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Kinds of Sentences and Their Punctuation: Coordinating Conjunction Conjunctive Adverb Semicolon

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Kinds of Sentences and Their Punctuation

A sentence may be one of four kinds, depending upon the number and type(s) of
clauses it contains.


An independent clause contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought.

1. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.

Punctuation note: NO commas separate two compound elements (subject, verb, direct
object, indirect object, subjective complement, etc.) in a simple sentence.

2. A COMPOUND SENTENCEhas two independent clauses joined by

A. a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so),

B. a conjunctive adverb (e.g. however, therefore), or

C. a semicolon alone.

Punctuation patterns (to match A, B, and C above):

A. Independent clause, coordinating conjunction independent clause.

B. Independent clause; conjunctive adverb, independent clause.

C. Independent clause; independent clause.

3. A COMPLEX SENTENCEhas one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating

conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause.

Punctuation patterns (to match A, B, C and D above):

A. Dependent clause, independent clause

B. Independent clause dependent clause

C. Independent, nonessential dependent clause, clause.

D. Independent essential dependent clause clause.

4. A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined to one

or more dependent clauses.


Conjunctions are words used as joiners.

Different kinds of conjunctions join different kinds of grammatical structures.

The following are the kinds of conjunctions:


for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another:

words to words, phrases to phrases, clauses to clauses.

Coordinating conjunctions usually form looser connections than other conjunctions do.

Coordinating conjunctions go in between items joined, not at the beginning or end.

Punctuation with coordinating conjunctions:

When a coordinating conjunction joins two words, phrases, or subordinate clauses, no

comma should be placed before the conjunction.

A coordinating conjunction joining three or more words, phrases, or subordinate

clauses creates a series and requires commas between the elements.

A coordinating conjunction joining two independent clauses creates a compound
sentence and requires a comma before the coordinating conjunction


either. . .or both. . . and

neither. . . nor not only. . . but also

These pairs of conjunctions require equal (parallel) structures after each one.


These conjunctions join independent clauses together.

The following are frequently used conjunctive adverbs:

after all in addition next

also incidentally nonetheless
as a result indeed on the contrary
besides in fact on the other hand
consequently in other words otherwise

finally instead still
for example likewise then
furthermore meanwhile therefore
hence moreover thus
however nevertheless

Punctuation: Place a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after
the conjunctive adverb.


These words are commonly used as subordinating conjunctions

after in order (that) unless

although insofar as until
as in that when
as far as lest whenever
as soon as no matter how where
as if now that wherever
as though once whether
because provided (that) while
before since why
even if so that
even though supposing (that)
how than
if that
inasmuch as though
in case (that) till

Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they make
one clause dependent (or "subordinate") upon the other.

A subordinating conjunction may appear at a sentence beginning or between two
clauses in a sentence.

A subordinate conjunction usually provides a tighter connection between clauses than a

coordinating conjunctions does.

Loose: It is raining, so we have an umbrella.

Tight: Because it is raining, we have an umbrella.

Punctuation Note:

When the dependent clause is placed first in a sentence, use a comma between the two clauses.
When the independent clause is placed first and the dependent clause second, do not separate the
two clauses with a comma.


On separate paper, use coordination and subordination to combine the groups of simple sentences
below into one or (in most cases) two longer sentences. Omit repeated words. Since a variety of
combinations is possible, you might want to jot several combinations on your paper. Then read them
aloud to find the combination that sounds best. Keep in mind that, very often, the relationship between
ideas in a sentence will be clearer when subordination rather than coordination is used.

1. • Everyone laughed at the boss’s story.

• Stan laughed harder than anyone else.
• He didn’t get the joke.

2. • My car developed an annoying rattle.

• I took it to the service station.
• The mechanic couldn’t find what was wrong.

3. • I have always wanted to play the piano.

• My parents couldn’t afford music lessons.
• I still want to learn.
• I am taking an adult course at our school.

4. • A Vietnamese restaurant opened in our town.

• It has been doing a tremendous business.
• The food is reasonably priced.
• It is a delicious combination of Chinese and French cooking.

