A Capacitor-Less Low Drop-Out Voltage Regulator With Fast Transient Response
A Capacitor-Less Low Drop-Out Voltage Regulator With Fast Transient Response
A Capacitor-Less Low Drop-Out Voltage Regulator With Fast Transient Response
A Thesis
December 2005
A Thesis
Approved by:
December 2005
Power management has had an ever increasing role in the present electronic industry.
Battery powered and handheld applications require power management techniques to extend the
life of the battery and consequently the operation life of the device. Most systems incorporate
several voltage regulators which supply various subsystems and provide isolation among such
subsystems. Low dropout (LDO) voltage regulators are generally used to supply low voltage,
low noise analog circuitry. Each LDO regulator demands a large external capacitor, in the range
of a few microfarads, to perform. These external capacitors occupy valuable board space,
increase the IC pin count, and prohibit system-on-chip (SoC) solutions.
The presented research provides a solution to the present bulky external capacitor LDO
voltage regulators with a capacitor-less LDO architecture. The large external capacitor was
completely removed and replaced with a reasonable 100pF internal output capacitor, allowing
for greater power system integration for SoC applications. A new compensation scheme is
presented that provides both a fast transient response and full range ac stability from a 0mA to
50mA load current. A 50mA, 2.8V, capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator was fabricated in a
TSMC 0.35um CMOS technology, consuming only 65uA of ground current with a dropout
voltage of 200mV.
Experimental results show that the proposed capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator exceeds
the current published works in both transient response and ac stability. The architecture is also
less sensitive to process variation and loading conditions. Thus, the presented capacitor-less
LDO voltage regulator is suitable for SoC solutions.
I would like to first thank my advisors Dr. Jose Silva-Martinez and Dr. Edgar Sanchez-
Sinencio for their expert knowledge and guidance throughout my entire Master’s program at
Texas A&M University. I would also like to thank my peers, namely Abraham Islas-Olimar,
Julio Aaylas, Chad Marquart, Farmarz Bahmani, Artur Lewinski, Arun Ramachandran,
Chinmaya Mishra, Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Feyza Berber, and Burak Kelleci for their input and
moral support. I would also like to extend my thanks to Dr. Randall Geiger and Prof. Patterson
from Iowa State University to whom I owe my acceptance and preparation towards achieving a
Master of Science degree in electrical engineering. Finally, I would like to thank my family for
all their love and support along my arduous journey in the electrical engineering profession. To
my family, I owe them my current successes and the success that will follow in the future.
Thank you.
Fig. 1. Cell phone power management application.......................................................................... 2
Fig. 2. Cell phone battery characteristics......................................................................................... 3
Fig. 3. High efficiency linear regulation.......................................................................................... 4
Fig. 4. Linear voltage regulator topologies...................................................................................... 4
Fig. 5. AC pole locations without compensation............................................................................. 5
Fig. 6. Conventional LDO regulator compensation......................................................................... 6
Fig. 7. LDO regulator parameters.................................................................................................... 8
Fig. 8. Capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator................................................................................ 13
Fig. 9. Pole locations for uncompensated capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator.......................... 14
Fig. 10. Equivalent circuit for fast load transients. ........................................................................ 16
Fig. 11. Power efficiency tradeoff. ................................................................................................ 17
Fig. 12. Capacitor-free LDO voltage regulator.............................................................................. 18
Fig. 13. LDO compensation with CF1. ........................................................................................... 18
Fig. 14. LDO regulator with pole/zero tracking. ........................................................................... 19
Fig. 15. Basic capacitor-less LDO concept.................................................................................... 20
Fig. 16. Pass transistor design........................................................................................................ 23
Fig. 17. AC open-loop simulation circuit. ..................................................................................... 26
Fig. 18. AC open-loop block diagram test circuit.......................................................................... 27
Fig. 19. Feedback circuit with parasitic capacitor, CF1. ................................................................. 28
Fig. 20. Pass transistor small signal analysis. ................................................................................ 29
Fig. 21. Pass transistor output resistance models........................................................................... 31
Fig. 22. Pass transistor load-dependent DC operating points:
(a) transconductance (b) output resistance. ..................................................................... 32
Fig. 23. Uncompensated LDO AC response.................................................................................. 34
Fig. 24. Uncompensated LDO AC parameters verses Iout:
(a) output pole frequency (b) phase margin..................................................................... 34
Fig. 25. Uncompensated AC response simulated in CADENCE. ................................................. 35
Fig. 26. Close-loop uncompensated LDO load transient test circuit. ............................................ 36
Fig. 27. 0 to 50mA load transient response. .................................................................................. 37
Fig. 28. Pass transistor gate transient effect................................................................................... 38
Fig. 29. Fast transient path general concept................................................................................... 39
Fig. 30. Basic capacitive differentiator.......................................................................................... 40
Fig. 31. Addition of differentiator fast path................................................................................... 41
Fig. 32. Differentiator voltage mode AC response. ....................................................................... 42
Fig. 33. Simplest coupling network............................................................................................... 43
Fig. 34. Proposed coupling network. ............................................................................................. 44
Fig. 35. Differentiator charge analysis........................................................................................... 45
Fig. 36. Proposed topology: simplified circuit diagram. ............................................................... 48
Fig. 37. Proposed capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator: Open-loop schematic........................... 49
Fig. 38. Differential equivalent circuit diagram. ........................................................................... 50
Fig. 39. (a) General differentiator pole movement with gmf1
(b) Differentiator open-loop AC response....................................................................... 51
Fig. 40. Differentiator closed-loop pole movement with changing load current........................... 53
Fig. 41. Modified block diagram. .................................................................................................. 53
Fig. 42. Complete root locus showing closed-loop pole movement
for both load current variations and feedback factor, β. .................................................. 54
Fig. 43. Stability constraint for the differentiator’s complex close-loop poles.............................. 56
Fig. 44. MATLAB simulation: Open-loop AC response for IOUT = 0mA. .................................... 57
Fig. 45. Proposed capacitor-less LDO transistor-level design....................................................... 58
Fig. 46. Spice simulation: Transistor-level open-loop AC response. ........................................... 60
Fig. 47. Low output current open-loop AC response for Iout = 0 ~ 4mA. ...................................... 62
Fig. 48. Full range open-loop AC response for Iout = 0 ~ 50mA. .................................................. 63
Fig. 49. Variation in compensation resistor, Rf. ............................................................................ 64
Fig. 50. Variation in compensation capacitor, Cf. ......................................................................... 65
Fig. 51. Line regulation for Iout = 0mA. ......................................................................................... 66
Fig. 52. Load regulation for Vin = 3V........................................................................................... 66
Fig. 53. Full load transient response (without Cf2 and Cf3)............................................................ 67
Fig. 54. Load transient response for zero to full load with Cf2 and Cf3.......................................... 68
Fig. 55. Line transient response for Iout set to 0mA (a) and 1mA (b). ........................................... 69
Fig. 56. Turn-on settling time for various output current conditions:
(a) full pulse and (b) expanded view. .............................................................................. 70
Fig. 57. Equivalent output noise for various loading conditions. .................................................. 71
Fig. 58. PSRR measurement for various output current conditions. ............................................. 73
Fig. 59. Process variation for IOUT = 0mA: nominal GBW
(a) and phase margin (b), Cf and Rf +20% of nominal GBW
(c) and phase margin (d), and Cf and Rf -20% of nominal GBW
(e) and phase margin (f). ................................................................................................. 74
Fig. 60. Process variation on DC gain for IOUT = 0mA (a) and 1mA (b). ...................................... 75
Fig. 61. Process variations effects on dc quiescent current. .......................................................... 76
Fig. 62. Process variation on PSRR for Iout = 0mA at 1Hz
(a) and 100kHz (b) and for Iout = 50mA at 1Hz (c) and 100kHz (d) ............................... 76
Fig. 63. Process variation on DC steady-state output voltage for Iout set to
0mA (a), 1mA (b), 10mA (c) and 50mA (d). .................................................................. 77
Fig. 64. Final layout in TSMC 0.35µm CMOS technology. ......................................................... 78
Fig. 65. Final populated test board and setup. ............................................................................... 80
Fig. 66. Transient load current generator....................................................................................... 81
Fig. 67. Transient response for a 0mA to 50mA load transient with VIN = 3V. ............................ 82
Fig. 68. Experimental line transient response with Iout = 0mA. ..................................................... 83
Fig. 69. Turn-on settling time for IOUT = 0mA: full pulse (a) and expanded view (b)................... 84
Fig. 70. Turn-on settling time for IOUT = 10mA (a) and IOUT = 50mA (b). .................................... 85
Fig. 71. PSRR for various loading conditions. .............................................................................. 87
Fig. 72. Line ripple rejection at 100Hz.......................................................................................... 88
Fig. 73. Noise Spectrum for 50mA output current. ....................................................................... 89
Fig. 74. Top layer of PCB.............................................................................................................. 94
Fig. 75. Bottom layer of PCB from top view................................................................................. 94
Fig. 76. Test board schematic diagram. ......................................................................................... 95
LDO voltage regulators compose a small subset of the power supply arena. LDO
voltage regulators are used in analog applications that generally require low noise, high accuracy
power rails. Voltage regulators provide a constant voltage supply rail under all loading
This thesis follows the style of the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.
These conditions include fast current transients and rapid changes in the load impedance. Most
hand-held, battery-powered electronics feature power-saving techniques to reduce power
consumption. Circuits that are not performing tasks are temporarily turned off lowering the
overall power consumption. The LDO voltage regulator, therefore, must respond quickly to
system demands and power up connected circuits within a few system clock cycles, typically 1
to 2 µs.
1. Cell Phones
A typical cell phone power management IC is shown in Fig. 1. The purposed LDO
regulator topology would be used for the RF/Analog power supplies. These require ultra low
noise and a linear output. The LDO regulators are usually placed after switching regulators to
improve their efficiency. The RF/analog blocks require LDO regulators with output currents up
to 50 mA. They also require turn-on settling times around 2 µs.
Most cell phones use a 1 cell Li-ion battery supply. The maximum output voltage for a Li-ion
battery is typically 4.2V at full charge. At the onset of battery dropout, the battery supplies
2.92V. Thus, the circuits must operate below roughly 3V. Fig. 2 shows the typical voltage
headroom at full battery discharge. To improve power efficiency, most system blocks are
optimally design to operate with 2.8V power rails.
The proposed capacitor-less LDO was design to replace current RF/analog LDO regulators that
require a large external output capacitor. These blocks operate at 2.8V and consume
approximately 32 mA of current. Dropout voltage is a defining characteristic of an LDO
regulator and defines the minimum voltage drop across the control element, usually a large
common-source output transistor or pass transistor. The dropout voltage of the regulator can not
exceed 200 mV to operate at the full battery discharge condition. The typical RF standby current
is 50 µA and the RF/analog needs 65dB of power-supply-rejection-ratio (PSRR) at 217Hz.
Linear regulators suffer from poor efficiency. The efficiency is inversely proportional to
the voltage drop across the control element. Typically, linear regulators are cascaded after
switching regulators. Switching regulators have the ability to buck or boost the input voltage to
any desired output voltage with near 100% efficiency. Therefore, the voltage drop across the
control element can be reduced which in turn increases the power efficiency of the linear
regulator. Fig. 3 shows a linear regulator cascaded after a switching regulator.
Without the switching regulator, the voltage drop across the linear regulator (VIN – VOUT) would
drastically increase. The switching regulator is designed to minimize the voltage drop across the
linear regulator during loading conditions. Charge pumps can also be used to reduce the size and
cost of the switching regulator.
