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Geometric Design of Approaches - R2

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Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed

Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016


This chapter deals with Geometric Design aspects of the project road. Geometric
design deals with the visible dimensions of roadway including design speed,
roadway, right of way, horizontal and vertical alignment design and camber.
Other design aspects include height of embankment, cut and fill slopes,
intersections design, approach road information and safety etc.
The project approach road involves both side approaches of proposed new
bridge over Wami River. The total design length of the project road including
structure is about 4.325 Km. Due to substandard geometry of the existing
approaches and other constraints, the new bridge has been proposed on
downstream side of the existing bridge.
While designing the approaches, drains and locating the culverts and bridges has
been taken to ensure the integration between these aspects. The deck level of
bridge as per the design and hydrological study has been considered for
designing the vertical alignment near the bridges. In case of pipe culverts, the
cushion (the height of embankment above the top of pipe) is generally kept
minimum 0.6m.
Design standards for the project approach road have been developed on the
basis of RGDM 2011 Edition, published by Ministry of Works, The United
Republic of Tanzania.
As stated in chapter 3 of this report, the project road Chalinze-Segera (T002) has
been classified as Class A: trunk road by TANROADS. This project road crosses
river Wami in coast region at 47.8km from Chalinze junction. Thus Wami Bridge
provides the sole link to northern part of Tanzania and neighboring countries. The
classification of roads is based in accordance with administrative considerations
and fictional role of the road.
The salient characteristics of the existing Project road are included in Chapter 4
of this Report. After the preparation of necessary topographical Survey Models,
the survey data has been processed and a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) has been
prepared. Based on this terrain model, the geometric design of the Project
approach Roads has been carried out. The geometric design has been done
using the Design Software MX Roads dedicated and versatile software for doing
such works.
The topographical survey data transformed as 3D AutoCAD drawing is directly
imported in MXROAD for further design works. Normally the sequence of working
on MXROAD is summarized as following.
 Import ground model
 Carry out Triangulation
 Prepare Contours

Intercontinental Consultants and In

association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with

Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed
Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016

 Carry out Horizontal alignment

 Carry out Vertical alignment
 Create Secondary strings for carriageway edges, shoulder edges and ditches
 Apply super elevation
 Input embankment side slopes
 Input pavement layer details including sub-grade layer
 Generate cross sections
 Compute quantities of earthwork, and pavement layers
The Plan drawings have been prepared using MX in AutoCAD module. Cross-
sections have been prepared showing the proposed carriageways, earthworks
and existing ground levels between the ROW boundaries, at 25m intervals or
such other reduced intervals as may be appropriate to take account of
irregularities in the terrain, and at the start and end points of the transition and
circular curves.
The alignment option for development of the approach Road alignment was
studied based on the following salient characteristics:
a) Existing Road Alignment.
b) Land already available on ground and to be acquired
c) Minimization of Impact of Property along the selected route.
d) Deep cut and high fill areas.
e) Existing cross drainage structures along the approach roads.
f) Improvement of Sub Standard Curves to attain the Design Speed.
The geometric design standards adopted for the design of approach roads are
given in Chapter 3 of this Report. The details of upgrading and improvement/
widening proposals for the approach roads and preliminary road design including
proposed typical cross sections have been given in this Chapter.
During feasibility study the following options (3 options) were studied. The options
are as follows
Alignment Option – 1: The alignment is on the upstream side (about 90m)
of the existing Bridge.
Alignment Option – 2: The alignment is on the downstream side (about
670m) of the existing Bridge.
Alignment Option – 3: The alignment is on the upstream side (about
1100m) of the existing Bridge .
However, considering the techno economic feasibility of the proposed alignment
options, Option 2 (D/S side) was recommended.