5. • A person at the party told a racist joke.

• I decided to leave.
• My boyfriend told me to calm down.
• I didn’t want to be around people like that.

6. • The burner was set only at “medium.”

• The soup boiled over the top of the pot.
• The mixture hit the hot stove.
• It smoked, hissed, and bubbled.

7. • I couldn’t decide which of the two sweaters to buy.

• The saleswoman convinced me to take both.
• At home, I regretted the expensive purchase.
• I vowed to return one of the sweaters.

8. • Debbie felt nervous and out-of-place at the party.

• She sat by herself at the end of the sofa.
• She didn’t want people to feel sorry for her.
• She kept a strained smile on her face.


Read each of the following selections, and pick out the word group in each case that is a
fragment. Put the letter of the fragment in the space provided. Then make the changes
needed to correct each fragment.

____ 1. (a) If you avoid rich foods. (b) You will keep your weight down. (c) You will also
reduce the risk of heart attack.

____ 2. (a) Carla enters every contest she hears about. (b) Also, buys raffle tickets.

(c) Unfortunately, she never wins anything.

____ 3. (a) There’s a new kind of bathroom scale. (b) Instead of showing a person’s weight.
(c) It announces it out loud.

____ 4. (a) Some people on television annoy me. (b) For example, game show hosts.
(c) Their smiles seem pasted on their faces.

____ 5. (a) Mom caught my little brother. (b) Writing his name in the sidewalk cement. (c)
He said he wanted to leave his mark on the neighborhood.

____ 6. (a) After the first five minutes of the lecture. (b) I was totally confused. (c) I
wondered if I was in the right class.

____ 7. (a) Fred forced open the closet door. (b) A large package toppled off the overhead
shelf. (c) And landed on his foot.

____ 8. (a) Sharon cleaned out her purse. (b) She found two broken pencils. (c) Also half a
package of fuzz-covered cough drops.

____ 9. (a) I struggled with the child-proof container. (b) Pushing the lid in while twisting it.
(c) Finally, I asked my son to open it


Each word group in the student paragraph below is numbered. In the space provided, write C if a word
group is a complete sentence; write F it if is a fragment. You will find ten fragments in the paragraph.

Calling In Sick

1It takes skill to call in sick to work with a phony excuse. 2And not sound like a
faker. 3First of all, you must be sure to speak directly to your boss. 4Not to a co-worker
or secretary. 5If you talk to a person who doesn’t like you. 6The individual may “forget”
to give the boss the message. 7Making you look totally irresponsible. 8Or the person
may tell the boss, in a sarcastic tone, “Terry is sick again.” 9Transmitting the message
that you are definitely faking. 10Second, being careful not to ruin your excuse by
overacting or exaggerating. 11For example, coughing on the phone like a tuberculosis
victim or sneezing after every word. 12Also, don’t tell the boss that you have a
complicated disease. 13Such as bronchitis combined with pneumonia. 14A simple
excuse sounds more truthful, so stick with the flu or a stomach virus. 15The most
important technique involved in calling in sick is making sure you don’t get caught.
16You must, for instance, be willing to stay home all day. 17So that a co-worker can’t
say, “I tried to reach him, but he doesn’t answer.” 18And never return to work after sick
leave with a suntan or a leg you broke while skiing. 19If you follow these tips when you
call in sick. 20No one can accuse you of “faking it.”

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____

6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____

11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____

16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____

Run-On Sentence Worksheet
Fifteen of the following sentences are run-on sentences. Please correct each one of
them on the lines below. Use all three ways to correct run-on sentences at least
three times each (period, semicolon, comma plus coordinating conjunction).
Five of them are correct. Write a C under each correct sentence.
1. My father retired from the Air Force last year he is writing a book about his experiences.


