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18.02.21 Badminton Courts/ Nets, Volleyballs, Cones (Maybe) : Lesson Plan Pro Forma (Health & Physical Education)

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Lesson Plan Pro forma (Health & Physical Education)

Name: Tayla Helbig Time: 8:50 Date: 18.02.21

Activity: Volleyball Class/ Year 10/11 class Stage 1 PE
Year Seymour College
Equipment: Badminton Courts/ Nets, volleyballs, cones (maybe)

Learning Area: Health and Physical Education Band: Middle Years

Strand: Physical Activity and Participation Strand: Personal & Social Development
Key Idea (.1) (.5) Students will participate in a variety of games & challenges to improve personal competence in
aspects skilful play, build self-confidence and develop teamwork. Students will adopt various roles, take
responsibility for safe, fair participation and collaborate with others in an enjoyable active setting.
Capabilities: Cross Curriculum Priorities
 Literacy Critical & Creative thinking  Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander perspectives,
Numeracy culture
 ICT Personal & Social capability  Asia & Australia’s relationship
Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Understanding  Sustainability
Student learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes:
The students will ….. (Evidence of learning) I will …….
Cognitive & Physical: (aspects of ‘skilful’ play) (thinking Management: (operating framework & interactions)
acting)  Appraise positive interactions with and between
 Demonstrate and refine the set and dig students
techniques in shaped and small sided games  Recognise and model good behaviours and efforts
 Develop tactical ability through shaped games of individual students using them to demonstrate
and apply these in small sided games to others what a positive behaviour or good
movements look like
Personal Responsibility: (Fair Play) taking charge of  Maintain clear interactions, expectations and
what they’re doing showing character strengths consequences through clear communication,
 Demonstrate fair play when self-umpiring and differentiating activities and explanations where
working with others appropriate
 Display fair play by applauding others on their  Be more aware of student groupings and
triumphs not mistakes for winning points change/ modify these based on activity
 Take charge of learning in the development of execution and/ or distractions
technical and tactical ability
Presence: (verbal & non-verbal communication)
Social: (working together and helping each other)  Speak clearly and concisely, projecting my voice,
 Develop and build positive interactions with peers maintaining enthusiasm and energy while making
by encouraging and communicating each other sure to pace myself to avoid confusion
 Show variation in tone and emphasis when
Affective: (feelings & attitudes: Resilience) speaking certain words to show their importance
 Demonstrate resilience during the development or meaning
and refinement of technical and tactical abilities
 Enjoy participation and express positive emotions P’s of Pedagogy: (Presentation of task, positioning,
throughout the lesson acknowledgement + feedback)
 Use different terminology and sounds for
movements to meet the learning needs of all
 Reiterate and reinforce the importance of
small sided games and how this will improve
their game play and technique
 Encourage feedback throughout the lesson
focusing on specific feedback and peer feedback
INTRODUCTION: Hello 10s and 11s! I hope you have all had a great week so far, as mentioned in the bulletin this week we are doing a practical lesson this morning and then a theory lesson
straight afterward so let’s quickly get into it so we don’t waste any time. INTRODUCE/ DISCUSS VOLLEYBALL VIDEO 1. what do you notice about the mobility of the athletes 2. Explain how they
use the dig and set to their advantage? (height of these passes and placement) own experiences as comparison. 3. What was something interesting or quirky that you noticed in the
OUTCOME (Students will….) (shape + method + enhance) (teaching cues or questions) (Shape)
I  Practice using their voices Warm up Get Low! 8:35
 Apply the volleyball technique  Students start at the back of the court
N –
movements to the warm up  Pretend to serve Think about how you might use these in
T  Think about the importance of  Run forwards towards the net, stop and a game
R mobility in volleyball and start jump straight up, side step across, stop
to apply this movement jump straight up again, back peddle to
O Why did we use this as a warm up?
middle, stop perform dig movement,
D back peddle again, repeat
What might translate?

