temperature methods
Cheesy beetroot Make a smooth Heat a deep, Deep/shallow Serve
croquettes dough, prepare heavy bottomed frying immediately, no
croquettes and saucepan to storing required.
cook until brown. 1300C. reheat the
Cut potatoes into oil to 1900C.
thin slices for
chips and fry ina
heavy bottomed
Stewed fruit In a pan, collect Cover the pan for Stewing No storage
(dried) water, honey, fifteen mins requirements.
ginger, cinnamon
and orange flower
water, add dates
and apricots. Boil
them. Add pears
tp syrup and
cover it. Simmer
and serve.
Stewed fruit In a pan, collect Cover the pan for Stewing No storage
(fresh) water, honey, 15 mins. requirements.
ginger, cinnamon
and orange flower
water, add dates
and apricots. Boil
them. Add pears
tp syrup and
cover it. Simmer
and serve.
Roast veg with Roast the Preheat oven to Roasting/boiling No storage
boiled pasta vegetables for 30 250 degree C. requirements
mins until light roast for 30 mins.
golden and
tender. Boil the
pasta, drain and
add to the hot
roasting pan. Add
olive oil and
lemon juice over
pasta and veg,
and toss. Serve.
Spring veg pasta Boil water, peel Add the pancetta Boiling No storage
vegetables, mix for 4-5 mins. requirements.
eggs, crème
fraiche, Parmesan
cheese, lemon
zest. Cook pasta
and drain. Add
pasta to pancetta,
add veg mixture
and dish it up.
Tortigiliono with Place pumpkin in Cook pumpkin Frying/boiling No storage
caramelized a large bowl with mixture and pasta requirements.
onions and oil, then add it to for 10 mins.
pumpkins pan and cook for
10 mins. Add
pasta and cook it
with the pumpkin
Rice pudding with Bake rice, sugar, Bake for 45 mins. Baking/boiling No storage
fruit compote milk, and vanilla Simmer dish for 5 requirements,
for 45 mins or mins. serve rice pudding
until milk is and top with
absorbed. compote.
Remove pudding
from oven, serve
it with compote
topped above.
poached Beat eggs, pour Beat the eggs Poaching or No storage
scrambled eggs eggs in the vigorously for 10 scrambling requirements.
moving water and secs.
cover the pot.
After straining the
eggs scoop the
eggs into bowls
and serve after
Fresh pasta Mix eggs, flour, oil Knead dough for Boiling Let rest for 30
and salt in a bowl 10 mins. Cover minutes.
of a stand mixer dough with plastic
until a shaggy wrap and let it
dough is formed. rest for at least 30
knead the dough mins.
with the dough
hook until smooth
and elastic and
cover it. Cut and
roll as desired.
Hard boiled egg Boil water, salt Cook eggs for 14 Boiling Store unpeeled
and vinegar. Add mins on heat. eggs in the
eggs and gently Cool for 15 mins. refrigerator for
boil and cook for upto 1 week.
14 mins. Remove
them after
cooked, and place
into container of
cold water for
about 15 mins.
Eggs benedict Poach eggs. To Cook under a grill Boiling No storage
preprare sauce, for 4-6 mins. needed.
melt butter over
low heat and skim
with a spoon.
Place ham speck
on the lined tray.
Cook baguette
French petite pain Stir water, yeast Cook for 20 mins. Baking Warm place for
and sugar. Kneed Prehat oven to dough to rise.
dough until 200 degrees C.
smooth. Form
dough into round
balls and cover
with cloth. Heat
oven to 200
degrees C, and
bake until golden
Easy chicken In a large stock, Simmer for 1 ½ Boiling Place in
consommé place the carcass hrs. repeat for 15 refrigerator.
(Glazing) and all the mins.
vegetables, and
boil. Simmer for 1
½ hrs. strain the
stock and boil
again. Add egg
whites and whisk.
Boil liquid and
keep whisking.
Easy chicken In a large stock, Simmer for 1 ½ Boiling Place in
consommé place the carcass hrs. repeat for 15 refrigerator.
(garnishing) and all the mins.
vegetables, and
boil. Simmer for 1
½ hrs. strain the
stock and boil
again. Add egg
whites and whisk.
Boil liquid and
keep whisking.
Creamy chicken Whisk chicken Cook 3 mins. Boiling Refrigerate.
soup broth and blend
and simmer.
Whisk egg yolks
and cream
together in a large
bowl. Add
chicken, salt and
pepper, and heat
Couscous and Boil chicken stock Let couscous and Boiling. Refrigerate until
black bean salad and stir in the chicken stock ready to serve.
couscous. Whisk stand for 5 mins.
all ingredients, Will be ready in
fluff the couscous 35 mins.
well and add to th
bowl with
vegetables. Do
seasoning and
Spring veg pasta / Place bread, Stir for 1 min. Boiling/Frying Refrigerate.
tuna mornay with orange rind, half prehat oven to
orange and the parsley and 180 degree C.
leek/tortiglioni half the parmesan
with caramelized in a food
onion and processor. Cook
pumpkin pasta and drain.
Make white
sauce, add milk
and cook over
heat. Stir with
cornflour, wine
and orange juice.
Creamy polenta Boil water, add Simmer for 10 Boiling No storage
polenta, and mins. requirements,
whisk. Simmer at only serve
low heat. Add immediately.
cream, parmesan
and butter and
stir. Season with
salt and pepper.