LDO voltage regulators can operate in low voltage applications without the need of charge
pumps, but they are inherently unstable. The large output capacitor and high output impedance
create the dominant pole, P1. This dominant pole, however, is located in close proximity to the
error amplifier output pole, P2. Thus, the LDO regulator’s stability can not be guaranteed and
will most likely be unstable. LDO regulators must be internally or externally compensated for
guaranteed stability. Typical LDO regulators use the electro-static resistance (ESR) of the
output capacitor to reach stability. The ESR creates a zero, that when placed in the vicinity of
P2, can add phase necessary to maintain stability. Fig. 6 shows the use of capacitor ESR.
The ESR also creates a pole, P3. The regulator stability depends heavily on the value of ESR.
As ESR is decreased, the location of Z1 moves to the right and consequently has no effect on
phase margin. On the other extreme, when ESR is increased significantly, the associated pole,
P3, moves below the gain-bandwidth, and the LDO regulator becomes unstable. A given LDO
regulator must be given a range of stable capacitor ESR, otherwise the LDO regulator will be
Several recent publications have sought to eliminate the dependence on ESR. They
exploit the use of internal compensation, either by creating an internal zero or adaptively
modulating the location of the dominate pole. The presented research seeks to push one step
further by eliminating the large external output capacitor altogether. The research begins with
2. ESR也产生了一个极点,P3。稳压器的稳定性在很大程度上取决于ESR的值。随着ESR的降低,Z1的位置向右
3. 最近的一些出版物试图消除对ESR的依赖。他们利用内部补偿,通过创建一个内部零点或自适应调节主导极的
the basic fundamental properties of linear regulators. This forms the foundation and direction to
realize capacitor-less LDO voltage regulators. 无论电源电压或负载电流如何变化,LDO电压调节器
LDO稳压器的特性 压调节器的规格一般分为三类:静态或稳态规格、动
C. LDO Regulator Characterization 态规格和高频规格[4]。所有提出的公式只考虑CMOS
LDO voltage regulators and all other voltage regulators ideally have constant output
voltage regardless of supply voltage or load current variations. Voltage regulator specifications
generally fall into three categories: static-state or steady-state specifications, dynamic-state
specifications, and high-frequency specifications [4]. All the equations presented consider only
CMOS LDO voltage regulators, but the same basic principles relate to most other linear voltage
regulators. 静态参数包括线路调节、负载调节和温度
1. 静态规格 系数影响。线路和负载调节规格通常是为
1. Static-state Specifications 线路和负载稳态值下调节稳态输出电压的
The static-state parameters include the line regulation, the load regulation, and the
temperature coefficient effects. The line and load regulation specifications are usually defined
for a given LDO regulator and measure the ability to regulate the steady-state output voltage for
given line and load steady-state values. The temperature coefficient defines the combined
performance of the voltage reference and the error amplifier offset voltage.
Line Regulation defines the ratio of output voltage deviation to a given change in the
input voltage. The quantity reflects the deviation after the regulator has reached steady-state. A
general line regulation equation is given in equation 1.
Line regulation depends on the pass transistor transconductance, gmp, the LDO output resistance,
rop, the LDO loop gain, Aβ, and the feedback gain, β. Fig. 7 below illustrates the LDO
Smaller output voltage deviation for a given dc change in input voltage corresponds to a better
voltage regulator. To increase the line regulation, the LDO regulator must have a sufficiently
large loop gain. These quantities become clear in the LDO regulator design discussion.
Load regulation is a measure of output voltage deviation during no-load and full-load
current conditions. The load regulation is related to the loop gain, Aβ, and the pass transistor
output impedance, rop. This relation is given in equation 2.
∆VO rop
LRload = = (2)
∆I O 1 + Aβ
The load regulation improves as the loop-gain increases and the output resistance decreases. The
load regulation only applies to the LDO regulator steady-state conditions and does not include
load transient effects.
The temperature coefficient defines the output voltage variation due to temperature drift
of the reference and the input offset voltage of the error amplifier. The temperature coefficient is
given in equation 3.
The output voltage accuracy improves as the error amplifier offset voltage is reduced and the
reference voltage temperature dependence is minimized.
The LDO regulator’s dropout voltage determines the maximum allowable current and
the minimum supply voltage. These specifications, dropout voltage, maximum load current, and
minimum supply voltage, all depend on the pass transistor parameters. A particular LDO design
typically specifies the maximum load current and the minimum supply voltage it can tolerate
while maintaining pass transistor saturation. Equation 4 relates the LDO dropout voltage to
device parameters were ILOAD is the maximum sustainable output current.
Vdropout = I LOAD ⋅ RON = V DSAT , PMOS (4)
The pass transistor dimensions are designed to obtain the desired VDSAT at the maximum load
current, ILOAD.
2. 动态状态规格
2. Dynamic-state Specifications
The LDO regulator dynamic-state specifications specify the LDO regulator’s ability to
regulate the output voltage during load and line transient conditions. The LDO regulator must
respond quickly to transients to reduce variations in output voltage. Dynamic-state
specifications, unlike steady-state specifications, depend on the large signal LDO regulator
capabilities. The most significant capability is the charging and discharging of parasitic
capacitance and the parasitic capacitor feed-through.
Load transients define the LDO regulator’s ability to regulate the output voltage during
fast load transients. The largest variations in output voltage occur when the load-current steps
from zero to the maximum specified value. The ability of the LDO to regulate the output voltage
2.1 LDO稳压器的动态状态规格规定了LDO稳压器在负载和线路期间调节输出电压的能力。
2.2 负载瞬态定义了LDO稳压器在快速负载瞬态中调节输出电压的能力。当负载电流从零步进到最大规定值时,输
during a large current transient depends on the closed-loop bandwidth, the output capacitance,
and the load-current. The output voltage variation is modeled in equation 5.
I max ⋅ ∆t
∆Vout = (5)
C out
Imax is the maximum specified output current, ∆t is the LDO response time, and Cout is
the LDO output capacitance. ∆t is approximately the reciprocal of the LDO closed-loop
bandwidth. A large output capacitor and large closed-loop bandwidth improve the load
regulation. Conventional LDO regulators inherently have large output capacitors and therefore
寄生电容也会导 will have better load regulation verses capacitor-less LDO regulators.
低LDO稳压器的 Parasitic capacitors also cause slewing effects that degrade LDO regulator’s load
负载瞬态响应。 transient response. The gate capacitance of the pass transistor can be significant and places
极电容可能很大 strain on the error amplifier. If the slew rate at the gate of the pass transistor is much slower than
,并对误差放大 the gain-bandwidth product, significant transient voltage spikes appear at the output voltage
果通过晶体管栅 node during fast load transients. This effect becomes more pronounced with capacitor-less LDO
极的回转速率比 regulators.
得多,那么在快 Ripple-rejection-ratio specifies the ability for the regulator to rejected input signals from
,输出电压节点 the output node. This parameter measures the small-signal gain from the input voltage to the
会出现明显的瞬 output voltage. The ripple rejection ratio is given in equation 6.
种影响在无电容 纹波抑制比规定了稳压器从输出节点拒绝输入信号的能力。该参数衡量从输入电压到输出电压
的LDO稳压器中 的小信号增益。纹波抑制比在公式6中给出。
output ripple voltage
ripple rejection = 20 log10 (6)
input ripple
The ripple-rejection-ratio is typically determined for lower frequencies within the gain-
bandwidth product. Large input voltage transient spikes can cause larger output voltage
variations than predicted by the ripple-rejection-ratio. The deviation is due to large signal
effects, mainly capacitor slewing.
3.1 电源抑制比(PSRR)和稳压器输出噪声可归类为高频规格。这两个参数都是小信号参数,与频率有关。大多数
3.2 PSRR定义了LDO调节器在输入线上拒绝高频噪声的能力。PSRR是通过晶体管寄生电容的一个函数,与环路
3. 高频规格
3. High-frequency Specifications
There are two cases for power efficiency, one for small load currents and one for large load
currents. The relation reduces to equation 8 for small load currents.
Eff ≈ (8)
Thus, ground current affects the LDO regulator efficiency much more at very low load currents.
The longevity of battery life for low current applications can be significantly increased by
reducing the quiescent ground current. At the other extreme, for very large load currents, the
power efficiency is solely dependent on the pass transistor voltage drop, shown in equation 9.
Eff ≈ (9)
The efficiency of the linear regulator approaches 100% as the output voltage approaches the
input voltage. This scenario, however, requires an infinitely large pass transistor but would
result in an infinite gate capacitance. Clearly, there is a trade-off between efficiency and the
speed of the LDO regulator.
5. 规格权衡
5. Specification Trade-offs
All the LDO regulator specifications are interrelated and lead to important tradeoffs. The largest
among all other specifications is efficiency, stability, and transient response. The optimization,
especially with tight constraints, becomes very convoluted. The tradeoffs will be more apparent
when designing the LDO regulator.
D. 无电容的LDO电压调节器
D. Capacitor-Less LDO Voltage Regulators
The basic linear voltage regulator architectures and their properties have been discussed.
Research continues on conventional LDO regulators but recent research is focusing on capacitor-
less LDO voltage regulators [2]-[10]. As mentioned before, removing the output capacitor on
LDO regulators allows SoC designs to fully incorporate power management systems with
multiple LDO voltage regulators. Removing the external capacitor also reduces board real estate
and system costs. The basic capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator is shown in Fig. 8.
1. 最初的无电容LDO稳压器的极点位置
1. Initial Capacitor-less LDO Regulators Pole Locations
Most of the conventional LDO specifications are greatly affected when the external
capacitor is reduced by several orders of magnitude. The most significant side effect is stability
degradation. The uncompensated capacitor-less LDO has two major poles, the error amplifier
output pole, P1, and the load dependent output pole, P2. Fig. 9 shows the relative pole location.
The standalone error amplifier has a pole located at relatively high frequency. The equivalent
pass transistor input capacitance adds significant capacitance to the error amplifier output
impedance. The location of P1 is given by equation 10.
ω P1 = (10)
R1 ⋅ (C1 + CGS + APass C GD )
The pass transistor is very large in order to reduce VDSAT. Therefore, CGS and CGD are extremely
large, in the tens of picrofarads. CGD also forms a Miller capacitor which increases the effective
input capacitance by the gain of the pass transistor. The pass transistor has a typical gain of
20dB or 10V/V at low load currents. The Miller capacitor can increase the effective pass
transistor input capacitor to a few hundred picofarads. Thus, the pole, P1, resides at low
frequencies of typically a few kilohertz. The gain of the pass transistor changes with varying
load current. P1 is therefore load dependent but less so than P2. The first tradeoff is between
efficiency and stability. The large output current efficiency is inversely proportional to the pass
transistor’s VDSAT. Smaller VDSAT increases the effective input gate capacitance and
consequently decreases the error amplifier pole frequency, increasing the burden on the error
The second pole, P2, is located at the LDO’s output. The output resistance decreases for
increasing load current. P2 is directly proportional to the load current and is load dependent.
The location of P2 is given by equation 11.
ω P2 = (11)
( ROUT // R LOAD ) ⋅ C INT
High load current pushes the output pole, P2, to higher frequency, and the capacitor-less LDO
regulator is usually stable. At low currents, the effective load resistance increases significantly.
P2 is pushed to lower frequency in close proximity to the error amplifier pole. Stability cannot
be guaranteed due to the decreased phase margin. The uncompensated capacitor-less LDO
regulator is not stable at low currents, especially at the no-load condition.
