Comprehensive Guidelines AND Specifications FOR Railway Formation
Comprehensive Guidelines AND Specifications FOR Railway Formation
Comprehensive Guidelines AND Specifications FOR Railway Formation
September - 2020
The existing formation for most of the routes of Indian Railways was constructed by
conventional methods and meant to carry lighter axle load with less number of trains
and lower speed, as compared to present scenario. Over the years, increase in axle
load, speeds and traffic have placed a greater demand on the formation. Unlike
replacement of track components and ballast, the rehabilitation /improvement of
formation is costly, time consuming and causes traffic disruption. As a result, lot of
stretches are continuing under severe speed restrictions over the years.
With an aim to construct the formation for future needs, it was decided in 2009, that
the formation on Indian Railways will be constructed for 25T axle load.
Guidelines for earth work in Railway Projects No.GE: G-1, July 2003 and Guidelines &
Specifications for design of formation for Heavy Axle Load GE: G-14, November 2009,
cater for construction of formation along with other Guidelines i.e. erosion control,
widening of formation in gauge conversion etc. Guidelines GE: G-1 were issued for
22.5T axle load mainly, whereas Guidelines GE: G-14 caters for the specification for top
layers of the formation for 25T, 30T and 32.5T axle load. There are over-lapping
provisions in these two Guidelines and 30T axle load is not envisaged for the future, as
32.5T axle load trains are planned to be run on DFC routes. Thus there was a need for
comprehensive unified instructions for construction of Railway Formation for the present
and future needs of the traffic.
ii. The present Guidelines i.e. GE:G-14 contains Guidelines for Construction of
Formation for 30T Axle Load in addition to 25T Axle Load and 32.5T Axle Load.
The new specifications should contain Provisions for Construction of Formation
for 25T and 32.5T Axle Load only as further Standards/Operation are not being
contemplated for 30T Axle Load on projects.
iii. The specification should contain provisions for widening of Formation such as in
Doubling and Gauge Conversion projects.
iv. The specifications should contain methodology for repair of cess, widening of
cess/formation in open line maintenance.
v. The specifications should cover guidelines for formation treatment for existing
vi. The specifications should contain fitness of type of formation w.r.t. speed.
vii. The details of modern equipments required for construction and testing of
formation in large projects should be incorporated as appendix.
viii. The testing methodology to adjudge suitability of soil for formation and quality of
construction should be incorporated in the specifications.
Commonly used terms in context of the subject and in this document, with their
specific meanings are mentioned as under:
1.0 Formation: In a general way, collectively refers to the layers comprising
blanket, prepared subgrade/Subgrade.
2.0 Formation Top: Boundary (interface) between ballast and top of blanket or
prepared subgrade/Subgrade (where blanket layer is not provided).
3.0 Track Foundation: Constitutes ballast, blanket, Prepared subgrade/Subgrade,
which is placed / exist below track structure to transmit load to subsoil.
4.0 Cess: Portion at top of formation level, extending from toe of ballast to edge of
5.0 Ballast: Crushed stones with desired specifications placed directly below the
6.0 Blanket: Blanket is a layer of coarse, granular material of designed thickness &
specification provided over full width of formation between subgrade and ballast.
7.0 Prepared Subgrade: In case of two layer system, it is provided over the
subgrade and below the blanket layer with a view to economise the thickness of
blanket layer.
8.0 Sub-grade: It is the upper part of Railway Embankment constructed by borrowed
soil of suitable quality upto bottom of blanket/prepared subgrade. It is divided
into top layer and lower layer (fill).
9.0 Subsoil: The existing soil below natural ground level.
10.0 Cohesive Subgrade: Subgrade constructed with soils having cohesive behaviour
i.e., shear strength is predominantly derived from cohesion of the soil is termed
as cohesive subgrade. Normally, soils having particles finer than 75 micron
exceeding 12% exhibit cohesive behaviour.
11.0 Cohesionless Subgrade: Subgrade constructed with cohesion-less, coarse-
grained soils i.e., shear strength is predominantly derived from internal friction of
the soil are termed as cohesion-less subgrade. Normally, soils having particles
finer than 75 micron less than 5% exhibit cohesion-less behaviour.
12.0 Dispersive Soil: Dispersive soils are those, which normally deflocculate when
exposed to water of low salt content. Generally, dispersive soils are clays which
are highly erosive and have high shrink and swell potential. These soils can be
identified by Crumb, Double Hydrometer, Pin Hole and Chemical Tests.
13.0 Unstable Formation: It is yielding formation with continued settlement
including slope failure, which requires excessive maintenance efforts.
14.0 Shear Strength: Shear strength of soil is its ability to resist shearing at a
shearing surface (plane) under direct stress (vertical pressure)
15.0 Soil Pressure Units, equivalence: 1 Pascal (Pa) = 1 N/m2 and 1 Mega Pascal
(MPa) = 1 N/mm2
16.0 Deformation Modulus (Ev2) : It is modulus of elasticity (also deformation) in
the second cycle of loading in the cyclic plate load test. It is determined by cyclic
Plate Load Test on top of compacted blanket layer/prepared
subgrade/Embankment fill in accordance with DIN:18134-2012 (Ref :Appendix-
17.0 Geosynthetic: A planar product manufactured from polymeric material used
with soil, rock, earth, or other geotechnical engineering related material as an
integral part of a man-made project, structure, or system.
18.0 Geogrid:Geogrid is a planar, polymeric structure consisting of a regular open
network of integrally connected tensile elements, which may be linked by
extrusion, bonding or interlacing. They have open grid like configuration with
large apertures between individual ribs.
19.0 Geotextile: Geotextiles are planar and permeable members which are used in
contact with soil/rock and/or any other geotechnical material for civil engineering
applications. They are basically textiles manufactured from synthetic fibers.
20.0 Geonet: A geosynthetic consisting of integrally connected parallel sets of ribs
overlying similar sets at various angles for planar drainage of liquids or gases.
21.0 Geocomposite Drain: Geocomposite drains, consisting of a geonet bonded with
non-woven geotextile layer(s) on one or both sides are used for drainage
22.0 Pre-Fabricated Vertical Drain (PVD): A geocomposite consisting of geotextile
cover and drainage core installed vertically into soil to provide drainage for
accelerating consolidation of soils. Also known as band or wick drain.
CL of Track
1 : 30 1 : 30
EM 1 : 30 1 : 30
G. L.
a) To determine soil type with a view to identify their suitability for earthwork and to
design the foundation for other structures.
b) To avoid known troublesome spots, unstable hill sides, swampy areas, soft rock
areas, peat lands, etc.
c) To determine method of handling and compaction of subgrade.
d) To identify suitable alignment for Embankment and cutting from stability, safety,
economy in construction and maintenance considerations.
e) To identify suitable borrow areas for desired quality and quantity of subgrade and
blanket material.
f) To determine depth of various strata of sub-soil and bedrock level.
g) To determine ground water table position and its seasonal variation and general
hydrology of the area such as flood plains, river streams, etc.
h) To determine behaviour of existing track or road structure nature and causes of geo-
technical problems in them, if any.
d) Areas of prospective borrow soil and blanket material should also be surveyed to
give idea of quality and quantity of materials to be used for construction of
Railway Embankment.
f) The data and information collected during survey should be presented in suitable
format such as graphs, bar charts or in tabular or statement form.
c) Exploratory boring with hand/ auger samplers and soil sampling should be
undertaken along the alignment and soil samples also should be collected from
borrow pit area, at an interval of 500 meter or at a closer interval, wherever
change of soil strata occurs. The boring should be done upto 1.5 to 2.0 m depth
below existing ground level. In case of Embankments more than 4m height and
embankments with problematic substrata, the boring should be taken down to a
depth equal to twice the height of Embankment. Samples should be collected
from each stratum found in each boring.
d) Bore logs are prepared based on laboratory test results of disturbed samples
obtained by auguring or split spoon sampler. Particle size distribution, soil
classification and index properties of the soils are determined from laboratory
e) In case of soft clays and sensitive clays, in-situ vane shear tests should be
conducted to determine its shear strength and depth of underlying compressible
clay layer. Undisturbed samples should also be collected to know actual
moisture content, natural dry density and shear and consolidation parameters of
the soil.
g) The data and information collected during survey should be presented in suitable
format such as graphs, bar charts or in tabular or statement form.
a) During Final Location survey, detailed investigations are done at locations where
important structures viz. high embankment, deep cuttings, major bridges etc.
are to be located and where weak sub-soil, swampy ground, marshy land exist.
Undisturbed soil samples with the help of deep auger sampler or Split spoon
samplers are collected for conducting detailed tests viz. shear strength tests &
consolidation test to design safe and economical structure and predict
settlements. However, if some tests during preliminary survey are deficient, the
same should also be covered.
d) Besides classification tests, soil samples should be tested for shear strength and
consolidation properties. In case of very soft clays, vane shear test should be
conducted for each boring site. Free swell index test should also be carried out
in case of expansive soil and organic contents of soil should be determined if soil
is suspected to be having large organic contents.
1.2.4 The availability of borrow soil sources shall be explored during the survey. As
formation design will primarily depend upon the type of the soil being used in
construction, it is essential that soil classification and assessment of bearing
capacity is done during soil exploration.
The results of soil exploration shall be reviewed and finally approved at the
level of the CAO/Construction as this will be the basis of further design. In case of
PSUs the powers of PCE/CAO shall be exercised at appropriate level of authority as
nominated by CMD/MD of the PSU.
1.3 Soil Survey & Exploration for Gauge Conversion, Doubling & Rehabilitation
For these projects, additional information required will be as follows:
1.3.1 A statement listing out problematic stretches on existing track should be
prepared/obtained after scrutiny of gang charts for identifying locations requiring
frequent attention, having unsatisfactory TRC results, past history of stretches
having failure like slips, subsidence, pre-mature ballast recoupment, ballast
penetration etc.
rills/ gullies and and slope iv) Double
pot holes on Failure hydrometer
slopes & on tests
cess v) Natural Moisture
Content and
Natural Dry
Density tests
6 i) Cut slope Failure of i) Recording of profile i) Classification of
failures Cuttings side slope, soils
ii) Choked side longitudinal drain ii) Natural Moisture
drains sections, HFL and Content and
iii) Seepage of Ground water table Natural Dry
water ii) Cross-section and Density tests
iv) Saturated Ballast penetration iii) Lab. Shear tests
subgrade profile
iii) Undisturbed soil
1.3.3 Frequency of soil sampling shall depend on the extent and type of problems in the
troublesome stretches. However, samples should be taken at 500m intervals for
determination of natural dry density and soil type only where no formation problem
is reported.
1.3.4 In order to ensure proper bonding of earthwork and soil compatibility behaviour of
old and new earthwork, samples of soils from mid-slope of existing bank at about 1
m depth and 500m length or closer intervals should be collected and tested for
particle size, natural moisture content, natural dry density and consistency limits.
1.4 Soil Classification system as per Indian Standard 1498 is also explained in
brief in Appendix: L for reference.
2.1 General
Field tests are required to be conducted on sub-soil strata, i.e. Plate load test for
determination of Elastic Modulus in second cycle of loading (Ev2), Standard Penetration
test to determine N-value, and Unconfined Compression Test or Vane Shear Test to
determine unconfined compressive strength or undrained cohesion, cu. If any of these
parameters, as specified in following para do not meet with specified requirement then
ground improvement needs to be undertaken.
