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The 119 km Bengaluru-Mysuru expressway project on NH-275 is a 6-10

lane access-controlled highway developed at a cost of Rs 8,480 crore by
the ministry of road transport and highway. The National Highways
Authority of India (NHAI) awarded the project to Dilip Buildcon, aiming
to decongest the traffic movement between Bengaluru and Mysuru and
eventually reduce the travel time from three hours to 75 minutes.

Bengaluru and Mysuru will be connected by the proposed expressway,

which is a section of the NH 275 road, allowing for back-and-forth travel
between the two towns. It will also connect Kerala, Kodagu, and
Mangalore to Bengaluru. The project was put forth as an alternative to the
now cancelled NICE (nandi infrastucture corridor enterprises) road and
comprises primarly brownfield upgrades 60% and greenfield construction
banglore-mysore are one of the most singificant cities in the state ,valuble
for both bussiness and tourism .the currently use of 6 lanes NH-275 in one
of the significante highway in the state however is congested and travers
through populated localities mandya,maddure, and srirangapatna.the
proposed expressway a part of NH-275 highway.will connect banglore and
mysore.the completion of project develeped under the BMP( bharath
maha pari yajana ).
During the last two decades India has witnessed significant improvements
in road infrastructure. Highways can now facilitate higher speed and
volume of transportation due to their increased capacity. Today road
transport in India carries 65 per cent of freight and it has more than
doubled over the last 20 years. This is despite about 45% lower freight cost
of rail on per ton per km basis. In addition to freight, it also caters to 80%
of passenger traffic.
Environmental Impact Assessment
The Environmental study for the project area has been carried out in
accordance with the requirements of Government of India guidelines, for
Rail /Road /Highway projects. For the purpose of Environment Study, a
corridor of up to 10 km on either side of the project road has been studied.
The Environment assessment process includes an inventory of baseline
environmental conditions using data collected from secondary sources and
field investigations; the identification of environmental issues /impacts and
suggestion for mitigation measures to minimize adverse environmental
impacts. The pre-feasibility EIA report has been submitted as separate
volume and prepared by following the “guidelines for preparation of pre-
feasibility report for obtaining prior environmental clearance” with regards
to the provision of EIA notification (2006), and amended thereto.

The Government of india entrusted the work of the construction of
banglore-mysore expressway to NHAI in March on 2001 Build-Operate-
Transfer basis with permission to collect toll for 10-11 years. The
environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India was received on October 13, 2009. The Forest
Clearance was received on November 11, 2010The tender notice was
published in leading newspapers all over India and also on the Internet.
Due to wide publicity, 133 tenders were sold and on December 18, 2010
55 tenders were received. After technical and financial evaluation, tenders
were accepted and work orders were given on January 1, 2011 to four
contractors. Thereafter tenders for widening for nidagatta – banglore . The
tenders were received on August 24, 2013 and orders were issued on
September 4, 2013
methodology adopted for the study was initially presented in Inception
Report. The methodology adopted for the project is based on initial
studies, secondary data, traffic analysis, topographic survey, revenue
calculations and Cost Estimates. The project area social screening/RAP
and Environment Impact Assessment are also completed for the detailed
Engineering stage (DPR). The government policies about Land acquisition
is also covered in the detailed Engineering stage (DPR). The methodology
adopted is in line with the requirements of the ToR. The methodology
adopted to arrive at detailed Engineering stage is covered in chapter 3.
Detailed Engineering and field studies such as soil investigations,
Environment Impact Analysis and design works are completed for the
most preferred alignmentOption-1
detailed survey
All natural and man-made features such as buildings, irrigation channels,
drainage structures, temples, mosques, trees and utility installations etc.
are captured during the survey. Spot level on the existing carriageway are
captured at five points namely at centerline, mid points of both lanes of
traffic movement and pavement edges at both ends to calculate the profile
corrective courses more realistically. Trees with girth wise are captured
with areas of plantation. Wherever there are groups of trees/plantations,
they are picked with the areas of plantation. Boundaries of Agricultural
Land area have been surveyed to demarcate the cultivation land limit.
Where existing major roads cross the alignment, the survey has been
extended to a maximum of 500m on either side of the road centerline to
allow improvements including grade separated intersections to be
designed. Apart from this, the survey has covered a maxi-mum of 1000m
and 500m on either side of centerline in cases of major and minor bridges
Geotechnical Investigations
Sufficient information about the arrangement & behavior of the
underlying materials and their physical properties for adopting and
designing the structural foundation is essential. Soil exploration though
field investigation and laboratory testing of the substrata are helpful in
arriving at required parameters for designing of safe and economical
foundations. The data obtained from these investigations has been
analyzed for safe design of the foundation. In the geotechnical report’s
recommendations has been made for type of foundations and its safe
bearing capacity/load carrying capacity required for the structure design

Material Investigations
The Material Investigation for road construction has been carried out to
identify the potential sources of construction materials and to assess their
general availability, mechanical properties and quantities. This is one of
the most important factors for stable, economic and successful
implementation of the road program within the stipulated time for
improvement work as well as for new carriageway, the list of materials
includes the following:
a) Granular material for lower sub-base works
b) Crushed stone aggregates for upper sub-base, base, surfacing and
cement concrete works.
c) Sand for filter material and cement, concrete works, sub-base and
filling material.
d) Borrow material for embankment, sub-grade and filling.
e) Manufactured material like cement, steel, bitumen, geo-textiles etc. for
other related works. The Information on material sources has been carried
out with the following basic objectives:
Hydrological Investigations
Hydrological investigations have been carried out for the entire project. It
has been ensured that majority of the cross drainage structures are
hierologically adequate to carry the discharge of the river / streams.

