Sensitive Test Result
Sensitive Test Result
Sensitive Test Result
results are
Your results
Your results are divided into sections by the
type of items tested. Within each section We believe that in providing you with your
you’ll find an overview page, this is to ensure test results and relevant information in each
your results are as clear and concise as section, your results can form the beginning
possible and your attention is drawn to the of a journey, enabling you to make positive
information that is of greatest value to you. changes to your daily diet and environment.
You can see the full list of items tested in the In doing so we want you to be able to take
detailed analysis page. Your results report is steps towards eating a diet, which is nutritious
designed to provide the utmost clarity on your and enjoyable and living a life, which is
results and the actions we would recommend. healthful and happy.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Check My Body Health Team
Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a
medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition
and/or medical symptoms.
Table of contents
Interpreting your results 4
Customer testimonials 8
Additives 41
Digestion 52 TIP!
Throughout your
Your next steps 55 results PDF you
can use the top
Elimination diet 57 'Back to Contents'
link to jump back
Additives explainer 61 to this page.
Check My Body Health DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES and assumes no responsibility or liability for
any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of following or misusing any of the information or content from this report on or from
our website. Check My Body Health assumes or undertakes NO LIABILITY for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of
any information or content or any reliance thereon.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: This report is for informational purposes only. Consult a physician before undertaking any nutritional plan or diet
program. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own medical and physical condition, or that of your clients, and to independently
determine whether to perform, use or adapt any of the information or content on this report or on our website.
Interpreting your results – explainer
There are a couple of fundamental differences between allergy and sensitivity; having food
sensitivity may be uncomfortable and cause symptoms that, whilst annoying, embarrassing or
even debilitating, do not have the potential to be life-threatening like those caused by food allergy;
food sensitivity can also change over time, it can often be overcome through implementation of a
food elimination diet and/or improving gut health, however food allergy tends to be lifelong.
The physiological process, which takes place in the body during an allergic reaction, is also entirely
different to that of sensitivity. An allergic reaction involves the immune system and cells called
antibodies, whereas this is not involved in sensitivity. Hair testing does not test antibody levels
therefore this is why it cannot be used to test for allergy.
Known Allergy
You may have a known allergy; so let’s help you to interpret sensitivity results to this item.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
The item you are allergic to shows as The item you are allergic to shows as a
a moderate or high reactivity item. no reactivity item.
This means that as well as a food allergy you This means that you do not have food
have food sensitivity. If you have already sensitivity to this item however the result does
removed this item from your diet you do not not question or contradict the presence of your
need to take any action. If you have not food allergy to the item. It does NOT mean you
removed it previously, it is worth considering should reintroduce the item to your diet, you
doing so, however we would not recommend should respect the symptoms or test results
reintroduction following the elimination diet. you have had previously with regards to allergy.
Remember this test does not test for allergy.
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Everyday Foods
It is common for a food item consumed in the daily diet or very frequently, to test as a moderate or
high sensitivity item. This can happen with food sensitivity and may be due to the body suddenly
struggling to process or breakdown particular constituents of the food. This could be caused by
overconsumption of a food group or could be down to an imbalance in gut bacteria or the
presence of low-level inflammation in the gut.
Whatever the cause do not despair. We are talking about food sensitivity and NOT allergy;
therefore completing a food elimination diet with subsequent reintroduction can help. This may
mean you need to eliminate a favourite food or staple in your diet for a period of weeks but you will
be able to reintroduce the item. Eliminating food items for a period of time can allow the gut time
to ‘rest’ from trigger foods and the reintroduction of items can allow you to assess how a food or
food group makes you feel.
Gut Nourishment
In most cases carrying out an elimination diet is enough to improve symptoms and allow for a
greater understanding of any foods, which aren’t agreeing with the body. It is also worth
considering the nourishment of the digestive tract and addressing any gut bacteria imbalances to
further improve gut function and reduce digestive symptoms.
Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a
medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition
and/or medical symptoms.
and Alternative
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We thought you’d like to hear what some of our
customers thought about our service, from the
hair submission to understanding the results
testimonials report and elimination diet implementation.