Fig- 2.4: Ground improvement using stone column
2.3.5 Ground Improvement for expansive soils using CNS material
Using a layer of Cohesive Non-Swelling soil (CNS) is one of the effective methods of
ground improvement in expansive soils area. CNS layer shall be provided below the
bottom layer of Embankment fill in case of Embankment and below
subgrade/prepared subgrade level in case of cuttings, of suitably designed thickness
and width, compacted to 97% of MDD at optimum moisture content (OMC).The width
of treatment should be extended minimum 3.0m beyond the toe line on both sides.
The CNS material possesses the property of cohesion of varying degree and non-
expanding type clay minerals such as illite and kaolinite, having low plasticity with
liquid limit not exceeding 50 percent.
The properties of CNS material are defined below (Ref- IS 9451: 1994):
The thickness of CNS materials required for balancing the different swelling pressures
are as follows:
Swelling Pressure of Soil Thickness of CNS Materials (cm)
(KN/m2) (Min)
50 to 150 75
150 to 300 85
300 to 500 100
In case naturally occurring, soil do not meet the parameters of CNS soil, same can be
produced by blending suitable combination of locally available materials. Such
artificial CNS should satisfy all the parameters of CNS soil.
2.4 Stabilization & Ground Improvement Methods Using Geo-synthetics
Some of the ground improvement methods (list is not exhaustive), wherein geo-
synthetics are used, are as under:
2.4.1 Use of Geo-composite drain for Construction of new embankment over soft
In case of embankments over weak/fine grained sub-soils (which are mostly soft
clays) and having water table at higher level (shallow depth), it is a good practice to
provide a “separator-cum-drainage layer” of Geo-composite drain layer, sandwiched
between two layers of sand of about 75mm thickness (Fig-2.5), at the ground level
to provide adequate drainage path for the water coming from sub-soil (reducing
excess pore water pressure in embankment and thereby increasing its’ stability) and
to prevent fouling of subgrade by the fine grained subsoil. Alternatively, a 1000mm
thick sand layer can be provided. Its thickness may be varied depending on the bank
height, characteristics of sub-soil and water table. The sand layer to be used in both
the cases should be clean medium to coarse sand with minimum permeability of the
order of 10-5 m/second.
Fig-2.6(a): Application of Geocell for ground improvement
2.4.3 Use of Prefabricated vertical drain (PVD):
Prefabricated vertical drains consist of channeled synthetics core wrapped in Non-
woven geotextile fabric known as filter (Fig-2.7). Prefabricated Vertical drains are
used where preloading alone is not sufficient.
Prefabricated Vertical drains in soft clay accelerate the primary consolidation of
clay since they bring about rapid dissipation of excess pore water pressure.
Therefore, the structures or Embankments can be put to use earlier than it would be
possible otherwise. The accelerated rate of gain in shear strength of clay enables the
loads to be applied more rapidly than would otherwise be possible.
The effectiveness of Prefabricated Vertical drains depends mainly on the
engineering properties of soils, namely, soil permeability and coefficient of
consolidation and their variations in space and time. They are, however, ineffective in
organic soils and highly stratified soils.
For installation, PVD is placed into steel mandrel and the mandrel is pushed into
the ground to the determined depth with a mast mounted on back hoe. Anchor plate
is attached to the wick material to hold it in place as mandrel is removed. Then the
PVD is cut off a little above the ground (Fig-2.7). Top of PVD drain are connected to
granular sand blanket to allow the pore water to flow out.
Fig-2.8: Geosynthetics Encapsulated Stone column
Note: All the above methods are suggestive in nature and final methodology to be adopted
will depends on site condition and topography, soil type, drainage condition etc.
1 : 30 1 : 30
1 : 30 1 : 30 SUBGRADE
G. L.
CL of Track
1 : 30 1 : 30
PEM 1 : 30 1 : 30 SUBGRADE
3.3 Top Width of Formation
a) It should be adequate enough to accommodate tracks laid with concrete sleepers
and standard ballast section (minimum 35cm depth) and have minimum cess width
of 90cm on either side.
b) Additional Width of formation will have to be provided to cater for increase in extra
widening of ballast shoulder and extra clearances required on curves.
a) The provision of blanket layer shall not be needed when formation/earth fill
embankment have:
i) Rocky beds except those, which are very susceptible to weathering e.g.
rocks consisting of shale and other soft rocks, which become muddy after
coming into contact with water.
ii) Soils conforming to specifications of Blanket layer as given in Table 3.3 to
b) For other conditions, the system of layered construction of embankment (Single
layer/ Two layer) shall normally be followed.
3.9 Soil Quality
For Design of Railway Formation, the soils for their use in Indian Railway Embankment
have been grouped based on percentage of fines present in the soil, as given below:
Description of Soil Quality Class
Description w.r.t. Fine-Particles Soil Quality
(size less than 75 micron) Class,
Soils containing fines > 50 % SQ1
Soils containing fines from 12% to 50% SQ2
Soils containing fines < 12% SQ3
Table-3.2: For 32.5 T Axle Load
Table 3.3: Specification and Thickness of Formation Layers for 25T axle load:
Single layer system
iii) Field Compaction : Min. 98% of MDD *
iv) Minimum Ev2 = 45 MPa (for SQ1)
60 MPa (for SQ2/SQ3)
Lower SQ1/SQ2/SQ3 soil (+)
layer (fill) As per Embankment
i) CBR≥ 3 (soil compacted at 97% of MDD *) height
ii) Field Compaction :Min. 97% of MDD *
*** With the application of Non-woven Geotextile as a separator layer below the blanket,
filter criteria will not be required or mandatory.
+ No dispensation of PCE/CAO required for use of SQ1 soil in Lower layer (fill) of Subgrade.
CL of Track
35 cm Ballast Cushion
:1 Top of Formation
1 : 30 1 : 30
V 100 cm Top Layer of Subgrade
2H (SQ1, SQ2, SQ3)
SL Lower Layer of Subgrade
(SQ1, SQ2, SQ3)
G. L.
Table 3.4: Specification and Thickness of Formation Layers for 25T axle load:
Two layer system
Ground i) Undrained Cohesion of soil (cu) ≥ 25 KPa (only for --
Soil/Sub- soils having particles finer than 75 micron exceeding
soil Strata 12%)
ii) Ev2 (determined from PLT) ≥ 20 MPa
iii) N (determined from SPT) ≥ 5
Ground Improvement is required, if any of the above
parameters not complied with
* MDD mentioned in above table
a) For determination of CBR - MDD achieved in Lab,
b) For field compaction - MDD achieved in field compaction trials which should not
be less than 98% of MDD in lab.
**Ev2 is Modulus of deformation (Para 2.0 of Appendix-H)
*** With the application of Non-woven Geotextile as a separator layer below the blanket,
filter criteria will not be required or mandatory.
+ No dispensation of PCE/CAO required for use of SQ1 soil in Lower layer (fill) of Subgrade.
CL of Track
35 cm Ballast Cushion
:1 Top of Formation
Fig-3.5: Track Formation for Two layer system (for 25 T Axle load)
Table 3.5: Specification and Thickness of Formation Layers for 32.5T axle
load: Single layer system
of MDD * in Lab.)
CL of Track
35 cm Ballast Cushion
:1 Top of Formation
Fig-3.6: Track Formation for single layer system (for 32.5 T Axle load)
Table 3.6: Specification and Thickness of Formation Layers for 32.5T axle
load: Two layer system
of PCE/ CAO)
i) CBR ≥ 5 ( soil compacted at 97% of MDD *)
CL of Track
35 cm Ballast Cushion
:1 Top of Formation
Fig-3.7: Track Formation for Two layer system (for 32.5 T Axle load)
Table-3.7: Gradation Percentage of Blanket Material
(D) When the subgrade/prepared subgrade is of SQ1 or SQ2 category soil (in table 3.3 to
3.6), a suitable non-woven geo-textile layer may be used as “separator layer” on the
top of subgrade to prevent upward migration of the fines from subgrade/prepared
subgrade causing contamination of blanket layer on top of it and also to prevent
penetration of coarse particles of layer on top of subgrade into soft/fine grained
particles of sub-grade below. Specifications of Non-Woven Geotextile to be used as
“separator layer” given in APPENDIX-C.
(E) Design of formation, including adoption of single layer or two layer system, and use of
SQ1 soil (in top layer of subgrade) as given in above paras shall be decided by
PCE/CAO (Con) on the basis of soil investigation.
In case of the projects being executed by PSUs, the powers of PCE/CAO shall be
exercised at appropriate level of authority as nominated by CMD/MD of the PSU.
(F) In case of cutting also, blanketing shall be provided as required & as specified in this
Para 3.10, based on the type of soil just below the blanket.
i) Minimum height of embankment above ground level or highest flood level (HFL)
whichever is higher should not be less than one meter to ensure proper drainage
and avoid trespassing.
ii) Total required thickness of formation layers as specified in Para 3.10 for blanket,
prepared sub-grade & Subgrade-Top Layer, should be provided/ensured uniformly
in embankment/cutting for effective stress dispersal.
iii) The specification of soil strata below the ground level (GL) must be ascertained
from the results of soil exploration.
iv) For effective stress dispersal, required total uniform thickness of formation layer
(Blanket, Prepared sub-grade & Subgrade/Top Layer) shall be ensured in cuttings
as well as in embankments, even where embankment height is less than about
1.5m or total uniform required thickness. It is further explained as below:
a) For Embankment (where height of embankment is less than required
total uniform thickness): If the specification of sub-soil meets the required
specification of blanket/prepared subgrade/subgrade-top layer, upto required
total depth of uniform thickness below ground level, then there will be no
need of excavation, else the excavations will be done below ground level as
per the requirement, to satisfy the provision of total uniform thickness for
effective stress dispersal. Detailed description & few examples are as given in
b) For Cutting: If the specification of sub-soil does not meet the required
specification of blanket/prepared subgrade/subgrade-top layer i.e. total
required uniform thickness, below the proposed level of excavation in
cuttings, the excavation level for cuttings shall be enhanced to the level so as
to satisfy the total required uniform thickness requirement. Detailed
description & few examples are as given in APPENDIX-B.
4.1 General
Geo-synthetic is a generic term which includes different synthetic products used in
Geotechnical Engineering applications. Geo-synthetics are available in a wide range of
forms and materials.
They can be utilized to solve various issues related to railway roadbed stabilization, like
drainage, filtration, reinforcement, separation, erosion control etc. The raw materials
used in the manufacturing of Geosynthetics are polymers, which are non-
4.2 Functions of Geo-synthetics
A properly designed Geosynthetic can serve various functions; some of them are as
given below:
4.2.1 Separation
A Geosynthetic placed at the interface between two dissimilar geotechnical
materials (fine and coarse grained soils) functions as a Separator when it prevents
intermixing of two soil types to maintain integrity of each material under the
applied loads (Fig-4.1). Non-woven geotextile layer is commonly used for
separation, in Railway formations, and it provides filtration and drainage also.
Fig-4.1: Separation
4.2.2 Filtration
In this function, the geosynthetics allows passage of fluids from the soil in either
direction while simultaneously prevents the uncontrolled passage of soil particles
(Fig-4.2)The pore size of the geosynthetic (mostly non-woven geotextile) is
chosen to aid against their blocking, binding and clogging. Non-woven geotextile
layer is commonly used for filtration in Railway formations and it normally
partnered with Separation.
