User Guide For Rbi Framework and R-Tech'S Iris Rbi System
User Guide For Rbi Framework and R-Tech'S Iris Rbi System
User Guide For Rbi Framework and R-Tech'S Iris Rbi System
Table of Contents
1. Forward........................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 10
3. Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 11
4. Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................. 11
5. The RBI framework ...................................................................................................................... 13
5.1. RBIF principles ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.2. RBIF requirements ................................................................................................................ 13
5.2.1. General requirements ................................................................................................... 13
5.2.2. Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................... 15
5.2.3. Personnel Requirements .............................................................................................. 16
5.2.4. Requirements for Performing Consequences of Failure (CoF) analysis ................... 16
5.2.5. Requirements for performing Probability of Failure (PoF) analysis ........................ 18
5.2.6. Requirements for Performing Risk Assessments ....................................................... 19
5.3. RBIF within the overall management system...................................................................... 19
5.4. Compatibility with other known approaches ...................................................................... 20
6. The RBIF process .......................................................................................................................... 20
6.1. Initial analysis and planning ................................................................................................. 21
6.2. Data collection and validation .............................................................................................. 25
6.3. Multilevel risk analysis (ranging from screening to detailed) ........................................... 27
6.4. Decision making/action plan ................................................................................................ 33
6.5. Execution and reporting........................................................................................................ 36
6.6. Performance review/Evergreening phase .......................................................................... 38
7. Overview of R-Tech iRiS .............................................................................................................. 41
8. Technical Background.................................................................................................................. 43
9. Getting started .............................................................................................................................. 45
9.1. Analyses .................................................................................................................................. 45
9.2. Software identification card.................................................................................................. 42
10. Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 49
10.1. Analysis Page.......................................................................................................................... 49
10.2. Analysis info ........................................................................................................................... 50
10.3. Analysis settings .................................................................................................................... 51
11. Process Units ................................................................................................................................ 55
11.1. Process Units Information .................................................................................................... 55
11.2. Current Data .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.2.1. Creating and modifying components ..................................................................... 116
12. Components and Levels of Analysis............................................................................................ 58
12.1. Components ........................................................................................................................... 58
12.2. Basic Data ............................................................................................................................... 63
12.3. Dimensions ............................................................................................................................. 64
12.4. Operating Data ....................................................................................................................... 66
12.5. Piping Data ............................................................................................................................. 67
12.6. Design Data............................................................................................................................. 67
12.7. Material and Lining ................................................................................................................ 68
12.8. Hydrotesting .......................................................................................................................... 68
12.9. Inspection intervals ............................................................................................................... 69
12.10. Problem Description.............................................................................................................. 70
12.11. Level I: Performing Level I Analysis ..................................................................................... 70
12.12. Level I Data: Potential Damage Mechanisms ....................................................................... 71
12.13. Level I Data Consequences .................................................................................................... 72
12.14. Level I Data: Evaluation Period ............................................................................................ 75
12.15. Level I Data: Results .............................................................................................................. 76
12.16. Level II: Performing Level II Analysis .................................................................................. 77
12.17. Level II: Technical Module Subfactor: General .................................................................... 78
12.18. Level II Probabilities Thinning Technical Module .............................................................. 79
12.19. Level II: Probabilities: External Corrosion Technical Module............................................ 82
12.20. Level II Probabilities Stress Corrosion Cracking Technical Module .................................. 84
12.21. Level II: Probabilities: Brittle Fracture Technical Module ................................................. 87
12.22. Level II: Probabilities: High temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA).................................. 88
12.23. Level II Probabilities Piping Fatigue Technical Module ..................................................... 90
12.24. Level II: Probabilities: Lining Technical Module ................................................................. 92
12.25. Level II: Probabilities: Furnace Technical Module .............................................................. 94
12.26. Level II Consequences Data Input ........................................................................................ 97
12.27. Level II: Consequences: Results ............................................................................................ 99
12.28. Level II: Inspection History ................................................................................................. 100
12.29. Level II: Inspection Planning............................................................................................... 102
12.30. Level III: Performing Level III Analysis .............................................................................. 104
12.31. Level III: Modification Factors Data Input ......................................................................... 104
12.32. Level III: Modification Factor: Results ............................................................................... 107
12.33. Level III: Financial Risk: Data Input ................................................................................... 109
12.34. Level III: Financial Risk: Results ......................................................................................... 111
12.35. Documents and Overview ................................................................................................... 112
13. NDT .............................................................................................................................................. 114
13.1. NDT Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 118
13.2. Measuring Points ................................................................................................................. 119
13.3. NDT Measurements ............................................................................................................. 120
13.4. Latest Values ........................................................................................................................ 123
14. EskomRBI Analysis..................................................................................................................... 124
14.1. EskomRBI ............................................................................................................................. 124
14.2. EskomRBI Component Data ................................................................................................ 124
14.3. EskomRBI Level I Probabilities .......................................................................................... 127
14.4. EskomRBI Level I Consequences ........................................................................................ 130
14.5. EskomRBI Level II Probabilities ......................................................................................... 132
14.6. EskomRBI Level II Consequences....................................................................................... 136
15. Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 139
15.1. General.................................................................................................................................. 139
15.2. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 140
15.3. Risk Matrix ........................................................................................................................... 141
15.4. Component Count ................................................................................................................ 141
15.5. Damage mechanisms ........................................................................................................... 142
15.6. Thinning Corrosion Rates ................................................................................................... 142
15.7. Corrosion Development ...................................................................................................... 143
15.8. Gain - Loss ............................................................................................................................ 143
15.9. Financial Risk ....................................................................................................................... 144
15.10. Cumulative Risk ................................................................................................................... 147
15.11. Inspection Plan..................................................................................................................... 148
15.12. General Comments............................................................................................................... 148
15.13. Component Summary Sheet................................................................................................ 149
15.14. The GIS Map ......................................................................................................................... 149
15.15. Risk Map ............................................................................................................................... 150
16. Appendices.................................................................................................................................. 151
16.1. Appendix I: API 581:2008 Thinning Damage Factor ........................................................ 151
16.2. Appendix II: API 581:2008 Component Lining Damage Factor ....................................... 170
16.3. Appendix III: API 581:2008 External Corrosion Damage Factor - Ferritic Component 176
16.4. Appendix IV: API 581:2008 HTHA Damage Factor ........................................................... 182
16.5. Appendix V: API 581:2008 Brittle Fracture Damage Factor ............................................ 187
16.6. Appendix VI: API 581:2008 Piping Mechanical Fatigue Damage Factor ......................... 195
16.7. Appendix VII: API 581:2000 Furnace Tube Technical Module ........................................ 202
16.8. Appendix VIII: API 581:2000 Stress Corrosion Cracking Technical Module .................. 218
16.8.1 Caustic Cracking ............................................................................................................ 227
16.8.2 Amine Cracking............................................................................................................ 231
16.8.3 Sulfide Stress Cracking ................................................................................................ 235
16.8.3 Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Hydrogen Sulfide Services (HIC/SOHIC-H2S) ...... 239
16.8.4 Carbonate Cracking ..................................................................................................... 244
16.8.5 Polythionic Acid Cracking (PTA) ................................................................................ 248
16.8.6 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (ClSCC) ............................................................. 252
16.8.7 Hydrogen Stress Cracking in Hydrofluoric Acid Service (HSC-HF) ......................... 255
16.8.8 Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Hydroflouric Services (HIC/SOHIC-HF) ................ 259
16.9 Appendix IX: API 581:2000 Financial Risk ........................................................................ 263
16.10 Appendix X: RBI 581:2000 Modification Factor................................................................ 270
16.10.1 Equipment modification factor .............................................................................. 270
16.10.2 Technical Modules ................................................................................................... 272
16.10.3 Universal Subfactor ................................................................................................. 286
16.10.4 Mechanical Subfactor .............................................................................................. 288
16.10.5 Process Subfactor .................................................................................................... 293
16.11 Appendix XI: Definition of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) ............................. 298
16.11.1 Definitions of RCM ................................................................................................... 298
16.11.2 RCM Process overview ............................................................................................ 302
16.11.3 Primary functions .................................................................................................... 303
16.11.4 Functional failure .................................................................................................... 308
16.11.5 Maintenance Strategy Selection (MSS) .................................................................. 313
16.11.6 Redesign ................................................................................................................... 317
16.11.7 Calculations MTBF, Analysis, Statistic ................................................................... 318
17. Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 322
1. Forward
This user guide draws primarily from the document “Risk Based Inspection Framework” (EN
16991:2018) in order to lay out the basis for the RBI Methodology which the iRiS-RBI software
was designed to support.
The document (EN 16991:2018) has been prepared by Technical Committee: CEN/TC 319
“Maintenance”, the secretariat of which is held by UNI and is currently submitted to the CEN for
formal vote
2. Introduction
Since the late 1990s, inspection and maintenance approaches in industry have been globally
moving from prescriptive, time-based towards risk-based, aiming to increase the on-stream
production time, reduce unscheduled downtime due to corrective maintenance, avoid shutdown
due to equipment failure and/or to reduce undesirable impacts on process safety.
This European Standard provides the essential elements of risk-based assessment of industrial
assets according to the approach developed and demonstrated in the European pre-
standardization document CWA 15740:2008 [1]. The CWA 15740 document was updated in
2011, and from 2014 its further development continued within EN 16991:2018 and the
corresponding EU Project RIMAP (Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for
European Industry) [2] [3]. Both the project and this standard aim to make inspection and
maintenance programs in industrial plants more cost-efficient while at the same time
maintaining and improving safety, health, and environmental performances.
Chapters one through six of this user guide aim to provide basic guidelines for managers and
engineers who seek to establish RBIM (Risk-based Inspection and Maintenance) policies in their
relevant industry, used in conjunction with the relevant internationally accepted practices,
national regulations and RBI company policies and coupled with a relevant data management
application for risk assessment. For a full recount of the RBI Framework, refer to EN 16991:2018.
As RBI management is a proactive, risk oriented process that benefits greatly from a centralized
data organization for which a dedicated tool, complying with accepted standards and applicable
regulations, should be used; therefore chapters seven and onwards introduce the iRiS RBI
application and act as a manual for its usage, details how it supports RBIM and its required data
R-Tech iRiS RBI is fully based on the API 581 Base Resource Documents and is used for the
assessment of risk on the equipment/component level and for developing and evaluating
inspection strategies to support of the RBI Framework and management methodology.
3. Scope
This document aims to provide basic guidelines for Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance
(RBIM) in hydrocarbon and chemical process industries, power generation and other industries
where RBI is applicable, based on the proposed European Standard EN 16991 that specifies the
Risk-Based Inspection Framework (RBIF).
This is supported by the iRiS RBI Tool which utilizes API 581 to provide a platform for gathered
data and to perform the necessary calculations for the risk assessments required for decision
making in RBIM.
4.4. inspection
Examination for conformity by measuring, observing or testing the relevant characteristics
of an item
[SOURCE: EN 13306:2010, 8.1]
4.5. maintenance
Combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of
an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required
[SOURCE: EN 13306:2010, 2.1]
4.6. integrity operating window (IOW)
Established limits for process variables (parameters) that can affect the integrity of the
equipment if the process operation deviates from the established limits for a predetermined
length of time (includes critical, standard and informational IOW’s)
[SOURCE: API RP 584, 3.6]
4.7. preventive maintenance
Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and
intended to reduce the probability of failure or the degradation of the functioning of an item
[SOURCE: EN 13306:2010, 7.1]
4.8. corrective maintenance
Maintenance carried out after fault recognition and intended to put an item into a state in
which it can perform required function
[SOURCE: EN 13306:2010, 7.5]
4.9. reliability centred maintenance (RCM)
Method to identify and select failure management policies to efficiently and effectively
achieve the required safety, availability and economical operation
[SOURCE: IEC 60300-3-11, 3.1.23]
4.10. risk based inspection (RBI)
Risk assessment and management process to plan, implement and evaluate inspections in a
structured and documented way
4.11. probability of failure (PoF)
Likelihood of an equipment or component failure due to a single damage mechanism or
multiple mechanisms occurring under specific operating conditions
[SOURCE: API RP 581:2016, 3.1.57]
4.12. consequence of failure (CoF)
Outcome of a failure can be expressed in terms of safety to personnel, economic loss, and/or
damage to the environment
[SOURCE: IEC 60300-3-11, 3.1.23]
4.13. evergreening
Dynamic process of keeping records and analysis updated and relevant for the current
4.14. area susceptible to damage/susceptible area
Area in a plant where a certain degradation is more probable to occur
[SOURCE: API RP 581:2016, part 2]
4.15. degradation
Detrimental change in physical condition, with time, use or external cause
Note 1 to entry: Degradation may lead to a failure.
Note 2 to entry: In a system context, degradation may also be caused by failures within the
[SOURCE: EN 13306:2010, 5.6]
4.16. degradation group
Group of piping or equipment items exposed to the same internal/external environment and
operating conditions, with the same material selection and/or design, thus having the same
potential degradation mechanisms.
Note 1 to entry: Degradation grouping can allow the use of inspection data from any
equipment in the selection to assess the condition of the entire degradation group.
Equipment in a degradation group are normally physically connected to each other.
Note 2 to entry: Corrosion group and/or corrosion circuit and/or corrosion loop is also used
if the relevant degradation is corrosion type.
[SOURCE: adapted from DNV RP-G101: 2010]
4.17. condition monitoring locations (CML)
Designated areas on pressure vessels where periodic examinations are conducted.
Previously, they were normally referred to as “thickness monitoring locations (TMLs)”
[SOURCE: API 510:2006]
the assessment shall be performed by a multidisciplinary team including personnel with
the appropriate required competence and qualifications;
the integrity and safety assessment and the applied procedures shall provide results,
which are:
o realistic, but with conservative treatment of uncertainties and assumptions;
o representable in a risk matrix, auditable and consistent with both the objectives
and applied risk criteria supporting RBI planning and decision making on the
target system or equipment.
the assessment shall reflect the real conditions in the plant and be kept in “evergreening”
change management shall be made according to an accepted and recognized standard,
such as EN ISO 9000 [5];
in the case when computer models/tools are used, these shall be validated and their
decision logic shall be documented and authorised by the risk managers.
The RBI process is divided into the main RBI application level and an inspection and
maintenance strategy level. The main RBI application level is shown in the Figure 1 and
takes into account the following factors:
the level of risk;
the opportunity to eliminate failure causes;
the risk to personnel during execution of inspection and maintenance;
the risk of introducing new failure causes while trying to eliminate the existing ones.
Is the risk posed by a failure below the Yes Run to failure or routine
negligible risk level as established per maintenance (lubrication, etc.)
relevant regulations? recommended
Can failure cause be identified Yes
and required risk reduction is clearly cost Procedures
effective? Modification
Operating conditions
In cases where substitution of the inspection and maintenance strategy is not possible,
technical (e.g. robotics) or organizational (e.g. training) measures may be introduced to
reduce the risk and to avoid introducing any new failures.
The decision tree serves three important purposes:
to ensure a systematic evaluation of needs for inspection and maintenance activities;
to ensure consistency of the evaluation between different units, plant systems and
similar units at different locations;
to simplify the documentation of reached conclusions.
When the inspection and maintenance strategy has been determined, the method, intervals,
and extent of inspection shall be determined so that risks remain acceptable, costs are
optimized and both are aligned with the organisation’s asset management strategy. This is
achieved by establishing risk reduction measures for the items that exceed the acceptance
limits and, where possible, by mitigating measures like inspections and maintenance for
items that remain below these limits for the period of assessment.
The approaches and methodologies used in RBIF can be compatible with the generic
requirements resulting from basic ISO Standards such as EN ISO 9000-series [5], EN
ISO 14000-series [6], ISO 55000 [7] and in-particular, ISO 31000-series [8] (IEC/ISO 31010
[9], ISO/IEC Guide 51 [10], ISO Guide 72, ISO Guide 73 [11]). Other standards with which
RBIF can also be compatible are EN 13306 [12], ISO/DIS 45001, ISO 22301 [13], IEC
61508/61511[14] [15] and ISO/IEC 17020 [16].
5.2.3. Personnel Requirements
The RBIF requires competent personnel at all levels as well as appropriate routines for the
execution of the assessment and should include:
a team leader (facilitator);
a materials and damage mechanism specialist with sufficient qualification and
experience to understand the process, predict failure mechanisms and identify
limitations in inspection techniques;
an inspection/NDT and maintenance specialist;
a plant operation and process specialist;
reliability, risk assessment, HSE, financial and business personnel; and
other specialist(s) as needed.
The RBI team shall include with written evidence the following areas of expertise:
inspection, maintenance, materials and damage mechanism, process technology, RBI,
operations and facilitation and any other case specific competency. In addition, local rules
and legislation may set particular competency requirements.
type of release (instantaneous discharge of total contained quantity or by leakage at a
specified rate);
energy release (pressure or heat); and
kinetic energy of projectiles (kinetic energy of equipment fragments with a potential of
domino effect).
5.2.5. Requirements for performing Probability of Failure (PoF) analysis
Conservatism of simplified approaches
Available methods for assessing Probability of Failure may vary in their level of detail. The
results from a simplified approach such as risk screening shall be conservative when
compared to the results from a more detailed analysis.
Auditability of results
The results shall be auditable by peer review; therefore the methodology, the input data, the
decision criteria and the results shall be documented (the results may be recorded in an
approved document).
analyse possible interaction or synergy effects for all active and potential degradation
assess the effect of the inspection and monitoring program in the past as well as the one
planned for the future;
determine the confidence level in the damage rate e.g. considering the following aspects:
o inspection history and effectiveness;
o process parameters and available process data;
o degradation models, their applicability and shortcomings;
o effectiveness of mitigation such as the effect of inhibitors and recoating; and
o Update the confidence level after inspection.
determine the PoF with respect to the planned interval for the next inspection; and
determine the PoF with respect to risk acceptance criteria.
and management change Objectives, system, criteria
Hazard identification
Redefinition of
the scope of analysis
RBI activities system RCM activities
tion s
tion s
Detailed analysis Detailed analysis
tra mles
tra mles
(Intermediate levels) (Intermediate levels)
Screening analysis Screening analysis
Scenario (structural failures) Scenario (functional failures)
Probability of Failure (PoF) MTBF assessment
Consequence of Failure (CoF) Probability of Failure (PoF)
Risk Consequence of Failure (CoF)
Risk acceptable? Mitigation measures
Operation review
Inspection planning
Maintenance planning
definition of systems, sub-systems (loops) and equipment to be considered, as well as
the respective boundaries (e.g.: preheating system from inlet x to outlet y [P&ID No.#]
including pressure vessels xyz, etc.);
definition of the scope of analysis, including normal operating conditions and
exceptional situations to be considered (e.g. start-up/shutdown, disturbances, accidents
etc.), as well as the operating periods covered;
definition of data sources available (e.g. design data, equipment history,
equipment/component inspection data, PHA studies, etc.);
definition of regulations to be considered;
specification of the team;
specification of the tools (including software) to be used;
Acceptance of the methodology and objectives by relevant actors concerned (e.g.
management, external bodies and/or authorities);
Definition of accepted risk.
Definition of objectives
Management shall clearly define measurable objectives for the assessment and confirm the
applied procedure suggested by the assessment team. These objectives are largely defined
in terms of health, safety, environment and business impact. In particular, risk-based
inspection and maintenance when applied to a plant shall address one or more of the
following objectives:
meeting the requirements of health, safety and environmental regulations by reducing
the corresponding risks to at least ALARP level or lower;
improving the safety and reliability of the plant;
optimizing inspection and maintenance (possibly also production and quality) cost; and
extending the useful service life of the plant, e.g. beyond its design life, and implementing
an appropriate end of life strategy.
Definition of the scope of analysis
For the systems, sub-systems (loops) and equipment to be assessed, the scope of the analysis
including operating conditions, loads and exceptional situations (e.g. upsets), as well as the
operating period considered shall be determined.
The data should be balanced in respect to the needs of the application (system or
equipment), the scope of the assessment, the expected level of detail (or acceptable
uncertainty) in the results, and foreseen future service.
Preceding an initial analysis, a brief overview of the plant or unit and its operation as a whole
shall be given, including, if available, the following information:
process/operating history;
specific process/operating requirements for plant items within the scope;
routine operation;
specific limiting factors for plant items within the scope;
factors that can result in abnormal and upset conditions;
possible future process/operating issues;
potential degradation mechanisms and influential process variables and usual methods
of mitigation;
inspection history overview, including repair and alterations; and
Management of Change (MOC) list (plant, field changes).
Where no data exists (e.g. inspection history, because the plant or unit is still in the design
phase), a conservative risk approach shall be applied based on the RBI teams’ expertise and
Team specifications
The RBI team shall have these competencies:
inspection and maintenance;
specific equipment disciplines (e.g. materials, corrosion, electrical, instrumentation and
control, fixed and rotating equipment, etc.);
health, safety and environmental issues;
plant operation and processes;
reliability risk assessment and business impact.
Attention should be paid to the selection of the competent team and the RBI facilitator, both
being a key element in successful risk-based assessment. In addition, plant specific
knowledge should be available in-house. Where in-house experience is non-existing or
unavailable, an appropriate external resource may be consulted.
Tools to be used
It can be difficult to perform a detailed risk assessment without the support of dedicated
software tools. Such tools are used for managing the input data, performing the operations
and calculations required for risk assessment and supporting decision making. Additionally,
computerized systems are used to store the data and analyse results or other related
information when the need for reassessment arises.
The RBI team shall make sure that the software to be used is able to comply with the scope
and targets given for the assessment and that the basic analysis methodologies comply, e.g.,
with local legal requirements.
Data collected for the implementation of the RBIF process shall include at least:
plant level data;
design, manufacturing and construction data;
operating data;
maintenance and inspection;
safety systems (e.g. fire detection systems, etc.);
relevant international available experience; and
business related economic data (optional).
In addition to reviewing documents, e.g. Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), Piping and
Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), inspection, maintenance and operating records and
procedures, etc. the team shall ensure that relevant non-documented data are collected.
The team shall have access to plant personnel who can provide an understanding of the
actual plant configuration and operating conditions, the effectiveness of the plant inspection
and maintenance programs, and the identification of problems particular to the investigated
expert opinion on the earliest possible time of failure;
expert opinion on the longest possible life (for a single item of equipment), or (for multi-
component items of equipment) on a time when repair is no longer economic/feasible;
expert opinion on reasonable time intervals between shortest and longest failure times.
Agreement on the intervals is important, because too coarse a scale will not reveal
uncertainty, and too fine a scale may require excessively detailed analysis.
Detailed NDT
Strain measurements
Low Medium Low Hardness measurements
Low High
Decision making /
Action Plan
Performance review /
Evergreening Phase
Figure 3 — Screening risk matrix
The detailed analysis consists of the following main tasks (Figure 2):
identify hazards, relevant degradation mechanisms and failure modes;
determine probabilities of failure (both unmitigated and in those later mitigated);
determine consequence of failure (both unmitigated and in those later mitigated);
assess risk.
The main requirements for identifying and considering degradation mechanisms are:
identify the degradation mechanisms according to the systematic example given in
Figure 4. The degradation mechanism can be active in a given system/equipment;
the plant breakdown, identification of degradation mechanisms and analysis process
shall be duly documented;
the plant management shall ensure that service and maintenance history and knowledge
of all known degradation mechanisms in the plant is considered in the analysis;
the responsible person(s) involved in the analysis shall ensure that all knowledge about
the degradation mechanisms from the available literature is considered in the analysis;
the responsible person(s) involved in the analysis shall ensure that all available
knowledge about the degradation mechanisms and experience from similar plants is
considered in the analysis;
all emerging degradation mechanisms not taken into account under the specific
categories are taken into account under “other” degradation mechanism.
In addition:
The analysis of failure modes increases the level of detail in the CoF assessment. If it is not
undertaken, a conservative approach shall be followed. A conservative approach may, e.g.,
assume that the complete inventory escapes instantaneously.
The PoF shall be established for a given (predefined) time frame based on a prediction of
damage development for operation within a specified operating window. The specified
operating window shall include parameters which may vary during operation (e.g.
temperature, pressure) as well as parameters which cannot be changed (e.g. seismic zone,
The prediction of lifetime may come from the result of one of the following: measured
inspection data, calculation making use of operating conditions or expert opinion. If so
desired, specific analysis tools may be used, e.g. probabilistic (safety) analysis and/or fitness
for service analysis. For all non-trendable degradation mechanisms, for which degradation
progress cannot be properly monitored or predicted, prevention (through design), or early
detection through proper measures (inspection, maintenance, operation) and process
monitoring shall be demonstrated. A methodology should be available in which the relation
between the effectiveness of measures (type, scope and frequency) and the
likelihood/probability of failure is given.
The CoF analysis shall focus onto the highest (dominant) aspect from the individual ones
(health, safety, environment and/or business). The averaging of these aspects shall not be
The decision criteria shall be defined and recorded in writing. The methodology should be
verified/ benchmarked. CoFsafety can be benchmarked against existing and recognized
The task should be performed by the competent RBI team (see 6.2, Initial analysis and
The results should be auditable by peer review; therefore, the methodology, the input data,
the decision criteria and the results shall be documented (the results shall be recorded in an
authorized document).
Failure cause or root cause
Disturbances, deviations,
Material damage related problems
function related problems
I. Corrosion, erosion,
IV. Fouling/Deposits
environmental related
Figure 4 — Damage types that may be considered, appearing as failures or root failure causes [4]
Very high Define required immediate measures to reduce risk e.g. consider equipment repair/
replacement. A possible re-design may also be considered.
High Define required inspection and maintenance program to reduce risk. (Note: it can be
acceptable if the driver is economic loss, security, image loss and public disruption)
Medium Reduce the risk through mitigation measures as low as reasonably practical (ALARP).
For business risk, find the optimal cost.
Low If no inspection and maintenance program plan exists, it is not mandatory to establish
one. Otherwise, fine tune the program to find the optimal costs and follow the ALARP
Table 2 — Example of decision/action criteria for various risk levels in risk matrix [4]
The results from these tasks are:
the PoF value for the item of equipment under consideration;
the CoF value for the item of equipment under consideration;
risk matrix, utilizing the values gained for item of equipment under consideration; see
example in Figure 12 below, and
risk value or category from Table 2.
MOTBF Qualitative Description Cat.
In a small population*, one or more failures
can be expected annually.
<1 Very
> 10−2 5 Very high risk
year probable Failure has occurred several times a year in
Probability of Failure/Likelihood
10−3 to 10−2 Probable 4 High risk
years Failure has occurred several times a year in
operating company.
Loss of reputation None Minor Bad publicity Company issue Political issue
Small Large
Public disruption None Negligible Minor
community community
Figure 5 — Example of the risk matrix for detailed assessment, involving HSE and economic risks with five risk
limit categories, including examples of the values on the scales (the scale and values to be determined in each
particular application), adapted from [4] [22]
6.4. Decision making/action plan
General description and scope
The following findings/factors necessitate optimization and updating of the strategy (plan):
material degradation;
unreliability of equipment/machinery;
human error in the operation, maintenance or inspection of the equipment/machinery;
legislation and other regulatory requirements;
external hazards such as earthquakes, harsh weather etc.; and
unacceptable risk, as defined by the acceptance criteria.
Adequate competencies, understanding, knowledge and experience relevant for:
RBI and knowledge of how the RBI results relate to inspection activities;
degradation mechanisms and inspection methods including their application and
legislative requirements and facility specific procedures and requirements; and
relevant acceptance criteria and codes.
The work process shall be auditable by peers and well documented.
The minimum required input to establish a risk-based inspection and maintenance plan are:
results from RBI analysis including degradation mechanisms, PoF, CoF, risk ranking and
the time interval of inspection and maintenance plans;
historical inspection and maintenance data;
design and operational data including necessary technical documentation; and
general turn-around plans and availability of the relevant systems/equipment.
The following steps can be followed to prepare an inspection program based on the RBIF
identify items with risk above the risk acceptance limit;
define actions for the different degradation mechanisms;
define degradation groups and relevant areas susceptible to damage (i.e. susceptible
select inspection points/locations.
These steps do not take into account other documentation/information that is required to
optimize the inspection program. Such information might be:
monitoring results, including IOW;
process changes;
operational irregularities (upsets);
non-conformities from fabrication; and
legislative requirements.
The above mentioned documentation might change the RBI results and hence alter the
inspection program. Such information should be incorporated in a RBI re-
analysis/evergreening to reflect the actual situation in the best possible way.
The analysed equipment should be ranked according to risk. Equipment exceeding the risk
limits soon after the planned inspection period should also be included into the planning.
This step can help to better prioritize the actions.
Following the results of the RBI analysis, the applicable degradation mechanisms shall be
identified and relevant inspection methods shall be defined for each type of mechanism. The
following shall be evaluated (see also Figure 6):
next inspection, maintenance or monitoring interval;
inspection method and required coverage to achieve reliable results;
probability of detection (PoD);
typical inspection locations (consideration of weakness and locations for corrosion
control i.e. susceptible areas); and
inspection cost; and
case and application specific issues and limitations e.g. consider NII when dealing with
sensitized austenitic steel equipment.
This information can be used as basis for a company-specific guideline which controls the
handling of different degradation mechanisms.
Maintenance, monitoring
or other risk mitigating actions
Filter on Inspection due to
Components/items with risk Flagged for inspection
inspectable other requirements
exceeding risk acceptance in the actual year
degradations (e.g. legislative)
#4 #2
Identify all susceptible Group by degradation
Group by degradation
areas on inspection mechanisms
drawings and in the (e.g. degradation
within each group
field groups)
Select a representative Annual detailed
Decide the optimal
number of susceptible inspection program
inspection method
#9 #8 Verify/correct the
Report inspection Perform inspection inspection program at
Assess the
No Yes #11 END:
inspection results:
Update RBI analysis Update inspection program
need to
The inspection coverage with respect to number of susceptible areas should be assessed
according to the entire degradation group – all susceptible areas within the group shall be
identified to understand what constitutes the full “100% inspection” for the relevant
degradation, as shown by step #4 in Figure 6.
Based on defined hot spots within a degradation group and defined inspection methods for
different degradation mechanisms the accurate inspection points (e.g. CML’s), as shown by
step #5 in Figure 6, and inspection method as shown by step #6 in Figure 6, shall be applied.
The inspection and inspection effectiveness table given in [23], Appendix F may be used as a
guideline to decide on inspection extent.
The inspection program should be verified on site to optimise the program with respect to
access and other relevant conditions, normally outside the RBI analysis. This input shall also
be utilized to plan for preparatory work, as shown by step #7 in Figure 6.
In principle, the decision logic gives guidance for the establishment of preferred inspection
and maintenance strategies on the basis of the risk assessment, detectability of damage and
the failure characteristics.
The inspection and maintenance plan shall be plant specific. Such a plan shall include but
not be limited to, the following elements (the same holds true for dead-legs and piping with
irregular flow e.g. bypasses, drains, etc.):
details of inspection methods (e.g. UT scan), locations (e.g. Nozzle G 6°° position) and
interval (e.g. 24 months);
time and condition based maintenance (preventive/predictive);
on-stream inspection and maintenance;
planned corrective actions (e.g. replace nozzle);
identification of degradation and damage (e.g. general corrosion 0,2 mm/year and
erosion); and
regular functional testing (PRV) and monitoring (IOW);
the RBI inspection plan shall ensure timely and effective inspection, which correctly
detects and identities the degradation, and reduces the uncertainty by increasing
knowledge about the actual equipment state.
The main input to the planning and execution is a RBI process including all equipment in
scope. From this risk assessment the following results are expected:
risk ranking of the plant(s)/equipment/component(s) including, but not necessarily
limited to static equipment, piping and pressure relief devices;
type of inspection and maintenance. This can be a high level inspection plan as usually
delivered by the RBI software or a detailed inspection plan, including specific inspection
locations and methods as usually delivered by an inspection expert;
timing for activity/planned inspection date – typically by condition based or time-based
required work and skills to perform the tasks, and estimated time per task;
requirement for total or partial plant shutdown, intrusive or non-intrusive inspection;
dependencies between work on the evaluated unit and other equipment/components;
tools, personnel expertise and spare parts required.
The maintenance (or inspection) work normally consists of work generated from 3 different
sources (see Figure 7) and involves activities specified in Table 4:
1) Preventive plans generated by RBIM assessments (condition based and/or scheduled
maintenance), even if these only refer to inspection;
2) Corrective maintenance calls from observed failures or emerging problems;
3) Failures identified via condition monitoring.
Preventive Corrective
maintenance maintenance
Scheduled, on Non-regulatory
Regulatory required
request or required Immediate Deferred
continuous maintenance
Figure 7 — Maintenance Planning. Example of RBWS priority setting for work order planning (short and long-term), EN
13306 [12]
6.6. Performance review/Evergreening phase
General description and scope
The purpose of the evaluation of the RBIM process is to assess its effectiveness and impact
in establishing the inspection and maintenance programs. This will allow the identification
of areas where modifications and improvements are needed. Specifically, evaluation
consists of the following tasks:
assessment of the effectiveness of the RBIM process in achieving the intended goals
(assessment of effectiveness);
updating the RBIM process by taking into account possible plant changes (additions, new
units, changes) and available new knowledge (reassessment of the risk);
periodical re-evaluation of existing RBI plans in order to discuss eventual changes in:
a) design requirements;
b) process parameters, operational conditions;
c) actions after non-planned maintenance (e.g. plant integrity failures);
d) actions after turnaround (shutdown) maintenance and inspection; and
e) actions after legal and compliance issues.
frequent discussion on inspection and/or maintenance findings in order to actualize
RBIM plans based on the newly acquired data;
re-evaluation of data based on experience from industry or other plants with similar units
and process conditions, including relevant references and regulatory documents since
last review;
periodical re-evaluation of CoF, based on the periodical re-evaluation of HAZOP etc. or
financial factors, e.g. through change in long term spare part availability, reputation or
product value.
