CH 7 Exo
CH 7 Exo
CH 7 Exo
Steam reforming is currently the least Panels which are black painted to trap heat and Thousands of mirrors or curved metals
expensive method of producing: energy from sun which are hanged at roofs are are used to focus solar energy on to
(a) Coal 1. Solar cells small point to make it very hot
(b) Biogas 2. solar heater happens in:
(c) Hydrogen 3. solar furnace 1. solar cells
(d) Natural gas 4. solar battery 2. solar heater
3. solar furnace
A fuel cell, in order to produce Which of the following is a non-renewable 4. solar battery
electricity, burns: resource?
(a) Helium (a) Coal Wind is beneficial resource as it
(b) Nitrogen (b) Forests doesn't cause pollution and
(c) Hydrogen (c) Water 1. free
(d) None of the above (d) Wildlife 2. never stop
The outermost layer of the earth is: 3. steady
(A)Magma 4. costly
The process that converts solid coal
(b) Mantle into liquid hydrocarbon fuel is called:
C) Crust When animal and plant rot in absence
(a) Liquefaction
(d) Solid iron core of air there is production of gas called
(b) Carbonation
The one thing that is common to all fossil 1. oxygen
(c) Catalytic conversion
fuels is that they: 2. carbon dioxide
(d) Cracking
(a) Were originally formed in marine 3. bio gas
environment 4. methane
Lignite, bituminous and anthracite are
(B)Contain carbon different ranks of
(c) Have undergone the same set of (a) Nuclear fuel
geological processes during their formation (b) Coal
(d) Represent the remains of one living (c)Natural gas
organisms (d)biogas