Fig-4.2: Filtration
4.2.3 Drainage
In this function, the Geosynthetic collects the fluid and transports it in its own plane
[Fig-4.3 (a) & (b)]. This function is facilitated due to in-plane permeability of the
geosynthetic (called “transmissivity”) being far more than permeability across the
plane (called “permittivity”). Non-woven geotextile or Geocomsposite drains are
commonly used for drainage in Railway formations.
4.2.4 Reinforcement
Geogrid can be used for reinforcement at the bottom of ballast or at the bottom of
blanket or within the blanket, which by its reinforcing/interlocking mechanism forms
a semi rigid mat that helps in reducing the stresses on the layer below. This can be
used to reduce the required blanket thickness.
Fig-4.5 : Woven Geotextiles
These geotextiles are woven by interlacing two or more sets of yarns, fibers,
filaments, tapes or other elements (Fig-4.5). These threads are generally
woven straight and parallel to each other. Woven textiles exhibit high tensile
strength, high modulus, high permeability and low elongation.
(ii) Non-woven Type
Non-woven geotextiles are manufactured in the form of sheet or web of
directionally or randomly oriented fibres (Fig-4.6), produced by mechanical
and/or thermal and/or chemical bonding. Non-woven geotextiles have high
permeability and high elongation characteristics. In Railway application it acts as
a separator, drainage material, and filter.
4.3.2 Geogrid
Geogrid is a planar, polymeric structure consisting of a regular open network of
integrally connected tensile elements, which may be linked by extrusion, bonding or
interlacing. They have an open grid like configuration with large apertures between
individual ribs. The key feature of all geogrids is that the apertures are large
enough to allow soil communication, or strike through, from one side of the geogrid
to the other. Geogrids have relatively high strength, high modulus and low-creep-
sensitive polymers.
Geogrids provide uniform distribution of loads over a larger area by increasing
stiffness of base, as the same resists flexural deformation.
Woven types of geogrids are manufactured by weaving together polypropylene
coated polyester fibers into longitudinal & transverse ribs and joining the crossovers
by knitting or intertwining before protecting the entire unit by a subsequent coating
(Fig-4.7). Extruded types of geogrids are produced by extruding polymers and by
stretching uniaxially or biaxially extruded integral structure (Fig-4.8). Bonded
geogrid is produced by bonding, usually at right angles, two or more sets of strands
or other elements (Fig-4.9).
Fig. 4.7 Woven Geogrid Fig. 4.8 Extruded Geogrid Fig. 4.9 Bonded Geogrid
(i) Geogrid with one axis: Also known as mono-oriented geogrids, it is a planar
grid, which possesses a much higher strength in one direction than in the
other direction (Fig-4.10).
(ii) Geogrid with two axes: Also known as bi-oriented geogrids, it is a planar
grid, which possesses similar strength in both ortho direction i.e. longitudinal
& transversal (Fig-4.11).
Fig-4.10 Geogrid with one Fig-4.11 Geogrid with Fig-4.12 Geogrid with
axis two axes three axes
(iii) Geogrid with three axes: A recent addition to the geogrid family, this
product is having ribs in triangular pattern or other shapes. These geogrids are
manufactured from a punched polypropylene sheet oriented in multiple,
equilateral directions to form triangular apertures. (Fig-4.12).
4.3.3 Geocomposite
Geocomposite a generic name used to define a geosynthetic product consisting of a
combination of two or more geosynthetic materials. The application areas of
geocomposites are numerous and growing steadily. The geocomposites used for
Raiwlay formations, are as following:
Fig-4.14 (b): Use of non-woven geotextile for fine grained soil
(In Two Layer System)
4.4.2 Ground Improvement in case of soft sub-soils
For construction of embankment over soft sub-soils (which are mostly soft clays),
the sub-soil/ground has to be improved for –
a) Reducing the consolidation time (which otherwise can be very long spanning
months/year) & associated settlement so that bank can be constructed in faster
time; and
b) To increase the bearing capacity/ shear strength of the sub-soil so that the bank
constructed over it is stable.
For faster consolidation & associated settlement, Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD)
can be used. To improve the load support capacity of soft subsoil, Geocell is
another form of Geosynthetics which is used as a basal mattress in embankments
for ground improvement. For detailed description, Chapter-2 (Suitability of
Subsoil & Ground Improvement Techniques) can be referred.
4.4.3 Construction of Embankment over soft subsoil
In case of embankments over weak/fine grained sub-soils (which are mostly soft
clays) and having water table at higher level, it is a good practice to provide a
“separator-cum-drainage layer” of Geocomposite drain layer, sandwiched between
two layers of sand of about 75mm thickness (Fig-4.16), at the ground level to
provide adequate drainage path for the water coming from sub-soil (reducing excess
pore water pressure in embankment and thereby increasing its’ stability) and to
prevent fouling of subgrade by the fine grained subsoil. Alternatively, a 1000mm
thick sand layer can be provided. Its thickness may be varied depending on the bank
height, characteristics of sub-soil and water table. The sand layer to be used in both
the cases should be clean medium to coarse sand with minimum permeability of the
order of 10-5 m/second.
To reduce the thickness of the Blanket Layer (which is costly granular material
obtained by quarrying or mining) in case of new constructions or for formation
rehabilitation, on techno-economic considerations and/or to reduce the adverse
impact on environment due to quarrying/mining, geogrid can be used. (Fig-4.17)
RDSO has developed the Specifications for Geogrid to be used as
Reinforcement/Stabilisation for Railway Formation. The specifications have been
issued to Zonal Railway/PSU’s for trial application initially so as to improve upon the
specifications based on its satisfactory performance, before its general adoption.
Specifications for Geogrid to be used as reinforcement/stabilisation for Railway
Formation (Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE: IRS-0004- Part-III, February 2020)
is given in APPENDIX -C.
Zonal Railways and Construction units must submit the design of reinforced
formation layer to RDSO along with design methodology for use and selection of
Geo-grid with minimum specifications as prescribed by RDSO for its approval.
The weak/unstable formations are mostly those formations where subsoil and/or
subgrade soil is expansive clay (e.g. Black Cotton Soil). The most significant
property of these soils is that when mixed with water they swell considerably,
losing their shear strength and on drying they shrink considerably. Because of this
swelling and shrinkage, due to ingress of water in rainy season, the track
parameters get disturbed and ballast penetrates in the formation. The problems
caused by expansive clays can be addressed to a large extent by reducing the
ingress of water (during rainy season) by provision of blanket layer of adequate
thickness in the top layer of formation. The blanket layer acts as a separator as
well as reinforcement layer reducing the pressure on the formation below. In case
providing blanket layer of large thickness in running traffic conditions is not
possible, its thickness can be reduced with provision of layer(s) of geogrid.
In addition to this by providing a non-woven geotextile, as
separator/filtration layer below blanket, will reduce the water from top entering into
the sub-grade & also prevents upward migration of fine particles from expansive
clays (which are very fine grained) into the top coarse layer.
The preferred method for strengthening/rehabilitation of weak/unstable
formations will be provision of a Blanket layer of suitable thickness as detailed
above. But in cases where it is not possible to adopt this method, and only shallow
depth of formation is considered to be affected/weak, another lesser preferred
alternative is laying a separator layer of non-woven geotextile and a reinforcement
layer of geogrid over it, just below the ballast along with deep screening work by
Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM), with additional provision in machine for laying of
Geogrid/Geotextile. (Refer Para 10.5, Chapter 10).
However, before adopting the above method, detailed soil investigation must be
done ascertaining the root cause of the formation problem. If the nature of the
problems suggests that it cannot be solely rectified by adopting this method, then
conventional method of providing blanket layer or other appropriate method as
determined from investigation done shall be adopted.
Geocomposite drain (Vertical) can replace the 600 mm thick natural graded filters
(consisting of different sizes of boulders and gravels), provided behind bridge
abutment and/or retaining walls for drainage, in places where availability of graded
filter material is matter of concern. It also eliminates the need for weep holes in
bridge abutment and/or retaining walls. The stages in installation of such a
synthetic drain are shown in Fig-4.19.
Fig 4.19: Installation of Geocomposite Drain
The side slopes of the embankment should be such that they are stable from Slope Stability
point of view.
5.1 General
Usually, side slopes of 2:1 would be safe for most of the soils up to Embankment
height of 4m. However, this analysis has to be carried out in detail for any height of
Embankment in following situations:
a) When subsoil is soft, compressible & marshy type for any depth.
b) When subgrade soil (fill material) has very low value of cohesion “C” such that C'/γH
(where ‘H’ is height of Embankment and γ is bulk density of soil) is negligible, i.e.,
in range of 0.01 or so.
5.1.1 In case of embankment of more than 6m height on soft sub-soil, a flatter slope
and/or with berm/sub-bank may be required. The same shall be provided as per the
results of the slope stability analysis done.
5.1.2 In case berm is required to be provided, the minimum width of berm may be kept as
2.0 m, which may be increased as per requirement of rolling equipment, to ensure
proper compaction, provision of drain on inner side of berm as required and use of
berm as road during maintenance etc. & also fulfilling design requirements.
5.1.3 When the highest water table is within 1.5xH (H is the height of Embankment),
below ground level, then submerged unit weight of soil below water level should be
5.2 Slope in Cutting
In cutting slope, softening of soil occurs with the passage of time, and therefore, long
term stability is the most critical, and should be taken into consideration while
designing the cuttings.
5.3 Software’s for Slope Stability Analysis
This procedure for slope stability analysis manually or with the help of suitable
Software like SLOPE/W (of Geo-Studio group), SLIDE (of Roc-Science group) and Slope
Stability (of GEO5 group) or equivalent will be adequate for most of the cases.
However, in certain situations, further detailed analysis may be required due to the
site conditions and the same may be done by an expert consultant.
Manual Slope stability analysis can be carried out using procedure given in Para 5.4. A
typical worked out example of slope stability analysis is given at Para 5.8 for
stability conditions, adopting realistic values of shear strength and pore water pressure
ii) At the end of construction stage, when pore water pressure dissipates partially, a
minimum factor of safety of 1.2 can be allowed to achieve economy but without
sacrificing safety for long term – stability. However, a minimum factor of safety of
1.4 must be ensured for the long term-stability.
iii) Moving train loads need not be considered in the slope stability analysis for
Embankments. In case of low height embankments, overstressing zones in soil
mass due to live loads would affect the slope stability adversely because the
bearing capacity failure mechanism gets mixed up with slope failure mechanism.
Hence, minimum FOS of 1.6 should be ensured for slope stability of smaller
Embankments of height upto 4m.
5.5.1 Formula to be used for the computation of factor of safety with Bishop’s simplified
method is:
Where: m & n are the stability co-efficient based on C/H,, depth factor and
assumed slopes. (See Table no. 5.3 to 5.20)
C = effective cohesion
= effective angle of internal friction
= saturated unit weight of soil(s)
H = height of Embankment
ru = pore pressure ratio
D = depth factor
Note: i) Above parameters are explained in Fig. – 5.1
ii) Linear interpolation/extrapolation should be done for intermediate values
of m & n
DH = total depth from the top of formation to hard stratum of sub-soil
H = height of Embankment
Note: 1. Maximum value of depth factor is taken equal to 1.5 even if hard strata is
not found up to 1.5H depth below formation level.
2. rue is worked out to decide depth factor only. For calculation of FOS, ru as
given in Table 5.2 will be used.