Indicative Design Standards

The indicative design standards for geometric design of road are illustrated
in Table 2.5 for main carriageway, geometric standards for Interchange
elements and Length of speed change lanes. Ruling design speed is
adopted for designing the Project Highway in conformity with the
provisions of the Guidelines for Expressway Manual

Design Speed
Design speed 120 Km/h is the basic parameter, which determines the
geometric features of the road. The proposed design speeds for different
terrain categories are as per “Guidelines for Expressway”. In general, the
ruling design speed is adopted for geometric design of the highway. Only
in exceptional circumstances, minimum design speed may be adopted .
1 Design speed :120 Kmph
2 Lane width :3.75 m
3 Depressed Median (including shyness) :15.0 m
4 Median side paved strip (Shy distance): 0.75 m
5 3-Lane carriageway: 11.25m
6 Paved Shoulder: 3.00m
7 Earthen Shoulder: 2.00m
8 Camber/Cross-fall C/W & PS 2.50% Earthen shoulder: 3.00%
9 Width of Service Road: 3.75 m/7.00m/10.00m
10 Utility Corridor: 2.00m
11 Maximum For below 1000m radius 7.00% Super-elevation For above
1000m radius 5.00%
12 Safe Stopping Sight Distance (SSD): 250 m
13 Desirable Minimum Sight Distance (ISD): 500 m
14 K-Value for Sag-curve (minimum) :132 K-Value for Hog-curve
(minimum) 261
15 Desirable Minimum radius of horizontal curve 1000 m
16 Minimum radius of Horizontal curve without transition 4000 m
17 Minimum vertical Gradient 0.30
Median width of Carriageway
The median shall be depressed or flush. As a rule, depressed median shall
be provided except in situations where the availability of ROW is a
constraint. The width of median is the distance between inside edges of
carriageways. The recommended width of median is given in Table 2.7
Type of Median Recommended Median Width (m)
Minimum Desirable
depressed 12 15
Flushed 4.5 4.5
Flush (to accommodate structure) 8 8
Paved Shoulder
Paved shoulders shall be designed as an integral part of the pavement for
the main carriageway. Width of these shoulders has been taken as 3 m.
This will provide for better traffic operation conditions, lower maintenance
and facility of directly using these as part of carriageway when the road is
subsequently widened on these sides.
The Composition and specification of the paved shoulder shall be as that
of the main carriageway.
Earthen Shoulder
The earthen shoulder has been proposed with good borrowed earth having
a width of 2m on the outer side

Super – Elevation
Super-Elevation shall be limited to 7%, if radius of curve is less than
desirable minimum radius. It shall be limited to 5% if radius is more than
or equal to desirable minimum. Super elevation shall not be less than the
minimum specified Cross fall.
The super elevation at curves is arrived at as per the following equation
(e + f) = v2/127R
Where, v = Vehicle speed in Km/h.
e = Super elevation ratio in meter per meter
f = Coefficient of side friction between vehicle tyre and pavement (0.1)
R = Radius in meter
Expansion Joints
All Structures shall have minimum number of expansion joints. This may
be achieved by adopting longer spans, making the superstructure
continuous or by adopting integrated structures. Expansion joints shall
conform to IRC:SP:69. In any case, the number of expansion joints shall
not be more than 1 for each 100 m length of the bridge or part thereof. For
avoidance of doubt, the structures upto 100 m length shall have only one
joint at one side abutment, the structures over 100 m and upto 200 m
length may have two joints and structures over 200 m and upto 300 m
length may have maximum 3 expansion joints. Elastomeric strip seal type
expansion joints are provided on all the bridges and ROBs as per Clause
No. 2607 of MoRT&H specification for road and bridge works and interim
specifications for expansion joints issued subsequently vide MoRT&H
letter no. RW/NH34059/1/96-S&R dated 25.01.20014 and addendum there
to circulated vide letter of even no; dated 30.11.2014. In case of bridges
with smaller spans slab seal type expansion joints are provided

Sight Distance
The Safe stopping sight distance and desirable minimum sight distance for
divided carriageway for various design speed given in Table 2.8. The
desirable values of the sight distance shall be adopted unless there are sight
constraints. A minimum of Safe stopping sight distance shall be available
Design Speed (km/h) : 120 100
Safe Stopping Sight distence(m) : 250 180
Desirable minimum Sight Distance (m) : 500 360
( Intermediate Sight Distance)
Geometric Design
 Horizontal alignment
 Longitudinal profile
 Cross-sectional elements
 Junctions, intersections and Interchanges
 Service road along the alignment
Codes and Publications
The following codes and publications (latest editions) shall be used for the
design of approach road and bridge components
: Specifications For Road and Bridge Works (4th Revision, 2000)
 IRC: 5-1998 For General Features of Design
 IRC: 6-2000 For Loads and Stresses
 IRC: 18-2000 For Pre-stressed Concrete Road Bridges
 IRC: 21-2000 For Reinforced Concrete Design
 IRC: 78-2000 For Substructure and Foundations
 IRC: 83-1999 (Part I) For Metallic Bearings
 IRC: 83-1987 (Part II) For Elastomeric Bearings
 IRC: 83-1987 (Part III) For Pot cum PTFE Bearing

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