The evergreening process involves both internal and external assessment conducted by the
plant organization (RBI team) and by independent experts, respectively.
The internal evaluation by the plant organization is an integral part of every RBI activity and
should be considered as a living process within the overall risk decision making process.
The internal evaluation can take place in any moment of RBI, especially when:
discrepancy from any expectation or requirement is found, e.g. design requirements,
process parameters, operational conditions, leaks, non-planned maintenance that has
been performed etc.;
new knowledge or acquired data, e.g. inspection and/or maintenance findings is
available or plant changes occur.
In both cases, a detailed analysis of the importance of the involved item shall be conducted
in order to assess whether it has a significant impact on the RBIM process including the
inspection and maintenance planning, and some corrective action should be undertaken. In
the latter case a thorough analysis of the causes leading to discrepancy or of the effects of
the new knowledge/plant changes shall be performed.
The external evaluation can be executed through independent reviews by independent third
parties, by the owner, or regulatory bodies (e.g. audits). Independent reviews provide an
opportunity to complement the internal evaluation with a different and neutral perspective.
A point to note is that the value of information provided by the independent review is
directly proportional to the openness and collaboration that the external experts will find in
the audited organization. The integration of independent reviews with internal evaluation
will allow the identification of necessary actions for improvement.
Immediately after the above outcome of the detailed inspection plan, the evergreening
phase begins. This phase usually includes following steps:
inspection work pack initiation;
inspection execution;
evaluation of inspection data and entry into RBI database;
feedback and NCR initiation;
updates from units, if changes in equipment, process changes or process upsets have
occurred (this information needs to be made available by operations to inspection,
maintenance and RBI teams);
risk calculation;
update of active damage mechanisms (corrosion rate, remaining life) and inspection
consultation of technical supervision organisations (if applicable);
follow up on NCRs;
confirmation of correction/repair;
reminder of non-completed repairs and inspection due dates; and
distribution of the RBI plan to the planning department.
The risk management and replacement strategy can be used in order to assess the optimum
time for replacements, according to cost of risk (this usually increases with time, but also
with market fluctuations, e.g. in case of high demand for the product, the cost of risk
increases), cost of not performing the maintenance, labour and material costs, value of lost
production during maintenance. Such RBI cost-benefit analyses serve as the economic basis
for inspection decisions and optimal replacement strategies in line with the turnarounds.
7. Overview of R-Tech iRiS
R-Tech iRiS is an acronym for a Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) software developed by R-Tech and
continuously updated since 2007, for equipment analysis in petrochemical, process and power
plants. The full name of the software is "integrated Risk management System for RBI" and it is
fully based on the API 581 Base Resource Documents.
The software integrates all relevant aspects of risk assessment and management in
petrochemical, process and power plants: RBI (Risk-based Inspection), RCM (Reliability Centered
Maintenance) and HSE/HSSE (Health, Safety, Environment / Security), as a company-wide
Intranet-Extranet-based platform.
RBM (Risk Based Management), RBI, RCM, RCFA, HSE and HSSE systems allow the inclusion of
safety, environmental, business and reliability considerations into the decision making process
and thus provide better targeting of resources and improved results of run - replace - repair
decisions, as well as in the overall operation, safety, inspection and maintenance.
This is accomplished by considering the risks of possible undesirable events, the risk itself being
expressed as the likelihood of the event (in a given scenario) multiplied by its resulting
consequences. When properly developed, implemented and used, the RBI, RCM, RCFA and
HSE/HSSE systems help to significantly optimize plant key performance indicators (KPIs) and
assure safe, economic and competitive operation.
In the following sections, the requirements for running the software are given and all integral
parts of the software are described.
7.1. Software identification card
Name RTechRBI
Size (MB) ~8 MB (from current date)
Number of
Extension .bak
DB Backups
Backup is performed by Maintenance Plan in MS SQL Server, it is done on every second
.NET Framework V4.0
Telerik 2014.1.403.40
Code backup is performed on every change, we are using Source Of Site (SOS) for
Backup committing changes and saving files.
8. Technical Background
R-Tech iRiS RBI is fully based on the API 581 Base Resource Documents. The software is used for
the assessment of risk on the equipment/component level and for developing and evaluating
inspection strategies.
What is Risk?
In common usage, the word risk has several meanings often referring to the probability or
possibility of a loss. Alternatively, the word risk is used to refer to the magnitude of a possible
loss. In API 581 risk describes a combination of both the consequence and likelihood of a loss;
thus high-risk events have a high probability to occur, entailing more dire consequences or losses
while Low-risk events are less likely to occur, resulting in no significant losses.
The definition of risk as applied in the software is given below.
Definition of Risk
Risk is always the result of Consequence multiplied by Probability. Consequence is always
measured as {Consequences/Event}. Probability is always measured as {Events/Year}.
Therefore, Risk is always {Consequences/Year}.
Measuring Risk
In order to evaluate the risk of an event, both the probability and consequence of that event must
be evaluated. Consequences can be expressed in different ways. Usually, they are expressed as
the result of a certain event that may affect a person or company personally, financially, or
legally. Common expressions for Consequences are {Environmental Damage/Event},
{Fatalities/Event}, {Area Affected by Fire/Event}, {Area Affected by Toxic Exposure/Event},
{Business Interruption/Event}, {Equipment Damage/Event}, and so on. For the purpose of the
software and evaluation, in the Level I of the analysis, the consequences are clustered in classes.
In the case of Level II, the consequences are expressed in Affected area by given damage (square
informed business decisions regarding inspection and maintenance spending.
RBI provides the possibilities to do the following:
Evaluate current inspection plans to determine priorities for inspections
Evaluate future inspection plans for decision making
Evaluate how changes to basic operations can affect equipment integrity
Identify critical contributors to risk that may otherwise be overlooked
Establish economically optimal levels of inspection as weighed against risk reduction
Incorporate Acceptable Risk levels.
Levels of Analysis
Level I Analysis
Level I is an easy-to-use qualitative screening tool that provides rankings and ranges only for
units or major portions of units at a plant site to determine priorities for quantitative RBI
With minimal input from the user, decisions can be made regarding inspection techniques and
frequencies. Usually used by a team of materials/corrosion, inspection, hazards and operations
engineers, Level I quickly highlights the equipment that is at high-risk that users may then wish
to assess in more detail.
Output is generated in the form of a five-by-five matrix of Probability versus Consequence and
provides further information that includes the ranking and suggested inspection intervals. Level
I is designed as first step toward quantitative criticality ranking.
Level II Analysis
Level II is an approach that is a step closer to being a quantitative analysis than Level I, and it is
a scaled down approach of Level III. The Level II approach to RBI provides most of the benefit of
Level III analysis regarding likelihood determination, but it requires less input than Level III. It
will provide the probability ranking based on the outputs of technical modules only, and provide
the evaluation of consequences based on affected area only.
9. Getting started
9.1. Analyses
The R-Tech iRiS Start page
The side menu on the R-Tech iRiS start page is a navigation menu to the various management
tools used by the system:
Clicking on Overview will display the hierarchical setup of the company, split into its business
and/or operating units, each with all its associated components. This display provides an
overview of the extent and levels of analyses that were done in the plant.
Drilling down to a component will display links to all analyses in which the component
participates and the analysis level or type on which it was done.
Clicking on an analysis link will generate a printable component summary report, as it is
reflected in the particular analysis,
Master Analysis:
A drill down list of all defined units in the plant, organized in hierarchical order. Clicking on
a unit will load its master analysis – an analysis which contains all the fundamental data
regarding the unit such as environmental conditions, tied components and inspection history.
Please refer to chapter 11.2 for further information.
A drill down list of all defined units in the plant, organized in hierarchical order and their
associated analyses. Clicking on an analysis will load its information page, please refer to
chapter 10 for further information.
Click on the ‘Show as Table’ button at the top of the drill down list in order to present all the
analyses in tabular form. This table provides the user with search options and the ability to
copy, delete or create new analyses.
Click on the ‘Method’ drop down menu to filter analyses by type.
Note: it is not possible to open and make changes to an analysis that is currently in use
(opened and edited by another user). The analysis that is currently in use is marked by a red
background on the table. However, it is possible to open a currently used analysis as a copy
of it. This means that the user can open and see the analysis, can also edit/make changes to
the analysis but if saved, the changes will be saved as a new analysis, under a different file
name. When the user tries to open an analysis that is currently being used, a notification will
appear and the user will have the choice to continue under the conditions explained above or
to cancel the action. Should the user choose to continue with the action and open an analysis
in use, the software will automatically change the name of the analysis by adding the prefix
'Copy' to it (it can of course be changed later).
Performing the analysis
Analyses' calculations are done by the software in the background and require completing
the following:
Create/select an analysis
All analysis parameters are set - chapter 10
Process unit data is set - chapter 11
All component data is set - chapter 12
4. Choose the analysis method from the drop down menu; this will affect further options
for the analysis and reports.
5. Fill in the new analysis’ information form; note that most of the parameters already
have their default values taken from the Master Analysis. These can be modified for
this particular analysis and do not affect other analyses.
6. Save settings before moving on to add components.
7. Add components to the analysis; note that only components that are already
associated with the unit in the Master Analysis will be available.
8. Click on a component to modify its data for this particular analysis; note that most of
the parameters default to the data set in the Master Analysis and modifying them will
only affect this particular analysis.
9. Save each component before switching to another.
10. Upload supplementary documents for the analysis.
11. It is now possible to produce reports for any component which was fully set up in the
10. Analyses
10.1. Analysis Page
After choosing a unit from the "New Analysis for..." drop down menu or opening an analysis
by double clicking on it, the 'Analysis Info' screen is displayed by default (figure 10.1.1); this
page consists of a header, a side menu on the left side and a main window to its right.
Analysis Name
This field is mandatory. The system provides a generic name by default and it is
recommended to enter a short, descriptive title for the analysis.
Process Unit
The process unit that is currently analyzed.
Analysis Author
This field is optional.
This field is optional. A field for a detailed description of the analysis; Length is not limited.
Analysis Date
This field is mandatory and defaults to the analysis' creation day. Change the date for
future analyses.
Analysis ID
This field cannot be changed by the user. The analysis' index number and can be used as
Analysis Method
A drop down menu for choosing the analysis method; contains RBI, NDT, EskonRBI and
Combined method. This determines the method for the analysis and thus the information
required for it and available types of reports that may be generated.
Defining the method as combined, the same set of units and their associated components
may be analyzed using the different methods simply by selecting from the 'Method'
dropdown menu while in the analysis.
Note that RCM analysis is only applicable to a particular set of components and therefore
will present results for those components.
Show as Component Name
Choose the displayed name for components in this analysis:
Name: use the component’s unique name given in the Name field;
Location Code: use the component’s functional location/KKS code;
Description: use the component’s descriptive name.
Length Unit
Choose between meters (m) or millimeters (mm).
Volume Unit
Choose between cubic meters (m3) and litters (l).
Pressure Unit
Choose between bar and kilo-Pascal (kPa).
A value of +10 is assigned when the condition is expected to increase failure frequency by
approximately one order of magnitude.
Throughout this portion of an RBI analysis, it is assumed that all equipment items have
been designed and fabricated in accordance with industry and company standard design
practices, unless there is specific evidence to the contrary. These standard practices are
generally based on recognized industry standards, such as ASME, TEMA, and ANSI.
The final estimated numeric value is converted to Equipment Modification Factor and the
resulting value is unique for each equipment item. Computed in such a way, it provides the
characteristics of each piece of the equipment based on the conditions in its specific
operating environment. More details about Equipment Modification factor can be found in
Appendix: RBI 581:2000: Modification Factor.
Select the check box to include the Equipment Modification Factor in the Probability
Management Factor
Management Factor or Management Systems Factor accounts for the influence of the
facility's management system on the mechanical integrity of the plant equipment. This
factor accounts for the probability that accumulating damage which results in loss of
containment will be discovered in time and is directly proportional to the quality of a
facility's mechanical integrity program. In other words, it serves to adjust the generic
failure frequencies for differences in process safety management systems. The factor is
derived from the results of an evaluation of a facility or operating unit's management
systems that affect plant risk.
It is determined through an evaluation of the PSM System. Different practices within units
at a facility might create differences in the management systems evaluation factors
between the units. However, within any one study, the management systems evaluation
factor should be the same. The factor is applied equally to all equipment items within the
study and, as a result, it does not change the order of the risk-based ranking of the
equipment items. More information about Management Factor can be found in Chapter
8.4, Appendix D of API 581:2000 and Chapter 4 of API 581:2008 (please see references).
Select the check box to include the Management Factor in the Probability calculations.
Weather Type
To calculate the External Corrosion Factor due to weather, the program makes use of the
weather conditions prevailing at the location to calculate the potential corrosion rate. In
order for the program to calculate accurate values, select a weather condition setting of:
Marine - average rainfall is 1000+ mm/year
Temperate - average rainfall from 500 to 1000 mm/year
Arid - average rainfall is below 500 mm/year.
Cold Weather
Cold climates impose additional risks on plant operation. Extremely low temperatures
inhibit maintenance and inspection activities and can result in reduced operator
monitoring of equipment outside. Winter conditions can also have a direct effect on
equipment items, e.g. ice and snow buildup can cause distortion or failure of small lines,
instrument and electrical runs, etc. In addition, frozen level controllers, cracked water
lines, frozen water contained in deadlegs, and plugged process lines are common winter
problems. Cold weather problems can be minimized by proper design, but they cannot be
totally eliminated (please refer to Appendix X: RBI 581:2000: Modification Factor).
A penalty is applied based on the lowest average daily temperature at the plant site. Indoor
plants should consider lowest indoor temperature.
Seismic Zone
A plant located in a seismically active area has a somewhat higher probability of failure
than facilities outside such areas, even when the plant has been designed to appropriate
standards. The following values are based on the seismic zones presented in ANSI A58.1,
1982 and also partly described in Chapter of API581:2000.
11. Process Units
11.1. Process Units Information
Process Units are set up in the Master Analysis and their information is drawn from it into
the analyses. For the purpose of analyzing different alternatives, the option is given to change
certain unit parameters for the specific analysis as described below.
Set up and permanent modifications of process units’ data is done in the Master Analysis;
refer to Chapter 13.
The unit's description, as defined in Master Analysis.
Service Start
Estimate of the date of when service started.
Injury/Fatality Cost [€/person]
Required value for a Level III analysis; provide an estimate for the cost of the injury/fatality
per person. However, it should be noted this value should be high enough to reflect the
personal safety requirements (i.e. a unit that otherwise might not be ranked as "critical" by
other criteria might become critical through this factor).
Planned Shutdowns
Provide the count of all planned shutdowns for a year.
Unplanned Shutdowns
Provide the count of unplanned shutdowns per year (average of the last three years).
Process Stability
Estimate the level of the process' stability; choose the best fitting descriptor: more stable than
average process, above average, less stable than average process and much less stable than
average process.
Service Type
Select the type of service of the relief valve: clean or corrosive; select unknown if no data is
Plant Condition
This element considers the current condition of the facility being evaluated and is required
for level III analyses. The ranking should be based on the professional judgment of the
observer, when considering the following characteristics:
1. The general appearance of the plant, as assessed during a plant walk through. Factors to
observe include:
The overall state of housekeeping
Evidence of temporary repairs, particularly if it appears that the "temporary" condition
has been in place for an extended period
Deteriorating paint, excessive number of steam leaks, or other evidence that routine
maintenance is being neglected.
2. Effectiveness of the plant's maintenance program, based on interviews with operations and
maintenance personnel.
Complete most maintenance activities properly the first time, with few call-backs
Avoid excessive and growing backlogs of work requests
Maintain a constructive relationship between maintenance and operations personnel.
12. Components and Levels of Analysis
12.1. Components
Every analysis of a particular Unit is ultimately the combined analyses of its specific
equipment and components and therefore, these must be added to the analysis and relevant
parameters must be set to each and every component.
The components themselves are defined in The Master Analysis and are made available for
analysis by assigning them to the particular units; for more information and to
create/modify components, refer to chapter 13.
Equipment: an individual item that is part of a system, equipment is comprised of an
assembly of Components. Examples include pressure vessels, relief devices, piping,
boilers and heaters.
Component: any part that is designed and fabricated to a recognized code or standard.
For example, a pressure boundary may consist of the components: cylindrical shell
sections, formed heads, nozzles, tank shell courses, tank bottom plate, etc.
A new window will open with all the components that are assigned to the analyzed unit,
filtered according to what was selected above.
The components will be added to their corresponding units, as pre-defined in The Master
Analysis and will be shown on the side menu, under 'Components'; presented according to
type or to hierarchical unit order:
Removing components from the analysis:
Remove a component from the analysis by clicking on 'Remove Components From Analysis'
at the header and choosing 'This Component'. A component must be first selected in order for
this option to show. Click 'OK' when asked to confirm to remove the component.
A user may also remove all components that are classified at a certain risk level, e.g. clicking
on 'All Low Risk' will remove all components with a calculated low risk.
The top of the panel contains the component header with general information and a drop
down menu with the options for the RBI level of analysis required for the specific component:
None, Level I, Level II and Level III.
Special Note: Each level adds more information requirements to its predecessor and more
tabs will appear accordingly. for instance, at RBI level 'None', only the Component Data,
Documents and Overview tabs are shown (see figure X above) while choosing RBI level I -
Qualitative will add the 'Level I' tab after Component Data. Level II will add more tabs and
level III will add even more.
In addition, tabs and segments are also contextual and linked to the type of the component so
some will only appear for that particular type. e.g. Boiler type components will show the
contextual tab Piping Fatigue under Probabilities tab (Levels II and III):
On the other hand, Pressure Vessel type components will have the Brittle tab instead:
Lastly, choosing any analysis level other than 'None', enables the risk matrix which is
presented next to the Basic Data segment. Each analysis level adds more information and
accuracy to the risk matrix, e.g. the risk matrix for a level I analysis compared to a level III for
the same component; note how the risk assessment changes due to the added information:
All tabs and the segments within them are fully described, segment by segment, in the
following sections; starting with the Basic Data segment in Component Data tab, continuing
with the Dimensions segment and so forth, adding information according to analysis level.
SAVE Component
Clicking on this button will save the current component.
Update TO Master
Update The Master Analysis with the current values. Note: this will overwrite the values in
The Master Analysis and cannot be restored.
12.2. Basic Data
Process Unit
The process unit to which the component is associated with.
When defined in The Master Analysis: drop down menu with all defined units.
KKS System
The system code under KKS.
KKS Level 2
KKS level 2 code.
Component Type
Each component must be assigned to a category for which generic failure frequency values
are available.
When defined in The Master Analysis: drop down menu with all defined component types.
The description of the component.
When defined in The Master Analysis: open text field, unlimited length. Enter a description
that will allow easy identification of the component.
Service start
The year when the component went into service; defined in The Master Analysis.
Whether the component is operational or not.
When defined in The Master Analysis: drop down menu with the options Operational, Non-
Operational, Scrapped and Test.
12.3. Dimensions
Note: most fields in this segment can only be modified in The Master Analysis and this
information is presented for reference. For each analysis, a user may define the corrosion
allowance left for the component.
Equipment Type Measure
Vessels, columns Outer diameter.
For shells of uniform diameter, the outer diameter.
Heat exchanger, shell For kettle-type, etc., the maximum dimension perpendicular to length. For double pipe, the diameter of the
outer pipe.
For double pipe, the diameter of the inner pipe. For all other types of exchangers, the channel diameter.
Heat exchanger, tube
(Note: The non-tube portion of the tube bundle diameter is compensated for in the volume calculation.)
Pumps, compressors Zero
Piping Nominal diameter
Insulated items may be subject to external corrosion under the insulation. Indicate by check
marking if the equipment item is fully or partially insulated, with any type or thickness of
Corrosion Allowance
Provide the corrosion allowance for the component.
Corrosion allowance describes an extra measurement added to the thickness of the wall. This
helps estimate the expected metal loss throughout the lifespan of certain equipment. The
depth of penetration may vary from case to case, depending on the conditions of exploitation.
By knowing the expected rate of corrosion and the expected service life of a plant or parts,
industries can compute the additional thickness needed for corrosion resistance of
equipment in the design process.
Corrosion allowance must be determined once the wall thickness has been identified. The
wall thickness should comply with various requirements such as temperature, pressure and
weight. This allowance should not only be measured by project engineers, but also by local
or state agencies. Local agencies have more experience with local conditions in a particular
Total Steel Mass (Calculated) ( KG)
Automatic calculation of the steel mass of the component, based on other inputs.
12.5. Piping Data
Note: this segment only appears for components of the type: 'Piping'
From Equipment
This component come from this piece of equipment.
When defined in The Master Analysis: describe the relevant equipment in the most concise
manner that still allows its identification.
To Equipment
This component goes to this piece of equipment.
When defined in The Master Analysis: describe the relevant equipment in the most concise
manner that still allows its identification.
Piping Type:
The intended use of the component.
When defined in The Master Analysis: drop down menu with the options Process Piping,
Steam and Water Piping and Auxiliary Piping.
Design Standard
According to which standard specifications was the component designed.
12.7. Material and Lining
Material of Construction is a primary consideration for evaluating several damage
mechanisms. Therefore, the choice of the material is essential to assure proper analysis.
When defined in The Master Analysis: drop down menu with list of materials
This field specifies whether the equipment item has an interior coating or lining. For all lined
vessels, the material of construction of the lining should be recorded.
When defined in The Master Analysis: drop down menu with lining options.
Description Resistance
Alloy Cladding or Weld Overlay Resistant to the environment.
Alloy Cladding or Weld Overlay Possibly subject to attack, e.g. corrosion at welded joints, or diluted weld overlays.
Table 4: Lining
Subject to Pressure Testing
Indicate whether the component is subject to pressure testing.
Previous Test
Last year when a pressure test was performed.
The inspection intervals for pressure relief devices are determined by the probability and
consequence of the event outcomes that can result from PRD failure to open or leakage. The
probability side of the equation relates to the probability that the PRD fails to perform its
function, either failing to open upon demand or leaking. The consequence side is related to
loss of containment from the piece of equipment protected by the PRD or to leakage through
the PRD. Risk increases as a function of time since the probability of failure of the PRD
increases and the probability of leakage through the PRD increases with time. Additionally,
the consequences of PRD failure increase since the protected equipment damage increases
over time which increases the likelihood and consequences associated with loss of
containment. The recommended interval is determined for a PRD by calculation of the risk as
a function of time and determining the time at which the risk is equal to the risk target.
Select inspection efficiency, on a descending scale from A down to D.
Interval [months]
Number of months between inspections.
Previous Inspection
Year of last inspection.
Input data
Level I Input data is divided into 2 parts: severity of certain conditions used to assess damage
mechanisms (I through X) and evaluation of the consequences.
12.12. Level I Data: Potential Damage Mechanisms
Potential Damage Mechanism
Probability is determined by simply estimating the susceptibility of the component to one or
more damage mechanisms that contribute the most to plant failures. An adjustment is made
based on the length of time since the last inspection was performed on the component.
The estimated level of severity levels should be selected for each of the damage mechanisms
listed; the default severity is set to None.
If the equipment/component was never inspected or not by techniques which can identify
the damage mechanism being considered, estimate the severity as follows:
Severity Description
Major Damage mechanism has occurred several times in this operating plant in this or
similar components (in terms of materials and/or design and service); or
The equipment has been repaired/replaced due to the damage mechanism in the
Severe Damage mechanism has occurred once in this operating plant, in similar components
(in terms of materials and/or design and service);
More than once in the operating company, and no adequate previous inspection
performed to prove or disprove the presence of the damage mechanism.
Moderate Damage mechanism has occurred once in the operating company
More than once within the industry world-wide in similar components (in terms of
materials and/or design and service) and no adequate previous inspection performed
to prove or disprove the presence of the damage mechanism.
Minor Damage Mechanism has occurred in the industry world-wide, in similar components (in terms
of materials and/or design and service) and no adequate previous inspection performed to
prove or disprove the presence of the damage mechanism.
None Damage Mechanism not known to have occurred in the industry world-wide, in
similar components (in terms of materials and/or design and service);
Previous inspection has confirmed no presence of damage mechanism.
If the equipment/component was inspected in the past, a general rule of thumb would be that
the selected severity should be an appropriate reflection of the situation, for example:
1. If the equipment/component has been in service for a long period of time, and the
suspected damage mechanism was not detected during past inspections by techniques
which can identify it, then a proportionately low susceptibility should be assigned
2. Conversely, if the equipment/component has been is service for a short period of time
and indications of the damage mechanism were detected, a proportionately high
susceptibility should be assigned.
3. If a trendable, time dependent damage mechanism was detected and the rate of
degradation is well established, then the estimated equipment/component remaining life
relative to the service age should be taken into consideration when selecting the
4. If non-trendable damage mechanisms are confirmed through inspection, then the higher
severities should be considered.
Release Inventory
The Inventory is represented in a very broad range that helps determine a flammability
consequence ranking. This ranking is further refined with the data from the temperature and
pressure fields:
Small release
Moderate release
Large release.
Toxic Percentage
Toxic consequences depend heavily on the percentage of the process fluid that is toxic.
Highly toxic process streams or those containing a portion of highly toxic components can
be evaluated using a broadly estimated range of the percentage of the toxic component in
the stream. The following choices are available in the Toxic Percentage field of the Level I
1 - <5%
5 - <50%
>= 50%.
Business Interruption
Business interruption is evaluated by a simple four category assessment combining the the
impact on production, whether excess production capacity exists and whether the product
is in a sold-out market. The following choices relate to the impact of a failure and the
amount of business interruption associated with it.
No shutdown, little or no impact on throughput
Short shutdown, or reduced throughput
Extended shutdown
Long-term shutdown.
Financial consequences
Estimated costs and/or losses rising from a failure:
No financial loss or loss up to 1000 EUR; no shutdown or short-term shutdown
Loss from 1000 to 10.000 EUR; production loss from a couple of hours up to one day
Loss from 10.000 to 100.000 EUR; production loss from one day up to one week
Loss from 100.000 to 1.000.000 EUR; production loss of several weeks
Loss of more than 1.000.000 EUR; long term shutdown
Reputation consequences
How an incident is expected to affect the company's reputation and to be perceived in
No consequence on reputation
No influence or very small negative influence on company reputation, i.e. there is a some
knowledge about the incident among employees and local community, possibly a short
article in local press, there is no overall concern about the incident, the incident is seen
as a unit problem
Moderate influence on the company reputation, i.e. negative articles in local/regional
press, there is a degree of concern among the employees and surrounding communities,
the incident is seen as a plant issue
Big influence on company reputation, i.e. there is an overall concern and reaction on the
national level, incident is seen as top management/corporate issue
Major influence on the company reputation, i.e. concern and reaction onthe
international level, the incident is seen as a political issue
Environmental Consequences
Environmental consequences are mitigated in two ways: physical barriers that act to
contain leaks on site and detection and isolation systems that limit the duration of the leak.
In API RBI, the volume contained on site is accounted for directly in the spill calculation
while detection and isolation systems serve to reduce the duration of the leak and thus, the
final spill volume.
Select how a spill is expected to affect the environment:
No consequences, i.e. spills that evaporate by themselves or can be cleaned in 24 hours
without the need to involve additional work force
Small consequences - no long term environmental consequences, i.e. controlled spill
with mitigation measures in place, small release to the ground, infrequent breach of
allowed emission values
Moderate consequences, i.e. pipeline spill that requires some investment in ground
mitigation, without a large potential for ground or underground water contamination,
vegetation damage, frequent breach of allowed emission values
Large damage - considerable damage to the environment, mostly inside the plant
premises that require comprehensive mitigation measures, i.e. oil spill with potential to
damage ground or underground water, inside or outside the plant
Huge damage - long term and serious damage to the environment, inside and outside of
the plant, i.e. crude oil spill contaminating large areas, ground or underground water
that require comprehensive mitigation measures and involves large financial
Evaluation Year
Evaluation Year represents the year for which the Risk Analysis is performed. The default
value is current year.
12.15. Level I Data: Results
The results are automatically calculated in the background based on the inputs per
component and are displayed in the bottom of the data input page; note that a simplified
results' matrix is also presented at the top of the page.
Make sure to click on 'SAVE Component' whenever changes are made in order to recalculate
the results.
Note: a full presentation of the results is available in "Reports", on the side menu; see chapter
Consequence Driver
The consequence driver is available only in the Level I analysis. The Consequence Driver
identifies the consequence type that drives the risk. Examples are business interruption,
safety, toxicity, etc.
Consequence Category
The consequence categories have a ranking from "A" (low consequence) to "E" (high
consequence). This is solely for the convenience of presentation in a 5X5 matrix. The
categories may have absolute values assigned, or they may simply be a relative ranking.
Comparison of a category under one definition to a category under another definition is not
valid, and may be misleading. For more details about consequence categories please see
Chapter 4.4.5, API 581:2008.
Likelihood Category
The likelihood category is a ranking from "1" (low likelihood) to "5" (high likelihood). This is
solely for the convenience of presentation in a 5X5 matrix. The categories may have absolute
values assigned, or they may simply be a relative ranking. Comparison of a category under
one definition to a category under another definition is not valid, and may be misleading. For
more details please see API 581:2008.
The risk rank is a ranking from "Low" to "High." This is solely for the convenience of
presentation in a 5X5 matrix. The categories may have absolute values assigned, or they may
simply be a relative ranking. Comparison of a category under one definition to a category
under another definition is not valid, and may be misleading.
This is in contrast with Level III approach, where the consequences are calculated at the end
and expressed in monetary units, and probability expressed using the generic failure rates
and modification factors.
Therefore, the main outputs of the Level II analysis are:
Risk Rank in 5x5 matrix
Inspection plan based on TMS.
To perform the Level II analysis, one needs to provide the data for the following:
Component data
Complete inspection history
Evaluate the probability / determine Technical Module Subfactors (TMS) for the
appropriate damage mechanisms.
As a user may notice further on, most of the inputs needed to be provided are concerning the
input of damage mechanism data.
In general, the RBI approach involves the calculation of the Likelihood of failure as shown on
Figure 12.15.1. As already mentioned, because the universal subfactor and process
subfactors, as well as Management Systems Evaluation Factors are usually common for the
whole unit, the ranking in the Level II is done based on Technical Module subfactor.
The calculation of each of the Technical Module Subfactor (TMS) is given in Annexes of API
581:2000 and API 581:2008, and will not be covered in this manual. The user is strongly
encouraged to read each of the Annexes in order to be able to fully understand the whole
calculation process.
This module establishes a Technical Module Subfactor (likelihood of failure modifier) for
process components subject to damage by mechanisms that result in thinning. General
thinning and localized thinning (which includes pitting and erosion-corrosion) are within the
scope of the module. If thinning rates have not been established from thickness inspection
data, supplements are available in this module to provide conservative estimates of thinning
rates for damage mechanisms that result in thinning. Expert advice may also be used to
establish expected rates of thinning in the absence of measured data.
This technical module assumes that the thinning mechanism has resulted in an average rate
of thinning over the time period defined in the basic data which is fairly constant. The
likelihood of failure is estimated by examining the possibility that the rate of thinning is
greater than what is expected. The likelihood of these higher rates is determined by the
amount of inspections and on-line monitoring that has been performed. The more thorough
the inspection, and the greater the number of inspections and continued use of on-line
monitoring, the less likely is the chance that the rate of thinning is greater than anticipated.
Figure 12.18.1: Thinning technical module.
Corrosion Type
Determine whether the thinning is general or localized for inspection results of effective
inspections. General corrosion is defined as affecting more than 10% of the surface area and
the wall thickness variation is less than 1.25 mm. Localized corrosion is defined as affecting
less than 10% of the surface area or a wall thickness variation greater than 1.25 mm
Known Cause??
Online Monitoring
The types of proactive on-line monitoring methods or tools employed:
Key process variables
Corrosometer probes
Corrosion coupons
Injection Point and Highly effective inspection performed for Injection Points
For piping, determine if there is an injection or mix point in the circuit. For piping circuits
which contain an injection or mix point, determine whether or not a highly effective
inspection designed to detect local corrosion at these points has been performed.
Pressing the “Calculate” button will bring up the Thinning technical module questionnaire.
Pressing “Save” will save the results and “Update and Close” will save the results and close
the dialog.
Inspection Effectiveness
Effectiveness of the most effective inspection performed in the past will be considered as
"desired" inspection effectiveness.
Potential Cause
Displays the potential cause (either entered as “Known cause” or as the result of calculation)
Thinning Factor
Damage factor as determined according to appendix V: Thinning Damage Factor (API
Thinning Category
Probability category according to the damage factor for Thinning.
External damage can occur to most process plant components. The result is a gradual
thinning of some materials or may result in stress corrosion cracking of other materials.
Perhaps the most serious cases of external damage involve corrosion under insulation (CUI).
This form is especially hazardous because insulation can become wet or contaminated,
accelerating the corrosion. Another reason that CUI is particularly serious is that it is very
difficult to detect. In any case, the problem can be reduced or eliminated by proper inspection
for corrosion, proper installation and maintenance of insulation, or by proper selection,
application, and maintenance of protective coatings. External damage is evaluated separately
for carbon/low alloy steels (subject to thinning) and austenitic stainless steels (subject to
stress corrosion cracking).
Note: if the material is not carbon steel or austenitic stainless steel, this option is not
available. Also, in cases where the operating temperature is higher than 120 Celsius for
carbon steels or between 37 and 150 Celsius for austenitic steels, this option will also not be
Weather Type
To calculate the weather setting for External Corrosion Factor, the program makes use of the
weather conditions prevailing at the location to calculate the potential corrosion rate. In
order for the program to calculate accurate values, it uses the weather condition setting that
was given to the Unit in which the component is installed:
Marine - Average Rainfall is 1000+ mm/ yr
Temperate - Average Rainfall is 500 - 1000 mm/ yr
Arid - Average Rainfall is < 500 mm/ yr.
