Hogg Eco - Anxiety Scale - Final
Hogg Eco - Anxiety Scale - Final
Hogg Eco - Anxiety Scale - Final
Recommended citation: Hogg, T.L., Stanley, S.K., O’Brien, L.V., Wilson, M.S., & Watsford,
C.R. (2021). The Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale: Development and validation of a multidimensional
1.0 Introduction
The global environmental crisis is one of the most pressing public health issues of the 21st
Century (IPCC, 2018; WHO, 2018). The mental health impacts related to the environmental
crisis are diverse, ranging from loss, distress and grief, to emotional and behavioural problems
and psychopathology (Clayton et al., 2017; WHO, 2020). Feeling anxious about the state of the
planet appears to be universal, with evidence emerging from Europe (Haaland, 2019), America
(Leiserowitz et al., 2018), Canada (Durkalec et al., 2015), Pacific Islands (Gibson et al., 2019)
and China (Hao and Song, 2020). In New Zealand, one in three people are worried about climate
change and 50% are very or extremely concerned about the impacts of waste (Ministry for the
Environment, 2018). In Australia, 79% of adults are concerned about the destruction of native
wildlife (The Australia Institute, 2020), and 59% of young people believe climate change is a
significant threat to their safety (UNICEF Australia, 2019).
“Eco-anxiety” is a term that captures experiences of anxiety relating to environmental
crises (Hickman, 2020; Pihkala, 2020). It encompasses “climate change anxiety” (anxiety
specifically related to anthropogenic climate change, including global warming, rising sea levels
and increased incidence of natural disasters and extreme weather events) (Clayton, 2020;
Clayton and Karazsia, 2020; Pihkala, 2020), as well as anxiety about a multiplicity of
environmental calamities, which may or may not be directly caused by climate change, including
the elimination of entire ecosystems and plant and animal species, global mass pollution and
deforestation. Given the interconnectedness between environmental issues in our global
ecosystem, and evidence that people report anxiety over other kinds of environmental problems
(Haaland, 2019; Helm et al., 2018; Hickman, 2020; Kelly, 2017), it is unclear whether climate
change anxiety is distinct from other kinds of environmental anxiety. Furthermore, despite its
growing research significance, there is still limited understanding of what the psychological
experience of eco-anxiety entails.
The few existing measures for eco-anxiety and climate change anxiety capture the
negative emotions (e.g., anxiety, worry) people experience when thinking about climate change
and/or other environmental problems (Helferich et al., 2020; Helm et al., 2018; Kelly, 2017;
Materia, 2016; Searle and Gow, 2010). This focus purely on affective symptoms ignores other
potentially important characteristics of eco-anxiety. For example, there is evidence that eco-
the role eco-anxiety plays in the uptake of personal and collective PEBs; and whether specific
dimensions and intensities of eco-anxiety are optimal for both the individual (i.e., mental health
outcomes) and the planet (i.e., individual and collective climate action). Furthermore, while we
acknowledge the importance of understanding eco-anxiety from a clinical perspective (and
indeed we make comparisons between mental health outcomes and eco-anxiety in our research),
we argue that eco-anxiety is a rational reaction to the enormity of the ecological threat humanity
and the planet is facing.
2.0 Study One
We used a mixed-methods approach to gain insight into participants’ experiences of eco-
anxiety. Informed by the existing literature described above (e.g., Edwards, 2008; Helm et al.,
2018; Searle and Gow, 2010), we included an initial 7-item scale to capture negative affective
symptoms related to eco-anxiety. As the reported symptomatology of eco-anxiety appears
remarkably similar to symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), this initial measure
was modeled on the GAD scale (Spitzer et al., 2006), one of the most widely used psychological
assessment tools that assesses the frequency of affective symptoms of anxiety. We modified this
measure to capture the extent to which participants experienced each symptom when thinking
about environmental problems.
To gain insight into the dimensionality of eco-anxiety, we conducted exploratory research
on the focus of people’s eco-anxiety, including categories of environmental degradation and
personal behaviours that negatively impact the planet. As the opening paragraphs of this paper
highlighted, there are a variety of different ecological crises happening in the world today and we
sought to capture that in our investigation of people’s experience of eco-anxiety. In addition,
recent research suggests people feel guilty over behaviours that have negative environmental
effects (e.g., flying via airplane) (Bamberg and Möser, 2007; Mkono, 2020). To understand
whether this anxiety focused on one’s own environmental footprint contributes to the experience
of affective symptoms of eco-anxiety, we explored whether personal impact anxiety contributes
to eco-anxious symptoms while controlling for anxiety about environmental problems. We also
asked participants open-ended questions about how eco-anxiety impacts their daily functioning
to gain richer insight into experiences of the phenomenon. We expected that eco-anxiety would
be experienced beyond affective symptoms; interfering with psychological, physical and social
Finally, overlap between GAD and eco-anxiety has left some researchers questioning
whether eco-anxiety is a unique construct (e.g., Helm et al., 2018). To address this concern, we
examined how affective symptoms of eco-anxiety related to GAD, expecting a positive
correlation below commonly accepted levels for multicollinearity, indicative of distinct but
related constructs. We also examined the relationships between affective symptoms of eco-
anxiety and life satisfaction and climate change belief, and expected eco-anxiety to correlate
negatively to life satisfaction but positively with climate change belief. We interpret the strength
of all correlations using Cohen’s (1988) guidelines.