U  Practice calling mine or using positive

cooperative talk How could you change this warm up?
C Why?
Progression (following weeks)
I Have the students create their own warm up
O involving the techniques of volleyball.
Blue – Students
Green – Teacher/s
Conclusion of Learning Episode: Great work everyone! I hope you’re all warmed up! Let’s use that mobility in our games now and start putting those key ideas from the video into practice

D  Demonstrate improved Small sided game 3v3 + VIDEO ANALYSIS I want you to focus here on your 8:40
technical execution from last  Students will be asked to stand in their communication, setting and digging.
E lesson intro groups from Monday and play in

V  Apply technique to tactical these groups (numbers pending) Look for:
E performance (ball placement  Students to play a 3v3 competition where  Covering the court
& redirection) no serve is involved.
L  Getting into space early
 Develop communication  Game starts by throwing the ball high  Reading and calling early
O abilities and demonstrate this over the net from anywhere on the court.
P  Develop ability to read the  Students will play, being reminded of the
play and respond accordingly key point from last lesson Think about your setting technique
M (mask to butterfly)
(agility development)
N Think about your digging technique
T (thumbs down, arms flat)

Conclusion of Learning Episode: Okay girls! Great start! Your games are definitely starting to improve which is really great to see! Like we did last lesson, we are going to focus on bettering
our technique in “game like” situations. So, I really want you to focus on working cooperatively with the people on your court because you’re competing against the girls on the other court. Alright? Let’s
see a little demonstration of what we are looking for
D  Demonstrate setting Cooperative Dig + Setting + VIDEO ANALYSIS Mask to butterfly! Mask to square! 8:50
technique in a contextual  Partner 1 throws the ball up and sets to
E game with less perceptual and partner 2 (middle)

We want this to be cooperative! How
V movement demands  Partner 2 sets the ball along the net for long can you hold a rally for?
E  Apply technical understanding partner 1 to run on to.
through shot selection  Partner 1 then sets the ball over to
L You’re all working together and
 Transfer setting technique to a partner 3
O cooperative game for greater  Partner 3 sets to partner 4 (middle)
competing against other groups so you
need to concentrate
P contextual improvement  Partner 4 then sets along the net for
M  Develop tactical knowledge in partner 3. Repeat process
demonstrating 3 hits Progression: Think about your shot selection, which
E  Demonstrate resilience during Change partner 1 and 3’s first hit to a dig shot should be played based on where
N technique refinement the ball is?

T (ONLY IF DOING SUPER WELL) Move into a 2v2

cooperative game What are you doing with your legs?
Don’t just stand and watch, keep
Conclusion of Learning Episode: Great work everyone!! Who got above 4? 5? 7? 10? Amazing!! This is what volleyball is about! Working cooperatively with your teammates! Do you think
you’re capable now of transferring what you just did to a 4v4 game?
C  Apply and refine technical 4v4 Cooperative Game + VIDEO ANALYSIS Thumbs down, elbows straight, flat 9:00
execution to cooperative  Groups of 4 or 5 (rotating player looking arms
O game for improvements)

N  Apply tactical principles to  No server, just a pass over to start the Think about your teams set up
C games (3 hits and ball game
placement)  Students will play a small sided game of
L Look at your target, throw the ball up, 5 min
 Demonstrate clear volleyball using the techniques refined
U communication techniques throughout the lesson
track the ball and hit with palm pack
S (calling mine, using names,  Discuss improvements, tactics etc. in up
non-verbals) breaks Turn your feet in the direction you’re
I setting too. One foot forward!
 Demonstrate fair play in  Any last minute recording will be done
O applauding when points are here for analysis dissection in the second
N won off of well-played shots half of the lesson. Hands up early
Progression: Focus on height
Start just competing against other courts and Mask to butterfly
progress to competing against the opposing team.
Introducing another player and making the court Covering the court
longer Getting into space early
Reading and Calling early
Conclusion of Learning Episode: Amazing! You have serious upped your game here girls! You are looking so much more confident and comfortable on the court which is exactly what we
want! Let’s quickly pack up and head upstairs!
Theory Lesson
Force summation and balance + stability
What is sequential movement?
The combination of forces produced by different parts of the human body to achieve a desired outcome OR where body parts move in a
sequence to produce a desired degree of force. VIDEO INVASION EXAMPLE

In volleyball for example, the force you generate can be maximised if the contraction of muscles and the movement of body parts is in
sequential order. Generally, this requires larger, stronger muscles groups to move first before the lighter but faster muscle groups in the
extremities contract last. The result of this sequential movement of acceleration is ‘force summation.’ Put more simply, the forces generated by
all the previous muscle groups are “added” to the next. DEMONSTRATE

So you already know that objects have equal and opposite forces acting on one another which is Newtons 3 rd Law which means an object is
considered to be in rest or a state equilibrium. E.g. water bottle being in state of equilibrium. Now there are two types of equilibrium – Static or
dynamic. Static is when the body is stationary such as sitting on a chair or standing. Dynamic equilibrium occurs during movement. The body
isn’t stable but the different movements or types of motion cancel each other out, so the body doesn’t fall over. DOES ANYONE HAVE AN
e.g. The process of running involves alternating balancing and unbalancing the body.

