Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Fitness
Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Fitness
Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Fitness
Factors in this category include, ge-
netics, age, sex, race and physiologi-
cal status (e.g. pregnancy). It could be
argued some are less easy to control. Psychological:
Our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about ourselves and
our environment can shape the amount we think we have
control in our life. This will lead to behaviours that either
support or cause harm to our health.
At it’s worst we may suffer anxiety and depression.
Social Influences:
These might be socioeconomic back- Behaviour change is a way to positively impact a person’s
ground and culture, deprivation, un- current and future health.
employment, employment of manual
or sedentary nature, peer group pres-
sure, lower educational attainment,
lack of family or peer support, or neg-
ative criticism, isolation, and the
country’s health care support.