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Structural and Behavioral Models of RFID-based Students Attendance System

Using Model-View-Controller Pattern

Conference Paper · November 2015


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2 authors:

Koko Wahyu Prasetyo Setiabudi Sakaria

STIKI (Sekolah Tinggi Informatika & Komputer Indonesia), Malang, Indonesia STIKI (Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer), Malang, Indonesia


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Structural and Behavioral Models of
RFID-based Students Attendance System
Using Model-View-Controller Pattern

Koko Wahyu Prasetyo, Setiabudi Sakaria

Department of Informatics Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Informatika & Komputer Indonesia
(STIKI Malang)

kwprasetyo@gmail.com, setiabudi@stiki.ac.id


A student attendance management system is needed by higher education

institution due to the fact that the students’ attendance are one of the critical factors
which decide their academic achievement. The practice of managing the attendance
based on the signatures collected on papers is considered inefficient. This paper
presents a set of structural and behavioral models which can be implemented as a
student attendance management system which utilizes RFID technology. The ability of
RFID tags to promptly deliver accurate authentication information should improve the
students attendance management process efficiency. The structural and behavioral
models presented in this paper are using UML class diagram and sequence diagram
notations. The models are developed based on the technical architecture of model-view-
controller (MVC) pattern.

Keywords: structural model, class diagram, behavioral model, sequence diagram,

UML, MVC pattern, attendance system, RFID

INTRODUCTION study has also stated that student’s

Students’ academic achievement attendance was a better predictor of
is one of the main excellence factors of academic grade than any other factors[7].
any higher education institutions. Many Institutions which still use
researches have concluded that paper-based procedures are considered
students’ attendance are one of the most as inefficient, not only in attendance
dominant factors that can decide their recording process but also in their
academic achievement. Students who efforts to produce various kinds of
attend classes more regularly tend to administrative reports. That practice
demonstrate better academic will also require the institution
performance[5]. Students who generally management board to establish a good
do well in academic examinations are quality filing system to store the
those who regularly attend their classes attendance records[8]. This indicates the
in punctual and proper way[4]. Another

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya (SNATIKA) 2015

Malang, 26 November 2015 –ISSN 2089-1083
urgency for a more efficient way of Case study analysis

tackling the difficulties.

RFID (Radio Frequency Functional Modeling

Use case modeling Illustrate major activity

Identification) is an automated using activity diagram

identification and data collection Structural and behav ioral modeling

technology which recently gains more Develop domain model

using class diagram
Modeling static classes Modeling classes
behaviors and

attention because of its low cost and interactions between


advanced uses[1]. RFID combines radio

frequency and microchip technologies Figure 1: System analysis and design
as identification, monitoring, and
security system. RFID technology uses
small chips called RFID tags which can The first step after case study
store and transmit information to an analysis is producing functional models
RFID scanner device. It can be used based on identified business process and
both for retrieving and writing data on its functional requirements. The next
to RFID tags without physical contact step is producing structural and
with the scanner device[6]. The benefit behavior models. In this step, class
of RFID technology in providing diagram notation is used to develop a
accurate data in shorter time will likely domain model. Domain model are the
improve the efficiency of any systems representation of potential business
which implement the technology[2]. objects which later can be converted as
systems classes. Static classes are then
METHOD developed based on domain models.
The object-oriented analysis and Classes behaviors and any interactions
design approaches are most associated that could possibly happened between
with a phased development classes are then presented by using
methodology. The primary difference sequence diagram.
between a traditional approach like The structural and behavioral
structured design and an object-oriented modeling are developed based on
approach is how a problem is Model-View-Controller (MVC) design
decomposed[3]. pattern. The premise behind MVC
UML (Unified Modeling pattern is that the application models
Language) is made up of a variety of are divided into three distinct areas[10]:
modeling techniques, dealing with  Model: This is an object
various aspects of the system representation of the data,
development. This research uses usually read from database.
following process which is adopted  View: This is the boundary
from the principles of object-oriented between the computer and the
analysis and design approach and based user, usually refers to the GUI
on UML notations: (graphical user interface) form
or web page.
 Controller: This is the
connector between Model and
View components. When a
request is received by the
system, the controller fetches the
data from the model, decides
which view to show the user,

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya (SNATIKA) 2015

Malang, 26 November 2015 –ISSN 2089-1083
and hands the requisite data to
the view.

In addition to MVC pattern

explained above, the structural and
behavioral models presented in this
paper are also utilize Data Access
Object (DAO) classes. A Data Access
Object (DAO) provides an abstraction
from the underlying database. A DAO
class includes “finder” methods that
access the database and return instances
of domain classes.


Page/ Forms Figure 3: Attendance management system Use-

Case Model

Controller The identified main actors based

Activ ity Controller on the business process analysis are
lecturers, students, and academic
administrators[9]. Additional actor is
introduced to deal with administrative
tasks of the proposed system, such as
Data Access Obj ect Domain Models
system users and privileges management.

Lecturer opens the class

and signs-in to the
Figure 2: Model-View-Controller (MVC) Start
attendance system

technical architecture
Lecturer selects the activ e
class prov ided by the

End of course session?