2.1 Method
2.2 Participants and procedure
Participants were 334 undergraduate students at the University of Canberra, Australia,
aged between 17 and 65 years (M = 22.23, SD = 6.65) who completed an online questionnaire in
exchange for course credit. Based on their age and gender distribution (135 males, 197 females,
1 ‘other’, 1 missing), the sample was representative of most Australian university students (The
Department of Education, 2019). Our minimum sample size of 196 was determined a priori to
ensure the minimum sample size for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) (Comrey and Lee, 1992)
and Multiple Linear Regression (power analysis assuming a small to medium effect size of .05
- .10, alpha of .05, power of .80 and two predictors) was met. This research project received
ethical approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee (No. 4483).
2.3 Measures
Affective symptoms of eco-anxiety were measured using an initial 7-item eco-anxiety
scale based on the GAD-7 (Spitzer et al., 2006). Participants were instructed to indicate how
often they had been bothered by a set of affective symptoms (e.g., “Feeling nervous, anxious, or
on edge”; response scale: 0 = not at all, 1 = several of the days, 2 = over half the days, 3 = nearly
every day) when thinking about climate change and other global environmental conditions (e.g.,
global warming, ecological degradation, resource depletion). We identified a range of
environmental problems in these instructions because research suggests people are anxious about
more than just climate change (see Edwards, 2008; Helm et al., 2018). A two-week time frame
was used in the instructions so that the scale could be used to monitor participant scores over
time and so scores could be compared across people (see also the DASS-21 and GAD-7)
(Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995; Spitzer et al., 2006). Descriptive statistics and reliability
information for measures used in Study One are presented in Table 1.
The focus of people’s eco-anxiety was measured by asking participants to rate their
anxiety levels (from 0 = never, 1 = sometimes, 2 = often, 3 = almost always) when thinking about
seven environmental threats (e.g., climate change, species extinction, ecological degradation)
and six individual behaviours that contribute to the environmental crisis (e.g., their personal
carbon footprint, meat consumption).
Self-identified eco-anxiety was measured by asking participants to self-identify the
extent to which they experienced eco-anxiety (0 = not at all, 1 = sometimes, 2 = often, 3 = almost
always) after they were informed of its definition (“The term ‘eco-anxiety’ is used to describe the
mental and emotional distress an individual may experience in response to the threat of climate
change and global environmental problems”).
Open-ended questions included “What emotions do you feel when thinking about
climate change?” and “In your own words describe how your anxiety or distress about climate
change and global environmental problems impacts you (e.g., impacts your mood, sleeping and
eating habits, relationships, ability to work or study).”
Belief in climate change was measured using two related items from Milfont et al.
(2015): “climate change is real” and “climate change is caused by humans”, with responses
recorded along a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree).
Life satisfaction was measured using Diener et al.’s (1985) 5-item Satisfaction with Life
Scale. Participants indicated the extent to which they are satisfied with their life (e.g., “In most
ways my life is close to my ideal”) from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
Generalised anxiety was measured using the GAD-7 scale (Spitzer et al., 2006).
Participants indicated how often they had been bothered by symptoms of GAD over the last two
weeks (e.g., “Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge”) along a 4-point scale (0 = not at all, 1 =
several of the days, 2 = over half of the days, 3 = nearly every day).
2.4 Results and discussion
2.4.1 Self-identified eco-anxiety. Just over one third (34.2%) of participants indicated they
never experience eco-anxiety, 54.7% experience eco-anxiety some of the time, 9.3% experience
eco-anxiety often, and 1.8% reported they almost always experience eco-anxiety. This suggests
that people relate with the term, and definition provided, and many feel they have experienced
eco-anxiety, thus further justifying the need for an eco-anxiety scale.