Insulation Condition
Determine whether the insulation condition is good based on external visual inspection of
jacketing condition. Above Average insulation will show no signs of damage (i.e. punctured,
torn or missing water proofing, and missing caulking) or standing water (i.e. brown, green,
or black stains). Take careful note of areas where water can enter into the insulation system,
such as inspection ports and areas where the insulation is penetrated (i.e. nozzles, ring
supports and clips). Note that horizontal areas also accumulate water.
The number of branches, etc.: Below Average, Average, Above Average.
Chlorine Free
Determine if the insulation is 'Cl-' free. If unknown assume 'Cl-' is present.
Note: this option is only available if the component's material austenitic stainless steel.
Piping Support
If piping is supported directly on beams or other such configuration that does not allow for
proper coating maintenance, external corrosion can be more severe.
Note: this option is available only if the selected equipment type is piping.
Indicate that coating has been performed.
Coating Good
Indicates that coating condition is in good condition.
Note: this option is available only if Coated is selected.
Last Coated
Enter the year of the last coating. It will be used as a start date of the calculation if no
inspection afterwards was performed.
Note: this option is available only if Coated is selected.
Corrosion Rate
Select "Estimated" if an expert judgment exists about the corrosion rate/susceptibility. If the
value is measured, then use this value. This option is not available if no previous external
inspections have been performed. If no values have been so far indicated, use "calculated"
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspection effectiveness of the most effective inspection performed in the past will be
considered as "desired" inspection effectiveness.
This module establishes a Technical Module Subfactor (probability of failure modifier) for
process components subject to damage by mechanisms that result in Stress Corrosion
Cracking (SCC). Caustic cracking, amine cracking, sulfide stress cracking (SSC), hydrogen-
induced cracking (HIC), stress-oriented hydrogen-induced cracking (SOHIC), carbonate
cracking, polythionic acid cracking (PTA) and chloride cracking (ClSCC) are within the scope
of the module.
Technical Supplements are included in this module to provide estimates of the susceptibility
to specific damage mechanisms that result in stress corrosion cracking. Expert advice may
also be used to establish susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. This technical module
assumes that the susceptibility to each SCC mechanism is determined in the applicable
technical module supplement. The susceptibility is designated as high, medium, or low based
on process, material, and fabrication variables. A severity index can be determined which is
the product of the susceptibility of the equipment/piping to cracking (or the probability of
initiating cracks) and the probability of a crack resulting in a leak.
Figure 12.20.1: Stress Corrosion Cracking Module.
Hydrogen Probes
Select this option if hydrogen probes are used as proactive corrosion monitoring method. In
acidic process environments, hydrogen is a byproduct of the corrosion reaction; generated in
such a reaction, it can be absorbed by steel particularly when traces of sulphide or cyanide
are present. This may lead to hydrogen induced failure by one or more of several
mechanisms. The concept of hydrogen probes is to detect the amount of hydrogen
permeating through the steel by mechanical or electrochemical measurement and to use this
as a qualitative indication of corrosion rate.
Expected damage mechanism:
Caustic cracking
Amine cracking
Carbonate cracking
Sulfide stress cracking
HIC/SOHIC (hydrogen sulfide services)
Hydroflouric acid services HSC-HF
HIC/SOHIC (hyrofluoric acid)
Estimated susceptibility of the component to damage mechanisms:
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspection effectiveness of the most effective inspection performed in the past will be
considered as "desired" inspection effectivenes. The calculation of the numbers of the
equivalent inspections is done according to the method described in Chapter 9.4 (API
581:2000) and appendix VIII: Stress Corrosion Cracking Technical Module (API 581:2000).
Potential Cause
Potential/detected/calculated mechanism of SCC. The damage mechanism that yields the
highest SCC factor will be selected for the calculated values.
SCC Factor
Damage factor as determined according to appendix VIII: Stress Corrosion Cracking
Technical Module (API 581:2000).
SCC Category
Probability category according to the damage factor for SCC. Pressing the Calculate button,
the Stress Corrosion Cracking technical module questionnaire will be shown.
12.21. Level II: Probabilities: Brittle Fracture Technical Module
Note: This block refers to API 581:2008 (appendix II: Brittle Fracture Damage Factor)
This module establishes a Technical Module Subfactor (probability of failure modifier) for
process components subject to failure by brittle fractures. Low Temperature/Low Toughness
Fracture, Temper Embrittlement, 475 Celsius Embrittlement, and Sigma Phase
Embrittlement are within the scope of the module. Technical Supplements are included in
this module to provide estimates of the susceptibility to specific brittle fracture mechanisms
that can result in failure. Expert advice may also be used to establish susceptibility to brittle
fracture mechanisms.
Brittle fracture requires the coincident presence of a sufficient size defect, application of
sufficient stress, and a susceptible material. The susceptibility to failure by brittle fracture
can change due to in-service conditions. The supplements determine the likelihood
adjustment (Technical Module Subfactor) that is appropriate to each case.
Note: Availability of this option depends highly on other inputs like selected material and
operating temperature.
Minimum Upset Temperature [C]
The minimum operating temperature, under normal or upset conditions.
Material Normalized
Used to look up the required impact test temperature.
High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) occurs in carbon and low alloy steels exposed to
a high partial pressure of hydrogen at elevated temperatures. It is the result of atomic
hydrogen diffusing through the steel and reacting with carbides in the microstructure. There
are two reactions associated with HTHA: First the hydrogen molecule, H2 must dissociate to
form atomic hydrogen H and then it can diffuse through steel.
Damage due to the HTHA can possess two forms: internal decarburization and fissuring from
the accumulation of methane gas at the carbide matrix interface and surface decarburization
from the reaction of the atomic hydrogen with carbides at or near the surface where the
methane gas can escape without causing fissures. Internal fissuring is more typically
observed in carbon steel, C-1/2Mo steels and in Cr-Mo steels at higher hydrogen partial
pressures, while surface decarburization is more commonly observed in Cr-Mo steels at
higher temperatures and lower hydrogen partial pressures.
HTHA can be mitigated by increasing the alloy content of the steel and, thereby, increasing
the stability of the carbides in the presence of hydrogen. As a result, carbon steel that only
contains Fe3C carbides has significantly less HTHA resistance than any of the Cr-Mo steels
that contain Cr and Mo carbides that are more stable and resistant to HTHA.
Historically, HTHA resistance has been predicted based on industry experience which has
been plotted on a series of curves for carbon and low alloy steels showing the temperature
and hydrogen partial pressure regime in which these steels have been successfully used
without damage due to HTHA. These curves, which are commonly referred to as the Nelson
curves, are maintained based on industry experience in API Recommended Practice 941.
Note: if the material is not carbon or low alloy steel or when operating temperature is less
than 250 Celsius and pressure less than 66 bar, this option is not available.
Damage Observed
The base level technical subfactor can be adjusted downward if an effective inspection is
performed and NO DAMAGE is detected. As with stress corrosion cracking type of damage, if
damage is found during inspection, a significant upward adjustment is made to the subfactor.
It should be noted that once damage is observed a fitness-for-service assessment should be
Note: this field is available only if records of previous HTHA inspections are recorded in the
inspection history.
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspection effectiveness of the most effective inspection performed in the past will be
considered as "desired" inspection effectiveness. The calculation of the numbers of the
equivalent inspections is done according to the method described in appendix I: HTHA
Damage Factor (API 581:2008).
The assessment of susceptibility to HTHA is based on the time the equipment has been
exposed to high pressure hydrogen at elevated temperatures. A single parameter, PV, has
been developed to relate time at temperature and a hydrogen partial pressure. This
parameter can be used to define the susceptibility of a material to damage from HTHA. For
the basis of this technical module, the susceptibility to damage from HTHA is based on
200,000 hours of service at a given combination of temperature and hydrogen partial
HTHA Susceptibility
HTHA Susceptibility as determined according to appendix I: HTHA Damage Factor (API
HTHA Factor
Damage factor as determined according to appendix I: HTHA Damage Factor (API 581:2008).
HTHA Category
Probability category according to appendix I: HTHA Damage Factor (API 581:2008).
Previous Failures
If there has been no history of fatigue failures and there have been no significant changes,
then the likelihood of a fatigue failure is believed to be low.
1 failure
more than 1 failure.
Shaking Source
Determine to which cyclic source the piping is connected. The connections could be direct,
e.g. letdown and mixing valves, or indirect, i.e. through structural support.
Valve with high pressure drop
Release valve Chatter
Reciprocating machinery
Corrective Action
Credit is given for analysis work which shows that the shaking piping is not a fatigue concern.
Modifications were based on complete engineering analysis
Modifications were based on an expert opinion
No modifications were done at all.
What is the condition of the piping section being evaluated in terms of support?
Missing/ damaged supports
Unsupported weights on branches
Broken gussets
Gussets/supports welded directly to pipe
Good condition
Branch Size
Branches of higher diameter will be significantly less susceptible to mechanical fatigue.
Fatigue Factor
Damage factor as determined according to appendix III: Piping Mechanical Fatigue Damage
Fatigue Category
Probability category according to the damage factor for Fatigue.
Lining Condition
Poor - The lining has either had previous failures or exhibits conditions that may lead to
failure in the near future. Repairs to previous failures are not successful or are of poor
Average - The lining is not showing signs of excessive attack by any damage mechanisms.
Local repairs may have been performed, but they are of good quality and have
successfully corrected the lining condition
Good - The lining is in 'like new' condition with no signs of attack by any damage
mechanisms. There has been no need for any repairs to the lining.
On-Line Monitoring
Some lined equipment has monitoring to allow early detection of a leak or other failure of the
lining. The monitoring allows orderly shutdown of the equipment before failure occurs. If on-
line monitoring is used, and it is known to be effective at detecting lining deterioration, the
lining failure factor will be multiplied by 0.1. Examples of monitoring systems include
thermography or heat sensitive paint (refractory linings), weep holes with detection devices
(loose alloy linings), electrical resistance detection (glass linings).
Lining Factor
Damage factor as determined according to appendix VI: Component Lining Damage Factor.
Lining Category
Probability category according to the damage factor.
This module establishes a damage factor (probability of failure modifier) for externally fired
furnace tubes. This technical module applies to ferritic steel (carbon steel and low alloy steels
through 12 Cr) and austenitic stainless steel (Types 304, 316, 321 and 347) tubes in refinery
heaters. These tubes are assumed to be directly fired, heat absorbing and enclosed within a
firebox. This module addresses damage caused by long term exposure to temperature as well
as short term overheating.
The relationship between creep life, stress and temperature is relatively complex. However,
heater tube design methods use simplified relationships developed from accelerated tensile
creep tests. The scatter in the results of these uni-axial creep tests is relatively large and
because of this scatter in experimental creep properties and dependence on accelerated
creep tests for the creep properties, there is a significant amount of uncertainty associated
with the prediction of creep life.
The prediction of heater tube life is further complicated by other effects such as external
oxidation which is the most common corrosion problem in heater tubes. Oxidation thins the
tube wall, increasing the stress and accelerating creep damage; its rate is a function of
temperature and amount of oxygen in the firebox:
Internal corrosion. In some refinery furnaces, such as in Crude Distillation units, high
temperature sulfidation can be a problem. As corrosion thins the tube wall, the stress
increases and the rate of creep damage is accelerated. The rate of high temperature
sulfidation is a function of temperature and sulfur content in the process stream
Other corrosion. Because the tubes are operated at high temperatures, even small
amounts of contaminants in either the process or fuel can cause accelerated corrosion of
the tube metal. For example, the combination of high temperatures and small amounts of
sodium and vanadium in the fuel can cause excessive external corrosion
Uneven heating. The temperature distribution in heater fireboxes is affected by the
positioning of the tubes relative to the burners, the shape and size of the firebox, the tube
spacing, and the distances between the tubes and the burners
Flame impingement. Flame impingement is affected by the same factors of uneven
heating; however, it is also affected by the adjustment of the burners and the control of
fuel and air in the fire box
Coking. In many types of petroleum heaters, coke deposits build up on the inside of the
tube. The coke deposits act as a thermal insulation between the tube metal and the
process, raising the temperature of the tube wall, accelerating creep and corrosion.
This technical module assumes that the long-term creep does not occur unless the operating
tube wall metal temperature is higher than the temperatures given for each material of
construction. Local overheating; however, may occur as a result of uneven heating or flame
impingement and is addressed for all furnaces.
Note: This module is available only when the selected component type is "HEATER".
Online Monitoring
Determine the types of proactive corrosion monitoring methods or tools employed, such as
tube skin thermocouples, thermography, process operating variables, etc.
Furnace Factor
Furnace Damage Mechanism factor.
Furnace Category
Furnace Risk Category.
12.26. Level II Consequences Data Input
Note: this chapter refers to both API 581:2000 and API 581:2008, consequence
Representative Fluid
Because very few refinery streams are of pure materials, the selection of a representative
material almost always involves making some assumptions. These assumptions, and the
sensitivity of the results, depend to a degree upon the type of consequences that are to be
evaluated. For mixtures, the representative material should be defined firstly by the NBP and
MW, and secondly by the density.
If these values are unknown, for the mixture can be calculated using:
where xi is mole fraction of the component and Propertyi may be normal boiling point,
molecular weight, or Density
Flammable consequence results are not highly sensitive to the exact material selected,
provided the molecular weights are similar, because air dispersion properties and heats of
combustion are similar for all hydrocarbons with similar molecular weights. This is
particularly true for straight chain alkanes, but becomes less true as the materials become
less saturated or aromatic. Hence, one should be very careful when applying the RBI BRD
consequence formulas to materials (such as aromatics, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc.) not
already defined in the BRD. In such cases, it is recommended that test runs using quantitative
consequence analysis programs be made to more appropriately select the correct material
that yields similar consequence areas
Toxic Percentage
As a general rule, it is not necessary to evaluate a toxic release if the concentration of the
material within the equipment item is at or below the IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life
or Health) value. For hydrogen fluoride (HF), this is 30 ppm, for H2S this is 300 ppm, for NH3,
it is 300 and for Cl it is 30.
Toxic Model
Toxic fluids are similar to flammables in that not all toxic releases result in a single type of
effect. By themselves, hydrogen fluoride (HF), ammonia and chlorine pose only a toxic hazard.
On the other hand, some toxic materials such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are both toxic and
flammable. However, any toxic material, when mixed with hydrocarbons, can pose flammable
and toxic hazards. RBI allows for each of these possibilities. RBI evaluates the risks associated
with four toxic materials that typically contribute to toxic risks for a refinery: hydrogen
fluoride (HF), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3) and chlorine (Cl). The same
approach can be used to evaluate other toxic materials.
Detection System
The list shown below, provides guidance to the user for assigning a qualitative letter rating
(A, B, or C) to the unit's detection and isolation systems. These letter ratings are later used in
the consequence estimation sections to determine the effect of the mitigation systems on final
consequences. Note that Detection System A is usually found only in specialty chemical
applications and is not often used in refineries; it is only provided here for completeness. The
information presented is used only when evaluating the consequences of continuous-type
releases. In other words, if more than 5,000 kg of hydrocarbon are released in 3 minutes, the
process of assessing detection and isolation capability is not applied:
A - Instrumentation designed specifically to detect material losses by changes in
operating conditions (i.e., loss of pressure or flow) in the system
B - Suitably located detectors to determine when the material is present outside the
pressure-containing envelope
C - Visual detection, cameras, or detectors with marginal coverage.
Isolation System
A - Isolation or shutdown systems activated directly from process instrumentation or
detectors, with no operator intervention
B - Isolation or shutdown systems activated by operators in the control room or other
suitable locations remote from the leak
C - Isolation dependent on manually operated valves.
Inventory Value
Specify the inventory if known. Otherwise, the middle of the Inventory Range will be used.
Inventory Range
< 50 kg - Release resulting in less than total de-inventory of the component being
50 - 500 kg - Release resulting in total de-inventory of the component being evaluated
500 - 5000 kg - Release resulting in total de-inventory of the component being evaluated,
plus one to ten other components
5000 - 50000 kg - Release resulting in total de-inventory of the component being
evaluated, plus ten or more other components
50000 - 500000 kg - Release will result in total de-inventory of the unit.
Mitigation System
Mitigation systems affect a release in different ways. Some systems reduce duration by
detecting and isolating the leak. Other mitigation systems minimize the chances for ignition
or the spread of material. In RBI, consequence mitigation systems are treated in two ways:
Systems that detect and isolate a leak
Systems that are applied directly to the hazardous material to reduce consequences.
Consequence Category
The consequence category is a ranking from "A" (low consequence) to "E" (high
consequence). Consequence Category Likelihood Weighted Average Area are:
< 1 m2
1 - 10 m2
10 - 100 m2
100 - 1000 m2
1000 m2.
In keeping with the philosophy of Level II being a simplified approach for the purposes of
ranking equipment by risk, business interruption and environmental consequences are not
included in the approach.
Likelihood Category
The likelihood category is a ranking from "1" (low likelihood) to "5" (high likelihood). This is
solely for the convenience of presentation in a 5X5 matrix. The categories may have absolute
values assigned, or they may simply be a relative ranking. Comparison of a category under
one definition to a category under another definition is not valid, and may be misleading. For
more details, refer to API 581:2008.
The risk rank, from "Low" to "High".
Calculated values for different scenarios of inventory release.
Figure 12.28.1: Inspection history.
While in The Master Analysis, select the component in the relevant unit, select level II or III
analysis and click on 'New Inspection' (greyed out in analyses) to open the new inspection
dialogue box:
Inspection type
The type of inspection but not from point of view of applied inspection method, but rather
from point of view of damage mechanism that was supposed to be detected/inspected:
External corrosion / corrosion under insulation
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)
High temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA)
Furnace / Creep-Thinning
Mechanical Damage (i.e. piping fatigue)
Other (i.e. Lining).
Date of the inspection
Should be one of the values from A to E, where A is the best, and E is the worst inspection
category. In the software, it is considered that A=2B=4C=8D (that means one A inspection is
worth as two B inspections or four C inspections or eight D inspections). E type inspections
are considered as ineffective and therefore ignored/not accounted for.
For the given inspection type, subtype, intrusive and inspection category, system will provide
information about what kind of inspection methods are typical to be considered just below
the inspection category.
Should provide the information whether the applied inspection was intrusive or non-
Is available for Stress corrosion cracking (SCC), while different forms of stress corrosion
cracking would require different inspection methods to be detected. The list of available
damage mechanisms is identical with the list which is further on described in the SCC
Technical module for Likelihood calculation.
Concise and meaningful summarized information about the inspection report and its
findings. Try to be as quantitative as possible and refer the number and name of the report in
question, as well as its location.
Once inspections are added or modified, clicking 'Recalculate' will update the 'Results for
Accepted Inspection Plan' segment to reflect the added inspections' projected effect on the
component's risk.
The effects of the inspection's plan are displayed in three risk matrices, so the immediate
effects on the risk evolution of the planned inspections can be observed (current evaluation,
future evaluation without inspection and future evaluation with inspection).
Below the matrices, the risk factor rating and corresponding category per damage
mechanism are presented for each outcome (current evaluation, future evaluation without
inspection and future evaluation with inspection).
12.30. Level III: Performing Level III Analysis
Level III is a quantitative approach to RBI providing the most detailed analysis of the three
levels. This level adds a Financial Risk analysis and Equipment Modification Factors analysis
along with the data provided in the Level II analysis.
Accordingly, there will be two additional tabs: Modification Factors and Financial Risk which
are explained in the following sections; the other tabs remain the same as in Level II and are
described in the previous sections.
In order to perform the analysis, the following "Modification Factors" input page should be
filled in:
Cold Weather
Cold climates impose additional risks on plant operation. Extremely low temperatures inhibit
maintenance and inspection activities and can result in reduced operator monitoring of
outside equipment. Ice and snow buildup can cause a distortion or failure of small lines,
instrument and electrical runs. In addition, frozen level controllers, cracked water lines,
cracked or frozen water containing deadlegs and plugged process lines are common winter
problems. Cold weather problems can be minimized by proper design but not completely
avoided. This parameter is set in The Master Analysis.
>5 oC
From -5 oC to 5 oC
From 5 oC and 30 oC
Bellow -30 oC.
Component Condition
Select the quality level of the component, compared with industry standards:
A - significantly better than industry standards
B - about equal to industry standards
C - below industry standards
D - Significantly below industry standards
Construction Code
These codes represent the accumulated knowledge from generations in process industry.
While designing and fabricating a component according to Code cannot assure fault-free
operation, it provides a good basis for minimizing problems in most applications:
A - The equipment meets the latest edition of the code
B - Code has been significantly modified since fabrication
C - No formal code existed or not fabricated to existing code
Vibration monitoring
Wear is the most common failure of rotating equipment such as pumps and compressors.
Wear-related damage can result in seal failure, shaft damage or in extreme cases rapture of
the pump case. Vibration monitoring can normally detect the problems before failure occurs.
In this section the data about monitoring of vibrations should be added.
no vibration monitoring
periodic vibration monitoring
online vibration monitoring
Planned shutdowns
Planned shutdowns include all outages for which the Standard Operating Procedures for
shutdown are employed. The intent is to include all outages where normal, systematic
shutdown procedures are employed. Any shutdown may have potential for operational
errors, even when carefully planned.
0 to 1 per year
1 to 3 per year
4 to 6 per year
>6 per year
Unplanned Shutdowns
Unplanned shutdowns are those that occur with a minimum of prior planning and include
situations such as power failures, leaks and fires. Select the number of unplanned shutdowns
per year, averaged on last three years.
0 to 1 per year
1 to 3 per year
4 to 6 per year
>6 per year
Process Stability
Some processes operate smoothly, day after day and do not require frequent interventions
from the operators. Other require frequent attention to adjust set points, control product
quality or change product grades. Select the best fitting qualitative assessment that describes
the stability of the process:
A - More stable than average process
B - Process has about average stability
C - Less than stable than average process
D - Much less stable than average process.
Relief Valves’ Service Type; Select an option:
Corrosive: corrosive processes present special problem for relief systems. Although the
process itself is often designed to resist these impacts, relief systems are usually less
resistant and can result in unpredictable relief valve performance. If it can be considered
that relief valve works under such conditions this type of service should be chosen
Clean: this type of services should be chosen if it is revealed that RV operates in clean
environment, where no fouling tendencies, corrosives or other contaminants are
Unknown: if none of previous 2 is applicable or there is no information about the
environment in which RV operates.
The piping complexity can be evaluated through number of protrusions such as branch
connections, nozzles, pipe supports, poorly designed insulation support rings, etc. and any
design feature that would promote the retention and/or collection of moisture.
Provide the following inputs:
Nozzle count: all nozzles should be included in the count
Valve count: in RBI analysis valves are considered as part of the piping system. Each block
valve, control valve, drain valve and vent valve should be included in the count, all except
relief valves
Branch count: any line that tees into the pipe segment being evaluated, other than an
injection point, is considered a branch. Drain lines, mixing tees, relief valve branches etc.
should be included. Each branch creates an opportunity for failure due to imposed
stresses, deadleg corrosion, fatigue etc. Each branch has a complexity factor of 3
Connection count: all connections should be included. A flanged connection has much
higher probability of leaking than welded connection, and in further calculations it
receives a complexity factor of10
Injection point count: number of injection points is important because these are locations
where relatively small quantities of potentially corrosive materials are injected in the
process streams to control stream composition or other process variables. Piping in
vicinity of injection points can be subject to corrosion. Examples: chlorine in reformers,
water injection in overhead systems, polysulfide injection in catalytic cracking wet gas,
antifoam injections etc.
Universal Subfactor
The universal sub factor covers conditions that equally affect all components in the facility.
As a result, the information concerning these conditions needs to be collected and recorded
only once. The numeric values assigned for each of the three elements of the subfactor are
applied equally to all equipment items. The universal factor includes these three elements:
Plant condition
Cold weather operation
Seismic activity.
Mechanical Subfactor
The mechanical subfactor addresses conditions related primarily to the design and
fabrication of the component. Information for analysis is normally found on P&ID’s, in
engineering files, etc. and the generated numeric values are often different for each
component. This subfactor is composed of the following five elements:
Construction Code
Life Cycle
Safety Factors
Vibration Monitoring.
Process Subfactor
The process subfactor is based on the conditions that are influenced the most by the process
and how the facility is operated. Data is gathered from various sources, such as operating
records, discussions with personal etc. The process subfactor has three elements, of which
some might have sub-elements:
Continuity of the process
Stability of the process
Relief valves.
Management Systems Evaluation Factor
This factor is derived from the results of the evaluation of a facility or operating unit’s
management system that affects plant risk. Different practices within units at a facility
might create differences in the management systems evaluation factor between the units.
However, within one study the management evaluation factor should be the same and it is
applied equally to all components within the study and it does not change the order of the
risk-based ranking of the components.
This field shows the Material of the current component. The material of construction is
usually carbon steel, unless otherwise required for process reasons.
Outage Cost [€/day]
The costs incurred due to business interruption are determined by the amounts of downtime
and lost production that can be directly associated with the repair of the specific component
that suffered loss of containment (due to holes or rupture) as well as the downtime associated
to the repairs of the surrounding equipment in the area of the event.
Calculated costs of an outage of a certain equipment, expressed as expense per day, in euro.
Release Type
Where is the fluid released to: ground or water? The cost of a cleanup greatly depends on
where the fluids spilled to; spills into waterways for instance will be much more costly than
spills above ground.
12.34. Level III: Financial Risk: Results
Note: this block refers to Financial Risk (API 581:2000)
Outage Days
Duration of the outage of the facility, estimated for particular hole size and corresponding
leakage scenario.
Total Injuries
Estimated total number of injuries based on different leakage hole size, amount released and
affected area.
A repository for component specific documents; parent unit documents are also shown.
13. Master Analysis
As mentioned throughout this guide, the software calculates risk per particular component
in a particular unit and takes into account modifications that are done to the specific
component for analysis purposes. This naturally requires units and component templates to
be set up in a central database from which these units and components can be taken into
analyses. This database is the Master Analysis.
Cardinal units such as the company itself and its business centers are set up at the initial
software implementation and are not covered here. However, once these units are set up, a
user may add new units to them, according to the organization's hierarchy.
It is worth mentioning again that in order to perform analyses, the units and components on
which said analyses are to be done must already be defined and set up in The Master Analysis.
Hence, if either does not exist, the user must first define them before performing the analysis,
as explained below.
The Process Unit information dialog will be displayed in the main window, containing the
unit's data in case of an existing unit or defaulting to the data (inheriting) from the parent
unit in case of a new unit.
For full descriptions of the various fields, see chapter 11. Unlike the form which is presented
while in an analysis, all fields are editable in The Master Analysis and thus the unit's
information can be fully modified.
Deleting units
In order to delete a unit, select it; once the unit's information displays, click on 'Delete
Process Unit' on the header and click 'OK' on the confirmation message. Note that cardinal
(predefined) units cannot be deleted in this manner.
Important note: all changes done in The Master Analysis are permanent and will show in
all future analyses; this however, is not retroactive and will not affect existing analyses. It is
strongly advised to keep track of these changes for future reference.
13.2. Creating and modifying components
Component: any part that is designed and fabricated to a recognized code or standard.
For example, a pressure boundary may consist of components (cylindrical shell sections,
formed heads, nozzles, tank shell courses, tank bottom plate, etc.).
Equipment: an individual item that is part of a system, equipment is comprised of an
assemblage of Components. Examples include pressure vessels, relief devices, piping,
boilers and heaters.
Selecting a component type from the list will create a new component of that type with a
default name and associated with the respective unit in the component tab in the side menu.
The Component's attributes panel will automatically open in the main window, further
explained in section 12.1 and onwards.
Condenser, Shell
Condenser, Tube side
Heat Exchanger, Shell
Heat Exchanger, Tube Side
Pressure vessel (general)
Furnace Tubes
Boiler - Furnace Tubes for Fired Heater.
Piping up to 0.75"
Piping up to 1"
Piping up to 2"
Piping up to 4"
Piping up to 6"
Piping up to 8"
Piping up to 10"
Piping up to 12"
Piping up to16"
Piping > 16".
Fin/Fan Cooler
Atmospheric Storage Tank (Shell)
Atmospheric Storage Tank Floor
Boiler (General)
Coiled Tube
Rotating equipment other
Centrifugal pump, double seal
Centrifugal pump, single seal
Compressor, centrifugal
Compressor, reciprocating
Reciprocating pump.
14. NDT
14.1. NDT Analysis
The system offers a 'Non Destructive Testing' (NDT) alternative analysis type that aims to
predict the life expectancy of components susceptible to corrosion such as piping and
pressure vessels. It is in essence a tool for wall thickness measurements management and its
predications are made according to those measurements.
The NDT Analysis is started by selecting NDT from the Analysis Method dropdown menu at
Analysis Settings and saving the analysis' settings.
Components are shared with RBI and are set up in The Master Analysis accordingly. Note the
'service start' year which will dictate the start year for corrosion calculations.
The NDT analysis requires to first set up measurement points and their values, i.e.
Nominal, Minimal and Minimal Accepted values for every measurement point. This is
done in the Measuring points tab; refer to section X.2.
After all points are set up, actual measurements may be input in the NDT tab and their
corresponding predictions are also presented there; refer to section X.3.
The software offers a graphical presentation of the measurements in 'Latest Values' tab;
refer to section X.4.
14.2. Measuring Points
The NDT analysis is done for specific measuring points on each component. In this section,
these points are set up in the system and their properties serve as a baseline measurement
from which predictions are later derived.
By default, there are 10 points to be set up per component but if more are needed, a bulk
amount of new points can be added to the record at the bottom of the page by selecting the
desired amount from the drop down menu.
Larger components (equipment) with many measuring points may be segregated into
specific Component Parts (assemblies). The default Part is Piping and others may be added
by clicking on 'Add new record', naming it and saving changes. This adds the new component
parts to the Component Parts selection below, in which measurement points are defined.
Measurement points are defined per component part, set by default to Piping but may be
changed in the Component Parts selection dropdown menu to other parts, as defined above.
Each part has 10 records by default, to which more can be added either by inserting them one
by one by clicking on 'New Measuring Point' or in bulk with the option described above. Note
to 'Save Changes' after each modification.
Nominal Value:
The original wall thickness at the measuring point, gained either by measuring during
installation or from technical manufacturer readouts.
Minimal Value:
The minimal thickness measured that requires further attention. Automatically calculated to
be 70% of the Nominal Value but can be overridden by the user.
Modifying records:
Click on 'New Measurement' in order to insert the results of an inspection or a repair. Choose
the inspection's date and enter the measurement's value for the point that was inspected or
if a repair was done, insert the point's new thickness and select 'Repair' from the dropdown
In case of an existing record, modifications can be made by double clicking on the record and
modifying the fields as necessary.
Click on 'Save Changes' for new records and other modifications to take effect.
Note that points which had repairs done to tem will have the value highlighted in grey and
that repairing resets all previous point measurements for the purpose of further calculations.
Statistical Results:
The system summarizes statistical derivatives from the measurements' details in the
following table:
Free text for the evaluation.
Figure X.2.4: Current NDT Predictions
14.4. Latest Values
Charts the measurements results and values in two forms for easy reference:
Percentage Lost
By selecting 'Percentage' in both the View Selection dropdown menu and in the legend
(default view) will present a bar chart with the percentage of lost material per measurement
point, highlighting the most corroded point/ location
Measured Values
By selecting 'Measured Values' in the View Selection dropdown menu and the desired values
set/measured for each measurement point in the legend will present a bar chart that displays
the current value at a measurement point against its set values.
All the options in the side menu operate the same as with other analyses and the main change
is within each particular component assigned to the analysis.
Figure 15.2.2: Operating Data
Figure 15.2.4: SANS Data
Equipment Type
As defined for the component in The Master Analysis.
Applicable Figure
Per the methodology defined in SANS 347, predefined according to Equipment type which is
set up in The Master Analysis.
Operating Fluid
The closest equivalent to the fluid contained in the component in normal operations, for the
purpose of hazard categorization according to SANS 347.
Dangerous Fluid
Check marked automatically by the choice of the fluid in The Master Analysis; presented here
as information.
Damage Mechanisms
Select the damage mechanisms that are expected to affect the component:
The GFF - Generic Failure Frequency, is a way of using specialist experience to identify the
relative failure frequency of different components. The method used at Level I is broadly
based on a DNV classification system:
Annual failure Description
probability (guidance only)
Quantitative Qualitative
(1)In a large population e.g. tubing, one or more failures can be
10-2 High
expected annually.
(2)Failure has occurred several times a year in operating company.
(1)Several failures may occur during the life of the installation for a
10-3 Medium
system comprising a small number of components.
(2)Failure has occurred in operating company.
(1)Several failures may occur during the life of the installation for a
10-4 Low
system comprising a large number of components.
(2)Failure has occurred in industry.
< 10-5 Negligible (1)Failure is not expected.
(2)Failure has rarely occurred in industry.
Table 7: GFF multiplier explained
Assume No Inspection [years]
Input the number of years that are expected to pass until the next inspection; this adds up
with the time passed since the actual last inspection.
As almost all damage mechanisms are time dependent, the probability of a component failing
will increase with time. To take this into account, a factor calculated according to how long it
passes without an inspection, is used with the GFF so that the longer the period required
between inspections, the higher the risk.
Material Issues
Are there known material defects?
L: no known material issues
H: known material issues
Last Inspection
When was the last inspection?
L: less than 6 years ago
H: more than 6 years ago
Damage/Degradation Present
If there is a history, knowledge or indications of an active degradation mechanism?
L: none present
H: present
Likelihood of Mal-operation
Is mal-operation known to occur or is it possible for it to occur? e.g. large temperature
excursions, passing valve, significant chemical excursions, large thermal transients, fast ramp
rates, etc.
L: unlikely
H: likely
Industry Experience
Is there relevant knowledge within the industry of the component failing?
