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dm2023 0146

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

April 13, 2023

No. 2023 -_



SUBJECT: Interim Guidelines on the Management and Administration of

COVID-19 Vaccine Second Booster Doses


On 20
March 2023, the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued
the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) expanding
provision of a second (2nd)
booster dose to the general population including healthy adults aged 18 to 49 years old.
In addition, on 31 March 2023, the Health Technology Assessment
(HTA) Council
recommended the utilization of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca COVID-
19 Vaccines as 2nd booster for adults aged 18 to 49
years old without comorbidities.
Relative thereto, the current eligible population for the COVID-19 vaccine second
booster dose is hereby expanded.

This Department Memorandum (DM)

issued to provide guidance to all
concerned agencies, Regional Vaccination Operations Centers (RVOCs) or Centers for
Health Development (CHDs) and the Ministry of Health - Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (MOH-BARMM), Local Vaccination Operations Center
(LVOCs) or Local Government Units (LGUs), Provincial/City/Municipal Health
Offices (P/C/MHOs), Rural Health Units (RHUs), Implementing Units, and
Vaccination Sites, both public and private, on the management and administration of
the COVID-19 Vaccines as 2nd booster for adults aged 18
years old and above.
A. Eligible Population Groups and Authorized COVID-19 Vaccines as 2nd
1. Individuals 18
years old and above are eligible to be given a 2nd COVID-19
booster dose, either homologous or
heterologous with the following COVID-19
vaccines with approved EUAs issued by the
Philippine FDA:
a. Tozinameran/Comirnaty [Pfizer] COVID-19 vaccine
b. Spikevax [Moderna] COVID-19 vaccine
c. Vaxzevria [AstraZeneca] COVID-19 vaccine

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila ¢ Trunk Line 8651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113
Direct Line: 8711-9502; 8711-9503 Fax: 8743-1829 @ URL: http://www.doh.gov.ph; e-mail: dohosec@doh.gov.ph
2. Immunocompromised populations (ICPs) ages 18 years old and above,
regardless of Priority Group classification, are eligible to be given a 2nd
COVID-19 booster dose, either homologous
heterologous with the following
COVID-19 vaccines with approved EUAs issued by the Philippine FDA:
Tozinameran/Comirnaty [Pfizer] COVID-19 vaccine
Spikevax [Moderna] COVID-19 vaccine
Vaxzevria [AstraZeneca] COVID-19 vaccine
eae Coronavac [Sinovac] COVID-19 vaccine
Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines

3. Immunocompromised individuals is defined as individuals with/are:

Immunodeficiency state;
Active cancer or malignancy;
Transplant recipients;
Undergoing steroid treatment;
Patients with poor prognosis / bed-ridden patients; and
Other conditions of immunodeficiency as certified by physician

4. Pregnant and lactating women ages 18 years old and above areeligible to be
given a 2nd COVID-19 booster dose, either homologous or
heterologous with
the following COVID-19 vaccines with approved EUAs issued by the
Philippine FDA:
a, Tozinameran/Comirnaty [Pfizer] COVID-19 vaccine
b. Spikevax [Moderna] COVID-19 vaccine
c. Vaxzevria [AstraZeneca] COVID-19 vaccine

. COVID-19 vaccines authorized with EUA for administration as second booster

dose and immunization schedule for eligible populations are detailed in Annex A.

- The COVID-19 vaccination program, including expansion of eligibility for

additional / booster doses of other COVID-19 vaccine products, shall adopt future
or the
regulatory amendments from the FDA and recommendations from the
provision of the COVID-19 Vaccine second booster doses. Copies of
the EUA and product information for vaccine recipients and healthcare providers
may be accessed at www.fda.gov.ph/list-of-fda-issued-emergency-use-

. Clarificatory guidelines and policies may be issued by the Public Health Services
Team and Field Implementation and Coordination Team as deemed appropriate.