5.5.4 Determination of Shear Strength and pore pressure parameters of sub-soils and
embankment soils for stability analysis shall be done as given in Fig-5.1 & Table-
5.1. However, for preliminary design or small projects, and ru values for different
conditions can be taken from Fig-5.2 & Table –5.2.
5.6. Side Slope of Embankment: Side slopes of Embankments should not be steeper than
5.7. Design Parameters & Computation Tables
Design parameters adopted for slope stability analysis should have the approval of the
competent authority at SAG level (i.e. Chief Engineer of Zonal Railway or equivalent).
Design calculations for each Embankment profile carried out should be recorded in the
Design Register, showing soil parameters & factor of safety as adopted. In case of soft
soils, the most critical circle with its center may also be indicated. Computation tables
for calculation of ‘m’ & ‘n’ factors for different soil parameters are shown from table 5.3
to 5.20.
Fig: 5.1
Table – 5.1
Determination of shear strength parameters required for subsoil & embankment soil
Subsoil Embankment
CU – tests on undisturbed samples with CU – tests on remolded samples made from
pore-pressure measurements in a soils compacted to achieve similar densities
triaxial apparatus, at which placement of soil is contemplated
during construction in a triaxial apparatus as
per IS Specification.
IS: 2720 (pt. XII)-latest version. IS: 2720 (pt.XII) – latest version.
Note: Peak and residual effective stress parameters from undisturbed samples should be
determined both for subsoil and Embankment soil while dealing with old
Table – 5.2
TABLE –5.3
TABLE –5.4
Stability Coefficients m and n for C’/H = 0.025 & D=1.00
TABLE –5.5
Stability Coefficients m and n for C’/H = 0.025 & D=1.25
TABLE –5.6
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.05 & D=1.00
TABLE –5.7
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.05 & D=1.25
TABLE –5.8
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.05 & D=1.5
20.0 1.752 1.501 2.011 1.705 2.337 1.993 2.690 2.280
22.5 1.943 1.698 2.234 1.937 2.597 2.258 2.990 2.585
25.0 2.143 1.903 2.467 2.179 2.867 2.534 3.302 2.902
27.5 2.350 2.117 2.709 2.431 3.148 2.820 3.626 3.231
30.0 2.568 2.342 2.964 2.696 3.443 3.120 3.967 3.577
32.5 2.798 2.580 3.232 2.975 3.753 3.436 4.326 3.840
35.0 3.041 2.832 3.515 3.269 4.082 3.771 4.707 4.325
37.5 3.299 3.102 3.817 3.583 4.431 4.128 4.112 4.753
40.0 3.574 3.389 4.136 3.915 4.803 4.507 5.343 5.171
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.075 & D=1.00
TABLE –5.10
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.075 & D=1.25
TABLE –5.11
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.075 & D=1.50
TABLE –5.12
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.100 & D=1.00
TABLE –5.13
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.100 & D=1.25
TABLE –5.15
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.125 & D=1.00
TABLE –5.16
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.125 & D=1.25
TABLE –5.17
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.125 & D=1.50
TABLE –5.18
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.150 & D=1.00
TABLE –5.20
Stability Coefficients m and n for C'/H = 0.150 & D=1.50
5.8 Design Examples for Calculation for Slope Stability Analysis
Example 1:-
Design Data:
a) Height of Embankment = 6 m (Given)
b) Effective cohesion, C’= 8.2 kN/m2 (Measured in lab.)
c) Effective angle of shear resistance, =25 (Measured in lab.)
d) Saturated density of soil, sat= 21.53 kN/m3 (Calculated from lab test results)
e) Pore pressure ratio, ru= 0.25 (For Side Slope 2H: 1V on new construction)-Ref. table-
2. For C' / H = 0.075 (as 0.063 is more closer to 0.075 than 0.05), = 25 and Side
Slope = 2H:1V
(i) From table 5.6, FOS (for C’ / H = 0.05) = 1.624 – 1.338 x 0.25 = 1.289
(ii) From table 5.9, FOS (for C' / H = 0.075) = 1.872 – 1.386 x 0.25 = 1.525
Example 2:-
Design Data:
c) Effective angle of shear resistance, =20 (Measured in lab.)
d) Saturated density of soil, sat = 22 kN/m3 (Calculated from lab test results)
e) Pore pressure ratio, ru = 0.25 (For Side Slope 2H:1V on new construction) Ref.
(i) From table 5.4, FOS (for C’ / H = 0.025) = 1.124 – 1.022 x 0.25 = 0.868
(ii) From table 5.6, FOS (for C' / H = 0.05) = 1.380 – 1.071 x 0.25 = 1.112
Therefore, workout rue for D = 1.25 & 1.50
(i) From table 5.5, FOS (for C' / H = 0.025) = 1.618 – 1.478 x 0.21 = 1.308
(ii) From table 5.7, FOS (for C' / H = 0.050) = 1.834 – 1.493 x 0.21 = 1.521
(iii) Linear interpolation for C' / H = 0.048
6.1 General
i) Preliminary works
ii) General aspects
iii) Compaction of earth work
iv) Sandwich Construction of Embankments with Cohesive Soils
v) Placement of Back-Fills on Bridge Approaches and Similar Locations
vi) Drainage Arrangement in Embankment/Cutting
vii) Finishing and Blanketing
viii) Setting up of GE lab at Construction Site
ix) Maintenance of Records
(i) Site clearances: Full formation width at ground level plus additional extra
width of 1 m on both sides should be cleared of all obstructions viz.
vegetation, trees, bushes, building, fences, abandoned structures etc. and
thereafter it should be dressed and leveled. Depressions if any should be
filled with suitable soil duly compacted. Finally, the leveled surface should be
properly compacted by mechanical means to get a leveled and uniform
ground surface.
B. Setting out of Construction Limits
Centerline of the alignment (@200 m c/c or so) and full construction width
should be demarcated with reference pegs/dug belling about 90 cm away from
proposed toe of the embankment. Care should be taken not to disturbed the
pegs during construction. Pegs should be preferably painted for identification.
C. Selection of Borrow Area
(i) Borrow area should be selected sufficiently away from the alignment, as for
as possible at the extreme of Railway land but normally not less than 3 m
plus height of the Embankment to prevent base failure due to lateral
escapement of the soil.
(ii) Borrow area should be selected for soil suitable to be used in construction.
Embankment is to be constructed normally with soil available in nearby area,
with properly designed slope. However, there are some soils, which are
normally unsuitable for construction of formation & hence it is to be normally
avoided (as described in Para 3.7 of Chapter 3).
(i) A field trial for compaction on a test section shall be conducted on fill material
to assess the optimum thickness of layer and optimum number of passes for
the type of roller planned to be used to arrive at desired density. It optimises
compaction efforts of earthwork while achieving desired level of density based
on lab tests. Procedure for field compaction trials is given in para 6.2.3 below.
(ii) If the soil has less than required moisture content, necessary amount of water
shall be added to it either in borrow pits or after the soil has been spread
loosely on the Embankment. Addition of water may be done through flooding
or irrigating the borrow areas or sprinkling the water on the Embankment
through a truck mounted water tank sprinkling system. Use of hose pipes for
water need to be avoided.
(iii) If the soil is too wet, it shall be allowed to dry till the moisture content reaches
acceptable level required for the compaction.
(iv) Placement moisture content of soil should be decided based on the field trial
and site conditions. The objective should be to compact near OMC to achieve
uniform compaction with specified density in the most efficient manner.
(v) Clods or hard lumps of soil of the borrow area shall be broken to 75 mm or
lesser size before placing on Embankment.
(vi) Each layer should be compacted with recommended type of roller upto
required level of compaction, commencing from the sides, before putting the
next upper layer.
(vii) Extra embankment width of 500mm on either side shall be rolled/compacted to
ensure proper compaction at the edges. The extra soil should be cut and
dressed mechanically to achieve regular side slope and the slope shall be
compacted with 6-8 passes of slope compactors (10-20 ton capacity). Details
of some of the slope compactors are annexed at Appendix-E.
A. Advantages of Compaction
B. Factors Affecting Compaction in the Field
(iii) Soil Type: Type of soil has a great influence on its compaction
characteristics. Normally, heavy clays, clays and silts offer higher resistance
to compaction, whereas, sandy soils and coarse grained or gravelly soils are
amenable for easy compaction. Coarse-grained soils yield higher densities
in comparison to clay. A well-graded soil can be compacted to higher
(v) Number of Passes: Density of soil will increase with the number of passes
of roller but after optimum number of passes, further increase in density is
insignificant for additional number of passes. For determination of optimum
number of passes for given type of roller and optimum thickness of layer at a
predetermined moisture content, a field trial for compaction is necessary.
(i) General
Field compaction trial is carried out to optimize compaction efforts of
earthwork while achieving desired level of density based on Lab tests (Heavy
compaction test, IS:2720 (Part-8) and Relative Density Test, IS:2720 (Part -
14). Type of roller to be used for compaction has to be decided depending on
the type of soil to be compacted in execution of earthwork.
(ii) Determination of compaction efficiency
The increasing trend of density with increase in number of passes of a
compactor tends to diminish gradually and a ‘diminishing return stage’ is
reached. This will determine the type of compactor, optimum thickness of
layer, corresponding water contents and number of roller passes.
(iii) Methodology for conducting field compaction trial includes following steps:
Step 1: Construct a test ramp about 20-30m long, 10-12m wide & 0.15m
thick on one end & 0.55m on other end, preferably at the construction
site, over a level ground surface clear of bushes, depressions etc.
under nearly identical conditions as shown in Appendix-D (Fig-D1).
Step 2: Divide the ramp equally into the desired number, say, four segments,
longitudinally of about 2.5m width (more than width of roller). Each
strip will be used for conducting trials at specific moisture content,
viz. OMC (Lab test value), OMC ±4% and (PL - 2%) etc.
Note: Experience shows that most suitable water content falls within a small range
of 3% below to 1% above the OMC for most of the- soil.
Step 10: Carry out testing on each strip at different specific moisture content as
for the first strip explained above. Compile the results of trial of all
strips as per Appendix-D (Table–D3).
Step 11: From these test results, two sets of graph are plotted:
First set of graphs: Dry density v/s number of roller passes for each
water content and layer thickness. For each layer, there would be four
(depending on range of moisture content chosen) curves for
different moisture content. Appendix-D (Fig-D2).
Second set of graphs: Maximum dry density vs moisture content for
each layer thickness. Appendix-D (Fig-D3).
Step 12: Second set of graphs will give field moisture content, maximum
attainable field dry density and optimum layer thickness. From this
field values minimum no. of passes of particular roller Appendix-D
(Fig-D2) are read from the first set of graphs.
D. Compaction Procedures for Different Soils
The Embankments are constructed with locally available soils provided it fulfils the
specified requirements. Procedure of compaction to be adopted will depend on the
type of soil being used in construction. General guidelines to deal with compaction
of various types of soils for attaining optimum dry density/relative density at
minimum effort have been briefly given as under:
Sandy & gravely soils should be compacted with vibratory rollers. If fines are
less in these types of soils, it can be compacted with minimum number of
passes of vibratory rollers without strict control of moisture to achieve
desired Relative Density. With higher percentage fines, sandy and gravely
soils need to be brought to OMC level to get effective compaction. Uniformly
graded sand and gravel are difficult to be compacted. Top layer of sand and
gravel remains loose in vibrating compaction. Therefore, in final pass the
roller should move smoothly without vibration. Dry densities obtained in
field trials normally should be around MDD/ specified Relative Density as
obtained from laboratory tests and should form the basis for specification and
quality control.
not yield to rolling by rollers. Appropriate water content i.e. OMC of the
soil is in the range of about plastic limit plus two percent. Sheep foot
rollers are most effective in breaking the clods and filling large spaces.
b) Thickness of layer should not be more than depth of feet of roller plus 50
iv) In case of such soils, the MDD and OMC, as determined in the Laboratory
may not be very relevant and therefore achievable MDD and practicable
moisture content at which such soils can be compacted effectively should be
determined by conducting field trials.