2. Jeff mowed the grass this morning tonight he will water the flowers and bushes.


3. The small girl seemed to be lost, she was crying and looking for her mother.


4. Mrs. Dawson inherited a large sum of money from her brother she can buy a new car now.


5. Kathy and Jerry worked very hard on their project therefore they felt they deserved a high


6. I can never beat my little brother at video games, he has them all mastered.


7. Dave is flying to Orlando for spring break, he will be gone a week.


8. We are moving to Cincinnati in July I'll go to school there.


9. The storm passed quickly through the area last night, and it caused a lot of damage.


10. We will be on vacation next week we will be unable to attend your party.


11. We bought shoes, luggage, hats, and swimsuits at the mall fortunately, we have a large trunk in
our car.


12. I didn't think it would be necessary to take my umbrella; after all, the sun was shining when I left


13. Most of my study time is spent on biology it's my toughest class.


14. My car ran out of gas therefore I was late for my appointment.


15. A fifth-grade student from our school won the spelling competition; she spelled words I had
never heard before.


16. My younger brother collects aluminum cans to recycle and is saving the money for a new


17. Jerry's dad is a pilot for a large airline sometimes he is gone for several days at a time.


18. My family reunion is in three months I wonder if everyone will be there.


19. I've missed several classes because I was ill I hope I will pass English class.


20. Jeff is planning on going to Las Vegas for vacation; he'll need to take a lot of money.

Decide which of the following groups of words are run-on sentences.
_ If the group of words is a correct sentence, write S; if it is a run-on, write R-O.
_ Revise each run-on sentence by (1) making it two separate sentences; (2) inserting a semicolon, or (3)
using a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

______ 1. Brown bears include the grizzly and the kodiak, the largest brown bear is the kodiak.

______ 2. Kodiak bears weigh as much as 1,700 pounds, they grow to a height of ten feet.
______ 3. Bears can live more than 30 years in the wild.
______ 4. Bears’ sense of smell is more developed than their hearing or sight.
______ 5. Females give birth to as many as four cubs, the cubs stay with their mother two
or three years.
______ 6. Many people are afraid of bears, encounters with bears are actually infrequent.
______ 7. Grizzly bears are solitary animals, they do not want to interact with people.
______ 8. Generally, bears attack only when they are surprised, or when they are protecting
their young.
______ 9. People should always store food and garbage properly, bears could be attracted by
the smell.
______ 10. Never try to outrun a bear, it can run more than 30 miles per hour.
______ 11. School in Munich was too rigid and boring for young Einstein he did not do well.
______ 12. However, young Einstein showed a talent for mathematics, at the age of 12,
he taught himself Euclidean geometry.
______ 13. After finishing secondary school, he entered the Federal Polytechnic Academy
in Switzerland, he did not like the teaching methods there.
______ 14. The academy frustrated him he could learn in a way that interested him.
______ 15. Einstein chose to educate himself, he missed classes often and spent the time studying
physics on his own.
______ 16. His professors had low opinions of him, he graduated anyway in 1900.
______ 17. In 1905, he published a paper on physics the University of Zürich awarded him a Ph.D. for
this work.
______ 18. In the same year, he published four more papers that presented new thoughts on the
nature of light and other important concepts.
______ 19. Physicists resisted his ideas at first, eventually his general theory of relativity was
confirmed through observation.
______ 20. Einstein achieved international recognition, in 1921 he received the Nobel Prize
in physics.

DIRECTIONS The following paragraph is confusing because it contains some sentence fragments and
run-on sentences.

_ Identify the fragments by underlining them once.

_ Identify the run-ons by underlining them twice.

Although penguins look clumsy on land. They are graceful in the water. Their bodies are perfectly suited

for swimming and diving. They a streamlined torpedo shape. Their wings are shaped like flippers

penguins use them to propel themselves through the water at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. Use their

webbed feet to steer. Most penguins can even swim like porpoises.

Leaping out of the water to breathe and then diving back in with one graceful motion. Penguins

frequently need to dive deep to catch prey. Sometimes descending to depths of over a thousand feet.

The water pressure can be great enough to collapse lungs. Penguins special air chambers in their bodies.

When a penguin dives, the chambers squeeze, air is forced into the lungs. The extra air keeps the lungs

from collapsing. The chilly waters that penguins prefer would be too cold for most birds, penguins are

insulated by waterproof feathers and a thick layer of fat. Penguins more than make up for being

awkward on land. By being perfectly suited for the water.


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