. Allocation and Distribution of Vaccines

1. The RVOCs/CHDs shall assess their historical experience and current capacity
of all the LVOC/LGUs, implementing units, and vaccination
sites to efficiently
roll out the COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca as
second booster doses.
2. The CHDs/RVOCs shall request the number of stocks they are able to
efficiently roll out through the Field Implementation and Coordination Team.
The FICT shall consolidate and endorse all requests to the Disease Prevention
and Control Bureau - Finance and Supply Chain Monitoring Division (DPCB-
3. The DPCB-FSCMD shall assess all requests, finalize the allocation list then
endorse the approved allocation list to the Supply Chain Management Service
(SCMS) as the basis for the distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine.
4, The CHDs/RVOCs may directly allocate and distribute COVID-19 vaccines
vaccination sites, in coordination with LVOC/LGUs.
5. All other procedures regarding supply chain management shall follow DM
2022-0488, with the subject “Interim Operational Guidelines on the COVID-19
Vaccines Cold Chain and Logistic Operations Process Flow for All Public and
Private Health Facilities and Offices”, DC 2021-0439, with the subject
“Operational Guidelines on the Reverse Logistics of COVID-19 vaccines” and
all other relevant policies, guidelines, and advisories released by the DOH.

F. Vaccination materials such as the informed consent form, health screening and
assessment forms may be
accessed through this link: bit.ly/2ndBoosterForms.
G. Second booster vaccinations shall be encoded in the Vaccine Information
Management System (VIMS) along with all other COVID-19 vaccinations

H. Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 2023-0007, known

asthe “Revised Omnibus
Guidelines on the Surveillance and Management of Adverse Events Following
Immunization (AEFI)”, all disease reporting units (DRUs), including public and
private health institutions and facilities, and vaccination sites shall strictly comply
and report all AEFIs regardless of case severity through the VigiFlow pending
national implementation of the contextually adapted AEFI Information System
through the release of an official issuance.

I. Protocols for the management of AEFIs and Adverse Events of Special Interest
(AESIs) shall follow the provisions of the approved COVID-19 vaccine EUA the
FDA, succeeding guidelines from the FDA, and other recognized professional
organizations and regulatory bodies, as new evidence arises. Interim AEFI
Pathways may be accessed at: bit.ly/RESBAKUNA Factsheets.

J. In consideration of the transition of information systems, reporting guidelines in the

corresponding information system shall be released and disseminated by the
Epidemiology Bureau.


A. No Wrong Door Policy in All Vaccination Sites

1. Current stocks of COVID-19 vaccines shall be used for primary series,

additional dose and booster dose vaccination for all
eligible populations based
on prevailing guidelines.

2. For vaccine recipients who seek COVID-19 Vaccine

as a second booster dose,
but are yet to complete the necessary primary series and first booster dose, as
eligible to their priority group, shall be provided, scheduled, advised to have
their recommended COVID-19 vaccination. If the requesting party is not
eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, they shall be offered other primary care
services, based on the life stage. For further details, the Omnibus Health
Guidelines per Life Stage may beaccessed at bit.ly/OmnibusHealthGuidelines.

B. Contextualized Local Implementation

1. All LGUs shall ensure that COVID-19 vaccination is integrated and offered
routinely and regularly through their primary care facilities.
2. LVOCs/LGUs shall plan out their operational approach based on their
prevailing context and historical experience to maximize coverage and
efficiency in utilization of available stocks (e.g. facility-based, fixed site,
pharmacies, outreach, house-to-house or mobile vaccination, after-hours,
scheduled appointments, walk-in, drive-through or a combination of any of the
above). The following may serve as in
a guide strategizing operations:
a. The recommended strategy is to maximize all options for feasible
vaccination sites and adopt settings-based approaches to bring vaccination
to settings that people already frequent, such as the utilization of fixed posts
(health centers, barangay health stations, school clinics). The establishment
of temporary posts in barangays or in accessible public places (malls) and
the deployment of mobile vaccination may also be taken into consideration.
The vaccination may be integrated with any national and local vaccination
b. The previously recommended strategies may be utilized in addition to
house-to-house activities such as masterlisting to determine the remaining
unvaccinated for scheduling of vaccination.
c. If deemed necessary, the LVOC/LGU may focus limited resources and
traffic demand a single or a few implementing units or vaccination sites.
The LVOC/LGU may also employ mobile or house-to-house vaccination to
reach out individuals with mobility challenges.
d. Queue management: The LVOC/LGU shall decide whether to adopt
scheduled appointments, walk-in, or a combination of both depending on
latest experience, human resource availability, and technical capacity for
scheduling appointments and following up recipients.
e. Population age groups and applicable vaccination strategies are detailed in
Annex B.

