FDT Lessonplan
FDT Lessonplan
FDT Lessonplan
At any point of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define the elements of poetry;
b. instill to their heart the importance of life by means of evaluating the message of the
poetry entitled “ Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”; and
c. create a two-stanzas of poetry by following the ABA rhyme scheme and reciting it in the
A. Prelimenaries Activities
a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Classroom Management
e. Motivation
Song Title: Grenade by: Bruno Mars Song Title: Fix You by: Cold Play
I’d catch a grenade for you. When you try your best but you dont succeed
Thow my hand on a blade for you
I’d jump infront of the train for you. When you get what you want but now what you need
When you feel so tired but you can’t sleep
Struck in reverse
I would go through all the pain
Take a bullet straight though my brain
Yes, I would die for you baby but you won’t do the same When the tears come streaming down to your face
‘Cause you lost something you can’t replace
When you love someone but is goes to waste
What could be worse?
B. Developmental Activities
A. Activity
The learners will play “Sing in the blank” wherein the goal is to fix a broken song by using
picture clues.
Song Title: Someone Like You by: Adele
B. Analysis
Asks the students the following questions:
1. After listening the lyrics of the songs that I played, what have you notice about the last
part of every line of the song?
2. What do you think is the subject or the theme of the song is it love, nature, or death?
3. What do you think is the structure of the song?
4. What did you feel when you heard all of these songs?
C. Abstraction
a division of four or more lines having a fixed length, meter or rhyming scheme. Stanza divides a poem in such a way
that does not harm its balance but rather it adds to the beauty to the symmetry of a poem. couplet (2 lines) ✓ tercet
(3 lines) ✓ quatrain (4 lines) ✓ cinquain (5 lines) ✓ sestet (6 lines) (sometimes it's called a sixain) ✓ septet (7 lines) ✓
octave (8) lines)
is the use of a specific object or an
image to represent an abstract idea.
“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”
By: Dylan Thomas
D. Application
C. Concluding Activities
1. What are the elements of poetry?
2. What do you think is the message of the poetry entitled “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good
3. What are the elements utilized by the given poetry.
Instruction: The teacher will read the questions and the learners will line up to the letters that best
describe the answer.
Write a dodecasyllabic quatrain with three stanzas of poetry about love, nature, or death and follow the rhyme
scheme format (ABAB CDCD).
Rubric for scoring:
Advanced Developing Needs Improvement Score
(5) (3) (1)
Cohesiveness The poetry goes perfectly The poetry is somewhat goes The poetry does not go
together. There is unity together but needs more together. The poetry and
between the lines and cohesiveness. The poetic lines stanzas is away from the
stanzas which connect to and stanzas sometimes away topic
the topic. from the topic.
Use of Poetic The poetry use 3 more The poetry uses 1 or 2 poetic The poetry uses no poetic
Elements poetic elements to enhance elements but they sometimes elements.
the poetry and the reader’s distract the readers
Rhythm and The poetry uses rhythm and The poetry sometimes uses The poetry does not have any
Rhyme follow the rhyme scheme rhythm and rhyme but may noticiable rhythm and does
throughout, which benefit waver in a way that distract not follow the rhyme scheme
poetic tone the readers negatively affect
the tone.
Creativity The poetry uses 3 or more The poetry uses 1 or 2 unique The poetry does not use any
unique figurative language figurative language to figurative language.
to describe situations, describe situations, object,
obeject, and people. and people.