2. 瞬态响应属性
2. Transient Response Attributes
The large external capacitor is used on conventional LDO regulators and linear regulators in
general to improve the transient load regulation [2],[6] and [8]. The output capacitor stores
potential energy equivalent to the output voltage. The ideal capacitor can deliver instantaneous
current and has infinite bandwidth, assuming its source resistance in zero. The transfer of charge
from the capacitor to the load corresponds to a drop in output voltage. Equation 12 gives a
relationship for this voltage difference.
∆VOUT = (12)
Thus, the change in output voltage is inversely proportional to the output capacitance. The
output voltage ripple for a given load transient is reduced by increasing the output capacitance.
This relationship becomes much more apparent when the load transients are much faster than the
gain-bandwidth product, which is usually the case. Fig. 10 illustrates this situation in a
conventional LDO voltage regulator.
The error amplifier output stage bias current only effects the slew rate in equation 13, and the
CGS,eff is the total effective input gate capacitance of the pass transistor. Conventional LDO
regulators typically use an error amplifier with a class AB output stage. This lowers the output
impedance and increases the drive capability of the error amplifier. The fundamental problem
still exists; the power must be increased to drive larger pass transistors. This forms the second
inherent tradeoff, the power efficiency is directly proportional to the transient response. A third
tradeoff exists between large-current power efficiency and low-current efficiency. The large
current efficiency is improved by reducing VDSAT. The effective pass transistor input gate
capacitance is increased, however; the ground current or bias current must be increased for
acceptable load transient response. The tradeoff is shown in Fig. 11.
The capacitor-less LDO regulator is design for a specific application where the nominal
operating point is known. Clearly, the pass transistor forms the backbone of the LDO regulator
and consequently defines most of the design tradeoffs.
3. 以前的学术著作
3. Previous Academic Works
Only a few works have been published in the IEEE regarding capacitor-less LDO
regulators [4], [11], and [12]. To date, there have been no works published in IEEE journals that
demonstrate a completely stable common-source LDO regulator with no external capacitor.
They all have problems either tracking the output pole variation or have problems with high
impedance loads. The first work used a DFC analog block to create a fix internal dominant pole
[4]. The circuit architecture is shown in Fig. 12.
A zero and a pole are created with compensation capacitor CF1. The zero is used to cancel the
output pole. The parasitic pole, Pf, must be placed past the unity-gain frequency. The
compensation technique is shown in Fig. 13.
Two problems arise with this architecture. First, the pole created with CF1 is limited by the
selection of feedback resistors and will most likely be relatively close to Zf. This greatly reduces
the effect of the cancellation zero. Second, the zero is fixed and does not move with the load
dependent output pole. This pole moves well over a decade, and the stability at no-load
condition is most likely unstable. The capacitor-free LDO regulator using this concept was
unstable for loads smaller than 5mA.
The second work [10] moves in the right direction using pole-zero tracking frequency
compensation. The structure is shown in Fig. 14.
They use a variable zero created by a linear resistor. This structure is also not completely stable
over the entire output current range. The resistance does not have enough tunable range due to
its weak function of the load current.
4. 无电容的LDO设计方向
4. Capacitor-less LDO Design Direction
A new structure was needed to compensate the capacitor-less LDO while maintaining
good load transient response and stability at low load currents. The transient response is
dependent on the speed of the pass transistor and not the output capacitor. A fast transient path
from the LDO output to the gate of the pass transistor was required since the system gain-
bandwidth was relatively low in frequency. The capacitor-less LDO stability at low load
currents was the second major problem. The initial idea sought to apply adaptive techniques to
compensate the output pole and possibly the error amplifier output pole. The basic concept is
shown in Fig. 15.
The concept in Fig. 15 uses a fast path to improve the transient response. A compensation
network is needed to stabilize the new fast transient system. The main feedback loop determines
the capacitor-less LDO’s gain-bandwidth product and is the main mechanism that replenishes the
energy in the output capacitor, restoring the output voltage to the correct steady-state level. The
fast path is an internal negative feedback loop with very high bandwidth, much greater than the
overall gain-bandwidth product. The fast path senses any load current variation and mirrors and
amplifies the signal directly into the gate of the pass transistor.
The concept in Fig. 15 formed the basis of research and design for the final capacitor-
less LDO voltage regulator. A specific application was selected for the design, and the
capacitor-less LDO was designed to approach most of the conventional LDO specifications.
This leads to the formal design analysis discusses in Section II.
II. 无电容LDO调节器分析
The capacitor-less LDO regulator design targets the cell phone and handheld device
market. Each of these designs uses a power management IC to improve the battery life longevity
and usually contain several LDO voltage regulators, shown in Fig. 1 in Section I. The proposed
capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator would most likely replace the analog/RF and audio power
supplies. Based on the current specification for these LDO regulator applications, the proposed
capacitor-less LDO specification was developed as shown in Table I.
Gain Bandwidth 1 ~ 2 MHz
Settling Time < 2 µs
Loop Gain ~ 100 dB
GND Current < 150 µA
Dropout Voltage 200 mV
Output Current 0 ~ 50 mA
PSRR < -40dB @ 100kHz
Output Noise < 20 µV
Line Regulation 0.01%
Load Regulation 0.02%
Technology TSMC 0.35µ CMOS
The chosen capacitor-less LDO specification is competitive with current conventional LDO
voltage regulators with the exception of the transient response and high frequency response,
accounting for the reduced output capacitance. This formed the basis for the LDO design, and
the device characterization soon followed.
The capacitor-less LDO design must incorporate two important criteria: stability and fast
transient response. There were two possible angles of attack. The first method starts by
stabilizing the LDO regulator and then optimizing the stability for fast transient response. The
second method first optimizes the fast transient response and then stabilizes the fast transient
阈值饱和区域也在LDO操作中发挥了重要作用。这些影响都在下面的 "非补偿器件特性分析 "一节中进行了总结。
LDO regulator. It was found easier to apply the second method and start by adding a fast
transient path.
The uncompensated capacitor-less LDO regulator had to be characterized first before
any new topologies were developed. This included the complete characterization of poles, DC
gains, and fixed device parameters. Also, the uncompensated transient response was needed to
determine slewing issues and relative circuit speed. The capacitor-less LDO regulator was
inherently unstable for DC output currents lower than approximately 5mA. However, a test
circuit was constructed to measure the slewing effects. The pass transistor’s subthreshold
saturation region also played a major role in the LDO operation. These effects are all
summarized in the following section, Uncompensated Device Characterization.
A. 非补偿器件特性分析
A. Uncompensated Device Characterization
The pass transistor determines the maximum output current and the dropout voltage.
These parameters are essentially fixed throughout the LDO operation. The pass transistor could
be designed before a new topology was constructed. Thus, the LDO compensation and the fast
transient path are in place to compensate the effects of the large pass transistor.
The first section discusses the pass transistor design process. Following the design of
the pass transistor, the LDO is characterized for both AC response and transient response. The
results from the uncompensated device characterization were directly applied to the final
proposed capacitor-less LDO topology.
1. Pass Transistor Design
1. 通路晶体管设计
The dropout voltage of the capacitor-less LDO was selected to be 200mV for a maximum load
current of 50mA based on current LDO regulator requirements. In device parameters, the pass
transistor is designed to deliver a drain current of 50mA while maintaining a saturation voltage,
VDS ≥ VGS – VT, of 200 mV or less. The pass transistor stage is shown in Fig. 16.
First order approximations were used to find the rough device dimensions. This relationship is
shown in equation 14.
Vdropout = V DSAT = (14)
µ p C OX W / L
IMAX defines the maximum output current, forcing the dimensions of the pass transistor, W/L, for
a desired minimum VDROPOUT. The variables µp, hole mobility, and COX, the gate capacitance
per unit area, are device technology parameters and are given in Table II. The device parameters
in Table II were used to design the pass transistor. Equation 14 was rearranged to find the pass
transistor device dimensional ratio, W/L, shown in equation 15.
⎡W ⎤ 2 I MAX
⎢L⎥ = 2
= 37.8 × 10 3 (15)
⎣ ⎦ PASS µC oxV DSsat
VTP 0.58 V
VTN -0.74 V
µpCOX 180.2 µA/V2
µnCOX 66.00 µA/V2
CMOS工艺设定。这迫使通过晶体管的宽度达到15,000µm或15mm。 BSIM3计算机模拟被用来验证和微调通过晶体
The ratio found in equation 15 was very large. The channel length was minimized to reduce the
gate capacitance CGS. The minimum length is 400nm, set by the TSMC 0.35µm CMOS process.
This forces the pass transistor width to 15,000µm or 15mm. BSIM3 computer simulations were
used to verify and fine tune the pass transistor dimensions. Table III shows the calculated and
simulated pass transistor parameters to yield a 200mV dropout voltage at 50mA load current.
W = 15mm W = 16mm
L = 400nm L = 400nm
CGS = 19.1 pF CGS = 20.18 pF
CGD = 5.0 pF CGD = 3.84 pF
CADENCE simulations show that the actual dimensional ratio of the pass transistor must be at
least 40,000. Unfortunately, this means that for a device of minimum length, the required width
must increase to 16mm instead of the calculated 15mm width. Such a large device introduces
significant parasitic capacitances into the network, notably the gate-source capacitance CGS. As
mentioned previously in this report, large gate capacitance along with variable low-frequency
load impedance makes stabilizing a capacitor-less LDO difficult. The gate-source capacitance of
this PMOS pass-transistor measured 20pF. The Miller effect with CGD further increases the
effective gate capacitance. Equation 16 relates the total effective gate capacitance.
The effective pass transistor gate capacitance approaches 100pF. Thus, the Miller capacitor
contributes most of the effective gate capacitance while varying with load conditions.
Pass transistor subthreshold operation is another major concern. For large variations in
the load current, the PMOS transistor will undergo a transition from operating in the saturation
region to operating in the subthreshold saturation region. The pass transistor exhibits an
exponential relationship while operating in subthreshold in contrast to the nominal square law
relationship. The relationship is shown in the equation 17.
⎡W ⎤
I D ≅ I DO ⎢ ⎥ e (qVGS nkT )
Subthreshold operation produces a significantly slower response. This may cause significant
degradation in the voltage regulation for applications where the load current drops to low current
levels in a short span of time. This degradation in load regulation can only be counteracted by
providing more current to the LDO, improving the speed of the circuit. This is especially true
during subthreshold operation.
The pass transistor constitutes the only fixed predetermined capacitor-less LDO
component. The other components, including the error amplifier, feedback gain, fast transient
path, and the compensation network, are molded around the fixed pass transistor. Next, the
newly designed pass transistor was simulated using a generic control loop.
2. Uncompensated AC Response
2. 未补偿的交流响应
The pole locations were determined over the entire desired operating range of 0 to 50mA, using
the generic control loop. The pass transistor transconductance and output impedance were
simulated in CADENCE over the output current operating range. The simulated pass transistor
data could then be used in MATLAB for a more robust AC simulation. The control loop is
shown in Fig. 17.
The transconductance, gm1, and the output impedance, R1 and C1, form the error amplifier. The
feedback resistors, RF1 and RF2, were designed to yield an output voltage of 2.8V. Equation 18
relates the reference voltage, VREF, to the output voltage assuming infinite loop gain.
⎛ R ⎞
VOUT = V REF ⋅ ⎜⎜1 + F 1 ⎟⎟ (18)
⎝ RF 2 ⎠
The output voltage is defined by the feedback resistor ratio and the input reference voltage. The
absolute resistance determines the pass transistor quiescent current, IQ. Standard BiCMOS
bandgap reference output is 1.24V in a range of -40°C to 80°C. Thus, the input reference
voltage of 1.24V was used throughout the capacitor-less LDO regulator design.