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Sources of vitamins
Water-soluble vitamins Minerals
B Vitamins Calcium
Oats, whole wheat, rye, buckwheat, brown rice, Brewer’s Watercress, kale, broccoli, low fat mozzarella, low fat
yeast, peanuts, mushrooms, soybean lour and soybeans, cheddar, yogurt, pak choi, tofu, sugar snap peas, almonds,
split peas, pecans, sunflower seeds, lentils, cashews, tinned sardines in oil with bones, tinned pink salmon.
chickpeas, broccoli, hazelnuts, peppers.
B12 Buckwheat, rye, millet, brown rice, whole wheat, kelp,
Oysters, mussels, scallops, liver, mackerel, tuna, salmon, almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, peanuts, walnuts, tofu,
sardines, crab, beef, eggs, yogurt, Swiss cheese, fortiied coconut, soya beans, figs, apricots, dates, prawns, corn,
products. avocado, spinach, kale, broccoli swiss chard, turnip greens,
Vitamin C
Red peppers, guavas, kale, kiwi, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Zinc
strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, oranges, Rye, spinach, beef, lamb, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds,
tomatoes, peas, mange tout, papaya, mango, pineapple, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, cocoa powder, dark
melon. chocolate, pork, chicken, chickpeas, baked beans,
Rye, whole wheat, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame
Fat-soluable vitamins
seeds, chicken liver, oysters, mussels, clams, cashews, pine
nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, beef, lamb, lentils, white
Vitamin A
beans, soybeans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lima beans,
(Retinol) Liver, beef, lamb, cod liver oil, mackerel, salmon,
oatmeal, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, dark chocolate.
tuna, paté, goat’s cheese, eggs, cheddar, cream cheese,
butter, goat’s cheese.
Rye, oats, brown rice, barley, mussels, hazelnuts, pine nuts,
Beta Carotene (Precursor to vitamin A) Sweet potato,
pecans, lima beans, chickpeas, aduki beans, lentils,
carrots, kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard, pak choi,
pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pineapple,
butternut squash, pumpkin, cos lettuce, romaine lettuce,
spinach, kale, tofu, soybeans, sweet potato, blueberries,
mango, dried apricots, prunes, peaches, melon, red
raspberries, strawberries.
peppers, tuna ish, mackerel, butter.
Vitamin D
Rye, oats, sesame seeds, cashews, soybeans, mushrooms,
Salmon, trout, swordish, mackerel, tuna, buttermilk, some
sunflower seeds, tempeh, garbanzo beans, lentils, walnuts,
yogurt, mushrooms, eggs, fortiied products.
lima beans, liver, spirulina, dark chocolate, collard greens,
Swiss chard, spinach, kale.
Vitamin E
Spinach, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, turnip greens, collards,
avocado, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, sunlowers seeds,
Brown rice, oats, rye, whole wheat, chicken, turkey, pork,
prawn/shrimp, crayish, salmon, smoked salmon, swordish,
liver, sardines, scallops, salmon, mackerel, crab, milk, yogurt,
herring, trout, olive oil, sunlower oil, sweet potato, squashes,
cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, Brazil
kiwi, mango, peach, nectarines, apricots, guava, raspberries,
nuts, pine nuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews.
Vitamin K
Dried apricots, salmon, mackerel, tuna, monkfish, white
Kale, spinach, mustard greens, spring onions, cress, basil,
beans, lentils, kidney beans, avocado, butternut squash,
thyme, coriander, sage, parsley, Brussel sprouts, cabbage,
spinach, mushrooms, bananas, potatoes, low fat yogurt.
chilli powder, paprika, fennel, leeks.
Brazil nuts, brown rice, rye, whole wheat, mushrooms,
shrimp, sardines, oysters, tuna, sunflower seeds, liver, eggs,
beef, turkey, cottage cheese."
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Food sensitivity happens when the body has difficulty digesting a
particular food. Having food sensitivity can cause symptoms such as
bloating, bowel movement changes, headaches and fatigue. It can also
contribute towards symptoms experienced by those with chronic
conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, arthritis,
autism and ADD/ADHD.
