Sika - 1
Sika - 1
Sika - 1
March 2014
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1.1 Chemical
Normal setting additive, ready for use as a waterproofing admixture for mortar and concrete.
1.2 Characterization :
Form : Liquid Color : Yellow Odor : Characteristic
3. Safety Precautions
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
4.5 Disposal
Dispose as special waste: mixture of water and hydrocarbons.
6. Transport
7. Toxicology
Non-toxic under relevant health and safety codes.
8. Ecology
Don't release into water supplies or the ground. In cured state the product is not known to cause
an adverse environmental effect. Because of the high pH value the product can be injurious to
aquatic life.
Conditions to avoid:
Evaluated temperatures.
Incompatible Materials:
No information available.
Hazardous reactions:
No information available.
Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place and out of direct sunlight. Store away from
incompatible materials described in section 9.
Keep containers closed when not in use – check regularly for leaks.
Engineering measures:
Provide exhaust ventilation where operating conditions may create excessive work place vapor
or mists.
Hazardous ingredients: