Petitioners Respondent Ozaeta, Roxas, Lichauco & Picazo Solicitor General Juan R. Liwag Solicitor Jose P. Alejandro
Petitioners Respondent Ozaeta, Roxas, Lichauco & Picazo Solicitor General Juan R. Liwag Solicitor Jose P. Alejandro
Petitioners Respondent Ozaeta, Roxas, Lichauco & Picazo Solicitor General Juan R. Liwag Solicitor Jose P. Alejandro
REYES, J.B.L., J : p
This is a petition for the review of the decision of the defunct Board of
Tax Appeals holding petitioners Li Seng Giap, et al. liable for gift taxes in
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2021
accordance with the assessments made by the respondent Collector of
Internal Revenue.
Petitioners Li Seng Giap (who died during the pendency of this appeal)
and his wife Tang Ho and their thirteen children appear to be the
stockholders of two close family corporations named Li Seng Giap & Sons,
Inc. and Li Seng Giap & Co. On or about May, 1951, examiners of the Bureau
of Internal Revenue, then detailed to the Allas Committee of the Congress of
the Philippines, made an examination of the books of the two corporations
aforementioned and found that each of Li Seng Giap's 13 children had a total
investment therein of approximately P63,195.00, in shares issued to them
by their father Li Seng Giap (who was the manager and controlling
stockholder of the two corporations) in the years 1940, 1942, 1948, 1949,
and 1950 in the following amounts:
Donees 1940 1942 1948 1949 1950