Food sensitivity should not be confused with food allergy. This test is for
food sensitivity ONLY. Food allergy symptoms include coughing, sneezing,
runny nose/eyes, itchy mouth/eyes, swelling of the lips/face, rashes,
worsening of eczema and/or asthma, wheezing, breathing difficulties,
vomiting, diarrhoea and, in rare cases, anaphylaxis. Testing for food allergy
can only be done through a blood, skin prick or patch test. If you suspect
you have food allergy please see your physician.
These are the food items that These are the food items that These are the food items that
our testing shows you have our testing shows you could our testing shows you do not
sensitivity to. potentially have sensitivity to. have sensitivity to.
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High Reactivity
• Drinks • Legumes and Pulses
• Fruit • Miscellaneous
• Gluten-free Cereals and • Nuts and Seeds
Grains • Oils and Condiments
• Herbs and Spices
These food categories have been identified as those containing food items which may be causing
or contributing to physical symptoms. A detailed analysis of each of the food items can be viewed
on the next section of this report.
We would recommend the removal of these items from your daily diet using a structured
elimination diet. Please reference back to your results email to access details on how to implement
an effective elimination diet.
Moderate Reactivity
• Cheese • Legumes and Pulses
• Dairy and Egg • Meat
• Drinks • Miscellaneous
• Fruit • Nuts and Seeds
• Gluten-free Cereals and • Oils and Condiments
Grains • Seafood and Fish
These food categories have been identified as those containing food items, which may have the
potential to cause or contribute to physical symptoms. A detailed analysis of each of the food
items can be viewed on the next section of this report.
We would always recommend prioritising the removal of the high reactivity items first and then
considering the removal of moderate reactivity items thereafter.
It is also worth considering that having food items from these categories in isolation may not
cause symptoms, however having a number of moderate reactivity items in the same meal or day
may lead to symptoms due to an accumulative effect. Please reference back to your results email
to access details on how to implement an effective elimination diet.
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• Vitamin B12 is only found in meat and dairy • Calcium is found in dairy products therefore a
products however many products are now diet free of these means calcium needs to
fortified with the vitamin, including plant- come from sources such as tofu, green
based milk drinks, nutritional yeast, breakfast vegetables like kale, watercress, broccoli, sugar
cereals and marmite. snap peas, pak choi and almonds.
• Vitamin A is also found in meat, fish and dairy • Iodine is found in dairy products, fish and eggs,
products, however the body can convert beta but is also found in seaweed, iodized salt, lima
carotene to retinol which is the biologically beans and prunes. Supplementation may be a
active form of vitamin A. Beta carotene rich consideration for you however if these aren’t
foods include green leafy vegetables, orange, items you would eat on a day-to-day basis
red and yellow fruits and vegetables.
Considerably more beta carotene is required
than vitamin A to convert to retinol.
Food sensitivity happens when the body has difficulty digesting a
particular food. Having food sensitivity can cause symptoms such as
bloating, bowel movement changes, headaches and fatigue. It can also
contribute towards symptoms experienced by those with chronic
conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, arthritis,
autism and ADD/ADHD.
Food sensitivity should not be confused with food allergy. This test is for
food sensitivity ONLY. Food allergy symptoms include coughing, sneezing,
runny nose/eyes, itchy mouth/eyes, swelling of the lips/face, rashes,
worsening of eczema and/or asthma, wheezing, breathing difficulties,
vomiting, diarrhoea and, in rare cases, anaphylaxis. Testing for food allergy
can only be done through a blood, skin prick or patch test. If you suspect
you have food allergy please see your physician.
These are the food items that These are the food items that These are the food items that
our testing shows you have our testing shows you could our testing shows you do not
sensitivity to. potentially have sensitivity to. have sensitivity to.
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These vegan food items have been identified as those, which may be causing or contributing to
physical symptoms.
We would recommend the removal of these items from your daily diet using a structured
elimination diet. See details on how to implement an effective elimination diet in section 14.
