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Applied Sciences: Cyber Trust Index: A Framework For Rating and Improving Cybersecurity Performance

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Cyber Trust Index: A Framework for Rating and Improving
Cybersecurity Performance
Sasawat Malaivongs 1 , Supaporn Kiattisin 1, * and Pattanaporn Chatjuthamard 2

1 Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Salaya 73170, Thailand

2 Center of Excellence in Management Research for Corporate Governance and Behavioral, Sasin School of
Management, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
* Correspondence: supaporn.kit@mahidol.ac.th; Tel.: +66-81-866-4207

Abstract: Abstract: BackgroundCybersecurity risk is among the top risks that every organization must
consider and manage, especially during this time wherein technology has become an integral part of
our lives; however, there is no efficient and simplified measurement method that organizations or
regulators could use, as frequently as they need, to evaluate and compare the outcome of cybersecurity
efforts that have been put in place. Consequently, this has resulted in an absence of critical data for
cybersecurity improvement. This research proposes a Cyber Trust Index (CTI), a novel and simplified
framework for evaluating, benchmarking, and improving organizations’ cybersecurity performance.
Methods: The researchers analyzed prominent scientific research papers and widely used security
standards to develop baseline security controls that serve as a measurement foundation. Then, they
identified Control Enablers and Capability Tiers that were used as base measures and measurement
methods. The CTI framework was evaluated by experts and tested with 35 organizations from the
critical information infrastructure (CII) sector, as well as other generic sectors, in Thailand to confirm
its validity and reliability in real organization settings and identify the priorities and factors that
can contribute to better cybersecurity performance. Results: The CTI has two key elements: the
baseline controls and rating methods. The baseline controls comprise 12 dimensions, 25 clusters,
Citation: Malaivongs, S.; Kiattisin, S.;
and 70 controls. The rating methods utilize five control enablers and five capability tiers to compute
Chatjuthamard, P. Cyber Trust Index:
scores. A binary questionnaire is used to capture data for the rating process. Based on a statistical
A Framework for Rating and
Improving Cybersecurity
analysis of CTI results from 35 pilot organizations, 28.57% are in the beginner group with high-risk
Performance. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, exposure, 31.43% are in the leader group with low-risk exposure, and 40% of organizations are in
11174. https://doi.org/10.3390/ between (the intermediate and advanced groups). Two key factors distinguish between the beginner
app122111174 and leader groups: (1) an internal factor, which is the Control Enablers; and (2) an external factor,
which is the influence of a cyber regulating body. Our study confirms that Control Enablers in
Academic Editor: Christos Bouras
higher Tiers will help organizations achieve better cybersecurity performance (R = 0.98021) and
Received: 24 September 2022 highlights the significance of cyber regulating bodies by showing a shear difference of 197.53%
Accepted: 1 November 2022 in cyber performance between highly regulated and low-regulated industries. Conclusions: This
Published: 4 November 2022
research reveals key insights into the importance of Control Enablers, which are the internal factors
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral that organizations must leverage to drive better cybersecurity performance, and the positive return on
with regard to jurisdictional claims in enforcement, which emphasizes the need for cyber regulating bodies. The CTI framework has proven
published maps and institutional affil- to be valid and efficient for measuring cybersecurity performance. At the very least, a step-wise
iations. roadmap is provided for organizations and regulators to adopt and adapt the CTI framework for
their cybersecurity measurement and improvement mission.

Keywords: cybersecurity rating; cyber trust index; cybersecurity performance measurement; control
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
enabler; cyber resilience
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
1. Introduction
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ Digital technology and innovation play an essential role in improving the quality
4.0/). of life and ease of doing business everywhere. One of the vital factors that influences

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122111174 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 2 of 27

the successful implementation of new technology is cybersecurity. Several researchers

have pointed out that cybersecurity is a primary and necessary contributor for sustainable
economic, social, and environmental development [1–4]. The major challenge to achieving
cybersecurity goals is the ever-increasing risk of threats. With the global average cost of a
data breach in 2020 measuring as high as USD 3.86 million [5], the World Economic Forum
has defined cybersecurity as a vital agenda item that organizations of all sizes and types
must seriously consider. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the situation has become worse.
The FBI reported a 400% increase in cyberattack cases compared to before the outbreak of
COVID-19 [6,7].
To fight this rise in cyberattacks, organizations that wish to protect themselves must
develop a cybersecurity program primarily based on international standards and best
practices [8]. Some standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001:2013 [9] and ISO/IEC 27701:2019 [10],
provide requirements for certification via an independent third-party audit, while others
serve as a framework or guideline for managing cybersecurity risks, such as the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) [11].
Apart from defending against cyber threats, most organizations also need to comply
with several laws, regulations, and contractual obligations that require preservation of the
security, privacy, and continuity of a business. This includes but is not limited to the Pay-
ment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) [12], the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Although complying with standards, best practices, and regulations will help mini-
mize cyber risks, compliance with the above does not mean that an organization will have
good cybersecurity. For example, many ISO 27001-certified organizations tend to only
focus on achieving certification [13] by applying ISO 27001 to a minimal extent within their
organizations rather than strengthening security controls throughout their most critical
applications, business data, or information systems. This creates inconsistencies in the
application of security controls within the organization, wherein the ISO 27001-certified
areas are more secure than other areas.
An efficient security performance measurement method must be created to resolve
this problem and evaluate how well the organizations can protect, detect, respond, and
recover from cyberattacks. The measurement method must be quick and affordable because
security controls must be dynamic, continuously updated, and upgraded. Static security
controls will eventually fall to an attacker. Given this, organizations must rapidly and
frequently perform measurements to identify current weaknesses and better plan for
defense. This practice is similar to the role of COVID-19 rapid testing. The countries that
run more tests per capita have demonstrated better results in containing outbreaks [14].
Nevertheless, the available methods are limited, especially quantitative measurement and
benchmarking at the organization level [15,16]. Only a few methods were tested in a
real-world environment [16], but most of them were resource-intensive and suitable for
specific-use cases only [17–22]. In addition, the Five-point Likert-type scale questions that
are commonly used as measuring instruments can cause the results to be prone to tendency
bias and result in a lack of reproducibility [23].
This research aims to develop a new cybersecurity performance measurement
framework—namely the Cyber Trust Index (CTI)—that is fast, flexible, adaptable, and
requires less effort than conventional methods. The core design concept is based on the
measurement information model described in ISO 15939:2017 [24]. The CTI is built upon
Control Enablers and Capability Tiers, which, in our hypothesis, are the crucial factors
that drive cybersecurity performance. Organizations that have Control Enablers in higher
Capability Tiers are more secure and have a higher degree of cyber resilience. We derived
the Control Enablers and Capability Tiers from a systemic literature review; these also
serve as reusable parts in the CTI model, making the model flexible and adaptable. They
can accommodate other measurement methods or security control sets by functioning as
the base measures, measurement functions, or weighted elements. The CTI was evaluated
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 3 of 27

by security experts and tested by 35 organizations across different industry sectors. Based
on the results, we can provide answers to the following research questions:
RQ1: Which industry sectors are leading/lacking in terms of cybersecurity performance?
RQ2: What are the internal and external driving factors that affect the performance of
these sectors?
RQ3: How can we set targets and develop a roadmap for improvement?

2. Cybersecurity Performance Measurement—The Past and the Present Methods

In this section, we analyze prominent scientific research papers, widely used security
standards, and best practices to study the methods, mechanisms, and factors that can be
used to gauge and benchmark an organization’s security performance. Based on research
by W. Burke et al. [15], there were 14 cybersecurity measurement methods that indexed or
ranked the security readiness and capabilities at a country or organization level. We selected
five methods for the assessment of organizations, then combined them with our search
for methods that have been presented in security standards and academic publications.
The result was eight methods including the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model
(C2M2) [25], Cybersecurity Poverty Index [26], Global Cybersecurity Assurance Report
Card [27], Capability Assessment Framework for Information Security Governance in
Organizations (CAFISGO) [28], ISP 10 × 10 M [29], Composite Cybersecurity Rating
Scheme [30], Security Effectiveness Framework [31], and Cyber Resilience Review [32]—as
shown in Table 1. Other available methods were excluded from our analysis because they
do not measure organization-level performance but do measure at the country level [33,34],
evaluate specific topics [17–19], or target selected industry sectors only [21,22]. Similarly, the
methods that did not disclose details about scoring calculations were also excluded [35–38].

Table 1. Methods for measuring an organization’s cybersecurity performance.