2.4.2 Dimensionality of affective symptoms of eco-anxiety. After confirming assumptions
were met1, we conducted Principal Components Analysis (PCA) on our 7-item affective
symptoms of eco-anxiety scale. The scree plot and Kaiser’s criterion supported a single factor
solution explaining 67.12% of the variance. All seven items loaded strongly on this factor (all
> .77), which was interpreted as capturing the affective symptoms of eco-anxiety. The scale
demonstrated excellent internal reliability (𝛼 = .92; see Table S1 for factor loadings).
2.4.3 The focus of people’s eco-anxiety. We also conducted PCA to determine the
dimensionality of the focus of people’s eco-anxiety (13-items). The scree plot and Kaiser’s
criterion supported a two-factor solution. Two items with low primary loadings and high cross-
loadings were removed (anxiety about: “Your carbon footprint”, “Your air travel”), and the
resultant 11-item, two-factor solution explained 73.52% of the variance. The first factor captured
anxiety focused on environmental problems, and the second factor represented anxiety about
one’s personal impact on the planet (see Table S2 for factor loadings), with factors strongly
correlated (r = .61).
To test whether affective symptoms of eco-anxiety were solely experienced in relation to
environmental problems, or if concerns about one’s personal impact also contributed, we used
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) with each focus as a predictor. Environmental problems
anxiety and personal impact anxiety together explained 16.7% of the variance in affective
symptoms of eco-anxiety, R2 = .17, p < .001, and each focus was a unique significant predictor
(environmental problems anxiety: β = .26, p < .001; personal impact anxiety: β = .19, p = .003;
Table S3). This finding demonstrates anxiety about environmental problems and anxiety about
one’s impact on the planet independently contribute to the experience of eco-anxiety, yet this
latter aspect of eco-anxiety is not captured by existing scales in this area.
2.4.4 Content analyses. We analysed participants’ responses to the open-ended questions
and present results of content analysis in Table 2. Just under two-thirds of the sample reported
feeling apprehensive about the environmental crisis (e.g., feeling anxious, worried, concerned,
nervous; 66.47%), which parallel the items in our affective eco-anxiety scale. Importantly,
participants reported that their eco-anxiety impacted their mood and emotionality, daily routine
behaviours (including food consumption, sleeping), concentration and thinking capacity
(including ruminative thoughts), social functioning, ability to work and/or study, and caused
some participants to feel restless, agitated and tense. These latter aspects of eco-anxiety were not
captured by the initial 7-item affective symptoms of eco-anxiety scale but provided support for
our contention that eco-anxiety is multidimensional.
2.4.5 Concurrent and discriminant validity. Kendall’s tau-b correlation showed that
affective symptoms of eco-anxiety were positively and moderately related to self-identified eco-
anxiety (Kendall’s 𝜏b = .43), indicating the more participants resonated with the definition of
eco-anxiety, the more they experienced affective symptoms. Pearson’s correlations confirmed
that affective symptoms of eco-anxiety were positively related to GAD scores (though the
association was not so strong as to indicate they are the same construct, r = .38), negatively and
weakly related to life satisfaction, and (unexpectedly) unrelated to climate change beliefs (see
Table S4). This suggests that while people may believe in anthropogenic climate change, they do
not necessarily experience the affective symptoms of eco-anxiety. Further, these results indicate
that affective symptoms of eco-anxiety is a unique construct, distinct from GAD (see also
Supplementary Materials), life satisfaction and beliefs in climate change. This suggests that
people who do not suffer from forms of anxiety at a clinical or subclinical level may still
experience eco-anxiety (Pihkala, 2020), thus further supporting eco-anxiety as a distinct
2.4.6 Study One conclusions. Our exploration of the dimensionality of eco-anxiety in
Study One demonstrates that people’s anxieties about climate change and other specific
environmental crises are interconnected and merge together to form an undifferentiated
dimension. If we instead observed distinct factors (i.e., a factor representing climate anxiety and
another representing anxiety about ecological degradation), this would have suggested climate
change anxiety is distinct from (rather than subsumed within) eco-anxiety. In addition, Study
One provides quantitative evidence that anxiety about environmental problems and anxiety about
negatively impacting the planet are both important aspects of eco-anxiety. We anticipate that the
remaining variance in affective symptoms of eco-anxiety (that was not explained by
environmental problems anxiety and personal impact anxiety) may be accounted for by general
psychological and emotional distress, and a range of individual and contextual factors (e.g.,
demographic factors, environmental concern, perceptions of risk, and direct and indirect
experience of environmental crises), though this requires further investigation. Qualitative
week period (based on Koo and Li, 2016), though it is an open question whether the other
dimensions of eco-anxiety would be maintained as strongly over time.
3.1 Method
3.2 Participants and procedure
Participants were undergraduate students at Victoria University of Wellington in New
Zealand who had the opportunity to complete our measures twice in exchange for course credit.