Moderate Reactivity
• Vegan
These vegan food items have been identified as those, which may have the potential to cause or
contribute to physical symptoms.
We would always recommend prioritising the removal of the high reactivity items first and then
considering the removal of moderate reactivity items thereafter.
It is also worth considering that having these items in isolation may not cause symptoms, however
having a number of moderate reactivity items in the same meal or day may lead to symptoms due
to an accumulative effect. See details on how to implement an effective elimination diet in section
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Nutritional yeast
Vegan cheese
Vegan egg
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Non-food items can, just like food items, cause the body to react, which
leads to the production of symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. If
you suspect you have an allergy please see your physician. It is important
to note that this is not an allergy test. Any known pollen, dust mite or
mould allergies you know you have may or may not come up in this test.
These are the non-food items These are the non-food items These are the food items that
that our testing shows you that our testing shows you our testing shows you do not
have sensitivity to. could potentially have have sensitivity to.
sensitivity to.
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High Reactivity
• Flowering plants • Miscellaneous • Trees
• Grasses and Herbs • Shrubs
These non-food categories contain items that have been identified as those, which may be
causing or contributing to physical symptoms. A detailed analysis of each of the non-food items
can be viewed on the next section of this report.
We would recommend the avoidance of these items in your daily life, as far as possible.
Moderate Reactivity
• Flowering plants • Grasses and Herbs • Trees
These non-food categories contain items that have been identified as those, which may have the
potential to cause or contribute to physical symptoms. A detailed analysis of each of the non-food
items can be viewed on the next section of this report.
We would always recommend prioritising the removal of the high reactivity items first and then
considering the avoidance of moderate reactivity items thereafter.
It is also worth considering that contact with items from these categories in isolation may not
cause symptoms, however having contact with a number of moderate reactivity items in the same
day may lead to symptoms due to an accumulative effect.
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Metal toxicity is the build-up of large amounts of heavy metals in the soft
tissues of the body. The heavy metals most commonly associated with
toxicity are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Exposure usually occurs
through industrial exposure, pollution, food, medication, improperly
coated food containers or the ingestion of lead-based paints. Symptoms
vary between the different types of heavy metals.
The body is constantly detoxifying things from your everyday environment such as chemicals in
foods, cosmetics and cleaning products, caffeine, alcohol, medications and even your own
hormones. You can help your body with detoxification processes by ensuring you; drink plenty of
filtered water, eat a diet that is as wholefood as possible, avoid processed foods, reduce caffeine
and/or alcohol consumption, lower nicotine usage and exercise regularly.
Ideally the metals will show no reactivity in testing. If however there are metals identified as
moderate or high reactivity do not panic. Through lowering daily exposure and helping your body
with detoxification processes your body can reduce its own toxicity levels.
These are the metals that our These are the metals that our These are the metals that our
testing shows are at a level testing shows risk being at a testing shows are not at a level
that could lead to toxicity. level that may lead to toxicity. that could lead to toxicity.
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High Reactivity
No metals have been identified as high reactivity according to our testing parameters.
Moderate Reactivity
• Arsenic (As) • Lead (Pb) • Platinum (Pt)
These metals have been identified as ones to which you should monitor your exposure.
It is also recommended that you aid your body’s natural detoxification processes by ensuring you
drink plenty of filtered water, eat a diet that is rich in wholefoods (particularly fruits and
vegetables), avoid processed foods, reduce caffeine and/or alcohol intake, lower nicotine usage
and exercise regularly.
No Reactivity
These metals have been identified as being at a low or no reactivity level. Your body can detoxify
and rid itself of these. You can see the full breakdown of metals tested in the metal sensitivities
detailed analysis section.
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Low mineral levels occur when the dietary intake is lower than required or when the body is
struggling to effectively absorb minerals from the food.
Phytonutrients are natural chemicals produced by plants to help them
protect themselves from things like insects and the sun. By eating foods
which contain phytonutrients we, as humans, can benefit from these
natural compounds and use them for health benefits.