Fig-6.1 Typical embankment profile for sandwich construction with cohesive soil
i) The back fills resting on natural ground may settle in spite of heavy compaction
and may cause differential settlements, vis-a-vis, abutments, which rest on
comparatively much stiffer bases. To avoid such differential settlements, while on
one hand it is essential to compact the back fill in the properly laid layers of soil
for Settlements within tolerable limits so that Coefficient of subgrade reaction
should have gradual change from approach to the bridge.
ii) Back-fills on bridge approaches shall be placed in accordance to Para 7.5 of Bridge
Substructure code (including latest correction slips). Sketch for details given in
Fig-6.2 below.
Fig-6.2 Details of backfill behind bridge abutment
iii) Fill material being granular and sandy type soil, therefore need to be placed in
150mm or lesser thick layers and compacted with vibratory plate compactors.
iv) While placing backfill material benching should be made in approach Embankment
to provide proper bonding.
v) Geocomposite drain (vertical) can replace the natural graded filters (consisting of
600mm thick boulders/cobbles etc. as shown in Fig 6.2 above), provided behind
bridge abutment and/or retaining walls for drainage in places where availability of
graded filters is matter of concern. Detailed elaboration is given in Appendix-C.
6.2.6 Drainage Arrangement in Embankments and Cuttings
cutting is less (say up to 4m), normally only side drains on both sides of
the track are to be provided. In case of deep cuttings, catch water drains
of adequate water carrying capacity are also required along with side
drains. A typical sketch of side drain and catch water drain is given in Fig-
6.3 below. It is to be noted that blanket material is to be placed like
fill/embankment and top of side drains has to remain below the bottom of
blanket material.
G.L. G.L.
b) Catch Water Drains: Surface water flowing from top of hill slope
towards the track in huge quantities needs to be controlled. It is also not
possible to allow water from the hillside to flow into the side drains, which
are not designed for carrying such huge quantity of water. Therefore, it is
essential to intercept and divert the water coming from the hill slopes;
accordingly, catch water drains are provided running almost parallel to
the track. Depending on site condition, water from the catch water drains
may require to be diverting by sloping drains and carrying across the
track by means of culvert. In some of the situations, depending on
topography of top of cutting, there may be requirement of construction of
net of small catch water drains which are subsequently connected to main
catch water drain so that there is no possibility of water
stagnation/ponding upto distance approximately three times depth of
cutting from its edge. Catch water drains should be made pucca/lined with
impervious flexible material locally available.
d) Alignment plan, longitudinal section and soil survey records of catch water
drain should be updated from time to time as per development in the area
of influence.
iii) Other Drainage Systems: Open Drainage system typical as shown in Fig-6.4
below, will facilitate collection of rainwater from embankment, cuttings and
side of cuttings and lead it away. Sub-soil Drain System typical as shown in
Fig-6.5 below are installed where the groundwater level has to be lowered
(from depth < 1.5 m below the rail top), where the soil surrounding the track
formation has to be drained or where percolating and layer water has to be
drained away.
6.2.7 Finishing and Blanketing
i) Providing Camber/Cross Slope below Blanketing: Top of the formation should
be finished to desired cross slope of 1 in 30. Cross slope should be within 1 in
28 to 1 in 30. Camber may be checked at site through use of a cross-section
camber board.
ii) Once the top surface of the formation has been finished to proper slope and
level, movement of material vehicle for transportation of ballast, sleepers etc.
should be avoided, these movements will cause development of unevenness,
ruts on the surface which will accumulate water and weaken the formation.
iii) Provision of Blanket Layer: The specifications for the material to be used as
Blanket and thickness of blanket layer shall be as per relevant provisions given
in Chapter 3.
At the work site, details of works along with materials being used are to be properly
recorded so that work of satisfactory quality can be achieved which can also be
verified at later stage. Records are also required to develop completion drawings
and other details, which would become permanent records of the section and could
be helpful in future to plan developmental activities and remedial measures if need
7.1 General
Quality of execution of formation earthwork shall be controlled through exercise of
checks on the borrow material, blanket material, compaction process, drainage
system, longitudinal & cross sectional profiles of the finished embankment. The details
of quality control procedure are as follows:
7.2 Quality Control test on Construction Material
This is required to ascertain the suitability of the material for construction of
Embankment and to decide the OMC/MDD and other relevant tests, which becomes the
quality control inputs. Quality control tests are required to be conducted on borrow
material as well as on blanket material.
7.3 Suitability tests at source
7.3.1 Borrow Material (Embankment fill as well as prepared subgrade)
a) Following specific tests to be conducted on borrow Material
i) Sieve analysis
ii) Hydrometer analysis
iii) Consistency limits
iv) CBR test
v) Test for organic content in soil
vi) Crumb test, double hydrometer test, pin hole & chemical test - for
Dispersive soil only
vii) OMC/MDD
Fill material proposed to be used either from Railway land or from outside would
have to be assessed for its suitability as well as to decide thickness of the
blanket layer after conducting soil classification and other relevant tests as per
site requirement. On the basis of the tests, areas for borrow material, especially
from outside the Railway land, need to be earmarked. Once the material has
been found fit for use as fill material for Embankment, further lab tests, to
assess OMC, MDD/ Relative Density, need to be conducted.
In case, slope stability analysis, as explained in Chapter - 5 is required, triaxial
shear test will also need to be done to find effective shear strength parameters.
b) Frequency of Testing: The frequency of testing before laying for borrow
material should be as detailed in table 7.2.
Note: It would be in the interest of the execution agency to have frequent tests
conducted at source/manufacturing point on his own to judge the suitability of
the material to avoid any complication at a later stage. However the final
acceptance of the borrow material should be at the site before laying.
7.3.2 Blanket Material: The source(s) of blanket material needs to be identified based
on the final location survey report, tests & studies conducted and conformity to the
Specification as stipulated in Table 3.3 to 3.6.
a) Method of Test: Blanket material should be tested as per IS: 2720 (Part 4) to
plot particle size distribution curve, so as to assess its suitability. It would be
necessary to carry out wet analysis to assess the actual percentage of fines.
b) Frequency of Tests: The frequency of testing at site before laying for blanket
material should be as detailed in Table 7.2.
ii) For each layer, a minimum of one sample at a predetermined interval along
the centerline of the alignment would be taken in a staggered pattern so as
to attain a minimum frequency of tests as given in the note below table
7.2. For subsequent layer, the stagger should be such that the point of
sampling does not fall vertically on the earlier sampling points of the layer
immediately below. The process of sampling is explained in Fig-7.1 for
guidance. Additional sampling points can be taken, as considered
iii) In case of embankment widening, sampling should be done at an interval of
minimum 200metres on the widened side(s) of Embankment.
Fig-7.1: Sampling pattern for compaction check
b) Methods of In-situ Dry Density Measurements: Any of the following
methods could be adopted as per the requirements at site.
Method of Procedure Parameters to Remarks
measurement of test be measured
c) Acceptance Criteria
i) Coarse grained soils which contain fines passing 75 micron IS Sieve, upto
5 percent should have the Density Index (Relative Density) a minimum of
70% as obtained in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 14) – 1983 (Reaffirmed
ii) In field compaction trial, the maximum attainable dry density should not be
less than 98% of MDD value as obtained by Heavy Compaction Test (IS:
2720 (Part 8) – (Reaffirmed 2015) in the laboratory. In case, there are
difficulties in achieving 98% of the MDD values as obtained by Laboratory
test, in the field trials, the same may be relaxed upto 95% of MDD with the
specific approval of Chief Engineer/Construction, recording reasons for such
relaxation. The level of compaction to be achieved in field, as a percentage
of MDD value achieved in field compaction trial, for various layers shall be
as per Table 3.3 to 3.6 of Chapter 3. In case of PSU, existing provision of
Equivalent authority for acceptance criteria shall continue.
iii) During widening of embankment in case of gauge conversion and
rehabilitation of unstable formation, compaction of earthwork should be
minimum 95% of MDD as obtained by Laboratory test as per Heavy
Compaction Test (IS: 2720 Part 8 – 2013) or 70% Relative Density for
Coarse grained soils which contains fines (passing 75 micron IS Sieve) upto
5 percent (IS: 2720 (Part 14) –1983 (Reaffirmed 2015).
7.4.2 Deformation Modulus (Ev2) measurement
It is a parameter expressing the deformation characteristics of a soil. It is
calculated taking values from the load settlement curve obtained from the
second cycle of loading in the Plate Load Test (Details given in Appendix-H). It
is to be determined in the field on top of each formation layer i.e. at top of
compacted Blanket layer/Prepared sub-grade/Subgrade- Top & Lower layer in
accordance with DIN: 18134-2012.
7.4.3 Frequency of Tests
The frequency of testing at finished earthwork should be as specified in the
Table 7.2 given below.
7.5 Qualifying and Quality assurance Tests
Qualifying tests as part of pre-selection of good earth for Blanket, Prepared sub-grade,
Subgrade is required to be carried out. Also quality of execution of formation
earthwork shall be controlled through exercise of checks on the borrow material,
blanket material, compaction process to ensure good quality construction. The quality
control procedures are summarised in Table-7.2 below.
Table–7.2: Summary of quality control tests in Borrow material/ finished earth
(vi) Filter IS:2720 – Part-
criteria 4
(vii) OMC & IS: 2720 –
MDD Part-8
* Additionally this test can also be done by third party (i.e. IIT, NIT, Govt. Labs or any
NABL approved Lab) having testing facilities, to cross check the results achieved at site.
Frequency of testing in this case shall be decided/approved at the level of Chief Engineer
(Con). In PSUs, frequency of such tests shall be decided as per existing delegations for
Note: Frequency of Tests: Density check would be done for every layer of compacted
fill/blanket material as per following minimum frequency:
i) At least one density check for every 30 m length for blanket layers and top one
metre of prepared subgrade/subgrade along the alignment in a staggered pattern
of each compacted layer.
ii) At least one density check for layers other than as specified in(i) above, every 500
m2 or 75 m c/c whichever occurs earlier along the alignment in a staggered pattern
of each compacted layer.
iii) In case of important bridge approaches (100 m length on either side), at least one
density check for every 25 m length shall be adopted.
7.6 Formation Level: Finished top of sub-grade level may have variation from design
level by ± 25 mm and finished top of blanket layer may also be permitted to have
variation from design level by plus 25 mm only. The ballast should be placed only on
level formation without ruts or low pockets.
7.7 Cross Slope: Cross slope should be within 1 in 28 to 1 in 30.
7.8 Side Slopes: Side slope should be 2H: 1V or flatter as per design.
7.9 Formation Width: Formation width should not be less than the specified width.
7.10 Quality Control Records: At least, following records of quality control as per
proforma given in Appendix- D & G needs to be maintained.
i) Characteristics of borrow materials as per proforma No. G-1.
ii) Quality of blanket materials as per proforma No. G-2.
iii) Field compaction trial computation sheet details as per Table D-4 of Appendix-D.
iv) Quality of compaction of earthwork including blanket material as per proforma no.