L: no known failures
H: known failures
Prior Repairs/Damage
Is it known or suspected that repairs were done to the component or that high levels of
damage were found in the past?
L: no known repairs
H: known repairs
Probability of Failure (PoF), calculated based on inputs.
CoF Safety
Consequences of Failure (CoF) from Safety aspect, calculated based on inputs.
CoF Business
Consequences of Failure (CoF) from Business aspect, calculated based on inputs.
PoF Comments
User comments for Probability of Failure (PoF).
Level Comments
User comments for the level I analysis.
The above criteria are used together with the Hazard Category (SANS 347 Pressure
Classification), and the nature of failure (leak or Burst). As in the case of the PoF
determination a simple “High”, “Low” classification is used for each Criterion except for the
Hazard category which has 3 main Classes (IV highest to Class II). Strictly speaking there are
lower classifications (Category I and Sound Engineering Practice (SEP)) which do not require
a RBI process to be used to manage their integrity. The criteria used are shown in Table 5
together with the logarithmic numeric used to score and the general descriptor. The
weighting used for each criterion is also shown in yellow.
For each component to be assessed the RBI Team will assign a score which will be factored
by the weighting. The Hazard category is automatically calculated in the software based on
the dimensions/volume of the component and the contents. This produces a component CoF.
Failure Type
What kind of failure is expected, considering the damage mechanism?
L: Leak
H: Burst
How likely are serious injuries or fatalities to occur due to the failure?
L: Unlikely fatalities/serious injury
H: likely fatalities/serious injury
Reportable incident causing long term health issues to employee/s or resident/s in areas
surrounding the station?
L: minor or no implications
H: major implications
How likely to occur is a major impact on the environment as a consequence to a failure?
This refers to the potential for a reportable environmental incident occurring e.g. large
water spill, oil spill, asbestos released, etc.
L: minor or no impact
H: major impact
Lost MW/Income
L: under 144000 MW/h (600 MW for 10 days)
H: over 144000 MW/h (600 MW for 10 days)
Repair Cost
Estimate the costs to repair the component after a failure; in ZAR
L: under 1 MR
H: over 1MR
Probability of Failure (PoF), calculated based on inputs.
CoF Safety
Consequences of Failure (CoF) from Safety aspect, calculated based on inputs.
CoF Business
Consequences of Failure (CoF) from Business aspect, calculated based on inputs.
PoF Comments
User comments for Probability of Failure (PoF).
Level Comments
User comments for the level I analysis.
Typical Start-Up Rate / Loading Rate
Estimated ramp/start-up rate of the component, with regard to component stress load and
recommended ramp/start-up rate:
VL: very low
L: low
M: medium
H: high
VH: very high
Are there any known repairs that were done to or damages that were found on the
VL: no repairs or damage
M: possible repairs or damage
VH: known repairs or damage
Last Inspection
When was the component last inspected for the specific damage mechanism in question?
VL: less than 2 years
L: between 2 and 4 years
M: between 4 and 6 years
H: between 6 and 8 years
VH: more than 6 years
Adequacy of Techniques (for all DMs)
With the identified damage mechanism in mind, how could the adequacy of the inspection
techniques be described?
VL: very good - techniques used would find all possible damage types
L: good - techniques used would detect most damage
M: average - techniques used would detect some damage
H: poor - techniques used may detect some damage
VH: very poor -techniques used would not detect damage
Water/Steam Chemistry
Is the water chemistry typically within limits?
VL: always within limits
L: rarely outside of limits
M: generally within limits
H: rarely within limits
VH: Always outside of limits
Corrosion Susceptibility
How susceptible is the component to on or off-load corrosion?
VL: very Low - will not occur (0%)
L: low - unlikely to occur (<20%)
M: medium - may occur (20-50 %)
H: high - will probably occur (50-85%)
VH: very High - will definitely occur (>85%)
Design Concerns
Is it known or believed that there is any issue with the design of this component?
VL: no issues
M: Possible / minor issues with design
VH: Definite issues with design
Failure Type
What kind of failure is expected, considering the damage mechanism?
VL: Pin hole leak/ inconsequential Failure
L: Minor Leak/Failure
M: Medium Leak/ Failure
H: Major Leak/ Failure
VH: Burst/ Catastrophic failure
Estimated Area Affected by Failure
How big is the area around the component that is expected to be affected by the failure?
Estimate a radius, in meters
VL: Local (within about 5 meters)
L: Minor (within about 10 meters)
M: Medium (within about 20 Meters)
H: Large (within about 40 meters)
VH: Very Large, larger than 40m (most of boiler house/turbine hall or combination)
Injury Type
How extensive are injuries expected to be as a consequence to a failure? Are fatalities
VL: None
L: possible injury
M: Injury
H: Multiple Injuries with possible fatality
VH: Multiple Fatalities
How likely to occur is a major impact on the environment as a consequence to a failure?
This refers to the potential for a reportable environmental incident occurring e.g. large
water spill, oil spill, asbestos released, etc.
VL: not possible
L: Unlikely
M: possible
H: Likely
VH: Very Likely
Lost MWh
In case of failure, would it cause a unit trip? And if so, for how many days would you expect
the unit to be down? (Relate days to MWhrs) would lost the lost generation be expected to
VL: <14400 MWh (equivalent to 1 day offline)
L: 14401 - 43200 MWh (equivalent to 3 days offline)
M: 43201 - 144000 MWh (equivalent to 10 days offline)
H: 144001 -432000 MWh (equivalent to 30 days offline)
VH: >432000 MWh (longer shutdown)
Repair Cost
Estimate the costs to repair the component after a failure; in ZAR
VL: <100KR
L: 0.5MR
M: 1MR
H: 10MR
VH: >100MR
16. Reports
16.1. General
As it was already previously discussed, summary of the results of the analysis can be found
in reports, where the user can choose to have some specific parts or full report. Once the
analysis is saved the user can access it anytime and produce the reports. In the next blocks
the user can find more detailed information about several reports.
Report Type
Select the level of detail for the reports, according to the level of analysis
16.3. Risk Matrix
A summary of all selected components into a single risk matrix; the cumulative number of
components with the particular probability and consequence ratings combinations are
presented on 5 X 5 matrix.
16.5. Damage mechanisms
Displays component counts by damage mechanisms; for all components participating in the
16.7. Corrosion Development
Displays all components that according to current conditions and parameters, are projected
to develop corrosion by the year selected.
The report highlights the components that may benefit the most from inspections and other
mitigation actions, in terms of reduction of future risk and its associated costs.
The results are arranged in a graph form for easy identification of the most influential
component on the net present value (NPV) of risks associated to components with the highest
impact on said value, once inspected.
Below the graph, the components are detailed in a table.
Component name.
component and for the analysis' planned end year, assuming no inspection was done until the
planed end year.
Inspection Cost
Total cost of an inspections plan.
The returns on an investment in an inspection, in terms of risk cost saved: the difference
between the future cost without and inspection and the future cost with an inspection,
divided by the cost of the inspection.
16.10. Cumulative Risk
This cumulative graph showcases the greatest contributors to risk costs in the analysis. The
leftmost component accrues the most cost, in Euro, the next component adds to the cost and
so forth.
This highlights in a glance the components to be prioritized for inspection optimization,
increased safety and cost reduction.
16.11. Inspection Plan
Inspection plan is a report that provides instructions on how an inspection is to take place.
Inspection plans provide details about what characteristics must be tested in order to ensure
the quality of the object, as well as specific metrics and measurements that must be achieved
in order for the object to be judged in compliance with standards.
16.15. Risk Map
With the help of an implementer, components can be set up within a diagram that represents
the unit's layout. Each component is linked to its risk assessment and its representative
coloration and details adjust on the map when updated.
Hovering over a component displays a tooltip detailing the analysis that was performed for it
and its resulting risk assessment; clicking on the component will load its Data Sheet from the
17. Appendices
17.1. Appendix I: API 581:2008 Thinning Damage Factor
The damage factor calculation for components subject to damage mechanisms that result in
general or local thinning is covered in this paragraph.
Screening Criteria
In an API RBI assessment, all components should be checked for thinning.
Required Data
The basic component data required for analysis is given in Table A1. Component types and
required geometry data are shown in Table A2 and Table A3, respectively. The data required
for determination of the thinning damage factor is provided in Table A4.
Design Pressure, MPa [psi] The design pressure, shell side and tube side for a heat exchanger.
Operating Temperature, The highest expected operating temperature expected during operation
°C [°F] including normal and unusual operating conditions, shell side and tube side
for a heat exchanger.
Operating Pressure, The highest expected operating pressure expected during operation
MPa [psi] including normal and unusual operating conditions, shell side and tube side
for a heat exchanger.
Design Code The design code of the component containing the component.
Equipment Type The type of Equipment
Component Type The type of Component, see Table 22
Component Geometry Data Component geometry data depending on the type of component, see Table
Material Specification The specification of the material of construction, the ASME SA or SB
specification for pressure vessel components or of ASTM specification for
piping and tankage components. Data entry is based on material
specification, grade, year, UNS Number, class/condition/temper/
size/thickness; this data is readily available in the ASME Code.
Weld Joint Efficiency Weld joint efficiency per the Code of construction,
Heat Tracing Is the component heat traced? (Yes or No)
Table A1: Basic Component Data Required for Analysis.
Equipment Type Component Type Geometry Type
Compressor COMPC CYL
Compressor COMPR CYL
Tank650 COURSE-1 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-2 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-3 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-4 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-5 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-6 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-7 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-8 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-9 CYL
Tank650 COURSE-10 CYL
Table A2: Permissible Component Types and Geometry Types Based on the Equipment Type.
Geometry Type Geometry Description Geometry Data
CYL Cylindrical Shell Diameter (OD for Component Types Pipe and Tube/NS Pipe,
ID for all other Component Types)
ELB Elbow or Pipe Bend Diameter (OD for Component Types Pipe and Tube/NS Pipe,
ID for all other Component Types)
Bend Radius
SPH Spherical Shell Diameter (ID)
HEM Hemispherical Head Diameter (ID)
ELL Elliptical Head Diameter (ID)
Major-to-Minor Axis Ratio
TOR Torispherical Head Diameter (ID)
Crown Radius (IR)
Knuckle (IR)
CON Conical Shell Diameter (ID)
Cone Angle
NOZ Nozzle Diameter (ID)
Table A3: Geometry Data Based on the Geometry Type.
Basic Data Comments
Thinning Type Determine whether the thinning is general or localized based on inspection results of
(General or effective inspections. General corrosion is defined as affecting more than 10% of the
Localized) surface area and the wall thickness variation is less than 1.27 mm (50 mils). Localized
corrosion is defined as affecting less than 10% of the surface area or a wall thickness
variation greater than 1.27 mm (50 mils).
Corrosion Rate The current rate of thinning calculated from thickness data, if available. Corrosion
(mm/yr:mpy) rates calculated from thickness data typically vary from one inspection to another.
These variations may be due to variations in the wall thickness, or they may indicate
a change in the actual corrosion rate. If the short-term rate (calculated from the
difference between the current thickness and the previous thickness) is significantly
different from the long-term rate (calculated from the difference between the current
thickness and the original thickness), then the component may be evaluated using
the short term rate, but the appropriate time and thickness must be used.
Inspection The effectiveness category of each inspection that has been performed on the
Effectiveness component during the time period (specified above).
Number of The number of inspections in each effectiveness category that have been performed
Inspections during the time period (specified above).
On-Line Monitoring The types of proactive on-line monitoring methods or tools employed, such as
corrosion probes, coupons, process variables (Coupons, Probes, Process Variables, or
Combinations, etc.)
Thinning Mechanism If credit is to be taken for on-line monitoring, the potential thinning mechanisms
must be known. A knowledgeable materials/corrosion engineer should be consulted
for this information, also see API 571 [6].
Presence of For piping, determine if there is an injection or mix point in the circuit.
Injection/Mix Point
(Yes or No).
Type of For piping circuits which contain an injection or mix point, determine whether not
Injection/Mix Point the inspection program is highly effective or not highly effective to detect local
Inspection corrosion at these points.
Presence of a For piping, determine if there is a deadleg in the circuit.
Deadleg (Yes or No).
Type of Inspection For piping circuits which contain a deadleg, determine if the inspection program
for Deadleg currently being used is highly effective or not highly effective to detect local corrosion
Corrosion in dead legs has been performed.
Welded Construction Applicable to Atmospheric Storage tanks only, tanks may be welded or riveted
construction. Is the tank of welded construction? (Yes or No)
Maintained to API Applicable to Atmospheric Storage tanks only. Is the tank maintained in accordance
653 with API 653 [5] (Yes or No)
Settlement Applicable to Atmospheric Storage tanks only, tanks may be welded or riveted
construction. What is the settlement history of the tank
• Recorded settlement exceeds API 653 criteria
• Recorded settlement meets API 653 [5] criteria
• Settlement never evaluated
• Concrete foundation, no settlement
Table A4: Data Required for Determination of the Thinning Damage Factor.
Basic Assumptions
In the damage factor calculation, it is assumed that the thinning mechanism has resulted in
an average rate of thinning over the time period defined in the basic data that is fairly
constant. The probability of failure is estimated by examining the possibility that the rate of
thinning is greater than what is expected. The probability of these higher rates is determined
by the amount of inspection and on-line monitoring that has been performed. The more
thorough the inspection, and the greater the number of inspections and continued use of on-
line monitoring, the less likely is the chance that the rate of thinning is greater than
anticipated. In the damage factor calculation, it is assumed that thinning damage would
eventually result in failure by plastic collapse.
Figure A1: Determination of the Thinning Damage Factor.
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspections are ranked according to their expected effectiveness at detecting thinning and
correctly predicting the rate of thinning. The actual effectiveness of a given inspection
technique depends on the characteristics of the thinning mechanism, (i.e., whether it is
general or localized). Examples of inspection activities for general and localized thinning,
respectively, that are both intrusive (requires entry into the equipment), non-intrusive (can
be performed externally), and buried components are provided in Table A5 through Table
A7, respectively. Note that the effectiveness category assigned to the inspection activity
differs depending on whether the thinning is general or localized. For localized thinning,
selection of locations for examination must be based on a thorough understanding of the
damage mechanism in the specific process. The effectiveness of each inspection performed
within the designated time period must be characterized in accordance with Table A5
through Table A10, as applicable. The number and category of the highest effective inspection
will be used to determine the damage factor. If multiple inspections of a lower effectiveness
have been conducted during the designated time period, they can be equated to an equivalent
higher effectiveness inspection. Note that for tank bottoms, credit is given for only one
Inspection Inspection Intrusive Inspection Example Non-intrusive Inspection
Category Effectiveness Example
A Highly Effective 100% visual examination (with 50 to 100% coverage using
removal of internal packing, trays, automated ultrasonic scanning, or
etc.) and thickness measurements profile radiography in areas
specified by a corrosion engineer
or other knowledgeable specialist.
B Usually Effective 100% visual examination (with 20% coverage using automated
partial removal of the internals) ultrasonic scanning, or 50%
including manways, nozzles, etc. manual ultrasonic scanning, or
and thickness measurements. 50% profile radiography in areas
specified by a corrosion engineer
or other knowledgeable specialist.
C Fairly Effective Nominally 50% visual Nominally 20% coverage using
examination and spot ultrasonic automated or manual ultrasonic
thickness measurements scanning, or profile radiography,
and spot thickness measurements
at areas specified by a corrosion
engineer or other knowledgeable
D Poorly Effective Nominally 20% visual Spot ultrasonic thickness
examination and spot ultrasonic measurements or profile
thickness measurements radiography without areas being
specified by a corrosion engineer
or other knowledgeable specialist.
E Ineffective No inspection Spot ultrasonic thickness
measurements without areas
being specified by a corrosion
engineer or other knowledgeable
Table A6: Guidelines for Assigning Inspection Effectiveness – Local Thinning.
Inspection Inspection Intrusive Inspection Non-intrusive Inspection Non-intrusive
Category Effectiveness Example Example Inspection Example
A Highly 100% internal Complete excavation, a. Cathodic Protection
Effective inspection via state-of- 100% external visual (CP) System maintained
the-art pigging and in- inspection, and 100% and managed by NACE
line inspection inspection with NDE certified personnel and
technologies (UT, MFL, technologies (UT thickness complying with NACE
internal rotary UT, etc.) measurement such as SP0169 [14]– includes
100% external handheld devices at close- Stray current surveys on a
inspection of equipment interval grid locations, UT regular basis b. Close
that is only partially B-scan, automated Interval Survey (at
buried using an NDE ultrasonic scanning, excavationsites) to assess
crawler with guided-wave UT global the performance of the CP
circumferential search, crawler with system locally c. Sample
inspection technology circumferential inspection soil and water resistivity
(MFL, lambwave UT) technology such as MFL or and chemistry
lambwave UT, digital measurements along
radiography in more than entire structure
one direction)
B Usually Internal inspection via Excavation at “Selected” a. CP System maintained
Effective pigging and in-line locations, 100% external and managed by NACE
inspection technologies visual, and 100% certified personnel and
(UT, MFL, internal rotary inspection with NDE complying with NACE
UT, etc.) of selected technologies (UT thickness SP0169 – includes Stray
areas / sections, measurement such as current surveys on a
combined with statistical handheld devices at close- regular basis
analysis or extreme interval grid locations, UT b. Close Interval Survey
value analysis (EVA). B-scan, automated (at excavation sites) to
External inspection of ultrasonic scanning, assess the performance of
equipment that is only guided-wave UT global the CP system locally
partially buried using an search, crawler with
c. Sample soil and water
NDE crawler with circumferential inspection
resistivity and chemistry
circumferential technology such as MFL or
inspection technology lambwave UT, digital measurements along
entire structure
(MFL, lambwave UT) on radiography in more than
selected areas / sections, one direction) d. DC Voltage Gradient
combined with statistical (DCVG) to determine
analysis or extreme coating damage
value analysis (EVA).
C Fairly Partly inspection by Partial excavation guided ---
Effective internal smart pig or wave UT global search
specialized crawler inspection in each
device, including a direction of pipe. Corrosion
representative portion of Inspection and
the buried pipe. (<25%) Maintenance managed by
NACE certified and CP
specialist, or equivalent
D Poorly Hydrostatic testing Spot check with ---
Effective conventional NDE
equipment of local areas
exposed by excavation
E Ineffective No inspection --- ---
Table A7: Guidelines for Assigning Inspection Effectiveness – Buried Components.
Inspection Inspection Inspection
Category Effectiveness Category
A Highly Effective Intrusive inspection – good visual inspection with pit depth
gage measurements at suspect locations.
UT scanning follow up on suspect location and as general
confirmation of wall thickness
B Usually Effective External spot UT scanning based on visual information from
previous internal inspection of this tank or similar service
Internal video survey with external UT follow-up.
C Fairly Effective Eternal spot UT scanning based at suspect locations without benefit
of any internal inspection information on tank type or service.
D Poorly Effective External spot UT based at suspect locations without benefit of any
internal inspection information on tank type or service.
E Ineffective No inspection
Table A8: Guidelines for Assigning Inspection Effectiveness – Tank Shell Course Internal.
Inspection Inspection Inspection
Category Effectiveness Category
A Highly Effective · Insulated– >95% external visual inspection prior to removal of
· Remove >90% of insulation at suspect locations, OR >90% pulse
eddy current inspection.
· Visual inspection of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT or pit gauge as required.
· Non-Insulated- >95% visual inspection of the exposed surface
area with follow-up by UT or pit gauge as required.
B Usually Effective · Insulated– >95% external visual inspection prior to removal of
· Remove >30% of insulation at suspect locations, OR >30% pulse
eddy current inspection.
· Visual inspection of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT or pit gauge as required.
· Non-Insulated- >50% visual inspection of the exposed surface
area with follow-up by UT or pit gauge as required.
C Fairly Effective · Insulated– >95% external visual inspection prior to removal of
· Remove >10% of insulation at suspect locations, OR >10% pulse
eddy current inspection.
· Visual inspection of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT or pit gauge as required.
· Non-Insulated- >25% visual inspection of the exposed surface
area with follow-up by UT or pit gauge as required.
D Poorly Effective · Insulated– >95% external visual inspection prior to removal of
· Remove >5% of insulation at suspect locations, OR >5% pulse
eddy current inspection.
· Visual inspection of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT or pit gauge as required.
· Non-Insulated- >10% visual inspection of the exposed surface
area with follow-up by UT or pit gauge as required.
E Ineffective · Insulated– No visual inspection of insulation surface area or
removal of insulation.
· Non-Insulated- <5% visual of the exposed surface area
Table A9: Guidelines for Assigning Inspection Effectiveness – Tank Shell Course External.
Inspection Inspection Soil Side Non-intrusive Inspection
Category Effectiveness Category Example
Coating or Liner:
a. Sponge test 100%
b. Adhesion test
c. Scrape test
B Usually Effective a. Floor scan 50+% & UT a. Brush blast
follow up b. Effective supplementary
OR light
b. EVA or other statistical c. Visual 100% (API 653 [5])
method with Floor scan d. Pit depth gauge
follow-up if warranted by the
Coating or Liner:
a. Sponge test >75%
b. Adhesion test
c. Scrape test
C Fairly Effective a. Floor scan 5-10+% plates; a. Broom swept
supplement with scanning b. Effective supplementary
near light
Shell & UT follow-up; Scan c. Visual 100%
circle and X pattern
d. Pit depth gauge
b. Progressively increase if
damage found during
scanning Coating or Liner:
c. Helium/Argon test a. Sponge test 50 – 75%
d. Hammer test b. Adhesion test
e. Cut coupons c. Scrape test
D Poorly Effective a. Spot UT a. Broom swept
b. Flood test b. No effective supplementary
c. Visual 25-50%
Coating or Liner:
a. Sponge test <50
E Ineffective None none
Table A10: Guidelines for Assigning Inspection Effectiveness – Tank Bottoms.
Calculation of the Damage Factor
The following procedure may be used to determine the damage factor for thinning, see Figure
A1. Note that this procedure makes the assumption that the cladding corrodes prior to any
corrosion of the base metal. Where thinning due to external corrosion exists, this procedure
will be conservative.
STEP 1 Determine the number of inspections, and the corresponding inspection
effectiveness category for all past inspections. Combine the inspections to the highest
effectiveness performed.
STEP 2 Determine the time in-service, , since the last inspection thickness reading,
STEP 3 Determine the corrosion rate for the base metal, , based on the material of
construction and process environment. Where the component has cladding, a corrosion
rate, , must also be obtained for the cladding.
STEP 4 Determine the minimum required wall thickness, , per the original
construction code or using API 579 Appendix A. If the component is a tank bottom, then
in accordance with API 653, if the tank does not have a release prevention
barrier and if the tank has a release prevention barrier.
STEP 5 For clad components, calculate the time or age from the last inspection required
to corrode away the clad material, , using Eq. 1.1:
Eq. 1.1
STEP 6 Determine the parameter using Eq. 1.2 or Eq. 1.3 based on the and
from STEP 2, from STEP 3, from STEP 4 and the age required to corrode away
the cladding, , if applicable from STEP 5 .
1) For components without cladding, and for components where the cladding is corroded
away at the time of the last inspection (i.e .), use Eq. 1.2
Eq. 1.2
2) For components that have cladding (i.e. ) at the time of the last inspection,
use Eq. 1.3:
Eq. 1.3
STEP 7 Determine the base damage factor for thinning, , using Table A11 or Table
A12, as applicable, based on the number of, and highest effective inspection category from
STEP 1, and the parameter from STEP 6
STEP 8 Determine the damage factor for thinning, using Eq. 1.4:
Eq. 1.4
5) Adjustment for Welded Construction, Applicable only to atmospheric storage tanks.
If the component is welded (i.e. not riveted), then otherwise .
6) Adjustment for Maintenance in Accordance with API 653, Applicable only to
atmospheric storage tanks. If the tank is maintained in accordance with API 653, then
; otherwise, .
7) Adjustment for Settlement, Applicable only to atmospheric storage tank bottoms. It
is determined based on the following criteria:
Recorded settlement exceeds API 653 criteria
Recorded settlement meets API 653 criteria
Settlement never evaluated
Inspection Effectiveness
Art E D
2 Inspections
3 Inspections
0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.10 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.12 6 5 3 2 1 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 1
0.14 20 17 10 6 1 13 6 1 1 10 3 1 1
0.18 250 200 130 70 7 170 70 10 1 130 35 3 1
0.20 400 300 210 110 15 290 120 20 1 260 60 5 1
0.25 520 450 290 150 20 350 170 30 2 240 80 6 1
0.30 650 550 400 200 30 400 200 40 4 320 110 9 2
0.35 750 650 550 300 80 600 300 80 10 540 150 20 5
0.40 900 800 700 400 130 700 400 120 30 600 200 50 10
0.50 1,200 1,100 970 600 270 1,000 600 200 60 900 360 80 40
0.55 1,350 1,200 1,130 700 350 1,100 750 300 100 1,000 500 130 90
0.60 1,500 1,400 1,250 850 500 1,300 900 400 230 1,200 620 250 210
0.65 1,900 1,700 1,400 1,000 700 1,600 1,105 670 530 1,300 880 550 500
Inspection Effectiveness
0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.10 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.12 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.14 20 7 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 1 1 1
0.16 90 30 5 1 1 20 2 1 1 14 1 1 1
0.18 250 100 15 1 1 70 7 1 1 50 3 1 1
0.20 400 180 20 2 1 120 10 1 1 100 6 1 1
0.25 520 200 30 2 1 150 15 2 1 120 7 1 1
0.30 650 240 50 4 2 180 25 3 2 150 10 2 2
0.35 750 440 90 10 4 350 70 6 4 280 40 5 4
0.40 900 500 140 20 8 400 110 10 8 350 90 9 8
0.45 1,050 600 200 30 15 500 160 20 15 400 130 20 15
0.50 1,200 800 270 50 40 700 210 40 40 600 180 40 40
0.55 1,350 900 350 100 90 800 260 90 90 700 240 90 90
0.60 1,500 1,000 450 220 210 900 360 210 210 800 300 210 210
0.65 1,900 1,200 700 530 500 1,100 640 500 500 1,000 600 500 500
Table A11: Thinning Damage Factors.
Inspection Effectiveness
Art E D C
0.05 4 1 1 1 1
0.10 14 3 1 1 1
0.15 32 8 2 1 1
0.20 56 18 6 2 1
0.25 87 32 11 4 3
0.30 125 53 21 9 6
0.35 170 80 36 16 12
0.40 222 115 57 29 21
0.45 281 158 86 47 36
0.50 347 211 124 73 58
0.55 420 273 173 109 89
0.60 500 346 234 158 133
0.65 587 430 309 222 190
0.70 681 527 401 305 270
0.75 782 635 510 409 370
0.80 890 757 638 538 498
0.85 1,005 893 789 696 658
0.90 1,226 1,044 963 888 856
0.95 1,255 1,209 1,163 1,118 1,098
1.00 1,390 1,390 1,390 1,390 1,390
Table A12: Thinning Damage Factors for Tank Bottoms.
Thinning Mechanism Adjustment Factors as a Function of On-Line Monitoring,Fom
Key Process Electrical Corrosion
Variable Resistance Probes Coupons
(See Note 3) (See Note 3)
Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) Corrosion 10 10 2
(20 if in conjunction
with Probes)
High Temperature Sulfidic/Naphthenic 10 10 2
Acid Corrosion
High Temperature H2S/H2 1 10 1
FAM is the damage factor adjustment for tank maintenance per API 653
FDL is the damage factor adjustment for dead legs
FIP is the damage factor adjustment for injection points
FOM is the damage factor adjustment for online monitoring
FSM is the damage factor adjustment for settlement
FWD is the damage factor adjustment for welded construction
tmin is the minimum required wall thickness based on the applicable construction code
t is the furnished thickness of the component base metal
trc is the remaining thickness of the cladding
trd is the thickness reading
17.2. Appendix II: API 581:2008 Component Lining Damage Factor
A general approach for computing the damage factor for a component that has a protective
internal lining is covered in this paragraph. It is common practice to construct a component
with a material that is known to be subject to damage in the operating environment, but to
protect the material from the environment with a lining that is resistant as described in Table
A14. The lining types covered in this paragraph are shown in Table A15. A general approach
to using API RBI for lined component involves assessing the severity of damage that would
be expected to occur on the base material, and then give credit for the existence of a
lining. The degradation rate of the lining itself is not addressed. Evaluations of lining
effectiveness at preventing damage are based on expert opinion.
Description Resistance
Strip Lined Alloy Typically subject to failure at seams.
(“Wall papered”)
Organic Coating, typically > 0.762 mm (30 mils) dry film Limited life.
Thermal Resistance Service: Subject to occasional spilling or
Castable Refractory collapse.
Plastic Refractory
Refractory Brick
Severe/abrasive service: Limited life in highly abrasive service.
Castable Refractory
Ceramic Tile
Glass linings Complete protection, subject to failure
due to thermal or mechanical shock.
Acid Brick Partial protection. The brick provides
thermal protection, but is not intended
to keep the fluid away from the base
Table A15: Lining Types and Resistance.
Screening Criteria
If the component has an inorganic or organic lining, then the component should be evaluated
for lining damage.
Required Data
The required data to determine the lining damage factor is shown in Table A1 and Table A16.
Basic Assumptions
All linings afford some degree of protection from the operating environment. Many linings
will last for an indefinite period of time, essentially being immune to damage mechanisms
that may otherwise occur. Other linings will slowly degrade with time, and have a finite life.
In such cases, the age of the lining (or the years since the last inspection) becomes important
in assigning a factor. Particularly in the case of organic linings, the assumption is made that
the lining is compatible with the environment, operated within design temperature limits
(including steam out), and properly applied with appropriate curing.
Figure A2: Determination of the Lining Damage Factor.
Eq. 2.1
The adjustment factors in Eq. 2.1 are determined as described below:
1. Adjustment for Lining Condition, The adjustment factors are given in Table A19
based on a qualitative assessment of the lining condition.
2. Adjustment for On-Line Monitoring, Some lined components have monitoring to
allow early detection of a leak or other failure of the lining. The monitoring allows orderly
shutdown of the component before failure occurs. If on-line monitoring is used, and it is
known to be effective at detecting lining deterioration, ; otherwise .
Examples of monitoring systems include thermography or heat sensitive paint
(refractory linings), weep holes with detection devices (loose alloy linings), and electrical
resistance detection (glass linings).
Years in Service Damage Factor as a Function of Time Since the Last Inspection
Inspected More Than 6 Inspected Within Last 6 Inspected Within Last 3
years ago years years
1 30 1 0
2 89 4 0
3 230 16 0
4 518 53 0
5 1,017 146 0.2
6 1,758 351 1
7 2,697 738 4
8 3,000 1,358 16
9 3,000 2,209 53
10 3,000 3,000 146
11 3,000 3,000 351
12 3,000 3,000 738
13 3,000 3,000 1,358
14 3,000 3,000 2,209
15 3,000 3,000 3,000
16 3,000 3,000 3,000
17 3,000 3,000 3,000
18 3,000 3,000 3,000
19 3,000 3,000 3,000
20 3,000 3,000 3,000
21 3,000 3,000 3,000
22 3,000 3,000 3,000
23 3,000 3,000 3,000
24 3,000 3,000 3,000
25 3,000 3,000 3,000
Table A18: Lining Damage Factors – Organic Linings.
is the time since the last thickness reading
17.3. Appendix III: API 581:2008 External Corrosion Damage Factor -
Ferritic Component
The damage factor calculation for ferritic components subject to external corrosion is
covered in this paragraph.
Description of Damage
The damage factor calculation for ferritic components subject to external corrosion is
covered in this paragraph.
As a general rule, plants located in areas with high annual rainfalls or warmer, marine
locations are more prone to external corrosion than plants located in cooler, drier, mid-
continent locations. Regardless of the climate, units located near cooling towers and steam
vents are highly susceptible to external corrosion, as are units whose operating temperatures
cycle through the dew point on a regular basis. Mitigation of external corrosion is
accomplished through proper painting. A regular program of inspection for paint
deterioration and repainting will prevent most occurrences of external corrosion.
Screening Criteria
If the component is uninsulated and subject to any of the following, then the component
should be evaluated for external damage from corrosion.
1. Areas exposed to mist overspray from cooling towers.
2. Areas exposed to steam vents.
3. Areas exposed to deluge systems.
4. Areas subject to process spills, ingress of moisture, or acid vapors.
5. Carbon steel systems, operating between –23°C and 121°C (–10°F and 250°F). External
corrosion is particularly aggressive where operating temperatures cause frequent or
continuous condensation and reevaporation of atmospheric moisture.
6. Systems that do not normally operate between -12°C and 177°C (10°F and 350°F) but
cool or heat into this range intermittently or are subjected to frequent outages.
7. Systems with deteriorated coating and/or wrappings.
8. Cold service equipment consistently operating below the atmospheric dew point.
9. Uninsulated nozzles or other protrusions components of insulated equipment in cold
service conditions.
Required Data
The basic component data required for analysis is given in Table A1 and the specific data
required for determination of the damage factor for external corrosion is provided in Table
Basic Assumption
The damage factor for external corrosion is based on the method for general thinning.
Figure A3: Determination of the External Corrosion Damage Factor
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspections are ranked according to their expected effectiveness at detecting external
corrosion and correctly predicting the rate of damage. Examples of inspection activities for
external corrosion are provided in Table A21.
The effectiveness of each inspection performed within the designated time period must be
characterized in accordance with Table A21. The number and category of the highest effective
inspection will be used to determine the damage factor. If multiple inspections of a lower
effectiveness have been conducted during the designated time period, they can be equated to
an equivalent higher effectiveness inspection.
Inspection Inspection Inspection
Category Effectiveness
A Highly effective Visual inspection of >95% of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT, RT or pit gauge as required.
B Usually effective Visual inspection of >60% of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT, RT or pit gauge as required.