Ideally nutrients should all be consumed through the diet, however if this is not possible due to
dietary restrictions or dislikes supplementation is an option. Please note it is always recommended
that any supplementation is taken under the advice and monitoring of a health professional.
Should you suspect that you could have a mineral deficiency please seek the advice of your
The level of the mineral or other nutrient in your The level of the mineral or other nutrient in your
body falls below the normal range according to body falls within the normal range according to
our testing parameters. our testing parameters.
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Outside Range
• Bromelain • Germanium • Manganese
These minerals and/or other nutrients have been identified as falling below the normal range.
Look to increase the nutrient density of your daily diet through fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses,
nuts and seeds. For more specific guidance on where to find each mineral please see ‘The role of
food types’ in the Food Sensitivity section.
Within Range
• Allium • Creatine • Silica
• Anthocyanidins • Genistein • Sodium
• Beta-carotene • Inositol
• Betaine • Iodine
• Bio-flavonoids • Iron
• Calcium • Magnesium
• Carotenoids • Molybdenum
• Chromium • Phosphorus
• Citrus bio-flavonoids • Potassium
• Copper • Selenium
These minerals and/or other nutrients have been identified as falling within the normal range.
Keep up the good work, maintaining a nutrient-rich daily diet to ensure your mineral levels remain
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Citrus bio-flavonoids
Vitamin A-K
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There are recommended daily amounts of each vitamin that should be
consumed on a daily basis. However vitamin requirements do vary from
person to person depending upon life stage, activity level, stress level,
health conditions and medications.
Low vitamin levels occur when the dietary intake is lower than required or
when the body is struggling to effectively absorb minerals from the food.
Ideally nutrients should all be consumed through the diet, however if this is not possible due to
dietary restrictions or dislikes supplementation is an option. Please note it is always recommended
that any supplementation is taken under the advice and monitoring of a health professional.
Should you suspect that you could have a vitamin deficiency please seek the advice of your
The level of the vitamin in your body falls below The level of the vitamin in your body falls within
the normal range according to our testing the normal range according to our testing
parameters. parameters.
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These vitamins have been identified as falling below the normal range. Look to increase the
nutrient density of your daily diet through fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, nuts and seeds, good
quality meat, fish, eggs and dairy produce. For more specific guidance on the best sources of each
vitamin please see ‘The role of food types’ in the Food Sensitivity section.
Within Range
• Vit. A • Vit. B9 • Vitamin B7
• Vit. B1 • Vit. C
• Vit. B12 • Vit. D
• Vit. B5 • Vit. E
• Vit. B6 • Vit. K
These vitamins have been identified as falling within the normal range. Keep up the good work,
ensuring a nutrient-rich daily diet to ensure your vitamin levels remain consistent.
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Additives analysis
What are additives?
Additives are substances, which are added to food for a specific reason
such as; to improve the look or taste of a food, to preserve a food and make
it last longer on the shelf, to aid food processing and manufacturing, to
stabilise a food and keep it safe to eat.
These are the additives that These are the additives that translation missing:
our testing shows you have our testing shows you could en.cmbh.export_mini_maxi_res
sensitivity to. potentially have sensitivity to. ults_service.analysis.additives.r
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These categories of additives have been identified as those, which may be causing or contributing
to physical symptoms. A detailed analysis of each of the additives can be viewed on the next
section of this report.
We would recommend the removal of these additives from your daily diet as far as possible.
Additives are most likely to be found in processed products, therefore eating a diet that is rich in
natural, whole food produce and low in processed foods will enable the removal of many additives
from your daily diet.
Moderate Reactivity
• Antioxidants • Miscellaneous additives Moisturising Agents
• Colourings • Preservatives
• Emulsifiers • Sweetners
• Flavour enhancers • Thickening, Setting and
These additives have been identified as those, which may have the potential to cause or contribute
to physical symptoms. A detailed analysis of each of the additives can be viewed on the next
section of this report.
We would always recommend prioritising the removal of the high reactivity items first and then
considering the avoidance of moderate reactivity items thereafter. Additives are most likely to be
found in processed products, therefore eating a diet that is rich in natural, whole food produce and
low in processed foods will enable the removal of many additives from your daily diet.