低至非常低的频率。 27
LOPEN forms a DC feedback path, blocking most of the AC components. This allows for
an open-loop AC response measurement at the test point shown in Fig. 17. The DC feedback
loop through LOPEN sets the DC operating points for the LDO that would normally occur during
closed-loop operation. COPEN couples the AC test signal to the amplifier loop without affecting
the LDO’s DC operating points. Both LOPEN and COPEN are very large, 100H and 100F
respectively. This allows the AC measurement down to very low frequencies.
A block diagram was used to simulate the open-loop LDO AC response. The
uncompensated LDO was divided into separate amplifier blocks shown in Fig. 18.
RF1 + RF 2 = = = 560kΩ (19)
I Q , pass 5µA
Equation 20 was then used to find the absolute resistor values, combining equation 18 and the
results from equation 19.
RF 2 =
(RF1 + RF 2 ) = ⎛⎜ 1.24 ⎞⎟ ⋅ 560kΩ = 248kΩ (20)
VOUT ⎝ 2.8 ⎠
This forces the resistance of RF1 to 312k. A parasitic capacitor was also incorporated into the
feedback gain section. This capacitor was used to simulate the effects of the error amplifier
input capacitance and any parasitic capacitance associated with resistor layout. The addition of
the capacitor is shown in Fig. 19.
The feedback gain transfer function was divided into two components, the DC gain and the AC
gain characteristics. Equation 21 gives the small signal transfer function for gain block H3.
⎡ RF 2 ⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
H3 = ⎢ ⎥ ⋅⎢ ⎥ (21)
⎣ R F 1 + R F 2 ⎦ DC ⎣1 + s ( R F 1 // R F 2 ) ⋅ C F 1 ⎦ AC
Thus, the parasitic capacitor, CF1, only contributes a pole. The location of the feedback pole
resides at relatively high frequency. Nonetheless, CF1 can affect the phase margin and the fast
transient response.
The pass transistor stage, H3, forms a common source amplifier. Fig. 16 showed the
complete pass transistor circuit including the parasitic capacitors, CGS and CGD. This circuit was
used to form a small signal model, shown in Fig. 20.
The pass transistor input impedance was merged with the error amplifier. H3 represents the rest
of the pass transistor circuit elements. Preliminary inspection indicates H3 had one pole and one
zero. Equation 22 forms the nodal analysis at the pass transistor output with VGS as the input.
+ sC OUT vout + (vout − v gs ) sC gd + vin g m = 0 (22)
Equation 22 was rearranged to form the output transfer function in equation 23.
⎛ C gd ⎞
− g m Rout ⎜⎜1 − s ⎟
vout ⎝ g m ⎟⎠
= (23)
v gs s (C out + C gd ) Rout + 1
Both a pole and a zero appeared in the transfer function reflecting the preliminary inspection.
The transfer function for H1 followed similar results as H2 but without the feed-forward zero.
Table IV lists the rest of the small signal characterization and the poles and zeros for the
amplifier blocks given in Fig. 18.
Amplifiers H1 and H2 are characterized by a simple first order transconductance transfer
function. H1 forms the error amplifier module, where C1 constitutes the error amplifier output
capacitance in parallel with the effective pass transistor gate capacitance. The effective pass
transistor gate capacitance was derived in equation 16. Equation 24 forms the complete error
amplifier output pole.
1 1
ω P1 = = (24)
R1C1 R1 [C error + C GS + (1 + G m, pass RO , pass ) ⋅ C GD ]
H3 forms the pass transistor common source amplifier with gmp equaled to the pass transistor
transconductance. ROUT in pass transistor amplifier block, H3, combines several circuit
parameters. There are two different methods of modeling ROUT based on loading conditions. The
load can either be modeled as a resistor or as a current source. Fig. 21 shows the two different
methods for modeling the pass transistor output impedance.
The pass transistor output resistance is formed from the parallel combination of the feedback
resistors, RF1 and RF2, the transistor output resistance, and the load resistance. Equation 25,
using a current source load, and equation 26, using a resistor load, model the two forms of pass
transistor output resistance.
Resistive loading decreases the output impedance with respect to a current source load, and
effectively pushes the output pole to higher frequencies. Resistive loading was used for the
simple uncompensated AC response but was later changed to a current source for the final
design. The error amplifier was design to yield an overall gain of 100dB. Simulations showed
that the pass transistor provides roughly 20dB of gain at the zero load current condition. Thus,
the error amplifier requires 80 dB of gain. The error amplifier was also design to produce the
dominant system pole around 100Hz, yielding a gain-bandwidth product of 1MHz for a single
pole system. Equation 27 exemplifies the procedure for determining R1 and C1.
1 1
C1 = = = 0.159nF (27)
R1 p1 10MΩ ⋅ (100 Hz ⋅ 2π )
R1 was arbitrarily set to 10MΩ, forcing the effective error amplifier output capacitance, C1, to
1.59nF. The error amplifier transconductance, gm1, was determined by equation 28.
Finally, the pass transistor amplifier parameters were extracted from a BSIM3 simulation. Fig.
22 shows the simulation results. All the AC circuit parameters are tabulated in Table V.
Fig. 22. Pass transistor load-dependent DC operating points: (a) transconductance (b) output resistance.
All the amplifier blocks were combined together to yield equation 29. A computer simulation
determined the system poles and the AC Bode plots for various loading conditions. Fig. 23
illustrates the pole movement for the uncompensated capacitor-less LDO regulator. The AC
bode diagram was simulated for both zero load current and a 50mA load current. The load
dependent pass transistor gain adjusts the overall DC gain by roughly 10dB.
⎛ ⎛ C ⎞⎞
⎜ − g R ⎜1 − s gd ⎟ ⎟
mp out ⎜
Vout ⎛ g R ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ g mp ⎟⎠ ⎟ ⎛ RF 2 /( R F 1 + R F 2 ) ⎞
= ⎜⎜ m1 1 ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (29)
Vin ⎝ 1 + R1C1 s ⎠ ⎜ s (C out + C gd ) Rout + 1 ⎟ ⎝ 1 + s ( R F 1 // R F 2 )C F 1 ⎠
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠
In a single pole system, the DC gain adjustment changes the gain-bandwidth product. Very
small load currents push the gain-bandwidth to higher frequency, increasing the difficulty in
stabilizing the LDO regulator. Secondly, the output pole movement is very large. Thus, a pole-
zero cancellation scheme becomes very tedious and cumbersome. Fig. 24 displays the pass
transistor output pole and phase margin verses the LDO load current. The pass transistor output
pole varies over several decades from 51kHz to 420MHz. This large variation in pole movement
causes large fluctuations in phase margin. Most of the variations are absorbed between zero load
current and approximately 1mA of load current.
Fig. 24. Uncompensated LDO AC parameters verses Iout: (a) output pole frequency (b) phase margin.
The capacitor-less LDO regulator is inherently stable in the 1mA to 50mA range. The stability
of the final capacitor-less LDO regulator took these facts into account. CADENCE simulations
verify the mathematical models. Fig. 25 shows the uncompensated AC response simulated in
CADENCE. Mathematical models and CADENCE simulations revealed three important load
dependent AC characteristics. First, the LDO output pole moves with changing load conditions.
Second, the DC loop gain decreases with increasing load current. Finally, a right-half plane zero
created from the pass transistor parasitic capacitor, CGD, increases in frequency with a
corresponding increase in pass transistor transconductance. The variations are tabulated in Table
VI. These properties were taken into account during the final capacitor-less LDO regulator
design. Perhaps the most interesting discovery was the effects of the feed-forward zero.
Conventional LDO regulator analysis ignores this feed-forward zero. The reason is related to the
relative conventional LDO gain-bandwidth product, which typically ranges between 1kHz and
(0 ~ 50mA)
p2 (output) ROUT Increase 10kHz ~ 420MHz
z1 gmp Increase 3.4MHz ~ 10GHz
ADC gmp, ROUT Decrease 100dB ~ 92dB
Table VI shows that the feed-forward zero falls a decade past the typical LDO gain-bandwidth
product, and therefore, does not typically surface during conventional LDO regulator analysis.
The presented capacitor-less LDO regulator requires a gain-bandwidth product of 1MHz. At this
frequency, the feed-forward zero has noticeable affects at low load currents.
3. 未补偿的瞬态响应
3. Uncompensated Transient Response
Capacitor-less LDO regulator research and development started with the results from the
preliminary analysis. There were two major design considerations: transient response and
regulator ac stability. The capacitor-less LDO has no beneficial value if only one of the design
criteria was accomplished. This raised the question, were should the design process start.
Intuitively, one would assume that stability is the foremost important LDO regulator attribute
and that the design should first stabilize the circuit. This assumption, however, is the leading
design flaw in most of the published professional papers with most designs having poor transient
responses. The presented research strayed away from this approach and initiated the design with
transient response in mind.
1. 瞬态响应补偿
1. Transient Response Compensation
The pass transistor comprises the most important element in the LDO transient response.
It supplies current to the load impedance and as a result develops the desired output voltage.
Transistor gate capacitance acts as a current to voltage converter, and thus, has an equivalent
propagation delay. The larger the gate capacitance is, the larger the propagation delay will be.
In the case of the pass transistor, the effective input gate capacitance is extremely large. Fig. 28
illustrates the current to voltage conversion at the gate of the pass transistor.
Each transistor in the LDO voltage regulator had a propagation delay. The pass transistor
contributes the most devastating propagation delay owing to the pass transistor gate capacitor
slewing. The pass transistor can only supply the desired current to the load when the gate
voltage, Vg, reaches steady-state after some time delay, tp. The speed of the capacitor-less LDO
voltage regulator is mainly determined by the pass transistor propagation delay, tp, and not the
gain-bandwidth product of the control loop.
Most LDO regulator designs attempt to reduce the source impedance, RS, to increase the
speed of pass transistor. Typically, a low output impedance buffer is used to drive the pass
transistor [7]. This approach greatly improves the transient response in conventional LDO
regulators were the external capacitor creates the dominant pole. The capacitor-less LDO
voltage regulator does not have this luxury. The small internal output capacitor can not be used
to create the dominant pole since the output pole resides at much higher frequencies. Thus, the
dominant pole must be placed within the error amplifier control loop. The transient control
signal must therefore propagate through a dominant pole before or at the gate of the pass
A new technique was needed to increase the speed of the pass transistor gate. The signal
injected into the pass transistor gate capacitor is ideally a voltage. As shown in Fig. 28, the gate
voltage is actually a secondary effect. Current must first flow into the gate capacitor. The gate
capacitor then integrates the capacitor current to form the gate voltage. The fast path had to
sense the change in output current with minimal delay and relay that information back to the pass
transistor gate capacitor. This information had to be injected in the form of current, at the gate
capacitor, in proportion to the change in output voltage. Fig. 29 shows the basic concept.
The ideal sensing network would relay the output voltage information to the gate
capacitor without consuming any power or changing the DC operating points of the pass
transistor. Several different topologies were developed for the sensing network. A differentiator
sensing network, however, produced the best results. A basic capacitor differentiator is shown in
Fig. 30.
The differentiator senses any change in voltage difference between V1 and V2. Equation 30
equates the capacitor current to the two voltages.
⎛v −v ⎞
iC = C f ⋅ ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ (30)
⎝ dt ⎠
Fig. 27 showed that the worst case scenario is a large increase in load current, especially during
fast load current transitions. The capacitor-less LDO output voltage sags due to the slow
response of the control circuit and the pass transistor gate capacitance. The load demands a large
amount of current in short amount of time, but the pass transistor essentially acts as a constant
current source shown in Fig. 25. If one end of the differentiator capacitor is attached to the
output voltage node, the change in output voltage would induce a capacitor current proportional
to the change in capacitor voltage. Fig. 31 shows the addition of the differentiating capacitor, Cf,
and the typical uncompensated output voltage and output current waveforms. A capacitor
current, If, is generated when the output voltage changes from the nominal 2.8V. The current
through Cf is bi-directional, responding to both positive and negative voltage deflections. A
coupling network was then designed to mirror this current into the pass transistor gate capacitor.