G-3 for core cutter method & proforma no. G-4 for sand replacement method.
v) Quality of material and its compaction for backfill behind bridge approaches etc. as
per proforma no. G1, G2, G3 & G4.
vi) Details of machineries engaged in execution of earth work including its output as
per proforma decided by field engineers.
7.11 Setting up of GE Lab at Construction/Rehabilitation Site
A well-equipped Geo-technical Engineering (GE) Field Laboratory shall be set up at all
construction projects connected with new lines, doubling and gauge conversion works
as well as, where rehabilitation of failing formation is being undertaken. (Details are
given in Para 6.2.8 of Chapter 6).
8.3.1 Conventional Non-agronomical System
This method is best utilized against seepage, erosion by wave action etc. Soil bank
or slopes exposed to constant concentrated flows, currents or waves does not
support vegetation and needs to be protected by this system. For the slopes having
inundation or continuous flooding for many days, slope protection system as
indicated can be adopted as per site condition.
i) Stone pitching on the slope to be protected.
ii) Retaining walls, toe-walls or break walls and sheet piles that are placed in such
a way to form a barrier between the shore and the waterfront.
iii) Gabion & revet mattresses, manufactured as per IS 16014, filled with stones of
specified size and provided on slopes.
iv) Geotextile Bags - Bags made from geotextile material, which are filled with
sand/suitable type of soil and are kept on the slopes in place of stone pitching.
With this system in place, water can seep in and out of the bank or slope, but
the force of water is resisted by the non-agronomical system in place discussed
above. To prevent possibility of any piping action in this system, traditionally a
graded filter layer between bank soil and non-agronomical system is used.
Geotextile can also be used in place of traditional filter layer with specific hydraulic
and soil retention properties. (Chapter-5 in ‘IRC: 56- For Different Methods to
Prevent Soil Erosion’ may be referred to.)
Note: The sides of an Embankment (except approach bank of bridges) shall be protected
upto 1 m above HFL (except for case-ii). For approach bank of bridges, ‘Indian
Railways Bridge Manual’ shall be followed.
6. Ipomea carnea (Bacharum Booti)
7. Lantana species
8. Agave Americana
9. Erythrina indica
10 Prosopis species
11 Casuarina species
12 Goat foot creepers
13 Vetiver grass (vetiveriazizanioides)
Table 8.2 Hills
Grasses and Shrubs
1 Eragrostis curvula Love Grass (Kumaon -Central Himalaya)
2 Eragrostis superva (Locally known as Babia in Kumaon –Central
3 Chrysopogon mountanus - Central Himalayas
4 Pennisctum orientale - Central Himalayas
5 Lolium perenne (Rai Grass - H.P. & Kumaon)
6 Poa pratensis (above 1800 m)
7 Imperata cylindrica
8 Robinia pseudoaccadia Cuttings as well as plants
9 Kudzu vine all over upto 2400 m (Pueraria thungbergia)
10 Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum
11 Jatropha curcas
12 Ficus caric
13 Philendus cuttings
14 Lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexudosus) for use in elevations
around1900 m)
Table 8.3 Selection of species vegetation based on soil type
(As per IS 15869)
SL Name of Species Suited for
1 Cyanodon dactylon For sandy soil
2 Cenchurs ciliaris Can be used for most type of soil
3 Dichanthium annulatum For alluvial soil
4 Pennisetum pedicellatum Sandy loam soil
5 Rochola glabra Laterite semi-arid soil
6 Stylosanthis gracilis Alluvial soils having less moisture
7 Pueraria hirsute Suited to alluvial soils and for the hills in
humid climate
8 Pennisetum purpureum For hill slopes
material made of jute yarn with a coarse open mesh structure and is
biodegradable. By using Geojute netting for erosion control the soil particles,
seed, grass root slips are held securely in their original locations without being
Jute netting is having high water absorbing capacity, which gives full
benefit of moisture for growth of vegetation. After the first rainy season, the
seeded and sprigged vegetation develops in the entire surface thus, protecting
the slopes against erosion. Jute netting has been observed to have a life of
about 1 to 2 years in the field, which is sufficient for fully promoting the
growth of vegetation cover on the denuded slopes.
Once vegetation growth has been established the purpose of providing
jute netting is accomplished. As jute netting is biodegradable, after the end of
its life it decomposes and, in the process, adds nutrients to the soil.
For laying, Geojute roll is unrolled loosely and evenly on slope and then
anchored at shoulder i.e. at the top and at the toe i.e. at bottom. It shall be
ensured that there is proper contact between the jute mat and surface of the
slope by use of steel nails or other appropriate anchorage pins on slope surface
at suitable distance, to secure it against displacement. Watering facilities
should be ensured during the initial period of sowing if the work is undertaken
during non-monsoon period.
For details about use of Jute Geo-textiles (JGT), their technical
specifications and laying methodology etc., RDSO Guidelines titled “Guidelines
for application of Jute Geo-textiles in Railway Embankment and Hill Slopes”
No. RDSO/2007/GE: G-0008, Feb-2007 may be referred.
ii) Coir netting for erosion control
Coir netting (also known as 'Coir Bhoovastra') is another type of biodegradable
material which can be effectively used in a manner similar to jute netting. Coir
nettings degrade much slower than jute nettings (expected field life of about 2
to 3 years) and thus provide protection to the slopes for a longer time than jute
Coir is also resistant to saline water and provides an ecological niche for a
rapid re-establishment of the vegetation cover. Coir resembles natural soil in
its capacity to absorb solar radiation. This means that there is no risk of
excessive heating. In a manner similar to jute nettings, coir netting also
breaks up runoff from heavy rains and dissipates the energy of flowing water.
Coir also promotes the growth of new vegetation by absorbing water and
preventing the top soil from drying out. In coir mats also, proper contact
between the mat and surface of the slope by use of steel nails or appropriate
anchorage pins on slope surface at suitable distance, to be secured against
However, compared to Jute nettings, drapability of coir netting is lesser
and their water absorption capability is also lower than jute nettings. The
length of the rolls would be 50 m and width can be between 1 to 4 m. For
more details, IS: 15869 'Open weave coir Bhoovastra-Specification' and IS
15872 'Application of Coir Geotextiles (coir woven Bhoovastra) for Rainwater
Erosion Control in Roads, Railway Embankments and Hill Slopes-Guidelines'
and IRC: 56-latest version may be referred to.
Fig- 8.4 Three Dimensional Erosion Control Mat
v) Non- conventional hydro-seeding/hydro-mulching system
Hydro-seeding/hydro-mulching is a process which can be considered as
alternative to sodding. It involves seed application in water-based slurry via a
high pressure pump and hoses or a spray gun. The basic ingredients used in this
process are water, seeds, fertilizer, mulch, tackifier and bio-stimulant.
Mulch can be made from recycled paper or shredded wood or a mixture of both -
wooden mulch breathes while paper mulch forms a protective cover.
Chopped straw cut to a length of 10 to 20 mm can also be used as mulch.
Tackifier is required to make this mulch and seed stick to the soil surface to
which it is being applied.
Mulch protects the slope until the seed germinates and provides organic
nutrients as the vegetation grows. These mixed ingredients are stored in a tank
and applied using a pressure pump, on a barren land surface on which
vegetation is to be promoted.
Hydro-seeding/hydro-mulching method is especially suited for vertical or
near vertical soil slopes (steep slopes) on which 'simple vegetative turfing' or
manual application of mulch would not be successful. Hydro-seeding/hydro-
mulching jobs are specialised and expensive but for some inaccessible slopes, it
offers the only practical method. For more details IRC: 56-latest version may be
referred to.
Fig-8.5 Figure showing Hydro-seeding/hydro-mulching on slope
1.485m 4.88m(MG) 1.485m
1 IN 30
1 IN 30
Details at 'X'
Research Designs & Standards Organisation
NOT TO SCALE DRG.NO: GE/GL/0259/Rev.2/2020
Earthwork shall be carried out in layers, each layer sloping out 1:30 and compacting
it mechanically using vibratory rollers of around 0.9m width (which are available in
the market); 6 to 8 passes of such rollers shall usually suffice to provide the
compaction to the specified level. Compaction on slope shall be ensured by using
slope vibratory roller of 10-20t. Preferably, this should be a separately payable item.
iv) The width of each layer of earthwork shall be in excess by 300mm of the designed
profile to enable compaction near the edges. The excess width, thereafter, be cut
and dressed, so as to achieve the required embankment profile.
In case of widening for gauge conversion, Earthwork shall be completed upto
design formation level with due allowance of provision of blanket (as per RDSO
specification) on entire formation width i.e. extended portion as well as in existing
formation. If blanket layer does not exist on the existing formation, top layer of
existing embankment shall be replaced with required depth of blanket layer in
pursuance to guideline for fitment of existing formation for running of 25T axle load
at 100 kmph (as per details given in Appendix-I).
ii) All vegetation shall be uprooted and taken away from the site of work. The loose
materials removed from the slope should be dumped to form the bottom most
layer on the ground in the width to be widened. If required, it shall be
supplemented with local granular soil.
iii) Starting from the toe, benching on the slope at every 30cm height shall be
provided on the slope surface as given in fig. 9.2, so as to provide proper
amalgamation between the old and new earthwork.
iv) In case of doubling with widening of existing embankment, various provisions &
methodology for new construction as stipulated in Chapter 3 & 6, shall be
Note: Design and construction of any detours (for easing out of existing
sharp curves, rebuilding of important bridges etc.) shall be carried out
in accordance with provisions of new construction as stipulated in
Chapter 3 (Table 3.1 to 3.6).
v) In case, height of embankment (as per required top level of formation) is less
than the required depth of formation layers (Blanket/Prepared sub-grade/Top
layer of sub-grade), then also provision as stipulated for formation layer shall
have to be ensured for effective stress dispersal. If required, excavation below
ground level will have to be done as given in Para 3.11 of Chapter 3 &
9.2 Widening/Repair of Cess for Open Line maintenance
9.2.1 Introduction
Adequate formation width, ballast profile and cess width/height are required to
maintain desired track geometry. Minimum width of cess is needed for following
9.2.3 Execution
10.1 General
Railway formation may develop instability for reasons of poor bearing capacity of
formation, inadequate factor of safety against slope stability, excessive settlement and
loss of soil from formation on account of erosion, etc. Existence of one or more of these
causative factors may lead to development of others and ultimately leads to instability
of formation.
Formation failure due to poor bearing capacity alone or in combination comprises most
of the unstable stretches. Increase in axle load & GMT also have a significant effect on
adequacy of bearing capacity of formation. Therefore, strengthening of formation
against bearing capacity failure is an important rehabilitation work.
10.2 Type of Formation Failure
The railway formation generally fails on account of improper design of embankment
profile, lack of compaction of earthwork, poor subgrade material and construction of
embankment before consolidation of sub-soil. Once the failure sets in, further
deterioration is faster. The main forms of failure are given below:
i) Failures of the base or sub-soil strata: Sub-soil strata may fail in shear or
settle excessively and cause:
a) Slips,
b) Heave beyond toe, or
c) Excessive deformation.
ii) Failures of the fill material: Fill material may fail in shear which may cause:
a) Slips,
b) Bulging or creep of slopes, and
c) Excessive deformation.
iii) Failure of the formation top: This is due to poor sub-grade material, which
results in ballast penetration, mud pumping and cess heave. This generally occurs
during monsoons and the causes of the failures are:
a) Due to strength failure: This occurs due to low shear strength of top soil
causing settlement of track with a consequent heave of cess and ballast
b) Pumping failure: This occurs due to presence of liquid slurry below the
bottom of the sleeper. This may be formed with fine particles derived from the
attrition of ballast, dust and water. Sometimes the residual negative pore
pressure developed in the formation soil after the passage of the trains tends to
cause softening of the soil and assists slurry formation. This slurry migrates
upwards to the underside of the sleeper due to contraction and dilation of the
ballast voids with passage of trains. This causes serious track irregularities
c) Due to development of cracks on the formation top during summer
months: Shrinkage cracks form in highly shrinkable soil during summer
through which sometimes ballast enters resulting in the settlement of the track.