The survey was advertised first at the beginning of the university semester and a second time
later in the semester, with students on average completing the two surveys 12-weeks apart. The
second survey was not explicitly advertised as a follow-up survey, rather participants gave
consent for the researchers to link their responses from time one and time two. This research
project received ethical approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee (No. 26451).
To follow best practice and run EFA and CFA on independent samples (Worthington and
Whittaker, 2006), and to run planned analyses on our longitudinal subsample, we created three
independent subsets of participants from the larger dataset. The first two subsets were randomly
drawn from the cross-sectional sample of students who participated in the start of semester
survey (sample one: n = 365; sample two: n = 370). Sample one (79.7% female, Mage = 19.90
years, SDage = 3.59) was used for EFA of the eco-anxiety scale, and sample size was determined
by ensuring minimum EFA sample size requirements were met (Comrey and Lee, 1992). Sample
two (69.7% female, Mage = 19.42, SDage = 2.87) was drawn for the purpose of conducting CFA
on the eco-anxiety scale (the sample size was also sufficient for this analysis; N > 200) (Kline,
The third subset was comprised of the longitudinal sample (n = 189) of students who
participated in both the first and second survey. Sample three was comparable to the first two
subsets along age and gender (75.1% female, Mage = 19.13, SDage = 2.71), and was used to
determine test-retest reliability of the eco-anxiety (sub)scales. Sample size was sufficient based
on Bujang and Baharum (2017), who recommend a sample size of 152 for two observations, a
minimum ICC of .20 and power of .80.
3.3 Measures
Eco-anxiety was measured with the original 7-item affective symptoms of eco-anxiety
measure, and an additional three items measuring ruminative thoughts relating to environmental
issues (e.g., “Unable to stop thinking about future climate change and other global environmental
problems”), three items measuring impairment to behavioural and social functioning (e.g.,
“Difficulty working and/or studying”), and three measuring anxiety about one’s impact on the
planet (e.g., “Feeling anxious about the impact of your personal behaviours on the earth”). This
allowed us to test a potential 16-item scale that captured the full experience of eco-anxiety (see
Table S5 for the full 16-item scale, and Appendix A for the final 13-item scale). The same
instructions were provided as in Study One and responses were measured along the same 4-point
frequency scale (0 = not at all, 3 = nearly every day).
Depression, Anxiety and Stress symptoms were measured using the Depression Anxiety
Stress Scale (DASS-21) (Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995). Seven items measured each subscale:
depression (e.g., “I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all”), anxiety (e.g., “I felt
I was close to panic”) and stress (e.g., “I found it hard to wind down”). Participants indicated
how much/often they have experienced each symptom over the last week using a 4-point scale (0
= did not apply to me at all – Never, 3 = applied to me very much, or most of the time – Almost
Emotion reactivity was measured using the 21-item Emotion Reactivity Scale (Nock et
al., 2008). Participants indicated how they experience emotions on a regular basis (e.g., “I tend to
get very emotional very easily”) using a 5-point scale (0 = not at all like me, 4 = completely like
Climate change belief was measured using the same two items as in Study One.
Credibility of Science was measured using the 6-item Credibility of Science Scale
(Hartman et al., 2017). Participants indicated their evaluations of science (e.g., “People trust
scientists a lot more than they should”) along a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly
agree), which was then recoded so that higher scores indexed greater perceived credibility.
3.4 Results and discussion
3.4.1 Dimensionality of eco-anxiety. After confirming assumptions were met, we
conducted principal components analysis (using oblimin rotation) on the 16-item eco-anxiety
scale using sample one. Results revealed a clearly defined four-factor solution. Three complex
items with low primary loadings and high cross loadings were removed: “Being so restless that
it’s hard to sit still”, “Trouble relaxing”, and “Becoming easily annoyed or irritable” (Table S5),
suggesting that while these experiences are central to generalised anxiety, they are not
characteristic of eco-anxiety. The resultant four-factor 13-item final solution (n = 343 due to
listwise deletion; factor loadings are presented in Table 3) explained 82.15% of the variance. The
first factor represents feelings of anxiety, accounting for 50.06% of the variance. The second
factor (20.09%) represents ruminative thoughts about negative environmental events. The third
factor (6.33%) represents behavioural symptoms of eco-anxiety, including difficulty sleeping,
working and/or studying, and socialising with others. The fourth factor (5.67%) represents
anxiety about one’s personal impact on the planet. The subscales demonstrated excellent internal
reliability (Table 4).
To confirm this factor structure, we conducted CFA with sample two (n = 342 due to the
listwise deletion) using Lavaan (Rosseel, 2012) in RStudio. We compared the four-factor model
to a one-factor model2. The four-dimensional model showed better model fit: 2(59) = 200.96,
CFI = .96, TLI = .95, RMSEA = .08 (90% CI [.07, .10]), SRMR = .07 (see Table 5 for factor
loadings), compared to the one-dimensional model: 2(65) = 1568.88, CFI = .58, TLI = .50,
RMSEA = .26 (90% CI [.25, .27]), SRMR = .19; Δ2(6) = 1367.92, p < .001. Support for the
four-factor model in both independent samples demonstrates that eco-anxiety is a
multidimensional construct, comprised of affective symptoms, rumination, behavioural
symptoms and anxiety about one’s personal impact on the planet.
3.4.2 Concurrent and discriminant validity. Descriptive statistics for (and correlations
between) mean scores on each eco-anxiety subscale and correlates are shown for sample one in
Table 4 and sample two in Table S6. The mean scores for the dimensions of eco-anxiety indicate
that on average people experience each facet of eco-anxiety for several of the days over a two-
week period. A high mean score for belief in climate change
indicates that participants tend to accept anthropogenic climate change. Correlations demonstrate
that the eco-anxiety subscales were either moderately or strongly correlated with one another,
although behavioural symptoms and rumination were weakly related in sample one. Therefore,
individuals who often experience affective symptoms are also likely to experience behavioural
symptoms, and those who occasionally experience affective symptoms typically do not
experience behavioural impairments. Likewise, those who ruminate on environmental issues are
likely to experience more anxiety about their personal impact on the planet, and the converse:
people who are largely unconcerned about their personal impact on the planet likely spend little
time thinking about environmental problems. Moreover, ruminating on environmental issues
does not necessarily translate to more affective and behavioural symptoms, and one may
3.4.3 Internal and test-retest reliability (sample three). The subscales demonstrated
excellent internal reliability at both time points (𝛼 > .82 for all subscales). To test the stability of
eco-anxiety scores over time (n = 162 due to incomplete pairs of scores), we calculated Intraclass
Correlation Coefficient (ICC) estimates for each subscale. These were based on a mean-rating (k
= 2), absolute-agreement, 2-way mixed-effects model (Koo and Li, 2016). We found that
affective and behavioural symptoms were less stable over time than rumination and personal
impact anxiety, as indicated by weaker ICCs (affective symptoms: ICC = .55, 95% CI [.39, .67];
behavioural symptoms: ICC = .58, 95% CI [.41, .70]; rumination: ICC = .67, 95% CI [.55, .76];
personal impact anxiety: ICC = .74, 95% CI [.65, .81]).
3.4.4 Study Two conclusions. Taken together, our findings support eco-anxiety as a
quantifiable psychological experience that is reliably measured using the 13-item Hogg Eco-
Anxiety Scale (HEAS-13; Appendix A). Each dimension of eco-anxiety demonstrated good
internal reliability and strong discriminant validity, with interesting patterns emerging in the
correlations between the eco-anxiety subscales and mental health measures, and personal impact
anxiety and acceptance of climate change. Findings on the stability of the dimensions of eco-
anxiety suggest that some aspects of eco-anxiety are persistent over time (rumination and
personal impact anxiety), while others (affective and behavioural symptoms) fluctuate more
across time. It is possible that symptomatic eco-anxiety is more responsive to environmental
stimuli, including major environmental events (e.g., weather events and natural disasters) and
representations of climate change in the media, which are typically designed to increase
awareness and concern about environmental issues. Meanwhile, ruminative and personal impact
concerns may persist to a greater extent over time as they are driven and maintained by
cognitions (e.g., thoughts about the environment and one’s personal behaviours). However, it is
possible that we would observe more gradual changes in symptoms of eco-anxiety over a shorter
timeframe (e.g., two to four weeks). Indeed, further research on the stability of eco-anxiety
dimensions, and contextual factors that ameliorate or exacerbate eco-anxiety, is warranted.
5.0 Discussion
Our programme of research documented experiences of anxiety in response to the
environmental crisis, culminating in a comprehensive new eco-anxiety scale. In successfully
validating this multidimensional measure of eco-anxiety, we contribute to the existing literature
in several notable ways. Our measure is the first and only validated measure of eco-anxiety that
captures anxiety in response to the global environmental crisis, making it distinct from existing
scales that specifically measure climate change anxiety (e.g., Clayton and Karazsia, 2020;
Helferich et al., 2020; Materia, 2016). In addition, we establish eco-anxiety as a
multidimensional construct, comprised of four underlying factors.
Consistent with Clayton and Karazsia’s (2020) climate change anxiety measure, we
identified affective and behavioural symptoms as important characteristics of eco-anxiety.
