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Detailed Lesson Plan in Bread and Pastry 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University

Bacolor, Pampanga


Detailed Lesson Plan in Bread and Pastry 8

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Identify dry and liquid ingredients used in baking;

b. Measure dry and liquid ingredients correctly and accurately;
c. Identify the tools used in measuring dry and liquid ingredients.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Measure dry and liquid ingredients accurately

References: Teacher’s guide in Bread and Pastry Production-1
Learner’s Manual in Bread and Pastry Production pg. 28 – 31
Additional Materials from Learning Resources LR Portal
Instructional Materials: Ingredients tools/utensils in their Kitchen

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Opening Activity
1. Greetings
“Good afternoon class!” “Good Afternoon Ma’am Wreona!”
2. Prayer
please stand up for our opening prayer, Can
you please lead the prayer (Name of the -The students will go in front and lead the
students)”. Opening Prayer.
3. Checking of attendance
-The assigned students will tell the absentee/s
“Who is absent for today?”
for today.
4. Review

B. Motivation
-Students who volunteer will come to the
“Ok everyone, I need volunteers and go
front and answer the given question.
infront, I will give you some pictures and
then place it where you think it should belong
. “Yes, Ma’am”.
“Do you class understand?”
Right baked products

- The students given a picture, and they will

guess if it is wrong and right baked products.

- The students are now answering the

questions that are given.
Wrong baked products

“Ok everyone, All of your answers are “Thank you, Ma’am”.

correct thank you for participating”.

C. Lesson Proper

“Now let’s move on to our discussion,

Our lesson for today is about Measuring dry
and liquid ingredients accurately”.
“Yes, Ma’am”
“In this lesson you will learn the proper way
of measuring dry and liquid ingredients
- The students read the objectives of the
“Before we start this are the objectives, can lesson.
you please read (Name of the students)”.

“Thank you (Name of the students)”.

“Baking is a science and it requires all the
precision you would expect when doing a
“Measuring ingredients is very important in
chemical experiment. Your ingredients
baking.” Why is it important to know how
measurements have to be exact to get the
the proper way of measuring ingredients?
perfect result”.
“ Yes(Name of the students)

“Yes very good, because if you don’t know

the proper way or acurrate measured of dry “Too much or not enough measuring of
and liquid ingredients, like I’ve shown you ingredients”.
here, those are inaccurate baked products,
because of?

“Yes, because of too much or not enough

measuring of ingredients, It will affect the
outcome of your baked products”. “Yes, Ma’am”.

“ Do you class understand?”.

“Before you learn how to measure dry and

liquid ingredients acurrately, you have to
know that there are two types of ingredients “Dry ingredients and Liquid ingredients”.

“What are the two types of ingredients?

“Yes (Name of the students)

“Yes, very good”.

“Under in dry ingredients we have,

 Flour- all purpose flour, cornstarch, etc.
 Sugar- brown&white sugar
 Powdered food- baking soda or baking
 Shortening- solid fats( butter, milk)”.

“Under in liquid ingredients we have,

 Water
 Milk- evaporated and condensed
“ Yes, Ma’am”.
 Liquid fats- oil
 Honey”.
“Do you class understand?”. “Measuring cups, measuring
spoon,strainer,spatula or the back of the
“Next we have tools that we need to measure
dry and liquid ingredients, Can you please
read what’s under the dry ingredients (Name
of the students)”. Answer:
“Measuring glass, measuring cups,
“Thank you, if spatula is not available you measuring spoon”.
can use the back of the knife”.

“Next can you please read (Name of the


“Thank you”.
“Yes, Ma’am”.
“And now it’s time to show you the
procedure in measuring dry and liquid
ingredients, make sure to focus so you will
know how to do it.”

“These are the ingredients needed,

-Flour, brown and white sugar, baking soda,

cooking oil, milk, and honey

“And the tools that we needed are,

-Measuring glass, measuring spoon,

measuring cups, back of the knife, and plates. -The students raise their hands to volunteer.
“Procedures in measuring dry and liquid
ingredients, I need volunteers and will go
infront to repeat the procedure”. - The students will repeat the procedures in
measuring dry and liquid ingredients.
1. Sift the flour
2. Scoop to fill the measuring cup to “ Yes, Ma’am”.
overflow. Do not shake.
3. Level off with spatula “Noted Ma’am”.
“ Class, take note that sifting is necessary in
measuring flour”.

“ and also it is also very important that we

should not shake the cup.

 Sugar
White Sugar
1. Sifting is not necessary before
measuring unless it is lumpy.
“Yes, Ma’am”.
2. Fill the measuring cup until over
flowing. Do not shake the cup.
3. Level off with the spatula.

“Class if you have no spatula, you can

use the back of the knife to level off

Brown Sugar
1. Check if the sugar is lumpy
before measuring. Roll out the
lumps. Remove the dirt.
Scoop into the measuring cup and pack
compactly until it follows the shape when

 Powdered Food (baking powder and

baking soda)
1. Remove the lumps in the powder by
2. Dip the measuring spoon into the powder
3. Level with spatula or back edge of the
knife or right in the can opening.

 Shortening
Solid Fats
1. Fill the measuring cup/spoon with the
shortening while pressing until it is
2. Level the fat with a straight of a knife
or spatula.
“Noted, Ma’am”.
Liquid Fats
1. Pour oil in the glass measuring cup.
2. Check if it is filled up to the measuring
3. Do not lift the cup when measuring

“Now class, to check your measurement in

measuring liquid ingredients, we should have
to bend down so that our eyes level the
“Yes, Ma’am”.
marker line okay”.
-The students will go to their designated
 Milk group and perform on how to measure dry
Liquid Form and liquid ingredients accurately”.
1. Pour milk into the glass measuring cup up
to the measuring mark.
2. Do not lift the cup

D. Application
“So now you will be performing the
procedure on how to measure dry and liquid
ingredients, are you now ready? go to your
designated groups”.

E. Generalization

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will be graded the students by the following criteria.

Rubrics for measruing dry and liquid ingredients acurately score

Correct procedure
Proper tools being used
Team work
Time efficient
V. Assignment

1. What are the types and uses of cleaning materials/disinfectan. Write it on your notebook.


1. Teacher’s Guide in Bread and Pastry Production – 1

2. Learner’s Manual in Bread and Pastry Production pg 4143
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resources LR Portal

Prepared by: Checked by:

Students Teacher

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