The situation worsens in the rainy season when water enters into the formation
through these cracks and causes swelling, resulting in frequent cross level
d) Due to the formation of gel on the formation top in Thixotropic soils:
Some soils after coming in contact with water assume a gel-like consistency
and loose shear strength all together under the load by assuming a liquid like
consistency. When the loads are removed, these soils revert back to their
original gel-like consistency within a short period of time known as “gelation
time”. During the period the topsoil is having liquid-like consistency, there is
complete loss of shear strength resulting in penetration of ballast and
consequent settlement of track.
10.3 Summary of various probable failures and their remedies
Based on the site investigation and soil testing, the relevant remedial measures
should be formulated. Some of the remedial measures suggested for the formation
troubles generally encountered are listed below for guidance:
Table 10.1
* The above measures suggested are only indicative in nature and final remedial
measures shall be decided based on the site investigation, soil testing, past failure
history (if any) etc. RDSO’s help wherever necessary, may be taken for formulating
the remedial measures.
In case any of the above conditions are met in the field, then the 4 step action plan
given below is to be followed-
b) Action to be taken for weak formation- Following 4-step action plan should be
adopted for stretches identified as weak formation: -
i) Make the formation width, cess level and side drains strictly in accordance with
prescribed profile.
ii) Carry out shallow screening of ballast section (or deep screening where
iii) Ensure no loose or missing fitting.
iv) Increase the depth of the ballast section to 30cm or even up to 35cm.
If even after adoption of above measures, track maintenance problem persists, then
it is a suspect formation and further detailed Geotechnical investigation is to be done
for assessing the problem. Based on investigation results, if the formation is
classified as Bad Formation then remedial measures for rehabilitation/Strengthening
of bad formation should be taken accordingly.
c) Site inspection:
During site inspection of problematic locations, the Pro-forma for reporting details
for unstable formation (Appendix-J) should be filled up. This should preferably be
done before the soil samples and other site details are collected.
The objective of such inspections and investigation is to know the exact cause of the
formation problem.
d) Recommended scheme for soil testing:
The identified and suspected locations shall be subjected to detailed examination as
per symptoms of failures. Recommended scheme of soil exploration and testing is
given in Table-1.1 of chapter-1(Soil Exploration and Survey).
10.5 Methods of Formation Rehabilitation
All formation rehabilitation schemes need to be framed by Railways. Help of an expert
may also be taken if required. It is the responsibility of executive authority to ensure
that formation rehabilitation work is carried out in accordance with rehabilitation
scheme and adequate control is exercised in execution. However, RDSO may also be
approached to provide consultancy on weak formation, if required.
In general, following points may be kept in view while planning for rehabilitation:
a) In developing rehabilitation schemes, stretches having similar soil characteristics
and Embankment performance should also be included simultaneously.
b) Cause(s) of instability of formation should be analysed and accordingly
rehabilitation measures formulated. There may be requirement of re-profiling of
slope along with laying of blanket and other measures.
c) Geosynthetics may also be used along with laying of blanket for formation
rehabilitation as an alternative, in consultation with RDSO as required.
d) Method of laying of blanket should be appropriate depending upon site
Various probable failures and their possible remedies are listed in Table-10.1 above.
Some of the formation rehabilitation measures which can be adopted are as discussed
a) By providing blanket layer
b) By laying Geogrid and Non-woven Geotextile at the bottom of ballast along with
deep screening by BCM
c) By cess widening
d) Rehabilitation of Unstable slopes
e) Using Formation Rehabilitation Machines.
10.5.2 By laying Geogrid and Non-woven Geotextile at the bottom of ballast along
with deep screening by BCM:
The preferred method for strengthening/rehabilitation of weak/unstable
formations will be provision of a Blanket layer of suitable thickness as detailed above.
But in cases where it is not possible to adopt this method, and only shallow depth of
formation is considered to be affected/weak, another lesser preferred alternative is
laying a separator layer of non-woven geotextile and a reinforcement layer of geogrid
over it, just below the ballast as shown in Fig-10.2. This type of laying can be done
by Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM) during deep screening of ballast, by adding
suitable attachments with BCM for holding and laying non-woven geotextile & geogrid
rolls. During the subsequent deep screening cycles, care should be taken not to
disturb about 50-100mm thickness of bottom most layer of ballast, which will not
only avoid entanglement of geosynthetics (geogrid and non-woven geotextile) with
BCM but this layer will act as a confining layer also for Geosynthetics (geogrid and
non-woven geotextile) improving their efficiency.
Non-woven Geotextile, will act as a separator layer preventing ballast getting
contaminated with fine grained particles below. The non-woven geotextile also acts a
drainage layer, thus assisting in reduction of entry of water into the subgrade,
thereby preventing alternative swelling and shrinkage of the expansive subgrade soil
due to moisture content variation to some extent. The geogrid layer reduces the
imposed stress on the subgrade. In addition to this, the cess/side slopes are
attended, if needed, to bring them within the standard profile and erosion protection
is done, to prevent entry of water into the subgrade. All these measures combined,
will help to address the problem.
However, before adopting the above method, detailed soil investigation must be
done ascertaining the root cause of the formation problem. If the nature of the
problems suggests that it cannot be solely rectified by adopting this method, then
conventional method of providing blanket layer or other appropriate method as
determined from investigation done shall be adopted.
10.5.3 By cess widening
Cess widening is one of the methods for improving the strength of Embankment soil
by process of confining as the strength of confined material is higher than unconfined
material. For detailed procedure, Para 9.2 of Chapter 9 shall be referred to.
This method was used for 9 km length from km 113 to 122 in Vikarabad – Wadi
section of South Central Railway, and results were found to be encouraging, as the
number of attentions required to maintain track were reduced substantially and TGI
values also improved in this stretch.
10.5.4 Rehabilitation of Unstable slopes
i) All vegetation shall be uprooted and taken away from the site of work. The loose
materials removed from the slope should be dumped to form the bottom most
layer on the ground in the width to be widened. If required, it shall be
supplemented with local granular soil.
ii) Starting from the toe, benching on the slope at every 30cm height shall be
provided on the slope surface as shown in Fig-10.4 below so as to provide proper
amalgamation between the old and new earthwork.
Earthwork shall be carried out in layers, each layer sloping out 1:30 and
compacting it mechanically using vibratory rollers of around 0.9m width (which
are available in the market); 6 to 8 passes of such rollers shall usually suffice to
provide the compaction to the specified level. Compaction on slope shall be
ensured by using slope vibratory roller of 10-20T. Preferably, this should be a
separately payable item.
iii) The width of each layer of earthwork shall be in excess by 300mm of the designed
profile to enable compaction near the edges. The excess width, thereafter, be cut
and dressed, so as to achieve the required embankment profile.
iv) This para covers slope rehabilitation aspects only. Others measures required as
per site condition like, drainage arrangement etc. are to be taken as required.
In addition to the measures detailed in above Paras, proper cross slope should be
provided and proper turfing or other erosion control measures shall be undertaken
on the side slopes to prevent ingress of moisture in the formation from cess and
side slopes.
Execution of work:
i) Before traffic block
Decide longitudinal level & select blanketing material (including required
moisture content & density), lay single rails if higher length panels exist,
provide ramps on to the embankment for movement of tippers to carry
blanketing material etc. & remove shoulder ballast.
ii) During traffic block (about 4 hrs. Duration)
a) Lift single rail panels and remove balance ballast with excavators.
b) Excavate formation to required depth with excavator.
c) Roll the formation providing 1 in 30 cross slopes in one direction.
d) Spread blanket material to optimum thickness for full formation
width + 50 cm on cess side(s) to facilitate compaction.
e) Compact blanket material (being granular cohesion less & well
graded) with vibratory roller to achieve min. 70% relative density
(IS code no: 2720 (Pt 14) latest version).
f) Spread ballast & put back track panels (kept on slope of
g) Attend track and allow traffic.
iii) After traffic block
Dress side slopes with suitable erosion control measures if required.
a) Progress
Progress of laying of blanket can be in the range of 100-120m per day.
Work can be taken up at more number of sites in shadow block.
b) Quality: There is no constraint in achieving good quality of work.
c) Flexibility in execution
Depth of excavation of formation & lifting of track both can be carried
out to the requirement of site. Similarly, any thickness of blanket also
can be laid. It can be adopted in any type of track structure, electrified
or non-electrified. Only requirement is that the site should be
approachable to bring machineries and space available to keep track
panel, blanket material etc. Method has been successfully implemented
in some Railways like SC Rly.
1. HMSO (1952) – “Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers”
2. Indian Railway Code for the Engineering Department-Revised Edition-1982(Fourth
3. RDSO 1972 – Civil Engineering Report no: C – 127 – Report on a study of the
Characteristics of compacted and uncompacted Expansive Soils”
4. RDSO (1977) – Civil Engineering Report no: 157 “Compaction Characteristics of
Black Cotton Soils.
5. Terzaghi, K and Peck, R.B. (1967) – “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice” – John
Wiley & Sons.
6. Selig E.T. & John M.Waters – “Track Geo-technology and Substructure Management”
7. Civil Engg. Report no. CE- 267, - ‘Role of residual shear strength in railway
formation and its determination’, Dec., 1991
8. A. Gomes Correia, 'Geotechnics for Roads, Rail Tracks and Earth Strctures, 2001, A.
A. Blakema Publishers, Proceedings of European Technical Committee No. 11 of
9. R. Kerry Rowe – “Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engg.”
10. Hilf J.W., ‘A rapid method for construction control for Embankment of cohesive soil,
ASTM special publication No. 232, 1957.
11. AREMA Manual, 2019
12. Australian Railway (ARTC) Code RTS 3430
13. Guidelines of Earthwork in Railway Projects, RDSO, No. GE:G-1, July, 2003
14. Guidelines and Specifications for Design of Formation for Heavy Axle Load, Report
No. RDSO/2009/GE: G-0014, November’2009.
15. Guidelines for Cuttings in Railway Formations, GE:G-2, Aug’ 2005
16. Guidelines on Erosion Control and Drainage of Railway Formation, GE:G-4, Feb 2005
17. Guidelines on Soft Soils- Stage Construction Method, GE:G-5, April 2005
18. Guidelines for Application of Jute Geotextile in Railway Embankments and Hill Slopes
19. Rationalisation of Formation Layer thickness on Indian Railway Track, Spec. No.
RDSO/2018/GE: IRS-0004(D) Part-IV.
20. BS EN 13250:2016 Geotextiles and geotextile related products – Characteristics
required for use in the construction of Railways.
21. Robert M. Koerner (2016): Designing with Geosynthetics – 6th Edition (Vol. I and
22. Sanjay Kumar Shukla and Jian-Hua Yin: Fundamentals of Geosynthetic Engineering,
published by Taylor & Francis.