Methods Indicator & Performance Sources
Questions Point-Scale Scale Weight Score Calculation

Highest maturity
Cybersecurity Capability 10 domains scale achieved
43 objectives Four-point scale 0–3 None 25
Maturity Model (C2M2) 342 questions represents the score
(final maturity level)
Cybersecurity 5 functions Summation
Five-point scale 1–5 None and average 26
Poverty Index 18 questions
Adding the
Global Cybersecurity 11 IT components percentage of top
12 questions Five-point scale 0–100 None 27
Assurance Report Card two responses of
each question
Capability Assessment 5 key areas
21 objectives Summation of
Framework for Information 0–1 0–5 Yes weighted 28
Security Governance 80 controls average points
in Organizations 100 questions
Summation of
ISP 10 × 10 M 10 CSFs 1–6 Yes point-scale multiply 29
100 KPIs Five-point scale
by weight of indicator

2 layers Summation of
Composite Cybersecurity 4 segments in L1 5 × 5 matrix 1–5 None
behavioral scoring
Rating Scheme (1–25 points) (L1) and technical
5 controls in L2 risk matrix (L2)

Security 6 metrics
5 key resources Summation
Five-point scale (−2.0)–2.0 None and average 31
Effectiveness Framework 13 objectives
Maturity level is
10 domains Three-response type achieved when
Cyber Resilience Review 42 goals 0–5 None 32
299 questions (Y, N, Incomplete) all goals in such
level are achieved

Created by U.S. Department of Energy, the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model

(C2M2) [25] evaluates an organization’s cybersecurity capabilities across ten domains (As-
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 4 of 27

set, Change, and Configuration Management; Threat and Vulnerability Management; Risk
Management; Identity and Access Management; Situational Awareness; Event and Incident
Response, Continuity of Operations; Third-Party Risk Management; Workforce Manage-
ment; Cybersecurity Architecture; Cybersecurity Program Management). The method
was designed to be used by organizations of any type and size. The C2M2 measurement
mechanisms use 342 questions, with each of them using four-point-scale Maturity Indicator
Levels (MILs) ranging from 0 (Not Implemented) to 3 (Fully Implemented). An organiza-
tion will achieve a Maturity Level in the respective domain when the related questions of
that Maturity Level are rated as Fully Implemented. The final Maturity Level is determined
by the highest Maturity Level achieved.
The Cybersecurity Poverty Index [26] developed by RSA is a lightweight measurement
method with only 18 questions that is designed to assess an organization’s ability to identify,
protect, detect, respond, and recover from cyber threats following NIST CSF. The index was
last run in 2016 with 878 respondents that rated their organizations using a five-point-scale.
The final score was produced from the average score of all the questions without weighting.
The key results indicated the two most undeveloped capabilities, Incident Response and
Cyber Risk Management, which required prioritized improvement.
The Tenable Network Security and CyberEdge Group developed the Global Cyber-
security Assurance Report Card [27] in 2017, which used 12 main questions that were
separated into 2 discrete areas. The first area assessed the cyber risks that may affect 11 key
IT components by using a five-point-scale. The second area evaluated the organization’s
ability to counter the risk using Likert-type scale questions. The final score was calculated
by adding the percentage of the top two responses for each question. The major findings
included the comparison of cybersecurity performance across different industry sectors,
with the government and education sectors receiving the lowest scores.
Maleh et al. proposed the Capability Assessment Framework for Information Se-
curity Governance in Organizations (CAFISGO) [28] with the purpose of measuring an
organization’s capabilities to govern its security activities. The method has 5 key areas,
21 objectives, and 80 controls that are assembled into 100 questions, each of which must
be rated between 0 and 1. The results were based on the summation of weighted average
scores and interpreted into five performance levels (Initial; Basic; Defined; Managed; Opti-
mized). CAFISGO was tested with large organizations in Morocco and the results revealed
the areas where such organizations had low Maturity Levels, especially with regards to
security risk management.
First introduced in 2016 [29] and having undergone rigorous testing in 2020 [16], the
ISP 10 × 10 M was used to determine an organization’s security performance based on ten
critical success factors (CSF), each of which were measured using ten (10) key performance
indicators (KPI) (Physical information security controls; Technical and logical security
controls; Information resources management; Employee management; Information risk
management and incident handling; Organizational culture and top management support;
Information security policy and compliance; Security management maturity; Third-party
relationships; External environment connections). The rating process began by sending a
questionnaire to the organization’s representative so that they can evaluate each indicator
using a Likert scale from 1 (Not adopted) to 5 (Fully implemented). The overall security
performance was calculated from the summation of the point-scales and multiplied by
the weight of the indicator. The main findings from applying this method indicated that
information risk management and incident handling were the most undeveloped areas
in 20 organizations in Slovenia and coincided with the findings from the Cybersecurity
Poverty Index [26] and CAFISGO [28]. This finding implies that the same problems have
continued to persist since 2016.
Since most of the reviewed methods used Maturity Levels and point-scales as the
rating mechanism, Rae and Patel took a different approach by developing the Compos-
ite Cybersecurity Rating Scheme [30], which is based on using a risk assessment as an
instrument for evaluating the cybersecurity performance of SMEs in the UK. The scheme
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 5 of 27

has two layers (behavioral influence and technical audit scores). The scoring of the first
layer is produced by measuring the likelihood of poor security behaviors against potential
consequences for the business. The second layer is evaluated based on a modified UK
Cyber Essentials scheme (Protecting the network; Ensuring systems are securely configured;
Controlling system access; Protecting against malware; Keeping the system up to date).
Furthermore, a combination of likelihood and consequence also produces the second layer’s
score. The final score is then calculated from the summation of the first and second layers.
The most challenging aspect of this scheme is that it was based on risk assessment. Since
risk is dynamic, due to constant changes in the threat landscape and technology [39], the
measurement results might be different depending on the context and, therefore, impossible
to compare.
Created with the objective of helping security leaders measure the effectiveness of
security operations and identify improvement opportunities, the Security Effectiveness
Framework [30] from the Ponemon Institute consists of six metrics (uptime; compliance;
threat containment; cost management; breach prevention; policy enforcement) and five key
resources (budget; technology; control; governance; culture). It uses 13 questions with a
five-point scale from −2 to +2 to establish a rating. The final score (Security Effectiveness
Rating) is calculated from the summation of the average points without weighting. The
framework was used to survey 101 organizations from the UK and Europe and came
up with key recommendations based on the top five drivers that contribute to good Se-
curity Effectiveness Ratings and discerned the top five consequences for poor ratings.
Among other drivers, policy enforcement was the most important metric that supported
security effectiveness.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) under the U.S. De-
partment of Homeland Security developed the Cyber Resilience Review (CRR) [32] as a
lightweight assessment method that would allow organizations to evaluate their cyberse-
curity programs. The method was derived from the CERT Resilience Management Model
(CERT-RMM) [40], which defined the foundational practices that would determine an orga-
nization’s resilience management capabilities. The CRR comprises of 10 domains (Asset
management; Controls management; Configuration and change management; Vulnerability
management; Incident management; Service Continuity management; Risk management;
External dependencies management; Training and awareness; Situation awareness) that are
associated with 42 goals. It uses 299 questions with three-type responses (yes, no, incom-
plete) to evaluate the Maturity Level. The Maturity Level will be achieved when all goals
at each level are satisfied. This method, including the domains, goals, and measurement
mechanisms, follows the same approach used by C2M2 [25].

Perspective on Existing Methods

By considering all reviewed methods, we found that the majority of them used pre-
defined questions with point-scale responses that gather data and determine the level
of cybersecurity performance [25–30]. Then, the points were summarized, mostly as an
arithmetic mean [26,28,30], to produce a final score. Only two methods [28,29] applied
weighting before determining the results. One method [30] was based on a risk assess-
ment concept and used a 5 × 5 risk matrix (1–25 points) to determine scores. Several
methods [25,26,28,29,32] employed the Maturity Level concept (typically from 0 to 5) to
convert scores into comprehensible performance levels. These methods share some com-
mon challenges and limitations. All of them, except the Global Cybersecurity Assurance
Report Card [27], had relatively small performance scale intervals (e.g., from 0 to 5), which
caused insufficient structure granularity and caused the results to only be comparable at
high levels [41]. The use of a questionnaire with point-scale responses also requires some
degree of estimation and might create some variance among different respondents [23].
Furthermore, some methods have too few questions [26,27], making the results dubious;
whereas some methods have too many questions [25,32], thereby requiring significant effort
in the completion of the assessment.
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This research proposes a novel measurement method consisting of several adaptable

and reusable components that address the aforementioned challenges. The new method is
designed to be fast, reliable, and reusable so that any organization can use it as frequently
as needed. Furthermore, existing or future methods can also utilize the results of this
research to enhance their processes. Hence, this research will open many new avenues for
development in this area.

3. The Cyber Trust Index (CTI) Framework

We designed and developed each component of the CTI framework based on the
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Measurement Information Model recommended by ISO 15939 [24], as illustrated in7 Figure
of 30 1,
to ensure that our framework is adaptable and reusable by other measurement methods.

ISO 15939
ISO Measurement
15939 Information
Measurement Model.
Information Model.

