Proposal Incomplete
Proposal Incomplete
Proposal Incomplete
A proposal on:
A final year project proposal submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement of
Pokhara University for bachelor degree in civil Engineering.
Submitted To:
School of Engineering
May, 2023
Project title: ‘Detail survey, design and estimation of
sustainable urban road with potholes control measures.’
Submitted By:
Submitted To:
School of Engineering
Approved By:
Head of Department
School of Engineering
Urlabari-03, Mangalbare
Table of contents:
1.1. Background
Road had been the efficient mode of transportation since many
decades as the fundamental aspect of infrastructure development. Roads are defined
as the routes or paths that connect two or more places. The history of roadways in
Nepal dates back to Malla regime where road served as the pathways for horse driven
carts to carryout commercial activities and social interactions. Also road were used by
pilgrims as traditional routes Trans Himalayas routes to travel across the country.
However, the development of modern road infrastructure in Nepal began in mid-20th
century. Construction of East-West highway which was completed in 1960s was a
significant milestone in Nepal’s road development. With rapid urbanization, Nepal
continued to expand its road networks since 1970s and 1980s that connects villages
and remote areas and towns. Terai region which is southern low land belt of country
has undergone significant urbanization in recent decade, leading to increase in traffic
and need for improved road infrastructure.
Figure 1 : Location of the project area
1.4. Objectives
To carry out the detail survey, design and cost estimate of the
sustainable urban road addressing the potholes formation issue.
i) To fix the alignment for the urban road from Thapa chowck to Teli River.
iv) To design the geometric features of road with the appropriate standards.
a) Geometric Design
The geometric design of road deals with the dimensions and layout of
visible features of the road. The emphasis of geometric design lies on addressing the
requirement of driver and the vehicle such as safety, comfort, efficiency, etc. with
considerations to environmental and social effects of the design on surrounding
infrastructures. The features normally considered under the geometric design of roads
can be grouped as:
Camber, super elevation, traffic lane, carriageway, shoulder, median strips, right of
way, side slopes, extra widening of pavement, noise barriers etc.
There are certain considerations that must be properly addressed in the design process
to successfully fit the road to site's topography and maintain its safety. Some of these
design considerations are:
• Design speed
• Design vehicle
• Topography
• Traffic factors
The operational performance of a highway can be seen through drivers' reactions to
the design considerations and their interaction.
b) Materials
Most common materials used in road construction can be classified into three groups:
1. Mineral materials such as sub grade soil, sand (fine aggregates), stone chips,
gravel (coarse aggregates), pit-run sand or river sand, screened materials, blast
furnace slag, brick pebbles. Soils are used expensively for embankment construction,
in the construction of soil stabilized layer. Stone aggregates are used in pavement
construction and off road structures. These are also used as filter materials as the
backfill behind retaining walls and in subsurface drainage.
The first group of binding materials results in semi-rigid and semi-flexible bond
between the mineral particles. Inorganic binding materials form rigid, irreversible
bonds whereas all organic binding materials provide thin film of binding action which
is flexible and reversible in nature.
Erosion control is a crucial component in the design of highway drainage systems.
Surface drainage must be allowed for precipitation to drain away from the structure.
Highways must be designed with a slope or crown so that runoff water will be
directed to the shoulder of the road, into a ditch, and away from the site. Designing a
drainage system requires the prediction of runoff and infiltration, open channel
analysis, and culvert design for directing surface water to an appropriate location.
Nepal urban road standard (2076) : The focus of this standard is in urban area
respecting the traffic volume and composition of traffic focusing on non-
motorized vehicles with the requirements for urban services e.g. water supply,
sewage, drains, electricity etc. The objective of this standard is to achieve
consistency in urban road design and construction (Nepal urban road standard,
Nepal Road standard (2070) : As mentioned in the introduction of this
standard it is stated that NRS-2070 shall apply to all the strategic roads in rural
areas being constructed in Nepal (NRS, 2013).
Strategic risk management practices in Urban road construction project of
Nepal (2020) : Overall objective of this research is to analyse the risk
management practice in urban road construction project with case study of
Siddharthanagar municipality Rupandehi Nepal from contractors and client
prespective (Adhikari & Mishra, 2020).
Adhikari R & Mishra AK, 2020, Strategic Risk management practice in Urban road
construction project in Nepal, Retrieved from