C. Integrated Health Service Delivery

1. LVOCs/LGUs shall gradually integrate all services intended at the primary care
level, as guided by the Omnibus Health Guidelines, which can be accessed
through §bit.ly/OmnibusHealthGuidelines.

2. Primary care facilities such as the Rural Health Units (RHU) and Barangay
Health Stations (BHS) including schools and other identified vaccination sites
shall be utilized for routine immunization activities across life stages integrating
COVID-19 vaccinations.

3. Vaccination sites shall offer and recommend other routine health services
corresponding to the vaccine recipient’s life stage (e.g. reproductive health,
nutrition, immunization, deworming, health screening services for various
diseases or disorders, linkage or coordination for further management, if
necessary), provided that provision of medicines, drugs, or vaccines do not have
a contraindication to co-administration, or that the additional service provided
does not unduly delay the vaccination site processes. The following operational
strategies may be used:
a. Incorporation of screening forms, prompts, or questions to elicit clinical
suspicion of a disease, or to identify the need for promotive or preventive
health services
b. Addition of stations with assignment of human resources to perform the
above task, while vaccine recipients are waiting for their turn in the post-
vaccination monitoring area, or between other stations.

D. Micro Planning and Mapping

1. Microplanning by all LGUs and implementing units; and mapping of

vaccination workforce, implementing units and vaccination sites shall be
continuously conducted during the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out.

To vaccinate the remaining unvaccinated, comprehensive macro- and

microplans shall be established entailing the placement of vaccination sites at
strategic locations and the provision of context-specific service delivery
strategies. The following strategies are recommended to target the
a. Coordinate with local leaders and community health workers to identify
vaccine-hesitant individuals and explore the reasons behind the hesitation.
b. Focus social mobilization activities in the identified barangays. Ensure the
presence of key influencers/champions in the barangay, highlighting the
benefits of vaccination through the influencers’ testimonies. Small group

address personal concerns.

discussions are the preferred mode provide more personal messaging to

¢. Focus the deployment of more vaccination teams to these identified areas,

to include volunteers from medical societies, civil society organizations,
private sectors, and faith-based organizations.
d. Streamline vaccination process to mirror routine vaccination activities
(symptomatic screening for COVID-19 symptoms, shortening and
simplifying health screening checklist).
e. Form more vaccination teams for mobile vaccination and temporary post
vaccination, as needed. Provide daily quota per vaccination team based on
the target per barangay or catchment area.

E. Vaccination Process

1. The vaccination site shall ensure the following across all steps in the
recommended process flow for vaccine administration from registration, health
education, screening, vaccine administration, and post-vaccination monitoring:
a, Strict adherence to minimum public health standards shall be implemented,
especially on appropriate distancing, adequate ventilation based on
threshold set by Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
Department Order 224-21 otherwise known as Guidelines on ventilation for
Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the Spread of
COVID-19, and administrative controls against crowding;
b. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials, such as
videos, pamphlets, flipcharts, leaflets, and brochures shall be made available
in any area of the vaccination site, especially in the waiting area and post-
vaccination monitoring area.
c. Priority shall be provided for the senior citizen; pregnant women and
separate lanes for the pediatric population.
d. There is no need to pool vaccine recipients to maximize a single vial
cognizant of the need to provide timely provision of needed doses of
COVID-19 vaccine to intended recipients.