Intercontinental Consultants and In

association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with

Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed
Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016


The project road starts from Chalinze (Junction with TANZAM Highway) and
traverses through Pwani region, Tanga region and connects to Kenya. The
existing road has been classified as Trunk road by TANROADS and of
bituminous pavement.
This project road crosses river Wami in Coast Region at 47.8 km from Chalinze
junction. Thus Wami Bridge provides a sole link to northern part of Tanzania and
neighboring countries.
Though the project road runs through rolling terrain in most of its length, the
existing Wami Bridge is located at escarpment terrain with steep slopes and
substandard curve in its associated approach road. This is the main cause of
fatal accident prone zone at its associated approach roads imposing safety
hazards to the significantly heavy traffic. Based on TANROADS’s general
inspection on existing bridge, the present bridge was found significantly capacity
deficient to the present traffic demand.
Considering the facts, a new Wami Bridge at an appropriate location along the
route with associated approach road is required to safely sustain the significant
heavy traffic with improved approach road and safely connect to the existing
Chalinze-Segera road. The superstructure of the existing Bridge is Steel truss
type. The depth of superstructure is 3.0m. The formation level of existing Bridge
is approximately 12.0m above the bed level. The water depth at center line of
existing Bridge is approximately 3.0m. According to local enquiry, it is found that
the water level during rainy season goes up to 3.0m above the existing water
level at bridge location. Some of the general features are shown in Figure 8.1 to

Figure 8.1: Condition of Existing Bridge Figure 8.2: Condition of Pier & abutment
Based on the techno- economic feasibility study, cost-benefit analysis and the
sensitivity analysis, the new Wami Bridge and the associated approach roads on
both sides, PSC Segmental Balanced Cantilever Bridge under Alignment Option
2 is identified as the most suitable and recommended for construction. Hence,
the Final Detailed Engineering Design has been prepared for the recommended
The recommended alignment option based on google imagery is presented in
Figure 8.3 below.

Intercontinental Consultants and In

association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with

Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed
Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016

Figure 8.3: Recommended alignment option

The proposed alignment takes up from existing road at about Km 45+500 and
traversed on east side (right side). The new bridge has been proposed at a
distance of about 670m from the existing bridge. Then the alignment traverses
through rolling terrain along green field and meets the existing road at about Km
49+600. The total length of the alignment is about 4.325 Km.
Some of the general features of the proposed alignment are shown in Figure 8.4
to Figure 8.7.

Figure 8.4: Approach from Chalinze side Figure 8.5: Approach from Segera side

Figure 8.6: River Bed Figure 8.7: General Terrain

Intercontinental Consultants and In

association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with

Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed
Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016


The scope of proposed project is improvement of the proposed approaches for a
length of about 4.325 km including the new bridge over Wami River. For this
present study, the recommendations for improvement/ widening are based on
RGDM 2011 and traffic projection. From the analysis of projected traffic and the
design service volume values, the improvement proposal and typical cross
section are as follows:
Typical Cross Sections
Based on above capacity analysis and as per Table 2.3 of RGDM 2011, the cross
section details of the approaches have been given in Table 3.8 of Chapter 3 and
same is given below:
 Carriageway width: 7.0m
 Paved Shoulder: 2.0m (on either side)
 Unpaved Shoulder- 0.5m (either side)
Since both the approach involves cutting, road side drains have been proposed in
accordance to clause no 5.15 of RGDM 2011. The proposed typical cross section
for the project road is given in drawing Volume (Volume IV: Approach Road
Drawings - Part-I).
Based on the Geometric parameters indicated in Chapter 3 of this Report, the
designed centreline of the Project Roads has been designed using the MX Road
Software. The proposed horizontal alignments conforms to the recommended
design speed and roadway standards and are consistent with RGDM 2011 and
international design practices adopting a maximum value of 6% for super
The approaches of the proposed Wami Bridge have been designed along the
green field alignment on the D/s side of the existing Bridge. In accordance to
RGDM 2011 and design standard given in chapter 5, the improvement of the
approaches has been proposed as per DC 3 standard. Both the approaches have
been designed for a design speed of 80 Kmph.
There are total 10 horizontal curves have been provided in the Project approach
road. Out of 10 curves, 6 curves are provided with radius of 300 m, 2 curves are
of 400m radius and others are of 2500m. The Horizontal curve details of project
approach road are enclosed as Appendix- 8.1.
The vertical alignment of the Project approach roads has been designed
considering the following:
 Sight Distance
 Avoid excessive cut and fills along the Project approach road
 Level of the Existing Project approach road
 Matching with new structure deck.

