Iriga City
School of Graduate Studies
giving the teacher feedback about classroom interactions and helping the teacher make
use of the feedback in order to make teaching more effective.
Educational Supervision means an all-out effort of the school officials directed
towards providing leadership to teachers and other educational workers for the
improvement of institution. It involves both human and material elements. The human
elements are the pupils, parents, teachers and other employees, the community and other
officials of the state. On the material side money, building, equipment, playgrounds etc.
are included. Besides these, the curriculum, methods and techniques of teaching also
come under the scope of supervision.
The first supervisor will be the Principal Investigator of the research group in
which the doctoral researcher carries out his or her research work. The second
work. Both supervisors will advise the doctoral student in his or her research project.
Where applicable, the scientific mentoring committee will also have a third supervisor
who can be a post-doc or young group leader assisting the doctoral researcher on a
The scientific supervision will be a central part of the BSMS as it will help the
PhD students to structure their projects jointly with their supervisors from an early
time point in their studies, allows them to discuss and address any problems that
may arise and provides them with a detailed working plan of their project to enable
4. Cooperative Principle
Dewey once said, “A society which makes provision for participation in the good of
all its members on equal terms and which secures flexible judgment of its
member should work for all and all for each. Full understanding and goodwill
should prevail between the headmaster and the teachers, between staff and
students, between parents and school, and between school and controlling
Regarding the principle of cooperation, Ryburn writes, “The pupils of the school, if
they are to develop the characteristic of cooperativeness must live when in school, in
running of a school is not a one man’s job. It needs the working of many hands and
5. Creative Principle
It is the ability to create or innovate something new, the skill to create something
new from nothing. It is also the generation of new and innovative ideas or a
6. Preventive supervision
is supervision that is carried out before the activity takes place, and this
supervision can be used as early prevention of the possibility of deviations from the
budget. With preventive supervision, the budget that has been set can be effectively
monitored, its use by calculations, and there will be no more wasted funds that are not
fully absorbed so that the budget that has been set will be realized and controlled
7. Constructive criticism is a type of critique that an individual can apply to their behavior
provide actionable criticism that encourages their employees to learn from their mistakes
and excel in future projects .It is feedback that provides specific, actionable suggestions.
B. Dimension of Supervision
2. Curricular supervision-
The supervision of a developed curriculum is usually part and parcel of the
implementation process. A curriculum has to be adequately supervised to ensure
that its content is properly delivered. Most curricula that fail are often a result of poor
cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of why our beliefs, attitudes
and behaviors sometimes cause interpersonal conflict in our personal lives and in
work-related situations. Human relations is an important part to our career success. It
concerned with managing different departments, ensuring that goals are achieved.
is concerned with managing a group of people towards delivery of specific goals. The
administrator is responsible for the supervisor while the supervisor answers to the
administrator. Supervisor is the work maintainer and processor if any employee had a
problem issue so they consult with supervisor then the supervisor report to
administrator and try to clear the problem , supervisor is the responsible for employee
and administrator is the responsible for all. administration involves follow up set
procedures and processes in a system and supervision involves to watching over those
in the administration or any type of worker, administration is what runs a school but
management. .
2. Democratic from autocratic principle of supervision
Autocratic leadership is one wherein a line of demarcation exists between the leader
and his followers and all the decisions are taken by leader solely while Democratic
leadership alludes to a type of leadership in which the leader shares decision making
power and other responsibilities with the group members.
III. Effective leadership is the ability to successfully influence and support a team or
group of people. It's important to point out there's much more to effective leadership
than just delegating from the top. A great leader is also a great negotiator.
1.2 Research
1.3 Training
The supervisor is the first person who is considered when a new employee needs
to learn the job or when an employee is struggling to improve performance in the job.
Employees also often turn to the supervisor to ask about personnel policies. Progressive
employees might ask about the organization's culture. The supervisor is responsible to
ensure that training occurs, and might do the training themselves or arrange it through
a subject matter expert. Training could be done in a variety of ways ranging from
ongoing on-the-job advice to participating in a formal, systematic training program.
1.4 Guidance
1.5 Evaluation
Supervision coordinates the efforts and activities that increase student
achievement, and evaluations determine accountability to the culture towards that end.
I’ll still consider human relations. The study and understanding of human relations
can help us in our workplace, and as a result, assist us in achieving career success.
The better our human relations, the more likely we are to grow both professionally
and personally. Knowing how to get along with others, resolve workplace conflict,
manage relationships, communicate well, and make good decisions are all skills.
Effective teachers continually reflect on and improve, the way they do things, but
reflection is not a natural process for all teachers. Some teachers think that the toolkit
is enough.
Reflective practitioners take an inquiry stance in that they actively search for
understanding, and are always open to further investigation.