Graphic Organizer
Graphic Organizer
Graphic Organizer
Keeps easy and simple contact Helps in traveling and to Accelerating globalization
with people around the world collaborate with people efforts can help in finance
whether outside or online. despite of cultural differences.
Share other side of argument and provide facts or examples to refute it.
Yet the pros remain having
larger weight, just ponder about
Although English being the official language may have all the possibilities that come
drawbacks and can possibly lead to the loss of linguistic with it. It is a misconception that
diversity and individuality of ones native language as well culture would be watered down
by the ability of people to
as the uniqueness of culture. There would also be a loss
understand each other and
of secrecy or exclusivity in languages and it would be comprehend through words of a
unjust for those who do not have access to high quality common language like English.
english education.
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