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Appointed Time

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Some key takeaways are that God has perfect timing for everyone's life and situation, and we should not compare ourselves to others or try to force or shortcut God's plans. We must be patient and trust in His timing.

Some examples given of people trying to take shortcuts are Abraham and Sarah deciding to have a child through Hagar which resulted in Ishmael, and Rachel pushing Jacob to have a child with Leah which resulted in Dan.

Some consequences mentioned of being impatient are that many people have gone back to square one, lost opportunities, or faced problems like the woman who tried to traffic drugs. Impatience can cause one to lose blessings or face curses.

Job 14:14

“If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I
wait, till my change come.”

Let us meditate on this for a while.

Time is an important part of our lives

Isaiah 55: 8-11

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith
the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. So shall my word be
that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall
accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent

Sometimes when you are pestering God concerning a particular thing and He
does not grant it immediately, it is because His ways are higher than your
ways and He knows the best time to grant your request. At times when it
seemed as if God was not moving, it was not that He was not concerned. It
could be that the time was not yet right

When God is ready to bless, no one can stop it. Though it may look as if it will
not happen, but God knows best, at times like this one is sometimes depressed
but God has told us that when he speaks, it is going to happen, are you here
and you have the promises of God, this is the word for you. No one can stop

If God does not find someone to send, he will do it himself.

 Testimony church
 Bro Biyi’s example
 My own example

Life is about God’s timing.

The God we serve is very particular about time. One of the worst demons that
Satan assigns to people is the one that slows them down so that they never do
anything on time.
God will never come late into any situation. What we are saying is that
miracles may not come at your own time but God will not come late. Many
times in our lives, we try to time God forgetting that He has His own timing
and one thing is sure, the answer to your prayers will not come late.

Everything in the plan of God has been timed. Your miracle has its own appointed

When Joseph was in the prison, he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler
and the chief baker. According to his interpretation, the butler’s dream meant
that he would be restored to his job while the one of the baker meant that he
would be killed. The butler was happy and promised to tell the king about
Joseph when he is restored.

But the Bible says that when the chief butler got to the king’s palace, he forgot
all about Joseph. Why did he forget? God caused him to forget because that
time was not God’s appointed time for Joseph.

Esther 6:1-3 (Mordecai story)

There are some people who like taking short cut.

Before they had Isaac, Abraham and Sarah decided to take a short cut. The
short cut brought about somebody called Ishmael. It was the wife of Abraham
that pushed Abraham into it. We know what Ishmael has done to the whole
world now. Two generations later, the family of Abraham had another person
who was like Ishmael. His name was Dan.

When Rachael pushed Jacob to Leah, Leah gave birth to Dan. In the book of
Revelation when God began to list the 12 children of Israel, He removed this
Dan and replaced him with Joseph’s son called Manasseh.

A certain woman kept crying that she wanted to get rich. She gathered some
money and planned to travel to England. Her poor husband escorted her to
the airport and after they said farewell, he waited at the airport to have a
drink before he went home. Suddenly, he heard his name over the microphone
that his attention was needed at the information desk if he was still around.

Immediately he got there, policemen held his hand and led him inside and
behold, he saw that his wife had been arrested. What happened? She tried to
traffic cocaine. When her husband found out what happened, he fainted.
Impatience had caused a lot of problems for many people. Many people have
gone back to square one because of impatience.

Don’t take short cut, God has His own programme for every life; that is why you
must not use other people’s lives as a yardstick to measure yours.

 The fact that that man is riding a Jeep is not your concern
 That man is living in his own house is not your concern.

God’s programme and time may look unattractive but they are the best. Many of us
need to correct our ideas about God.

We also need to depart from iniquity if we are to enjoy God’s promises as

some of us use our own hands to delay the promised of God.

 The God who called Moses was the same God who prevented him from
entering the Promised Land.
 The Lord God that made Saul a king was the same God that dethroned
 The Lord God that healed Naaman was the same God that transferred
his leprosy to Gehazi.
 The God that blessed David and made him to become king in Israel was
the same God who put curses on him.
 The God that gave Samson power was the same God who allowed his
eyes to be removed and to be punished.

With God there is no middle camp. God is a God of joy, love, peace, miracles and power but you
must also remember that He is a God of righteousness and judgment.

If you refuse to change your position, God cannot change your situation. If you cry for a
change, God too will cry for repentance. Once he cries for repentance and you repent, the
change comes.

2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I too will perform.”

Esther 6:13-14

Don’t keep sinning, Hamman lost the opportunity to repent.

Prayer Points
1. Father have Mercy on me, forgive me of my sins, and mention the

sins to God.

2. Oh Lord let me be in the right place at the right time, in the name of


3. Oh Lord, restore to me everything I have lost through impatience, in

the name of Jesus.

4. All powers trying to keep my life stagnant be destoryed in Jesus’


Silekun ayomi baba silekun ayo mi

5. It is time for You, O Lord, to turn my life to miracles, in the name of


6. I refuse to labour in vain, in the name of Jesus. (Labour in vain

means someone who has laboured to take care of children)

7. Father, I will not spend money on sickness on me and any of my

children in Jesus name. (Explain)

8. Father Lord, give me supernatural breakthroughs in all my

endeavours, in the name of Jesus.

9. Ibanuje ko jina sile me ni odun yi. Father, let sorrow be far from me

in the name of Jesus.

10.Father give me divine revelation that will move my life forward in

Jesus name (My story of revelation)

Someone discovered in their family that no one lives to be forty years

of age. After prayers, the Holy Spirit revealed that in the past, their

forefathers owned seven slaves who were buried alive. At the point of

burial, the slaves cursed that family line saying, because they were

not up to forty years of age, no one from that family line would live

to be forty years old. The family was under a curse due to

what their parents had done in the past.

1. Powers that want me to suffer what my parents suffered, die in Jesus

2. Powers that pursued my parents and are now pursuing me, die in Jesus
3. Powers that defeated my parents, be destroyed in Jesus name
4. Any altar assigned against me, die in Jesus name
5. Any sickness assigned against my life, die in Jesus name.
6. Owners of evil load in my life, carry your load in Jesus name

My Example of load

7. Generational battle of my in-laws house, die in Jesus name.

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