Ejercicio Calculado Deformación en Un Fósil
Ejercicio Calculado Deformación en Un Fósil
Ejercicio Calculado Deformación en Un Fósil
The objective of this lab exercise is to use strain markers to determine the
orientation of the finite strain ellipse for a deformed rock that contains deformed
fossil brachiopods, let’s call them spirex such as this:
Since all of our fossils are deformed, we don’t know a priori the original length of
any of the sides, but we do know that the angle between the two “axes” of the fossil
was originally 90˚, so we can evaluate angular strain and shear strain. You will need
a protractor, a ruler, and a calculator to complete this exercise.
1) Eventually we will construct a Mohr Strain diagram, but first, let’s make sure we
all know what we’re doing.
A) In the drawing below, the un-deformed ‘spirex’ is shown in gray, and after
deformation is shown in black. The angle between lines A and B was 90˚
before deformation. Measure the angle between B0 (B before deformation)
and B1 (B after deformation). This angle is the angular shear, Ψ, along line A.
Remember there is a sign to this angle (+ / -); the angular shear along line B
is the same magnitude, opposite sign as the angular shear along line A.
ΨA :
B) Shear strain, γ, is the tangent of angular shear (γ = tan(Ψ)). Using our above
measurement will give us the shear strain in the A direction.
γA :
C) Recall from lecture that the stretching, S, is the change in length of a line
after deformation. S is the ratio of L1/L0, or the length after deformation (L1)
divided by the length before deformation (L0). Measure the stretching in the
A and B directions by measuring the length of the fossil along lines A0, A1, B0,
and B1 (A0 and A1 are parallel and right on top of one another).
LA0: LA1: SA:
LB0: LB1: SB:
At this point, we have measured and calculated the variables used in the
Mohr Strain diagram, but we have yet to identify the principal axes of our
strain ellipse so we cannot yet use the strain equations, or create a Mohr
Strain diagram. To do that we need to find a fossil that was oriented such that
the A and B directions are perpendicular both before and after deformation
(the definition of principal strain axes).
2. In real rocks we often are not so lucky to know the exact size of our original fossil
(strain marker). On the final page of this lab are a bunch of ‘fossils’ that were
oriented in different directions before deformation. In order to do this exercise, we
have to make a few assumptions.
Simplifying assumptions are a very important part of how we develop a
physical understanding of complex processes such as deformation. It is important to
know what assumptions have been used. For this exercise we are going to use 4
assumptions: 1) Homogeneous deformation, 2) Plane strain or 2-dimensional
deformation (this means we are assuming to have a plane that is parallel to the
maximum and minimum stretching directions, and that no strain occurs in
directions out of the plane. In a rock this could be thought of as a plane that is
perpendicular to the foliation and parallel to the lineation), 3) no change in volume
(i.e. no dilation) and 4) All of these fossils started off the same size (this
assumption is only for this exercise, and is not a commonly used or valid
A) Measure the following on each of the fossils: Orientation of the fossil (e.g.
measure the acute angle between the flat edge (line A) of the fossil and the
long edge of the page. The grid on the page should make this easier); the
angular shear along line A (the flat edge of the fossil. This is the same
measurement you did on the above fossil when you measured the angle
between line B0 and B1); the length of the flat edge of the fossil (length along
line A); the length of the fossil along line B (this is the length of the middle
‘petal’ of the fossils). Use a calculator to calculate the shear strain along line A
for each fossil.
B) The fossils with the least shear strain along line A must be oriented with line
A very close to the maximum, S1, or minimum, S3, stretching directions
(principal strain axes). Using your measurements of fossil orientation, what
are the orientations of S1 and S3?
S1: S3:
C) These lengths represent the lengths of the axes of our finite strain ellipse.
From this we can calculate the original length of line A before deformation,
because by definition the finite strain ellipse was a circle before deformation.
Remember we made the assumption that all these fossils were the same size
before deformation, so LA1 and LA3 were equal before deformation, and we can
use the equations for area of a circle to calculate the original L A:
L0A = √(LA1*LA3)
D) Use this value to calculate SA, λA, and λ’A for each fossil. [SA = LA/L0A; λA = SA2;
λ’A = 1/λA ] Now using the values of γ from above, calculate γA/λA.
E) Now you have everything you need to construct a Mohr Strain diagram. On a
piece of graph paper, plot each of your fossils on a graph with λ’ A on the x-
axis, and γA/λA on the y-axis.
Do these points plot roughly in a circle?
F) Using the strain equations, plot points on the graph for θ d = ±15˚, ±30˚, ±45˚,
±60˚, ±75˚, and ±90˚. The strain equations are:
λ '3 + λ ' 1 λ ' 3 −λ ' 1
λ '= − cos(2 θd )
2 2
γ λ ' 3− λ ' 1
= sin (2 θ d )
λ 2
The values for λ’1 and λ’3 are the values of λ’A for the two fossils that are
oriented nearly parallel to principal axes of finite strain ellipse. You
calculated these in table 2.