C Fairly effective Visual inspection of >30% of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT, RT or pit gauge as required.
D Poorly effective Visual inspection of >5% of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT, RT or pit gauge as required.
E Ineffective Visual inspection of <5% of the exposed surface area with follow-up by
UT, RT or pit gauge as required.
Table A21: Guidelines for assigning Inspection effectiveness – External Corrosion.
Eq. 3.1
The parameter Date is determined based on the coating quality using Eq.3.2 through Eq.3.4.
STEP 4 – Determine the in-service time, age , over which external corrosion may have
occurred using Eq. 3.5:
Eq. 3.5
STEP 5 – Determine the base corrosion rate, CrB , based on the driver and operating
temperature using Table A22
Eq. 3.6
STEP 7 – Determine the minimum required wall thickness, tmin, per the original
construction code or using API 579, Appendix A
STEP 8 – Determine the parameter using Eq. 3.7, based on the age from STEP 4, the
, from STEP 2, from STEP 6, and the tmin from STEP 7.
is the damage factor parameter
is the in-service time since the coating has been determined to be ineffective
is the in-service time since the last internal or external inspection measurement was taken
is the minimum required wall thickness based on the applicable construction code
17.4. Appendix IV: API 581:2008 HTHA Damage Factor
The damage factor calculation for carbon steel, C-0.5Mo, and Cr-Mo alloys components
subject to High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) is covered in this paragraph.
Description of Damage
High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) occurs in carbon and low alloy steels exposed to
a high partial pressure of hydrogen at elevated temperatures. It is the result of atomic
hydrogen diffusing through the steel and reacting with carbides in the microstructure. There
are two reactions associated with HTHA. First the hydrogen molecule H2 must dissociate to
form atomic hydrogen, H, which can diffuse through steel.
(hydrogen dissociation)
The reaction to form atomic hydrogen occurs more readily at higher temperatures and higher
hydrogen partial pressures. As a result, as both the temperature and hydrogen partial
pressure are increased, the driving force for HTHA increases. The second reaction that occurs
is between atomic hydrogen and the metal carbides.
Damage due to the HTHA can possess two forms, internal decarburization and fissuring from
the accumulation of methane gas at the carbide matrix interface and surface decarburization
from the reaction of the atomic hydrogen with carbides at or near the surface where the
methane gas can escape without causing fissures. Internal fissuring is more typically
observed in carbon steel, C-0.5Mo steels and in Cr-Mo steels at higher hydrogen partial
pressures, while surface decarburization is more commonly observed in Cr-Mo steels at
higher temperatures and lower hydrogen partial pressures. HTHA can be mitigated by
increasing the alloy content of the steel and, thereby, increasing the stability of the carbides
in the presence of hydrogen. As a result, carbon steel that only contains Fe3C carbides has
significantly less HTHA resistance than any of the Cr-Mo steels that contain Cr and Mo
carbides that are more stable and resistant to HTHA.
Historically, HTHA resistance has been predicted based on industry experience which has
been plotted on a series of curves for carbon and low alloy steels showing the temperature
and hydrogen partial pressure regime in which these steels have been successfully used
without damage due to HTHA. These curves, which are commonly referred to as the Nelson
curves, are maintained based on industry experience in API RP 941.
Screening Criteria
If all of the following are true, then the component should be evaluated for susceptibility to
The material is carbon steel, C-0.5Mo, or a Cr-Mo low alloy steel
The operating temperature is greater than 204°C [400°F] and the operating hydrogen
partial pressure is greater than 0.552 MPa [80 psia].
Required Data
The basic component data required for analysis is given in Table A1 and the specific data
required for determination of the damage factor for HTHA is provided in Table A23.
Basic Assumption
The assessment of susceptibility to HTHA is based on the time the component has been
exposed to high pressure hydrogen at elevated temperatures. A single parameter Pv , has been
developed to relate time at temperature and a hydrogen partial pressure. This parameter is
given by following equations:
(MPa: oC)
Eq. 4.3
(psia: oF)
Eq. 4.4
The variables in the equations and the associated units are defined in Table A23 This
parameter can be used to define the susceptibility of a material to damage from HTHA. In the
technical basis of this paragraph, the susceptibility to damage from HTHA is based on 200,000
hours of service at a given combination of temperature and hydrogen partial pressure. If
HTHA is detected in the component during an inspection, a Fitness-For-Service assessment
should be performed in accordance with API 579.
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspections are ranked according to their expected effectiveness at detecting HTHA and
correctly predicting the rate of damage. Examples of inspection activities for detection of
HTHA are provided in Table A24. The effectiveness of each inspection performed within the
designated time period must be characterized in accordance with Table A24. The number and
category of the highest effective inspection will be used to determine the damage factor. If
multiple inspections of a lower effectiveness have been conducted during the designated time
period, they can be equated to an equivalent higher effectiveness inspection.
For HTHA, damage factors are only provided for two inspections. If more than two
inspections are performed that conform to Table A24, then the damage factor for two
inspections shall be used.
Inspection Inspection,
Category Effectiveness, Category
A Highly Effective Inspection techniques for HTHA are not available to qualify for a
category A inspection
B Usually Effective Extensive Advanced Ultrasonic Backscatter Technique (AUBT),
spot AUBT based on stress analysis or extensive in-
situ metallography.
C Fairly Effective Spot AUBT or spot in-situ metallography.
D Poorly Effective Ultrasonic backscatter plus attenuation
E Ineffective Attenuation only
Table A24: Guidelines for Assigning Inspection Effectiveness – HTHA.
STEP 1 – If the temperature is less than or equal to 204°C [400°F] or the hydrogen partial
pressure is less than or equal to 0.552 MPa [80 psia], the component is not susceptible to
HTHA, proceed to STEP 6 to determine the damage factor
STEP 2 – Determine the number of inspections, and the corresponding inspection
effectiveness category for all past inspections
STEP 3 – Determine the material of construction, exposure time, age , exposure
temperature, T , and the exposure hydrogen partial pressure, PH2
STEP 4 – Compute the Pv factor
STEP 5 – Determine the susceptibility using Table A25 based on the value of from STEP 4
and the material of construction from STEP 3
STEP 6 – Determine the damage factor for HTHA, , using Table A26 based on the
susceptibility from STEP 5. Note that if an inspection indicates the presence of HTHA, then
the Damaged Observed category in Table A26 shall be used regardless of the number and
type of inspection.
Critical PV Factors as a Function of Susceptibility
Materials High Medium Low
Susceptibility Susceptibility Susceptibility Not Susceptible
Carbon Steel Pv > 4.70 4.61 < Pv ≤ 4.70 4.53 < Pv ≤ 4.61 Pv ≤ 4.53
C-0.5Mo (1) (Annealed) Pv > 4.95 4.87 < Pv ≤ 4.95 4.78 < Pv ≤ 4.87 Pv ≤ 4.78
C-0.5Mo (1) (Normalized) Pv > 5.60 5.51 < Pv ≤ 5.60 5.43 < Pv ≤ 5.51 Pv ≤ 5.43
1 Cr-0.5Mo (2) Pv > 5.80 5.71 < Pv ≤ 5.80 5.63 < Pv ≤ 5.71 Pv ≤ 5.63
1.25Cr-0.5Mo (3) Pv > 6.00 5.92 < Pv ≤ 6.00 5.83 < Pv ≤ 5.92 Pv ≤ 5.83
2.25Cr-1Mo Pv > 6.53 6.45 < Pv ≤ 6.53 6.36 < Pv ≤ 6.45 Pv ≤ 6.36
1. Annealed material should be used unless a normalized heat treatment can be confirmed.
2. If the hydrogen partial pressure is greater than 8.274 MPa (1200 psia), then use the critical P factors for
1.25Cr-0.5 Mo.
3. A debit has not been applied for steels with high levels of tramp elements such as As, Sb, Sn, and P. If a high
level of tramp elements is suspected, then the critical factors should be reduced. The critical PV factor can
be as much as 0.25 lower for heats of steels with high levels of tramp elements.
Table A25: Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Susceptibility to HTHA.
age is the in-service time, hours
17.5. Appendix V: API 581:2008 Brittle Fracture Damage Factor
The damage factor calculation for ferritic components subject to brittle fracture due to low-
temperature operation is covered in this paragraph.
Description of Damage
Brittle fracture due to low temperature operating or low toughness is the sudden failure of a
structural component, usually initiated at a crack or defect. This is an unusual occurrence,
because design stresses are normally low enough to prevent such an occurrence. However,
some older equipment with thick walls, equipment that might see low temperatures due to
an upset, or equipment that has been modified could be susceptible to varying degrees. Low
temperature/low toughness fracture of steel is affected by:
The applied loads. Brittle fracture is less likely at low applied loads
The material specification. Some materials are manufactured to have good fracture
properties or toughness properties. Materials are often “qualified” for use by performing
an impact test. This test measures the energy needed to break a notched specimen
Temperature. Many materials (especially ferritic steels) become brittle below some
temperature called the transition temperature. Brittle fracture is typically not a concern
above 149°C [300°F]
Residual stresses and post-weld heat treatment.
The goal of the low temperature/low toughness fracture assessment is to rank components
with respect to their relative probability of failure with respect to fracture. This assessment
will take into account the thickness, the material type, the post-weld heat treatment, and
Screening Criteria
If all of the following are true, then the component should be evaluated for susceptibility to
brittle fracture.
The material is carbon steel or a low alloy steel, see Table 27.
The Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) is unknown, or the MDMT is known
but the component may operate at below the MDMT under normal or upset conditions.
Required Data
The basic component data required for analysis is given in Table A1 and the specific data
required for determination of the damage factor for brittle fracture is provided in Table A28.
Curve Material (1), (2), (6)
A 1. All carbon and all low alloy steel plates, structural shapes and bars not listed in Curves B, C and
D below.
2. SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered;
SA -217 Grade WC6 if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered
3. The following specifications for obsolete materials: A7, A10, A30, A70, A113, A149, A150 (3).
4. The following specifications for obsolete materials from the 1934 edition of the ASME Code,
Section VIII: S1, S2, S25, S26, and S27 (4).
5. A201 and A212 unless it can be established that the steel was produced by a fine-grain practice
B 1. SA-216 Grade WCA if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered
SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC for thicknesses not exceeding 2 inches if produced to a fine
grain practice and water-quenched and tempered
SA -217 Grade WC9 if normalized and tempered
SA-285 Grades A and B
SA-414 Grade A
SA-442 Grade 55 > 1 in. if not to fine grain practice and normalized
SA-442 Grade 60 if not to fine grain practice and normalized
SA-515 Grades 55 and 60
SA-516 Grades 65 and 70 if not normalized
SA-612 if not normalized
SA-662 Grade B if not normalized
2. Except for cast steels, all materials of Curve A if produced to fine grain practice and normalized
which are not listed for Curve C and D below;
3. All pipe, fittings, forgings, and tubing not listed for Curves C and D below;
4. Parts permitted from paragraph UG-11 of the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, shall be
included in Curve B even when fabricated from plate that otherwise would be assigned to a
different curve.
5. A201 and A212 if it can be established that the steel was produced by a fine-grain practice.
C 1. SA-182 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered.
SA-302 Grades C and D
SA-336 Grades F21 and F22 if normalized and tempered
SA-387 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered
SA-442 Grade 55 < 1 in. if not to fine grain practice and normalized
SA-516 Grades 55 and 60 if not normalized
SA-533 Grades B and C
SA-662 Grade A
2. All material of Curve B if produced to fine grain practice and normalized and not listed for
Curve D below
D SA-203
SA-442 if to fine grain practice and normalized
SA-508 Class 1
SA-516 if normalized
SA-524 Classes 1 and 2
SA-537 Classes 1 and 2
SA-612 if normalized
SA-662 if normalized
SA-738 Grade A
1. When a material class or grade is not shown, all classes or grades are included.
2. The following apply to all material assignment notes.
a. Cooling rates faster than those obtained in air, followed by tempering, as permitted by the material
specification, are considered equivalent to normalizing and tempering heat treatments.
b. Fine grain practice is defined as the procedures necessary to obtain a fine austenitic grain size as described
in SA-20.
3. The first edition of the API Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels (discontinued in 1956) included these ASTM
carbon steel plate specifications. These specifications were variously designated for structural steel for bridges,
locomotives, and rail cars or for boilers and firebox steel for locomotives and stationary service. ASTM A149
and A150 were applicable to high-tensile-strength carbon steel plates for pressure vessels.
4. The 1934 edition of Section VIII of the ASME Code listed a series of ASME steel specifications, including S1
and S2 for forge welding; S26 and S27 for carbon steel plates; and S25 for open-hearth iron. The titles of some
of these specifications are similar to the ASTM specifications listed in the 1934 edition of the API Code for
Unfired Pressure Vessels.
5. These two steels were replaced in strength grades by the four grades specified in ASTM A 515 and the four
grades specified in ASTM A 516. Steel in accordance with ASTM A 212 was made only in strength grades the
same as Grades 65 and 70 and has accounted for several known brittle failures. Steels in conformance with
ASTM A 201 and A 212 should be assigned to Curve A unless it can be established that the steel was produced
by fine-grain practice, which may have enhanced the toughness properties.
6. No attempt has been made to make a list of obsolete specifications for tubes, pipes, forgings, bars and
castings. Unless specific information to the contrary is available, all of these product forms should be assigned
to Curve A.
Basic Assumption
Brittle fracture requires the coincident presence of a sufficient size defect, application of
sufficient stress, and a susceptible material. The susceptibility to failure by brittle fracture
can change due to in-service conditions.
Figure A5: Determination of the brittle fracture damage factor.
Inspection Effectiveness
Low temperature/low toughness fracture is prevented by a combination of appropriate
design and operating procedures. When low temperature/low toughness fracture does occur,
it almost invariably initiates at some pre-existing crack-like defect. From the initiation point,
a crack will grow quickly, resulting in a serious leak or sometimes-complete rupture of the
component. Theoretically, an inspection to locate and remove such preexisting defects would
reduce the probability of failure. However, the initiating defect can be very small, and need
not be exposed to the surface where it could be found. For this reason, inspection for such
defects is generally not considered to be an effective method for prevention of brittle fracture.
If existing records of a component do not indicate if it is constructed of normalized plate, then
a metallurgical examination may help resolve this. In some cases, it may be possible to
remove samples of the material large enough for testing to determine the toughness, which
can also improve the accuracy of the prediction of low temperature/low toughness fracture
For this damage mechanism, credit is not given for inspection. However, the results of
metallurgical testing can be used to update the inputs to the damage factor calculation that
may result in a change in this value.
STEP 5 Determine the base damage factor , using Table A29 if the
component has not been subject to PWHT or Table A30 if the component has been subject
to PWHT based on Tmin Tref from STEP 4
Eq. 5
The adjustment factor for service experience FSE, is determined as follows. If the component
has been exposed for many years to the lowest expected temperature and if the component
is not in fatigue or SCC service, then FSE = 0.01; otherwise FSE = 1. This adjustment is based on
the grandfathering concept permitted in API RP 579, Part 3, Level 2, Method 3.
Tmin - Tref Damage Factor as a Function of Component Thickness
(F) 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 1.1 1.2
80 0 0 0 0.8 1.1 2 2 4 6
60 0 0 1 2 4 9 19 36 60
40 0 0.7 2 9 29 69 133 224 338
20 0.1 1.3 10 49 143 296 500 741 1008
0 0.9 3 39 175 424 759 1142 1545 1950
-20 1.2 7 109 405 850 1366 1897 2415 2903
-40 2 16 220 697 1317 1969 2596 3176 3703
-60 2 30 350 988 1740 2479 3160 3769 4310
-80 3 46 474 1239 2080 2873 3581 4203 4746
-100 4 61 579 1436 2336 3160 3883 4509 5000
Table A29: Damage Factor, Component not Subject to PWHT
0.625 44 5.2 -22.8 -47.5
2 98.6 63 25 -3.6
2.5625 106.5 72.3 35.3 5.2
17.6. Appendix VI: API 581:2008 Piping Mechanical Fatigue Damage Factor
The damage factor calculation for piping components subject to mechanical fatigue is covered
in this paragraph.
Description of Damage
Fatigue failures of piping systems present a very real hazard under certain conditions.
Properly designed and installed piping systems should not be subject to such failures, but
prediction of vibration in piping systems at the design stage is very difficult, especially if there
are mechanical sources of cyclic stresses such as reciprocating pumps and compressors. In
addition, even if a piping systems are not subject to mechanical fatigue in the as-built
condition, changing conditions such as failure of pipe supports, increased vibration from out
of balance machinery, chattering of relief valves during process upsets, changes in flow and
pressure cycles or adding weight to unsupported branch connections (pendulum effect) can
render a piping system susceptible to failure. Awareness of these influences incorporated
into a management of change program can reduce the probability of failures.
Screening Criteria
If all of the following are true, then the component should be evaluated for susceptibility to
mechanical fatigue:
The component is pipe.
There have been past fatigue failures in this piping system or there is visible/audible
shaking in this piping system or there is a source of cyclic vibration within approximately
15.24 meters [50 feet] and connected to the piping (directly or indirectly via structure).
Shaking and source of shaking can be continuous or intermittent.
Required Data
The basic component data required for analysis is given in Table A1 and the specific data
required for determination of the damage factor for mechanical fatigue is provided in A32.
Required Data Comments
Number of Previous Fatigue If there has been no history of fatigue failures and there have been
Failures: None, One or >1 no significant changes, then the probability of a fatigue failure is
believed to be low.
Severity of Vibration (audible or The severity of shaking can be measured in these subjective terms
visible shaking): Minor, Moderate or or can be measured as indicated at the bottom of this table in
Severe optional basic data. Examples of shaking are:
· Minor – no visible shaking, barely perceptible feeling of vibration
when the pipe is touched
· Moderate – Little or no visible shaking, definite feeling of
vibration when the pipe is touched
· Severe – Visible signs of shaking in pipe, branches, attachments,
or supports. Severe feeling of vibration when the pipe is touched.
Number of weeks pipe has been If there have been no significant recent changes in the piping
shaking: 0 to 2 weeks, 2 to 13 weeks, system and the amount of shaking has not changed for years, or
13 to 52 weeks. the amount of accumulative cycles is greater than the endurance
limit, then it can be assumed that the cyclic stresses are below the
endurance limit. (Most piping shaking will be at a frequency
greater than 1 hertz. One hertz for one year is approximately
3x107 cycles, well beyond the endurance limit for most
construction materials.)
Sources of cyclic stress in the vicinity Determine to what cyclic source the piping is connected. The
of the item (e.g. within 50’): connections could be direct or indirect, e.g., through structural
reciprocating machinery, PRV chatter, supports.
high pressure drop valves (e.g., let-
down and mixing valves), none
Corrective Actions taken: Credit is given for analysis work which shows that the shaking
Modifications based on complete piping is not a fatigue concern
engineering analysis, Modifications
based on experience, No Modifications
Piping Complexity: Based on 15.24 Determine the piping complexity in terms of the number of
meters (50 feet) of pipe, choose: branched connections, number of fittings, etc.
· 0 to 5 branches, fittings, etc
· 5 to 10 branches, fittings, etc
· >10 branches, fittings, etc.
Type of joint or branch design used in Determine the type of joint or branch connection that is
this piping: Threaded, Socket Welded, predominant throughout this section of piping that is being
Saddle on, Saddle in, Piping tee, evaluated.
Weldolet, Sweepolet
Condition of the pipe: Missing/ What is the condition of the piping section being evaluated in
Damaged Supports, Unsupported terms of support?
weights on branches, Broken gussets,
Gussets/supports welded directly to
pipe, Good Condition
Table A32: Data Required for Determination of the Damage Factor – Mechanical Fatigue.
Basic Assumption
Properly designed piping has a low tendency for mechanical fatigue failure due to the low
period of vibration or low stress amplitude. The period is determined by the piping diameter,
thickness, mass, support spacing, and support type.
Based on input from plant engineers and inspectors from several disciplines, the following
key indicators of a high l probability of failure were identified:
Previous failures due to fatigue
Audible, visible, or otherwise noticeable piping vibration (including small branch
connections) that is greater than typical plant piping systems
Connection to reciprocating machinery, extreme cavitation through let-down or mixing
valves, or relief valve chatter.
The presence of any or all of the above indicators determines the base susceptibility, which
is then modified by various adjustment factors.
Inspection Effectiveness
For this damage mechanism, credit is not given for inspection. However, the results of
metallurgical testing can be used to update the inputs to the damage factor calculation that
may result in a change in this value.
Mechanical fatigue failures in piping are not that common. Unfortunately, when failures
occur, they can be of high consequence. In addition and more unfortunately, traditional non-
destructive testing techniques are of little value in preventing such failures. The reason that
crack detection techniques are not by themselves adequate are several:
1. Most of the time to failure in piping fatigue is in the initiation phase, where a crack in the
process of forming has formed but is so small that it is undetectable.
2. By the time a crack has reached a detectable size, the crack growth rate is high, and failure
will likely occur in less than a typical inspection frequency.
3. Cyclic stresses in vibrating piping tend to have a fairly high frequency, which increases
the crack growth rate.
4. Cracks form and grow in locations that are typically difficult to inspect, such as at fillet
weld toes, the first unengaged thread root and defects in other welds.
5. The initiation site for crack growth is not necessarily on the outside of the pipe; in fact, a
crack can grow from an embedded defect undetectable from either side without special
Therefore, inspection for mechanical fatigue in piping systems depends heavily on detection
and correction of the conditions that lead to susceptibility. Such techniques include:
1. Visual examination of pipe supports to assure that all supports are functioning properly
(i.e., they are actually supporting the pipe).
2. Visual examination of any cyclic motion of the pipe. If pipe can be seen to be vibrating or
moving in a cyclic manner, the pipe should be suspected of mechanical fatigue failure.
3. Visual examination of all fillet welded supports and attachments to piping. Fillet welds
are especially susceptible to failure by fatigue, and these may provide an early warning
of problems if cracks or failures are found.
4. As a general rule, small branch connections with unsupported valves or controllers on
them are highly susceptible to failure. Examine these for signs of motion, and provide
proper support for all such installations.
5. Surface inspection methods (PT, MT) can be effective in a focused and frequent inspection
6. Manually feeling the pipe to detect vibration. This requires experience, but normally
process plant piping will not vibrate any more severely than a car engine at idle speed.
7. Measurement of piping vibration using special monitoring equipment. There are no set
values of vibration that will be acceptable or non-acceptable under all conditions, so
experience with using and interpreting vibration data is required.
8. Visual inspection of a unit during transient conditions and different operating scenarios
(e.g., startups, shutdowns, upsets, etc.) looking for intermittent vibrating conditions.
9. Checking for audible sounds of vibration emanating from piping components such as
control valves and fittings.
Calculating the Damage Factor:
The following procedure may be used to determine the damage factor for mechanical fatigue,
see Figure A6.
STEP 1 – Determine the number of previous failures that have occurred, and determine the
base damage factor based on the following criteria:
None – =1
One – =50
Greater than one – = 500.
STEP 2 – Determine the amount of visible/audible shaking or audible noise occurring in the
pipe, and determine the base damage factor based on the following criteria:
Minor – = 1
Moderate – = 50
Severe – = 500.
STEP 3 – Determine the adjustment factor for visible/audible shaking based on the following
criteria. This adjustment is based on observation that some piping systems may endure
visible shaking for years. A repeated stress with a cycle of only 1 hertz (1/s) results in over
30 million cycles in a year. Most systems, if they were subject to failure by mechanical fatigue
would be expected to fail before reaching tens or hundreds of million cycles. One should note
that intermittent cycles are cumulative.
Shaking less than 2 weeks – =1
Shaking between 2 and 13 weeks – = 0.2
Shaking between 13 and 52 weeks – = 0.02.
STEP 4 – Determine the type of cyclic loading connected directly or indirectly within
approximately 15.24 meters (50 feet) of the pipe, and determine the base damage factor
based on the following criteria:
Reciprocating Machinery – = 50
PRV Chatter – = 25
Valve with high pressure drop – = 10
None – = 1.
STEP 5 – Determine the base damage factor using Eq. 6.1:
Eq. 6.1
STEP 6 – Determine the final value of the damage factor using Eq. 6.2
Eq. 6.2
4) Adjustment for Joint Type or Branch Design, – Established based on the following
Threaded, socketweld, saddle on – =2
Saddle in fittings – =1
Piping tee, Weldolets – = 0.2
Sweepolets – = 0.02.
5) Adjustment for Branch Diameter, – Established based on the following criteria:
All branches less than or equal to 2 NPS – =1
Any branch greater than 2 NPS – =0.02.
17.7. Appendix VII: API 581:2000 Furnace Tube Technical Module
Likelihood analysis
The probability of failure for furnace tubes is calculated directly in the furnace technical
module with the following generic failure frequencies for long-term creep. If short-term creep
is possible, the generic failure frequencies are multiplied by a factor of 100, as shown in Table
¼ in 0.0 0.0
1 in 4.62*10-6 4.62*10-4
4 in 1.32*10-6 1.32*10-4
Rupture 6.60*10-7 6.60 *10-5
Table A33: Furnace tube generic failure frequencies.
This module establishes a damage factor (probability of failure modifier) fir externally fire
furnace tubes. This technical module applies to ferritic steel (carbon steel and low alloy steels
through 12 Cr) and austenitic stainless steel (types 304, 316, 321 and 347) tubes in refinery
heaters. These tubes are assumed to be direct fired, heat absorbing and enclosed within a
firebox. This module addresses damage caused by long term exposure to temperature as well
as short term over-heating.
Basic Data
The basic data listed in Table A35 are the minimum required to determine the technical
module subfactor for furnace tubes.
Basic assumptions
a) Generally, fired heater tubes in refineries are designed to comply with API RP 530. This
recommended practice is used to select the minimum wall thickness required for heater
tubes as a function of the material of construction, the temperature and the applied stress.
The recommended practice addresses both creep and corrosion damage. Whole
allowances for corrosion are made, API RP 530 specifies minimum allowable tube wall
thickness based on the estimated creep life. At elevated temperatures, components
subject to a constant stress fail after a period of time. This time to failure decreases as the
stress or the temperature increases.
Basic data Comments
Material of Construction Determine the material of construction of the tubes.
Time in service, ti (years) Determine the total numbers of years that the tubes have been in service. If
the tubes were in a previous service in which creep failure was not a concern,
this time may be ignored. Assume 8,500 hours of operation per year,
Time since previous Determine the number of years since the previous inspection which there is
inspection (years) thickness data. This time will be used, along with the calculated corrosion
rate, to determine the current thickness.
Corrosion Rate (mpy) Determine the current rate of thinning calculation of the thickness data, if
available. If the thinning rate has not been established by inspection, then
estimated thinning rates may be determined from this module and the
Thinning module.
Operating Tube Metal Determine the average operating tube metal temperature determined from
Temperature, TMT ( oF) thermography or skin thermocouples. If the tube temperature is not
available, use process outlet temperature plus 100°F for non-fouling, non-
coking service for tubes in fouling or coking service, add 150°F to process
outlet temperature.
Operating Pressure, p Determine the highest expected operating pressure (may be the relief valve
(psi) set pressure (unless pressures that high are unlikely).
Tube Diameter, Do (inch) Determine the tube outer diameter used for design calculations at time of
Tube Wall Thickness Determine the actual measured thickness from the last inspection. If
(inch) inspection results are not available, then determine the new construction
minimum thickness.
Inspection Effectiveness Determine the effectiveness category each inspection has been performed on
Category the equipment during the time (specified above). See Table A45 for
guidelines to assign inspection effectiveness categories r furnace tubes.
Number of Inspections Determine the number of inspections in each category that have been
performed during the time period specified above.
Severity of possible over- Estimate the magnitude of extreme temperature excursions from 0oF - 300oF
heating ΔToh ( oF) over the design tube metal temperature (not operating tube metal
Duration of possible over- Estimate the accumulated duration of extreme over-heating events.
heating, Toh (hours)
On-Line Monitoring Determine the types of proactive corrosion monitoring methods tools
employed, such as tube skin thermocouples, thermography, process
operating variables etc.
Table A35: Basic Data Required for Analysis of Furnace Tubes.
b) For the material of construction, API RP 530 presents two creep strengths: the mean
strength and the minimum strength. The mean curves in API RP 530 correspond to the
average creep strength of the heater tube material while the minimum curves correspond
to the strength that is exceeded by 95% of heater tube material.
c) The relationship between creep life, stress and temperature is relatively complex.
However, heater tube design methods use simplified relationships developed from
accelerated tensile creep tests. The scatter in the results of these uniaxial creep tests is
relatively large. Because of this scatter in experimental creep properties and dependence
on accelerated creep tests for the creep properties, there is a significant amount of
uncertainty associated with the prediction of creep life.
d) The prediction of heater tube life is further complicated by other effects as listed below:
External oxidation. The most common corrosion problem in heater tubes is external
oxidation of the tubes. Oxidation thins the tube walls, increasing the stress and
accelerating the rate of creep damage. The oxidation rate is a function of temperature and
amount of oxygen in the firebox.
Internal corrosion. In some refinery furnaces, such as in Crude Distillation units, high
temperature sulfidation can be a problem. As corrosion thins the tube wall, the stress
increases and the rate of creep, damage is accelerated. The rate of high temperature
sulfidation is a function of temperature and sulfur content in the process stream.
Other corrosion. Because the tubes are operated at high temperatures, even small
amounts of contaminants in either the process or fuel can cause accelerated corrosion of
the tube metal. For example, the combination of high temperatures and small amounts of
sodium and vanadium in the fuel can cause excessive external corrosion.
Uneven heating. The temperature distribution in heater fireboxes is affected by the
positioning of the tubes relative to the burners, the shape and size of the firebox, the tube
spacing, and the distances between the tubes and the burners.
Flame impingement. Flame impingement is affected by the same factors of uneven
heating; however, it is also affected by the adjustment of the burners and the control of
fuel and air in the fire box.
Coking. In many types of petroleum heaters, coke deposits build up on the inside of the
tube. The coke deposits act as a thermal insulation between the tube metal and the
process, raising the temperature of the tube wall, accelerating creep and corrosion.
e) This technical module assumes that the long-term creep does not occur unless the
operating tube wall metal temperature is higher than the temperatures given for each
material of construction in Table A36. Local overheating; however, may occur as a result
of uneven heating or flame impingement and is addressed for all furnaces.
f) Failure resulting from long-term exposure at temperatures in excess of those outlined in
Table A36 is assumed to result from creep and creep cracking. The limit states used to
estimate the life for design is covered in detail in APIO RP 530. If the expected tube metal
temperatures are less than those listed in Table A36, the furnace tubes should be assessed
using the technical module for general thinning. If however, the tube could be exposed to
high metal temperatures for short time intervals, proceed to Determination of Short-
Term Failure Probability section below.
Figure A7: Determination of Technical Module Subfactors for Furnace Tubes.
Figure A8: Determination of Technical Module Subfactors for Furnace Tubes (continues Figure 7).
Figure A9: Determination of Technical Module Subfactors for Furnace Tubes (continues figures A7 and A8).
Calculation of stress
Calculate the stress in the tube, S using the current thickness (Tcurrent), operating pressure (p),
and tube outside diameter (Do), as shown in the Eq. 7.1 below.
Eq. 7.1
If the tube stress is less than that tabulated in Table A37, long term creep is not a concern.
However short term overheating should still be considered.
Material type Elastic stress limit (ksi)
Carbon steel 3.2
½ Mo 1.75
11/4 Cr - 1/2Mo 2.6
3Cr – 1Mo 2.2
5Cr – 1/2Mo 2.4
5Cr – 1/2Mo – Si 2.4
7Cr – 1/2Mo 1.7
9Cr – 1Mo 1.5
12Cr 1.25
12Cr 2.1
304/304H SS 2.4
316/316H SS 1.85
321 SS 1.85
321H SS 2.05
347/347H SS 1.95
Table A37: Tube Stress Limit for Creep Consideration.
Eq. 7.2
Where TMT is the operating tube metal temperature in [oF], ti is the total time in service in
hours and C is tabulated for each material of construction in Table A38.
c) The parameter LMdelta is determined. This parameter is defined as the average difference
between the mean and minimum Larson Miller curves in API 530. These values are tabulated
in Table A38.
d) The parameter X is determined using the mean and operating Larson Miller parameters
and dividing by difference by LMdelta as shown in the following equation:
Eq. 7.3
The failure factor is calculated using the following formula:
Eq. 7.4
Eq. 7.5
Nonintrusive inspections cannot be applied to heater tube inspection since internal entry into
the firebox is necessary for this to occur. The credit provided for inspection is determined by
using the expressions in Table A40. N is the number of inspections, or 4, whichever is the
Eq. 7.6
The long term technical module subfactor may be modified to take credit for on-line
monitoring using the guidance provided further below.
Ineffective 1.0
Table A40: Inspection Effectiveness Reduction Factor.
Because such failures depend on a large array of factors too complex and varied to cast into
an exact calculation, the method outlined here depends on two factors:
a) The estimated severity of probable over-heating as measured by the difference between
the tube metal temperature during the over-heating event and the design tube metal
temperature. This quantity is denoted as ΔToh.
b) The estimated accumulated time of exposure to over-heating; this time of exposure is
denoted as toh.
The severity ΔToh of a possible over-heating is a function of the factors covered below. Values
of ΔToh can range up to 300oF, indicating that in some locations of the furnace, the metal
temperature can be as much as 300°F higher than the design tube metal temperature of a
short periods of time. Heaters that have one or more of the following problems should be
assigned high values of ΔToh.:
a) A history of over-heating. Heaters that have failed after unusually short periods of time
should be assigned a high value of ΔToh
b) Observed flame impingement.
c) High possibility of heavy coking.
The time of exposure toh is a measure of how frequent and how long over-heating events can
or has lasted. The value of toh can range between 10 and 1000 hours and indicates the amount
of accumulated time that the furnace has been exposed to severe operating conditions.
Heaters that should be assigned high values of toh may have one or more of the following
a) Unstable operation. Furnaces that have a history of unstable operation should be assigned
a high value toh
b) Burner control problems. Furnaces that have a history of burners that are difficult to adjust
and control should be assigned a high toh.
The probability of failure due to short term overheating can be calculated following these
STEP 1: The quantity ΔT5%, is calculated using the function in Eq. 7.7 and the expected
accumulated duration of over-heating events. This over-heating temperature, ΔT5%
corresponds to values of ΔToh that result in a 5% probability of failure in the LM curves.
Eq. 7.7
Eq. 7.7 assumes that a 1°F overheating event 1,000 hours long is equivalent to a one hour
long 250°F overheating event. The long duration event is calibrated based on the observation
that if the tube has been operating for long times at its design pressure and temperature the
probability of failure is about 5%. The short event is calibrated by the observation that tubes
that survive a short intense event such as a fire do not necessarily fail.
STEP 2: As the actual over-heating temperature, ΔToh increases, the probability of failure
increases as a function of the difference between ΔToh and ΔT5%. Use the function in Equation
Eq. 7.8 to calculate the failure factor for short term over-heating.
Eq. 7.8
Consequence analysis
Determining a Representative Fluid and its Properties
The scope of this Appendix is limited to furnaces that are used to heat liquid process streams.
Furnaces such as steam/methane reformers are very much different, partly because the
consequences of a leak are not usually very severe, except in the case of massive failures. (i.e.,
a furnace fired with methane used to heat methane is not severely affected by a tube leak
releasing more fuel into the fìrebox.).
Estimating release rate and type of release
For furnaces, it is considered that all releases will be of a continuous nature (although some
may be of short duration). Also, the scope of this Appendix is limited to liquid releases.
Discharges of liquids through a sharp-edged orifice are described by the work of Bernoulli
and Toricelli (Perry and Green, 1984) and can be calculated as:
Eq. 7.9
QL - liquid discharge rate (lb/sec)
Cd - discharge coefficient
A - hole cross-sectional area (in2)
r - density of liquid (lb/ft3)
P - difference between upstream and atmospheric pressure @id)
gc - conversion factor from lb to lb
(32.2lb-ft / lbfsec2).
The discharge coefficient for fully turbulent flow from sharp-edged orifices is 0.60 to 0.64. A
value of 0.61 is recommended for the RBI calculations. The above equation is used for both
flashing and non-flashing liquids.
For furnace incidents, all of the releases will be continuous in nature. There is no need to
evaluate the instantaneous effects.
Phase of fluid at Phase of fluid at steady state Determination of final phase for
steady state operating ambient conditions consequence calculation
Liquid Gas Model as gas unless the fluid boiling point at
ambient conditions is greater than 80oF, then
model as a liquid.
liquid liquid Model as a liquid
The adjustments to release characteristics based on detection, isolation and mitigation
systems are provided in Table A45. These values are based on engineering judgment, utilizing
experience in evaluating mitigation measures in quantitative risk analyses.
Table A46 represents the specific event outcomes expected for furnace tube releases. Note
that the fires are considered for lighter hydrocarbons. These are cases where most or all of
the released fluid vaporizes and fluid can exit from furnace openings with considerable force,
resulting in a substantial flame affected area.
Also in a manner analogous to the methods outlined in API 581:2000 section 7, the affected
area is calculated from Table A47. By definition, ignition is likely, and the release is of a
continuous nature. There is an additional constraint placed on affected area calculation for
furnaces: most furnaces have spill containment in the form of a curb at least 6 in. high and
located approximately 10 ft from the outer perimeter of the furnace structure. This reduces
the affected area of the release to the impoundment area. "Typical" impoundment areas are
approximately 3,000 ft2. If no containment exists, use the calculated affected area from the
equations in Table A47.
Fluid Ignition VCE Fireball Flash fire Jet fire Pool fire
C3 – C5 1 - - - 1 -
C6– C8 1 - - - 1 -
C9 – C12 1 - - - 1 -
C13 – C16 1 - - - 0.5 0.5
C17 – C25 1 - - - 0.5 0.5
C25+ 1 - - - - -
Table A46: Specific Event Probabilities-Continuous Release Auto Ignition Likely.
C3 – C5
C6– C8
C9 – C12
C13 – C16 - -
C17 – C25 - -
C25+ - -
C3 – C5
C6– C8
C9 – C12
C13 – C16
C17 – C25
17.8. Appendix VIII: API 581:2000 Stress Corrosion Cracking Technical
This module establishes a technical module subfactor (probability of failure modifier) for
process equipment subject to damage by mechanisms that result in stress corrosion cracking
(SCC). Caustic cracking, amine cracking, sulfide stress cracking (SSC), hydrogeninduced
cracking (HIC), stress-oriented hydrogeninduced cracking (SOffiC), carbonate cracking,
polythionic acid cracking (PTA), and chloride cracking (ClSCC) are within the scope of the
module. Technical Supplements are included in this module to provide estimates of the
susceptibility to specific damage mechanisms that result in stress corrosion cracking. Expert
advice may also be used to establish susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking.
Required Data
The basic data listed in Table A48 are the minimum required to determine a technical module
subfactor for stress corrosion cracking.
Additional Data
Additional data are required to answer the screening questions for the SCC mechanisms listed
in Table A49. Further data required for each sec mechanism are listed in the basic data table
near the beginning of each supplement.
Basic assumptions
This Technical Module assumes that a susceptibility to each sec mechanism is determined in
the applicable section of this module. The susceptibility is designated as high, medium, or low
based on process, material, and fabrication variables. A "severity index" can be determined
which is the product of the susceptibility of the equipment/piping to cracking (or the
likelihood of initiating cracks) and the likelihood of a crack resulting in a leak. The method
can also handle known cracks in a simplistic manner. Likelihood of failure due to a specific
crack or array of cracks in the equipment/piping should be further evaluated using more
advanced methods and fitness for service evaluations.
Determination of Technical Module Subfactor (TMSF)
A flow chart of the steps required to determine the technical module subfactor is presented
in Figures A10A and A10B. These steps are discussed below, along with the required tables.
Figure A10A: Determination of Technical Module Subfactor for Stress Corrosion Cracking.
Figure A10B: Determination of Technical Module Subfactor for Stress Corrosion Cracking (continues figure A10A)
TMSF: Screening Question for Technical Supplements
The screening questions listed in Table A49 are used to select the applicable SCC mechanism.
Inspection Effectiveness
Inspections are ranked according to the expected effective ness of detecting cracking. The
actual effectiveness of a given inspection technique or combination of techniques depends on
the characteristics of the specific cracking mechanism and other factors.
Tables A51A through A51F provide examples of inspection activities that are both intrusive
(requires entry into equipment) and non-intrusive (can be performed externally). Note that
the effectiveness categories vary somewhat for each cracking mechanism.
Inspection Example: Example:
Effectiveness Intrusive Inspection Nonintrusive Inspection
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle or dye penetrant 25-100% of welds/cold bends or
Highly Effective
testing of 25%-100% of welds/cold bends. Radiographic testing of 50-100%
of welds/cold bends.
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle or dye penetrant 10-24% of welds/cold bends or
Usually Effective
testing of 10%-24% of welds/cold bends. Radiographic testing of 25-49% of
welds/cold bends.
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of
less than 10% of welds/cold
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle or dye penetrant
Fairly Effective bends or Radiographic testing of
testing of less than 10% of welds/cold bends.
less than 25% of welds/cold
Poorly Effective Visual inspection Visual inspection for leaks.
Ineffective No inspection No inspection
Table A51A: Effectiveness of Inspection for Caustic Cracking.
Example: Example:
Intrusive Inspection Nonintrusive Inspection
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of 25-100%
of weldments, transverse and parallel to
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing
Highly Effective the weld with the weld cap removed; or
of 25-100% of weldments.
Acoustic Emission testing with follow-up
shear wave UT.
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing
of 10-24% of weldments; or Dry magnetic Shear wave ultrasonic testing of 10-24%
Usually Effective particle testing of 25-100% of weldments: of weldments; Radiographic testing of 50-
or Dye penetrant testing of 25-100% of 100% of weldments.
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing
of less than 10% of weldments; or Dry Shear wave ultrasonic testing of less than
Fairly Effective magnetic particle testing of less than 25% 10% of weldments; Radiographic testing
of weldments; or Dye penetrant testing of of 20-49% of weldments.
less than 25% of weldments.
Radiographic testing of less than 20% of
Poorly Effective Visual inspection
Ineffective No inspection No inspection
Table A51C: Effectiveness of Inspection for Sulfide Stress Cracking and Hydrogen Stress Cracking.
Example: Example:
Intrusive Inspection Nonintrusive Inspection
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing of
Highly Effective SO- l00% of weldments, plus additional shear None
wave UT for subsurface cracking.
Automated shear wave ultrasonic
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing of testing of 20 - 100% of weldments; or
Usually Effective
20-49% of weldments. Acoustic Emission testing with follow-
up shear wave UT.
Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing of Automated shear wave ultrasonic
less than 20% of weldments; or Dry magnetic testing of less than 20% of
Fairly Effective particle testing of 50-100% of weldments; or weldments; or Manual shear wave
Dye penetrant testing of 50-100% of ultrasonic testing of 20-100% of
weldments weldments.
Dye penetrant testing of less than 50% of
Manual shear wave ultrasonic testing
Poorly Effective weldments; Visual inspection for hydrogen
of less than 20o/o of weldments.
Ineffective No inspection Radiographic testing
Table A51D: Effectiveness of Inspection for HIC/SOHIC and HIC/SOHIC-HF.
Example: Example:
Intrusive Inspection Nonintrusive Inspection
Radiography (25%+)
Highly Effective Dye penetrant (25%+)
Shear wave ultrasonics (25%+)
Radiography approx. (5%)
Usually Effective Dye penetrant testing
Shear wave ultrasonics (25%+)
Spot Radiography
Fairly Effective Dye penetrant (10%+)
Spot shear wave ultrasonics
Poorly Effective Visual Visual for leaks
Ineffective No Inspection No Inspection
There is no highly effective inspection without a minimum of partial insulation removal and external VT and PT
Table A51E: Effectiveness of Inspection for PTA.
Example: Example:
Intrusive Inspection Nonintrusive Inspection
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of 25% to 100% of
Dye penetrant testing of
Highly Effective weldments, transverse and parallel to the weld with the
50% to 100% of weldments.
weld cap removed.
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of 10% to 24% of
Dye penetrant testing of
Usually Effective weldments, radiographic testing of 50% to 100% of
25% to 50% of weldments.
weldments. AE test with partial insulation removal
Shear wave ultrasonic testing of less than 10% of
Dye penetrant testing of less
Fairly Effective weldments, radiographic testing of 20% to 49% of
than 25% of weldments.
Poorly Effective Visual Visual for Leaks
Ineffective No Inspection No Inspection
Table A51F: Effectiveness of Inspection for CISCC.
Adjustment to Technical Module Subfactor for On-Line Monitoring
In addition to inspection, on-line monitoring using hydrogen probes and/or key process
variables affect HIC/SOHIC susceptibility. The advantage of on-line monitoring is that
changes in SCC susceptibility as a result of process changes can be detected before significant
cracking damage occurs.
This earlier detection usually permits more timely action to be taken that should decrease
the probability of failure. For HIC/SOHIC, an on-line monitoring factor of 2 is applied if either
hydrogen probes or monitoring of key process variables are used. If both hydrogen probes
and monitoring key process variables are used, an online monitoring factor of 4 is applied.
Divide the TMSF by this factor. Do not apply this factor if the TMSF is 1. No on-line monitoring
factor should be applied for any other stress corrosion cracking mechanism.
16.8.1 Caustic Cracking
Description of Damage
Caustic cracking is defined as cracking of a metal under the combined action of tensile stress
and corrosion in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at elevated temperature. The
cracking is predominantly intergranular in nature, and typically occurs as a network of fine
cracks in carbon steels; low alloy ferritic steels have similar cracking susceptibility.
There are three key parameters that determine susceptibility of steel fabrications to caustic
cracking. They are caustic concentration, metal temperature, and level of tensile stress.
Industry experience indicates that some caustic cracking failures occur in a few days, while
many require prolonged exposure of one or more years. Increasing the caustic concentration
or metal temperature accelerates the cracking rate.
Figure A12 provides information on the caustic cracking susceptibility of carbon steel. Caustic
cracking of steel is not anticipated at metal temperatures less than about 115°F. In the 115°F
to 180°F range, cracking susceptibility is a function of the caustic concentration. Above 180°F,
cracking susceptibility is a function of the caustic concentration. Above 180°F cracking is
highly likely for all concentrations above about 5% wt. Although cracking susceptibility is
significantly lower in caustic solutions with less than 5% concentration, presence of high
temperatures (approaching boiling) can cause locally higher concentrations which would
increase cracking susceptibility.
Notable case histories of this phenomenon include caustic cracking of distillation columns
when caustic is added to the column for pH control, and caustic cracking of boiler feed water
equipment or piping bolts when gasket leaks expose the bolts to feed water leaks. With regard
to temperature, the key consideration is the actual metal temperature, and not just the
normal process temperature. There are many case histories of caustic cracking of "ambient
temperature" caustic equipment that was heat traced or steamed out while still containing
caustic. As-welded or as-bent carbon and low alloy steel assemblies are susceptible to caustic
cracking because of the high level of residual stress remaining after fabrication by these
methods. Application of a post-fabrication stress-relieving heat treatment (e.g. post weld heat
treatment) is a proven method of preventing caustic cracking. A heat treatment of about
1150°F for one hour per inch of thickness (one hour minimum) is considered an effective
stress-relieving heat treatment to prevent caustic cracking of carbon steel.
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A53 are required to determine the susceptibility of carbon and low
alloy ferritic steel equipment and piping to caustic cracking. If exact process data are not
known, contact a knowledgeable process engineer to obtain the best estimates.
1. Corrosion Data Survey-Metals Section, NACE International, Houston, TX, Fifth Edition
(March 1974), p.274.
2. NACE-5, Stress Corrosion Cracking of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Base Alloys, Edited
by R.W. Staehle, et al., NACE International, Houston, TX, 1977, pp. 583-587.
3. P. Gegner, "Corrosion Resistance of Materials in Alkalies and Hypochlorites," Process
Industries Corrosion, NACE International, Houston TX, 1975, pp. 296-305.
4. J. K. Nelson, "Materials of Construction for Alkalies and Hypochlorites," Process Industries
Corrosion:-The Theory and Practice, NACE International, Houston, TX, 1986, pp.297-310.
Figure A11: Determination of Susceptibility to Caustic Cracking.
Figure A12: Caustic Soda Service Graph.
16.8.2 Amine Cracking
Description of Damage
Amine cracking is defined as cracking of a metal under the combined action of tensile stress
and corrosion in the presence of an aqueous alkanolamine solution at elevated temperature.
The cracking is predominately intergranular in nature, and typically occurs in carbon steels
as a network of very fine, corrosion product filled cracks. Low alloy ferritic steels are also
susceptible to amine cracking. Amine cracking is typically observed in amine treating units
which use aqueous alkanolamine solutions for removal of acid gases such as H2S and from
various gas or liquid hydrocarbon streams.
Four available parameters are used to assess the susceptibility of steel fabrications to amine
cracking. They are the type of amine, amine solution composition, metal temperature, and
level of tensile stress.
With regard to the type of amine, results of an NACE survey indicate that amine cracking is
most prevalent in monoethanolamine (MEA) and disopropanolamine (DIPA) units, and to a
somewhat lesser extent in diethanolamine (DEA) units. Cracking is much less prevalent in
methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), Sulfinol, and diglycolamine (DGA) units.
Studies have concluded that the cracking occurs in a narrow range of electrochemical
potential, which is very dependent upon the amine solution composition. Carbonate is a
critical solution contaminant, and other contaminants such as chlorides, cyanides, etc. have
been shown to affect cracking susceptibility. Despite this mechanistic understanding, the
electrochemical potential of in-service equipment and piping may not be readily available.
Amine concentration is a factor in cracking susceptibility in MEA solutions, where cracking
susceptibility has been shown to be higher in the 15 to 35% con centration range. There is
not sufficient understanding of this relationship in other amine solutions, but it is noteworthy
that cracking susceptibility is lower in MDEA and Sulfinol units which typically utilize higher
concentration amine solutions.
With regard to the amine solution composition, cracking typically occurs in the lean
alkanolamine solution which is alkaline and contains very low levels of acid gases. Amine
cracking does not occur in fresh amine solutions, i.e., those that have not been exposed to acid
gases. Amine cracking is not likely to occur in rich alkanolarnine solutions, which contain high
levels of acid gases. In rich amine solutions, other forms of cracking are far more prevalent
(see note).
With regard to temperature, amine cracking susceptibility is generally higher at elevated
temperatures. A key consideration is the actual metal temperature, and not just the normal
process temperature. Cracking has occurred in equipment and piping that normally operates
at low temperatures but was heat traced or steamed out prior to water washing to remove
residual amine solution.
With regard to the level of tensile stress, as-welded or as bent carbon and low alloy steel
fabrications are susceptible to amine cracking because of the high level of residual stress
remaining after fabrication by these methods. Application of a post-fabrication stress-
relieving heat treatment (e.g., postweld heat treatment) is a proven method of preventing
amine cracking. A heat treatment of about 150°F for one hour per inch of thickness (one hour
minimum) is considered an effective stress-relieving heat treatment to prevent amine
cracking of carbon steel.
Note: Other forms of cracking have been reported in amine units. Most of these occurred in
equipment and piping exposed to rich alkanolamine solutions and have typically been forms
of hydrogen damage such as sulfide stress cracking (SSC), hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC),
and stress-oriented hydrogen-induced cracking (SOHIC). These are dealt in other sections of
this module.
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A54 are required to determine the susceptibility of carbon and low
alloy ferritic steel equipment and piping to amine cracking. If exact process data are not
known, contact a knowledgeable process engineer to obtain the best estimates.
Figure A13: Determination of Susceptibility to Amine Cracking.
1. Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units, API Recommended Practice 945, 1st
Edition, August 1990.
2. Richert, Bagdasarian, and Shargay, "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in Amine
Systems;• NACE paper#187, Corrosion/87 (see also "Extent of Stress Corrosion Cracking
in Amine Plants Revealed by Survey", Oil & Gas Journal, June 5, 1989).
3. Parkins and Foroulis, "The Stress Corrosion Cracking of Mild Steel in Monoethanolamine
Solutions,"NACE paper #188, Corrosion/87 (see also Materials Performance 25, 10
(1986), pp. 20-27).
4. Lenhart, Craig, and Howell, "Diethanolamine SCC of Mild Steel;' NACE paper#212,
5. Gutzeit and Johnson, "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Welds in Amine Service,"
NACE paper #206, Corrosion/86.
6. Schutt, HU, "New Aspects of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Monoethanolamine Solutions,"
NACE paper#l59, Corrosion/88 (see also Materials Performance 27, 12 (1988), pp. 53-
7. Bagdasarian, Shargay and Coombs, "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in DEA and
ADIP Solutions;• Materials Performance 30, 5 (1991), pp. 63-67 (see also Oil & Gas
Journal,Jan. 13, 1992, pp. 42-44).
16.8.3 Sulfide Stress Cracking
Description of Damage
Sulfide stress cracking is defined as cracking of a metal under the combined action of tensile
stress and corrosion in the presence of water and hydrogen sulfide. SSC is a form of hydrogen
stress cracking resulting from absorption of atomic hydrogen that is produced by the sulfide
corrosion process on the metal surface. SSC usually occurs more readily in high strength (high
hardness) steels in hard weld deposits or hard heat-affected zones of lower-strength steels.
Susceptibility to SSC is related to the hydrogen permeation flux in the steel, which is primarily
associated with two environmental parameters-pH and H2S content of the water. Typically,
the hydrogen flux in steels has been found to be lowest in near neutral pH solutions, with
increasing flux at both lower and higher pH values. Corrosion at low pH values is caused by
H2S, whereas corrosion at high pH values is caused by high concentrations of the bisulfide
ion. Presence of cyanides at elevated pH can further aggravate the hydrogen penetration into
the steel. SSC susceptibility is known to increase with H2S content, e.g. H2S partial pressure in
the gas phase or H2S content of the water phase. The presence of as little as 1 ppm of H2S in
the water has been found to be sufficient to cause SSC.
Susceptibility to SSC is primarily related to two material parameters-hardness and stress
level High hardness of the steel increases its susceptibility to SSC. SSC has not generally been
a concern for carbon steel base metals typically used for refinery pressure vessels and piping
in wet hydrogen sulfide service because these steels have sufficiently low strength (hardness)
levels. However, weld deposits and HAZs may contain zones of high hardness and high
residual stresses from welding. High residual tensile stresses associated with welds increases
susceptibility to SSC. PWHT significantly reduces residual stresses and also tempers (softens)
weld deposits and HAZs. A post weld heat treatment of about 1150°F for one hour per inch
of thickness (one hour minimum) is considered effective for carbon steel. Somewhat higher
temperatures are required for low alloy steels. Control of hardness and reduction of residual
stresses are recognized methods for preventing SSC as outlined in NACE Standard RP0472.
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A55 are required to determine the susceptibility of carbon and low
alloy ferritic steel equipment and piping to SSC. If exact process data are not known, contact
a knowledgeable process engineer to obtain the best estimates.
Basic Data Comments
Presence of Water Determine whether free water is present in the equipment /piping. Consider not only
(Yes or No) normal operating conditions, but also startup, shutdown, process upsets, etc.
Determine the H2S content of the water phase. If analytical results are not readily
H2S Content of Water
available, it can be estimated using the approach of Petrie & Moore (Reference 2).
Determine the pH of the water phase. If analytical results are not readily available, it
pH of Water
should be estimated by a knowledgeable process engineer.
Presence of Cyanides Determine the presence of cyanide through sampling and/or field analysis. Consider
(Yes or No) primarily normal and upset operations but also startup and shutdown conditions.
Determine the maximum Brinell hardness actually measured at the weldments of the
Max Brinell steel equipment/piping. Report readings actually taken as Brinell, not converted
Hardness from finer techniques (e.g., Vickers, Knoop, etc.) If actual readings are not available,
use the maximum allowable hardness permitted by the fabrication specification.
PWHT of Weldments Determine whether all the weldments of the equipment/piping have been properly
(Yes or No) postweld heat treated after welding.
Table A55: Basic Data Required for Analysis of Sulfide Stress Cracking.
As-welded PWHT
Max Brinell Hardness Max Brinell Hardness
<200 200-237 >237 <200 200-237 >237
High Low Medium High Not Low Medium
Moderate Low Medium High Not Not Low
Low Low Low Medium Not Not Not
Note: Actually tested as Brinell, not converted from finer techniques, e.g. Vickers, Knoop, etc
Table A57: Susceptibility to SSC.
Figure A14: Determination of Susceptibility of Sulfide Stress Cracking.
1. Methods and Controls to Prevent In Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel
Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments, NACE Standard RP0472-95.
2. R. R. Petrie and E. M. Moore, Jr., "Determining the Suitability of Existing Pipelines and
Producing Facilities for Wet Sour Service," Materials Performance 28, 6 (June 1989), pp.
3. Review of Published Literature on Wet H2S Cracking of Steels through 1989, NACE
Publication 8X294
4. Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Base Alloys, NACE-5,
Edited by R. W Staehle, et. al., NACE International, Houston, TX, 1977, pp. 541-559.
5. C. M. Hudgins, et. al., "Hydrogen Sulfide Cracking of Carbon and Alloy Steels," Corrosion,
Vol. 22, pp. 238-251.
6. Guidelines for Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Existing Petroleum Refinery Pressure
Vessels in Wet H2S Environments, NACE Standard RP0296-96.
16.8.3 Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Hydrogen Sulfide Services (HIC/SOHIC-H2S)
Description of Damage
Hydrogen-induced cracking is defined as stepwise internal cracks that connect adjacent
hydrogen blisters on different planes in the metal, or to the metal surface. No externally
applied stress is needed for the formation of HIC. The driving force for the cracking is high
stresses at the circumference of the hydrogen blisters caused by buildup of internal pressure
in the blisters. Interactions between these high stress fields tend to cause cracks to develop
that link blisters on different planes in the steel.
The buildup of pressure in the blisters is related to the hydrogen permeation flux in the steel.
The source of the hydrogen in the steel is the corrosion reaction with wet hydrogen sulfide.
Water must be present for this corrosion reactor to occur, and the resultant hydrogen flux is
primarily associated with two environmental Parameters-pH and H2C content of the water.
Typically, the hydrogen flux in steels has been found to be lowest in near neutral pH solutions,
with increasing flux at both lower and higher pH values. Corrosion at low pH values is caused
by H2C, whereas corrosion at high pH values is caused by high concentrations of the bisulfide
ion. Presence of cyanides at elevated pH can further aggravate the hydrogen penetration into
the steel. Hydrogen permeation is known to increase with H2C content, e.g. H2C partial
pressure in the gas phase or H2C content of the water phase. The presence of a little as 50
ppm of H2C in the water has been sufficient to cause HIC.
Hydrogen blisters are planar hydrogen-filled cavities formed at discontinuities in the steel
(e.g. voids, inclusions, laminations, sulfide inclusions). Blisters most often occur in rolled
plate steels, especially those with a banded microstructure resulting from elongated sulfide
inclusions. Susceptibility to hydrogen blistering, and therefore me is primarily related to the
quality of the plate steel, i.e., the number, size and shape of the discontinuities. In this regard,
the sulfur con tent of the steel is a key material parameter. Reducing the sulfur content of the
steel reduces the susceptibility to blistering and HIC. Additions of calcium which controls
sulfide inclusion shape control is generally beneficial.
SOHIC is defined as a stacked array of small blisters joined by hydrogen-induced cracking
that is aligned in the through thickness direction of the steel as a result of high localized
tensile stresses. SOHIC is a special form of HIC which usually occurs in the base metal,
adjacent to the heat-affected zone of a weld, where stresses are highest due to the additive
effect of applied stress (from internal pressure) and the residual stresses from welding. As
with HIC, plate steel quality is a key parameter for SOHIC susceptibility. In addition, reduction
of residual stresses by PWHT can reduce, but may not eliminate, the occurrence and severity
of SOHIC. The level of applied stress also influences the occurrence and severity of SOHIC.
Although HIC/SOHIC is much more prominent in plate steel fabrications, it has been observed
to a limited extent in steel pipe fabrications, usually in the more severe hydrogen charging
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A58 are required to estimate susceptibility of carbon steel equipment
and piping to HIC/SOHIC. If exact process data are not known, contact a knowledgeable
process engineer to obtain the best estimates. If the sulfur content of the plate steel is not
known, contact a knowledgeable materials engineer to obtain an estimate of steel quality.
Basic Data Comments
Presence of Water Determine whether free water is present in the equipment/piping. Consider not
only normal operating conditions, but also startup, shutdown, process upsets,
(Yes or No) etc.
Determine the H2S content of the water phase. If analytical results are not readily
H2S Content of Water
available, it can be estimated using the approach of Petrie & Moore
Determine the pH of the water phase. If analytical results are not readily
pH of Water
available, it should be estimated by a knowledgeable process engineer.
Presence of Cyanides Determine the presence of cyanide through sampling and/or field analysis.
Consider primarily normal and upset operations but also startup and shutdown
(Yes or No) conditions.
Determine the sulfur content of the steel used to fabricate the equipment/piping.
Sulfur Content of Plate This information should be available on MTR's in equipment files. If not
Steel available, it can be estimated from the ASTM or ASME specification of the steel
listed on the U-1 form in consultation with materials engineer.
Determine what product form of steel was used to fabricate the
equipment/piping. Most equipment is fabricated from rolled and welded steel
Steel Product Form plates (e.g. A285, A515, A516, etc.), but some small-diameter equipment is
fabricated from steel pipe and piping components. Most small-diameter piping
(Plate or Pipe) is fabricated from steel pipe (e.g.Al06, A53, API 5L, etc.) and piping components
(e.g. AIOS, A234, etc.), but most large diameter piping (above approximately 16
in. diameter) is fabricated from rolled and welded plate steel.
PWHT of Weldments Determine whether all the weldments of the equipment/piping have been
(Yes or No) properly post weld heat treated after welding.
1,000 to
pH of Water <50ppm 50 to 1000ppm >10,000ppm
<5.5 Low Moderate High High
5.5 to 7.5 Low Low Low Moderate
7.6 to 8.3 Low Moderate Moderate Moderate
8.4 to 8.9 Low Moderate Moderate High
>9.0 Low Moderate High High
Note: If cyanides are present, increase the susceptibility of SCC one category for pH > 8.3 and HzS
concentrations greater than 1,000 ppm
Table A59: Susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC
Determination of Susceptibility to HICISONIC
For equipment and large diameter piping fabricated from rolled and welded plate steel, the
environmental severity determined in Table A59 and the basic data from Table A58 on the
sulfur content of the plate steel and postweld heat treatment, should be used to determine
the susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC using Table A60. Small diameter equipment and piping
fabricated from steel pip and piping components should be considered to have a low
susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC unless it has not been postweld heat treated and is exposed to a
high severity environment, in which case it should be considered to have a medium
susceptibility. A flow chart of the steps required to determine the susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC
is presented in Figure A15.
Figure A15: Determination of Susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC.
1. R. R. Petrie and E. M. Moore, Jr., “Determining the Suitability of Existing Pipelines and
Producing Facilities for Wet Sour Service, “Materials Performance 28, 6 (June 1989), pp.
2. R. D. Merrick, “Refinery Experiences with Cracking in Wet H2S Environments,” Materials
Performance 27, 1 (January 1988), pp. 30.
3. R. D. Merrick and M.L. Bullen, “Prevention of Cracking in Wet H2S Environments;’ NACE
Corrosion/89, paper no. 269.
4. Materials and Fabrication Practices for New Pressure Vessels Used in Wet H2S Refinery
Service, NACE Publication 8X194.
5. Review of Published Literature on Wet H2S Cracking of Steels through 1989, NACE
Publication 8X294.
6. Research Report on Chamcterization and Monitoring of Cmcking in Wet H2S Service, API
Publication 939, October 1994.
7. M. S. Cayard and R. D. Kane, “Characterization and Monitoring of Cracking of Steel
Equipment in Wet H2S Service;’ NACE Corrosion/95, Paper no. 329.
8. Guidelines for Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Existing Petroleum Refinery Pressure
Vessels in Wet H2S Environments, NACE Standard RP0296-96.
16.8.4 Carbonate Cracking
Description of Damage
Carbonate cracking is a common term applied to cracking of a metal under the combined
action of tensile stress and corrosion in the presence of an alkaline sour water containing
moderate to high concentrations of carbonate. The cracking is predominantly intergranular
in nature, and typically occurs in as-welded carbon steel fabrications as a network of very
fine, oxide-filled cracks. Carbonate cracking typically propagates parallel to the weld in
adjacent base metal, but can also occur in the weld deposit or heat affected zones. The pattern
of cracking observed on the steel surface is sometimes described as a spider web of small
cracks, which often initiate at or interconnect with weld-related flaws that serve as local
stress raisers.
Carbonate cracking has been most prevalent in the catalytic cracking unit main fractionator
overhead condensing and reflux system, the downstream wet gas compression system, and
the sour water systems emanating from these areas. Assuming the presence of a sour water
phase, three key parameters are used to assess the susceptibility of steel fabrications to
carbonate cracking. They are the pH of the sour water, carbonate concentration of the sour
water, and level of tensile stress.
Studies have concluded that the cracking occurs in a narrow range of electrochemical
potential, which is very dependent upon the sour water composition. Presence of moderate
to high levels of carbonates in an alkaline sour water often produces an electrochemical
potential of steel which is in this narrow range where carbonate cracking is likely to occur.
Another common contaminant in these sour waters, cyanides, has been shown to influence
cracking susceptibility. Despite this mechanistic understanding, the electrochemical
potential of in-service equipment and piping may not be readily available. Therefore, pH and
carbonate concentration of the sour water are judged to be the key environmental
parameters influencing the susceptibility of steel fabrications to carbon ate cracking. Based
on a survey of many units reported in Reference 2, cracking susceptibility increases with
increasing pH and carbonate concentration.
With regard to the level of tensile stress, as-welded or as· bent carbon steel fabrications are
susceptible to carbonate cracking because of the high level of residual stress remaining after
fabrication by these methods. Application of a post fabrication stress-relieving heat
treatment (e.g. post weld heat treatment) is a proven method of preventing carbonate
cracking. A heat treatment of about 1150°F for one hour per inch of thickness (one hour
minimum) is considered an effective stress-relieving heat treatment to prevent carbonate
cracking of carbon steel.
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A61 are required to determine the susceptibility of carbon steel
equipment and piping to carbon ate cracking. If exact process data are not known, contact a
knowledgeable process engineer to obtain the best estimates.
Basic Data Comments
Presence of Water Determine whether free water is present in the equipment/piping. Consider
not only nor mal operating conditions, but also startup, shutdown, process
(Yes or No) upsets, etc.
Presence of 50 ppm or more Determine whether 50 ppm or more H2S is present in the water phase in
H2S in the Water this equipment/ piping. If analytical results are not readily available, it
(Yes or No) should be estimated by a knowledgeable process engineer.
Determine the pH of the water phase. If analytical results are not readily
pH of Water
available, it should be estimated by a knowledgeable process engineer.
Stress Relieved? Determine whether the equipment/piping has been properly stress
(Yes or No) relieved after welding and cold forming.
Table A61: Basic Data Required for Analysis of Carbonate Cracking.
Figure A16: Determination of Susceptibility to Carbonate Cracking.
1. R. D. Merrick, “Refinery Experiences with Cracking in Wet H2S Environments;’ Materials
Performance 21, 1 (1988), pp. 30-36.
