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Is 12094 2000

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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS 12094 (2000): Guidelines for Planning and Design of

River Embankments (Levees) [WRD 22: River Training and
Diversion Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
Indian Standard
(First Revision)

ICS 93.160

0 BIS 2000


NEW DELHI 110002

Cktoher 2000 Price Group 3

River Training and Control Works Sectional Committee, WRD 22


This Indian Standards (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finaiized
by the River Training and Control Works Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources
Division Council.

An embankment (levee) is an artificial bank built along banks of a river for the purpose of protecting adja~ent
land from inundation by flood. Such type of structure is also called ‘embankment’, ‘stop-bank’, ‘bund’ or
‘dyke’. Construction of embankment to control flood is an age-old practice and is still being followed due to
its proven suitability.

This standard was first published in 1987. In this revision technological changes and improvements, as a result
of experience gained over the last decade, have been incorporated.

There is no 1S0 standard on the subject. This siandard has been prepared based on indigenous data/practices
prevalent in the field in hdia.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 12094:2000

Indian Standard
( First Revision)
1 SCOPE a) Predominantly agricultural areas, and
This standard covers planning and design of river b) Townships or areas having industrial or other
embankments (levees) cm dry land. vital installations.

2 REFERENCES 3.1.2 Collection of Data

The following standards contain provisions which For preparation of a suitable flood protection scheme,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of information on topography, characteristics, and
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions hydrology of the river, history of past floods and works
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to is necessary. The basic data required is as follows:
revision and par’ties to agreements based on this a) Topography
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityy ‘
.1) Index plan showing the area affected in the
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
past (including lamls, villages and property)
indicated below:
and the area likely to be affected in post-
IS No. Title project conditions.

7894: 1975 Code of practice for stability 2) Contoured survey plan of the area prone to
analysis of earth dams inundation.

8408: 1994 Planning and design of groynes in 3) Plan showing past river courses.
alluvial river — Guidelines (first 4) Plan of soil survey of the area where embank-
revision) ments are proposed.
I075 I : I994 PLanning and design of guide 5) Plan and section of the flood protection works
banks for alluvial river — Guidelines already existing or executed.
(@w revision) 6) Plan of structures likely to be affected due to
.11532: 1995 Construction and maintenance of construction of embankment as a result of
river embankments (levees) — increase in flood level.
Guidelines (first revisiotl)
b) River characteristics and hydrology
12169: 1987 Criteria for design of small
embankment dams 1) Characteristics of the river whether alluvial,
incised, aggrading or degrading; meandering
3 PLANNING or braided.
3.0 General 2) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of
For plmning of embankments the following three the silt of river at sites of proposed work or
aspects need to be lookccl into: upstream.
3) Nature of the soil of the bank and the bed at
a) The area to bc protected,
site of the proposed work.
b) Degree of protection to be provided, and
4) Gauge and discharge data of the main
c) Alignment and spacing of embankment. river and its tributaries, preferably at sites of
3.1 Area to be Protected proposed work or otherwise upstream.

3. L 1 Class ficutim 5) Recorded maximum flood discharge, velocity

and level.
II is necessary to know the importance of the area to
he protected in order to determine the degree of 6) Safe carrying capacity of the river (where work
lirotcction (see 3.2) to be provided. At present, there is prop-osed).
are two classifications made according to land 7) Extent of the flood spill and the quantity of
utilization of the ;u-ca as given below: the spill to be controlled.