Intercontinental Consultants and In

association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with

Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed
Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016

 The allowable grade for the type of terrain and speed has been adopted
except warranted by obvious constraints
Table 6.12 of RGDM 2011 provides maximum gradient for various terrains
separately. As discussed in previous sections the Project approach roads
traverses through the rolling to hilly terrain. Hence, according to RGDM a
maximum gradient of 5% is allowable for the Project approach roads. However, a
maximum gradient up to 4.26% is adopted, to achieve the economy and
matching with the existing road. The k values used for the vertical curves conform
to the standards recommended in manual for the stopping sight distance.
The Project approach road has 4 numbers of Vertical curves in a length of 4.325
km. The Vertical curve details of Project approach road is enclosed as
Appendix- 8.2.
After completion of alignment design, plans, profiles and detail cross-sections of
road alignment to Project approach roads are generated using MX (Road Design
software). Each half-kilometer of road alignment is shown on scale 1:2000
horizontal and 1:200 vertical for A3 size drawings along with complete
topographic details, horizontal and vertical alignment data and are given in
Volume IV: Approach Road Drawings (Part-I). Horizontal and vertical curve
details and setting out data with every 25m intervals has been generated and is
presented in Volume-II. The details of the proposed horizontal alignment and
vertical alignment are tabulated and indicated at Appendix 8.1 and Appendix
8.2 respectively in Volume 2: Appendices.
In addition to the above improvement to DC 3 level for the proposed Project
approach roads, other road safety regulations are required to be provided for the
effective use of the roadway facility. The salient characteristics of the major
highway accessories are outlined below:
a) Climbing lane
b) Road Demarcation Posts
c) Road Furniture including sign for maximum weight (load)
d) Road Markings
e) Guard Rails
f) Concrete Marker Posts
a) Climbing Lane
Since the projected ADT exceeds 1500 in the base year, considering the
proposed gradient and its critical length on both the approaches, climbing has
been proposed as per clause no. 6.4 of RGDM 2011. One additional lane of 1.65
Km on Chalinze side approach and 1.23 Km length on Segera side approach
(excluding tapper) have been proposed.
b) Kilometer Posts and Road Reserve Marker Posts
Provision has been made for Road Reserve Marker Posts (Demarcation Posts) to
be provided on both sides of the Project approach roads at 100m interval to
Intercontinental Consultants and In
association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with

Consultancy Services for carrying out Feasibility Study, Environmental & Final Detailed
Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Engineering Design
Tender Documents for Construction of new Wami Bridge and its associated Report
approach Roads along Chalinze- Segera Road in Tanzania March 2016

discourage unauthorized developments. The details of plan, elevation and

section of Road Reserve Marker Post are as per clause no. 9.14 of RGDM 2011.
Kilometer posts have been provided at every kilometer along one side of the
c) Road Signs and Pavement Markings
Provision for Road Furniture including all traffic signs such as Regulatory Signs,
Warning Signs and Informatory Signs have been provided as per clause no 9.2 of
RGDM 2011.
Road Signs
Three types of road signs, viz, mandatory/regulatory signs cautionary/warning
signs, and informatory signs have been provided in the design.
Road Markings
Road markings have been proposed for Project approach roads as per the
requirement in view of guiding the road users as well as their safety.
There are corresponding road markings with stop signs, give way signs, merging
or diverging traffic signs, compulsory keep left/right signs, or other such signs.
These have been provided under the heads Regulatory Markings, Warning
Markings and Guidance Markings.
d) Safety Barrier
To provide safety to the road user, road safety barriers are necessary. The
barriers are required to prevent the errant vehicles are moving from the
carriageway to the road side in high embankments areas and also on the
approaches of major cross drainage structures.
i) On high embankment (height more 3m)
ii) On approaches of high level bridges
e) Concrete Marker Posts
Concrete marker posts shall be provided at all locations of culverts.


Intercontinental Consultants and In

association Apex Engineering Co.Ltd
Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT) with


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