CTI Framework Walkthrough

This section breaks down the CTI framework into its key elements and describes
them based on the measurement information model’s taxonomy.
Entity and information needed
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 7 of 27

CTI Framework Walkthrough

This section breaks down the CTI framework into its key elements and describes them
based on the measurement information model’s taxonomy.
Entity and Information Needed
Entity means the organization being measured and the information needed are the
results that represent how secure the organization is. To obtain the information needed, the
CTI uses the following components:
An attribute is a characteristic of an entity that can be measured and converted into
the information needed. Wanyonyi et al. and Tytarenko concluded that organizations are
more secure when they have suitable and effective security controls in place [42,43]. Since
there is a great deal of variety in security controls that could be used as attributes in our
framework, we compiled a baseline security control set from notable security standards and
best practices, including ISO 27001 [9], NIST CSF [11], PCI DSS v3.2 [12], NIST SP800-53
R4 [44], SANS Top 20 (CIS Controls) [45,46], ENISA IAF [47], and OWASP Top 10 [48,49].
The baseline security control compilation process was straightforward. We used NIST
CSF as a foundation, then explored all other standards and best practices referenced by
the NIST CSF. We then consolidated the controls with the same objectives into a unique
control. A score was assigned to each unique control by counting the number of standards
that recommend such a control. The unique controls that have a score of three or more,
which means there are at least three standards recommended as controls, were selected to
form our baseline security control set. The results were a total of 70 controls categorized
into 25 clusters and 12 dimensions.
The baseline security control set, as shown in Table 2, serves two objectives. The first
objective is its use as an attribute to be measured, and the second objective is to prove that
other components of CTI can work with any set of security controls because the baseline
security control was derived from various standards and best practices.

Table 2. CTI Controls, Clusters, and Dimensions.

Dimension Control Cluster

Governance 1. Cybersecurity Objective Policy and Procedure
2. Information Security Policy/Cybersecurity Policy
3. Cybersecurity Roles and Responsibilities
4. Legal and Regulatory Requirements regarding
5. Supplier Management Third Party Management
6. External Parties Personnel Management
7. External Parties Services and Delivery
Asset management 8. Inventory of Asset Asset management
9. Asset Categorization
10. Vulnerabilities of Asset
11. Use of Asset
12. Mobile Devices and BYOD Mobile and BYOD management
Risk management 13. Establishing the Context and Risk Process Risk management
14. Risk Assessment
15. Risk Treatment
End User management 16. Position Risk Designation Human resource management
17. Prior to Employment
18. During Employment
19. Termination and Change of Employment
Access control 20. Access Right Management Access management
21. Audit Trails linked to Individual Users
22. Authentication for Transaction
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 8 of 27

Table 2. Cont.

Dimension Control Cluster

23. Physical Access Physical access management
24. Remote Access Remote management
25. Remote Maintenance Control
26. Credential Management Privilege management
Data security 27. Data-at-Rest Data management
28. Data-in-Transit
29. Integrity Checking Mechanisms
30. Data Disposal
31. Data Leaks Protection Encryption management
Network security 32. Network Communication Diagram Network security management
33. Network Control
34. Network Segregation
35. Baseline of Network Traffic
Secure System Installation 36. Initialization Baseline security
37. Anti-virus Program Anti-virus management
Application Security 38. Development Environment Application security management
39. Security of Software Development Process
40. Change Control Process Change management
Cloud security 41. Cloud Service Management Cloud service management
Operation 42. Logging and Log Review Log management
43. Analysis of Event
44. Event Aggregation
45. Capacity Management Capacity management
46. Cybersecurity Events Detection Vulnerability management
47. Physical Security Detection
48. Personnel Suspicious Activity Detection
49. Malicious File Detection
50. Unauthorized Mobile Code Detection
51. Detection of Cybersecurity Event from External
Service Provider
52. Unauthorized Access Detection
53. Vulnerability Scanning
54. Roles and Responsibilities for Detection
55. Compliance of Detection Activities
56. Continual Improvement of Detection Processes
57. Sharing of Protection Technology Effectiveness
Response and Recovery 58. Business Impact Analysis Business continuity planning
59. Recovery Communication
60. Redundancies Backup management
61. Information Backup
62. Assessment of Event Impact Incident management
63. Incident Alert Thresholds
64. Communication of Event
65. Incident Response
66. Incident Response Communication
67. Incident Response Analysis
68. Incident Response Mitigation
69. Incident Response Recovery
70. Incident Response Improvement

Base measure
A base measure is a variable that we can assign a value to based on the measurement of
the attribute. It serves as an intermediate parameter that gives a signal about the attribute.
All methods listed in Table 1 do not have base measures, thereby causing the measurement
operations to be subjective and further requiring human judgment to rate or assign values
to the attributes. For example, when confronting a rating scale to evaluate the performance
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 30

assign values to the attributes. For example, when confronting a rating scale to evaluate
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 9 of 27
the performance of the attributes, the respondents must execute a mapping process be-
tween their own attitude and the associated point or level on the rating scale. The results
may depend on a respondent’s motivation and cognitive skills to provide accurate re-
of the attributes, the respondents must execute a mapping process between their own
sponses [50].
attitude and the associated point or level on the rating scale. The results may depend on a
To overcome this problem, the CTI framework uses Control Enablers as base
respondent’s motivation and cognitive skills to provide accurate responses [50].
measures. Control Enablers are the underlying factors that either mandate, support, or
To overcome this problem, the CTI framework uses Control Enablers as base measures.
influence the performance
Control Enablers of the controls.
are the underlying Cybersecurity
factors that performance
either mandate, is the
support, or outcome
influence the of
organizations implementing and operating various controls at different paces.
performance of the controls. Cybersecurity performance is the outcome of organizations Analyzing
the controls (attribute)
implementing and Control
and operating variousEnablers
controls (base measure)
at different paces.together will the
Analyzing help us move
(attribute) and Control Enablers (base measure) together will help us move beyond athe
a basic rating of the control itself, which requires human discretion, to identify
nature of the of
basic rating force at play.itself,
the control Furthermore, Control
which requires Enablers
human will help
discretion, us understand
to identify the nature why
of theorganizations
force at play.have better cybersecurity
Furthermore, performance
Control Enablers will helpthan others.
us understand why some
organizations have better
Control Enablers cybersecurity
are derived from performance
applying thethan others. Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Control Enablers are derived from applying the Analytical
with a set of candidate enablers that were obtained through literature Hierarchy Process
review. The(AHP)
with a set of candidate enablers that were obtained through
Control Enablers must satisfy the following three qualifying criteria:literature review. The selected
Control Enablers must satisfy the following three qualifying criteria:
1. The Control Enabler must either mandate, support, or influence the performance of
1. the
The Control Enabler must either mandate, support, or influence the performance of
the control.
2. The Control Enabler may or may not be the control itself. If the control plays its part
2. The Control Enabler may or may not be the control itself. If the control plays its part
in either mandating, supporting, or influencing the performance of other controls,
in either mandating, supporting, or influencing the performance of other controls,
then that particular control is also a Control Enabler.
then that particular control is also a Control Enabler.
3.3. The
must be
be objectively andunambiguously
objectively and unambiguouslymeasurable.
Theapplication of AHP
application of AHPbegins
beginsbyby constructing
constructing multiple
multiple logical
logical hierarchies
hierarchies for thefor
systematic assessment of the enablers by making pairwise comparisons for
tematic assessment of the enablers by making pairwise comparisons for each of the selected each of the
criteria criteria
against against
the goal.the goal.
Our Our
goal goal
is to is toControl
select select Control
EnablersEnablers that primarily
that primarily contributecon-
to the to the security
security controlcontrol performance,
performance, and our and our chosen
chosen criteriacriteria are Mandate,
are Mandate, Support,Support,
and Influence,
Influence, which
which are qualifying
are the the qualifying criteria
criteria that were
that were statedstated earlier.
earlier. Then, Then, the candi-
the candidate
date werewere
enablers mapped
mappedwith with
the hierarchical structure,
the hierarchical as illustrated
structure, in Figure
as illustrated in2.Figure 2.

goals, criteria, and candidate
criteria, and candidateenablers.

accommodate the the rating process,
process, wewedecided
usea a9-point
9-point scale,
scale, which
which waswas
recommendedby bySaaty
Saaty [51],
[51], mainly because
because thethescale
providedthe theproper
proper level
level of of gran-
ularity andcan
adequately classify the the options
presentation totoexperts.
experts.The rating
The rating
for each pair was obtained
for each pair was obtained from experts’ consensus during a focus group meeting.
experts’ consensus during a focus group meeting. Based Based
results, aa normalized
normalized criteria
criteria table
andanan Eigenvector
Eigenvector (λ)(λ)
calculated and used as a weight for assessing the
calculated and used as a weight for assessing the enablers. enablers.
Based on Saaty,
Saaty,we weused
Random Consistency IndexIndex
Consistency (RI) of (RI) n =33,for
3 for of andnthe
= 3,Consis-
and the
tency Index (CI) and Consistency Rate (CR) have been computed using Formulas (1) and (2),
Consistency Index (CI) and Consistency Rate (CR) have been computed using Formulas
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 10 of 27

respectively. The CR rate was 8.34%, which is less than 10%, so our table can be consid-
ered consistent.
(λmax − n)
CI = (1)
( n − 1)
CR = (2)
In the next step of the process, a normalized comparison table of candidate Control
Enablers and their criteria was created using the weights obtained from the previous step,
as described in Table 3. Likewise, the rating for each pair using Saaty’s scale was obtained
from experts during a focus group meeting.