Students hav e their N

Lecturer deliv ers course

RESULTS smartcard scanned to

record the attendance

A functional model for student Y

Lecturer v alidates the

attendance system is represented by use Attendance is valid?
attendance on the system
Lecturer ends the class

cases models which describe the Y

system’s functions from the users’ point

Lecturer completes the
class session activ ity form

of view. Functional model creation

involves four sub-steps[11]: identifying Lecturer ends the course

actors and use cases, creating a use case

model, creating the use case description, Figure 4: Activity model of the designed
and analysis of the use cases. attendance recording process

Figure 4 above illustrates the

designed process of student attendance
management system which is proposed
in this paper. Lecturers can use the
system to begin the class and initiates

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya (SNATIKA) 2015

Malang, 26 November 2015 –ISSN 2089-1083
the attendance recording process. +

Course(String, String) :Course +


Session(String, int, Date) :Session

Students can then use their own RFID

tags to record their attendance to the +

Schedule(String, String) :Schedule +


findCourseById(String) :Course +

createSession(String, int, Date) :Session

updateSession(Session) :Session

read() :String
+ write(String) :void

system. At the end of the session, ScheduleDAO

+ wipe() :void

lecturers validate the attendance record + findActiveScheduleForLecturer(String, int, int) :ArrayList<Schedule>

and close the session by providing Lecturer LecturerDAO


+ displaySessionForm(String, int, int) :void

activity details into the system. + Lecturer(String, String) :Lecturer + findLecturerById(String) :Lecturer
getInstance() :SessionController
displayAttendanceForm(String) :void
beginSession(String, int) :void
+ endSession(String, int, String) :void
+ recordAttendance(String, int, Date, String) :Attendance

+ setStudentListTable(ArrayList<Student>) :void
+ beginSession(String) :void
+ getInstance() :AttendanceForm
+ recordAttendance(String) :void

- Student ID SessionForm

- Term + setScheduleTable(ArrayList<Schedule>) :void

- Year StudyPlanDAO + selectSchedule(String) :void
+ getInstance() :SessionForm
+ getCourseParticipants(String, int, int) :ArrayList<Student>


+ createAttendance(String, int, Date, String, char) :Session

Student StudentDAO
Course Student
- Student ID
+ Student(String, String) :Student + findStudentById(String) :Student
- Course ID - Term - Student ID
- Course Name - Year - Student Name Attendance
- Schedule ID
+ Attendance(String, int, Date, String, char) :Attendance

Schedule Attendance Figure 6: Static classes of student attendance

Schedule ID
Course ID
Lecturer ID
Schedule ID
Session No
Student ID
management system
- Day - Attend Status
- Room
- Time

The static classes are presented


Schedule ID
in class diagram notation. Based on
Lecturer - Session No

Lecturer ID
Lecturer Name
MVC pattern, the classes are classified
into three distinct functions (model,
Figure 5: Domain model of student attendance view, and controller functions). The
management system model classes consist of domain model
classes and DAO classes. The domain
The functional model which is classes are likely to be implemented
produced previously is then analyzed to into persistence objects, while the DAO
develop the domain model of the classes handle any database-related
system which is presented in Figure 5. functions of their respective domain
The domain model consisted a number model class.
of classes related to the student A set of sequence diagrams are
attendance management process. The then produced after the static models are
next step is to produce a set of static defined and classified by their
classes based on the domain models and respective functions. Sequence
MVC architectural pattern. diagrams are used to illustrate behaviors
of the classes and any interactions
happened between them. The
interactions are presented in the form of
exchanging messages and procedure

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya (SNATIKA) 2015

Malang, 26 November 2015 –ISSN 2089-1083
Lecturer Student
Lecturer AttendanceForm SessionController SessionDAO RFIDScanner AttendanceDAO
LoginForm SessionController SessionForm ScheduleDAO CourseDAO



findActiveScheduleForLecturer() recordAttendance()





Figure 7: Sequence model of class schedule endSession()

retrieval updateSession()

The sequence model presented Figure 9: Sequence model of attendance

above illustrates the process that recording
happened when the lecturer sign-in to
the system. The system will retrieve any The sequence model presented
active class schedule which are above illustrates the fundamental
associated with the lecturer. Any class process of the system. After the system
schedule entries that are active in that displayed the participants list, the
term of year will be presented in the lecturer open the session and trigger the
display and can be selected by the attendance recording process. After the
lecturer. session marked as open, the students
can bring their RFID card near the
scanner so the attendance can be
SessionForm SessionController AttendanceForm StudyPlanDAO StudentDAO
recorded by the system. The

RFIDScanner class can be developed as
interface class and implemented based

on any application programming


interface (API) provided along with the

RFID device.
Figure 8: Sequence model of class activation
The projected benefit of the
The sequence model presented
proposed RFID-based attendance
above illustrates the process that is
management system is to improve the
triggered when the lecturer select an
efficiency of student attendance
available class which will be started
management process and also reduce
soon. The system then retrieves any
the rate of errors in managing student’s
students records which are enrolled to
attendance records. The system is also
the selected class. All of the students
aiming to help the academic
that associated with that class are
administrators and management boards
displayed in the form and the attendance
to provide any attendance reports based
is ready to be recorded.
on certain set of criterias.
The set of structural and
behavioral models presented in this
article can be used as a blueprint to
develop an RFID-based attendance
management application system. The
models can be implemented by using

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Aplikasinya (SNATIKA) 2015

Malang, 26 November 2015 –ISSN 2089-1083
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