It is also worth considering that having these items from these categories in isolation may not
cause symptoms, however having contact with a number of moderate reactivity items in the same
day may lead to symptoms due to an accumulative effect.
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No Reactivity
These additives have not been identified as causing or contributing towards physical symptoms
and therefore require no action. You can see the full breakdown of additives showing no reaction
in the additives detailed analysis section.
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If you would like further information on a particular additive we have set out a variety of different
sources you can use. In the appendix you will find details of the full name of each additive.
This website gives the names of branded products, which contain a given additive. Search the
database using the full name of the additive rather than the number. For example under 'search
for a product' put aspartame rather than E951.
E100-E200 E600-E700
E200-E300 E900-E1000
E300-E400 E1000-E1300
E400-E500 E1400-E1500
E500-E600 E1500-E1525
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Bacteria need to feed on insoluble fibre foods, known as prebiotic foods, from our diet in order to
flourish. Prebiotic foods include onion, garlic, leeks, cabbage, asparagus, chicory, artichoke,
banana, apple, wheat bran, flaxseed and root vegetables.
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Low Normal
These strains of bacteria have been identified as These strains of bacteria have been identified as
falling below the normal range according to our falling within the normal range according to
testing parameters. our testing parameters.
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• Bacillus coagulans • Lactobacillus acidophilus
• Bifidobacterium bifidum • Lactobacillus reuteri
• Bifidobacterium infantis • Streptococcus thermo.
These strains of bacteria have been identified as falling below the normal range. Look to increase
levels of probiotic and prebiotic foods to boost the levels of these bacteria in your gut.
No strains of bacteria have been identified as normal according to our testing parameters. Look to
increase levels of probiotic and prebiotic foods to boost the levels of these bacteria in your gut.
These strains of bacteria have been identified as falling within the normal range. Keep up the great
work in providing your gut with lots of high fibre foods to keep the bacteria well nourished.
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Digestive health
In order to benefit from the nutrients and energy in our food we need to break it down and absorb
it. The digestive process enables this to happen by releasing enzymes in the mouth, stomach and
small intestine. The enzymes we release are able to break down different parts of our food;
amylase breaks down carbohydrate, lipase breaks down fat and there are a number of different
proteases, which break down proteins.
If levels of a certain digestive enzyme decreases digestion of that particular part of your food
becomes less effective. For example a decrease in lipase may mean that fats are not being broken
down as effectively and this could lead to malabsorption as well as possible symptoms, such as
bloating or flatulence.
Low Normal
These digestive enzymes have been identified These digestive enzymes have been identified
as falling below the normal range according to as falling within the normal range according to
our testing parameters. our testing parameters.
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• Amylase • Lipase • Pepsin
These digestive enzymes have been identified as falling below the normal range. Look to include
foods, which aid digestion in your daily diet.
• Enterokinase • Trypsin & Chymotrypsin
These digestive enzymes have been identified as falling within the normal range.
Your next
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The next step we would recommend is the completion of an elimination diet. This entails the
removal of all reactive foods for a period of time followed by reintroduction. The elimination diet is
a powerful tool, which provides much clarity for individuals on which foods work for them and
which do not.
You can use the notes section below to jot down any key pieces of information from the test
results and also your objectives for the elimination diet and beyond.
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Elimination diet
What is an elimination diet?
Elimination phase
2 All high and medium reactive foods are removed from the diet, along with any
known allergy or intolerant foods. You can eat freely from those foods in the no
reactivity category. You should aim for this phase to last four weeks.
Reintroduction phase
3 During the reintroduction phase you should bring one item in at a time and
then monitor symptoms for the next two days.
You will find a reintroduction diary at the end of this section where you can note
the food and drinks that you consume along with any symptoms you
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You must also respect any known allergies or intolerances. For example if you know you are
allergic to wheat or lactose intolerant and it comes up in the no reactivity section, do not bring it
back into your diet.
