General Aspects of Speed Increaser Gearboxes
General Aspects of Speed Increaser Gearboxes
General Aspects of Speed Increaser Gearboxes
Abstract. This study aims to present the general aspects of the speed increaser gearboxes.
The second part of this study will focus on the identification of the possibility to replace the
special materials used for gearing execution of the speed increaser gearboxes with materials
having inferior mechanical characteristics. Gearing execution from 18CrNiMo7-6 material is
expensive in terms of price and applied execution technology. Also to obtain the mechanical
characteristics for these materials is necessary to apply some special expensive heat treatments
as carburizing heat treatment. We will replace this material with C45 steel for gear and pinion
execution, we will apply an induction hardening heat treatment for getting a surface teeth
hardness HRC 45 an for the increase the safety for tooth root stress coefficient we will apply a
supplementary operation consisting in a tooth root shoot peening.
1. Introduction
The gears represent mechanical transmissions used in many applications due to the fact that they have
high efficiencies and could cover a large scale of the speed and powers. Because the gears are
executed from alloy special steel with specific heat treatments, these transmissions have small
dimensions [1].
The speed increaser gearboxes are mechanical transmissions with subunit ratio. Depending on the
imposed total ratio, the speed multipliers could be constructed in one or more stages.
The gears of the speed increaser gearboxes can be with cylindrical teeth or cylindrical helical teeth.
We recommend cylindrical teeth when the peripheral speeds are low and the axial forces in the sleeve
bearing are not accepted. When the peripheral speed are high (over 12m/s) [2] and the function is
silent, we recommend using gears with cylindrical helical teeth.
Speed increaser gearboxes used in the Kaplan turbines are constructed with cylindrical helical
teeth, the multipliers sleeve bearings are dimensioned so that to take the forces from the cylindrical
gearing and the axial forces generated by the turbine.
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International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
II. Teeth form: A) Gears with cylindrical teeth; B)Gears with cylindrical helical teeth; C) Gears
with teeth in V,W,Z form; D) Gears with bevel helical teeth;
III. Relative position of the meshing surfaces: A)External meshing; B)Internal meshing
IV. Direction of rotation: A) In the same direction; B) In opposite direction;
Ratio: A) Constant ratio; B) Variable ratio;
Size of the ratio: A) Ratio i≥1-gearbox; B) Ratio i≤1-speed multipliers
Teeth profile: A) Evolving profile; B) Archimedean spiral for worm gear; C)
Cycloidal profile; D) Straight line just for rack
3. The geometric elements of the speed increaser gearboxes. The meshing low
The meshing low, also known as Willis theory, status the condition that has to the fulfilled by the
profile curves of the teeth in contact so that the moment can be transmitted at a constant transmission
ratio [3].
i12 1 1 (1)
n2 2
In order that two gears wheels to transmit the rotation moment at a constant transmission ratio it is
necessary that the teeth profiles to be generated in such manner that their common normal straight line
in the contact points to pass through a fixed point C (pitch point) (Figure 2) from the centre line. The
conjugate profiles are those to satisfy the meshing low [3], [5].
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
Involute (also known as evolvent ) is a curve obtained from another given curve by attaching an
imaginary taut string to the given curve and tracing its free end as it is wound onto that given curve
Narrow Figure/wide caption [6].
The pressure angle α is the angle between the line of pressure (which is normal for the tooth
surface) and the plane tangent to the pitch surface. The involute equation is [3]:
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
r (3)
4. The forces acting in the cylindrical helical teeth of the speed increaser gearboxes. The stresses
appearing in the cylindrical helical teeth of the speed increaser gearboxes
The normal force (Fn) which appears in gearing, decomposes in two components: the tangential force
(Ft) and radial force (Fr). The tangential force introduce tooth root maximum stretching stresses in
point A and maximum compression stresses in point B, and the radial force introduce the compression
stresses in the ABC plan [1].
So, adding these stresses result that the stretching stresses in point A have a maximum value of σi-
σc2 and in point B the compression stresses have a maximum value of σc1+σc2[1].
