The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet
The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet
The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet
DIET By Emma Deangela
While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within,
the liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use, misuse or abuse of the
operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the
material herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. The reader is encouraged
to seek competent, professional medical advice before using any tips and strategies
shared in this publication.
No medical benefits are either claimed or implied. There can be both relative and
absolute contraindications to the use of our products. Nothing in this offer is a
substitute for proper health care. Whereas many health care professionals use our
programs as a take home care modality for support purposes, this is not to be
confused with health care per ser. If you have a serious physical or mental
condition, see your health care provider before ordering any of our programs. We
are in the business of helping people help themselves.
Chapter Titles Page Numbers
The Alkaline Diet Course 1
Consequences of Acidosis 27
Analysis of Symptoms 35
Chapter Titles Page Numbers
Part 2: The Keys to Great Health 37
Breakfast 52
Lunch 58
Dinner 64
What To Eat 65
This indifference in me spans into adulthood, but got more severe. After graduation, I
went straight into the rat race, forcing my body to be up in the wee hours of the
morning and working till late at night. No matter how many cups of caffeine I drown
myself in, I can never feel totally energized. Just two years into my careers, my skin
was tinged with a dull shade, and every ‘balanced’ diet I took during lunches left me
tired, and bloated. Imagine burping between sentences while meeting your clients -
it’s downright embarrassing. All these problems escalated into severe health
problems and I had to check in and out of hospital very often. I knew that my health
was on a decline and I had to do something, before it’s too late.
I wouldn’t say all those efforts were a bad idea.. but I was confused and
overwhelmed by all the information out there ... some of the health ‘programs’ were
impossible to follow, and some did not show any positive long lasting effects. It was
pretty depressing and I was about to resign to the fate of my poor health when I
attended a 3-day water fasting workshop, where I met Theresa.
“Your Diet is the Key to Health” -Having an Alkaline Diet, knowing what , when and
how to consume these foods are the key to be truly healthy. It then dawned on me
that the years of what is popularly known as ‘The Balanced Diet’ has be causing huge
loads of toxins and waste to accumulate in my body. It wasn’t that nutritional
products didn’t work, but my diet was wrong to begin with. Caring for your digestive
system is the key to good health.
Who doesn’t want to feel optimistic about the future, to be healthy, active and
brimming with energy. To have the ability and the health to do things that you’d love
to do. I’ve been like many of you, pursuing all the materialistic things - my first car, a
place that I can call my own, it was only after my health has failed me that I finally
knew what was the most important to me.
But now I’ve found my happy place - how to stay healthy amidst the chaotic work
life. If the idea of glowing skin, enhanced immune system and achieving your idea
body weight and shape entice you, stop to pause for a minute as this is only the
minimum alkalizing your body can bring.
These are often the response of many people whenever I broached the subject on
the alkaline diet. Well, the truth is that alkalizing is very simple. Sure, minus the initial
part where you have to make sacrifices by giving your favorite acid-producing foods.
You don’t have to be a nutritionist or a dietitian to follow the steps. We often have
feedback from our customers every day telling us to forget about the hard facts and
just tell me what I need to do now to enjoy the benefits of an alkalized body!
And this is what I’m going to give you today. We’re going to keep it simple.
In this course, you will discover how to go on the acid-alkaline diet to become
healthy, full of energy and illness-free.
Emma Deangela
Diet Course
How is this course organized?
In this course, you will discover how to go on the acid alkaline diet to become
healthy, full of energy and illness-free.
During the course, it is best that you complete the little tasks I have created for
you so that you can understand the body well and at the same time, knows how
to change your diet.
The content of this book is going to be divided into two main sections; the first
one is all about acid alkaline, its definition, and its affect on our body and so on
and so forth. While the second part mainly focuses on practical alkalizing tips that
we all can apply in our daily lives. Things like, food intakes, the type of food that we
must eat, all about oxygen, daily exercises, etc.
Throughout our history, man had originally sought out these sources of food by
gathering and hunting. In today’s modern cultures, due to the birth of countless
methods of agriculture and food manufacturing, food sources are tapped by means
of ranching, farming, fishing, foraging, hunting, and many other methods.
Due to the influence of modern culture, society, and technology, which was
suppose to solve a number of world issues, the food we consume is now the
cause of a number of health problems. Today, food-borne illnesses plague billions of
people around the world, which claims millions of lives each and every year.
A good example of this unhealthy diet and lifestyle is The Standard American Diet
(S.A.D.), also known as The Western Pattern Diet and The Meat-sweet Diet. The
Standard American Diet describes the stereotypical dietary habits of Americans.
Note: According to Dr. Timothy Brantley, most health problems are not caused
by genetics or germs but by the Standard American Diet.
The result of practicing S.A.D., on a daily basis, is a high level of excess acidity,
leading to child obesity, adult obesity, inadequate immune system, chronic
infection, various diseases, and cancer, which dramatically shortens the average
standardized human mortality rate, as compared to the past.
Too alarming, in fact, that we see more and more children experiencing heart
attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes becoming an epidemic, obesity is now a
norm, and cancer is on an ever-growing rise.
The study of the effects of alkaline-acid imbalance is not a new concept to us. In
1933, a ground-breaking and revolutionary book was published by a doctor from
New York City, Dr. William Howard Hay. The book was called, “A New Health
The book discussed the effects of self poisoning or autotoxication, due to the
excess buildup of acid in the human body, the very basis in which the concept of
alkalinity was born. The doctor discusses in his book, the misconception society
has placed in our minds. This misconception is the consumption of acidic food, and
that it is good for us, but in truth, it is the cause for our demise. The food in which
we place such high regard is the same that is responsible for killing us.
If these accomplished doctors have the same findings, which address the
underlying problems faced by countless people around the world, then it is about
time we sit down and listen to what they have to say.
Human bodies are mostly made up of water. In fact, the body consists of
staggering 70 percent water. Different areas in the body require different levels of
pH levels. The pH levels are composed of positively (acid) and negatively (alkaline)
charged ions. The body relies on this balance to survive, and constantly works to
balance these pH levels. When there is imbalance, infection and disease occurs.
pH pH pH pH pH pH pH pH pH pH pH
4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5
Please take note that the pH levels in the stomach or stomach acid is different
from what is being discussed in this chapter. The topic at hand is the pH levels of
body fluids and body tissues, which are two different things.
When the pH levels drop to pH of 5.3 and bellow, this is considered highly acidic,
and the body unable to assimilate much needed vitamins and minerals. Science and
medicine has proved that neutral levels, or higher, eliminates the possibility of
infection and disease afflicting all men, women, or children.
At these healthy levels, oxygen in the body is well circulated, the natural process
of healing and detoxification is no longer compromised, the cells easily
regenerate, and the immune system’s function is optimized, leaving the body less
susceptible to disease.
According to the leading medical researchers and doctors, the blood has to
maintain, at all times, a slightly alkaline healthy pH level, to be able to naturally heal
chronic infections and diseases. Once this delicate balance is tipped, total disaster
will take place. This is why the body does everything in its power to maintain this
delicate balance. The body will sacrifice allocated nutrients, designated to various
parts of the body, just to maintain the pH levels in blood, if the reserves are
depleted, which is why we must ensure our body always has a significant amount
of reserves.
Like the requirements of the brain, this master processor and control room
requires fuel to carry out its functions, and this vital fuel is none other than
glucose. The brain requires a constantly running supply of glucose, which is
delivered by means of a highly efficient and logistical blood stream.