The speed of the differentiator is of particular interest. The instant the load demands
current, both Cf and CINT instantly respond by supplying current to the load. The output voltage
is a secondary effect and does not change until charge is stripped away from Cf and CINT. Thus,
the capacitor current transient leads the output voltage transient. In essence, the differentiator
capacitor predicts variations in the output voltage at the same time they exist, and the
differentiator represents the fastest type of detector possible. The only limitation is the amount
of current that can be supplied to differentiator capacitor. Ideally, the differentiator has an
infinite bandwidth assuming that the voltage at the other capacitor terminal, V1, remains constant
接下来分析一下微分器的交流响应。有两种不同的工作模式,电流模式和电压模式。电压模式下的微分器被称为 "
交流耦合 "连接,在0Hz有一个零点。图32显示了从输出电压到耦合网络的电压模式交流响应,如图31所示。
throughout the load current transient. If the voltage V1 sags to an output voltage transient, the
effect of the fast transient path is reduced.
The AC response of the differentiator is analyzed next. There were two different modes
of operation, current mode and voltage mode. The differentiator in the voltage mode is referred
to as an “AC coupled” connection and has a zero at 0Hz. Fig. 32 shows the voltage mode AC
response from the output voltage to the coupling network, shown in Fig. 31.
v2 sC f R IN
= (31)
v out sC f R IN + 1
The coupling network input impedance drastically affects the speed and fast transient response
of the differentiator. The correct selection of Cf and the coupling network input impedance was
designed with careful consideration, placing the parasitic pole well passed the gain-bandwidth
Cf formed the load sensing mechanism, but the method to couple the sensed load
variations posed the most difficult task. The coupling network forms a feedback loop, and the
feedback loop gain must be negative. The most basic negative feedback coupling network is a
straight wire, attaching the 2nd Cf node directly to the gate of the pass transistor, shown in Fig.
33. This method would work if Cf were made very large with respect to the pass transistor gate
capacitance. There is one major problem with this approach, the pass transistor’s RHP zero
frequency is reduced.
Equation 32 reflects the addition of Cf to the pass transistor’s right-half plane zero given in
equation 23.
ω z pass = (32)
C gd + C f
The zero would move to much lower frequencies than the initial 3MHz, and would reside well
within the gain-bandwidth product of the overall control loop. This would make the capacitor-
less LDO regulator extremely hard to stabilize, if not almost impossible.
The previous analysis revealed an important design constraint; the coupling network
must provide negative feedback only. The direct connection of Cf not only created a feedback
path but also created an undesirable feed-forward path. Fig. 34 shows the proposed coupling
differential charge. Equation 33 relates the load demanded charge to the required pass transistor
负载要求的电荷变化是非常明显的,其中tR/F是电流瞬态的上升或下降时间, ΔILOAD是零负载到满负
The change in charge demanded by the load is quite obvious where tR/F is the rise or fall time of
the current transient and ∆ILOAD is the zero-load to full-load condition.
The amount of charge required by the pass transistor is equal to the amount of current generated
by its transconductance and the difference between the steady-state gate voltage required to
regulate the output voltage for the low and high current transitions. The charge difference in the
pass transistor could now be calculated based on the differential gate voltage, shown in Equation
∆Q gs = ∆V g , pass ⋅ C gs = ∆I gs ⋅ t R / F (34)
The value of Igs was substituted with the properties of coupling capacitor Cf yielding equation 35.
C f ⋅ ∆VOUT
∆Q gs = ∆V g , pass ⋅ C gs = ⋅ tR / F (35)
tR / F
The deflection voltage, Vg, was solved for in equation 35 and substituted into equation 34.
Finally, equation 36 solves for Cf to determine the effective capacitance needed to minimize the
output voltage transients.
⎛ ∆I ⎞ ⎛ C gs ⎞ ⎛ 50mA ⎞ ⎛ 26 pF ⎞
C f = ⎜⎜ LOAD ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⋅⎜ ⎟ = 35nF (36)
⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 100mV
⎝ ∆VOUT ⎠ ⎝ gm pass ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ 365e − 6 ⎠
Ironically, equation 36 does not contain any transition times. This is due to the ideally infinite
bandwidth of a capacitor. An introduced pole in the differentiator will however produce a finite
bandwidth system, and the output voltage deflections will increase. Equation 36 shows that the
required size of Cf is proportional to the load current variations and the effective size of the pass
transistor gate capacitance. On the other hand, Cf is inversely proportional to the desired output
deflection voltage and the inherent transconductance of the pass transistor.
Cf was calculated based on the proposed design specifications. The output voltage
deflection was set to 100mV for a load current variation of 50mA. The pass transistor
transconductance was set to the lowest value, for a zero-load current condition, and Cf was found
to be 35nF. The required 35nF is too large to integrate on chip if the capacitor, Cf, was directly
connected between the output and the pass transistor gate. The proposed topology alleviates the
requirement of a large internal compensation capacitor by introducing a transconductance gain
amplifier, gmf. The gmf amplifier increases the effective size of Cf by the voltage gain of the
amplifier or Miller effect. Thus, Cf can be made much smaller than the required single 35nF
value. Equation 37 shows the affect of the added gmf amplifier shown in Fig. 34.
vg s ⋅ R IN ⋅ (C f gm f Rerr )
= (37)
v out ( sR IN C f + 1)( sRerr C gs + 1)
The effective coupling capacitance, Cf, is then defined in equation 38. The poles in equation 37
were ignored at this point; the equivalent capacitor is computed as:
多的耦合电容。 Thus, the voltage gain of the gmf amplifier was designed to yield the desired 35nF effective
coupling capacitance but differ from the technique used in [9]. Typically gain values range
between 40dB to 80dB with coupling capacitors in the range of 2pF to 15pF depending on the
maximum desired output voltage transient. A noteworthy property is the variation in required
coupling capacitance with respect to the change in pass transistor transconductance; the zero-
load condition requires much more coupling capacitance due to the very small transconductance
induced by the pass transistor dc operation point.
2. 交流稳定性补偿
2. AC Stability Compensation
The fast transient path was created using a differentiator. Stabilizing the new capacitor-
less LDO architecture is the next design stage. Components of the feedback network were
analyzed, but the complete AC transfer function was overlooked when designing the large signal
compensation. The overall control loop stability was the major concern, and the transfer
function was synthesized for basic circuit shown in Fig. 36. Equation 39 represents a simplified
version of the overall open-loop transfer function; the differentiator’s parasitic poles are removed
to simplify the analysis.
The parasitic pole at 1/RzCf is ignored in this expression since it should be placed well above the
loop’s unity gain frequency.
⎛ Cgd ⎞⎟
(Gm1 R1 ) ⋅ (Gm P ROUT )⎜ 1 − s
⎜ Gm ⎟
out = ⎝ p⎠
v ⎛ Cgd ⎞⎟
( sC GS R1 + 1)( sC INT ROUT + 1) + ( sC f R z Gm f 1 R1Gm P ROUT )⎜ 1 − s
⎜ Gm ⎟
⎝ p⎠
公式39揭示了微分器的理想影响和准米勒补偿的使用。假设CfRfAdiff 》 CINTROUTCgsR1,可以简化极点位置
Equation 39 sheds light on the ideal affect of the differentiator and the use of a quasi-Miller
compensation. The pole locations can be simplified by assuming the CfRfAdiff » CINTROUTCgsR1
and are given in Equation 40 – 42.
ω P1 = ω P dom ≈ (40)
C f R f Adiff
C f R f Gm f 1Gm p
ω P2 ≈ (41)
C INT C gs
Gm p
ω Z1 = − (42)
1. 其
中Adiff = Gmf1R1GmpRout。微分器将位于通过晶体管的输入和输出的两极分开。高的微分器增益确保两个
where Adiff = Gmf1R1GmpRout. The differentiator splits the poles located at the input and output of
the pass transistor. High differentiator gain ensures sufficient distance between the two poles to
yield a stable AC response.
The macromodel of the final proposed solution is shown in Fig. 37 and adds additional
circuitry from that of Fig. 36. The compensating differentiator is composed by the integrator and
an additional amplifier Gmf2 to boost the feedback gain, resulting in higher equivalent
capacitance. The input resistance is also modified from Fig. 36, reflecting the final transistor-
level implementation, where RZ is replaced with Rf. Unfortunately, the differentiator contains
parasitic poles arising from the parasitic devices C2 and Rf that affect the overall behavior of the
AC stability, but they do not compromise the basic properties of the Miller pole splitting
technique. Fig. 37 also adds a second error amplifier stage to emulate the final circuit
The differentiator’s parasitic poles have an important influence on the loop stability. Nodal
analysis took all parasitic impedances into account to accurately model the final transistor-level
design. Fig. 38 shows the circuit used to model the differentiator.
2. 最终提出的解决方案的宏观模型如图37所示,在图36的基础上增加了额外的电路。补偿性微分器由积分器和一
3. 微分器的寄生极对环路稳定性有重要影响。节点分析考虑了所有的寄生阻抗,以准确模拟最终的晶体管级设计
The voltage transfer function was determined for the circuit. Equation 43 shows the exact
transfer function with out any simplifications.
vout , f 1 sC f ( g mf 1 R f − 1) R2
= 2
vout s R f R2 C f C 2 + s ⋅ [C f ( R f + R2 ) + C 2 R2 ] + g m R2 + 1
Several simplifications were used to reduce the transfer function complexity and expose the
critical circuit elements. The simplifications are shown in Table VII.
1 Cf >> C2
2 [C f ( R f + R2 ) + C 2 R2 ] 2 >> 4 ⋅ R f R2 C f C 2 ⋅ [ g m R2 + 1]
The significant poles can be extracted from equation 44 and approximate locations can be found
using the approximation in Table VII.
[C f ( R f + R2 ) + C 2 R2 ] 2 − 4 ⋅ R f R2 C f C 2 ⋅ [ g m R2 + 1]
s = [C f ( R f + R2 ) + C 2 R2 ] ± (44)
2 ⋅ R f R2 C f C 2
The high frequency transient response is solely determined by the location of the differentiator
parasitic poles. Both poles were pushed out to the highest possible frequencies; however, other
constraints limit the magnitude of the pole frequencies. The first parasitic pole, PD1, shown in
Fig. 39, was the most critical pole and to ensure good transient response, was located just past
the gain bandwidth product. The parasitic poles also play an important role in the overall
capacitor-less LDO stability.
Fig. 39. (a) General differentiator pole movement with gmf1 (b) Differentiator open-loop AC response.
The differentiator’s open-loop parasitic pole locations, ωPD1 and ωPD2, are shown in equation 45
and 46. The differentiator’s parasitic poles have an adverse effect when the loop containing both
the differentiator and the pass transistor stage is closed.
1 + Gm f 1 R2
ω PD1 ≈ (45)
C f ⋅ ( R f + R2 )
ω PD 2 ≈ (46)
C 2 ( R2 // R f )
Cardano’s method [13] is used to decompose the 3rd order function in equation 47 into its roots,
revealing one real pole and a complex pair given the value of its discriminant in equation 48.