The tooth crack, as the result of the fatigue bending and shock stresses, appears due to the
stretching stresses that occur around point A [2], [7].
We observe that an increase of the compression stress around this point would lead to decrease of
the stretching stress. This can be done applying a supplementary operation consisting in a shoot
peening in zone point A [2], [7].
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
During the meshing the teeth are exposed to dynamic stressing [1].
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
σFo – nominal tooth root stress in static conditions;
YF – tooth form factor,
YS – stress correction factor,
Yβ – helical load factor,
YB – gear rim factor,
YDT – deep tooth factor,
Ft – nominal circumferential force at pitch circle,
b – face width,
mn – normal module.
The safety for tooth root stress coefficient according to ISO 6336-3:2006 is:
F S f min (6)
σFG – limit strength toot root;
FE F lim YST (8)
FP YrelT YRrelT Yx (9)
S F min
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
Sfmin – required safety,
σF – tooth root stress,
YδrelT – support factor,
YRrelT – surface factor,
Yx – size coefficient,
YST – stress correction factor.
6. Choose of the constructive solution for speed increaser gearbox type AV 11.25. Geometric
gears calculation of the speed increaser gearbox
Choosing the constructive variant was made starting the following input data: power P = 34.50 (kW);
input speed n1=250 (rpm); output speed n2 = 1000 (rpm); application factor KA = 1;
The main geometrical elements of this speed increaser gearbox are [10]: center distance a =
112.500 (mm); centre distance tolerance ISO 286:2010 measure js7; normal module mn = 2.0000
(mm); pressure angle at normal section αn = 20.0000 (°); helix angle at reference circle β = 10.0000
(°); number of teeth z1= 22 and z2 = 88; face width b1= 47.50 (mm) and b2 = 45.00 (mm); accuracy
grade [Q-ISO 1328:1995], [6].
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
B) Gear 2: C45 Through hardened steel, flame/induction hardened according to ISO 6336-5
Figure 11/12 (MQ)
C) Surface hardness HRC 57
The geometric gears calculation was made using the Kisssoft gear software and was made
according to DIN 3960:1987, [12].
Table 2.Tooth root stresses and safeties taking into account the pretension force
Gear 1 Gear 2
Pretension [sigmaP] (N/mm²) 45 85
Limit strength for tooth root with pretension
[sigFG'] (N/mm²) 898.99 956.92
Safety for Tooth root stress [SF=sigFG'/sigF] 1.50 1050
Pretension [sigmaP] (N/mm²) 95 140
Limit strength for tooth root with pretension
[sigFG'] (N/mm²) 959.32 1023.64
Safety for Tooth root stress [SF=sigFG'/sigF] 1.60 1.60
Pretension [sigmaP] (N/mm²) 145 190
Limit strength for tooth root with pretension
[sigFG'] (N/mm²) 1019.66 1084.57
Safety for Tooth root stress [SF=sigFG'/sigF] 1.7 1.7
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012032
We notice that without a pretention at tooth root, the safety coefficients for tooth root stress are
smaller than required safety coefficients.
7. Conclusion
The speed increaser gearboxes are mechanical transmission with subunit ratio. The pinions and the
gears of the speed increaser gearboxes are executed from case hardening steel. Carburised and heat
treated these materials develop high values for surface hardness and for the tensile strength. We will
replace these materials with C45 steel. Appling an induction heat treatment we will get a teeth surface
hardness, HRC 57.
To increase the safety factor for tooth root stress we will apply a shoot peening process. This
process will be performed by bombarding the tooth root teeth of the gears with small spherical media.
By this process we will introduce the residual compressive stresses in the superficial layer of the
tooth root and will improve the bending fatigue strength of the gears.
In conclusion, taking into consideration that applying an induction hardening heat treatment, we
will get a surface teeth hardness HRC 57 and applying and a soot peening process for growing the
safety factor for the tooth root stress it is possible to replace the special materials like 18CrNiMo7-6
or 16MnCr5 with normal steel like C45.
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