The blood stream is only efficient when pH levels are ideally balanced. Ideal pH
levels controls the vital role of insulin, which is the well-organized allocation and
distribution of sugar to the demanding requirements of the cells in the body.
Insulin also controls and regulates the blood sugar level.
As the blood’s pH levels in blood leans towards acidic pH levels, fatty acids, which
are negatively charged (“electro-magnetically charged”), change their polarity to
positive, automatically magnetize, attracting all negatively charged objects, and
immediately attach themselves to the arterial walls (“electro-magnetically
charged”), which are negatively charged.
This concept is exactly the way magnets work, the concept of opposites attracting
to opposites, and negative attracting to positive, in simpler terms. This is the result
of over indulgence in the American diet. The American diet is the cause for the
situation mentioned above, and is responsible for most heart conditions
victimizing countless people around the world. In truth, we should blame ourselves
for indulging in this kind of diet.
In other words, they have one particular function they are responsible for. If the
balance of the pH level in the blood is disrupted, even just slightly, the specialized
functions of these enzymes are disrupted as well, and it is entirely possible for
these enzymes to have harmful reverse effects.
Mineral Absorption
Mineral absorption is also significantly affected by pH levels. The different minerals
needed by the body have their own required pH levels in order to be absorbed.
Minerals that belong to a lower priority have a much larger pH level range, in
order to be absorbed in the body. Minerals that belong to a higher priority have a
much smaller pH level range, in order to be absorbed in the body.
Here are the different pH level requirements, in order to absorb nutrients in the
body. These nutrients, followed by the degree of their required pH range, are listed
Iodine has a much higher priority, when it comes to absorption in the body. Iodine
requires a close to perfect pH level range, in order to be absorbed in the body.
Iodine, if not the most, is undoubtedly one of the majorly essential minerals
needed for the optimal functionality of the thyroid. Unfortunately, the thyroid is
deprived of iodine if the pH level range is no longer ideal and close to perfect.
A deficiency in the required minerals results to less electric activity in the body,
which leaves us less nourished and inadequately energized. The amount of mineral
reserves determines the amount of electricity generated in the body. The
accelerated flow of electricity in the body is controlled and regulated by the
different and specific pH levels. Disrupted pH levels equate to catastrophic and
devastating results. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain the healthy and ideal pH
levels in the body.
Looking into the lens of a microscope, causes and effects can clearly be seen in
live blood. When a person is feeling unwell, it is clearly seen in the characteristics
of his or her blood. Often times, the worse the person feels, the worse his or her
blood looks.
When that person overcomes sickness or gets better, the blood looks better as
well. This is a simple analogy or cause and effect. Keep the blood healthy at all
times, and the person will feel better at all times. Clean and healthy blood equates
to a clean and healthy person.
Furthermore, there is something more to this cause and effect. Something more
profound is happening. When the person perfectly healthy, often times, the attitude
is more pleasant as well. The condition of mental wellbeing is well aligned and
correlates with the condition of physical wellbeing. A decrease in physical
wellbeing will greatly affect and alter mental wellbeing as well. Again, where is this
clearly seen or reflected on? Of course, it is clearly seen and reflected in the
The form in which they take determines the functions that they make, which is
greatly influenced by the given environment they are presented with. This
environment is determined by the food eaten and the lifestyle chosen.
That is absolutely right; aging is exactly that, rotting and decomposing, while still
alive. This is simply past of the cycle of life. It is what disease does to us, and is
completely part of the process of living. Whatever we were in before we came to
be is exactly what we will turn into when we cease to exist.
Ph Levels in the Body
Let us describe, in simple terms, the biochemical
procedure, which lays the foundations for the
rotting stages in the human body. This is the
procedure in which the change or alteration in pH
levels affects the regeneration of the tissues and
blood in the body. To better explain this, as simple
as possible, let us look at the process, in which
food is burned and absorbed (metabolism), and
how the body ultimately reacts to the by-products
produced through the digestion of food.
Maintaining this accelerated rate at constant rates will be very difficult to sustain.
Due to this, other methods of expelling carbon dioxide is utilized and put into
play, to relive the stress. These methods are as follows:
The carbon dioxide is combined with ammonia, which is generated from oxidizing
glutamine, and is converted into urea that is found in the liver, which is then
excreted by means of the kidneys.
Water is combined with the carbon dioxide by means of a process, which utilizes
the carbonic anhydrase enzyme and the mineral zinc; a co-enzyme. By means of
this process, the by-product carbonic acid is produced, which is broken down into
the chemical element hydrogen and bicarbonate molecules and atoms.
The body, ideally, has the proper tools and capability to eliminate
excess acid, but, due to poor and unhealthy eating habits, low
breathing, inadequate exercise, high levels of exposure to toxins, and
much more, which results to liver stress and kidney failure, the body
can no longer efficiently and effectively eliminate these acids as they
normally do. In this situation, what can the body do to eliminate
excessive acid buildup? If the body can no longer eliminate acids, it is
left with no choice but to store it. As we all know, the body pays direly
for storing excess acids.
When the human body is left with excessive acid buildup it cannot eliminate or
flush out, the excess acid is stored for extraction at a later time. Now where is
stored, if it can potentially harm all the other organs? The acids are stored in
interstitial spaces, which are called extracellular matrixes, or the empty space
around the cells in the body, also called the mesenchyme.
When the human body temporarily stores hydrogen molecules, atoms, or protons
(all acids) in its extracellular matrixes around the cells, it is designed and
programmed to remove these acids on a later time.
This is the body’s method of compensating for the excess acid, which it was
unable to eliminate. What was mentioned about is the relationship between pH
levels and the blood and tissues.
While more acid starts to accumulate inside our body, it remained stored and the
more that is being pushed further, this ultimately gets closer to the cell. If and
when it gets near a cell, its first reaction would be is to displace potassium, then
magnesium and finally sodium.
In case you are unaware, potassium, magnesium and sodium are the three
vital minerals in our system (body). Immediately, potassium and magnesium
will disappear from our bodies while, sodium will remain as an automatic action
or preservation mechanism of our body. Bear in mind, our body knows that it
must place alkaline molecules in the blood to accompany this increasing acid build
up in our tissues and cells.
What it does is to draw calcium (this is when our mineral reserves are gauged as
low; this is often the case when one eats a typical modern American diet).
Calcium as we all know is the most alkaline type of mineral, this is mostly found
on our bones. The drawn calcium is then placed into the blood. This then often
Let us talk more about calcium, you must bear in mind that it does not really
leave the bones just for the sake of balancing acid. Calcium is not known as a
buffer. However, when potassium leaves, it will automatically bind with
phosphorus found inside the bone and while it is in the process of exiting the
bone, out goes calcium as well. In this kind of a situation, what the body often
requires is for more potassium bicarbonate, organic sodium (perhaps),
magnesium, and there is a possibility that zinc may be included as well. Again, zinc
helps the whole proper process of acid breakdown. Calcium needs to be
acquired sensibly and so does potassium. As we all know, potassium can easily
aggravate disease such as cancer. It is in an acid type of environment that cancer
The Four Controlling Minerals
Since the four most important minerals have been discussed, namely sodium,
magnesium, potassium, and calcium, it is time to push the topic a little bit further.