2. J. H. Kmetz and D. J. Truax, “Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in
Refinery FCC Main Fractionator Overhead Systems,” NACE Paper #206, CORROSION/90.
3. H. U. Schutt, “Intergranular Wet Hydrogen Sulfide Cracking,” NACE Paper #454,
Corrosion/92 (see also “Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in Amine Systems:’
NACE paper #187, Corrosion/87) (see also Materials Performance 32, 11 (1993),
16.8.5 Polythionic Acid Cracking (PTA)
Description of Damage
Polythionic acid (PTA) and sulfurous acid are major considerations in the petroleum-refining
industry, particularly in catalytic cracking, desulfurizer, hydrocracker and catalytic reforming
processes. These complex acids typically form in sulfide containing deposits during
shutdown (or ambient) conditions when the equipment and/or piping are exposed to air and
moisture. The acid environment, combined with susceptible materials of construction in the
sensitized or as welded condition, results in rapid intergranular corrosion and cracking.
Preventive measures to reduce or eliminate PTA include flushing the equipment with alkaline
or soda ash solution to neutralize sulfides immediately after shutdown and exposure to air
or purging with dry nitrogen during the shutdown to prevent air exposure, according to
recommended practices established by NACE (RP0170).
PTA and sulfurous acid will cause SCC in sensitized austenitic stainless steels and nickel-base
alloys. Cracking is always intergranular and requires relatively low tensile stresses for
initiation and propagation. As-welded, regular and high carbon grade stainless steels, such as
types 304/304H and 316/316H, are particularly susceptible to SCC in the weld HAZ. Low-
carbon (<0.03% C) are less susceptible at temperatures less than 800°F. Chemically stabilized
stain less steel grades, such as types 321 and 347 are less susceptible to PTA, particularly if
they are thermally stabilized. Susceptibility of alloys and chemically or thermally stabilized
materials to PTA can be determined by laboratory corrosion testing according to ASTM G35.
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A63 are required to determine the susceptibility of equipment or
piping to PTA. If exact process data is not known, contact a knowledgeable process engineer
to obtain the best estimates.
Determine Susceptibility to PTA
If the process temperature is less than or equal to 800 °F, use Table A64 to determine
susceptibility. If the process temperature is greater than 800°F, use Table A65 to determine
susceptibility. A flow chart of the steps required to determine the susceptibility to PTA is
presented in Figure A17.
Figure A17: Determination of Susceptibility to Polythionic Acid Cracking (PTA).
1. Metals Handbook, Ninth Edition, ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio 44073, Volume 13
Corrosion, pp. 327.
2. D. R. Mcintyre and C. P. Dillon, Guidelines for Pre venting Stress Corrosion Cracking in the
Chemical Process Industries, Publication 15, Materials Technology Institute ofthe
Chemical Process Industries, 1985, pp. 69.
3. The Role of Stainless Steels in Petroleum Refining, American Iron and Steel Institute,
1977, pp. 42-4
4. Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid
Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipment, NACE International
Recommended Practice RP0170-93, NACE International, Houston, TX.
5. D.V. Beggs and R.W. Howe “Effects of Welding and Thermal” Stabilization on the
Sensitization and Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking of Heat and Corrosion
Resistant Alloys,” NACE International Corrosion/93 Paper 541, NACE International,
Houston, TX.
6. L. Scharfstein, “The effect of Heat Treatment in the Prevention of Intergranular Corrosion
Failures of AISI 321 Stainless Steel” Materials Performance, September 1983, pp. 22-24.
7. E. Lendvai-Linter, “Stainless Steel Weld Overlay Resistance to Polythionic acid Attack,”
Materials Performance, Volume 18, No 3, 1979, pp 9
8. K.Tamaki, S. Nakano and M. Kimura “Application of CrNi Stainless Steel Weld Metals to
Polythionic Acid Environments,” Meterials Performance, August 1987, pp 9-13
9. C.H. Samans, “Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Stainless Steels ans Nickel-Base
Alloys in Polythionic Acids and Acid Cooper Sulfate Solution,” Corrosion, Volume 20, no.8,
August 1964, pp. 256-262.
10. R.L. Piehl, “Stress Corrosion Cracking by Sulfur Acids,” Proceesings of API division of
Refining, Volume 44(III), 1964, pp.189-197
11. S. Ahmad, M.L. Mehta, S.K. Saraf, and I.P. Saraswat, “Stress Corrosion Cracking of
Sensitized 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel in Sulfurous Acid,” Corrosion Volume 37, No.
7, July 1981, 99. 412-415.
12. S.Ahmad, M.L.Mehta, S.K. Saraf, and I.P. Saraswat, “Stress Corrosion Cracking of Sentized
304 Austenitic Stainless Steel in Petroleum Refinery Environment, ” Corrosion, Volume
38, No.6, June 1982, p. 347-353.
16.8.6 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (ClSCC)
Description of Damage
Chloride stress corrosion cracking (ClSCC) of austenitic stainless steels can occur in a chloride
containing aqueous environment. The susceptibility to ClSCC is dependent on the
concentration of the chloride ions, the temperature, and other factors outlined in the basic
data Table A66. It should be emphasized that the chloride concentration in water within
wetting and drying conditions can be higher than the concentration measured in the bulk
solution due to partial water vaporization. Such vaporization can increase ClSCC
susceptibility. ClSCC is more likely to occur at metal temperatures above 150°F. Examples of
common sources of chlorides in a refinery are as follows:
Chloride salts from crude oil, produced water, and ballast water
Water condensed from process stream (process water)
Boiler feedwater and stripping system
Residue from hydrotest water and other manufacturing operations
Fumes for chemicals containing either organic or inorganic chlorides
ClSCC may occur during service or shutdown periods, if chloride containing solutions are
present, especially at temperatures above 150°F. ClSCC can occur internally (for example, by
wash-up water or fire water).
Chloride SCC is typically trans-granular and highly branched. The greatest susceptibility to
ClSCC is exhibited by austenitic stainless steels with a nickel content of 8% (e.g. 300 series
SS, 304, 316, etc.). Greater resistance is generally shown by alloys of either lower or higher
nickel contents. Duplex stainless steels with low nickel contents are generally immune to
ClSCC, as are alloys with greater than 42% nickel.
Basic Data
The data listed in Table A66 is required to determine the susceptibility of austenitic stainless
steel equipment and piping to ClSCC. If exact data is not known, contact a knowledgeable
process engineer to obtain the estimates.
Determination of Susceptibility to CISCC
Using basic data from Table A66, determine the process side susceptibility to CISCC from
Table A67 or Table A68. Then enter the decision tree in Figure A18 to determine the
susceptibility to ClSCC.
Figure A18: Determination of Susceptibility to CISCC.
1. D. R. Mcintyre and C. P. Dillon, Guideline for Preventing Stress Corrosion Cracking in the
Chemical Process Industries, Publication 15, Materials Technology Institute of the
Chemical Process Industry, 1985.
2. Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Base Alloys, Edited by R.
W. Staehle, et. Al., NACE-5, NACE International, Houston, TX, 1977.
3. “Corrosion in the Petrochemical Industry,” Edited by Linda Garverick, Essential Research,
pages 118-119, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1994.
16.8.7 Hydrogen Stress Cracking in Hydrofluoric Acid Service (HSC-HF)
Description of Damage
Hydrogen stress cracking (HSC) is defined as cracking of a metal under the combined action
of tensile stress and a corrosion mechanism that produces hydrogen which may diffuse into
the metal. HSC may result from exposure to hydrogen sulfide (covered in Supplement C-
Sulfide Stress Cracking) or from exposure to hydrofluoric acid (HF) as covered in this
Supplement. HSC-HF occurs in high-strength (high hardness) steels or in hard weld deposits
or hard heat-affected zones of lower-strength steels. In addition, HSC-HF may occur in
stressed Alloy 400 if oxygen or other oxidizers are present in the HF.
Concentrated hydrofluoric acid (HF) is used as the acid catalyst in HF alkylation units. The
usual HF-in-water concentrations are 96-99+% and the temperatures are generally below
150°F. Under these conditions a fully killed (deoxidized), low sulfur, clean soft carbon steel is
the material of choice for most equipment except where close tolerances are required for
operation (i.e., pumps, valves, instruments). Where close tolerances are required and at
temperatures over 150°F to approximately 350°F, Alloy 400 is used.
Corrosion in 80% and stronger HF-in-water solutions is equivalent to corrosion in anhydrous
hydrofluoric acid (AHF,<200 ppm H20) and reference to corrosion in AHF implies an HF-in-
water concentration as low as 80%. HF acid with concentrations lower than 80% HF-in-water
are considered aqueous. Both aqueous and anhydrous HF can cause hydrogen embrittlement
of hardened carbon and alloy steels. To prevent hydrogen embrittlement in welded steel
structures, the requirements of NACE standard RP0472, Methods and Controls to Prevent In-
Service Cracking of Carbon Steel Welds in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments should
be followed. Welds produced by all welding methods should be hardness tested.
Alloy steel fasteners have been a source of many failures in anhydrous HF service. ASTM A193
Grade B7, chromium molybdenum steel bolts are hard and will crack in the presence of HF.
Grade B7M, the same steel tempered to a lower hardness of 201-235 Brinell may be a better
choice if contact by HF cannot be avoided. However, B7M bolts will also crack if stressed
beyond their yield point in an HF environment. Bolt torque may be difficult to control in field
flange make-up. In this case, B7 bolts may be specified and replacement of any bolt which
may have contacted HF as a result of flange leaks would be required.
Basic Data
Table A69 lists the basic data required for analysis of susceptibility to HSC-HF. The table also
provides comments regarding the data that is required.
Basic Data Comments
Presence of HF Determine whether HF may be present in the equipment/piping. Consider not only
nor mal operating conditions, but also upset conditions that may allow carryover of
(Yes or No) HF from other equipment.
Determine the maximum Brinell hardness actually measured at the weldments of the
steel equipment/piping. Reading should be made and reported using Brinell scale,
Brinell Hardness of
not converted from microhardness techniques (e.g., Vicker, Knoop, etc.).If actual
Steel Weldments
readings are not available, use the maximum allowable hardness permitted by the
fabrication specification.
PWHT of Weldments Determine whether all the weldments of the equipment/piping have been properly
(Yes or No) post weld heat treated after welding.
Table A69: Basic Data Required for Analysis of HSC-HF
Determination of Susceptibility to HFHSC
If HF is present in any concentration, then the equipment/ piping is potentially susceptible to
HSC-HF. The basic data from Table A69 should be used to obtain the susceptibility rating from
Table A70 for carbon steel. A flow chart of the steps required to determine the susceptibility
of equipment to HSC-HF is given in Figure A20.
As Welded PWHT
Max Brinell Hardness Max Brinell Hardness
<200 200-237 >237 <200 200-237 >237
Low Medium High Not Low High
Table A70: susceptibility to HSC-HF for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel
Figure A20: Determination of Susceptibility to HSC-HF
1. T. F. Degnan, "Material of Construction for Hydrofluo ric Acid and Hydrogen Auoride,"
Process Industries Corrosion, NACE, Houston, TX 1986.
2. Corrosion Resistance of Nickel-Containing Alloy in Hydrofluoric Acid, Hydrogen Fluoride
and Fluorine, Corrosion Engineering Bulletin CEB-5, The International Nickel Co., Inc.,
16.8.8 Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Hydroflouric Services (HIC/SOHIC-HF)
Description of Damage
Hydrogen-induced cracking is defined as stepwise internal cracks that connect adjacent
hydrogen blisters on different planes in the metal, or to the metal surface. No externally
applied stress is needed for the formation of HIC. The driving force for the cracking is high
stress at the circumference of the hydrogen blisters caused by buildup of internal pressure in
the blisters. Interaction between these high stress fields tends to cause cracks to develop that
link blisters on different planes in the steel.
The source of hydrogen in the steel is the corrosion reaction with either wet hydrogen sulfide
(covered in H.8) or hydrofluoric acid (HF). HF is used in HF alkylation units at concentrations
in the range 96-99+% HF-in-water. Exposure of carbon steel to aqueous or anhydrous HF
may result in HIC/SOHIC.
Hydrogen blisters are planar hydrogen-filled cavities formed at discontinuities in the steel
(i.e., voids, inclusions, laminations, sulfide inclusions). Blisters most often occur in rolled
plate steels with a banded microstructure resulting from elongated sulfide inclusions.
Susceptibility to hydrogen blistering, and therefore HIC, is primarily related to the quality of
the plate steel (i.e., the number, size and shape of the discontinuities). In this regard, the sulfur
content of the steel is a primary material parameter. Reducing the sulfur content of the steel
reduces the susceptibility to blistering and HIC. Addition of calcium for sulfide inclusion
shape control is generally beneficial.
SOHIC is defined as a stacked array of small blisters joined by hydrogen-induced cracking
that is aligned in the through thickness direction of the steel as a result of high localized
tensile stresses. Some is a special form of HIC which usually occurs in the base metal adjacent
to the heat-affected zone of a weld, where there are high residual stresses from welding. As
with HIC, plate steel quality is a key parameter of SOHIC susceptibility. In addition, reduction
of residual stresses by PWHT can reduce, but may not eliminate, the occurrence and severity
of some.
Basic Data
Table A71 lists the basic data required for analysis of susceptibility of carbon steel equipment
to HIC/SOHIC-HF. If the sulfur content of the steel is not known, contact a knowledgeable
materials engineer to obtain an estimate of steel quality.
Presence of HF Determine whether HF may be present in the equipment/piping. Consider not only
normal operating conditions, but also upset conditions that may allow carryover of
(Yes or No) HF from other equipment.
PWHT of weldments Determine whether all the weldness of the equipment /piping have been properly
(Yes or No) post weld heat threated.
Determine the sulfur content of the plate steel used to fabricate the
Sulfur contents of equipment/piping. This information should be available on MTR’s in equipment files.
Plate Steel If not available, it can be estimated from the ASTM or ASME specification of the steel
listed on the U-1 form in the consultation with a material engineer.
Determination of Susceptibility to HF HIC/SOHIC
If HF is present in any concentration, then the equipment/piping is potentially susceptible to
HIC/SOHIC-HF. Basic data from Table A71 should be used to obtain the susceptibility rating
from Table A72 for carbon steel. Piping fabricated from wrought components of conventional
steels (i.e., A 53, A 106, API 5L [not including 5LX],A 234,A 105, etc.) should be considered to
have a low susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC-HF. For equipment, and large diameter piping
fabricated from rolled and welded plate steel, the susceptibility should be determined using
Table A72. A flow chart of the steps required to determine the susceptibility is presented in
Figure A21.
The susceptibility of the steel to blistering is directly related to the cleanliness of the steel
which is measured by sulfur content. It should be recognized that blistering is not a damage
mechanism which will lead to a leak path unless it is accompanied by hydrogen-induced
cracking leading to the surface. Blistering does pose a danger to mechanical integrity when it
approaches a weld which contains sufficient residual stresses to drive the hydrogen-induced
cracking to the surfaces. It is in this last case, the most severe situation that is considered
when determining the susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC-HF.
Figure A21: Determination of Susceptibility to HIC/SOHIC HF
1. T. F. Degnan, "Material of Construction for Hydrofluoric Acid and Hydrogen Auoride,"
Process Industries Corrosion, NACE, Houston, TX 1986.
2. Corrosion Resistance of Nickel-Containing Alloy in Hydrofluoric Acid, Hydrogen Fluoride
and Fluorine, Corrosion Engineering Bulletin CEB-5, The International Nickel Co., Inc.,
16.9 Appendix IX: API 581:2000 Financial Risk
Financial Risk Evaluation
In the April 1995 API Base Resource Document, risk could be calculated using cost as the
measure of consequence; this was referred to as the “business interruption approach”.
However, use of this method revealed a few potentially serious shortcomings:
The method used only the affected area as the basis of determining the cost of a failure.
This led to zero cost for equipment that had zero affected area (e.g. nonflammable,
nontoxic releases)
The method considered only business interruption as the basis of the cost associated
with a failure.
These problems are addressed in the “Level III” approach by recognizing that there are many
costs associated with any failure of equipment in a process plant. These include, but are not
limited to:
Cost of equipment repair and replacement
Downtime associated with equipment repair and replacement
Costs due to potential injuries associated with a failure
Environmental cleanup costs.
The modified approach for Level III is to consider all of these costs on both an equipment
specific basis and an affected area basis. Thus, any failure has costs associated with it,
whether or not the failure actually results into the release of a hazardous fluid. Recognizing
and using this fact presents a more realistic value of the risk associated with a failures. Since
the costs include more than just business interruption, the approach used for Level III is
called the “financial risk” approach.
An Example for Risk Comparison of Affected Area Basis vs. Financial Basis
Table A73 shows methods similar to the Level III method mentioned above, worked into an
example from a typical distillation unit. Note the difference of the risk ranking based on
affected area compared to the risk ranking based on financial risk. There is very little
difference in the higher risk items with one very important exception: item P-31 is a pipe
containing a non-flammable and non-toxic fluid. Based on affected area, the consequence is
zero, therefore the risk is zero and only using the consequence area as the basis for risk, the
item was ranked near the very bottom of the list. When the cost of the item failure was
included, this item immediately jumped near to the top of the list. This is primarily due to a
very high Technical Module Subfactor (TSM) – The pipe is subject to a damage mechanism
and based on the technical module inputs of damage rate and past inspections, the pipe has
a high probability of failure. By allowing the costs of failure to be considered, the financial
risk pointed out that a potential for failure with repair, replacement, and downtime was to be
ID Equipment Repre- Fluid Risk Risk Risk Risk Conse- Sum Damage
Type senting State ft2/yr Rank $/yr Rank quence Technical Adjusted
Fluid Ft2/yr $/yr Area ft2 Module Frequency
Financial Risk Methods
The basic method of risk analysis as presented in the BRD is not changed for the financial risk
analysis and risk is still calculated as the consequence of failure (now expressed as cost) times
the probability of failure. But, for a rigorous and flexible analysis, the consequences (costs)
are evaluated at the hole size level thus, risk is also evaluated at the hole size level by using
the probability of failure associated with each hole size. The total risk is calculated as the sum
of the risks from each hole size.
Type Description Failure Cost Failure Cost Failure Cost Failure Cost
Small* Medium* Large* Rapture*
The cost estimates shown in Table A74 are based on carbon steel prices. It is suggested for
the Level III approach that these costs be multiplied by a material cost factor for other
materials. Table A75 shows the suggested values for these cost factors. These factors are
based on a variety of sources from manufacturer’s data and cost quotations.
Type Description Outage Time Outage Time Outage Time Outage Time
Short Medium Large Rupture
Business Interruption Costs – Other Affected Equipment
If a failure does have an affected area, the cost of downtime for replacement and repair of
other affected equipment must be considered. The Level III approach uses the downtime
associated with a total cost of other equipment damage. Figure below shows the method.
16.10 Appendix X: RBI 581:2000 Modification Factor
16.10.1 Equipment modification factor
An equipment modification factor, or FE, is developed for each equipment item, based on the
specific environment in which the item operates. The FE is composed of four subfactors
which will be discussed below. An overview of the equipment modification factor is showed
in Figure A22. Each sub factor is composed of several elements which are analyzed according
to well defined rules. For each element, numeric values are assigned to indicate how much
the failure frequency will deviate from generic as a result of the condition being analyzed.
Positive values are assigned for conditions that are judged to be more deleterious than
generic, and negative values are used to indicate a reduction in expected failure frequency. A
value of +10 is assigned when the condition is expected to increase failure frequency
approximately one orders of magnitude.
Throughout this portion of the RBI analysis, it is assumed that all equipment items have been
designed and fabricated in accordance with industry and company standard design practices,
unless there is specific evidence to the contrary. These standard practices are generally based
on recognized industry standards, such as ASME, TEMA, and ANSI. It is beyond the scope of
an RBI analysis to confirm design accuracy.
RBI highlights the conditions that can have an adverse influence on properly designed
equipment. The numeric values derived reflect the impact of these conditions on failure
All numeric values assigned to quantify the rate of damage are positive numbers, since
probability of failure cannot be reduced by the existence of a damage mechanism. However,
by definition, generic failure frequency data include all equipment items, some with on-going
damage mechanisms and some without. It follows that when an equipment item has no
operative damage mechanism, it should have a failure frequency that is somewhat lower than
generic. To account for this, all equipment items are assigned a base numeric value of -2.0,
and damage mechanism values are added as appropriate. The -2.0 base adjustment value
was developed while validating a plant-wide RBI study. When no damage
mechanisms are identified, this system results in a negative numeric value for the equipment
item (and therefore a lower than generic failure frequency), all other factors being equal.
If the summed equipment factor is a negative value, it is converted as described below to
develop a positive final equipment modification factor.
Figure A22: Overview of Equipment Modification Factor
After the sub factors have been analyzed, the numeric values for all the separate
determinations are summed to yield a final numeric value for the equipment item. The final
equipment modification factor is based on this value. The sum can be either positive or
negative, and it will normally range from -10 to +20, although at the start of the program, the
factor can be much higher when piece of equipment has high damage rate and a relatively
ineffective inspection history. The final numeric value is converted to FE as shown in Table
The resulting equipment modification factor is unique for each equipment item and is based
on the item’s specific operating environment.
16.10.2 Technical Modules
The Technical Modules are the systematic methods used to assess the effect of specific
failure mechanisms on the probability of failure. They use four functions:
a. Screen for the damage mechanisms under normal and upset operating conditions.
b. Establish a damage rate in the environment.
c. Quantifying the effectiveness of the inspection program.
d. Calculate the modification factor to be applied to the “generic” failure frequency.
Inspection techniques required to detect and monitor one failure mechanism may be totally
different from those needed for another mechanism. These differences are addressed by
creating a separate Technical Module for each damage mechanism. For some damage
mechanisms the rate of damage can be significantly greater under certain non-routine
conditions, such as temperature excursions or abnormal changes in the concentrations of a
particular contaminant. These conditions often occur during process upsets or startups and
shutdowns. The Technical Module accounts for such conditions and modifies the probability
of failure accordingly. An example of the process for developing a Technical Module is
presented in this section. The fully developed Technical Modules are presented in
Appendices F through N of API 581:2000.
The user of the RBI system should not consider procedures described in this chapter to be
all-inclusive or inviolable. This chapter is intended to establish a method for the systematic
and reproducible analysis of the factors that affect failure frequency. At the same time,
the RBI study should be conducted under the oversight of a person or persons with
appropriate technical expertise.
Analyzing the effect of in-service damage and inspection the probability of failure involves
the following seven steps:
a. Screen for damage mechanisms and establish expected damage rate.
b. Determine the confidence level in the damage rate.
c. Determine the effectiveness of inspection programs in confirming damage levels and
damage rates.
d. Calculate the effect of the inspection program on improving the confidence level of the
damage rate.
e. Calculate the probability that a given level of damage will exceed the damage tolerance of
the equipment and result in failure.
f. Calculate the technical module subfactor.
g. Calculate the composite technical module subfactor of all damage mechanisms.
Screen for Damage Mechanism and Establish Expected Damage Rate
The screening step consists of evaluating the combinations of process conditions and
construction materials for each equipment item, to determine what damage mechanisms are
potentially active. If no damage mechanisms are found, a technical module subfactor of -2 is
applied to that specific piece of equipment, giving a reduction from the generic probability of
failure. For the general corrosion technical module, two screening questions are used:
1. Is the corrosion rate known to be less than 1 mpy?
2. Is the equipment designed with a corrosion allowance?
If the answer to the first question is no, or alternatively if the answer to the second question
is yes, the analyst is directed to proceed with the evaluation of the equipment item. Where a
damage mechanism is identified, the rate of damage progression is generally known or can
be estimated for process plant equipment. Sources of damage rate information include:
a. Published data.
b. Laboratory testing.
c. Institute testing.
d. Experience with similar equipment.
e. Previous inspection data.
Supplements to the technical modules are being developed for specific materials-
environment combinations, and references describing the specific mechanisms are provided.
Example: For general internal corrosion, the damage rate is the corrosion rate used in an API
510 or MI 570 calculation to determine the remaining life and the inspection frequency. In
some cases, a measured of corrosion may not be available. The Technical Modules will
provide default values, typically derived from published data or from experience with similar
processes, to see until inspection results are available.
Although they are often used for design decisions, the actual corrosion rate that will be
observed in a given process situation may significantly differ from the design value.
Corrosion rate data developed from sources that simulate the actual process conditions
usually provide a higher level of confidence in the predicted corrosion rate.
If enough data are available from actual process experience, there is little likelihood that the
actual corrosion rate will greatly exceed the expected value under normal operating
conditions. Table A78 expresses the degree of confidence that the true damage rate falls into
the listed damager ate ranges, based on the reliability of the damage rate data.
Actual Damage Rate Low Reliability Data Medium Reliability High Reliability Data
Range Data
Predicted rate or less 0.5 0.7 0.8
Predicted rate to two 0.3 0.2 0.15
times rate
Two to four times 0.2 0.1 0.05
predicted rate
Table A78: Confidence in Predicted Damage Rate.
Determine the Effectiveness of Inspection Programs in Confirming Damage Levels and Damage
Inspection programs (the combination of NDE methods such as visual, ultrasonic, etc., used
to determine the equipment condition) vary in their effectiveness for locating and sizing
damage, and thus for determining damage rates. Limitations in the ability of a program to
improve confidence in the damage level result from the inability to inspect 100% of
the areas subject to damage, and from inherent limitations of some test methods to detect
and quantify damage. Probability-of-detection curves provide some information on inherent
test limitations.
The technical modules are based on three damage states defined in Table A79.
Damage State Category Example – General Corrosion
Damage State 1 The rate of general corrosion is less than or equal to
The damage in the equipment is no worse than there are predicted by past inspection records, or
what is expected based on damage rate models historical data if no inspections have been performed
or experience.
The following section explains how the estimate of inspection effectiveness is developed and
how categories are assigned Example: For general internal corrosion, the damage rate can be
determined very effectively with a thorough inspection, but even “spot” random
measurements yield considerable information since the corrosion rate usually does not vary
much except over fairly large areas.
It is important to recognize that inspection codes and practices expect thickness
measurements to be taken at repeatable locations to improve the accuracy of
corrosion rate calculations. Inspection programs are described and their effectiveness
category are defined in Table A80. Default values, based on expert opinion, are provided in
Table A81, indicating the level of confidence that each of the three levels of inspection
effectiveness will accurately determine the corrosion rate.
Calculate the Effect of the Inspection Program on Improving the Confidence Level in the Damage
At this point, the Technical Module has defined the need to determine the probability of a
given damage state occurring in the equipment item being evaluated. The problem is of the
general form: “Given an expectation of a given state, and given that a test can be performed
to improve the confidence level in the expectation of that state, what is the expectation of the
state after the test is performed, if the test does not yield conclusive results?’
Problems of this type can be solved using a widely recognized statistical method called Bayes
Theorem. This theorem combines the prior probabilities p[A] (the expected state) with the
conditional probabilities, p[Bk|Ai] (the inspection effectiveness) to yield an expression for the
probability that an equipment item is in any state Ai given that the item was observed to be
in state Ak which results in observation Bk,:
p[AilBk] – posterior probabilities [%]
p[A] – expected state [%]
p[Bk|Ai] – the inspection effectiveness [%].
The probabilities, p[Ai|Bk] are called posterior probabilities. For those unfamiliar with the
equation, it can be expressed as follows: “the probability of the true state, given the state of a
sample equals [(the probability of the sample state, given the true state) times (the prior
probability of the state)] divided by [the sum over all states of (the probability of the sample
state, given the true state) times (the prior probability of the state)]”.
The power of the theorem is that it provides a formal means of incorporating
an uncertain inspection result with information on the expected condition based on
analysis or opinion. Given an expectation of the likelihoods of different damage rates, and
given inspection results that tend to indicate one rate or another, Bayes Theorem is used to
update the prior expectations. The inspection frequency and the total number of inspections
are used to perform the inspection updating. The “value” of an inspection in improving the
certainty of the damage rate can clearly determinate by using Bayes’ Theorem. The updated
confidence in damage rates is then used to calculate the amount of damage that may be
present in the equipment.
Example: For the above examples of expected damage rates and inspection effectiveness, the
updated confidence in the damage rates after inspection can be determined:
a. Corrosion rates for a new plant are estimated from corrosion tables
b. A thorough inspection is conducted after some time in operation
c. The expected corrosion rate is confirmed
The confidence in the expected corrosion rate can be updated by Bayes’ Theorem, as shown
in Table A82:
Damage Rate Range of Damage Rate After a Fairly After a Usually After a Highly
State Effective Effective Effective
Inspection Inspection Inspection
1 Measured rate or less 0.66 0.814 0.940
Calculate the Frequency at which a Given Level of Damage Will Exceed the Damage Tolerance
of the Equipment and Result in Failure
The potential damage rates, represented by the uncertainty in the estimated damage rate,
will lead to different levels of damage after a given time in operation. The next step in the
Technical Module is to calculate the frequency of failure associated with a given damage state.
Failure of process equipment with respect to damage states depends on a number of random
variables, Z1, Z2 ... Zn such as maximum pressure, maximum crack size, yield strength, or
fracture toughness. The space of these quantities is divided into two regions:
a. The safe set is the region of the space that contains combinations of the basic variables, Z;,
that do not result in failure.
b. The failure set is the region of this space that contains all combinations of the variables, Z;,
that result in failure.
A mode of failure is defined by a limit state function g(Z;). The surface described by g(Zi) = 0
divides the variable into the safe set where g(Zi) > 0 and the failure set where g(Zi) < 0. For
example, the limit state function for a pressure vessel might be:
S = strength
L = load.
Whenever the load exceeds the strength, the vessel fails and g(SL) < 0. For a failure mode that
is described by a limit state function, the probability of failure is the probability of being in
the failure set, g(Zi) < 0. Several approaches can be used to calculate the probability of failure.
For RBI, since this is a decision-making tool, relatively simple reliability index methods have
been chosen.
The procedure used here is to “calibrate” the calculated probability of failure to the generic
failure frequency by adjusting the inputs to the reliability index so that an “accept- able” level
of damage corresponds to the generic failure frequency. This “calibrated” reliability
index model is used to calculate a failure frequency for higher damage states.
Example: For the case of general corrosion, the mode of failure is ductile overload, which
occurs when the flow stress in a thinned wall is exceeded by the stress caused by the applied
For the example above with different potential corrosion rates, the damage state (wall loss)
is calculated for each rate. Then the frequency of failure for each state is calculated using a
simple reliability index method.
Case Study: For the pressure vessel example, remember that the vessel has been in
service for six years. Table A83 shows the probabilities of failure that correspond to the three
different damage states.
Damage State Corrosion rate Wall loss Remaining wall Frequency of Failure
1 0.010 in./yr 0.06 0.315 8x10-6
2 0.020 in./yr 0.12 0.255 2x10-5
3 0.040 in./yr 0.24 0.135 5x10-3
Table A83: Calculated Frequency of Failure for Different Damage States
Calculate the Composite Technical Module Subfactor for all Damage Mechanisms
A technical module subfactor is calculated for each damage mechanism that is active in the
piece of equipment. To calculate the composite (total) technical module subfactor for the
equipment, all of the individual subfactors are added. This approach has the advantage of
showing a quantitative change in the total factor if any one of the subfactors changes. The
approach also reflects that different damage mechanisms are often not completely
independent. That is, damage caused by one mechanism may influence the severity of damage
caused by another (for example, stress corrosion cracking may begin at stress concentrators
caused by pitting corrosion).
b. Localized corrosion possible: use a “usually effective” method to determine
positively if localized corrosion is occurring. These methods are described in Appendix
F: Technical Module for Thinning. Process streams that should be in this category include
any that do not contain water or other conductive fluid but do contain:
1. Chlorides or other halides.
2. Sulfur compounds.
3. Organic acids.
c. Localized corrosion unlikely: Use “fairly effective” method to determine positively if
localized corrosion is occurring. These methods are described in the Technical
Module for Thinning, Appendix F. Process streams that should be in this category include any
that do not contain water or other conductive fluid and also do not contain:
1. Chlorides or other halides.
2. Sulfur compounds.
3. Organic acids.
“Other conductive fluid” refers to some classes of organic chemicals that, like water, can
conduct electricity. These fluids (e.g. dimethyl formamide, n-butyl alcohol, are not normally
part of refinery process streams, but are present in some chemical plants). As a general rule,
fluids with a conductivity of less than I0-7 ohm-l cm-1 are nonconductive and therefore tend
to be noncorrosive.
The degree to which there is a dispute between the expected and measured rates depends in
part upon the confidence that can be placed on the expected rates. In the following tables, M9
through M11, the confidence level is described in one of three ways:
a. High-Opinion or data is very slightly conservative, lower rates are not expected.
b. Medium-Opinion or data is somewhat conservative; some chance of lower rates is
c. Low-Opinion or data is highly conservative, significant chance of lower rates is recognized.
Example: Corrosion rate data for a piping system is well established from performance of
similar systems, and is sup- ported by published data and laboratory tests. The expected
maximum corrosion rate is 10 mpy, and it is known that the corrosion is often highly
localized. A contractor takes spot thickness measurements and reports a corrosion rate of 1
mpy. Obviously, there is reason to be skeptical about the data. Since the contractor took only
spot measurements and is not especially knowledgeable about where to take them, the
inspection effectiveness is judged as “poorly effective.” In Table A87 the factor for 1 poorly
effective inspection result-ing in a measurement of 1/10 the expected rate.
Evidence expected rate is 8.3. This factor is multiplied by the measured rate of 1 mpy yields
an input rate of 8.3 mpy. In other words, the data from the measurement has not success-
fully changed the expert opinion significantly. Note that repeated inspections and more
highly effective inspections (if they continue to observe the lower corrosion rate) will result
in the RBI input corrosion rate approaching the measured rate. The factors in tables A85 and
A86 are used similarly.
