Family History
Family History
Family History
Body 1: On the one hand, there are sufficient grounds to laud (=support)
lengthened imprisonment.
People have been divided over the question whether S+V. While a
number of people opine that these priorities…., it is my concrete belief
Body 1: On the one hand, there are sufficient grounds (đủ cơ sở) to laud
(support) that these two aforementioned priorities cannot be
harmonized, particularly among third-world nations.
1. industrialization, urbanization lấy land để construct nhà máy,
industrial zones để tạo employment và revenues to GDP (successful
economy) thải gas emissions + effluents (c2, liquid waste) – ô nhiễm
môi trường
2. developed economy = higher standards of living higher demand for
products rampant consumerism waste disposal (single-use
items, non-biodegradable materials_ earth = a giant landfill (bãi rác)
(developing/ underdeveloped/ impoverished/underprivileged/poverty-
stricken/third-world countries: ng ngèo
developed/affluent/wealthy/well-off/first-world countries)