What is not known by the greater public is that the four of these minerals are the
four controlling minerals, which are responsible for controlling the
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. In simpler terms, the P.S.N.S. or
parasympathetic nervous system literally controls the “rest and digest” reaction
mechanism. The S.N.S. or sympathetic nervous system controls the “fight or flight”
reaction mechanism. Now this is how the four controlling minerals work, or the
nervous systems they control:
• Calcium is a stimulatory mineral
• Calcium stimulates responses from the S.N.S.
• Magnesium is an inhibitory mineral
• Magnesium inhibits responses from the S.N.S.
• Potassium is a stimulatory mineral
• Potassium stimulates responses from the P.S.N.S.
• Sodium is an inhibitory mineral
• Sodium inhibits responses from the P.S.N.S.
When the body runs into an acidic condition, surplus free calcium stimulates
responses from the S.N.S. or sympathetic nervous system. When magnesium is not
around to balance out the imbalanced pH levels, and when potassium reserves are
depleted; as a result, the P.S.N.S. or parasympathetic nervous system is not
stimulated to balance out the S.N.S. or sympathetic nervous system, and is further
being inhibited by sodium.
The body is hard at work in trying to maintain sodium levels, due to the loss and
lack of magnesium and potassium. These are one of the scenarios that may happen
Now what does this do exactly? An individual with acidic pH levels tends to rant,
rave, is hyperactive, has a short temper, moves too quickly, and as a result burns
out quickly as well. This is what to expect from a person with an acidic pH level.
Now, what happens when this same person, with an acidic pH level, is pushed to
the limit?
According to some of the older fundamental health care specialists, true P.S.N.S.
or parasympathetic nervous system dominant individuals are rare, but the next
generation of radical and revolutionary health care specialists begs to differ.
Clinically speaking, according to them, individuals may be a true P.S.N.S. or
parasympathetic nervous system dominant, and stay that way. This part, of the
biochemical puzzle, will be discussed below.
The Bohr Effect, by definition, is the saturation of the blood cells, through excess
oxygen, when the alkaline pH levels are high. The dilemma here is that the cells in
the blood are unable to release the oxygen. Due to this, the rest of the cells in the
body are deprived of oxygen, and the oxygen is not well distributed to other parts
that need them. Many problems arise as a result of oxygen deficiency. One of
which is cancer. The less oxygen there is in the body, the more ideal the
environment for the development of cancer.
Biologically, human blood is slightly alkaline, due presence of acids in the body. The
cells in the blood cannot risk releasing the oxygen, to help counter the effects of
acidity in blood; thus, depriving other parts in the body of oxygen.
The blood may be fighting acidity, but what about the other parts in the body that
need oxygen? Sadly, the pH level, without oxygen, changes into an acid pH level,
and this is where cancer cells start to develop. The changing of the pH levels or
the environment in the body is called anaerobic fermentation, or in other words
rotting. Candida, fungus, and mold thrive in this type of environment as well. The
sad thing is this is not a new discovery. We’ve known all about the ideal
environments of cancer, since its discovery by biologists in 1903.
A proper and healthy diet containing Since the human body consists of
sufficient amounts of magnesium will more than 70 percent water, a loss of
assist in controlling and eliminating water causes it to lose effectiveness in
stress. Stress is one of the major carrying out its functions, leaving is
causes of magnesium deficiency, which susceptible to various conditions and
is why stress becomes chronic. Due to diseases.
magnesium deficiencies, caused by
chronic stress, the body is susceptible Non-steroidal Anti-
to a variety of health threatening inflammatory Medication and
medical conditions. Aspirin
The use of non-steroidal anti-
In near recent discoveries, an ever inflammatory medication and aspirin is
growing number of people are one of the causes of excess acidity.
reported to suffer from chronic These synthetic drugs are known
stress. The growing cases of chronic temporarily solve a few ailments, but is
stress is doubling at an alarming rate; known to promote acidity, and leaves
paving the way to more and more the body susceptible acid related
people stricken by disease. diseases.
Doctors and medical researchers have
well documented the significance of
Excess acidity, in the blood, obstructs the absorption of vitamins, starves the body
of the necessary nutrients, results in the buildup of toxins in the cells,
compromises organ functionality, causes the sensation of weakness, causes
improper digestion, causes bloating and the buildup of excess gas, causes unhealthy
and excess weight gain, accelerates aging, and the long list goes on. Excess acidity
is the ideal breeding grounds for a vast number of microorganisms, like bacteria,
viruses, fungus, parasites, and Candida (yeast).
Excess acidity also allows the buildup of bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in the
arteries. When bad cholesterol builds up and overwhelms the arteries, the artery
walls are damaged, and death by heart failure is imminent. The numerous
conditions caused by the excess acidity, as a result of the consumption of acid rich
food, defy logic and comprehension.
Wait for the piece of pH level test paper to change in color. When the color of
the piece of paper changes, compare the color to the color chart shown on the
box or label. If the value shown is bellow pH 7.0, the pH level of the saliva is
acidic, and above pH 7.0 is alkaline. Continue recording the test results for a
couple of weeks, and test the pH levels three times a day (morning, afternoon, and
evening) to determine the pH level trend of the body. While a little bit more acidic
than the pH level of blood, generally the pH level of saliva closely mirrors that of
blood, but not after meals, and is a good indicator of the status of health. It also
indicates the retention levels of the body.
The optimal pH levels of saliva ranges above pH 7.0. A test result showing pH
levels lower than pH 6.8 is an indication of insufficient alkalinity, leaning towards
acidity. If the pH reading is lower, this is an indication of deficiencies in alkaline
minerals (mainly magnesium and calcium) and poor food assimilation.
If the pH level reading is below the ideal, this is a clear invitation for infections and
disease. If the average pH level of the saliva is maintained at pH 6.8 to pH 7.2,
during the entire day, the body is at a healthy pH level. If the pH level of saliva is
maintained at pH 6.8 every morning, the problems associated with excess acidity
usually go away.
The pH levels of urine vary widely. The pH levels of urine are affected by
biochemicals eliminated from the body. These biochemicals include surplus
vitamins, minerals, and by-products of metabolism, which include medications and
toxins eliminated from the body.
Digestive enzymes do not affect the pH levels of urine as much as the pH levels of
saliva. However, the pH levels of urine is greatly affected by preservatives,
pollutants, stress, food, amount of water drank, amount of pathogens in the
system, amount of rest, and the amount of biochemical activities in the body.
Generally you want to take the tests several times in the day.
After waking up in the morning, before having breakfast, tear off
the two strips, swab the saliva on the pH level test strip, and
compare the colors that correspond to chart on the box. After
this, dip the second pH level test strip in a plastic container
containing the second urination in the morning, and compare
the colors that correspond to chart on the box.
For optimal test results ignore the first batch of the morning’s first urination.
Once the second batch of urine comes, proceed with the pH level testing. This is
due to the fact that the first batch contains a significant amount of acidity, since
the kidneys were hard at work, filtering acid from the body, all through the night.
This is without taking any kind or type of food. While other urine tests are advised
to be taken before taking a meal.
Please note that tests must be taken with the person not eating anything for the
test to work properly. If you happen to take meals before the said test, this may
interfere with the actual reading. The table shown below is an example that you
must follow if you want to track your pH Readings.
pH Readings
Date First Woke Up Test Before Lunch Before Dinner Notes
2nd July 6 5 5 The day before
Went to the
restaurant for
3rd July
4th July
You can also visit your doctor and do a more detailed analysis of your body’s acid
alkaline balance to have a more accurate readings of You can also visit your doctor
and do a more detailed analysis of your body’s acid alkaline balance to have a
more accurate reading of our acid alkaline level.