Table 3. Prioritized enablers.

Candidate Enabler Mandate Support Influence

Priority Weight Priority Weight (%) Ranking
Weight 0.283 0.643 0.074
Automation 0.034 0.109 0.005 0.148 14.81 2
Awareness 0.007 0.033 0.005 0.044 4.41
Culture 0.007 0.033 0.005 0.044 4.41
DR 0.007 0.055 0.005 0.066 6.59
Experience 0.007 0.055 0.005 0.066 6.59
Measurement 0.048 0.055 0.011 0.113 11.34 5
Org Structure with Role
0.048 0.076 0.015 0.140 13.97 3
& Responsibility (R&R)
Reporting 0.048 0.076 0.011 0.135 13.52 4
Skill & Competency 0.007 0.076 0.005 0.088 8.77
Policies & Procedures 0.069 0.076 0.011 0.156 15.59 1

From the AHP results, we can select the top five enablers that most affect our goal.
Some of them, such as Policies and Procedures and Organization Structure with Role and
Responsibility, have been renamed to improve clarity and understanding. The selected
Control Enablers for our framework are listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Proposed Control Enablers.

Control Enabler Descriptions References

Organization Direction and Process refers to how organizations
Organization Direction and Process (OP) document, mandate, and communicate their cybersecurity [52–60]
direction in the form of policies or procedures.
Organization Structure refers to how organizations clearly
Organization Structure (OS) define roles and responsibilities for cybersecurity controls or [52,54,61–65]
tasks and assign resources accordingly.
Automation refers to the degree to which security controls are
performed automatically to ensure that the controls are
Automation (AT) [54,66–71]
continuously operated and updated with minimum
human intervention.
Performance Evaluation refers to how an organization defines
metrics for security control outcomes, performs measurements
Performance Evaluation (PE) [18,54,72–77]
to validate the outcome, and takes corrective or improvement
actions as necessary.
Reporting refers to how the output or key information
Reporting (RP) produced from security controls is reported to the [54,77–80]
intended audience.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 11 of 27

To evaluate security control performance through the Control Enablers, we need

to define a scale that represents the level of ability each Control Enabler can contribute
to the effectiveness of the control. We then adopted the capability and maturity model
concept [20,52,53] and segmented each Control Enabler into levels called Capability Tiers,
as shown in Table 5. The Control Enablers in higher Tiers will contribute to more effective
security control.

Table 5. Capability Tiers.


Control Enabler Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

Not Performed Performed Planned and Well Defined Proactively Continuously

Informally Tracked Controlled Improving
Policy and Policy and Policy and Policy and
Organization process review and
No policy or process defined, process
Direction and process defined improvement
internal process but not communicated to implemented
Process (OP) and published of the policy
documented stakeholders consistently
and process
Someone may
Clear role and Clear role and Role and Role and
take care of the responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
Organization No one taking control, but no
role and defined, but no defined with reviewed and reviewed and
Structure (OS) care of the control updated at least updated on
responsibility dedicated role dedicated role
for security for security on annual basis ongoing basis
Highly Fully automated Automation tool
No tool Control is Semi-automated automated, is monitored and
Automation to support performed (less to non
Tool (AT) human and tool human continuously
the control manually mix-operations intervention at human
some points only intervention) updated

Metric reviewed Metric reviewed

Metric defined Metric defined and updated at and updated
Ad-hoc and measurement and measurement least on annual
Performance No measurement performed for performed for regularly.
Evaluation (PE) or metric measurement (no basis. Measurement
metric defined) critical policies all policies Measurement performed
or processes and processes performed
regularly continuously

Routine reporting, Reporting

fully documented requirements
Ad-hoc reporting, Periodic Routine reporting,
No reporting reporting, partial and sent to established,
Reporting (RP) regularly
not documented fully documented concerned
individual reviewed
or entity and updated

Measurement Method
ISO 15939 defines two types of measurement methods. The first method involves
human judgment (subjective) and the second method performs measurements based on
fact (objective). Since our main purpose was to avoid a point-scale that required discretion
in rating, a series of binary questions (Y/N) is used as our measurement method to match a
Control Enabler with its Capability Tier. The highest achieved tier is then transformed into
a score for that enabler. With this binary questioning technique, the respondents only need
to choose between two choices and not the ordinal multi-choice formats (such as Likert
scales), thereby making the results faster, simpler, and equally reliable [81].
To further improve our measurement method, we use a question path to optimize
the number of questions each respondent needs to answer. Rather than answering a fixed
set of questions to determine performance levels (usually Maturity Levels) [25,28,32], the
question path provides dynamic questions that are presented to the respondent based on
their previous answers. There are many possible paths, but the most optimized path was
selected and presented in Figure 3. The path begins with question 1 (Q1), which aims to
verify whether the base measure achieves Capability Tier 2 or not. Upon answering yes, the
path continues to the right and the respondent is presented with Q2, which verifies Tier 4
achievement, and then Q3, which verifies Tier 5 achievement. The circle symbol represents
the end of the path and the final Tier being achieved. Whenever the respondent answers
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 12 of 27

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW

no, an alternative question will be presented to measure a different Tier achievement,
continuing until reaching the end of the path.

Figure 3. 3.
CTICTI question
question path.path.

To determine which Tier (0–5) the base measure achieves, we only need to ask up to
To determine
three questions. Hence,which Tier
by using (0–5) the
a question pathbase
withmeasure achieves,
binary questions wethe
(Y/N), only need to a
three questions. Hence, by using a question path with binary questions
process is faster, more accurate, easier to perform, and reduces the respondent’s fatigue (Y/N), th
when is faster,
compared more
to the accurate,
methods that doeasier
not useto perform,
this techniqueand reduces
[81,82]. the
Existing respondent’s
may benefit from adopting the binary question format and question path
when compared to the methods that do not use this technique [81,82]. Existing techniques to m
enhance their measurement processes.
may benefit from adopting the binary question format and question path techn
enhance Measure
their measurementprocesses.
A derived measure captures information from multiple attributes through two or more
Derived Measure
base measures and transforms them into a new value that can be used to compare different
entities. derived measure
uses Cluster captures information
and Dimension scores as derivedfrom multiple
measures. The attributes
more base measures and transforms them into a new value thatget
begins by summarizing the scores of all applicable Control Enablers to cana cluster
be used to c
score. Then, in the next step, all cluster scores are calculated to find the arithmetic mean,
different entities. CTI uses Cluster and Dimension scores as derived measures. T
which becomes the scores for the respective dimensions. Of note, the CTI binary questions
and questionprocess
path werebegins by to
designed summarizing
work with the the scores
derived of allfrom
measures applicable
the ground Control
up. Ena
get abinary
Each cluster score.was
question Then, in to
created the next data
capture step,from
all cluster
multiple scores are calculated
base measures (Enablers into find t
this case)mean,
and thewhich
results becomes
are presentedthein scores
the formforof athe respective
derived measure dimensions. Of note,
(cluster). In other
question is and
presented at the cluster
question level rather
path were than thetobaseline
designed work security
with the control
derived m
level. This helps reduce the number of questions and makes the answering process more
from the ground up. Each binary question was created to capture data from multi
pleasant for the respondents [50].
measures (Enablers in this case) and the results are presented in the form of a
measure (cluster). In other words, the question is presented at the cluster level rat
the An indicator serves as the final element in the measurement information model and
baseline security control level. This helps reduce the number of questions an
interprets and presents the measurement results to the user with respect to the defined
the answering
information needsprocess more
and further pleasant forInthe
decision-making. therespondents [50].
CTI framework, a typical grading
rubric (A to F) was used to represent the performance of each dimension and the overall
cybersecurity state of the measured entity.
ToAn indicator
obtain serves
a final grade, theas the of
scores final element
the clusters arein the measurement
averaged information
and then compared with mo
the and presents
grading criteria, which canthe measurement
be interpreted results
in terms of the to
anduser withactions,
required respectas to the
information needs and further decision-making. In the CTI framework, a typical
described in Table 6.
rubric (A to F) was used to represent the performance of each dimension and the
cybersecurity state of the measured entity.
To obtain a final grade, the scores of the clusters are averaged and then co
with the grading criteria, which can be interpreted in terms of the risk and requ
tions, as described in Table 6.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 13 of 27

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 30

Table 6. Grading criteria and interpretation of the results.

