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A Report On The Efficiency of Business Kpis For Understanding Cyber Risks

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A report on the efficiency of business KPIs for understanding cyber risks

Article · February 2023


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Luis Soares
Glyndwr University


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A report on the efficiency of business KPIs for
understanding cyber risks
Luis Henrique Soares
North Whales Management School
Wrexham Glyndwr University
Wrexham, United Kingdom

Abstract—The objective of this paper is to critically evaluate management frameworks. KPIs within ERM's context are
and report, through its findings, if current business key intended to measure and demonstrate an organisation's
performance indicators (KPIs)are efficient for understanding compliance with risk management objectives and gauge and
cyber risks. Security technologies are considered, along with the improve its effectiveness. Examples of KPIs [3] for managing
problems and issues with information security, their risks, and risks include the number of hazards identified, the level of
the current strategies for management to mitigate them. The severity, incurred costs with incidents, time to response, and
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework is one of the the percentage of risks mitigated.
most prevalent risk management frameworks adopted by
companies and supported by regulators. It proposes an III. RISKS IN INFORMATION SECURITY
organisation-wide strategy towards identifying, assessing,
planning responses, implementing mitigation approaches, and The domain of risks in Information Security revolves around
monitoring performance using KPIs. Cyber risks mainly target safeguarding three critical pillars: confidentiality, integrity,
the three pillars of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. and availability [4]. Confidentiality relates to the capacity of
Security tools at disposal to prevent attacks and threats include an organisation to keep its data accessible only to allowed
user access control and encryption for protecting users. Integrity means securing that data is not manipulated
confidentiality, hashing algorithms for addressing integrity, and or compromised by any means. Finally, availability concerns
fault tolerance and redundancy for ensuring availability. keeping data continuously available to its authorised users.
Despite the benefits of KPIs for measuring performance, setting
clear expectations, and helping with decision-making, their
Any failure or successful attacks against these three pillars
effectiveness in managing cyber risks faces significant results in business losses; therefore, organisations must adopt
challenges in the context of the information security domain. security tools, processes, and response plans to prevent such
The critical evaluation and the findings presented in this study attempts. Examples of security technologies commonly
suggest that the business KPIs typically adopted for managing adopted for that matter include user access control and
business risks only partially allow for understanding cyber encryption [5] for protecting confidentiality, hashing
threats and the challenges that stem from information security algorithms [6] for addressing integrity, and fault tolerance [7]
risks. and [8] redundancy for ensuring availability.
Keywords— enterprise risk management, cyber risks, business IV. CHALLENGES IN APPLYING BUSINESS RISK KPIS FOR
I. INTRODUCTION Despite the benefits of KPIs for measuring performance,
setting clear expectations, and helping with decision-making,
The pace of technology evolution and the extent to which it
their effectiveness in managing cyber risks needs to be
permeates almost every business domain in the modern world addressed in the context of the information security domain.
has taken security concerns to a higher level. High reliance Three of these challenges are briefly examined in this paper.
on software, the internet, communication infrastructure, and The first challenge is that although EMR takes a holistic
cloud computing increases risk exposure to cyber threats and approach to manage risks and encompasses technology-
information security vulnerabilities. In a 2022 IBM Security related risks, organisations tend to focus more on after-the-
research report [1] titled "Cost of a Data Breach Report fact, historical information. That limits the outreach for
2022", the technology company reports that data breach costs identifying future risks and properly mitigating them. In an
have reached $4.24 million by that year. With such losses, article [9] titled "Six ways companies Mismanage Risk", R.
information security risk management has become a critical M. Stulz highlights the issues with relying on historical data
component of enterprise risk management. This paper to forecast risks, examining how such an approach from
critically evaluates some of the common risk management financial institutions in the United States had a critical
approaches in business and to which extent they may be able influence on the 2008's global financial crisis. The second
to understand information security risks. obstacle comprises the dynamics of cyber security risks and
its key domains [10]; namely, the physical field represents
II. BUSINESS RISK MANAGEMENT AND METRICS software, hardware, and network; the information domain
The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach [2] is includes monitoring, storage, and visualisation; the cognitive
one of the most common risk management frameworks part relates to how information is interpreted and used to
adopted by businesses and supported by regulators. ERM support decision-making; finally, the social environment
proposes an organisation-wide strategy towards identifying, comprises organisation preparedness to deal with cyber risks,
assessing, planning responses, implementing mitigation the social influences from governmental policies,
strategies, and monitoring performance. Key Performance macroeconomics, cultural, and international relations areas.
Indicators (KPIs) are essential to ERM and traditional risk That said, mitigating cyber risks requires, at the same time,
real-time monitoring of vulnerabilities and potential threats managing business risks only partially allow for
while investing time into proactively fostering security understanding cyber risks and the challenges that stem from
readiness practices. A final and even more critical challenge information security risks. Correctly understanding and
in applying KPIs for understanding cyber risks relies on risk mitigating cyber risks demand a multi-layered approach that
identification. considers the intricate elements of software, technology
infrastructure, people, and their use of them.
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https://www.ibm.com/uk-en/reports/data-breach. [Accessed: 02-Feb-
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The critical evaluation and the findings presented in this
study suggest that the business KPIs typically adopted for

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