In the next section, you will discover some of the principles to achieve a healthy
acid alkaline balance and live a healthy life.
Generally, the alkaline diet involves the consumption of organic fresh citrus fruits,
organic fresh vegetables, organic fresh tubers, legumes, and an assortment of nuts.
The alkaline diet avoids the consumption of refined grains, dairy products, meat,
and salt, which are mainly the components of the Standard American Diet. Alkaline
diets assists in the maintenance of a slightly alkaline pH level ranging from pH 7.35
to pH 7.45 of the blood, without tipping the fragile balance of the required pH
levels in the body.
Chlorophyll, the pigmentation in the leaves of plants, and the basis of the alkaline
diet, is among the immensely studied elements in the scientific world, and is
utilized in the treatment of periodontal diseases, low iron, diabetes, wounds,
ulcers, and body odor. Food rich in chlorophyll is widely used in the alternative
and preventive medicine as a way of preventing infections and diseases, and its
alkalizing effects to the body.
The combination of the alkaline diet, coupled with the right exercise and habits,
will ultimately result to an improved and better looking physique. The most
alluring and intriguing advantage of alkaline diets is its aptitude in delaying the
degenerating and rotting effects of aging, which is why the diet’s popularity is
gaining in momentum. The alkaline diet is truly alternative medicine’s adaptation of
the fountain of youth.
In the next few pages, you will discover the key principles of food combination and
how to follow these principles to balance the acidity in your body by eating the
right way.
Do you remember the last time when you eat these food combinations like rice
and meat, potatoes and meat, milk and cereal, fruits after your meals? How did you
feel immediately after eating these foods? What about 20 minutes after the meal?
Did you feel totally exhausted after the meal, heartburn, indigestion, or just feel
sleepy after the meal? Did you have excessive gas in your stomach that causes you
to burp frequently?
In most situations, you are feeling this way because of the wrong food combination
in your meal. As we go a long, it would be beneficial for you to record down the
foods that you eat and classify them according to proteins, starch, fruits, sugar,
vegetables and dairy foods.
Eating incompatible food combinations would require more energy to digest the
foods. Essentially, this additional energy require to digest the food is simply a waste
of energy and is potentially causing you diseases. Excessive acid would also be
produced for digestion causing an acid alkaline imbalance. And earlier on you have
learned that having too much acid in your body is bad for your health.
You can simply avoid this by eating starchy foods and protein food at different
meals to avoid having incompatible food combinations. Foods like rice and meat or
potatoes and meat should not be at the same meal. And if you are a vegan, you
should always avoid eating grains or potatoes with nuts and seeds.
For optimal digestion, it is best to eat only one variety of nuts at the same time.
For most people, eating 2 or 3 varieties of nuts together at the same time are fine
for their body. You may need to experiment a little to find out whether it is okay
for you.
Fruits have always been known as one of the healthiest food there is. We all know
that it is seen as healthy food, and that we must eat more of it due to the vitamins
that it possesses. However, even after knowing this, there are still very few people
who actually include this in their daily diet. Fruits are mainly taken only for snacks
and desserts, and are rarely seen as a staple food. To many, it is something that
cannot sustain hard working man and women as opposed to having bread or
meat. Many still does not realize that fruits must be a staple part of one’s daily
There are a lot of people who experience a hard time in eating fruits alone for a
meal. They will be full after eat melons alone, but will get hungry not so long after
that. One must know that for obvious reason melons are not calorie dense. While
eating a small cantaloupe (about 200 calories are present) is not enough to sustain
a person for very long. To some, who have read somewhere that it is not allowed
The answer to this problem is quite simple, since fruits are known to be digested
fast; it is possible to eat a fruit before eating any other food. You are allowed to eat
as much fruit as you can when you are hungry. However, it is ideal to eat one type
of fruit only.
Wait for 15 to 30 minutes and then eat any food that you desire.
This can be in the form of salad, with a little avocado with tomatoes, nuts or
anything. This can also be a cooked food. If you are following food combination
rules without any success, this information pose to be valuable for you.
The same rule applies with combining other fruits. For example, you can eat
melon all you want, and if you feel that you are still hungry, you can always eat
another type of fruit just to satisfy your appetite. Again, it is not necessary to
melons alone if you already ate one before taking another food. You can have
melon and after that you can eat avocado. The only thing that you remember is
that is important to eat fruits first and not after your meals, and that it is ideal to
have one variety at a time.
There is a famous study by Dr. Edward J. Masaro where he tested this theory of
overeating with rats. 13% of the rats which are allowed to eat as much as it
wanted still survived after 810 days. 97% of the second group of rats whose food
consumption was cut by 60% still survived. 50% of the rats whose food
consumption are as much as the first group but proteins were cut in half still
If possible, always try to keep a stock of fruit bowl. Always keep baggies of celery,
carrots, green peppers and other vegetables that you and your family may enjoy
eating raw in your refrigerator.
Many of the people would think that these foods would give us the protein that
the body needs and hence they are not willing to reduce the intakes of meat, eggs
and dairy products. The question here is do how much protein do we need?
Protein Myth – How much protein does a human body really need?
What is the best form to get one? These can and actually cause heated debates.
There are some who are concerned whether they are actually getting enough
protein regardless if they are vegetarians or not. Are animal products the only way
for us to get protein? A lot of people say that meat is the best way since it was
man’s first food. Finding out how much protein a people needs also depends on
who you’re listening to at that moment and their certain thoughts of actual
consumption of animal products.
According to Dr. M. Ted Morter, Jr., “the problem with protein is excess”. “following
premise, if a little protein is good, a lot is better, can actually lead you down to the
path of disease.”
Dr. Morter also suggests that one must keep their daily animal protein intake
under 47 grams/day (this is about less than 2 ounces), and try to keep protein
excess consumption to rare special occasions. He also believes that one can
Protein is found in many food other than animal products (i.e. a slice of cheese
pizza contains 6 grams of protein and 1 cup of potatoes contains 7 grams of
protein), yet most people wouldn't even think they were getting protein at all from
eating potatoes.
Dr. Morter also says to make sure to include protein from food other than animal
products. He states, "Even without meat, a variety of typical American foods will
give you at least enough protein."
Mother’s milk has 2.38 percent more protein during the first week, after the child
is born. This is due to the fact that the infant’s body dramatically develops in this
period, building mass as compared to the time when they were in their mother’s
womb. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for infants to consume a
significant amount of protein during this crucial time.
!"#$%&'(()*& .(/0(*-%-($&
spinach 49%
broccoli 45%
lettuce 34%
cauliflower 40%
kale !"#$
zucchini %&#$
cabbage %%#$
Chinese cabbage '!#$
Mung bean sprouts !'#$
bamboo shoots '(#$
wheat germ ')#$
strawberries, oranges, cherries, apricots, watermelon &#$
lemons )*#$
honeydew melon )+#$
navy beancontains 26% protein %*#$
mushrooms '&#$
pumpkin seeds %)#$
soybean sprouts "!#$
oats )"#$
brown rice &#$
whole wheat ),#$
walnuts )'#$
pecans "#$
filberts &#$
Right before the third month, the protein levels in the mother’s milk drops further
more from 1.79 percent to 1.49 percent. This amount of protein can sustain the
child’s growth and development, without the assistance of any supplements.
On the infant’s sixth month, the protein levels drop from 1.49 percent to 1.07
percent. This is due to the fact that most infants are receiving supplemental
feeding. On the other hand, there are some who are adamant that breastfeeding is
still best, without the need for additional supplemental feeding.