Grade Score Description Inherent Risk and Required Actions

Table 6. Grading criteria and interpretation of the results.
A 81–100 Very Good cyber rating Very low risk, improvement is optional.
Grade Score Description Inherent Risk and Required Actions
B 71–80 Good cyber rating Low risk, improvement would be beneficial.
A 81–100 Very Good cyber rating Very low risk, improvement is optional.
C 61–70 Moderate cyber rating Medium risk, needs to plan for improvement.
B 71–80 Good cyber rating Low risk, improvement would be beneficial.
CD 51–60
61–70 Weakcyber
Moderate cyber rating
rating MediumHigh risk, risk,
needs needs improvement
to plan as soon as possible.
for improvement.
DF 0–50
51–60 Very weak
Weak cybercyber rating High risk,
rating Extreme
needs risk, needs immediate
improvement as soon improvement.
as possible.
F 0–50 Very weak cyber rating Extreme risk, needs immediate improvement.
4. Results
4. Results
This section explains the framework evaluation and stress testing results along with a
discussion section
of theexplains the framework
key findings, evaluation
critical insights, and and stress testing results
recommendations. alongevaluation
Different with
a discussion of the key findings, critical insights, and recommendations. Different evalu-
methods were used to identify the framework’s suitability and capability. The qualitative
ation methods were used to identify the framework’s suitability and capability. The qual-
method is an expert in-depth interview based on open-ended questions that uses the
itative method is an expert in-depth interview based on open-ended questions that uses
Fuzzy Delphi technique. Suggestions from experts were used to improve the framework.
the Fuzzy Delphi technique. Suggestions from experts were used to improve the frame-
The next step is stress testing the framework stress, which was comprised of sending the
work. The next step is stress testing the framework stress, which was comprised of send-
CTI questionnaires to 80 organizations across the Critical Information Infrastructure (CII)
ing the CTI questionnaires to 80 organizations across the Critical Information Infrastruc-
sector [83], as well as some generic sectors in Thailand. Responses from 35 out of the
ture (CII) sector [83], as well as some generic sectors in Thailand. Responses from 35 out
80 organizations were checked to ensure the quality of the data before performing data
of the 80 organizations were checked to ensure the quality of the data before performing
data All missing
analyses. values
All missing or or
values outliers were
outliers confirmed
were confirmedwith
therespondents. After the
respondents. After
quality check, all variables in our dataset represented a normal distribution with
the quality check, all variables in our dataset represented a normal distribution with skew- skewness
ness thatthat
values ranged between
ranged between −−1.129
1.129 and 0.410,with
and 0.410, withonly
onlyoneone value
value thatthat being
being less less
− 1.0. The Kurtosis values are between 1.310 and 3.392, with only one value
−1.0. The Kurtosis values are between 1.310 and 3.392, with only one value that exceeds that exceeds
3.0. Thus, for a small sample size, this result enables the presumption that our dataset is is
3.0. Thus, for a small sample size, this result enables the presumption that our dataset
distributed normally[84].
Furthermore, Cronbach’s
Cronbach’s Alpha
Alpha (α) (α)
waswas calculated
calculated to confirm
to confirm
the internal consistency and reliability of the CTI framework. This result
the internal consistency and reliability of the CTI framework. This result is 0.880, whichis 0.880, which
means our
means ourframework

4.1. The
4.1. TheState
Cybersecurityinin Thailand
Our findingdemonstrates
demonstrates the
the cybersecurity
cybersecurity performance
performance of organizations
of organizations in various
in various
sectors of Thailand, with the lowest score being 9, the highest score being 93, and
sectors of Thailand, with the lowest score being 9, the highest score being 93, and 61 being61 being
the average score. Figure 4 presents the distribution of the CTI score for all 35 organizations
the average score. Figure 4 presents the distribution of the CTI score for all 35 organiza-
in ascending
tions order.
in ascending order.

Figure 4.4.CTI
Figure scoreand
From the results, 48.6% of the measured organizations have strong cybersecurity per-
formance (34.3% got an A grade and 14.3% got a B). On the other hand, more than half of
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 14 of 27
the measured organizations (51.4%) have weak cybersecurity performance (C, D, and F
grades). Ten organizations (28.6%) received an F grade, which indicates a very weak cy-
bersecurity posture and requires
From immediate
the results, improvement.
48.6% of the The results
measured organizations haveshow a degree
strong of
consistency with the cybersecurity
performance (34.3% gotmaturity survey
an A grade of 114
and 14.3% gotcompanies
a B). On the that
more than half
by McKinsey andofCompany
the measured in organizations (51.4%)pointed
2021 [87], which have weak cybersecurity
out that mostperformance (C, D, and
of the surveyed
F grades). Ten organizations (28.6%) received an F grade,
organizations (70%) have not reached the mature cybersecurity state. Another research which indicates a very weak
cybersecurity posture and requires immediate improvement. The results show a degree of
study conducted consistency
in 2016 [26] also summarized similar results, with 75% of the surveyed
with the cybersecurity maturity survey of 114 companies that was performed
organizations having significant
by McKinsey and cybersecurity
Company in 2021 risk exposure
[87], and only
which pointed 25%
out that being
most consid-
of the surveyed
ered mature. Thisorganizations
fact highlights(70%)thehave
not reachedandthechallenges in managing
mature cybersecurity state.cybersecurity
Another research
risks as the number study
of conducted in 2016 [26] alsoremains
mature organizations summarized similar results,
unchanged fromwith the 75%
organizations having significant cybersecurity risk exposure and only 25% being considered
mature. This fact highlights the difficulties and challenges in managing cybersecurity risks
When conducting a cross-tabulation
as the number analysis,
of mature organizations we identified
remains unchangedthe fromtelecommunication
the past up to the present.
industry as the top performer, with ana industry
When conducting average
cross-tabulation scorewe
analysis, asidentified
high as 90. The transpor-
the telecommunication
tation industry is industry
the most as undeveloped
the top performer, with an industry
industry, with theaverage
lowestscore as high asaverage
industry 90. The transporta-
tion industry is the most undeveloped industry, with the lowest
of 25. Figure 5 presents an additional visualization of the industry average scores versus industry average score of
25. Figure 5 presents an additional visualization of the industry average scores versus the
the research average scores
research and scores
average provides an answer
and provides to thetofirst
an answer research
the first research question
question (RQ1).

5. Industry
Figure 5. Industry AVG AVG versus
Research ResearchNote:
AVG scores. AVG Highly
scores. Note: Highly(H-R),
regulated regulated (H-R), Indirectly
Indirectly reg-
regulated (I-R), Low regulated (L-R).
ulated (I-R), Low regulated (L-R).
We can see from Figure 5 that telecommunication (90), information technology (85),
We can see from Figure 5(84)
and insurance that
aretelecommunication (90),government
the leading sectors, whereas information (41)technology
and education(85),
(40) are
lacking sectors, which is consistent with the results of other studies
and insurance (84) are the leading sectors, whereas government (41) and education (40) [26,27]. Transportation
(25) is the least promising sector with the lowest score in our study. It is important to
are lacking sectors, which is consistent with the results of other studies [26,27]. Transpor-
note that the leading sectors in our results have well-established regulators who exercise
tation (25) is the least promising
an active sector cybersecurity
role in driving with the lowest scoreOn
practices. in the
study. It istheimportant
hand, regulators of
to note that the leading sectors
the lacking in have
sectors our results have well-established
yet to proactively regulators
enforce cybersecurity practiceswho exer-
among their
cise an active role in driving cybersecurity practices. On the other hand, the regulators of
the lacking sectors have yet to proactively enforce cybersecurity practices among their
regulated organizations. The driving force of regulators indeed provides an answer to
part of RQ2, specifically the external driving factor. In addition, these results show logical
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 15 of 27

regulated organizations. The driving force of regulators indeed provides an answer to

part of RQ2, specifically the external driving factor. In addition, these results show logical
coherence with the surveys performed by ITU [33] and McKinsey and Company [87] in that
the regulated industries with active enforcing regulators progress toward a more decent
cybersecurity performance.

4.2. The Key Drivers for Cybersecurity Performance

To answer the second research question (RQ2) and confirm that Control Enablers are
important internal factors that drive organizations’ cybersecurity performance, we ran a
multiple linear regression on the data of an organization that has a CTI score that is closest
to the overall mean score (61). All five Control Enablers were used as independent variables
and organization scores were used as the dependent variable. The Control Enabler score
was calculated from the Capability Tier (Table 5). For example, if the questionnaire results
indicated that the selected organization has a well-defined policy (Tier 3) for the Access
Management Cluster, the OP Enabler will get a score of 3. We continued the computation
process until all Control Enablers were scored for all respective Clusters. The regression
results are shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Multiple Linear Regression.

Coefficients Std Err LCL UCL T Stat p-Value

Intercept 13.432 8.916 −5.228 32.093 1.507 0.148
OP 7.990 3.411 0.851 15.129 2.343 0.030
OS 1.656 2.575 −3.733 7.045 0.643 0.528
AT 3.041 2.565 −2.327 8.410 1.186 0.250
PE 3.085 2.481 −2.107 8.277 1.244 0.229
RP 2.695 2.648 −2.848 8.238 1.018 0.322
Note: LCL—Lower limit of the 95% confidence interval, UCL—Upper limit of the 95% confidence interval.