2. Health Education and Informed Consent Area

a. Depending on the eligibility, vaccine recipients shall submit the necessary

documents to the vaccination team (Refer to Annex C for the list of
vaccination requirements per eligible population group, list of valid
identification cards, proof filiation, and list of comorbidities requiring
medical clearance and certification)

b. There shall be a dedicated health education area for the whole vaccination
site where IEC materials shall be made available. A projector shall be set up

in this area, or the least, flipchart for health education purposes.
The health education and informed consent step can be integrated
with other steps of the vaccination process to streamline the
processes in the vaccination site.
ii. Ensure that a health educatoris available at all times to provide
vaccine recipients with the necessary information and to answer any

ce. After thorough health education which includes explaining benefits, risks
and possible side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines and prior
to the vaccine
administration, the vaccination team shall seek informed consent. (Refer to
Annex Dfor a guide on the proper processof securing an informed consent.)
i. Adult vaccine recipients shall sign two (2) copies of the informed
consent form. One (1) copy shall be provided to the patient and one
(1) to be kept by the vaccination team.
ii. The health education and informed consent step can be integrated
with other steps to streamline the processes in the vaccination site.

3. Health Screening Area

a. At the screening area, the personnel assigned shall scan the patient’s QR or
Unique Code. Eligible vaccine recipients shall be clinically assessed for
COVID-19 symptoms, comorbidities, and other important clinical
information. Contraindications and precautions stated in the EUA of FDA,
as well as recommendations from the HTAC, shall be followed for
b. For the adult population, screening for potential allergies to vaccine
components, food, and medicines, pregnancy, vaccination with other
COVID-19 vaccines, history of bleeding disorders, possible symptoms of
COVID-19 infection, exposure to COVID-19, vaccination with other non-
COVID vaccines, pregnancy. Blood pressure measurement prior to
vaccination of the adult population shall not be required but can be done at
the discretion of the vaccination team in the vaccination sites.

The latest health screening form shall be used in screening the eligible
vaccine recipients. Forms shall be regularly updated based on latest
available evidence and the latest version shall remain publicly available for

. Doctors shall be the preferred health screeners for the vaccination program.
If there is shortage of medical doctors as health screeners, trained nurses
shall be deployed or assigned, under the supervision of the vaccination site
supervisor. The screening form may also be accomplished by the vaccine
recipients prior to the vaccination day through LGU-facilitated house to
house screening or facilitated self-assessment guidance to the public.
However, the on-site vaccination team shall validate the content of the forms
prior to vaccination.

The vaccination of people falling under the following categories shall be

temporarily deferred for vaccination until resolution of the following
i. Persons presenting with symptoms such as fever/chills, headache,
cough, colds, sore throat, myalgia, fatigue, weakness, loss of
smell/taste, diarrhea, shortness breath/ difficulty in breathing, and
rashes shall be referred to a physician for clinical evaluation. These
individuals may be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine only
after full recovery from the acute illness as certified by their
attending physician based on current management guidelines.
ii. Vaccination sites shall ensure that only patients presenting with a
hypertensive emergency (sBP> 180 and/or dBP >120 plus with signs
and symptoms of organ damage) shall be deferred vaccination.
Vaccination shall be rescheduled until the condition is clinically
controlled. Elevated BP readings without any signs and symptoms
of organ damage are not cause for deferral of vaccination. However,
individuals with elevated blood pressure not classified as
hypertensive emergency shall be observed 30-60 minutes after
vaccination to monitor for evolving signs or symptoms of
hypertensive emergency.
iii. Persons who have active COVID-19 infections. However, vaccine
recipients who have recovered or completed treatment in
the latest protocols on isolation and quarantine period can be
line with

vaccinated, whether for first or second dose, without restarting the

vaccine dose schedule.
iv. Persons who have received any non-COVID-19 vaccine dose in the
past 14 daysor plans to receive another vaccine following COVID-
19 vaccination. This is to standardize implementation and limit
confounding variables during the Adverse Event Following
Immunization (AEFI) causality investigations. However, urgent
vaccination such as anti rabies, tetanus, or immunoglobulins for
animal bite and other life-threatening or critical situations may be
provided that is a shared decision between the patient and the
attending health care professional.
Pregnant and lactating women shall not be given vaccines
contraindicated for this special population. Pregnant and lactating
women intheir first trimester may be vaccinated provided
is a joint
decision by the patient and the attending physician, evidenced by a
medical clearance. See Annex A for further details.
vi. For vaccine recipients whose booster dose shall be delayed due
deferment guidelines, the booster dose may be provided
immediately after the prescribed periods in the deferment guidelines
without a maximum time interval, unless otherwise indicated.