( )
∆ ≈ 4 ⋅ Adiff ⋅ ω pD1 ⋅ ω pD 2 ⋅ ω POUT >> 1 (48)
This discriminant moves closer to 1 as the load current increases, indicating that complex pole
pair has a growing real component with larger load currents. The loop analysis does not contain
ωPdom since this pole location is virtually unaffected by the differentiators parasitic poles, ωPD1
and ωPD2. Fig. 40 shows the complex pole movement verses load current and the adverse effects
ωPD1 and ωz1 which push or pull the complex pole pair into the right-half plane where the AC
response becomes unstable. The root locus of Fig. 40 and ones hereafter represent the negative
or 0˚ root locus [14], reflecting the special case when having a RHP zero. Thus, the normal rules
for the root locus are reversed. The locations of the complex poles, ωP5, and ωP6 are given in
equation 49 – 51.
ω Complex ≈ ω P 2 (49)
ω P 5 ≈ ω PD 2 (50)
ω P6 = (51)
Fig. 40. Differentiator closed-loop pole movement with changing load current.
Fig. 41 shows the block diagram equivalent of the overall open-loop transfer function, where H1
and H2 represent the two-stage error amplifier, H3’ contains the closed-loop differentiator poles,
and β represents the feedback gain factor formed from RF1 and RF2. The closed-loop
differentiator poles, P5 and PCOMPLEX, represent the start of the open-loop poles for main control
loop open-loop transfer function, shown in Fig. 42. The block diagram in Fig. 41 can be used to
plot the all closed-loop pole locations and their movement verses load current and overall
feedback gain for the capacitor-less LDO regulator.
Fig. 42. Complete root locus showing closed-loop pole movement for both load current variations and
feedback factor, β.
Fig. 42 shows that the imaginary axis forms a stability boundary for the differentiator’s closed-
loop complex poles. If the complex poles start in RHP as in Fig. 43, they will never leave the
RHP in full closed-loop operation. Thus, the complex poles in Fig. 40 should never cross the
imaginary axis. The condition for which there will be no RHP complex poles can be derived
from equation 52 showing the differentiator’s closed-loop transfer function in terms of poles and
zeros. The zero, ωp,gate, is not shown in Fig. 40 since it is mathematically canceled by the error
amplifier pole.
The RHP zero, ωZ1, adds a negative s2 term to the capacitor-less LDO’s characteristic equation,
allowing for the formation of two RHP poles. In this case, the two RHP poles will be complex.
Equation 53 represents the condition to keep the complex poles in the LHP.
Equation 53 shows that the poles of the differentiator loop must be increased as much as possible
or that the RHP zero, ωZ1, much be increased. Since ωZ1, ωP,OUT, and ωp,gate, are constrained by
the size of the pass transistor, ωPD1 and ωPD2 must be pushed out to the highest possible
Fig. 40 and Fig. 42 show that the differentiator feedback path also creates additional left-
half plane zeros, located at the nodes that do not touch the feed-forward path. The most critical
zero, ωz2, is created by the differentiator’s lowest frequency open-loop pole, ωPD1, and typically
resides around the LDO’s unity gain frequency. Cf2 was added outside the differentiator loop,
creating an additional pole to cancel ωz2. Equation 54 shows the desired selection of Cf2.
1 + Gm f 1 R2 1
ωZ2 ≈ = ω P4 = (54)
C f ⋅ ( R f + R2 ) C f 2 ⋅ ( R F 1 // R F 2 )
The second closed-loop differentiator LPH zero, ωz3, is not critical and rests well above the
capacitor-less LDO’s unity gain frequency with the second error amplifier pole, ωp6, canceling
its effect.
Fig. 43. Stability constraint for the differentiator’s complex close-loop poles
The AC compensated capacitor-less LDO regulator has a Bode plot that resembles a
first-order transfer function up to the complex conjugate pole pair, shown in Fig. 44. The
approximate phase margin is given by equation 55. As ROUT increases, the phase margin
decreases, indicating that the worst phase margin occurs at the no-load condition.
⎛ A C R C GS R1 ⎞
PM ≈ 90 + tan −1 ⎜ DC INT OUT ⎟ (55)
⎜ 2 2
(C f R f ) Adiff ⎟
⎝ ⎠
AC stability requires that the complex pole pair does not cross the s-plane’s imaginary axis, or
the magnitude peaking of the complex conjugate pair does not peak over the 0dB threshold.
Both these problems are remedied by placing ωP5 at the highest possible frequency. The next
section describes ωP5 placement and other methods to reach an optimized capacitor-less LDO
regulator design.
III. 晶体管级设计和仿真
The final transistor-level design is shown in Fig. 45 with a step-by-step design procedure
illustrated in Table VIII. The design starts with the required dropout voltage, VDROP, and the
maximum current at dropout, IMAX, which define the parameters of the pass transistor. The
design then defines the differentiator parameters, followed by the error amplifier parameters, and
ends with the selection of compensation capacitors, Cf2 and Cf3.
The differentiator is designed to yield the desired transient response while stabilizing the
overall system transfer function. The input and output nodes of Mgmf1, forming the first stage
amplifier in the inverting differentiator, are the most critical nodes. Enough gain must be
developed to provide a sufficient transient response while generating very small parasitic
capacitors to push the generated poles, ωPD1 and ωPD2, to high frequency. Thus, the tradeoff
between stability and transient response remains the most difficult design problem, and several
iterations of the design procedure in Table VIII may be required.
1. 然后反相微分器通过晶体管Mgmf2和M8相加进入误差放大器输出。电阻器Rf执行三项主要任务:在负载电流瞬
关的极点ωPD1推到环路单增益频率之外。 59
2. 三个电流镜像运算跨导放
流镜像OTA的低阻抗内部节 TABLE VIII
点将寄生极点驱动到高频率 DESIGN GUIDE
生极点只要至少比增益带宽 CGS = 26pF,
积大2到3倍,就不会对调节 1 Pass transistor VDROP, IMAX CGD = 26pF
器的性能产生明显影响,因 Gmp = 320uA/V
此,误差放大器可以被设计 2 CINT Area 100pF
输出噪声、功耗和直流增益 3 R OUT Area, power 280kΩ
[2],[3],[5],[6],[8]和[9] 。直流 4 Adiff Equation 53, 55 ~ 60dB
增益是误差放大器唯一的稳 5 C f Equation 36, 38 2pF
定性约束,由所需的增益余 6 Rf ωPD1 > GBW 200kΩ
量或最坏情况下复数极点幅 7 Gmf2·R2 Adiff-Apass-Agmf1 ~ 30dB
度峰值和统一增益之间的幅 8 ADC Gain margin ≤ 68dB
度差所迫使。这个增益余量 9 GmE, Gm1 ADC-Apass ~ 40dB
是负载电流的函数,并在 10 Cf2 Equation 54 1pF
0mA至5mA的负载电流范围 11 Cf3 Trial and error 2pF
之间。 The inverting differentiator then sums into the error amplifier output through transistors
Mgmf2 and M8. Resistor, Rf, performs three main tasks: transforms the current supplied by the
capacitor, Cf, into a voltage during load current transients, provides the dc bias for both Mgmf1
and Mgmf2, and helps to lower the differentiator’s input impedance pushing the associated pole,
ωPD1, beyond the loops unity gain frequency.
A three-current mirror operational transconductance amplifier, M1-M7, ME, and Mgm1,
forms the error amplifier. The low impedance internal nodes of the three-current mirror OTA
drive the parasitic poles out to high frequencies; well pass the desired gain-bandwidth product.
The error amplifier’s parasitic poles do not significantly affect the performance of the regulator
as long as they are at least 2 to 3 times greater than the gain bandwidth product, and error
amplifier can therefore be designed to meet any desired parameter such as the output noise,
power consumption, and dc gain [2],[3],[5],[6],[8], and [9]. DC gain is the only stability
constraint on the error amplifier, forced by the desired gain margin or the magnitude difference
between the worst case complex pole magnitude peak and unity gain. This gain margin is a
function of load current, and retains it lowest value in the load current range of 0mA to 5mA.
The gain is adjusted by changing GmE and Gm1, and typical ranges between 40dB and 60dB.
Each stage of the capacitor-less LDO regulator is biased from a current mirror: any
inaccuracies and mismatches will cause large DC offsets at the output. M4, M5, M8, and M9 are
added to reduce the systematic offsets due to the drain-source voltage on M1-M3, Mgm1, Mgmf1,
and Mgmf2 and increase the current mirror accuracy as VIN is increased. IB1 and IB2 currents are
generated from an accurate internal reference.
Compensation capacitor, Cf3, in the range of 1 to 2 picofarads, is only used to improve
the AC stability. Cf3 uses the Miller effect to push the lowest frequency pole out to higher
frequencies, and placed in positive feedback, shown in Fig. 45, pushes the pole at the input of the
differentiator, ωPD1, out to higher frequencies. Cf3 does hinders the transient response of the
differentiator, introducing slewing and discharging artifacts, and should only be used when the
input pole causes the complex poles to enter the right-half plane. The final circuit parameters are
given in Table IX with a spice simulated open-loop AC response shown in Fig. 46. The final
capacitor-less LDO design had full range stability with a gain-bandwidth product of roughly
260kHz and phase margin greater than 80 degrees.
A. 晶体管级模拟
A. Transistor-level Simulations
The design of the capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator sought to meet several initial
parameters. Each pin of the LDO regulator affected several design constraints owing to the large
number of simulations presented. The simulations are divided by the type of parameter, namely
open-loop AC response, steady-state parameters, dynamic state parameters, and high frequency
1. 开环交流响应
1. Open-loop AC Response
The open-loop capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator’s AC response was simulated at the
transistor-level. The results are shown in Fig. 47 for 5 low output current conditions.
Fig. 47. Low output current open-loop AC response for Iout = 0 ~ 4mA.
The basic properties are illustrated with labels. First, the DC gain resides at roughly 60dB at low
output currents. Next, the phase margin drops off at the zero-load current condition. This is due
to the output pole moving to its lowest frequency as well as the right-half plane zero. More
differentiator gain was required to push the complex poles out to higher frequency, regaining the
loss in phase margin. The gain-bandwidth product was set at roughly around 900 MHz, but
could have been lower since the GBW does not greatly affect the proposed LDO transient
response; the transient response is determined by the fast transient path. Peaking did start to
occur around 1mA. The gain margin of at least 10dB was desired and met, set by the value of
Cf2 or the added compensation capacitor at the feedback resistor node.
The ac response was also simulated over the entire range to verify that the capacitor-less
LDO was indeed stable over the entire range. Fig. 48 shows the results.
At higher currents, above 1mA, the capacitor-less LDO acts as a first order system with roughly
90 degrees of phase margin. Also, the gain-bandwidth remains relatively constant over the entire
current range. This phenomenon is due to the corresponding reduction of gain verses the
increasing dominant pole.
Both Fig. 47 and Fig. 48 represent the nominal ac response, excluding process variation
and component mismatch. AC simulations were also used to find the range of compensation
capacitance, Cf, and compensation resistance, Rf, that yields stable operation.
Fig. 49 shows the general trend for increased and decreased compensation resistance, Rf.
Clearly, there was a tradeoff between increased phase margin at low current conditions and
complex peaking at the mid-range output currents. A teeter-totter approach was used to zero in
on the best compensation resistance.
Likewise, the compensation capacitance, Cf, was tested for its general affects. Fig. 50
illustrates the general trends. The magnitude response has more peaking as the compensation
capacitance is increased. However, if the peaking was to be reduced, the compensation
capacitance was reduced but at the cost of decreased phase margin at low currents. The
compensation capacitance in conjunction with the compensation resistance was selected based
on a balancing act between the complex pole peaking in the mid-range output currents and the
phase margin at the no-load current condition. These AC simulations only considered
component mismatch and not temperature variations. The temperature variations were simulated
in the statistical analysis section.