E-number explainer
E 100 Curcumin E 133 Brilliant blue FCF E 160 d Lycopene
E 101 Riboflavin (vit. B2), riboflavin – E 140 Chlorophylls and E 160 e Beta - apo - 8‘ – carotenal,
5‘ – phosphate chlorophyllins (carotinoid)
E 102 Tartrazine E 141 Chlorophyllins (Cu complexes) E 160 f Ethyl ester of beta - apo - 8‘ –
E 104 Quinoline yellow E 142 Green S carotenoic acid
E 110 Sunset yellow FCF, orange E 150 a Caramel E 161 b Lutein
yellow S E 150 b Caustic sulphite caramel E 161 g Canthaxanthin
E 120 Cochineal, carminic acid, E 150 c Ammonia caramel E 162 Beetroot red (betanin)
carmines E 150 d Ammonia sulphite caramel E 163 Anthocyanins
E 122 Carmoisine E 151 Brilliant black BN, black PN E 170 Calcium carbonate
E 123 Amaranth E 153 Vegetable carbon E 171 Titanium dioxide
E 124 Ponceau 4R E 154 Brown FK E 172 Iron oxides, iron hydroxides
E 127 Erythrosine E 155 Brown HT E 173 Aluminium
E 128 Red 2 G E 160 a Carotene (mixed carotenes, E 174 Silver
E 129 Allura red AC beta-carotenes) E 175 Gold
E 131 Patent blue V E 160 b Annatto, bixin, norbixin E 180 Lithol rubine BK
E 132 Indigo carmine E 160 c Capsanthin, capsorubin
E 200 Sorbic acid E 222 Sodium hydrogen sulphite E 260 Acetic acid
E 202 Potassium sorbate, sorbic acid (sulphur dioxide) E 261 Potassium acetate, salt of
E 203 Calcium sorbate, sorbic acid E 223 Sodium metabisulphite acetic acid
E 210 Benzoic acid (sulphur dioxide) E 262 Sodium acetate, salt of acetic
E 211 Sodium benzoate, benzoic E 224 Potassium metabisulphite acid
acid (sulphur dioxide) E 263 Calcium acetate, salt of acetic
E 212 Potassium benzoate, benzoic E 226 Calcium sulphite (sulphur acid
acid dioxide) E 270 Lactic acid
E 213 Calcium benzoate, benzoic E 227 alcium hydrogen sulphite E 280 Propionic acid
acid (sulphur dioxide) E 281 Sodium propionate, propionic
E 214 Ethyl-para-hydroxybenzoate E 228 Potassium hydrogen sulphite acid
(PHB-ester) (sulphur dioxide) E 282 Calcium propionate, propionic
E 215 Sodium ethyl-para-hydroxy E 230 Biphenyl, diphenyl acid
benzoate (PHB-ester) E 231 Orthophenylphenol E 283 Potassium propionate,
E 216 Propyl-para-hydroxybenzoate E 232 Sodium orthophenylphenate, propionic acid
(PHB ester) orthophenylphenol E 284 Boric acid
E 217 Sodiumpropyl-para-hydroxy E 233 Thiabendazole E 285 Sodium tetraborate, boric
benzoate (PHB-ester) E 234 Nisin acid
E 218 Methyl-para-hydroxbenzoate E 235 Natamycine E 290 Carbon dioxide, carbonic acid
(PHB-ester) E 239 examethylene-tetramine E 296 Malic acid
E 219 Sodium methyl-para-hydroxy E 242 Dimethyl dicarbonate E 297 Fumaric acid
benzoate (PHB-ester) E 249 Potassium nitrite
E 220 Sulphur dioxide E 250 Sodium nitrite
E 221 Sodium sulphite (sulphur E 251 Sodium nitrate
dioxide) E 252 Potassium nitrate
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E 432 Polyoxyethylene- sorbitan- E 460 Cellulose, microcrystalline E 473 Sucrose esters of mono and
monolaurate (polysorbate 20) cellulose, cellulose powder diglycerides
E 433 Polyoxyethylene- sorbitan- E 461 Methylcellulose E 474 Sucroglycerides
monooleate (polysorbate 80) E 463 Hydroxypropylcellulose E 475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty
E 434 Polyoxyethylene- sorbitan- E 464 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose acids
monopalmitate (polysorbate E 465 Methylethylcellulose E 476 Polyglycerol polyricinoleate
40) E 466 Carboxymethylcellulose E 477 Propylene glycol esters of
E 435 Polyoxyethylene- sorbitan- E 470 a Sodium-, potassium- and fatty acids
monostearate (polysorbate calcium salts E 479 Thermo-oxidised soya oil
60) E 470 b Magnesium salts of fatty acids E 481 Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
E 436 Polyoxyethylene-sorbitan- E 471 Mono- and diglycerides E 482 Calcium stearyol-2-lactylate
tristearate (polysorbate 65) E 472 a Acetic acid esters of mono E 483 Stearyl tartrate
E 440 Pectin, amidated pectin and diglycerides E 491 Sorbitan monostearate
E 442 Ammonium phosphatides E 472 b Lactic acid esters of mono E 492 Sorbitan tristearate
E 444 Sucrose-acetate-isobutyrate and diglycerides E 493 Sorbitan monolaurate
E 445 Glycerol esters of wood resin E 472 c Citric acid esters of mono and E 494 Sorbitan monooleate
E 450 Potassium and sodium diglycerides E 495 Sorbitan monopalmitate
diphosphates E 472 d Tartaric acid esters of mono
E 451 Potassium and sodium and diglycerides
triphosphates E 472 e Diacetyltartaric acid esters of
E 452 Polyphosphates mono and diglycerides
E 472 f Mixed esters of mono and
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Flavour enhancers
E 620 Glutamic acid E 626 Guanylic acid, guanylate E 635 Disodium 5‘-ribonucleotide
E 621 Monosodium glutamate, E 627 Disodium guanylate, E 640 Glycine and its sodium salts
sodium glutamate guanylate E 900 Dimethylpolysiloxane
E 622 Monopotassium glutamate, E 628 Dipotassium guanylate, E 901 Bees wax, white and yellow
potassium glutamate guanylate E 902 Candelilla wax
E 623 Calcium diglutamate, calcium E 629 Calcium guanylate, guanylate E 903 Carnauba wax
glutamate E 630 Inosinic acid, ionisate E 904 Shellac
E 624 Monoammonium glutamate, E 631 Disodium ionisate, ionisate E 912 Montanic acid ester
ammonium glutamate E 632 Dipotassium ionisate, ionisate E 914 Polyethylene wax oxidates
E 625 Magnesium diglutamate, E 633 Dicalcium ionisate E 927 vCarbanide
magnesium glutamate E 634 Calcium 5‘-ribonucleotide E 938 Argon
E 939 Helium E 1105 Lysozyme E 1422 Acetylised di-starch adipate
E 941 Nitrogen E 1200 Polydextrose (modified starch)
E 942 Nitrous oxide E 1201 Polyvinylpyrrolidone E 1440 Hydroxypropyl starch
E 948 Oxygen E 1202 Polyvinyl polypyrrolidone (modified starch)
E 950 Acesulfame K, acesulfame E 1404 Oxidised starch E 1442 Hydroxypropyl di-starch
E 951 Aspartame E 1410 Monostarch phosphate phosphate (modified starch)
E 952 Cyclamate, cyclohexane (modified starch) E 1450 Starch sodium
sulphamide acid E 1412 Di-starch phosphate octenylsuccinate (modified
E 953 Isomalt (modified starch) starch)
E 954 Saccharin E 1413 Phosphatised di-starch E 1505 Triethyl citrate
E 957 Thaumatin phosphate (modified starch) E 1518 Glycerine triacetate (triacetin)
E 959 Neohesperidin DC E 1414 Acetylised di-starch
E 965 Maltitol, maltitol syrup phosphate (modified starch)
E 966 Lactitol E 1420 Acetylised starch (modified
E 967 Xylitol starch)
E 999 Quillaia extract
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