Centre of Gravity (Mass) – Balance and Stability

The centre of gravity (COG) is a hypothetical point around which the force of gravity appears to act.
The base of support (BOS) refers to the area beneath an object that includes every point of contact that the object makes with the supporting

Lesson Plan
Year Level: 11 Topic: Biomechanics (sequential movement and balance + stability)

Achievement Standard: Students will explore physical activity by extending and applying their knowledge of movement concepts and strategies, and skill
learning. They investigate how the body responds to physical activity and apply biophysical and psychological knowledge to improve participation and/or
performance in physical activity.

Considerations: Biomechanical efficiency for skilled movement

Applying understanding of movement concepts and strategies to consider ways to improve performance
Analysis of the demands of physical activity

General Capabilities:
 exploring and accessing information using a variety of technologies

Critical and Creative Thinking

 identifying problems and areas for improvement, and developing innovative solutions.

 using accurate and appropriate subject terminology to interpret and explain concepts, and synthesize information.

Resources, materials and organisation:

Smartboard/ PowerPoint viewing area

Learning Intention(s): (What is it that you want your students to learn? What will the students be able to do?)

- Students will develop an understanding of the seasons and why they occur
- Students will investigate why the Northern and Southern Hemisphere experience different seasons at different times of year
- Students will use equipment to model seasonal changes


What knowledge, What will you do? What instructional
understandings and skills What will the students do? materials and
are being developed as What strategies are being used? resources will be
part of the content What group processes are being encouraged? needed?
Analyse the technical INTRODUCTION (How will you engage / hook students into the lesson?)
and tactical demands of Slide1: Longest volleyball rally video 9:25
a competitive rally - Bring some excitement and inquiry to the lesson and help translate the practical activities to the theory.
Describe sports –
biomechanics and its Board/ screen and 9:35
uses in physical Slide 2: What is biomechanics? video capabilities
education - Students are will think pair share their ideas of what they think biomechanics are
- Will then discuss what sports biomechanics is and how/ why they will be using this

MAIN BODY (Content development. What will students learn/ understand/ be able to do? How will you keep them involved
and motivated?) 9:35
Develop an
Slide 3: What is sequential movement? –
understanding and can
define the biomechanical
- Think, pair share their ideas 9:45
principles: sequential - Definition/s of what sequential movement is and what this looks like
movement, equilibrium, - Get students to describe and demonstrate a movement or action (in pairs)
centre of gravity and
base of support Slide 4: What this means Can take notes on
- Teacher discusses and demonstrates force generation laptops or paper
Demonstrate and - Maximising contraction of muscles and body parts in sequential order
discuss these - Students to work in 2s or 3s to perform a movement and describe the sequential order associated. 9:45
biomechanical principles –
in differing contexts Slide 5: Equilibrium 9:50
related to them - Introduce equilibrium (relate to 3rd law)
- Static or dynamic equilibrium
Experiment with the - Think pair share what you think static equilibrium looks like and dynamic equilibrium looks like
biomechanical principles - Demonstrate and describe this in a different action
for greater understanding 9:50
Slide 6: Centre of Gravity –
- Introduce COG + definition 10:00
- Doesn’t have to be within the body, experiment with different body movements where COG is STANDING UP!!

Slide 7: Base of Support

- Definition of BOS and why it’s important
- Its relationship to COM 10:00
- Play around with moving COM out of BOS and how we can make these stronger STANDING UP!! –
Apply these 10:20
biomechanical principles CONCLUSION (How will you wrap up the lesson/get students to reflect on their learning?)
to volleyball and think
Slide 8: Bringing this all together
about how these could
- How do we apply biomechanics to volleyball?
improve their game play
- Encourage student discussion here
- What do we currently look like and how can we improve this using these biomechanical principles
- Look for videos that you can use to explain a biomechanical principle in volleyball
Start making notes
or ideas for

Lesson self-reflection:
(What went well? Did you achieve your specific learning outcomes/intentions? How do you know? Would you do anything differently if you were to do your lesson again? Did you
demonstrate your chosen elements? Make sure you are referring to the elements and dimensions and how well you met them in your reflection)

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