Although Clayton and Karazsia’s cognitive-emotional impairment facet blended negative
emotionality, cognitive disturbance and some physical manifestations, such as crying and
difficulty sleeping, these symptoms are disentangled into different subfactors of the HEAS-13;
assessing negative emotionality within a distinct affective subscale, and showing this dimension
relates to experiences of mental ill-health in distinct ways to the behavioural dimension. Similar
to Clayton and Karazsia, we found that rumination (in the HEAS-13, this is in the form of eco-
anxiety-driven rumination) was an important aspect of eco-anxiety, with meaningful patterns of
associations. Our research contributes new findings to the climate change anxiety and eco-
anxiety literature by showing anxiety about one’s personal impact is a unique dimension of eco-
anxiety with distinct correlates. Overall, our accumulated evidence on eco-anxiety and climate
change anxiety enhances our confidence in the existence of affective and behavioural
impairments and rumination, and can forge new research on the role of personal impact anxiety.
Previous researchers have argued that it is difficult to differentiate eco-anxiety from
clinical and subclinical forms of anxiety (Helm et al., 2018; Pihkala, 2018; Swim et al., 2009).
Further complicating past conceptualisations of eco-anxiety, various emotions and mental states
often co-occur, and are therefore difficult to disentangle; an individual may feel depressed first
and foremost, but in the background also experience eco-emotions, such as eco-anxiety (Pihkala,
2018). However, we showed that affective and behavioural symptoms of eco-anxiety were
mostly moderately related to negative mental health outcomes, indicating that while there is
some overlap between constructs, the underlying dimensions of eco-anxiety are, in fact, distinct
from stress, anxiety and depression. In addition, the tendency to ruminate on environmental
events and anxiety about one’s personal impact were significantly related to mental health
outcomes and emotion reactivity. Although these associations were weak to moderate by
Cohen’s (1988) guidelines, and suggest that many people who experience these dimensions of
eco-anxiety may not simultaneously experience poor mental health, the finding dovetails with a
growing body of research that indicates negative eco-emotions may be modest but consistent
correlates and predictors of self-rated mental ill-health (Ogunbode et al., 2021; Stanley et al.,
2021; Stewart, 2021) and sleep problems (Ogunbode et al., 2021). It is also worth noting that in
other research contexts correlations around .30 have meaningful practical and real-world
implications, for example, neuroticism is a robust predictor of various anxiety disorders, with
correlations varying around .30 (Kotov et al., 2010). Additionally, social psychological effects
are typically consistent with an r-value of .21 (Richard et al., 2003). As such, the extent to
which eco-anxiety facets relate to health and wellbeing constructs should not be overlooked.
Our results demonstrate that the HEAS-13 is a useful tool for scholars and clinicians
interested in measuring anxiety in response to the environmental crisis. In addition, the brief (13-
item) nature of the HEAS-13 makes it an easily administered tool. We recommend that
researchers calculate a mean score for each dimension of eco-anxiety, with higher scores
indicating a greater average of frequency. We note that the HEAS-13 assesses how an individual
has generally felt over the last two weeks (as per the scale instructions), and is therefore designed
to measure enduring forms of eco-anxiety, consistent with our findings on its relative stability
over time. The HEAS-13 will facilitate monitoring eco-anxiety over time and interrogating the
causes and correlates of eco-anxiety. For example, our scale could be used to assess how eco-
anxious people in the community generally are, or the extent of eco-anxiety experienced in the
aftermath of an extreme weather event or natural disaster (e.g., two weeks post bushfire), and
during longer term recovery (e.g., 6-12 months post disaster). Because of this focus on enduring
forms of eco-anxiety, the HEAS-13 is not recommended for capturing reactive states of eco-
anxiety—transient eco-anxious responses to adverse conditions at a specific moment in time.
There are many reasons for and benefits of taking a broader perspective to examine
anxiety in relation to a multitude of environmental issues. Our research, in conjunction with
media reports, case studies and existing literature (e.g., Dockett, 2019; Hickman, 2020; Pihkala,
2020), demonstrate that eco-anxiety is a quantifiable phenomenon and important part of people’s
lived experience. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider when trying to better understand
environmentally related anxiety, separate from or in conjunction with (sub)clinical forms of
anxiety an individual may experience. Conceptually, eco-anxiety sits at a higher level of
abstraction and in the context of research, may pair well with other similarly high-level human
behaviours, including PEBs. However, researchers may be interested in specific categories of
human behaviour, such as low carbon behaviours, and if this is the case then measuring anxiety
in relation to specific environmental conditions, such as climate change, is certainly warranted.