2. 稳态参数
2. Steady-state Parameters
The steady-state parameters define the capacitor-less LDO’s static state conditions.
There were two important characteristics that defined the steady-state LDO parameters, the line
regulation and the load regulation. The line regulation was simulated for 3 different loading
conditions, 0mA, 1mA, and 50mA output current. The input voltage was varied from 3V to
4.8V and the corresponding steady-state output voltage was measured. The results are shown in
Fig. 51. Like the line regulation simulation, the load regulation measured the steady-state output
voltage. This time, however, the input voltage was fixed to 3V and the output current was varied
from 0mA to 50mA or the full load condition. Fig. 52 shows the simulation results.
The output voltage deflects from the nominal 2.8V output as the load current changes. The
deflection was due to the drop in DC voltage gain in the control-loop as both the pass transistor
transconductance and output resistance change with load current. A higher DC voltage gain at
the zero load condition improves the line and load regulation but at the expense of AC stability.
3. 动态状态参数
3. Dynamic-state Parameters
The capacitor-less LDO dynamic response was simulated for both load regulation and
line regulation as well as the turn-on settling time. As the dynamic-state implies, the capacitor-
less LDO is subjected to both line and load transients. The transistor-level design was first
simulated without compensation capacitors, Cf2 and Cf3. Fig. 53 shows the zero to full load
response with these conditions.
Fig. 53. Full load transient response (without Cf2 and Cf3).
The output current slew rate was set to 50mA/µs with VIN set to 3V. The capacitor-less LDO
regulator’s response is mainly determined by the fast transient path or the differentiator. The
worst case scenario is a fast transition from low to high current, especially zero to full load
conditions. The output voltage has a fast negative voltage spike at the onset of the positive
change in current. The fast path responds quickly within few nanoseconds and forces the pass
transistor to turn on hard. Unfortunately, the differentiator has too much compensation at high
output currents, see Equation 36, as the pass transistor transconductance increases significantly.
Thus, a large overshoot also appears in the output voltage waveform.
The transistor-level design was then simulated with the added compensation capacitors.
These added compensation capacitors, Cf2 and Cf3, degrade the capacitor-less LDO’s transient
response, but improve the LDO stability and sensitivity to process variations. The results are
shown in Fig. 54.
Fig. 54. Load transient response for zero to full load with Cf2 and Cf3.
Line regulation simulations were carried out at both the zero load condition and at 1mA
load condition. The input voltage was varied from 3V to 3.5V with a 1µs rise and fall time. The
results for both the zero load condition and 1mA load condition are shown in Fig. 55.
Fig. 55. Line transient response for Iout set to 0mA (a) and 1mA (b).
The line transient response improves with larger output currents, due to the decreased gain from
the input line to the output voltage. At the zero load condition, the transfer function gain from
input to output is at its maximum and corresponds to the worst case line transient response.
The final transient simulation measured the turn-on settling time. This measurement
determines the maximum turn-on time required for the capacitor-less LDO to reach a steady-
state output voltage. Thus, the input voltage is taken from 0V, turned off, to 3V, turned on, and
the time is measured from the point at which the VIN line reaches 3V to the time the output
voltage reaches 1% of the nominal output voltage. The results are shown in Fig. 56.
Fig. 56. Turn-on settling time for various output current conditions: (a) full pulse and (b) expanded view.
The worst case scenario occurs at high output current demands during turn on conditions. The
initial turn-on condition is relative fast since the pass transistors gate is held to zero, turning the
output device completely on. The output voltage begins to slew after tens of nanoseconds as the
error amplifier comes online and pulls the pass transistor’s gate voltage close to VIN. The
differentiator was the main limiting factor for the turn-on settling. The gates of the differential
amplifier are tied to the compensation capacitor, Cf, through the compensation resistor, Rf and
the turn-on time is related to the charge rate of the Cf through the differentiator’s feedback
resistor and the current source that feeds the differentiator circuit. The output voltage is solely
determined by the rate or charge injected into the output capacitance. Higher output current
demand reduces that rate at which the output capacitor can be charge and the maximum output
level reached before the error amplifier turns on. Thus, the slope of the output voltage does not
change and is entirely dependent on the slewing in the differentiator. However, the reduced
initial charge level is lower for the high current conditions resulting in a longer turn-on settling
4. 高频参数
4. High Frequency Parameters
The final set of measurements included the capacitor-less LDO’s output referred noise
and the PSRR. The output referred noise was measured in closed-loop for different static output
current conditions. Fig. 57 shows the output referred noise for various loading conditions.
The low-frequency noise component is influenced by the DC loop gain and the output
impedance of the output stage. As the output stage impedance decreases, the output referred
noise is reduced. The noise is then filtered at high frequencies by the output pole. Most LDO
regulators are characterized by the integrated noise over a 1Hz to 100 kHz bandwidth. The
corresponding integrated noise is shown in Table X.
1. 在1Hz至100kHz的噪声带宽内,平均综合输出噪声大约为50µV。误差放大器贡献了大部分的噪声,尽管微分器
带宽中通常有大约20µV或更低。噪声可以通过减少误差放大器的噪声电流来降低。 72
The average integrated output noise is roughly 50µV in the 1Hz to 100 kHz noise bandwidth.
The error amplifier contributes to most of the noise although the differentiator adds noticeable
effects. The noise specifications for the proposed capacitor-less LDO regulator compete with
most standard LDO voltage regulators. Low noise LDO regulators typically have approximately
20µV or less in the measured bandwidth. The noise can be reduced by reduction of noise current
in the error amplifier.
Power-supply-rejection-ratio defines the LDO regulator’s ability to reject small-signal,
high-frequency noise from the input line to the output voltage node. The capacitor-less LDO
voltage regulator’s PSRR was measured in closed-loop for various static state current conditions.
The results are shown in Fig. 58. The proposed topology improves with increased load current.
This is mainly due to the chosen structure for the error amplifier. The PSRR is improved by
applying VIN as a common-mode signal to both the pass transistors gate node and its source
node. The PMOS differential input pair coupled by its NMOS active current mirror load
decouples the VIN rail from its output. Thus, better PSRR can come from a PMOS active current
mirror where the output of the differential amplifier directly drives the pass transistor. The
PMOS differential pair was chosen due to their lower flicker noise and output circuit protection
to large transients.
The first knee in the PSRR plot is due primarily to the dominant pole at the gate of the
pass transistor. The PSRR at higher frequencies is caused by the relative impedance at the
output node. At the highest frequencies, the PSRR is a function of the output node impedance.
2. 电源拒绝率定义了LDO稳压器拒绝从输入线到输出电压节点的小信号、高频噪声的能力。无电容的LDO稳压器
3. PSRR图中的第一个膝盖主要是由于通过晶体管栅极处的主导极。更高频率下的PSRR是由输出节点的相对阻抗
5. 最终的LDO规格
5. Final LDO Specifications
The final capacitor-less LDO regulator simulated parameters are given in Table XI. The
parameters indicate the worst case scenario assuming nominal values for both the threshold
voltage and mobility. The capacitor-less LDO regulator was then tested for process variation.
B. 统计分析
B. Statistical Analysis
Monte Carlo analysis was performed to study the capacitor-less LDO’s sensitivity to
process variation such as carrier mobility and MOSFET threshold voltage. All the Monte Carlo
simulations used a 10% variation in both threshold voltage and mobility per sigma. Thus, 99.7%
of the fabricated IC would fall into the range of ± 30% of the nominal designed values. Fig. 59
shows process variation effects on the gain-bandwidth product and phase margin at the no-load
Fig. 59. Process variation for IOUT = 0mA: nominal GBW (a) and phase margin (b), Cf and Rf +20% of
nominal GBW (c) and phase margin (d), and Cf and Rf -20% of nominal GBW (e) and phase margin (f).
Fig. 59 shows that plenty of phase margin is obtained even with large variation in the
compensation capacitor, Cf, and compensation resistor, Rf. Next, the dc gain and the ground
current were simulated for process variation, shown in Fig. 60.
Fig. 60. Process variation on DC gain for IOUT = 0mA (a) and 1mA (b).
The simulation showed that the low current dc gain was more susceptible to process variation
with a standard deviation of 3.5dB compared to 1.0dB for the 1mA load condition. This was the
main reason the gain margin was increased as much as possible. Fig. 61 shows process variation
effects on the dc quiescent current. Since all the current branches within the capacitor-less LDO
regulator were all generated from current mirrors, the overall quiescent ground current was
virtually unaffected by process variation. The standard deviation was only 317nA. Finally, the
PSRR was simulated for process variation. The results are shown in Fig. 62.
Fig. 62. Process variation on PSRR for Iout = 0mA at 1Hz (a) and 100kHz (b) and for Iout = 50mA at 1Hz
(c) and 100kHz (d)
Finally, the dc steady-state output voltage was simulated for process variation effects. The
variation was verified for four different output current conditions, 0mA, 1mA, 10mA, and
50mA. The results are shown in Fig. 63.
Fig. 63. Process variation on DC steady-state output voltage for Iout set to 0mA (a), 1mA (b), 10mA (c)
and 50mA (d).
最终的无电容LDO电压调节器是通过MOSIS教育服务在TSMC 0.35um CMOS技术中进行布局的。所有的电流镜
C. 最终的LDO布局
C. Final LDO Layout
The final capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator was laid out in a TSMC 0.35um CMOS
technology through the MOSIS educational service. Common centriod layout techniques were
used for all current mirrors which included all the transistors except for the large pass transistor.
The 16mm pass transistor was split into 16 20x50µm transistor blocks. This allowed for extra n-
well substrate contacts to prevent potential latch-up issues caused by induced bulk current.
Careful matching was also used to between the two feedback resistors RF1 and RF2 by
interweaving unit resistors to meet the desired ratio. Fig. 64 shows the final capacitor-less LDO
voltage regulator layout.
The capacitor-less LDO itself measures 538µm x 538µm while the pad frame measures 1.5mm x
1.5mm. The pass transistor and the 100pF internal output capacitor occupy approximately ¾ of
the total effective area. The area surrounding the capacitor-less LDO is constructed of various
layers to meet density constraints.
The control circuit contains the error amplifier, the differentiator, the feedback resistors,
and extra compensation circuitry. The feedback resistors, RF1 and RF2, and the compensation
resistor, Rf, accounted for most of the control circuitry area. The feedback resistors were
constructed using the second polysilicon layer or poly2. Vertical orientation was used so that the
average temperature gradient due to the pass transistor radial heat dissipation pattern was felt
equally across the two feedback resistors. The compensation resistor, Rf, was constructed with a
n-well diffusion resistor. This allowed for lower parasitic capacitance per resistance and a better
absolute accuracy.
Finally, the input and output nodes were connected to 5 external pins each. The pin
inductance was reduced from roughly 30nH to 6nH and produced better fast current transients.
The external pin capacitance did not hinder the capacitor-less LDO’s transient response but
actually improved the performance. Extra capacitance was added from VIN to ground and helped
to filter out higher frequency noise and ripple. The capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator was
finally packaged in a 40 pin ceramic dual-inline package.
下进行的。 80
IV. 实验结果
The physical capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator was tested in the laboratory for all the
simulated parameters except for the open-loop AC response. A test board was designed and
fabricated to facilitate the experimental gathering for various tests. Each experiment has the
testing apparatus clearly defined as well as other experimental and environmental parameters
under which the experiment was carried out.