4. Vaccination Administration

a. Specific vaccine administration strategies may be adopted per vaccine

following the most updated product specifications or clinical practice
guidelines that shall be regularly updated based on the best available

b. At the vaccination administration area, the vaccinator shall:

1 Thoroughly review the informed consent, health screening and
declaration forms to verify eligibility of the vaccine recipient and
ensure that the mentioned forms are properly signed.
it. Review the information in the vaccination card (for second,
additional, or booster doses) to determine the date and the vaccine
brand of the first booster dose administered, and calculate the dose
iii. Verify the vaccine brand, formulation and expiration date of vaccine
to be administered.
@ Shelf life of vaccines are extended as COVID-19 manufacturers
update their data and evidence on the stability of their products.
The local EUA holders submit their request for amendment to
the FDA and extensions are processed per batch and per brand
after the completion of the updated stability studies.
e The monitoring sheet with the complete batch and lot numbers,
printed expiration dates and the latest extension of shelf life may
be viewed through: bit.ly/C19ShelfLifeExtensionMonitoring
® Check the monitoring sheet regularly and cascade to the
implementing units as needed.
e A digital or print copy of the most updated monitoring sheet
must be available in all vaccination sites at all times. These may
be used as reference of vaccination teams and vaccinees to
clarify the shelf life extension of the vaccine batches being
administered in their site.
iv. Prepare and administer the vaccine using the correct technique
indicated in vaccine-specific guidance based on its product
Record the vaccine administration and other pertinent information
in the vaccination card.
vi. Prior to inoculation, check the appropriateness of the product for the
vaccine recipient and ensure the vaccine to be administered is not
expired and has been stored in the appropriate temperature. Strictly
comply with the instructions of the product label of the vaccine
product. Specific vaccine administration strategies may be adopted
per vaccine.
vii. Draw vaccines from a designated clean medication area that is not
adjacent to areas where potentially contaminated items are placed.
Multi-dose vials to be used for more than one patient shall not be
kept or accessed in the immediate patient treatment area. To prevent
contamination of the vial, cleanliness and absence of potentially
contaminated equipment shall be ensured at all times.
viii. Ensure that vials do not contain any indications of possible
contamination and chemical reactions due to mishandling (e.g.
discoloration, presence of particulates), as provided in the vaccine-
specific policies issued by the DOH. In such cases, these vials shall
be disposed following set protocols as outlined in Department
Memorandum No. 2021-0031, otherwise known as, Interim
Guidelines on the Management of Health Care Wastes Generated
from COVID-19 Vaccination.
ix. Prepare and disinfect the skin prior to vaccine administration by
using the following steps:
e Apply a 60-70% alcohol-based solution (isopropyl alcohol or
ethanol) on a single use swab or cotton-wool ball. Do not use
methanol or methyl-alcohol as these are not safe for human use.
e Wipe the area from the center of the injection site working
outwards, without going over the area.
e Apply the solution for 30 seconds then allow it to dry
x. Administer the vaccine intramuscularly, in the deltoid muscle.

5. Post-vaccination monitoring area

a. The vaccination team at the post vaccination monitoring area shall be

composed of two (2) composite teams:
i. To monitor and provide response: Paramedic/Nurse/Midwife
ii. To conduct surveillance: Surveillance Officer/Nurse/Midwife/

b. They shall check and ensure the completeness of the contents of the AEFI
Kit per composite team.

¢. The AEFI/ AESI composite team shall monitor the vaccine recipient and
observe for any adverse reaction. After the observation, the vaccination
team shall provide the following informationto the vaccine recipient:
Signs and symptoms to observe and watch out for
Instructions and steps on how to seek clinical care and report AEFI
tii. Use AEFI management pathway

d. Vaccine recipients who experience AEFI during the post vaccination

monitoring period at the vaccination site shall immediately be brought to
designated health facilities within their health care provider networks. The
LGU shall ensure capacity the facilities to provide health care in response

to the event and ensure the timely detection, notification, reporting, and
investigation of the AEFIs.