Now, you might ask what this has to do with our consumption of dairy products.
The logic here is, if during the initial week, an infant only need 2.38 percent of
protein, and during the succeeding months, they need less and less. Given this
information, do you think you really need so much protein?
We need protein to stay alive, to help us build tissue and more, and its importance
can never be denied. But know that protein is available to us from many other
sources like plants, vegetables, etc. as well as animal products.
Now you have all the key principles of food combinations, you can compare it
with the diet you are eating on a daily basis and notice whether you have violate
any of these food combinations principles. The first step you would need to do is
to be aware of your diet. Only with awareness then you can start to change your
diet progressively. You can straight away apply some of these principles in one or
two of the meals and feel the effects on your body.
One of the worst things that could happen is when you are ignorant about which
foods are bad for your health and continue consuming it for many years. Hence,
this chapter could help you greatly in gaining awareness of the common meals in
your daily life – whether are they acidifying or healthy. You will see several menus
on the breakfast, lunch and dinner and you will see other alternatives to the meals.
Before we proceed to the analysis of meals, do take a look at the classification of
acidic and alkaline foods at the end of the book and you will know how different
foods fall into the acid or alkaline category.
Slightly To
Alkalizing Moderate Highly Acidic
White bread, ham
sandwiches or
burgers on white
A Egg
bread, coffee or tea
with milk and sugar,
B Raw milk
Processed milk
Coffee, Doughnut,
croissant, sweet
rolls, cakes, (sweet
As you can see, the typical American breakfasts contain mostly acidic foods. Let’s
take a closer look at how these breakfasts actually violates those principles we
talked earlier on.
White bread is made from refined white flour and is produced from whole wheat
grain where it is subjected to the refining process. As a result, most of the health
benefits are also being removed. What is bad about white flour is it contains a
large proportion of high glycemic index carbohydrates and these carbohydrates
cause sugar to be released into the bloodstream rapidly. As you know, sugar
If you replace white bread with whole grain bread without yeast, it can help you
lower the acidity level. And you can even reduce the acid intake by consuming
bread that is prepared with whole-grain flour.
Jam, Jellies and marmalades are extremely acidic due to several reasons. They have
a very high level of sugar content. In order to preserve them, they need to have
high acidity to prevent the growth of food poisoning bacteria and maintains the
flavor of the fruits. High sugar content (some are at least 68%) to prevent the
moulds and yeast to grow.
When you want to sweeten these beverages, do your best to use sugar that is
unrefined as much as possible. Unrefined sugar still contains all the vitamins,
enzymes, and other elements and would help in being metabolized in our body
easily without producing acidic acid waste products. You should try to avoid white
or brown sugar altogether. It would be the best if you can just drink the beverages
as it is without adding any sugar at all.
The best natural alternatives to sugar are black molasses, raw honey, sugar cane,
organic maple syrup.
Meat and eggs in general is highly acidic. When we are consuming these foods with
bread, it makes the digestion process even more difficult as starch and protein
require different mediums for digestion.
When we eat this kind of food combination for breakfast, the pH level in our body
would be highly acidic. To balance the pH level of our blood and to digest these
foods, our body would be robbed of energy and as a result this will make us
feeling tired and lethargic.
If you have been following such diets in the past, try to recall how do you feel
after eating these foods?
Another reason why cereal can be quite acidic is because it has a high sugar
content, which is used to enhance the flavor of the flakes. It would be best if you
can find cereals with little or no sugar, or are only sweetened using natural sugar
rather than refined sugar.
This may look like one of the breakfast that is not only delicious, but fast. You may
also feel a surge of energy after eating this kind of breakfast.
These sweet pastries are highly acidic due to the fact that there is high sugar
content in these foods and if your coffee contains sugar, it will be a double
whammy. The surge in energy level is more likely come from the high sugar
content of these foods and it is a temporary boost of energy. You would need to
use the stimulant more and more often once the energy are used up resulting in a
bad vicious cycle. At the end of the day, you would feel totally exhausted.
To break this vicious cycle, switch it with foods that give you real energy like
whole grain organic bread and do away with the coffee using substitutes like
The best breakfast you would want to have is an all fruits and vegetables breakfast.
You will receive more information at the all fruits section.
The idea here is to only consume fresh vegetables and or freshly squeezed fruit
juice from the time you wake up till around 12 o clock in the afternoon. Try this
diet for 10-20 days; you will feel a surge of energy that you have never felt before.
Other alkaline
breakfast alternatives
Alternative 1: Banana smoothie made from
Rice Dream, or almond milk. You can use
other fruits for the smoothie as well.
For most of the people, lunch is considered the main meal of the day. Lunch
usually includes meat, starch and vegetables, accompanied with wine, coffee or soft
drinks. Sweet desserts are lined up at the end of the lunch. In most cases, the acid-
alkaline balance would be shifted to the acidic level.
Slightly To
Lunch Samples Alkalizing Moderate Highly Acidic
Fish and Chip/
Chicken Chop/Pork
Red Meat
Salad French Fries
Vegetables Soft drinks or wine
White Bread
Whit e Rice
Sauce or Gravy
Ice Cream
Pasta made from
refined white flour
B Herbs White Meat
Tomato sauce
Red Meat
Coffee, Doughnut,
croissant, sweet
rolls, cakes, (sweet
Lunch Sample A is a typical meal of Western food like fish and chip (it can be
chicken chop, pork chop), french fries and soft drinks. Meat is acidifying foods even
for both white meat and red meat. To add on top of that, the cooking methods for
these meats also contribute to the acidity of the food. When these meats are
deep-fried with a lot of oil, the overall meat would be more acidifying as the
stomach now needs to excrete more acids to digest the meat. It is also advisable
to consume white meat than red meat as red meat is more acidifying.
The potatoes which are alkalizing in nature become acidic when you start to
consume them as French Fries due to the way that it is being cooked.
Sweet desserts are usually made by refined white sugar and this would influence
the acid-alkaline balance of the body. The sugar and the protein food combination
is also a bad food combination as mentioned above. You would also want to avoid
eating fruits after your meal.
Salad and vegetables are the only alkalizing foods in this example and it helps to
readjust the acid alkaline balance. You definitely want to have a big portion of
vegetables otherwise it would not serve it purpose in helping to balance the
acidity of the meal.
Lunch Sample B is another typical pasta meal. Like white bread, pasta is made
of refined white flour and is starchy foods. A better way is to have pasta made
from whole grain.
Again, if you mixed the pasta with the meat, you would end up having starch and
protein in the same meal as well. Having vegetarian pasta would definitely be more
beneficial to the acid alkaline level as you would no longer be mixing proteins with
The tomato sauce used for the pasta can be quite acidifying as tomatoes itself are
acidifying and the acidity increases after it is being cooked and their vitamins and
minerals are destroyed. In fact, tomatoes are best eaten raw.
Now you may be thinking that it is impossible to eat pasta without sauce, you can
use pesto sauce. Having more vegetables in your pasta would definitely be better
and healthier for your body.
It is almost impossible to have 100% alkalizing lunch if you are eating meat. But
you can definitely reduce the acidity by reducing the amount of meat, how you
cook the meat and the type of meat. You can also counter balance the meal by
adding a large proportion of vegetables to your lunch. The best thing you could do
is to have vegetarian meals.