The R value is 0.8703, which indicates a strong linear relationship between the Control
Enablers and the cluster scores [88]. The R-Squared is 0.7574, which indicates that 75.74% of
the variance in the cluster scores can be explained by the capability of the Control Enablers.
The overall p-value is 0.00003, which is less than the significance level (<0.001) and was
demonstrated to be, overall, statistically significant. A regression analysis of other organi-
zations also yielded results in the same direction. Hence, we can conclude that the Control
Enablers are a good fit for the model. Each individual coefficient of the Control Enabler has
a positive value, thereby interpreting the positive contribution to the organization scores.
The OP has a high significance (p-value < 0.05) and indicates that it is the most important
Control Enabler that helps drive an organization’s cybersecurity performance. Our findings
are consistent with the study of Bahuguna, Bisht, and Pande, who conducted a study on
cybersecurity maturity in Indian organizations through facilitated table-top exercises (TTX)
and self-assessment questionnaires [89]. They reported that effective policy implementation
is the first priority for improving the cybersecurity maturity of organizations. This also
corresponds to the findings of Prislan, Mihelič, and Bernik [16], which indicated that the
area of information security policy and compliance play an important role in the degree of
information security development.

4.3. Cybersecurity Priorities for the Next Normal

To answer the third research question (RQ3), we used the Two-Tailed T-test method
to determine the cybersecurity priorities. In Table 8, the average score of each dimension
was compared with the average score of all the dimensions combined. The dimensions
that received high significance scores represent the areas that most organizations have
performed well in, which are Secure System Installation and Respond and Recovery. The
dimensions with low significance scores are the weak areas that are susceptible to cyber
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 16 of 27

risks, thus requiring prioritized actions. These dimensions are Data Security and Cloud
Security. The relatively weak performance in the Data Security dimension emphasizes the
necessity for raising the bar in protecting personal data to ensure compliance with global
and local regulations, such as the EU GDPR and Thailand Personal Data Protection Act
(PDPA), as well as protecting the security of data at rest and in transit [16,30]. Organizations
should also consider strengthening their controls to protect the remote workforce and
cloud applications, especially when they embrace cloud-first and work-from-anywhere
strategies [87].

Table 8. Two-Tailed T-test for each CTI dimension.

Dimension Mean SD t-Score p (2-Tailed)

Governance 57.371 6.676 −0.544 0.590
Asset Management 55.200 4.889 −1.186 0.244
Risk Management 73.086 6.951 1.739 0.091
End User Management 57.000 5.592 −0.715 0.479
Access Control 64.000 5.821 0.515 0.610
Data Security 45.029 6.130 −2.605 0.014 **
Network Security 69.429 5.929 1.421 0.164
Secure System Installation 77.857 4.681 3.601 0.001 *
Application Security 62.171 6.245 0.188 0.852
Cloud Security 38.429 7.342 −3.074 0.004 **
Operation Security 63.914 6.085 0.479 0.635
Respond and Recovery 71.914 5.088 2.145 0.039 *
Note: * high significance (p < 0.05), ** low significance (p < 0.05).

Based on the dimension correlation data in Table 9, it is recommended that the im-
plementation of strong access control will help to improve data security and application
security since there are high intercorrelations between these dimensions. This finding
reflects the current technology and compliance trend wherein most businesses are striving
to develop applications to serve customers [90]. These applications require strict access
control to ensure only authorized users can access the system and data [91].

Table 9. CTI dimension correlation matrix.

Dimension D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12

D1 Governance 1.000 0.596 0.483 0.392 0.730 0.547 0.721 0.488 0.736 0.345 0.654 0.733
D2 Asset Management 0.596 1.000 0.344 0.540 0.500 0.418 0.487 0.283 0.413 0.280 0.352 0.517
D3 Risk Management 0.483 0.344 1.000 0.478 0.523 0.442 0.323 0.239 0.534 0.382 0.519 0.455
D4 End User Management 0.392 0.540 0.478 1.000 0.592 0.535 0.348 0.332 0.455 0.475 0.413 0.427
D5 Access Control 0.730 0.500 0.523 0.592 1.000 0.826 0.717 0.495 0.826 0.596 0.728 0.722
D6 Data Security 0.547 0.418 0.442 0.535 0.826 1.000 0.587 0.508 0.757 0.684 0.641 0.598
D7 Network Security 0.721 0.487 0.323 0.348 0.717 0.587 1.000 0.580 0.706 0.331 0.646 0.800
D8 Secure System Installation 0.488 0.283 0.239 0.332 0.495 0.508 0.580 1.000 0.681 0.345 0.673 0.597
D9 Application Security 0.736 0.413 0.534 0.455 0.826 0.757 0.706 0.681 1.000 0.653 0.832 0.809
D10 Cloud Security 0.345 0.280 0.382 0.475 0.596 0.684 0.331 0.345 0.653 1.000 0.444 0.433
D11 Operation Security 0.654 0.352 0.519 0.413 0.728 0.641 0.646 0.673 0.832 0.444 1.000 0.773
D12 Respond and Recovery 0.733 0.517 0.455 0.427 0.722 0.598 0.800 0.597 0.809 0.433 0.773 1.000

To further understand the priorities and importance of each dimension, we applied

the K-Mean Clustering technique [92] to classify the dimensions into three clusters, as
illustrated in Table 10.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 17 of 27

1. Most critical dimensions: This group result is aligned with the Two-Tailed T-test
results that were discussed earlier. It comprises the Data Security and Cloud Security
dimensions, which received the lowest scores among the other groups. Policymakers
and organization leaders should review and update their current cybersecurity strat-
egy and investment initiatives to give priority to these two dimensions where possible.
2. Important dimensions: This group combined related dimensions that form part of the
fundamental practice for identifying and mitigating cyber risks. Some organizations
received decent scores on these dimensions. Organizations that are just starting to
plan and implement cybersecurity programs, e.g., startups and SMEs, may consider
these dimensions as a good starting point.
3. Necessary dimensions: This group mostly contains technical-oriented dimensions.
All of them are necessary for building organizational capabilities to prevent, detect,
respond, and recover from cyber threats. This group also has the Governance dimen-
sion, which performs the evaluate, direct, and monitor functions [28] and ensures
other dimensions are strategically aligned with objectives.

Table 10. K-Mean Clustering results.

Cluster 1 2 3
Number of objects by cluster 6 4 2
Sum of weights 6 4 2
Within-cluster variance 12,272.067 28,362.500 18,581.500
Minimum distance to centroid 85.522 125.482 96.389
Average distance to centroid 100.265 144.974 96.389
Maximum distance to centroid 124.121 165.534 96.389
D1 Governance D2 Asset Management D6 Data Security
D5 Access Control D3 Risk Management D10 Cloud Security
D7 Network Security D4 End User Management
D9 Application Security D8 Secure System Install
D11 Operation Security
D12 Respond and Recovery

4.4. Cluster Performance Analysis

To leverage the CTI results on an organization’s cybersecurity performance and to
suggest benchmarking data for the global community, we analyzed the specific dataset that
was created from the top 25th percentile of organizations. These organizations have scored
higher than the other 75% of organizations in our study and should be considered a role
model for others. This dataset has eight organizations spread across the telecommunication,
insurance, IT, government, and financial sectors.
From Figure 6, the top organizations have a solid foundation for managing the legal
aspect of cybersecurity. Furthermore, they have a well-established process for ensuring
compliance with local and international cyber-related regulations. On the contrary, accord-
ing to our study, most organizations need to adequately extend their legal practice to cover
key suppliers or data processors. Organizations should establish a governance process to
manage the compliance obligations of key suppliers through strong contract management.
Privilege and access management are the second and third highest-scored clusters,
thereby reinforcing the recommendations from other studies [93–95] that Identity Manage-
ment and Access Controls are the most critical elements in every cybersecurity program.
Log management is the fourth-ranked cluster. It is driven by the Computer-Related Crime
Act B.E. 2550 of Thailand (CCA) [96]. The CCA requires organizations to retain and protect
access logs for at least 90 days, so most organizations are already in the mature stage of log
management. Similarly, many organizations have a formal change management process,
making it the fifth-ranked cluster in our study.
Appl. Sci.
Appl. Sci. 2022,
18 of 30
of 27

Figure 6.
Figure 6. Cluster
Cluster performance
performance ranking
ranking of
of 25th-percentile