While Clayton and Karazsia’s (2020) Climate Change Anxiety Scale is a useful tool, we also
present guidelines for adapting the instructions and items of the HEAS-13 to measure anxiety
relating to specific environmental problems (e.g., climate change, global warming, ecological
degradation, pollution, deforestation; refer to Supplementary Materials). Employing adapted
versions of the HEAS-13 for validation is a promising next step for future research, and
adherence to these guidelines will facilitate consistent measurement across studies.
It is worth noting that our research does not intend to psychopathologise eco-anxiety. We,
along with many other researchers, warn against pathologising psychological and emotional
responses to the environmental crisis, because doing so assumes these responses are maladaptive,
unhelpful, or disproportionate to the threat posed (e.g., Clayton, 2020; Clayton and Karazsia,
2020; Hickman, 2020; Pihkala, 2020). Eco-anxiety and climate change anxiety are rational
responses, given the enormity of the crisis (Lawton, 2019; Pihkala, 2020). Perhaps what is most
important is understanding and supporting people with varying degrees of eco-anxiety, and
recognising that severe eco-anxiety (as indicated by higher scores on our eco-anxiety subscales)
can be debilitating and paralysing (Hickman, 2020; Pihkala, 2020). Further, to the extent one’s
day to day functioning and quality of life are affected, eco-anxiety may merit clinical attention
(Taylor, 2020). As our sample largely experienced mild eco-anxiety (mean scores corresponding
to experiencing dimensions of eco-anxiety for several of the days across a two-week period), we
cannot make inferences about those at the top end of the eco-anxiety scale from our data.
Addressing this limitation will involve future research with individuals suffering from high
levels of eco-anxiety to understand their experiences and how to support them. Indeed,
psychologists are uniquely positioned within the health industry to assess and attend to
individual differences in experiences and presentations of eco-anxiety. Further research to
validate the HEAS-13 in clinical samples and establish clinical norms of eco-
anxiety would facilitate its use in clinical settings as a potential screening tool to identify
individuals suffering with severe eco-anxiety, compared to those in the general population.
Research attention on the co-morbidity of eco-anxiety and mental illness (e.g., Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, eating disorders, Major Depressive Disorder, delusional guilt) should also
continue. While we found that eco-anxious people do not necessarily report symptoms of
psychological disorders, Hickman (2020) suggests that individuals may experience more
complex and severe eco-anxiety due to existing mental health problems. For example, Hickman
proposes an individual with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder might compulsively check climate
science publications. This behaviour could stem from the disorder itself, or be the result of severe
eco-anxiety, or the interaction of both (Hickman, 2020).
Because young adults are especially at risk of experiencing climate change anxiety (e.g.,
Clayton and Karazsia, 2020; Searle and Gow, 2010), our initial focus on university student
samples was an important first population to explore. However, our samples were predominantly
female, and without a nationally representative sample, our research cannot estimate the
prevalence and severity of eco-anxiety among the general population, which is the next step for
this research. Consistent with this line of research, we recommend investigating and comparing
the prevalence and manifestation of eco-anxiety and its distinct dimensions amongst different
populations of people, such as young people and women (Clayton et al., 2014; USGCRP, 2016),
and those residing in areas most susceptible to the impacts of climate and environmental change
(Hayes et al., 2018). For example, because young people’s futures will be more affected by
environmental crises, future research could test whether young people experience greater
affective and behavioural symptoms than older adults (Burke et al., 2018; Hickman, 2020).
While our 13-item scale is uniquely positioned to test this sort of question, its application to the
Global South and to Indigenous peoples requires further investigation, as our research drew
samples from two developed Western countries. It is possible that eco-anxiety will manifest
differently (e.g., with different dimensions, or different associations) in the Global South, where
people are disproportionately affected by the negative consequences of climate change, with
limited capacity to prevent, adapt and recover from such consequences. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that those at the forefront of climate injustice experience eco-anxiety as a combination
of frustration, anger, rage and burnout, while those in the developed world feel a greater sense of
anxiety, guilt and personal responsibility for contributing to the problem (Wray, 2021).
Another promising avenue for future research is to explore the antecedents of eco-
anxiety, including (in)direct experience of environmental crises. Most people regularly
experience climate change and other environmental problems indirectly via the media or public
discourse (Doherty and Clayton, 2011; Reser and Swim, 2011; Swim et al., 2009). The resulting
awareness of climate change and fear of the unknown is sufficient to cause psychological distress
(Clayton and Karazsia, 2020). Thus, direct exposure to environmental problems is not a
necessary precondition to suffering negative mental health outcomes (Swim et al., 2009).