Slightly To
Lunch Alkalizing Moderate Highly Acidic
A Vegetable Salad Seeds
From above, you can see that being alkaline can be as easy as including vegetable
salad, more vegetables, and less meat. In fact, this is the easiest way for you to start
a more alkaline diet.
You can see that one of the best way to start an alkaline diet is to include salads
before your meal. Salads can be very alkalizing especially when you are using many
varieties of raw vegetables. For any meal that has cooked starches, you should
always begin with a large green salad. From the example above, you can see that
the sample lunch meal consists of both salads as well as cooked starches and
For sample A, it is a green salad mixed with tofu and for sample B, it is cooked
brown rice mixed with mushroom, carrots and a bit of vegetables. Unlike the
proportion you see in the picture below, you may want to have a bigger portion of
salads compared with the cooked brown rice in order to have a balanced alkaline
You would want to have a light dinner so that your body can rejuvenate well
during the night and not working hard to digest the foods. Hence you would also
want to eat lesser acidic foods compare to your lunch.
To have a better sleep, you may want to avoid these foods such as garlic, spices,
onions, sweet fruits and even the habits of eating late at night. The sugar and acids
in the fruits may prevent you from falling asleep and even affect your sleep.
It would be advisable for you to follow closely to the alkalizing meals provided
above for dinner.
It would be best that you do not consume any foods just an hour or 2 before you
go to bed so your stomach can rest during the night. If you are incredibly hungry, it
is best to have an apple or few bites of raw vegetables and nothing else.
But the problem is there are so many alkaline foods out there.
Are we supposed to consume all the alkaline foods? What are the foods we need
to include to have a healthy and balanced alkaline diet with all the necessary
vitamins and minerals for our body?
To achieve a balanced pH and a great health, I’m going to introduce a simple rule
of the thumb:
Just imagine that you are having a meal right now and it’s divided into 10 portions.
Ideally, your meal must be allocated into the following proportions:
In the following section, we’ll go into details of what exactly you should eat for
each individual category
Land Vegetables
Root & Tuberous Vegetables,
Sprouts & Sea Vegetables
Fungi Vegetables
Each of these categories of vegetables has their own individual characteristics and
they are essential for our health and body.
Rich in Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is essential in helping the blood stream to
create healthy blood cells and strengthening the
immune system by removing the bad bacteria in the
bloodstream and preventing the growth of unhealthy
Chlorophyll stored in the leaves gives green leafy vegetables the dark green hue. To
retain this powerful blood creator and cleanser, leafy vegetables should not be
overcooked. They are best eaten raw and two of the best preparation methods
are salads and freshly blended juices.
High in Fibre
Besides being rich in chlorophyll, leafy vegetables are also full of fiber, which flush
toxins and wastes out of your digestive system. Dark green vegetables contain
Vitamins A, D, E and K, and minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium and
phytochemicals that are important to our health. Research has shown that
including leafy vegetables in daily meals can reduce illnesses like diabetes, heart
Some of the most common foods in this category are watermelon, pumpkin,
winter melon, bitter gourd, cantaloupes, honeydew, sweet melon and many more.
Melons are mostly alkaline in nature.
In essence, melons are rich in carotenoids that help in preventing diseases such as
prostate and oral cancer. Zooming into more details, pumpkin also provides a lot
of vitamin A, C and beta-carotene that are crucial for our health. The juices of
melons like honeydew and watermelon are excellent reserves of minerals, similar
to those that can be found in natural distilled water, as their water are derived
from deep down in the soil. You will be drinking the goodness of these pure
minerals each time you consume melons.
Gourds such as bitter gourd are low in cholesterol and saturated fats, and high in
dietary fiber, zinc, magnesium, riboflavin, iron, manganese and vitamin C. Bitter
gourd is famous for its many medicinal properties – alleviating illnesses like fever,
cough, diarrhea, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. The Chinese associates
bitter gourd to have ‘cooling’ properties, perfect for reducing the ‘heatiness’ of
most tropical Asian countries.
Folic acid helps the bloodstream in the creation of new blood cells and our body
certainly needs these new blood cells everyday! Some examples of legumes are
soybeans, and all the different types of pulses. So grab legumes today and include
them as part of a delightful meal!
Besides such complex carbohydrates and vitamins, as the “storage centre” for a
plant’s nutrients, roots are an excellent source of proteins and phytonutrients.
Sprouts Vegetables
Sprouts have a highly alkalizing effect on our
body, and provide our body with essential
enzymes needed to break down
carbohydrates, proteins and fats into simple
sugars, amino acids and fatty acids so much
that it gives our body a heightened level of
In fact, sprouts are extremely rich in biophotons which act as a catalyst to help
the body repair defective cells and at the same time give surges of energy to our
Sprouts are easily available from your local supermarket, but if they do not
happen to sell your favorite sprouts, you can follow these instructions to sprout
any beans you desire! For vegetarians, sprouts are an excellent source of
proteins, and proven to be much more alkaline than acidic proteins that are
derived from meat sources.
If you have yet to discover the goodness and richness of sea vegetables, you are
not alone as sea vegetables are not heavily consumed by Westerners. In fact,
people in Japan and other Asian countries have, for many years, included sea
vegetables as part of their daily staple. The environment in which sea vegetables
grow is similar to the human blood, which makes it an excellent booster to our
daily health.
Various studies done globally have revealed that the compositions of sea
vegetables, vitamins A and C, have direct benefits on our body’s immune system,
increasing our body’s metabolism and wound healing as well as staggering the
aging process. Furthermore, Vitamin B12 is also found in sea vegetables. The anti-
inflammatory properties of sea vegetables also help accelerate the healing process
of wounds. Research conducted by the University of California suggested that
consuming appropriate portions of sea vegetables help to reduce the risk of
breast cancer.
Perhaps the most important minerals found in sea vegetables are iodine and iron,
as well as enzymes and amino acids. Iodine is essential to promote healthy thyroid
function. As part of the key ingredients to creating hormones, metabolism will be
affected if there are insufficient iodine to synthesize thyroid hormones.
Some examples of sea vegetables are kombu, nori, wakame, and kelp. They can
either be prepared as a salad, wrapped with sushi, or as part of a delightful bowl of
Generally, fungi vegetables are a family of vegetables that do not contain the green
chlorophyll, therefore they do not get their food from photosynthesis. Instead,
they feed on organic materials such as living plants and logs, packed full of proteins
and loved by foodies for its flavor and texture.
Mushrooms are an excellent source selenium, niacin and riboflavin, and low in
calories, so they’re a great alternative to meat if you are planning to lose weight.
Some medicinal mushrooms are the best herb in the world like the maitake, shii
take, and reishi. In short, they have shown to boost our heart health, balance our
blood sugar and lower the rate of falling sick.
Consumption of Vegetables
You can have a variety of vegetables in one day or it can be spread
out over a period of 1-2 weeks. Generally, as long as you followed
these principles closely, you are able to eat an alkaline diet as well as
maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Another 20% of your diet should comprise of fruits. Although the food pyramid
categorizes fruits and vegetables as one group, ideally your consumption of fruits
should only be limited to 20% of your diet.
Well, the truth is that the fruits that are harvested today and much sweeter than
in the past through hybridization and other processes – think in terms of seedless
watermelons and new varieties of fruits. While it is true that fruits contain rich
reserves of vitamins and minerals, you shouldn’t consume too much of them as
most fruits are very high in sugar content, and consuming an excessive amount of
sugar will cause your body to be acidic.