A. 测试板设计
A. Test Board Design
The test board was fabricated on FR-4 glass epoxy double sided boards with tinned
copper traces and plated trough holes. External circuitry was included to generate the desired
reference voltage, VREF, and the desired bias current, IBIAS. These components were not included
on chip, reducing the potential of circuit failure. A foil pattern and schematic are provided in
Appendix I and II. Fig. 65 shows the finished and populated test board and setup.
The circuit board contains both active and passive load elements. The active current mirror load
used the Panasonic XNO2501 silicon NPN epitaxial planer transistor pair to provide load current
transients via a waveform generator. The test board also contains a surface mount 100mA LDO
voltage regulator that supplies the VREF and IBIAS circuits. The LDO can be either supplied
directly from the VIN of the capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator or a separate power supply. A
potentiometer and several different passive elements can be switched in and out to test static load
conditions. Finally, high-frequency signals can be coupled onto the VIN rail via a large bipolar
capacitor and 50 ohm DC supply resistor.
B. 瞬态响应
B. Transient Response
The transient response was tested for load and line transients and for the turn-on settling
time. The experiments only require a waveform generator, an oscilloscope, and a dc power
supply. The transient response results are given the next three subsections.
1. 负载瞬态响应
1. Load Transient Response
The load transient response was tested for the load current transient from 0mA to 50mA
with a 1us rise and fall time. The load current was generated with a BJT NPN current mirror and
a signal generator. The test circuit is shown in Fig. 66.
负载瞬态响应测试了从0mA到50mA的负载电流瞬态,上升和下降时间为1us。负载电流是由一个BJT NPN电流镜和
The input voltage waveform’s minimum and maximum voltage levels for the current generator
were finely tuned to yield a 0mA to 50mA load current. The capacitor-less LDO voltage
regulator was then tested for its zero to full load response using a 500 MHz oscilloscope. The
results are shown in Fig. 67.
Fig. 67. Transient response for a 0mA to 50mA load transient with VIN = 3V.
The capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator gave expected results that resemble the transistor-level
circuit simulations. A little extra ringing was experienced for the positive load current transition
and was sensitive to test cable movement. The ringing quickly subsided and a stable response
was reached. Thus, the capacitor-less LDO internal compensation had produced stable operation
from zero to full load.
2. 线路瞬态响应
2. Line Transient Response
The Line transient response was measured for a 3V to 4V step waveform with 1µs
transition times. The IBIAS and VREF circuits were operated from a separate power supply through
out the operation. An Agilent waveform generator was used to supply the transient step. Fig. 68
shows the capacitor-less LDO line transient response.
Fig. 68 illustrates the worst case line transient condition with capacitor-less LDO operating at the
zero load condition. The output waveform, top trace, was ac coupled to the oscilloscope and
does not reflect the dc component while the input rail waveform was directly coupled to the
oscilloscope. The input voltage waveform was measured directly at the test board input voltage
rail. All cables were BNC 50ohm assemblies. The experimental results closely matched the
测量的。所有电缆都是BNC 50欧姆组件。实验结果与预测的线路瞬态行为密切相关,大约有50mV的输出电压尖
predicted line transient behavior with approximately a 50mV output voltage spike. This was less
than the simulation predicted since the simulation did not include the parasitic capacitance from
VIN to ground and other parasitic capacitances.
3. 开机沉降时间
3. Turn-on Settling Time
The measurements for turn-on settling time are shown in Fig. 69 for no load current and
Fig. 70 for IOUT equaled to 10mA and 50mA.
Fig. 69. Turn-on settling time for IOUT = 0mA: full pulse (a) and expanded view (b).
简单的电阻器所取代,该电阻器被修整为提供7.5µA。 85
The circuit board was modified to measure the capacitor-less LDO regulator’s turn-on settling
time. The actively regulated bias current generator used filter capacitors to remove any noise or
ripple injected into the IC. The large filter capacitors drastically decreased the turn-on settling
time by introducing slewing effects. The active current generator was replaced by a simple
resistor trimmed to supply 7.5µA.
Fig. 70. Turn-on settling time for IOUT = 10mA (a) and IOUT = 50mA (b).
测试条件下,参考电压没有与输入电压同步。这迫使通过晶体管的栅极接地,而电路的其他部分充电,导致输出电 86
The settling time was measured from the input voltage pulse edge to the time the output voltage
reached 0.2% of its steady-state value. The no-load condition had the shortest turn-on settling
time at 6.7µs while the 10mA load condition had 7.5µs and the 50mA load condition had 8.7µs.
The output voltage had a large initial overshoot. This was due to the circuit testing condition
where the reference voltage was not stepped with the input voltage. This forced the pass
transistor’s gate to ground while the rest of the circuit charged up, causing the output voltage to
rail out to the input voltage.
C. 高频响应
C. High-Frequency Response
The capacitor-less LDO regulator was tested for its high frequency characteristics.
These measurements included the PSRR, ripple rejection ratio and the equivalent output noise.
Measurements were taken for different load current conditions which included the zero, 1mA,
and 50mA load current conditions.
1. 电源抑制比
1. Power-supply-rejection-ratio
This was due to the frequency dependant impedance in the forward path such that a near perfect
common signal appeared to the gate and source of the pass transistor.
2. 纹波抑制率
2. Ripple Rejection Ratio
The ripple rejection ratio was measured at low frequency. The rise and fall times were
reduced such that slewing did not occur. The line regulation could also be determined from such
a measurement since the time period was much greater that the settling time of the capacitor-less
LDO regulator. Fig. 72 shows the measurement.
输入电压和输出电压的幅度标度不同。纹波抑制 在100Hz时大约是43dB。该测量是在零负载条件下进行的。纹波
抑制 纹波抑制与PSRR直接相关,图72中的测量结果与图71中的结果一致。图71中所示。
The magnitude scales differ between the input voltage and output voltage. The ripple rejection
at 100Hz is roughly 43dB. The measurement was taken for the zero load condition. The ripple
rejection is directly related to the PSRR and the measurement in Fig. 72 matches the results
shown in Fig. 71.
3. 等效输出噪声
3. Equivalent Output Noise
The equivalent output noise was measured at 50mA of load current, and was measured
from 1kHz to 1MHz, shown in Fig. 73. The results show that flicker noise dominates most of
the usable bandwidth. The spot noise at 100kHz was roughly 720 nV/sqrt(Hz). This value was
higher than the predicted model, suggesting that the model parameters for flicker noise were
perhaps too conservative. This concluded the experimental results.
示,闪烁噪声主导了大部分的 可用的带宽。100kHz时的斑点噪声大约为720 nV/sqrt(Hz)。这个值 高于模型预测
在无电容器 LDO 稳压器领域有三项重要的工作 [4]、[11] 和 [12];然而,每件作品都使用不同的器件作为传输
晶体管。工作 [4] 与提议的设计最相似,在共源配置中使用 MOSFET,但它没有全范围稳定性,在低电流负载
下失去了可控性。工作 [11] 在与经典线性稳压器非常相似的共漏极配置中使用 MOSFET,但 [4]89需要更大的电
压余量和偏置电流。最新的工作 [12] 使用复合晶体管来降低电压裕量,但代价是显着的偏置电流。
D. 结果的比较
D. Comparison of Results
There have been three significant works in the area of capacitor-less LDO voltage
regulators [4],[11], and [12]; however, each work uses a different device for the pass transistor.
Work [4] most closely resembles the proposed design, using a MOSFET in the common-source
configuration, but it does not have full range stability, losing controllability at low current loads.
Work [11] uses a MOSFET in the common-drain configuration which closely resembles classic
linear regulators, but [4] requires a much larger voltage headroom and bias current. The latest
work, [12], uses a composite transistor to reduce the voltage headroom but at the cost of
significant bias current.
Experimental results show that the proposed capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator
exceeds current work in the area of capacitor-less LDO regulators in both transient response and
AC stability while consuming only 65µA of quiescent current. A comparison is made among the
other output capacitor-less designs [4], [11], and [12], shown in Table XII, illustrating the
significance of the proposed capacitor-less LDO regulator. Not only does the proposed
regulator consume low power, but it provides a low dropout voltage and fast settling time. SoC
designs would benefit from the reduced board real estate, pin count, and cost achievable with the
proposed capacitor-less LDO regulator.
PARAMETER [4] [11] [12]
Process (µm) CMOS 0.6 CMOS 0.5 CMOS 0.09 CMOS 0.35
Pass Element CS CD Composite CS
IMAX (mA) 100 300 100 50
VOUT 1.3 3.3 0.9 2.8
VDROP (V) 0.20 1.7 0.30 0.20
IQ(mA) 0.038 0.75 6 0.065
CINT(pF) 0 180 600 100
Area (mm ) 0.307 1 0.098 0.289
∆vout (Full Unstable at
400mV 90mV 183mV
load transient) low currents
Settling (µs) 1.6 300 N/A 7.8
PSRR (1kHz) 60 dB N/A N/A 57 dB
Loop gain
90 ~ 110 N/A >43 55 ~ 62
Noise 60 µV N/A N/A 250 µV
已经提出了一种新颖的设计,该设计允许移除通常在 LDO 稳压器上发现的大型外部电容器。新的无电容器 LDO 只
需三个小型内部电容器即可实现良好的瞬态响应和交流稳定性。第 II 节对未补偿的无电容器 LDO 以及建议的补偿
技术进行了全面分析。未经补偿的分析表明,无电容器 LDO 的大部分特性会随着负载电流的变化而变化,因此难
以在 0mA 至 50mA 的整个输出电流范围内保证稳定性和良好的瞬态响应。
A novel design has been presented that allows for the removal of the large external
capacitor normally found on LDO voltage regulators. The new capacitor-less LDO only requires
three small internal capacitors for good transient response and AC stability. A thorough analysis
was preformed in Section II on the uncompensated capacitor-less LDO as well as the proposed
compensation technique. The uncompensated analysis showed that most of the properties of the
capacitor-less LDO change with varying load current, making it difficult to guarantee stability
and good transient response over the entire output current range of 0mA to 50mA.
The proposed topology uses a differentiator to sense changes is the output voltage and
provides a fast negative feedback path for load transients. The differentiator loop also doubles as
the AC stability compensation network, using the properties of the Miller capacitor pole splitting
technique. Farther analysis showed the bounds of stability for the proposed capacitor-less LDO
compensation technique. The differentiator’s parasitic poles play a major role in the design, and
for a stable system, they must be placed at the highest possible frequencies. A properly designed
capacitor-less LDO using the proposed technique resembles a 1st order system up to the gain
bandwidth product and remains as such throughout the entire output current range.
The proposed capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator was designed and fabricated in the
TSMC 0.35um CMOS technology through the MOSIS educational service. Experimental results
showed that the proposed technique can be used to make a fully stable capacitor-less LDO
voltage regulator. A comparison was made in Section IV with other works [4], [11], and [12]
where the proposed design clearly had the best balanced specification. It only consumed 65µA
of ground current while providing a 50mA output with a dropout voltage of 200mV. The
transient response came in second to [12] but with a little more the 1/100th of the ground current
required by [12]. With these specifications, the proposed capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator
provides a viable solution for low-voltage, power-efficient, SoC applications, while reducing
board real estate, pin count, and overall cost.
补偿网络,利用米勒电容器极分裂技术的特性。进一步的分析显示了所提出的无电容器 LDO 补偿技术的稳定性范
技术的正确设计的无电容器 LDO 类似于增益带宽积的一阶系统,并在整个输出电流范围内保持不变。
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[5] Vishal Gupta, Gabriel Rincon-Mora, and Prasun Raha, “Analysis and design of
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Address: Texas A&M Department of Electrical Engineering, 214 Zachry, TAMU 3128,
College Station, TX 77843.