. GEM Advanced Compositional Reservoir Simulator, Version 2006 User Guide. Calgary,
Alberta, Canada: CMG.
United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1995. 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment Province
Boundaries, (accessed 19 October
An Essay Evolves. 2007. Freud and Science (8 March 2007 revision),
Freud+and+Science (accessed 20 May 2007).
• Cite references in the text or in figure or table captions by placing the author’s last name and the year
of publication in parentheses. If the author’s name is used in the text, include only the year of the
reference in parentheses.
Examples: The generally accepted method (Smith 1990) offers several advantages.
• If the text cites more than one reference from the same author in the same year, add “a,” “b,” etc. to
distinguish between the references. Separate references included in the same set of parentheses with
The method is analyzed in several studies (Smith 1990; Jones and Smith 1992;
Smith et al. 2004).
This practice is common across the industry (Smith 1992, 1994b; Jones 1996).
• If the referenced source is of considerable length and more than one part of it is referenced in the
current paper, the in-text citation may include original figure or page numbers for clarification.
Examples: Yousef (1956, Fig. 4) first described this effect several decades ago.
A different section of the same earlier work was dedicated to this phenomenon
(Smith et al. 1997, p. 234–236).
• When citing standards in text, do not spell out the abbreviations [i.e., American Petroleum Institute
(API) Recommended Practice (RP) 7G]. The abbreviated term is the actual name of the standard and
should not be deconstructed.