IS 12094:2000

8) Cross-section and L-sections of the river The spacing between the embankments in
particularly in thewaches where works are jacketted reach of river should not be less than 3 times
proposed. Lacey’s wetted perimeter for the design flood discharge.
In no case should an embankment be placed at a
9) Rainfali clatafor the basin forthe past years.
distance less than Lacey’s wetted perimeter from the
c) History ofpastfloods river bank or one and a half times the Lacey’s wetted
perimeter from the midstream of the river. This should
A brief history ot’the past floods indicating also be ensured in case of embankment on only one
duration of tloods, flood discharges and cor- bank of the river. Alignment of embankments should
responding water levels, stage of the river at which also be planned so that land acquisition for embankment
the damage was most pronounced, extent of construction is feasible and is not prolonged.
damage and their effect on the river regime,
measures adopted earlier for the protection In the tidal reach of a river, embankments
against floods and their effect on the river courses, should be constructed with due regard to their effect
river sections, bed levels, etc, as well as the present on the navigation requirements in the channel as
condition of the existing flood control works. embankments in such cases may substantially reduce
the tidal influx causing a reduction in the available
3.1.3 After determining the type of the area to be navigation depth. As such no recommendation on
protected and degree of protection to be given, the spacing and alignment of levee can be generalized
extent of area to be protected economically should be in view of the fact that each river is unique in its beha-
decided upon. For economic viability, the benefit-cost viour. Thorough knowledge of the river behaviour and
ratio (B.C. ratio) should be more than unity. studies of the effects of the embankments along
different alignments are prerequisites for taking
3.2 Degree of Protection
decision on spacing and alignment. Vulnerability to
The height of the embankment and the corresponding river attack, rise of high flood level on account of
cost and B.C. ratio should be worked out for various reduction in flow area, increase in discharge due to
flood frequencies taking into account the damage likely cut off in valley storage, as well as optimization of
to occur. The degree of protection which gives the benefit, etc, should reflect in the decision making.
maximum benefit cost ratio should be adopted.
3.3.2 Length of the Embankment
However, till such time as the details of all relevant Length of embankment directly depends upon the
parameters are available, embankment schemes should alignment. However, it is to be ensured that both ends
be prepared for a flood of 25 years frequency in the of the bund are tied up to some high-ground or existing
case of predominantly agricultural ar~as and for flood highway or railway or any other embankment nearby
of 100 years frequency for works pertaining to conforming to the design height of the embankment.
protection of town, important industrial and other vital
installations. In certain special cases, where damage 4 DESIGN OF EMBANKMENT
potential justifies, the maximum observed flood may 4.1 Types
also be considered.
Embankments can be classified into two types as given
3.3 Alignment and Spacing of Embankments below:

3.3.1 As far as possible, embankments should be a) Homogeneous Embankment— It consists of

aligned on the ridge of the natural banks of the river, practically uniform material throughout. There
where land is high and soil suitable for the construction is no designed plan of material distribution other
of embankments. than the coarsest or most pervious material being
placed at the outer slopes (see Fig. 1).
The alignment should be determined in such a way
that the high velocity flow which can erode the b) Zoned Embankment— It essentially consists of
embankment material is sufficiently distant from them. an inner or impervious section supported by
Hydraulic models are useful guides in this regard. two or more outer sections of relatively pervious
materials (see Fig.2). Embankments should be aligned so that
important towns and properties along the river bank 4.1.1 The essential requirements for design of the
are left outside the embankment. Where it is not embankment are the determination of the design high
possible to set back embankments to avoid the high flood level (HFL), hydraulic gradient, freeboard, side
velocity flow, some form of protection is necessary. slopes, top width, etc. The stability of the structure
Protrusions and sudden changes in the alignments and should be checked under all stages of construction,
forming kinks should be avoided as far as possible. condidon of saturation and drawdown. The embankment

IS 12094:2000

TOP WIDTH 5.0 TO 5.5 m

1:2 OR 1:3 -FREE BOARD
1.5 m OR Mt m


COVER 0.6 m THAN 1:2 TO 1:3


1 Regwding dtermte dimensions shown in the figure, refe.re to the vmious cktuses rekrting
to design mpects given in the stmdwd.
2 The depth wrd distmrce of borrow pits shell be m per the requirenrents given in 1S 1153.
3 Spacing of cross-drains me m per 1S 8237 ‘Code of pr~ctice of protection of slope for
reservoir embmknrents (fir-sr revision)’.
4 Strip level is shown m it is m obvious fe~ture of construction work.


mox. WS EL
—---- ~------- —.
5 b
1 lm
\MpERw\@ e~ANKET

-=== 67.