23. Buddhima Indraratna, Wadud Salim and cholachat Rujikiamjorn; Advanced Rail
Geotechnology – Ballasted Track, published by CRC press
24. IIT/Kanpur Research report no. 1/93, April-1993.
25. RDSO Report no. CT-23, January 2010.
26. State of the Art Report on sub-grade stress and design of track substructure, Civil
Engineering Report No. C – 271.
27. IRC: 37- ‘Guidelines & Design of Flexible Pavement’, Indian Road Congress.
28. IRC: 56- ‘Recommended practices, treatment of Embankment and Roadside slope
for Erosion Control’, Indian Road Congress.
29. ORE Reports D – 71, RP – 12 & D-117, RP - 28.
30. ‘Modern Railway Track’, Esveld, Coenard MRT Productions NL, TU Delft, Second
Edition 2001.
31. ‘Procedure For Railway Track Granular Layer Thickness Determination’, Dingqing Li,
Theodore R. Sussmann Jr., and Ernest T. Selig, Report no. R-898, October, 1996,
Assosiation of American Railroads (AAR), TTC, Pueblo, Colorado, USA.
32. Track Compendium– Formation, Permanent Way, Maintenance, Economics, by Dr.
Bernhard Lichtberger, 2005, Eurail Press, Hamburg, Germany.
33. UIC Code 719R: ‘Earthworks and Track-bed layers for Railway Line’, Third ed.,
34. Paper on behaviour of geosynthetic encapsulated stone column in International
society for soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering by Professor K.
Rajagopal/IIT Madras.
In the preparation of the document, valuable assistance has been rendered by the team of
Geo-technical Engineering Directorate of RDSO, Shri R. K. Premi (SSRE/GE), Shri Vikash
Kumar (SSRE/GE), Shri Anupam Khare (SSRE/GE), Shri Shailendra Saurabh (SSRE/GE),
Shri Bimal Kumar Das (SSRE/GE), Shri Ajay Singh (SSRE/GE), Shri Akash Snehi
(SSE/Design/GE), Shri Satyam Singh (SSE/Design/GE), Shri DP Tripathi (JRE/GE), Shri
Kumar Shubham (JRE/GE) & Shri Sourabh Yadav (JRE/GE). Drawing work has been assisted
by Shri Sushil Kumar (SSE/Design/GE).
Fig-A2: General View of Crusher Fig-A3: View of Storage bin
2.1 Mechanical blenders using simple technology are now available in the market. Two
types of mechanical blenders are quite common:
a) Drum type blenders: Drum type machines may involve weigh batching or
manual feeding of material. They involve more moving parts. Hence, these
machines are both manpower and maintenance intensive. They may pose a
problem of segregation of material and as such do not afford any cost advantage
either in the short or long run. These may be suitable for small quantities and not
for large-scale production as required in construction projects.
b) Pug mill type blenders: For continuous production of mix in large quantities,
the best way is to feed the aggregates/ soils of pre decided gradation by way of 3
or 4 bins with conveyor belt. The required output grading can be achieved by
adjustment of gate openings of bins. The use of pug mill type blenders is found
very cost effective, as the manpower involvement is very little and only 4-5
people can run a plant of 100 tph. The pug mill blender consists of:
i) Four bin aggregate unit
ii) Pug mill mixer unit
iii) Water tank and metering system
iv) Conveyor belts
v) Storage silos (optional)
vi) Anti-segregation surge hopper
vii) Automation and controls
The other important features of this technology are:
i) Automatic feeding of soils/aggregates under gravity,
ii) Arrangement for precise control of mixing of water,
iii) Either direct loading into trucks, or optional storage at plant,
iv) Availability of domestic manufacturers, and low cost of set up,
v) Advantage of removal and relocation with ease.
4.2 Frequency of Tests at Site: As per Table 7.2 of this Comprehensive Guideline and
1.0 m (Min.) BLANKET
c) If layer CE upto minimum required depth do not meet the specifications of top
layer of subgrade, then upper layers of sub-soil upto “E” level should be
removed and compacted with specified quality of soil i.e. in CD, soil with
specified quality for prepared subgrade and in DE, soil with specified quality
better than that for subgrade/top layer. Above ground level, remaining part of
prepared subgrade (BC) and blanket layer (AB) of specified thickness are
required to be provided.
Few representative sketches showing thickness of formation layers in
embankment depending on site conditions:
CL of Track
V 35cm Ballast Cushion
1 : 30 1 : 30 Blanket Thickness- 30 cm
:1 1 : 30 1 : 30
N .2
MI 100 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ3, CBR 6
170 cm Lower Layer of Subgrade, CBR 3
Fig-B2: Height of Bank=3.0m, Single layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ3
subgrade (CBR≥6)
CL of Track
V 35cm Ballast Cushion
1 : 30 1 : 30 Blanket Thickness- 40 cm
: 1V Non-Woven Geotextile
1 : 30 1 : 30
N. 100 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ2, CBR 6
160 cm Lower Layer of Subgrade, CBR 3
Fig-B3: Height of Bank=3.0m, Single layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ2
subgrade (CBR≥6)
CL of Track
Fig-B4: Height of Bank= 3.0m, Single layer system (25t Axle load), with SQ1
Subgrade (CBR≥4)
CL of Track
35cm Ballast Cushion
Blanket Thickness - 55 cm
V 1 : 30 1 : 30
N. Non-Woven Geotextile
MI 1 : 30 1 : 30
S LO 45 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ1 CBR
G. L.
Subsoil Properties
NATURAL GROUND/SUBSOIL CBR 4 in atleast top 55 cm
(no exacavation is required)
Fig-B5: Height of Bank 1.0m, Single layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ1
subgrade & Subsoil with CBR≥4 (No excavation below GL)
CL of Track
35cm Ballast Cushion
Blanket Thickness - 55 cm
V 1 : 30 1 : 30
. 2H Non-Woven Geotextile
EM 1 : 30 1 : 30
SUBGRADE O P 45 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ1 CBR
G. L.
To be excavate and filled up with SQ1 Soil of CBR
Subsoil Properties
NATURAL GROUND/SUBSOIL in atleast top 55cm
Fig-B6: Height of Bank 1.0m, Single layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ1 subgrade
& Subsoil with CBR<4 (Excavation & replacement of min 55cm with CBR≥4 soil below
CL of Track
35cm Ballast Cushion
Blanket Thickness - 40 cm
V 1 : 30 1 : 30
N .2 Non-Woven Geotextile
MI 1 : 30 1 : 30
SUBGRADE O PE 60 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ2 CBR
G. L.
To be excavate and filled up with SQ2 Soil of CBR Subsoil Properties
NATURAL GROUND/SUBSOIL in atleast top 40cm
Fig-B7: Height of Bank 1.0m, Single layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ2
subgrade & Subsoil with CBR<6 (Excavation & replacement of min 40cm with CBR≥6
soil below GL)
CL of Track
35cm Ballast Cushion
Blanket Thickness - 30 cm
V 1 : 30 1 : 30
MI 1 : 30 1 : 30
SUBGRADE O PE 70 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ3 CBR
G. L.
To be excavate and filled up with SQ3 Soil of CBR Subsoil Properties
NATURAL GROUND/SUBSOIL in atleast top 30cm
Fig-B8: Height of Bank 1.0m, Single layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ3 subgrade
& Subsoil with CBR<6 (Excavation & replacement of min 30cm with CBR≥6 soil below GL)
CL of Track
35cm Ballast Cushion
Blanket Thickness - 40 cm
V 1 : 30 1 : 30
N .2 Non-Woven Geotextile
MI 1 : 30 1 : 30
O PE 50 cm of Prepared Subgrade SQ2 CBR
SUBGRADE 1 : 30 10 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ1 CBR 1 : 30 G. L.
To be excavate and filled up with SQ1 Soil of CBR Subsoil Properties
NATURAL GROUND/SUBSOIL in atleast top 40cm
Fig-B9: Height of Bank 1.0m, Two layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ2 Prepared
Subgrade, SQ1 Subgrade & Subsoil with CBR<4 (Excavation & replacement of min 40cm
with CBR≥4 soil below GL)
CL of Track
35cm Ballast Cushion
Blanket Thickness - 30 cm
V 1 : 30 1 : 30
MI 1 : 30 1 : 30
O PE 50 cm of Prepared Subgrade SQ3 CBR
SUBGRADE 1 : 30 20 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ1 CBR 1 : 30 G. L.
To be excavate and filled up with SQ1 Soil of CBR Subsoil Properties
NATURAL GROUND/SUBSOIL in atleast top 30cm
Fig-B10: Height of Bank 1.0m, Two layer system (25T Axle load), with SQ3 Prepared
Subgrade, SQ1 Subgrade & Subsoil with CBR<4 (Excavation & replacement of min 30cm
with CBR≥4 soil below GL)
CL of Track
V 35cm Ballast Cushion
1 : 30 1 : 30 Blanket Thickness- 40 cm
V Non-Woven Geotextile
H 1 : 30 1 : 30
SUBGRADE N .2 50 cm Prepared Subgrade of SQ2, CBR 8
SL 1 : 30 50 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ1, CBR 4 1 : 30
160 cm Lower Layer of Subgrade, CBR 3
Fig-B11: Height of Bank 3.0m (Two layer system), 25T axle load, with SQ2 Prepared
subgrade and SQ1 Subgrade
CL of Track
V 35cm Ballast Cushion
1 : 30 1 : 30 Blanket Thickness- 30 cm
PREPARED :1 1 : 30 1 : 30
SUBGRADE . 2H 35 cm Prepared Subgrade SQ3, CBR 8
OP 50 cm Top Layer of Subgrade SQ2, CBR 5
SL 1 : 30 1 : 30
185 cm Lower Layer of Subgrade, CBR 3
Fig-B12: Height of Bank 3.0m (Two layer system), 25T axle load, with SQ3 Prepared
Subgrade & SQ2 Subgrade
CL of Track
a) As per bore log details from soil exploration & survey, at least 1.5m depth below the
required cutting level, should be checked for conformity with specifications of
construction material (quality of formation layers-blanket/prepared sub-grade/sub-
grade top layer) as mentioned in Para 3.10.
If soil encountered in this depth is of poorer quality than as specified in Para
3.10 then the excavation for cutting will have to be planned accordingly taking into
consideration the additional provisions for conformity with quality of soil as specified
for formation layers (blanket/prepared sub-grade/sub-grade top layer) in the required
depth, which will then cater to the requirement of heavy axle load. Same has been
illustrated in Fig-B 2 given above.
b) For example, if in the depth of 1.5m below the proposed cutting level (as per required
grade/level), soil encountered meets the specification of subgrade-top layer, then
additional depth of excavation for cutting should take into account the depth of
prepared subgrade & blanket only.
CL of Track
Subsoil Properties
CBR <4
CL of Track
V 35cm Ballast Cushion
1 : 30 1 : 30 Blanket Thickness- 30 cm
PREPARED 1 : 30 1 : 30
SUBGRADE 35 cm Prepared subgrade of SQ3, CBR 8
1 : 30 1 : 30
50 cm TopLayer of Subgrade SQ2, CBR 5
Subsoil Properties
CBR <5
Note: 1. Any Ground improvement measures (if required) shall be taken prior to the construction of
embankment/cuttings (for details Refer Chapter 2).
2. All the above figures are just for guidance purpose. All the construction work shall conform
to various relevant provisions described in this Guideline.