e. The vaccination team shall ensure that the vaccine recipient

well before leaving the vaccination site.
is essentially
f. A standardized physical vaccination card shall be given to the vaccine
recipient to ensure completion of the vaccination process and to enable
monitoring of adverse events. The physical vaccination card shall be printed
facility/ LGU in line with the printing standards set by the DOH. For
those who received their first dose, the scheduled date for the second dose
shall be indicated in the second dose box in the physical vaccination card.
Vaccination cards shall be made available to non-placebo participants of the
Solidarity COVID-19 vaccine trial. Updated vaccination card template may
be accessed through this link: bit.ly/ COVID19_VaccinationForms.

F. Vaccine Demand and Uptake

1. The CHDs/RVOC/LVOC shall:

a. Disseminate COVID-19 vaccine IEC materials and ensure alignment of
localized materials following the guidelines of the Sa Boosters: PinasLakas
campaign (bit.ly/PinasLakasAssets). Full guidance on the PinasLakas
campaign implementation is accessible at Department Memorandum 2022-
0352 entitled “Guidelines on the Implementation of the ‘Sa Boosters:
PINASLAKAS’ Social and Behavior Change Communication Campaign”

b. Ensure the functionality of their crisis communications protocols aligned

with DM 2021-0224: Interim Guidelines on Adverse Events Following
Immunization (AEFI) Community Management and Crisis
Communications Related to COVID-19 Vaccines.

c. Update demand generation and communications microplans

(bit.ly/DGCMicroplan_ver2) and recalibrate according to insights from
communities, coverage data from LGUs, and operational strategies relevant
to the local context to target those remaining unvaccinated, especially
vulnerable groups. These shall be submitted every 5th of the month to

d. Ensure feedback mechanisms and social listening by a) reporting frequently

asked questions, misinformation, and rumors through the bimonthly cascade
of CHD Health Promotion Units with the Health Promotion Bureau, and b)
promoting the use of the DOH’s official KIRA chatbot
(https://m.me/OfficialDOHgov) to get vetted information (Magtanong kay
KIRA), report fake news and misinformation, and provide citizen feedback
(Magreport kay KIRA) to collect data on community-level vaccine
hesitancy issues and generate insights to recalibrate plans

2. Vaccination Sites and LGUs shall:

a. Utilize the latest messaging house and key messages cascaded by the Health
Promotion Bureau. They shall ensure that brand-agnostic messaging is
maintained at all times and that vaccination should remain apolitical and
should not be used as platforms for any campaign-related activities.

b. Plan and implement demand generation and communication activities in

accordance with the DILG Memorandum Circular 2021-019, titled
“Guidelines on the Implementation of Demand Generation Activities in
support to the National COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Plan” and ensure
coverage of all priority population groups.

c. Ensure the utilization of both offline and community level social

mobilization and demand generation strategies, especially to reach
vulnerable populations.

d. Provide regular updates to the CHD on targets and coverage data at local
level, progress of their microplan, and other collected social listening data.
These information shall be used to recalibrate strategies and demand
generation and communications microplans to target those remaining
unvaccinated, especially vulnerable groups.


Department Memorandum No. 2022-0206, with the subject “/nterim Operational
Guidelines on the Administration of 2nd COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses to Senior
Citizens and Frontline Healthcare Workers ages 18 Years Old and Above’ and its
amendments (Department Memorandum No. 2022-0206-A and Department
Memorandum No. 2022-0206-B) and Department Memorandum No. 2022-0154, with the
subject “Interim Operational Guidelines on the Administration of 2nd COVID-19 Booster
Doses to Immunocompromised Population (ICPs) ages 18 Years Old and Above” are
hereby repealed.

This Department Memorandum shall take effect immediately.

signed by
Vergeire Maria
Rosario Singh
Department of Health
List of Annexes (bit.ly/DM2ndBooster_ListofAnnexes)

A Summary Table of Authorized COVID-19 Vaccines for Administration as 2nd

Booster Dose and Recommended Interval per Priority Population

Population Age Groups and Applicable Vaccination Strategies

Vaccination Requirements

Proper Process of Securing an Informed Consent

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