Inspection Effectiveness
No. of Inspections Highly Usually Fairly Poorly
1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.4
2 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4
3 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3
4 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3
5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2
6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2
7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
12 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Table A85: Measured Corrosion Rates Approximately ½ of the Expected Rate.
Inspection Effectiveness
No. of Inspections Highly Usually Fairly Poorly
1 1.3 2.4 2.9 3.1
2 1.0 1.5 2.4 3.0
3 1.0 1.1 1.9 2.8
4 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.6
5 1.0 1.0 1.3 2.4
6 1.0 1.0 1.2 2.1
7 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.9
8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.8
9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.6
10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5
11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.4
12 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3
Weighted average Corrosion Rate; Measured Rate = ¼ of Expected; Confidence = Low
Inspection Effectiveness
No. of Inspections Highly Usually Fairly Poorly
1 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.1
2 1.0 1.1 1.6 2.0
3 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.8
4 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.6
5 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.5
6 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.4
7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3
8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3
9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2
10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2
11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
12 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Table A86: Measured Corrosion Rates Approximately ¼ of the Expected Rate
Weighted average Corrosion Rate, Measured Rate = 1/10 of Expected; Confidence = High
Inspection Effectiveness
No. of Inspections Highly Usually Fairly Poorly
1 4.2 8.3 9.0 9.3
2 1.2 5.3 8.3 9.1
3 1.0 2.3 7.2 8.8
4 1.0 1.3 5.7 8.5
5 1.0 1.1 4.0 8.1
6 1.0 1.0 2.8 7.7
7 1.0 1.0 1.9 7.1
8 1.0 1.0 1.5 6.5
9 1.0 1.0 1.3 5.8
10 1.0 1.0 1.1 5.2
11 1.0 1.0 1.1 4.5
12 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.9
Weighted average Corrosion Rate, Measured Rate = 1/10 of Expected; Confidence = Medium
Inspection Effectiveness
16.10.3 Universal Subfactor
The universal subfactor covers conditions that equally affect all equipment items in the
facility. As a result, the information concerning these conditions needs to be collected and
recorded only once. The numeric values assigned for each of the three elements of the
subfactor are applied equally to all equipment items.
As shown in A22, the universal subfactor includes the following elements:
a. Plant condition.
b. Cold weather operation.
c. Seismic activity.
Plant Condition
This element considers the current condition of the facility being evaluated. The ranking
should be based on the professional judgment of the observer, when considering the
following characteristics:
a. The general appearance of the plant, as assessed during a plant walk through. Factors to
observe include:
1. The overall state of housekeeping.
2. Evidence of temporary repairs, particularly if it appears that the "temporary" condition
has been in place for an extended period.
3. Deteriorating paint, excessive number of steam leaks, or other evidence that routine
maintenance is being neglected.
b. Effectiveness of the plant's maintenance program, based on interviews with operations and
maintenance personnel. An effective program will:
1. Complete most maintenance activities properly the first time, with few call-backs.
2. Avoid excessive and growing backlogs of work requests.
3. Maintain a constructive relationship between maintenance and operations personnel.
c. Plant layout and construction. In its current condition, the plant should have equipment
spacing and orientation that facilitates maintenance and inspection activities. The facility
should be ranked according to the criteria in Table A88.
Cold Weather Operation
Cold climates impose additional risks on plant operation. Extremely low temperatures inhibit
maintenance and inspection activities and can result in reduced operator monitoring of
outside equipment. Winter conditions can also have a direct effect on equipment item. Ice
and snow buildup can cause distortion or failure of small lines, instrument and electrical runs,
etc. In addition, frozen level controllers, cracked water lines, cracked or frozen water
containing deadlegs and plugged process lines are common winter problems. Cold weather
problems can be minimized by proper design, but they cannot be totally eliminated.
A penalty is applied based on the lowest average daily temperature at the plant site. Indoor
plants should consider lowest indoor temperature, see Table A89:
Seismic Zone
A plant located in a seismically active area has a somewhat higher probability of failure than
facilities outside such areas, even when the plant has been designed to appropriate standards.
The following values are based on the seismic zones presented in ANSI A58.1, 1982 and also
partly described in Chapter of API581:2000.
16.10.4 Mechanical Subfactor
The mechanical subfactor addresses conditions related primarily to the design and
fabrication of the equipment item. Information for analysis is normally found on P&ID’s, in
engineering files, etc. The numeric values generated are often different for each equipment
As shown in Figure A22, this subfactor is composed of the following five elements:
Construction Code
Life Cycle
Safety Factors
Vibration Monitoring
The complexity element is applied differently to equipment and piping which are handled as
separate sub-elements.
Equipment Complexity:
The generic failure frequency database does not differentiate for size and complexity for
pressure vessels, columns, heat exchangers, etc. One way of judging the complexity of an
equipment item and, in most cases, the size of the item is by determining the number of
nozzles on it. A nozzle count is easily obtained and can be applied consistently to all types of
equipment. Table A92 provides numeric values for a range of nozzle counts for all types of
pressure vessels. All nozzles of 2-inches diameter or greater should be included in the count,
including nozzles not currently in service. Manways should also be included.
Piping Complexity
In a typical RBI study, 60 to 80 percent of the equipment items analyzed will be piping
segments. Studies have shown that about one-third of all major equipment failures involve
points can be subject to accelerated or localized corrosion, even during normal operating
conditions. Each injection point adds a complexity factor 200f piping, more than any other
single equipment category.
Therefore, it is as important to be able to differentiate between piping segments as between
items in any other equipment category.
The generic database provides a differentiation based on pipe diameter and line length;
failure frequency for each diameter is stated in terms of failures/year/foot of length. Further
differentiation based on the complexity of the segments obtained by assigning a Complexity
Factor. This factor is the sum of the features of a piping segment that can increase the
probability of failure.
c. Number of Branches
Any line that tees into the pipe segment being evaluated, other than an injection point, is
considered a branch. Drain lines, mixing tees, relief valve branches, etc., should be included.
Each branch creates an opportunity for failure due to imposed stresses, deadleg corrosion,
fatigue, etc. Each branch has a complexity factor of 3.
d. Number of Valves
In an RBI analysis, valves are considered part of the piping. For consistency of analysis, all
valves immediately downstream of the piping segment should be considered a part of that
segment. Each block valve, control valve, drain valve, and vent valve should be included. Only
relief valves are not included in the count.
Small to medium sized leaks at valve pickings are not uncommon. Each valve adds a
complexity factor of 5.
The complexity factor for a piping segment is the sum of the four values above:
Since the generic failure frequency is expressed in units per foot of pipe length, the
complexity factor must also be adjusted for pipe length. The complexity factor determined
above is divided by pipe length to determine the complexity factor per foot. Numeric values
and then be assigned for each pipe segment, as shown in Table A93.
Construction Code
Codes represent the accumulated knowledge from generations of experience in the Process
Industry. While designing and fabricating an equipment item according to Code cannot assure
failure-free operation, it provides a proven and accepted basis for minimizing problems in
most applications. Codes are not always available, of course, particularly for specialty
equipment and for applications in emerging technologies.
Equipment designed and built for these end-uses can operate as safely as more conventional
Code equipment, but often reliability and predictability suffer until a greater body of
knowledge is established to improve basic designs. In addition, since there are fewer
established guidelines, variability between fabricators would be likely increase. The
following Categories differentiate between equipment items designed and built according to
current Codes, absolute Codes, or where no Codes exist. If a Code vessel has been modified,
the modification must also meet Code, or it should be considered a non-Code vessel. Numeric
values for each category are shown in Table A94. In certain cases, it may be appropriate to
use a mere numeric value for Category C. If significant industry experience has demonstrated
very good (or very poor) service for a particular type of equipment, the numeric value can be
adjusted accordingly. In no case, however, should it be less than 2.0. Values above 10.0 would
indicate a very severe problem.
Life Cycle of Equipment
Frequently, the reliability of an equipment item is lower, and its probability of failure is
higher, during the items first few months or years of service. After the resolution of any initial
design problems, fabrication defects, operating difficulties, etc., the items failure frequency
remains relatively constant until near the end of its useful life, when the failure frequency
often increases again.
This evaluation is based on the design life of the equipment item and on the number of years
that the item has been in its current service. The years of service can be different from the
age of the plant: less if the item has been replaced or added, or more if the item was previously
used in another service. The design life of equipment is a function of its service in the process.
Equipment items that are subject to aggressive damage mechanisms, such as severe
corrosion or fatigue problems, will often be designed for a finite life. The probability of failure
for such items increases as they near the end of that period. Equipment operating in a more
benign environment may well not have a stated or implied design life.
Even for these items, however, some increased failure frequency can be expected after an
extended period. That period is set at 40 years in the FU31 procedure. Design life, as used in
this context, is not equivalent to economic life. Some processes are expected to have a
relatively short economic life at the time of their design, and this can influence certain design
considerations. However, unless there are known damage mechanisms that will limit the
items life, equipment in such facilities should be assumed to have a 40 year design life.
For the Life Cycle Element, both Years in Service and Design Life will need to be determined
for each equipment item. The numeric values for the Life Cycle correction are based on the
percent of the design life that has elapsed since the item entered its current service (Table
Safety Factors
The safety factor is composed of two sub-elements:
a. Operating Pressure
The ratio of operating pressure to design pressure measures the safety factor at normal
operating conditions. Equipment operating well below design pressure should have a lower
probability of failure than an item operating at design pressure. The values in Table A96
reflect this philosophy.
b. Operating Temperature
When equipment items operate at temperatures well above normal practice and near the
upper limits for their material of construction, the failure frequency increases. Similarly,
failure frequencies higher for items that operate at abnormally low temperatures. Stresses
are created as the equipment is cooled well below ambient temperatures, causing leaks to
occur at flanges, etc. This operating temperature factor does not account for brittle fracture
of carbon or low alloy steels as a result of low temperature operation. The potential for brittle
fracture should be assessed as part of a Technical Module evaluation. The values in Table A97
reflect these concerns.
For operating temperatures between these upper and lower limits, the numeric value of the
operating temperature element is 0.
For facilities where the risk contributed by erosion or wear in the pressure-containing parts
of rotating equipment is a major concern, the RBI analyst can use the Technical Module for
thinning mechanisms. That module might provide higher modification factors, based on
material handled, service conditions, specific monitoring techniques, etc. The mechanical
subfactor is calculated by adding the factors from each of the five elements in this section.
Numeric value
16.10.5 Process Subfactor
Conditions that are most influenced by the process and how the facility is operated are
included in the process subfactor. Information for analyzing these conditions is gathered
from operating records, discussions with operating personnel, etc. The resulting numeric
values can be universal or item specific, depending upon the circumstance. This subfactor has
the following three elements, each of which has several sub-elements:
a. Continuity of the process.
b. Stability of the process.
c. Relief valves.
Many studies have shown a disproportionate share of equipment failures during periods of
non-routine operation, e.g., startups, shutdowns, and upsets. M & M Protection Consultants
put the value at 25% for the large losses they report. This element adjusts the generic failure
frequencies r differences in process continuity and basic stability. For many facilities, the
continuity and stability values will be a constant for all equipment items. However, when
different sections of a unit can be operated independently or have inherently different
stability characteristics, specific values should be developed for each section. In a few cases,
individual pieces of equipment may require higher or lower values than the remainder of the
facility; an exothermic reactor vessel would be one example.
Unplanned Shutdowns
Unplanned shutdowns are those that occur with a minimum of prior planning and include
situations such as power failures, leaks, and fires. With even the best of emergency
procedures, unplanned shutdowns tend to be more hazardous than planned ones. The
numeric values assigned below reflect this (Table A100). Again, the average number of
unplanned shutdowns per year over the last three years should be used.
Stability of the Process
Some processes operate smoothly, day after day, with little intervention from the operators.
Others require frequent attention to adjust set points, control product quality, or change
product grades. Over time, process instability will result in significant upsets or unplanned
outages, thereby increasing failure frequency.
Number of Planned Shutdowns Numeric Value
0 to 1/year -1.0
1.1 to 3/year 0
3.1 to 6/year 2.0
>6/year 3.0
Table A99: Numeric Values for Planned Shutdowns.
The numeric value assigned for this element is based on the inherent stability of the process.
To gain insight on process stability, the RBI users should interview process, engineering, and
maintenance personnel, then review available operating records and other source
documents. The stability ranking will be based on the professional judgment of the observer.
The assigned stability ranking is converted to a numeric value as shown in Table A101.
The RBI procedure does not address the sizing or location of specific relief valves. It is
assumed that those requirements were handled properly during initial plant design or as part
of a detailed process hazard analysis. Instead, these questions assess design and process
conditions that influence whether the relief valves will be able to function when needed.
Obviously, relief valves are most likely to function according to design when they are in clean
service and inspected and maintained properly. Deviations from these conditions increase
the probability of failure.
In many cases, the conditions affecting relief valves are more nearly universal (plant-wide)
than equipment-item specific. One relief valve often protects two or more vessels and all
attendant piping. On the other hand, some sections of the plant may present more problems
for the relief system than others. The specific situation should dictate whether the questions
are answered universally or on an item-specific basis.
During the plant walk through, the observer should examine several blocks under relief
valves to determine whether they could be closed inadvertently. If any block valves are
observed that are not sealed open or otherwise prevented from being closed, all items should
be rated as Category D. Numeric values should be assigned as shown in Table A102, including
the possible penalties noted above.
Fouling Service
Equipment items in process streams that contain significant amounts of polymer or other
extremely viscous material are more difficult to protect than equipment in clean streams.
Even with proper system design these materials can build up in and around the relief device
and inlet piping, blocking or restricting access to the relief valve.
A numeric value is assigned to indicate whether the relief valve is subject to fouling by
components in the process stream (Table A103). If the fouling tendency arise throughout the
plant, it may be necessary to treat this question as item or section specific.
Corrosive Service
Corrosive process streams present special problems for relief systems. The process side of
the system will undoubtedly be designed to withstand the corrosive stream, but often the
internals of the relief valve are less resistant. Small leaks past valve seats can corrode valve
springgus, ides, etc., resulting in unpredictable relief valve performance. If the process stream
is considered corrosive for carbon and low alloy steel, a penalty as shown in Table A104 is
assigned unless it is known that all relief valve internals are at least as corrosion-resistant as
the process side of the valves, or unless corrosion-resistant rupture discs have been installed
under the relief valves.
16.11 Appendix XI: Definition of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)
16.11.1 Definitions of RCM
What is RCM?
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a logical, systematic decision making process for
defining optimum maintenance tasks. It is a process used to determine the maintenance
requirements of any physical asset in its present operating context. Also it is the detailed
analysis of the functional failures and the failure modes for the development of a maintenance
strategy to realize the inherent reliability capabilities of equipment.
RCM is based around answering seven key questions about a system
What are the functions and associated performance standards of the system/asset
In what ways does it fail to fulfill its functions? (Functional Failure)
What causes each functional failure? (Failure Mode)
What happens when each failure occurs? (Failure Effect)
In what way does each failure matter? (Consequence)
What can be done to predict or prevent each failure? (Proactive Tasks)
What should be done if a suitable proactive task cannot be found?
Default Actions, Maintenance strategies.
First main thing is that the operating context of the asset shall be defined. All the functions of
the asset/system shall be identified (all primary and secondary functions, including the
functions of all protective devices). Also all function statements shall contain a verb, an object,
and a performance standard (quantified in every case where this can be done).
Performance standards incorporated in function statements shall be the level of performance
desired by the owner or user of the asset/system in its operating context.
For defying assets functionality two main question should be asked:
What is Function— what the owner or user of a physical asset or system wants it to do.
What is assets secondary functions— Functions which a physical asset or system has to
fulfill apart from its primary function(s), such as those needed to fulfill regulatory
requirements and those which concern issues such as protection, control, containment,
comfort, appearance, energy efficiency, and structural integrity.
Failure modes
If asset fail what is the cause of it, all failure modes reasonably likely to cause each functional
failure shall be identified. The method used to decide what constitutes a “reasonably likely”
failure mode shall be acceptable to the owner or user of the asset. Failure modes shall be
identified at a level of causation that makes it possible to identify an appropriate failure
management policy.
Lists of failure modes shall include failure modes that have happened before, failure modes
that are currently being prevented by existing maintenance programs and failure modes that
have not yet happened but that are thought to be reasonably likely (credible) in the operating
context. They also should include any event or process that is likely to cause a functional
failure, including deterioration, design defects, and human error whether caused by
operators or maintainers (unless human error is being actively addressed by analytical
processes apart from RCM).
Failure Effects
These effects shall describe what would happen if no specific task is done to anticipate,
prevent, or detect the failure. They should also include all the information needed to support
the evaluation of the consequences of the failure, such as:
a. What is the evidence (if any) that the failure has occurred (in the case of hidden functions,
what would happen if a multiple failure occurred)
b. What it does (if anything) to kill or injure someone, or to have an adverse effect on the
c. What it does (if anything) to have an adverse effect on production or operations
d. What physical damage (if any) is caused by the failure?
e. What (if anything) must be done to restore the function of the system after the failure?
On-condition tasks:
Any on-condition task (or predictive or condition-based or condition monitoring task) that is
selected shall satisfy the following additional criteria:
there shall exist a clearly defined potential failure
there shall exist an identifiable P-F interval (or failure development period)
the task interval shall be less than the shortest likely P-F interval
it shall be physically possible to do the task at intervals less than the P-F interval
the shortest time between the discovery of a potential failure and the occurrence of the
functional failure (the P-F interval minus the task interval) shall be long enough for
predetermined action to be taken to avoid, eliminate, or minimize the consequences of
the failure mode.
Scheduled restoration tasks
Any scheduled restoration task that is selected shall satisfy the following additional criteria:
There shall be a clearly defined (preferably a demonstrable) age at which there is an
increase in the conditional probability of the failure mode under consideration.
A sufficiently large proportion of the occurrences of this failure mode shall occur after
this age to reduce the probability of premature failure to a level that is tolerable to the
owner or user of the asset.
The task shall restore the resistance to failure (condition) of the component to a level that
is tolerable to the owner or user of the asset.
Failure-finding tasks
Any failure-finding task that is selected shall satisfy the following additional criteria (failure-
finding does not apply to evident failure modes):
The basis upon which the task interval is selected shall take into account the need to
reduce the probability of the multiple failure of the associated protected system to a level
that is tolerable to the owner or user of the asset.
The task shall confirm that all components covered by the failure mode description are
The failure-finding task and associated interval selection process should take into
account any probability that the task itself might leave the hidden function in a failed
It shall be physically possible to do the task at the specified intervals.
Any run-to-failure policy that is selected shall satisfy the appropriate criterion as follows:
In cases where the failure is hidden and there is no appropriate scheduled task, the
associated multiple failure shall not have safety or environmental consequences
In cases where the failure is evident and there is no appropriate scheduled task, the
associated failure mode shall not have safety or environmental consequences.
RCM Benefits
Implementation of RCM usually is followed by the benefits such as:
Safety & environmental integrity improvement
Improved operating performance
Improved maintenance cost effectiveness
Maximized useful life of assets
Maintenance strategy information & decisions fully documented
Clearly identifies manpower & spares resource requirements
Helps to build good teamwork
Operating context
An operating context statement for a physical asset typically includes a brief overall
description of how it is to be used, where it is to be used, overall performance criteria
governing issues such as output, throughput, safety, environmental integrity, and so on.
Specific issues that should be documented in the operating context statement include:
a. Batch versus flow processes: whether the asset is operating in a batch (or intermittent)
process or a flow (or continuous) process
b. Quality standards: overall quality or customer service expectations, in terms of issues such
as overall scrap rates, customer satisfaction measurements (such as on-time performance
expectations in transportation systems, or rates of warranty claims for manufactured goods),
or military preparedness
c. Environmental standards: what organizational, regional, national, and international
environmental standards (if any) apply to the asset?
d. Safety standards: whether any predetermined safety expectations (in terms of overall
injury and/or fatality rates) apply to the asset
e. Theater of operations: characteristics of the location in which equipment is to be operated
(arctic versus tropical, desert vs. jungle, onshore vs. offshore, proximity to sources of supply
of parts and/or labor, etc.)
f. Intensity of operations: in the case of manufacturing and mining, whether the process of
which the equipment forms a part is to operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week, or at
lower intensity. In the case of utilities, whether the equipment operates under peak load or
base load conditions.
g. Redundancy: whether any redundant or standby capability exists, and if so what form it
h. Work-in-process: the extent to which work-in-process stocks (if any) allow the equipment
to stop without affecting total output or throughput
i. Spares: whether any decisions have been made about the stocking of key spares that might
impinge on the subsequent selection of failure management policies
j. Market demand/raw material supply: whether cyclic fluctuations in market demand
and/or the supply of raw materials are likely to impinge on the subsequent selection of failure
management policies. (Such fluctuations may occur over the course of a day in the case of an
urban transport business, or over the course of a year in the case of a power station, an
amusement park, or a food processing business.).
In the case of very large or very complex systems, it might be sensible to structure the
operating context in a hierarchical fashion, if necessary starting with the mission statement
of the entire organization that is using the asset.
Functional descriptions
Function description – “to be capable of safely transporting people and luggage from A to B”
Protective function statements need special handling. For example, the function of a pressure
safety valve may be described as follows: “To be capable of relieving the pressure in the boiler
if it exceeds 25 bar.”
Performance standards
Owners are satisfied if their assets generate a satisfactory return on the investment made to
acquire them (usually financial return for commercial operations, or other measures for non-
commercial operations). Users are satisfied if each asset continues to do whatever they want
it to do to a standard of performance that they—the users—consider satisfactory. Finally,
society as a whole is satisfied if assets do not fail in ways that threaten public safety and the
This means that if we are seeking to cause an asset to continue to function to a level that is
satisfactory to the user, then the objective of maintenance is to ensure that assets continue to
perform above the minimum level that is acceptable to those users. If it were possible to build
an asset that could deliver the minimum performance without deteriorating in any way, then
it would be able to run continuously, with no need for maintenance.
However, deterioration is inevitable, so it must be allowed for. This means that when any
asset is put into service, it must be able to deliver more than the minimum standard of
performance desired by the user. What the asset is able to deliver at this point in time is
known as its initial capability. This means that performance can be defined in two ways:
a. Desired performance (what the user wants the asset to do)
b. Built-in capability (what it can do).
The margin for deterioration must be large enough to allow for a reasonable amount of use
before the component degrades to functional failure, but not so large that the system is “over-
designed” and hence too expensive. In practice, the margin is adequate in the case of most
components, so it is usually possible to develop maintenance programs accordingly.
However if the desired performance is higher than built-in capability, no amount of
maintenance can deliver the desired performance, in which case the asset is not maintainable.
All this means that, in order to ascertain whether an asset can be maintained, we need to
know both kinds of performance: the built-in capability of the asset, and the minimum
performance that the user is prepared to accept in the context in which the asset is being
used. This minimum performance is the performance standard that must be incorporated in
the function statement.
Some examples are performance standards:
at speeds between 0 and 120 km/h
maximum weight limit of 500kg
minimum fuel consumption of 15 km/l
Note that users and maintainers often have significantly different views about what
constitutes acceptable performance. As a result, in order to avoid misunderstandings about
what constitutes “functional failure,” the minimum standards of acceptable performance
must be clearly understood and accepted by the users and maintainers of the asset, together
with anyone else who has a legitimate interest in the behavior of the asset.
Performance standards must be quantified where possible, because quantitative standards
are clearer and more precise than qualitative standards. Occasionally it is only possible to use
qualitative standards, for example when dealing with functions relating to appearance. In
such cases, special care must be taken to ensure that the qualitative standard is understood
and accepted by users and maintainers of the asset.
Secondary functions:
Environmental integrity
Safety, structural integrity
Control, containment, comfort
Economy, efficiency
Environmental integrity
These functions define the extent to which the asset must comply with the corporate,
municipal, regional, national, and international environmental standards or regulations that
apply to that asset. These standards govern such things as the release of hazardous materials
into the environment, and noise.
Some examples are i.e. compliance with regulations covering:
working temperatures
pollution discharges to the atmosphere
effluent discharges
international, national, local or company standards and regulations.
Many assets have a secondary function of providing support for or a secure mount for another
item. For example, while the primary function of a wall may be to protect people and
equipment from the weather, it might also be expected to support the roof, or to bear the
weight of shelves and pictures.
Integrity of structures examples:
corrosion protection, etc.
safe working loads
fixings and mountings.
Control Functions
In many cases, users not only want assets to fulfil functions to a given standard of
performance, but they also want to be able to regulate the performance. This expectation is
summarized in separate function statements. For example, a function of a cooling system may
be to regulate temperature at will between one specific temperature and another. Indication
and feedback form an important subset of the control category of functions.
Examples of control functions:
Pressure, flows
Chemical dosing
Variable speed.
To provide information
Gauges, dials
Control panels.
Containment Functions
Containment— Systems whose primary function is to store materials must also contain them.
Similarly, systems that transfer materials—especially fluids—also have a containment
function. These functions must be specified as well.
Some examples of containment functions:
Storage Containment
Thermal Insulation.
Comfort Functions
Owners and users generally expect that their assets or systems will not cause pain or anxiety
to operators or maintainers. These problems should of course be dealt with at the design
stage. However deterioration or changing expectations can lead to unacceptable levels of pain
or anxiety. The best way to ensure that this does not happen is ensure that the associated
function statements are described precisely and that they fully reflect current standards
Human Discomfort (Ergonomics)
Adjustable Height
Glazing Visibility
Lighting Levels
Equipment Operability
Quick Release Mechanism
Swinging Control Panels.
Appearance Functions
Appearance often constitutes an important secondary function. For example, the primary
reason for painting most industrial equipment is to protect it from corrosion. However a
bright color may be chosen to enhance its visibility for safety’s sake, and this function should
also be documented
Protection Functions
Protective functions avoid, eliminate, or minimize the consequences of the failure of some
other function. These functions are associated with devices or systems that:
Warn people of abnormal conditions
o sensors, switches, alarms, etc
Trip or stop equipment when fault occurs
o high priority alarms
Relieve abnormal conditions
o safety or relief valves, bursting discs, etc.
Take over the duty role
o standby equipment or systems
Prevent dangerous situations from arising in the first place
o warning signs, protective covers.
A protective function ensures that the failure of the function being protected is much less
serious than it would be without the protection. The associated devices are incorporated into
systems to reduce risk, so their functions should be documented with special care.
Superfluous functions
Some systems incorporate items or components that are found to be completely superfluous.
This usually happens when equipment or the way in which it is used has been modified over
a period of years, or when new equipment has been over-specified.
Although such items have no positive function and are often costly to remove, they can in fact
fail and thus reduce overall system reliability. To avoid this, some may require maintenance
and so consume resources.
If they are removed, the associated failure modes and costs will also be removed. However,
before their removal can be recommended with confidence, their functions need to be clearly
identified and understood.
The majority of ‘maintenance significant’ failure modes are associated with the first category.
Functional failures are described as “fails to be capable of …”
Partial failures need to be identified separately because they are nearly always caused by
different failure modes from total failures, and because the consequences are also nearly
always different.
Failure modes
RCM question 3 “What causes it to fail”?
Zero based – no maintenance is done
A failure mode is any event which could cause a functional failure – past, future &
currently prevented
All failure modes which are reasonably likely to cause a functional failure should be
The root cause of failure modes should be identified.
Failure effects
Failure effects should describe the following:
Evidence (if any) that the functional failure has occurred (alarms, indication etc.)
The effects on safety or the environment
The effect on production/operation (economic or service level)
Potential secondary damage to other equipment
Downtime or repair actions with estimated time (loss of function to the restoration of
Failure classification
RCM Question 5: “In what way does each failure matter?”
Failure classification specifies the impact of failures (i.e. the consequence or extent to which
each failure matters):
Hidden or evident under normal conditions
Safety or environmental
Operational (economic or service level)
Figure A24: Failure Classification Decision Tree
Operational Failures
Failure has operational consequences if it has a direct adverse effect on operational
For failure modes with operational consequences, a proactive task is worth doing if, over a
period of time, it costs less than the cost of the operational consequences plus the cost of
repairing the failure which it is meant to prevent.
Non-Operational Failures
A failure has non-operational consequences if it has no direct adverse effect on safety, the
environment or operational capability.
For failure modes with non-operational consequences, a proactive task is worth doing if, over
a period of time, it costs less than the cost of repairing the failure which it is meant to prevent.
In general, age-related failure patterns apply to items that are very simple, or to complex
items that suffer from a dominant failure mode. In practice, they are commonly associated
with direct wear (most often where equipment comes into direct contact with the product),
fatigue, corrosion, oxidation and evaporation.
MTBF – is main characteristics of random failures, and represents mean time between
The existence of such systems creates two sets of failure possibilities, depending on whether
the failure of the protection is evident or not. The implications of each set are considered in
the following paragraphs, starting with devices whose failure is evident.
Failure Consequences
The consequence categorization process shall clearly distinguish events (failure modes and
multiple failures) that have safety and/or environmental consequences from those that only
have economic consequences (operational and non-operational consequences).
Safety consequences
A failure has safety consequences if there is an intolerable probability that it could kill or
injure a human being. The distinction between a “tolerable” and an “intolerable” probability
is very subjective and has to be defined a-priori for the whole evaluation process.
Beliefs about what is a tolerable level of risk of death or injury vary widely from individual to
individual and from group to group. Many factors influence these beliefs. The two most
dominant are the degree of control that any individual thinks he or she has over the situation
and the benefit that people believe they will derive from exposing themselves to the risk.
This in turn influences the extent to which they might choose to expose themselves to the
risk. This view then has to be translated into a degree of risk that might be tolerated by the
whole population (all the workers on a site, all the citizens of a town or even the entire
population of a country).
Environmental Consequences
At another level, “safety” refers to the safety or well-being of society in general. Such failures
tend to be classed as “environmental” issues. Society’s expectations take the form of
municipal, regional and national environmental standards. Some organizations also have
their own even more stringent corporate standards. As a result, a failure has environmental
consequences if there is an intolerable probability that it could breach any known
environmental standard or regulation.
Operational Consequences
The primary function of most equipment in commerce and industry is usually connected with
the need to earn revenue or to support revenue-earning activities. Failures that affect the
primary functions of these assets affect the revenue-earning capability of the organization.
The magnitude of these effects depends on how heavily the equipment is utilized and the
availability of alternatives. However, in nearly all cases the costs of these effects are greater—
often much greater—than the cost of repairing the failures, and these costs need to be taken
into account when assessing the cost effectiveness of any failure management policy.
In general, failures affect operations in four ways:
a. they affect total output or throughput
b. they affect product quality
c. they affect customer service (and may incur financial penalties)
d. they increase operating costs in addition to the direct cost of repair.
Non-Operational Consequences
The consequences of an evident failure that has no direct adverse effect on safety, the
environment or operational capability are classified as non-operational. The only
consequences associated with these failures are the direct costs of repairing the failure itself
and any secondary damage, so these consequences are also economic.
Figure A26: RCM Strategy Decision Logic
Proactive Tasks
Proactive maintenance tasks are tasks undertaken before a failure occurs, in order to prevent
the item from getting into a failed state.
Proactive tasks include both:
predictive tasks and
preventive tasks.
Task selection depends upon the following criteria:
whether the task is technically feasible?
whether the task is worth doing economically?
Predictive Tasks
Predictive or on-condition tasks are designed to detect potential failures.
A potential failure as an identifiable condition which indicates that a functional failure is
either about to occur or is in the process of occurring
On-condition tasks entail checking for potential failures, so that action may be taken to
prevent the functional failure or to avoid the consequences.
CM Technical Feasibility
do we have any prior warning of the failure?
what is it?
how long will it take to fail from the prior warning?
is it consistent in time?
will it give us enough time to respond appropriately?
If ‘yes’ to all the above then the condition monitoring task is technically feasible
Preventive Tasks
Preventative tasks consist of two categories:
Scheduled restoration tasks entail re-manufacturing a single component or overhauling an
entire assembly at or before a specified age limit, regardless of its condition at the time.
Scheduled discard tasks entail discarding an item or component at or before a specified age
limit, regardless of its condition at the time.
Figure A29: Restoration & Discard Age for age related failures
if ‘yes’ to all the above then the restoration or discard task is technically feasible
Default actions – Evident failure
Redesign is mandatory for safety or environmental consequences
Redesign is optional for operational & non-operational consequences.
If the failure mode can be eliminated by a simple design change this should be considered –
e.g. with training personnel, painting etc.
Default actions – Hidden failure
The objective of a maintenance program for a hidden failure is to prevent – or at least to
reduce the probability of – the associated multiple failure (A multiple failure is when the
protected function fails and the protective device is also in a failed state)
If condition monitoring, scheduled replacement or scheduled discarding are not applicable
then a failure finding task should be considered
Failure finding tasks should avoid dismantling protective devices or otherwise disturbing
them. It should be possible to carry out a failure-finding task without significantly increasing
the risk of the associated multiple failures.
16.11.6 Redesign
If a suitable failure-finding task cannot be found:
redesign is compulsory if the multiple failure could affect safety or the environment
redesign must be justified on economic grounds if the multiple failure does not affect
safety or the environment.
Redesign means:
a change in the physical configuration of an asset or system
a change to a process or operating procedure
a change to the capability of a person, usually by training.
Reductor Fans Turbine Compressors Pumps motors TOT
POE 19 108 62 71 777 4
NOF 42 180 156 311 1991 4
MTBF 28760,571 38145,6 25267,385 14514,135 24810,925 63576 TOT1
Table A106: MTBF Calculation Example
Figure A31 – Example: MTBF Calculation
Analysis calculation
The Analysis calculation report is one of the reports which is included in RCM, showing
current number of failures per month for the selected asset type.
Statistic calculation
This report calculates and shows number of failures regarding the failure cause during
selected time period. As for previous reports start date is 01.11.2006.
Figure A33 Example: Statistic calculation
18. Bibliography