Besides harming your body with excess acidity, sugars will also result in chronic
fatigue, tooth decay, eating of muscle tissues and yo-yo weight. What’s more,
hormonal problems often results from a high-fruit diet, where the hormones
encounter difficulty in regulating the excessive blood sugar in the body, and such
imbalance have a direct link to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
The remaining 10-20% can be split further into 10-15% grains and 10% proteins.
Common urban myths, especially those that proclaim to lose weight – dictates
that carbohydrates should be completely stripped off your diet. That’s a
misconception because complex carbohydrates found in grains are the fuel of our
body- they provide our body with the energy you need for daily activities.
In the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), they considered whole grains as the
foundation of human vitality. They even consider the different type of grains as
herbs that have special health effects.
For instance in TCM, brown rice boosts the function of large intestine and lungs
while millet strengthens the spleen and stomach. Brown rice strengthens the ‘qi’,
which is the flow of energy in our body, making our body more energetic. It is
believed in the Chinese culture that athletes should consume more brown rice so
that they will have more vigor. Brown rice is also an excellent source of
magnesium, selenium and fiber.
The next time you go shopping for grains, remember to choose whole grains
instead of processed grains. Whole grains are the entire grains that are edible,
whether it is rice or oats, or wheat.
Notice in this case, even though grains are considered acidic in nature but we do
not want to go overboard and have everything alkaline in our meals and driving
our pH level to be above 7.5. Having 10% of grains in our meals would keep our
body’s pH in balance.
For the vegans, they are always constantly afraid that do not have sufficient protein
and hence they try to replace meat with beans and tofu.
Even the experts have different opinions on how much protein we need!
The truth is the protein from fruits and vegetables is sufficient and you do not
need to consume additional protein.
You may also hear that vegans or vegetarians are lacking of complete protein that
can only derive from animals.
As quoted by Andrew Well, MD: “You may have heard that vegetable sources of
protein are "incomplete" and become "complete" only when correctly combined.
Research has discredited that notion so you don't have to worry that you won't
get enough usable protein if you don't put together some magical combination of
foods at each meal.”
Lifestyles of today with depleted Oxygen levels in our atmosphere do require our
cells to use more oxygen to help us deal with several stresses on our body’s
ability to function well.
The cells in body are highly dependent on the body’s lymphatic system to rid the
cells of toxic substances and surplus liquid materials, which are mainly responsible
for the restriction of oxygen the cells require for rejuvenation and regeneration.
The outer lymphatic membrane is responsible for absorbing toxic materials and
dead cells, which are considered poisonous to the body, and are neutralized and
The lymph acquired throughout the human body is drained in the blood, through
two ducts, which can be found at the bottom of the neck. From the two ducts, the
liquid travels to the thoracic duct. Breathing is responsible for this action to
continuously occur. Breathing deeply and exhaling deeply massages the thoracic
duct upwards towards the neck, and allows the abundant flow of fluid. The duct
releases the lymph into the body’s veins, and in turn develops into an element of
blood. After this, the lymph travels to the body’s liver and goes through the
process of metabolism, and is finally filtered through the kidneys.
As we all have learned, the human body consists of mostly water. A portion of the
water is found in the blood stream, most of the water is found in the body’s
lymphatic system. The cells are found in an abundance of lymph, which is a fluid
pale in color.
Similar to the body’s cardiovascular system, the body’s lymphatic system consists
of various channels, nodes (filters), and valves. However, unlike the body’s
cardiovascular system, the body’s lymphatic system does not have a central
pumping organ like the heart, which pumps the lymph in and out the lymph
vessels. In the place of a pumping heart, the lymphatic system relies on muscle
movement, gravity, and, most of all, breathing for the lymphatic fluid through the
entire body.
When the lymph system is free flowing and working efficiently, the body is
healthy. When the efficiency of the lymph system is compromised, then there will
be a lot of trouble for the body. When this happens, the result will be
catastrophic, and will eventually lead to death. All the other major systems in the
human are body are negatively affected, when the lymphatic system is not working
As a result, the body’s defense against harmful substances is impaired. Aside from
working as a filter from toxic substances, the body’s lymph nodes are responsible
for producing antibodies which are in charge of fighting viruses and bacteria. The
said system is also responsible for destroying abnormal cells, which can develop in
the body. Abnormal cells such as potential cancer cells. The lymph system not only
works as a sewage system of the body, the system also works as an integral part
of the body’s immune system.
The lymphatic system is essential if all the functions of the body are to work
efficiently. The need to keep the system clear at all times is essential. In order to
do this, its drainage capacity has to be increased, and the consumption of toxins
has to be kept at a minimum. All of these are accomplished through a healthy diet,
the reduction of stress, adequate exercise, and breathing deeply.
Majority of the people breathes from the chest and are called “shallow breathers.”
Each and every time they draw breath, they only 30 percent of their lung’s capacity
to contain oxygen, and is mostly stored beneath the chest cavity. This is done by
the body when it naturally tries to conserve energy.
You might think to yourself, “Why is shallow breathing a problem?” There are a
number of health conditions, which come as a result to shallow breathing,
problems such as chronic fatigue, heart disease, numbness, muscular cramps,
digestive problems, panic attacks, hallucinations, and nightmares.
The reason why these health problems occur is because the richest source of
blood comes from the lower lungs. When you deprive yourself of oxygen by
breathing the wrong way, you deprive your body of optimal bodily functions.
Use this method of breathing each and every day, most especially
when you are tired, lacking in mental focus, stressed out, or are
feeling anxiety. This method of breathing will maximize the amount of oxygen
your lungs take in before, during, and following physical activities, which will be
discussed in the next topic.
We all know the importance of exercise in keeping the body toned, maintaining
good cardio, and preserving overall health. When most people are asked, “What do
you think exercise does for you?” They answer, “It burns calories, and of course, it
burns fat.” Yes this is true, but other than this, exercise does more. Before we get
into this, there is a little bit of information you must know.
There are two circulatory systems in the human body, the cardiovascular system
and the lymphatic system. The cardiovascular system is in charge of pumping blood
all throughout your body. The lymphatic system is in charge of pumping lymph all
throughout your body, acting like a sewage system, which carries toxins and dead
cells out of your body.
Our bodies have an average of 15 pints of blood, which is pumped all over the
body by the heart. Our bodies also have an average of 45 pints of lymphatic fluid,
but have no pump to move it all around the body. The question is what moves all
that lymph fluid around? There is just so much of it; even more than blood.
If there is no pump to move lymph fluid around, then what does? If you guessed
exercise, you are right on the button. Lymph fluid courses through your body by
means of muscle contractions, which squeezes the lymph all throughout a system
of valves. Lymph caries harmful toxins to the lungs, and is expelled through
Since the information above has been well established, we can therefore conclude
that the lymphatic system is better stimulated and functional, if you exercise on a
daily basis. When there is a lack of exercise, the forces of gravity pull the lymph
fluid down and become stagnant. Since lymph carries harmful toxins, the toxins
stay in your body and become stagnant as well. As we all have learned, the longer
toxins stay in your body, the more you are susceptible to infections and illnesses,
which is not what you want for your body.
When we mention aerobic and anaerobic exercises, most people cannot tell the
difference. Now what are the major differences between the two, let us start by
their definitions.
Anaerobic Exercises
Anaerobic exercises are intense exercises, which activates anaerobic metabolism.
It is mostly practiced by athletes in sports that do not involve endurance. These
types of exercises focus on developing strength, power, and speed. They are also
used by body builders to better develop muscle mass. This leads to a body that
performs well in high intensity sports, which lasts for a few seconds at a time; at
the most, two minutes. If the physical activity were to exceed two minutes, the
athlete would expend too much energy.