should be safe against cracks due to unequal moisture frequency analysis for the return period
contents in different parts and unequal settlement (see according to land utilization pattern of area
IS 7894 and IS 121 69). (see 3.2) using standard statistical methods.
4.2 Design HFL b) Where Discharge and Gauge Data are Available
for a Short Period —A suitable gauge discharge
Correct assessment of the HFL is an important item in
relationship should first be established. Then a
the destgn of embankment. A general problem
relationship between storm, rainfall and peak
encountered in detertnining HFL is non-availability of
discharge should he established “based on the
adequate data. Depending on data, the approach to
data for the period for which discharge data is
determine HFL is divided into the following three
available. Utilizing all available past rainfall data,
a suitable return period value should be chosen
a) Whet-e Lotlg-fi~rm Di.w%urge and Guuge Data for design storm rainfall intensity. Land-use and
are Available — Firslly gauge discharge nature of the area should also be taken into
relationship should be established. Then consideration to find out the design peak flood
available discharge data should be subjected to discharge from the rainfall peak discharge

1S 12094:2000

relationship. The design flood level is to be 4.4 Top Width

obtained from gauge discharge relationship
For facilitating transport of material during
already established. The design flood level so
construction and maintenance work, it is desirable to
obtained should be verified on the basis of
make the top sufficiently wide to accommodate two-lane
observed cross-sections, slopes and velocities
vehicular traffic and to be used as inspection road.
of the river in the recent years.
The criteria given below may be considered as general
c) Where No Discharge and Gauge Data are guideline for top width (see IS 11532).
Available— Synthetic unit hydrography approach
4.4.1 The top width of the embankment should be of
should be used for estimating the desired return
5.0 m. The turning platforms, 15 to 30m long and
period flood. For this purpose flood estimation
3.Om wide with side slope I:3 along the countryside
reports prepared by Planning and Coordination
of the embankment should be provided at every ——
Committee and published by the Directorate of
kilometre (see Fig. 3).
Hydrology (Small Catchments), Central Water
Commission, New Delhi for the country ‘asa whole 4.4.2 The top width should be adequate for the type
under the short-term plan and for each sub-zone of vehicular-traffic designed to use the embankment.
under long term plan may be used. Clear berms of 1 m width on either side sloping towards
the outer edges of the embankment may be provided
4.2.1 In the case of embankment on both sides of river,
for drainage. No water should be allowed to crllect
rise in the water level due to jacketing of the river
over the embankment at any stage. Suitably designed
should be kept in view in determining the design HFL.
gutter-drains may be provided on both side klopes at
4.3 Free Board intervals.

The top of the embankment should be so fixed that 4.5 Hydraulic Gradient
there is no danger of over-topping even with intense It is always desirable to know, approximately at least,
wave wash or any unexpected rise in the river levels the line of seepage in the cross-section of a proposed
due to sudden change in the river course or shortening embankment. This line should never be allowed to
of river course due to unforeseeable causes or intersect the outside countryside slope of bank above
aggravation of river bed or embankment settlement. GL and care should be taken so that a cover of 0.6 m is
The height ot’the wave depends upon the wind velocity available on HG line.
and the fetch. There are many formulae for determining
the height of the wave; however, the formula proposed 4.5.1 Hydraulic gradient line should be determined on
by Stevenson, modified by Molitor to include wind the basis of the analysis of soils which are to be used
vel~ity, should be used as given below: in the construction of embankment. However, the
following guidelines are recommended:
hw = 0.032 (VF)ln + 0.76 – 0.27 (F)i’4
Type of Fill Hydraulic Gradient
Clayey soil lin4
hw = height of-wave from trough to crest in metres,
Clayey sand lin5
V = wind velocity in kilometres per hour, and
Sandy soil lin6
F = fetch or straight length of water subject to wind
action in kilometres. 4.6 Side Slope