When and access
we look management
at the clusters with low arescores,
the second and thirdmust
organizations highest-scored clusters,
pay closer attention
to securing reinforcing
mobile and theBYODrecommendations
devices. Thisfrom other studies
is underscored by [93–95]
the fact that
that Identity
ThailandMan- and
many otherand Access Controls
developing countriesarehave
the most critical elements
an exponential growth in rateevery cybersecurity
of mobile banking pro- and
e-payment [97], which has
gram. Log management expanded
is the the risk
fourth-ranked surface.
cluster. It is Organizations should also take
driven by the Computer-Related
Crime Act steps to2550
B.E. manage and reduce
of Thailand (CCA) the risks
[96]. TheofCCAusing user-owned
requires devices/services
organizations to retain and in
business activities
protect access logs(shadow
for at leastIT) [98].
90 days, so most organizations are already in the mature
stageData security
of log is anotherSimilarly,
management. shortfall cluster among organizations.
many organizations Security
have a formal measures
change such
as dataprocess,
ment classification,
making labeling, masking, and
it the fifth-ranked data in
cluster leakage prevention should be considered
our study.
with the
When aimweoflook
identifying and protecting
at the clusters with lowthe dataorganizations
scores, based on its sensitivity throughout
must pay closer attentionits
life cycle [99,100].
to securing mobileMost andorganizations
BYOD devices. areThis
doing less in baseline
is underscored bysecurity.
the factThis
that is particularly
Thailand and
many other and has been highlighted
developing countries have by the
an new version of
exponential the ISO
growth 27001
rate that was
of mobile published
banking and
on 25 October 2022 [101], wherein organizations must define secure
e-payment [97], which has expanded the risk surface. Organizations should also take cru- baseline configurations
and ensure
cial steps toall criticaland
manage information
reduce theassets
risks are configured
of using according
user-owned to the baseline.
devices/services in business
The shift from on-premise
activities (shadow IT) [98]. to cloud computing and the growing reliance on the cloud
that has
Data been drivenisbyanother
security the COVID-19
shortfallpandemic has created
cluster among a massive Security
organizations. demand measures
for better
management of security inlabeling,
such as data classification, the cloud. Based on
masking, andthe respondents
data of our study,
leakage prevention shouldas organi-
be con-
zations are adopting a cloud-first strategy and focusing on running
sidered with the aim of identifying and protecting the data based on its sensitivity the business on the
cloud, security is one of the most undeveloped areas due to the misconception
throughout its life cycle [99,100]. Most organizations are doing less in baseline security. that it is the
responsibility of the cloud service provider [95,102].
This is particularly important and has been highlighted by the new version of the ISO
27001 It that
is also essential
was publishedfor organizations
on 25 October to focus on raising
2022 [101], whereinusers’organizations
awareness and educating
must define
them on good cyber hygiene practices that will help reduce phishing
secure baseline configurations and ensure all critical information assets are configured risks, which are the
according attack
to thevector of most cyber attacks [103,104]. This is highlighted in the Human
Resources Management cluster in our study.
The shift from on-premise to cloud computing and the growing reliance on the cloud
Ultimately, the findings from our research and other studies have led to similar
that has been driven by the COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive demand for better
conclusions, wherein most organizations should prioritize their actions to protect business
management of security in the cloud. Based on the respondents of our study, as organiza-
and personal data as well as the data in the cloud [95,99,105,106] by applying a combination
tions are adopting a cloud-first strategy and focusing on running the business on the
of technical and process-based controls [16,87].
cloud, security is one of the most undeveloped areas due to the misconception that it is
the responsibility of the cloud service provider [95,102].
It is also essential for organizations to focus on raising users’ awareness and educat-
ing them on good cyber hygiene practices that will help reduce phishing risks, which are
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 19 of 27

5. Discussion
This research complements earlier works by proposing a framework that is derived
from significant security standards and research papers. This research attempted to create
a lightweight method that could deliver fast and accurate results. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first cybersecurity performance measurement method design based
on the ISO 15939 measurement information model, which is being tested in real-world
organization settings, especially across various industry sectors. The CTI can be used as
a complete toolkit for the evaluation of an organization’s performance or for use in some
selected parts to support and enhance other measurement methods. Organizations and
regulators can use the data and analytical insight to benchmark their progress and define
improvement targets. This section will discuss the importance of and the way to leverage
both internal and external factors for performance improvement. We also provided a
step-wise roadmap for organizations and regulators to use to get the most benefits from
our framework and research data.

5.1. The Need for Cyber Regulating Body and Return on Enforcement—The External Factor
This subsection focuses on the comparison of cyber performance among Highly regu-
lated (H-R), Indirectly regulated (I-R), and Low regulated (L-R) organizations, as illustrated
in Figure 5.
In Thailand, many regulating bodies supervise specific industry operations. Among
many regulators, there are only four active regulators enforcing cybersecurity practices:
(1) the Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC),
which regulates the telecommunication sector; (2) the Bank of Thailand (BOT), which
regulates the financial sector; (3) the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which
regulates the capital market—and recently include digital asset business; and (4) the Office
of Insurance Commission (OIC), which regulates the insurance sector. All four industry
sectors regulated by the NBTC, BOT, SEC, and OIC are grouped to form the Highly
regulated (H-R) sectors in our study.
Our findings conclude that industry sectors with active regulators enforcing cybersecu-
rity practices will have a significantly higher performance, with an average score of 80%. In
comparison, Low regulated (L-R) sectors only have an average score of 27%, as illustrated
in Figure 5. The H-R sectors achieved a 197.53% higher performance than the average
score of Low regulated (L-R) sectors, which are comprised the government, education, and
transportation sectors, as shown in Table 11.

Table 11. %Performance differences between each level of regulator enforcement.

Research AVG I-R H-R

L-R 55.94% 174.07% 197.53%
Research AVG - 20.76% 31.09%
Note: Highly regulated (H-R), Indirectly regulated (I-R), Low regulated (L-R).

The H-R sectors also have a 31.09% higher performance than the average score we
developed from our research. Furthermore, there is one specific group to point out: the
Indirectly regulated industry (I-R), which comprises the information technology and food
and beverage sectors. These sectors do not have active regulators but receive indirect
enforcement of cybersecurity practices. For example, the IT service providers who provide
services or develop an application for the H-R sectors are subject to strict validation and
verification of decent cybersecurity practices through ISO 27001 certification or independent
audit reports. The food and beverage sector must also comply with the customers’ strict
exporting rules and regulations, which are mainly regulated in the US and EU. Some
of these regulations require basic cyber hygiene practices. Thus, the organizations in I-
R sectors have a 174.07% and 20.76% better performance than the average score of L-R
sectors and the research average, respectively. The L-R sectors with a 55.94% lower current
performance compared to the average score from the research must receive immediate
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 20 of 27

attention from all stakeholders—i.e., the organization leader, regulator, and government—
to set the policy, allocate resources, and take corrective actions to improve the situation
before the risk materializes.
This leads to the conclusion that the more active and stricter the cyber regulating
practices, the greater the cybersecurity performance of the organizations. The governments
in developing countries can use the data from this study to develop a business case and
target KPIs in order to establish cyber regulating bodies, given that the results show
positive returns; moreover, this ripple effect will spread beyond the regulated sectors to the
indirectly regulated organizations.

5.2. Leverage Control Enabler to Drive Cybersecurity Performance—The Internal Factor

Referring to RQ2, we aimed to identify the key factors that drive cybersecurity perfor-
mance. Table 12 shows that top performer organizations (org score 81–93) have all Enablers
(OP, OS, AT, PE, RP) in Tier 4 or more with an average Enabler score of 4+. Advanced
organizations have most Enablers in Tier 3–4 with an average Enabler score of 3–3.9. Inter-
mediate organizations have some Enablers in Tier 2 or 3 with an average Enabler score of
2–2.9. Last, beginner organizations have most Enablers in Tier 1 with an average Enabler
score of 0–1.9.

Table 12. Organization cybersecurity performance profile based on Capability Tier and Enabler Score.

Group Beginner Intermediate Advanced Leader

Capability Tier 0–2 2–3 3–4 4+
Enabler Score 0–1.9 2–2.9 3–3.9 4+
Org CTI Score ≤50 51–70 71–80 81–93
Grade F D–C B A
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 23 of 30
As illustrated in Figure 7, the positive correlation confirms that Control Enablers in
the higher Tiers will help organizations achieve better cybersecurity performance.

Figure 7. Contribution of Control Enabler to Organization Cybersecurity Performance.

Figure 7. Contribution of Control Enabler to Organization Cybersecurity Performance.