However, as the environmental crisis worsens, increasing numbers of people will experience
environmental problems directly, and while the resultant effect on eco-anxiety is as yet unknown,
direct experience with ecological problems will likely become an increasingly prevalent
In addition to exploring the antecedents of eco-anxiety, we recommend further study on
whether certain levels on each dimension of eco-anxiety are optimal for both the individual and
the planet (e.g., promote PEB without endangering individual wellbeing). As noted earlier,
rumination and anxiety about one’s personal impact on the planet do not directly contribute to
negative mental health outcomes and may promote engagement in PEB. For example, it is
expected that ruminating on environmental events will motivate people to engage in PEBs that
help mitigate environmental crises (Hornsey et al., 2016), and keeping environmentalism ‘top of
mind’ through repeated thoughts may reduce one of the dragons of climate inaction (Gifford,
2011). Similarly, an anticipated outcome of feeling anxious about personally contributing to the
state of the planet is that people will engage in environmental activism and/or adopt low carbon
lifestyles to reduce their impact on the environment. Conversely, research should also examine
whether there are aspects of eco-anxiety that are harmful for the individual, and in turn the
planet. For example, impaired behavioural functioning related to eco-anxiety (e.g., difficulties
sleeping) may hinder engagement in PEB.
The relationship between eco-anxiety and PEB is important, especially because engaging
in PEB may prove to be an effective strategy for coping with eco-anxiety, particularly if it is in a
context of high collective and participative efficacy (Bamberg et al., 2015). Examining the
effectiveness of intervention strategies that are designed to help individuals manage their eco-
anxiety, including therapies centered on PEB, is an important avenue for future research.
Organisations such as the Australian Psychological Society and Reach Out provide general
resources to the community about coping with eco-anxiety, including advice to engage in PEBs,
maintain strong social support networks, and a sense of hope. However, there is limited evidence
for these interventions, which is required to ensure the effective implementation and
communication of intervention strategies within the community.
5.1 Conclusions
Our research has shown that eco-anxiety is a quantifiable and multifaceted psychological
experience. The Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale (HEAS-13) exhibited a unique four-dimensional
structure and a high degree of reliability and validity. The dimensions of eco-anxiety varied in
stability and had interesting patterns of associations with mental health measures and beliefs
about climate change. Researchers and clinicians can use this scale to assess how eco-anxious
people in the community generally are, and monitor eco-anxiety scores over time, especially in
the wake of significant environmental events. We encourage clinicians to recognise the spectrum
of human experience and examine eco-anxiety within clinical populations, providing appropriate
therapeutic support for individuals with severe eco-anxiety. For all those using it, the Hogg Eco-
Anxiety Scale should facilitate a better understanding of the antecedents and outcomes of eco-
anxiety, and the differential effects of eco-anxiety on different populations of people.
Appendix A
The Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale (HEAS-13) instructions:
“Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems, when
thinking about climate change and other global environmental conditions (e.g., global
warming, ecological degradation, resource depletion, species extinction, ozone hole,
pollution of the oceans, deforestation)?”
Response scale: 0 = not at all, 1 = several of the days, 2 = over half the days, 3 = nearly every
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Table 1. Descriptive and reliability information for the measures in Study One.
Mood and emotionality 20.06% “Impacts my mood by making me
extremely anxious”
Daily routine behaviours (e.g., food consumption, 11.38% “Makes me too nervous to eat”
sleeping) “Keeps me up at night”
Concentration and thinking capacity (e.g., ruminative 5.99% “Harder to concentrate, constantly
thoughts) think about how my actions affect the
Ability to work and/or study 4.49% “Impacts my ability to work or study”
Table 3. Final factor loadings from Principal Components Analysis of the 13-item eco-anxiety scale (n = 343 following listwise
deletion) from Study Two, sample one.
Table 4. Associations between eco-anxiety subscales, mental health measures and climate change belief measures from Study Two,
sample one.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. Affective symptoms --
Dimensions of eco-anxiety
2. Rumination .40*** --
Scale reliability .92 .90 .86 .88 .83 .83 .91 .95 .90 .64***
Note. Reliability analyses reported are the Spearman-Browne coefficient for 2-item scales, and Cronbach’s alpha for scales with 3 or
more items. ***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05.
Table 5. Standardised factor loadings from the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (n = 342) of the 13-item eco-anxiety scale (Study Two,
sample two).
Item Affective Rumination Behavioural Anxiety about
symptoms symptoms personal
Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge .898
Unable to stop thinking about future climate change and other .862
global environmental problems
Visual examination of the scatterplots and inspection of the skewness statistic confirmed associations between items were
linear and data were normally distributed and suitable for analysis (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin statistic = .90; Bartlett’s test of