Now, you may ask yourself, which aerobic exercise is the best to improve the way
we breathe. Well, all of the types of aerobic exercises improve the quality of our
breathing, but there are three types of exercises that are a cut above the rest,
when it comes to improving the way we breathe. These exercises are swimming,
jogging, and jumping on a trampoline.
Now you can ask yourself, what are some of the exercise you love it and enjoy?
Design an exercise plan for the next 30 days and for each exercise, do make sure
that it is at least 15 minutes not including the warm up and warm down.
Despite this fact, the food selection in this type of diet has been over marketed
and commercialized to the point that it has been the major staple of countless
families around the world; a staple which has been falsely glorified behind a
misconceived premise and a misguiding advertising scheme.
In other words, the Standard American Diet is an industry which sacrifices the
health of its consumers for the greedy purpose of earning more profit, and a
profitable industry it has been proved to be; earning billions not in a year, not in a
month, not in a week, but in mere days put together. The sacrifice mentioned
above, although one of the most, if not the most, profitable of all industries, is not
worth the gamble, if the price to pay is the overall health of its consumers.
The people who have indulged in the Standard American Diet are recipients of an
unbalanced pH balance, leaning towards acidic pH levels. This imbalance is a
manmade condition, which unfortunately the body is not prepared to handle and
counter, if overly practiced, in the long run. The said diet consists of more than
seventy percent acid forming food, when the nutritional requirement of the body
cannot exceed thirty percent.
Alkaline diets offer to restore the balance that comes as a result to the damaging
effects of the Standard American Diet. An alkaline diet not only restores the pH
balance, critical in health, but also prevents illnesses and infections from ever
reoccurring. Alkaline diets provide the body with the vital nutrients needed in
rejuvenation and regeneration. In other words, alkaline diets offer the option to
stay youthful for as long as possible.
“Dramatically slows down aging.” This is an aspect to the alkaline diet that no
other diet has even come close to achieving, and a feat the standard American
Diet will never achieve. Say goodbye to infections and disease; say goodbye to
sluggishness, and say goodbye to premature aging. In a nutshell, alkaline diets
provide the practitioners a healthier perspective and alternative to living.
The Fountain of Youth is a legendary spring that allegedly restores youth once one
drinks the waters from its spring. The stories of this legendary spring have inspired
people to constantly search for its whereabouts, ever since the age of reason, and
the quest still continues. Little did these adventurers know that science has found
what they have been unsuccessful in searching for. An alkaline diet offers to do just
that; restores health, youth, and offers an all new perspective on life. It is up to you
to take action and be healthy.
Apple Coconut, fresh Lime Rhubarb
Apricot Currants Muskmelons Strawberries
Avocado Dates, dried Nectarine Tangerine
Banana (high Figs, dried Orange Tomato
Glycemic) Grapes Peach Tropical Fruits
Berries Grapefruit Pear Umeboshi Plums
Blackberries Honeydew Pineapple Watermelon
Cantaloupe Melon Raisins
Cherries, sour Lemon Raspberries
Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on
the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the
Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do
with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic; however
the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline.
Therefore, lemons are considered as alkaline forming. Likewise, meat will
test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body.
Therefore, like nearly all animal products, meat is categorized as very
acidic forming.
By now, differentiating acidic and alkalizing food should now be second nature. The
charts provided above are categorizes as alkalizing and acidic food, their
corresponding pH levels, and provides a better understanding on what to avoid
and what to choose, but how do we put them all together? Found below is a
compilation of recipes examples, which are alternatives to the food we are
normally use to, and will make the alkaline diet a much better experience.
‣ 2 carrots (large)
‣ 1 zucchini (small)
‣ 1 stalk of celery
‣ 1 cup broccoli
‣ 3 asparagus stalks
‣ 1 onion (yellow or white)
‣ 1 quart water
‣ 4 to 5 tsp vegetable broth (yeast free)
‣ 1 tsp organic fresh basil
‣ 2 tsp sea salt (to taste)
‣ Serves four
‣ 50 tomatoes
‣ 1 cucumber (small)
‣ 1 pepper (red)
‣ 1 onion
‣ 2 cloves garlic
‣ 1 chili (small)
‣ 1 quart water
‣ 4 tbsp of cold pressed olive oil
‣ Juice of 1 fresh organic lemon
‣ 1 dash cayenne pepper
‣ Sea salt (to taste)
‣ Serves four
‣ 2 avocados (small)
‣ 2 tomatoes (large)
‣ 1 celery stalk
‣ 1 onion (small)
‣ 1 clove garlic
‣ Freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
‣ 1 handful organic fresh lovage
‣ Sea salt and parsley to taste
One of the most nutritious vegetables are sweet potatoes, which provide
vitamin A, C, B6, copper, manganese, fiber, iron, and potassium. In
addition, sweet potatoes contain distinctive proteins that have
antioxidant effects. It is time to enjoy this healthy and alkalizing soup!
Cut the sweet potatoes and the pumpkin into cubes, dice the garlic, slice
the onion, chop the herbs, and chop the sage into really fine pieces.
Stir-fry the garlic and onion in a little extra virgin olive oil for a few
minutes. Put in the pumpkin, sweet potatoes, sage, and herbs, then fry for
an additional 5 minutes. Add the water, cover pot with lid, allow to boil
for 30 minutes, till the vegetables are soft and tender.
Lastly, add the white beans, a little salt, and some pepper. Cook for an
additional 5 minutes, then serve and enjoy!
Shred the carrots and cabbage, and mince the tomato, the
parsley, and the onion. Place them in a large salad bowl.
For the salad dressing, place the avocado, extra virgin olive
oil, and freshly squeezed organic lemon juice in a blender,
and blend. Add pepper and salt to taste. Pour on top of
salad. Enjoy!
Ingredients (salad):
Ingredients (dressing):
Place all the vegetables in a large salad bowl and toss the
vegetables. Pour the freshly squeezed organic lemon or lime
juice. Add a little sea salt to taste is desired. Enjoy!
‣ Serves two
‣ 300 grams of organic tofu
‣ 2 broccoli flowers
‣ 5 tbsp of olive oil (cold pressed)
‣ 2 tbsp of soy sauce
‣ 1 clove of garlic
‣ Half of a bell pepper (red) for garnishing
‣ 1 freshly squeezed organic lime juice
‣ Sea salt to taste
Dice the tofu. Place the diced tofu in the extra virgin olive
oil for and fry for 15 minutes. Remove from heat or switch
stove off. Pour soy sauce all over the diced tofu and put
Stir fry the broccoli flowers for about 10 minutes. Set aside
after and allow to cool.
For the salad dressing, place the extra virgin olive oil, freshly
squeezed organic lime juice, pepper, sea salt, and garlic in a
blender and blend till the consistency is smooth. After
which, place the broccoli and tofu in the large salad bowl,
pour the dressing over the salad and toss well. Garnish the
salad with sliced red bell pepper and enjoy.
‣ Serves two
‣ 1 whole avocado
‣ 1 bunch wild garlic
‣ 3 whole tomatoes
‣ 1 bell pepper (red)
‣ 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed)
‣ Organic sea salt (to taste)
‣ 1 pinch or dash cayenne pepper
Cut both the bell pepper and avocado into halves, after
which into thin slices. Chop the three tomatoes into cubes
and place into a medium sized salad bowl.