By analyzing the profiles of leader organizations in Figure 7, we found the five best
practices that can deliver a better cybersecurity performance—all are closely tied to our
Control Enablers.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 21 of 27

By analyzing the profiles of leader organizations in Figure 7, we found the five best
practices that can deliver a better cybersecurity performance—all are closely tied to our
Control Enablers.
1. Make the security policy and process “live”. Although many organizations nowa-
days are shifting focus from policy-based to platform- or technology-based security controls,
policy- and process-based controls are still important, especially in areas where technology
is not mature or costly [16,87]. One of the critical success factors of advanced entities in
CTI ranking is that they have a documented policy and process, communicate them to
all stakeholders, and take proactive steps to ensure that the policies and processes are
consistently followed.
Organizations can implement this best practice by improving the OP Enabler to reach
at least Tier 4. In fact, OP is the most cost-effective Enabler based on the responses of leader
organizations, as it helps drive the performance of most clusters in all dimensions.
2. Build human-centric cybersecurity. There are four subsequent best practices that
organizations can follow and all of them are part of leveling the OS Enabler up to Tier 4:
(1) Roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined for employees who will take care of
security controls operations. These roles must cover all clusters of the CTI. Once defined,
the roles and responsibilities must be reviewed and updated on an annual basis; (2) ensure
that the security team has adequate staff; (3) consider segregating or having dedicated
roles for some specific CTI clusters, such as Legal, Risk Management, Human Resource
Management, Access and Privilege Management, Incident Management, and Business
Continuity Management. These are the top dedicated roles that have been reported by
leader organizations; and (4) since humans are the first line of defense [107,108], organi-
zations must cultivate human-centric cybersecurity by constantly raising awareness and
providing security education that is appropriate for each role. The content of the training
and awareness education must be reviewed for its effectiveness. Additionally, employees
and the security team must be consistently evaluated to ensure the possession of adequate
skills and knowledge for their roles and responsibilities.
3. Use technology to optimize operations. Organizations should harness modern
technology, such as cybersecurity automation, AI, and machine learning, to deliver better
results, reduce staff workload, and enable faster cyber threat detection and response.
Automation is one of our recommended Enablers. The organization can gain significant
value by implementing automation technology at Tier 4 of the OT Enabler. Automation is a
workaround when cyber talent shortage is a global problem [94,109]. It is well noted that
leader organizations in our study are embracing technology to optimize the following areas:
Asset Management; Mobile and BYOD Management; Access and Privilege Management;
Network Security; Anti-Virus; Log Management; and Vulnerability Management;
4. Measure performance to get insight data. According to our research, leader organi-
zations have formally defined security metrics that are regularly measured and updated
across most of the CTI clusters. On the unimpressive side, beginner organizations rarely
perform these measurements, causing the formation of a significant gap in CTI score
differences between their group and the leader group. Our analysis also suggests that
organizations that constantly monitor security metrics (Tier 4 of PE Enabler) have a shared
pattern of higher scores in the Risk Management, Incident Management, and Business
Continuity Management clusters; this is because the data were used to correct the root
cause of the problems and improve the processes.
5. Report key results and share knowledge for improvement. The key output of
security control operations and measurement results must be reported to all stakeholders
to enable organizations to achieve more remarkable progress on CTI rankings and reduce
cyber risks simultaneously. Our results reveal that leader organizations are reporting key
outputs and measurement results from the managers all the way up to the board and
C-suite. This practice will indeed result in a Tier 4 level for the RP Enabler.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 22 of 27

5.3. Combining the Internal and External Driving Forces to Deliver Better Cybersecurity
Performance—The Roadmap
So far, we have proved that all five Control Enablers complement each other. Together,
they form a potent internal driving force that helps organizations attain better CTI scores.
We also highlighted the need for a cyber regulating body and the positive return on
enforcement that the industry sector will get from having an active regulator as an external
driving force for cybersecurity practices. In this subsection, we recommend a roadmap
that synergizes all of the driving forces that both organizations and regulators can use as
guidance for applying the CTI framework, as well as the data from this research,25which
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 30 can
support their mission to deliver better cybersecurity performance. The roadmap is shown
in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Roadmap
Figure 8. Roadmaptotodeliver
better cybersecurity performance.
cybersecurity performance.

Stepthe roadmap, andand
1: Organizations by using the CTI
regulators canFramework
opt to use all(Figure 1) as a reference,
of the Baseline organiza-
Security Con-
tions andClusters,
trols, regulatorsandcan take the following
Dimensions steps to deliver
that are recommended better
by the CTIcybersecurity performance:
as their attributes and
Step 1:measures
derived Organizations
or modify andthem
regulators can
to match opt torequirements
specific use all of thebyBaseline Security Controls,
adding/updating the
Clusters, andDimensions
rearranging thatthe clusters/dimensions.
are recommended by It isthe
advisable that all
CTI as their controls from
attributes the
and derived
CTI must
measures orbe kept intact,
modify them but more controls
to match specificcan be added asby
requirements necessary.
adding/updating the controls
Step 2: Organizations
and rearranging and regulators
the clusters/dimensions. It iscan set cybersecurity
advisable performance
that all controls from thetargets,
CTI must
be which comprise
kept intact, but two
morelevels: the first
controls level
can be is theasoverall
added CTI score/grade and the second
Stepis 2:
Control Enabler andTier achievement.
regulators can set Data from this research
cybersecurity can betargets,
performance used aswhich
benchmark of progress. For example, the target for the CTI score/grade could be 61% or
comprise two levels: the first level is the overall CTI score/grade and the second level is
more (the overall research average), and the Control Enabler Tier achievement target
the Control Enabler Tier achievement. Data from this research can be used as a benchmark
could be Tier 2.5–3 (intermediate group) according to Figure 8. Organizations or sectors
of progress. For example, the target for the CTI score/grade could be 61% or more (the
working with more sensitive data or with a need to provide high availability services
overall research average), and the Control Enabler Tier achievement target could be Tier
could set more rigorous targets, such as a score of 70% and levelling up to Tier 3.5 or
2.5–3 (intermediate
higher. group) according to Figure 8. Organizations or sectors working with
more sensitive data or withcan
Step 3: Organizations a need
definetoa provide high availability
phase improvement plan andservices could
regulators can set
set amore
rigorous targets, such as a score of 70% and levelling up to Tier 3.5
phase enforcement of security controls for the supervised organizations. This will helpor higher.
Step 3:
prevent Organizations
compliance burnout can define awhich
[110,111], phase improvement
occurs plan and
from mandating regulators
all security can set
a phase
in oneenforcement
shot, and therebyof security
causingcontrols forburdens
excessive the supervised organizations.
to the organizations. The This
forcement initiatives can embrace the data from Table 10 of this research. The most critical
dimensions (Data Security and Cloud Security) must be tackled first to lessen the current
risks. The important dimensions (Asset Management, Risk Management, End-User Man-
agement, and Secure System Install) will be the next priority as they form a solid founda-
tion for other initiatives. Then, the necessary dimensions (Governance, Access Control,
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 23 of 27

prevent compliance burnout [110,111], which occurs from mandating all security controls
in one shot, and thereby causing excessive burdens to the organizations. The phase
enforcement initiatives can embrace the data from Table 10 of this research. The most
critical dimensions (Data Security and Cloud Security) must be tackled first to lessen the
current risks. The important dimensions (Asset Management, Risk Management, End-User
Management, and Secure System Install) will be the next priority as they form a solid
foundation for other initiatives. Then, the necessary dimensions (Governance, Access
Control, Network Security, Application Security, Operation Security, and Respond and
Recovery) will follow as the last phase that will complete the whole enforcement program.

6. Conclusions
Cybersecurity requires a multi-faceted approach, including commitment and support
from stakeholders, up-to-date and robust security controls, and reliable measurement
methods that uncover the problems, identify improvement opportunities, and update
cybersecurity controls to counter cyber risks on an ongoing basis.
This research presented the Cyber Trust Index (CTI) framework as a novel and efficient
method that can rate and plan improvements to an organization’s cybersecurity perfor-
mance. The framework was validated through stress-testing with 35 organizations from
Thailand’s Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) sector, as well as some other generic sec-
tors. The results from the 35 pilot organizations underscore the strong positive relationship
(R = 0.98021) between Control Enablers and cybersecurity performance. The organizations
in the leader group (31.43% of respondents) have all Enablers (OP, OS, AT, PE, RP) in Tier 4
or more and achieved CTI scores as high as 93%. Hence, organizations can leverage this
insight to improve their cybersecurity performance by leveling up the Control Enabler to
higher Tiers. Another highlight of our research is the evidence of the positive return on
enforcement of cybersecurity practices by regulators. The highly regulated industries have
a 197.53% higher performance than the low regulated industries. This fact creates a strong
voice for developing countries or even the industry sectors of developed countries that lack
active cyber regulating bodies to realize the benefits of having regulators and enforcing
good cybersecurity practices.
In addition, the CTI framework provides a comprehensive presentation on how to
use binary questions and question path techniques to reduce time and effort in the data-
capturing process. There are 50% less questions in the CTI compared to the average number
of questions that are asked by existing measurement methods, making the CTI framework
more efficient and requiring less time and resources than existing ones.
Lastly, a step-wise roadmap is provided for customizing the CTI and utilizing the data
from this research, including the recommended target for critical organizations—70% CTI
Score and 3.5+ Control Enabler Tier—to complement the cybersecurity measurements and
improvement goals of organizations and regulators.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.M.; methodology, S.M.; validation, S.K. and P.C.; formal
analysis, S.M.; investigation, S.M. and S.K.; resources, S.M.; data curation, S.M.; writing—original
draft preparation, S.M.; writing—review and editing, S.M., S.K. and P.C.; visualization, S.M.; supervi-
sion, S.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Commit-
tee) of Mahidol University (protocol code MU-CIRB 2020/291.2409 and the date of approval 20
October 2020).
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11174 24 of 27

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