4.3.1 The height of the wave is measured from trough The side slopes are dependent upon the nature of the
to crest of the wave but as the waves will travel up the material of which the embankment is made, the method
slope of the embankment, hw may be taken as height of construction, the height of the embankment and the
above the flood level. length of time that the embankment is likely to be
subjected to the action of flood waters. They shall
4.3.2 As a guideline, minimum free board of 1.5 m over also be stable against slipping under conditions of
design HFL including the back water effect, if any, saturation and sudden drawdown (see IS 7894).
should be provided for the river carrying design
discharge up to 3000 m~/s. For higher discharges or 4.6.1 River Side Slope
for aggrading/flashy rivers, the minimum free board The river side slope should be flatter than the under
should be of 1.8 m. This should be checked also for water angle of repose of the material used in the till. Up
ensuring a minimum of about 1.0 m of free board over to an embankment height of 4.5 m, the slope should
HFL corresponding to 100 years frequency flood not be steeper than 1 in 2 and in case of higher
(see also 3.2). embankments slope should not be steeper than 1 in 3,

IS 12094-:2000

3m WIDE AND 15m TO 30m



-—— -.--————-..-————




when the soil is good and to be used in the most c) For embankments of height more than 6.0 m,
favorable condition of saturation and drawdown. detail design should be made.

a) In case of higher embankment protected by rip- For drainage, longitudinal drains should be
rap, the slope of embankments up to 6 m high provided on the berm and cross drains at suitable places
may be 1 in 2 or I in 2.5 depending upon the should be provided to drain the water from the
type of slope protection; longitudinal drains (see IS 1075 I).
b) If the construction material is sandy, the slope
should be protected with a cover of 0.6 m thick 4.7 Safety Measures in Design
good soil; and Structure should be stable under all stages of
c) It is usually preferable to have more or less free construction and conditions of saturation and draw-
draining material on (he river side to take care of down. It is therefore necessary that stability checks
sudden drawdown. In case of high and important for various conditions should be done to ensure safety
embankment stone rip-rap either dry dumped or of the structure. Seismic forces should also be
hand placed and concrete pavements/concrete considered for high embankments. The factor of safety
blocks with open joints are adopted to protect should be 1.3 or greater. (see IS 7894).
the embankment against drawdown andlor
erosive action of the river (see IS 8408); in less 4.7.1 Safety Against Cracks Due to Unequal
important embankments where rip-rap is costly, Settlement and Wetting
willow mattress can be used. Unequal settlements can be Iiirgely avoided by
4.6.2 Countryside S1O[JC preparing the foundations properly and by selecting
suitable material for construction. Where the
A minimum cover of 0.6 m over the hydraulic line
foundation soil is weak, suitable strengthening
should be provided.
measures may be taken. Clayey soils containing
a) For embankment up to 4.5 m height, the organic matter or soils containing decaying vegetables
countryside slope should be 1 in 2 from the top matter such as remains of pka$ts and roots should be
up to the point where the cover over HG line is rejected. Well graded homogeneous materials are most
0.6 m after which a berm of suitable width, with suitable for construction. In case of difficulty in getting
the countryside slope of I:2 from the end of the full quantities of the same material, zonal sections with
berm up to ground level, should be provided; impervious core and a pervious casing may”be adopted.
b) For embankments of height between -4.5 to In high embankments it is desirable to mechanically
6.0 m, the corresponding slopes with respect to compact the earth fill in suitable layers with a view to
4.6.2 (a) should bc I in 3. Berms should be of achieve optimum density with appropriate moisture
width 1.5 m normally; content. Breaking of big clods specially in clayey soils

IS 12094:2000

is to be done and organic/vegetable matter separated soling over filter for proper drainage. For
to safeguard against leakagdpiping. embankments protecting towns in industrial and
places of strategic importance, the necessity of
4.8 Sluices
providing all weather road surfaces of 3 to 3.5 m width
Sluices with regulating arrangement should be should be examined to ensure maintenance work for
provided for countryside drainage. The size of sluices reaches which are not easily accessible.
will depend upon the intensity of the rainfall and the
4.10 In order to provide communication from one
catchment area to be drained.
side of embankment to the other, ramps at suitable
4.9 Treatment on Top of Embankments places should be provided as per requirement to
An embankment should be provided with suitable obviate subsequent interference.


Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established mder the Bureau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also i
reviewed periodical y; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review ind]cates that f
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. Wm 22 (263).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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